7 Things You Should Avoid If You Want to Be Rich

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Mark Tilbury
Get Odoo for free here today: https://www.odoo.com/r/GX6x I started out with no qualifications, and...
Video Transcript:
if you don't want to be like everyone else then you have to make the sacrifices others aren't willing to make that's what my mentor told me when I was in my early 20s and it stuck with me ever since I started out with no qualifications and no money but still managed to become a multi-millionaire and a big part of that was down to avoiding the seven things I'm going to be sharing with you today the first thing to avoid is working for only money imagine for a moment that you got a boring but well-paid job
you quickly start stacking some nice cash as your earnings grow your friends will think that you're absolutely killing it and your parents will probably be pretty proud too however over time your earning potential would start to Plateau this is path a now imagine instead you get a challenging but lower pay job you might struggle for a couple of years as you improve and adapt you may even struggle to pay the bills your friends will probably think you're falling behind and your parents may not agree with the path you've taken however over time your earning potential
will start going through the Ruth this is path B so what's the difference between these two examples well path a prioritizes money early on whereas path B prioritizes two key things skills and Equity every self-made millionaire I know has followed path b as it's the only way to build that kind of wealth as I mentioned I left school at 16 with no qualifications however I immediately went out looking for jobs and actually got offered more than five opportunities so I had a big decision to make which should I choose I decided to become a carpenter's
Apprentice the pay wasn't great but I knew the skills I'd learn would be extremely valuable so I prioritized those there was no way I was going to get equity in the business but at least I was working for more than just money that job taught me a lot and although I was forced to quit after being relentlessly bullied by my manager manager I still use many of those skills today when I'm designing my bestselling brand of radio controled planes that I sell across the world by learning a wide range of high income skills it makes
it almost impossible for you to ever be broke again as you become your greatest asset I like to think every job I had when I was younger added to my skill set like a Swiss army knife nowadays I'd recommend prioritizing online based High income skills such as copywriting video editing and cod in the demand for these skills is only growing and I can speak from experience that there is a huge skill shortage at the moment sure there are lots of people doing those things however 99% of them are just not up to standard honestly your
competition really isn't that tough now let's move on to the second thing Equity this just means owning a percentage of a business so you can benefit from the profits my radar control model brand is a perfect example of this you can gain equity in a few different ways the most obvious way and the way I did it was to start the business myself however you can also gain it by working for it if you're extremely skilled in certain areas this is known as Sweat Equity lastly you can purchase equity in certain businesses although I wouldn't
recommend this as much unless you have the skills that can help accelerate that business forward my friend Simon squib often goes around in public telling people to start their own businesses or ask for equity from their boss while I 100% agree with the sentiment you need to have some self-awareness with this firstly it's worthwhile working for someone to gain skills before starting a business of your own secondly you need to be realistic I didn't think for a moment that I'd get equity in the carpentry business when I was an apprentice so when you ask make
sure you have a solid case for why you deserve it and how you can add value to the business instead of just taking from it you need to First focus on becoming someone Worthy of equity the main takeaway here is that too many people get blinded by money forgetting the importance of skills and Equity this is the biggest trap the more you obsess over earning just money the less you'll likely make in the long run the second thing to avoid is buying a luxury lifestyle picture yourself cruising through Dubai sundrenched streets in a bright yellow
Lamborghini you pull up to a Swanky restaurant and order a $500 fet steak without batting an eyelid how does do imagining that lifestyle make you feel pretty successful right well here's the truth most people you see living this way are far from successful the majority are paying for cars they can't afford taking trips to Dubai on credit cards they'll spend 5 months paying off and ordering Stakes at Salt Bay restaurant that leave them with a bill they can't handle these people are living a lie pretending to be rich while drowning in death it's all smoke
and mirrors as it's much easier to impress others on social media than build real wealth seeing people live these luxury Lifestyles might tempt you to start playing the flexing game too as you feel like everyone is living a better life than you however this is far from the reality in fact 37% of Americans can't afford unexpected expenses over $400 39% worry they can't pay their bills and 60% of American households can't afford to buy a new car once you've made your Millions you can buy whatever you want that's the point of becoming wealthy however in
