a lot of people misunderstand uh what the Bible is all about and they're looking for religion and maybe they're finding it I think they're finding misinterpretations of a lot of things um in scripture um and I have people ask me like why do you talk about business why do you talk about success and are you one of these um Prosperity Gospel preachers and all the rest of that like I don't I don't even know what that like I don't I I I don't ever assume that I know what somebody means when they ask me a
question I assume that I don't know what they mean and then I get clarification then I can better answer the question in fact um I was at this conference in Los Angeles and somebody asked me what I do I said I teach business owners how to scale their business and I teach business based on biblical principles oh okay are you a Christian uh what do you mean when you say Christian because some people think they were a Christian because they were born in America some people think they were a Christian because their dad was a
pastor some people think they're so if you tell me what you mean when you say Christian then I can better answer that question but if you don't tell me what you mean I'm not going to assume I know what you mean and then say yes or no based on that anyway but today I want to talk to you about something that maybe you've thought about well if you've listened to me for any like of time I'm pretty sure you've thought about it um but maybe you've never thought about it and that is why God loves
success so much you ever think about that why God loves success so much the Bible is the greatest success book ever written in fact if there has ever been a other if there's ever been another success book written and it had some principles in it that worked those principles are based on Bible so I might as well start at the beginning I might as well start at the beginning because here's what it says in the beginning it says in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void
and darkness upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said I want you notice this now and God said let there be light guess what the next thing says and there was light then it says and God saw the light that it was good why was it good because God said let there be light and there was light so God said it and then it happened and then God saw that it was good God said it was so God saw that it was good
can y'all can y'all see that okay and and it's not like this just happened once and God called the light day in the darkness he called night in the evening and morning where the first day and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament Heaven and the evening and the morning were the
second day and God said let the waters under Heaven be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear and it was so and God do you see what's happening and God said and it was so and God said and it was so so before I even go any further let me say this if I'm talking if I'm saying the Bible is the greatest success book ever written and if I'm saying this is why God loves success so much I must I must define success what do I mean when I say success I
believe that success is discovering the purpose for my life developing myself for that purpose and deploying myself in that purpose if I do anything else I'm not successful I might do something else and become famous but won't be successful I might do something else and get rich but I won't be successful I might do something else and become popular but I won't be successful I can only be successful if I do the thing for which I was created God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that was good
God made the sun to shine The Sun Shines it's successful he made the wind to blow it blows he's successful he made the water to flow flows the water's successful God God loves success why because he's the king and when things don't do what he said they are misrepresenting his kingship when When God says this is the way it is this is the way you are supposed to be and you say well I'm gonna be a different way you might be something but a success ain't it now the sun is pretty powerful I mean keeps
all of us warm and it shines light all around the world and it does What God Says water the Hebrew word for water is mim right and the me the the word water is spelled with with a meem and the letter meem represents the might of the ocean water is very powerful what's more powerful than a tsunami not much and yet the water does what God tells us to do and you think that it doesn't matter whether you do what he tells you to do you're delusional if I think I it doesn't matter whether I
do what he he tells me to do I'm delusional I don't get to control this you don't get to control that that's God's job our job is to yield and so what's really interesting God cares so much about success that not only did he create everything in six literal days with six literal mornings and evenings I'm not going to capitulate to the whole each day is Thousand Years blah blah blah it took Jes God 6,000 years to create I'm not going to do that why because it says in the evening and the morning it didn't
say in all those evenings all those mornings it said the evening and the morning each day had an evening each day had a morning so it's six literal days God God he's God he didn't even need six days he could have done it in an instant he's god let's don't be confused about it let's don't bring him down to our level okay well success is so important to God that when he made Man In His Image he gave man a book that teaches man how to succeed what do I mean succeed do the thing for
which you were created do the thing for which I was created that's like why he gave us the Bible he gave it to us so we can succeed what does it mean to succeed do the thing you were created for I said this before I'll say it again I think I may have said it last week but that's okay I'll say it again eventually somebody will get it if I take my gle63 sitting out there in the parking lot and I drive it home today and I'll open the sunroof and I park that thing right
smack dab in the middle of my yard and I fill it up with dirt and I plant a palm tree in it it'll be the most expensive flower pot maybe in the world but it ain't successful why it won't be doing the thing it was created for and you might make a lot of money you might have a lot of Fame and a lot of notoriety and a whole bunch of followers and subscribers and all those other things that you get on the interwebs but if you are not doing the thing for which you are
created you're not a success youve wasted your life and played yourself by the way that's what the whole book of Ecclesiastes is about the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is this if you live your life for Life Under the Sun you've wasted your life and tortured yourself that is the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes coming from the wisest wealthiest man who ever lived so not only does God tell us that everything that he told to do something in Genesis chapter 1 it did it but God gave us a blueprint for success in Genesis
chapter 1 y'all want to see it it's it's it's like it's like it's in there and so I believe that Genesis chapter 1 if God didn't care about success Genesis chapter 1 would have could have easily just been one verse in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth or maybe two verses in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and then verse 31 and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good in the evening and the morning where the sixth day he didn't have to go into
he didn't have to go into all that detail about what he did on what day and this happened next and that happened and this that and the third he didn't have to do why did he do that because God created three categories in creation y'all remember what they are don't you first category in creation is what creation the Sun the moon the stars the grass the trees etc etc etc God created creatures the dogs the cats the alligators the chickens right the Kangaroos and the chimpanzees creatures and then God created man Adam Olive doid meim
God called their name Adam so when I say God created man I'm not talking about he created males yes I'm talking about he created man and God called their name Adam God called their name man Adam later called her name Eve okay y'all tracking well what's interesting about all of that when God created creation it's just the stuff when he made the animals the animals are Baha what's Baha Baha is in it is what it is a horse is a horse is a horse of course okay what does that mean a horse can only do
what a horse could do the first day a horse got here a dog can only do what a dog could do the first day a dog got here A chicken can only do what what a chicken could do like which came first a chicken or an egg it don't matter cuz that a chicken can only do what a chicken could do the first day A chicken got here the chicken came first by the way okay the chicken came first God created the chicken and created the chicken to lay the eggs okay now actually God M
created creation and then he delegated the manufacturing of the land animals to the land and he manufactured I mean he delegated the manufact facturing of the water animals and the air animals the birds the fish and the fou to the waters so it says and God said said told the Earth to bring forth cattle but it is what it is now these people who think God is the universe are confused because God is no more the universe than Elon Musk is a Tesla Model S that's right the universe was created by God it's not God
God or the universe or whatever you want to call it that's like saying Tesla or Elon Musk or whatever you want to call it no it's a car it's pretty much not Elon Musk I'm there may be some people in here of Teslas but you don't have an Elon Musk so he says when he makes the animals the animals can just do what the animals can do first day animals got when he made man man is Olive do I'm going to write it on the board because um because if we see it we can understand
it maybe a little bit better oh that's I didn't now I'm spelling stuff wrong because I'm thinking about a different word okay Olive doid me now Olive is the letter that represents God doid M spells the word blood and we know the life of the flesh is in the blood so what is man what is man and when I say man I'm talking about men and women what are humans they are a Godlike Creation with flesh and blood that's what a man is an animal is not that an animal is just an animal and what
I mean by that is they're not made in the image of God they so God made us like him but not him you know one of the primary differences between us and God would yall like to know one of the primary differences we can improve God can't improve because he's already perfect and a part of our job is to make sure the Flesh and Blood part of us is yielded to the god part of us and the god part of us is yielded to God that's the objective are y'all tracking yes okay so so the
first thing that God tells us about himself is not that he is love even though he's love let that marinade the first thing God tells us about God is not that he is Holy even though he's holy the first thing that God tells about God is not that he is just even though he's just the first thing God tells about God is that he created the Heaven and the earth now when you read that I don't know what your mind does but mine starts asking questions like okay well why would he do that he doesn't