the early days you can't live like a king and build wealth at the same time instead of buying depreciating items like flashy cars designer clothes and dining in expensive restaurants invest in assets such as stocks shares crypto and real estate these assets will increase in value and generate income that you can then use to do whatever you want the third thing to avoid is doing everything yourself you might be really great at what you do but no matter how hard you try you'll never be able to out compete a group of talented people working together
look at anyone who's made it big in sports or business if you do some digging you'll see they all had help let's take Elon Musk as an example on the surface it might appear like he's a genius entrepreneur who's achieved everything single-handedly however that couldn't be further from the truth he was part of the group that launched PayPal when eBay acquired PayPal for $1.5 billion in 2002 these newly wealthy Tech experts spread across the industry like a virus now they're known as the PayPal Mafia as they've become such a powerful Group after leaving PayPal they
started many successful companies these include big names like YouTube Yelp LinkedIn and SpaceX they often invest in each other's projects and give advice but what if you're not aiming to launch the next billion dollar company and instead just want to earn some extra money with a side hustle well a lot of older business owners are kind of lost when it comes to everything tech-based and using the internet for their companies I mean a lot of them don't even know there's online tools for literally everything whether it's managing your team handling invoices keeping track of projects
or even building a website I don't blame them as back in the day we didn't have any of these things but now the younger generation has a real Advantage so if these older business owners don't know how to do a lot of this online stuff and they understand they can't do everything themselves guess who they need you you can help them bring their businesses into the 21st century and make a lot of money in the process it's all well and good saying this but how could you actually do it well if you want to give
this a try then I'd recommend using an all-in-one management platform ODU is a great choice as it includes the tools I just mentioned and more all in one place here's a great example of a website that needs a proper update it looks like it was built over 10 years ago let's jump on Odo and make something a bit more up to date so I'm going to go over here and select the eCommerce app option now let's fill this in I want a Business website there we go and I want for my gardening business after this
I've got the option to choose my color palette here but instead I'm just going to add their logo so that ODU just builds a palette based on their brand colors now we've got to pick a theme all these look pretty good so let's go with this one I can use the drag and drop feature to easily edit the page and customize images they also have this cool AI tool to help me out with words let's fast forward about 30 minutes and I'll have something pretty cool to show you check this out it's way better than
the old website in my opinion you could make some serious cash helping out older business owners with all the different apps on ODU or even use it to manage your own business I reached out to ODU to see if they wanted to sponsor this portion of the video they agreed and are also giving you your first application free for life with unlimited support and hosting and the cherry on top ODU offers a personalized domain name for one year so if you want to give this a try then check out the link in the description the
fourth thing to avoid is having too many inputs do you ever feel like you're being pulled in a million different directions this happens with everything in life from side hustles to Fitness training everyone seems to have a different opinion on what you should be focusing on it can look a little bit like this this is you and these are the people telling you what they think you should be focusing on for the sake of Simplicity let's just call them inputs all these inputs create hundreds of paths you could follow like becoming a doctor entrepreneur joining
the family business getting a stable 9-to-5 job traveling and having a family let's call these your potential paths the sheer number of these paths Pathways can create something called cognitive overload which is where your brain simply can't cope with the overwhelming amount of information and choices so what's the solution well I've always started with my end destination in mind and worked backwards of course I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do in the future however I had a decent idea I then made sure to only listen to inputs that help me reach those targets
the clearer your goal the easier it becomes to select the right inputs to help you achieve it so limit the number of opinions you receive and prioritize quality over quantity most people have too many opinions being thrown at them but not from experts cut out General opinions and instead seek expert advice this could come from a mentor someone successful in your field or even educational videos from experts like myself by doing this you'll get more valuable focused and specific guidance for your end goal remember even when you work Your Way backwards you still don't need
to know everything at once fully listen and Implement what you learn from an input and then when you're facing another challenge you can seek out more inputs that'll help you overcome it if you don't do this then you'll get mental fatigue which can lead to decision paralysis where you find yourself unable to take action or move forward some people might even mistake this for being lazy but in reality your brain just gets overwhelmed the fifth thing to avoid is being ego driven let me start by saying this arrogant people won't even finish this video they