need a heaven he doesn't need an earth he doesn't need anything he's self-existent self-sufficient self-satisfied needs nothing why you going around creating heavens and Earths and stuff the only answer I've been able to come up with is because he is creative and therefore it is his nature to create so God created the Heaven and the Earth as an expression of his creativity his activity flowed out of his identity are y'all tracking so when he made us like him the first thing he told us about himself is that he created us to create stuff why because
the first thing he told us about us is that he made us in His image and he made us after his likeness which means he created us to create stuff and he made us to make stuff this is so this is GameChanger when you get it you were created to create you were made to make that's why I have such a big problem with politicians and other forms of takers because you got basically two categories of people you know you got the makers and you got the takers and the makers don't take and the takers
don't make right anyway that's another conversation for a different day so the first thing that God says to man about God is that he's created the first thing he tells man about man is that he made us in His image so every man every woman in this room under the sound of my voice on the YouTube sphere all of us were made in the image of God which means we were created to create stuff and we were made to make stuff that's why you feel so fulfilled when you're operating in the area of your creativity
because the god of the universe planted the seed of an aspect of his creativity inside of all of us like God put an aspect of the seed of his creativity inside of you inside of me and then he said be fruitful and multiply replenish the Earth and subdue it and have dominion wow be fruitful that right there if that was all he said that's plenty what is he saying he what is a fruit a fruit is a living organism whose seed is in itself so when he says be fruitful here's what he's saying you produce
on the outside based on what I put on the inside correct make sure that somebody other than me can see what I put in you make sure it shows up all around you that's your job that's my job be fruitful and multiply what's multiply mean multiply means to increase what's increase mean more did I say it too fast I mean it's a one syllable word and I kind of rush through it more be fruitful multiply replenish what's replenish mean fill up fill up the Earth with the stuff with the more that you create it's so
simple all these people who think we're destroying the Earth because we're using the creativity that God put inside of us to make stuff that makes our lives better they are confused the city of Tampa the city of Miami the city of Orlando the city of Fort Meers Atlanta Los Angeles Las Vegas Chicago New York Tokyo all of those cities cities are as organic or organic organic organic that's so funny organic as a beaver dam in a creek in the middle of the forest they are as organic as an eagle's nest they are as or they
are are as organic and that's a tongue twister Peter Piper pick okay they are as organic as an antill why because here's here's the problem when we look at something like a beaver dam that a beaver created in the middle of a creek somewhere out in the middle of some nowhere and that Beaver use their Limited resourcefulness to make something that makes their lives better we say that's organic but when human beings use our unlimited creativity to create something that make our lives better and lives of other people better we say that's somehow inorganic we
are confused okay so God said God said be fruitful multiply replenish the Earth subdue it why did he say subdue it subdue means to trample I thought I was producing I thought I was making stuff I thought I was out here creating stuff I thought I was filling up the earth now you want me to start stepping on stuff why because God knew something that we would later find out and that is that disruption always follows intention and so God when he says subdue the Earth he's saying when you are creating and producing on the
outside based on what I put in the inside and as you're increasing and as you're filling up the Earth you are going to be faced with opposition you're GNA be faced with opposing forces and when you face those oppor opposing forces Stomp Them yeah come on wow now if he's telling me to stomp trample stomp step on trample stomp if he's telling me to do that that tells me two things about every obstacle I will face what are they they are both beneath me and they are smaller than me yes now how do I know
dis Russian father's intention God in only only a God who has Sovereign wisdom who knows everything would do this Genesis 1 vers1 in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth so how do we succeed here's how we succeed I'm I'm I'm I'm going to start with number two because number two for us is number one for God so that's number that's that's number one for us I'm not going to tell you what that is yet okay give you number two it begins with intention so this is intention is number one for God in
the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth that's his intention his intention was to create the Heaven and the Earth boom right and then what happened and the Earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep the word was is not the word used to be the word was is the word became the Earth became without form and Dark Void and darkness upon the face of the deep so the Earth became without form and void what does that show us it shows us that disruption always follows intention it doesn't
matter what new good thing you set out to do when you set out to do a new thing that is good the first thing that you will face is often disruption Andre you ever have somebody come to the gym and and they and and they haven't worked out in 472 years right right and then they come and they think it's going to be an overnight process and the very first workout 30 seconds in they feel like they're going to die right okay and then the next day they can barely move especially if they working out
with you okay I don't know I've never worked out with you I'm just kidding but that's how it looks okay um so so disruption always follow his intention do you realize if you if you're not in shape and you decide to get in shape when you the day you start exercising is the day you start feeling worse guess when you feel worse than that the next day and then the day after that you feel worse again and worse stays there for a while and then eventually worse turns into better that's right it's how it works
it doesn't matter you begin to learn a new skill you say I'm going to learn how to play a musical instrument I'm going to learn how to speak a new language the first thing that shows up is overwhelm and confusion it's like how does anybody know how to do this why because God has set it up in such a way that disruption always follows intention even if you just start doing something like eating right you've been eating junk food your whole life and all of a sudden you're going to start eating fruits and vegetables here's
what you're going to feel terrible why are you going to feel terrible you're going to feel terrible because your body is used to processing junk it's not used to processing real food and so you're going to feel worse before you can feel better you start a business you think you're going to start a business today and land a $4 million client tomorrow let me know how that works out for you because it certainly didn't work out that way for me the first thing that shows up when you decide to do something good is something hard
disruption always everybody say always always follows intention it doesn't matter what new good thing you decide to do the first thing that shows up is something hard Okay cool so disruption follows intention now the next thing it says and the spirit of God moved upon the face of waters aren't you glad God showed us oh by the way disruption Po and intention don't think this was just happened for God don't think it just happened for you do you remember a guy named Joseph in the Bible God gave him a what he gave him a a
dream that's right God gave Joseph A Dream Joseph told his brothers and his mama and his daddy his dream and they said okay I got something for your dream I'm about to bring you some drama to go with that dream yeah y'all remember a dude named David right Samuel anointed David to be the king of Israel in the presence of his Brethren y'all remember that what happens next well his brothers think that he's prideful and King Saul spends years trying to kill him disruption always follows intention you remember Jesus y'all remember Jesus right okay just
want to make sure y'all didn't forget him okay he gets baptized by John the Baptist in Jordan I've seen people get baptized in Jordan I've been there at Jordan seeing people get baptized it's amazing but to see Jesus get baptized by John the Baptist that would have been something cuz when Jesus got baptized by John the Baptist the heavens open the spirit descended on Jesus like a THB a voice from Heaven said this is my beloved Son and whom I well pleased you know what it says right after that the next word is immediately when
when somebody tell me when immediately he was led of the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil disruption always follows intention don't be taken back by that don't be shocked by that don't be thrown off guard by that disruption always follows intention if you're not aware of the fact that disruption follows intention when disruption follows your intention you're going to conclude that you're in the wrong direction when actually the disruption that follows your intention is a sign you're going in the right direction and then it says and the spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters inspiration inspiration and God cre in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was out form void Darkness upon the faces deep and God said uh and and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters do you know what happens when disruption follow Our intention we become discouraged I know you've never been discouraged I know you haven't but I've been discouraged guess what I needed to do while I was discouraged I needed to find a source of inspiration yeah to move it's it's
it's interesting that says the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters because did you know that your body is made of 70% water your brain is made of your brain is made of 90% water spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light oh my goodness this is getting good it's like a success formula in Genesis chapter 1 it's like God said if you don't get to chapter 2 you going to be all right just do this stuff in chapter one and guess what he
said let there be light oh illumination what does illumination look like in our lives it looks like learning something we didn't know before so we can see something we couldn't see before so we can do something we couldn't do before like when you learn a new thing what do you say oh now I see oh oh now I see and so these are the Bible is a it's the greatest success book ever and if you if you think about oh yeah man we good we got plenty of time I like I was I was I