think they already know everything so why bother sticking around but that's exactly the problem arrogance blinds you to the opportunities that could genuinely change your life ego-driven people are often too focused on the big picture constantly dreaming of the end goal this might sound productive but it's a dangerous trap when you're always looking too far ahead you end up overlooking the small but crucial step steps that lead to True success for example some might be tempted to scroll through this video just to see all seven things rather than sitting down and actually absorbing the knowledge
in each one but by doing so they miss out on the valuable insights that could Fast Track their Journey when you're too egotistical you start to believe that you don't need advice from others especially those who might know more than you you might dismiss the wisdom of people who have already walked the path that you're trying to take but here's the truth true wealth isn't just about being confident it's about having the humility to keep learning to understand that you don't know it all and that's where the real growth happens the more you learn the
more you realize how much you don't know this is called the iceberg principle what you know is just the tip of the iceberg the massive chunk of knowledge is underneath the surface that's what truly matters and arrogance makes you forget that it's even there in short arrogance is a silent wealth killer it convin es you that you're too good to learn too smart to listen and too important to take the small steps that lead to Greatness the sixth thing to avoid is passing the blame one of my favorite Chinese Proverbs is the man who blames
others has a long way on his journey to go the man who blames himself is halfway there the man who blames no one has already arrived in front of me I have two objects a magnifying glass and a mirror in life you're going to have to choose to reach for either of these on a daily basis you might be thinking Mark's gone mad but let me explain if you choose to pick up the magnifying glass it gives you the ability to hyperfocus on other people this is a dangerous path as it leads to the blame
game look I do kind of get it when anything goes wrong in life it's natural to want to pass the blame on to someone else anyone but yourself I'm sure there's been times when you've blamed your teacher for a test you failed even though you spent more time Bing watching n and actually studying or maybe you pass the blame on to the traffic for being late even though you left the house 10 minutes later than you should have but here's the thing these small instances of blame don't stay small over time they grow into a
habit that's hard to break free from I'm sure you've seen people say stuff like the government hates young people the system is rigged against people like me my boss doesn't like me I'm not rich enough to start a business and life didn't give me the right opportunities the more you reach for the magnifying glass the bigger your excuses become however if you pick the mirror then you instead focus on the stuff you can actually control your own thoughts and actions so to embody the wisdom of the Chinese proverb to be the person who has already
arrived at their destination you need to pick up the mirror not the magnifying glass the seventh thing to avoid is staying static this is your comfort zone where you Retreat seeking in Safety and Security notice how there are no gaps in this circle almost like a self-imposed prison with no way out and no way to grow if you're currently here then you're not alone According to some studies over half of Brits don't leave their comfort zone and 45% of them are worried that one day they might regret it so what can you do to break
out of this prison well you need to expand the circle this could be really difficult when our minds are conditioned to avoid taking risks but it's something I learned at an early age let me show you how I did it when I was younger my comfort zone was narrow school studying subjects I wasn't good at like maths and English the traditional education system didn't suit me I didn't want to be a banker doctor or lawyer I wanted something more Hands-On so I stepped out of my comfort zone and pursued the apprenticeship I mentioned earlier this
created a new space for me but I wasn't satisfied yet I knew I needed more from life so I started experimenting with side hustles which pushed me further into unfamiliar territory suddenly the world was full of possibilities The Next Step was clear starting my own business this was a pivotal moment requiring a big risk a bank load it was the best decision that I ever made to expand my Empire further I traveled to China in search of a manufacturer for my own brand of radio control models despite The Language and Cultural barriers I managed to
build valuable connections I ran my business for many years and enjoyed success but eventually I felt complacent my family was happy my bank was happy but my mind wasn't I wanted more so I expanded my comfort zone again and started posting videos on YouTube at the age of 53 I'd seen so many people on YouTube faking it so I wanted to share my knowledge and help others who like me didn't fit the traditional path or those who wanted to grow their wealth and feel more secure in life remember you can expand your comfort zone as
much as you want this space is infinite but you have to claim it for yourself if you don't push beyond your current boundaries you'll miss out on all the possibilities that could have been yours if you want to learn what to do every time you get paid then I'll leave that video right up there but don't click on it just yet make sure to subscribe if you want to grow your wealth okay I'll see you over there
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