was I'm GNA I was afraid I'm going to look at my clock it's going to say it's 10:52 and I'm like no but it didn't say that okay so we're good it says it says um and um God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good H God saw the light that it was good we could call number six we could call it appreciation or we could call it recognition this in the first chapter in the Bible the first chapter and then it say and God
said and God saw that it was good and then it says then it says um and God called the day the light day and the Darkness he called night identification identification clarification right he he he he said okay I'm going to give these things a name so people can know that there's a difference between day and night they ain't the same thing you know what's really interesting like day represents good and light represent night represents evil but so you say why why are I saying that because the very next thing it says is says in
the evening and the morning were the first day doesn't that seem backwards to us in the evening you know why it seems backwards because postbiblical science was Sun centered but the Hebrew calendar is Moon centered now why does it say the evening and the morning were the first day because in God's economy things go from dark to light not from light to dark things go from bad to better or from bad to from bad to good not from good to bad in God's economy and so the evening and the morning were the first day when
you when you start interacting with God things get better they don't get worse and then it says um and the evening and the morning were the first day oh this is one of my favorites number eight segmentation to completion what does that mean God didn't save any of day one's work for day two procrastination was not a part of creation and the evening and the morning were the first day God got all of day work one's work done on day one by the way if you this is a project management formula for Success you got
a whole bunch of projects you work on one until it's done and then you launch it do you realize if you got five different projects you're working on and each one of them takes let's say two weeks to get done and you work on all of them at the same time and you get done with all 10 of them after two weeks worth of work it's going to take you 10 weeks it'll probably take longer than that because of all the distraction but let's just say it takes you 10 weeks to get those five projects
done because each of them takes two weeks so now you're 10 weeks working and you got no money coming in watch this if you work on one of those projects for two weeks it's it starts bringing in money the third week and then you start on another project week two you start getting money from that one in the fourth week so you're always going to be better off completing one task at a time people think people think they're multitasking and all they're doing is distracting themselves this is this is not Myron's idea I wouldn't I
would not have come up with this I would have been the guy yeah I'll do all of it at the same time that would have been me no that gu this ain't like when you are I like what Jim Ron said wherever you are be there right wherever you are be there God said I don't save any of today's work for tomorrow man when we do this it will change our natural lives and then it says God said um God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide
the waters from the waters and God made the ferment divided the waters which were under the ferment from the waters which were above the ferment and it was so and God called the firmament Heaven and the evening and the morning were the second day number nine hydration a lot of people aren't doing good because they're dehydrated now for me I go when I go out west like I was out in California and I was in Las Vegas everybody yeah but so hot in Florida it ain't this hot let's start with that it's never been 100°
in Tampa in recorded history let's start with that yeah but it's so humid I know I like some water in my air you go out there into the desert man I'm drinking water all day long like a crazy person and still waking up in the middle of the night to drink more water it just sucks all the water out of your body your brain is 90% water your body is 70% water most people don't drink anywhere near enough water your brain would function so much better if you just hydrate yourself okay and God said let
the waters under Heaven be gther together let dry land um God called the dry land Earth and the Gathering Together of the wat she called seeds and God said let the Earth bring forth grass and Herb yielding seed and the fruit she yielding seed after his kind whose seed is in itself and the Earth brought forth grass and Herb yielding seed after his kind and yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that it was good and the evening and the morning were the third day and God said let there
be lights in the firmament of the heavens and let it divide the the night let it divide the night uh the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons for days and for years and let them be for lights in the firment of heaven and give light upon the Earth and God made two great lights a greater light to Rule the Day lesser light to rule night okay before I get into that one well all of those are part of the same thing which is number 10 delegation I think that's
how you spell it delegation God said now I'm going to set some I'm going to let make the and in fact I'm going to make the moon and the sun rule the sun rule over the day the moon rule over the night and actually that would have been 11 so I'm going to put I'm going to make that 11 10 is automation what's automation automation is when you make something that you've made do something for you and so he gave he automated it so that the Earth brought forth the grass and the Earth brought forth
the trees like if we don't if if if if if we quit there our lives are going to be more successful now here's what's interesting remember I said number one for us number two for us is number one for God because God doesn't need the first one so all transformation let's say your life isn't working exactly like you'd like it to and I I could in fact let me finish reading this for you I cuz I don't want to skip it so uh verse 19 and the evening and the morning were the fourth day and
God said let the waters bring forth abundantly moving creatures that hath life and the foul that it may fly above the earth and the open firment of heaven and God created the whales and every living creature that moveth uh that moveth and the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every wing foul after his kind and God saw that it was good and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and the water um and fill the waters in the seas and the foul multiply in the earth and the evening and the morning were
the fifth day and God said let the Earth bring forth living creatures after his kind and the creeping thing and the Beast so we we still see this Automation and delegation thing happening and then it says and God made every beast of the field after his kind verse 25 and every uh thing that creepeth upon the Earth and God saw that it was good and then we get down to verse number 26 and it says and God said let us make man in our image did y'all notice something there let's make it when God created
man he started talking different God talked different when he made creatures than when he made creation and then he talked even different even more different when he made man creators so God created creation then creatures then creators okay when God made cre creation he said let there be let there be light or um um let there be a firmament let there be when God created creatures he said let the Earth bring forth when God created man he didn't say Let There Be man and he didn't say let the Earth bring forth man he didn't say
let the water bring forth man what did he say let us make man in our I am not going to turn this one over to anybody else it's too important what is this one this is duplication I'm going to duplicate myself I'm going to make someone who's not me but like me this is why this is I remember when I was in elementary school I was probably in second or third grade and I came home because my mom would always say would you learn school today baby would you learn in school today like every day
okay it's like I learned today that man's a higher form form of animal she flipped out she said don't you ever say that again but you ask me what I learned right she's like you're not an animal you're made in the image of God I'm like yes ma'am got it got it there's a very big difference between humans and animal we're not we're not a higher form of animal we're not an animal at all we are made in the image of God let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air and over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth and God made man in his own image and the image of God made he him male and female created he them and God blessed them them who the male and the female and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply replenish the Earth and subdue it and have domain I don't even have time to go into that because there then we see the four
levels of value I don't even have time to go into four levels of value I've given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the Earth and every tree in which is a fruit tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the Earth wherein is the wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat and it was so and God saw everything that he had made and behold it
was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day so this is a formula for Success it's also a formula for this is a formula for transformation well what's the first one like what is the first move in transformation awareness see we have to be made aware of all of these things God is already aware he's automatically aware he's God he's aware of everything so he doesn't need to come into awareness so that he can set an intention so awareness then intention and like transformation so if I want if I want transformation
I need awareness intention decision and then discipline discipline now I can change now I can change to install all of these principles into my experience of Life the Bible is the greatest success book ever written I promise you I promise you if you're struggling to succeed it's because number one you either you have not yielded to the purpose for which you were created you're still resisting it you're resisting the purpose for which you were created yeah but I don't like that I don't want to do that how do you know I got news for you
now what you resist persist but what you Embrace becomes Grace embrace your purpose don't resist it it'll change your life the Bible's the greatest success book ever written why does God care about success so much because he is a king and whether or not the things the King has created in his kingdom yield to him is going to reflect on his reputation as the king and so it is our responsibility to adapt and adopt the principles of the word of God apply them to our lives and be a light in a dark world and show
people how life could look if they would only yield to the king and follow the success principles of the Bible especially those found in Genesis chapter 1 in case they don't get to chapter two I hope this blesses you in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best and we'll look forward to seeing you on the next video next week bye for now all right I'm going to be like pharaoh and let go