Visualizing transformers and attention | Talk for TNG Big Tech Day '24

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Grant Sanderson
Based on the 3blue1brown deep learning series:
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I've been working on this project um about visually explaining Transformers as he said I love visually explaining all sorts of things usually in math but I'm happy to stray into the adjacent Fields the target audience here is always a little bit tricky because I know many of you are engineers and are quite technical but I don't necessarily want to assume too much background from people the one thing I will assume is that you're maximally curious that you're hungry to dig into the details of what's going on for example I think most people know that large
language models consume a lot of computation they take a lot of resources and anybody who has looked at the market cap of Nvidia recently will also know that they tend to be run on gpus because they're very parallelizable one of the things I would like you to come away from this talk with is a deep to your bones visceral sense for what those actual computations are what the number crunching happening is and why it's so conducive to parallelization which is one of the big reasons for the success so Transformers um were introduced in this now
very famous paper called attention is all you need from 2017 and that paper was focused on a specific use case of machine translation you might imagine it used for Google translate and things like that but since then it's seen a flourishing in all sorts of other tasks it's not just useful for machine translation but it's good for transcription with tools like whisper it's good for going the other way around having tools that will take in a piece of text and synthesize speech um it's even good for image classification it's it's a remarkably flexible framework but
the model that you and I are going to focus on today which is the kind that underlies chat Bots is a little simpler than the one that they introduced in that paper the model is going to be one which is trained to take in a piece of text and then predict what comes next so for example here if you feed at the text to date the cleverest thinker of all time was it's going to predict from its vocabulary what the word might be but it doesn't just give a single prediction it assigns a probability distribution
to all possible Snippets of text that might come next in this case there's a lot of possibilities for what it might be so it has a relatively spread out distribution over a lot of different things including some you know equivocation recognizing it's going to use the words like probably or undoubtedly arguably that kind of thing if you have a model that does this that simply predicts what word comes next you can turn it into something that'll generate new text simply by having it randomly sample from that distribution you have it look over and weight it
according to the probabilities that it gave sample some word tack that word on to the input that it was processing and then run this extended version all through the process again saying okay now that words on it what do you predict will come next runs through the whole thing which takes quite a lot of resources and again it plays this game of sampling from that tagging it on and repeating now a lot of people will ask why you would ever have it choose something that's not the most likely word if it generates that you absolutely
can do that if you get into the notion of something called temperature this will come from assigning the temperature equal to zero the answer is just you get very stilted outputs that sound kind of trit um and you get a little bit more creativity sometimes or something that just sounds somewhat natural if you introduce that spark of Randomness into it now if you want to turn this into a chatbot something that tastes seed text uh and then extends it the simplest way you could start for that kind of project would be to have your seed
text establish an environment of a user interacting with some kind of hypothetical helpful AI assistant take the user input that they typed into your chatbot website tag that on into this input suggest to it that what's about to be generated is whatever that hypothetical AI assistant would say and then have the model start to generate those again one word at a time really one token at a time but we'll get into that in a moment so in this case um I took a a relatively simple model and have it uh provide some suggestions for what
to do while visiting unic and it goes through and does this random sampling process and I'll leave it to you to judge whether or not it suggestion uh seems reasonable here but it's kind of surprising that this should work I think that the Act of having something that simply predicts the next word would get you something that seems to have long range thinking and some of that comes from the way that it's doing that prediction and just how long range the associations can be so what I want to First do is show a high level
sense for how data flows through this whole model we're not going to go into the details yet but we will just how does it flow through and then we'll dig into some of the things that I think are required to get that nice visual intuition we want to go for so when it's faced with this task it's given a piece of text wants to predict what comes next and the text could potentially be quite long but I'll just show what I can fit on the screen the first step is to subdivide it into little pieces
and we call these pieces tokens in the case of text they're very often words or little pieces of words sometimes punctuation marks but one thing to keep in mind is that this doesn't necessarily have to just be with text tokens could also include little Snippets of an image or little Snippets of a sound if images or sound are somehow part of that input or if you're creating a different model that's doing a different task like uh trans description or image processing and the process there roughly looks like subdividing it into little pieces and then uh
having some sort of vocabulary of what all possible little pieces are now in the case of text one little question that might be worth having in the back of your mind uh as we go through this is to ask you know why not just break it up into characters that seems like a much more Natural Choice For What the atomic unit of text would be to break it into characters and then do whatever we're about to do with tokens there and I just want you to think about that so we're going to go through and
I'm going to return to this question but as we do like think to yourself what would what would go wrong like why wouldn't why wouldn't this work well or maybe it would work well if we broke it into tokens instead excuse me broke it into characters instead the first thing that happens you have to know something about what happens to be able to answer that question the very first thing is to associate each one of those tokens with a long list of numbers and if we think of those list of numbers as vectors we'll call
it the embedding of the token and you want to think of those lists as somehow encoding the mean meaning of each one of those tokens and at this phase it's essentially just a lookup table each particular token is always going to be associated with the same Vector each time that you run it um but the first thing that happens is that you pass that through this all important attention block the thing that we're going to spend the second half of this talk digging into which lets those vectors talk to each other in a certain way
and pass information back and forth between one another so that one that might have just started by encoding a given word might end up taking into account some of its cont context for example sometimes words can be ambiguous if you take the phrase American true mole and the phrase one mole of carbon dioxide and the phrase take a biopsy of the mole you and I read those and we understand the word mole means something fundamentally different in all three of those cases because of the context so you want to give the machine a mechanism by
which it can let words talk to each other so that that meaning could get updated but it might not just be disambiguating the meaning of a word it might be that you want to bake some sort of substance or essence of the entire context that's somehow relevant for predicting what might come next into a single one of these vectors because what happens here is it doesn't just go through this one attention block but it's going to flow through many different iterations um so the next thing it passes through has kind of an overly fancy name
it's called a multi-layer perceptron um it's the simplest kind of neural network when you break it apart it looks like a couple Matrix multiplications with a little nonlinear something sprinkled in between I won't go into too many details on this particular block but the one thing I'll say is the majority of model parameters actually live in this multi-layer perceptron despite the title attention is all you need in a sense of counting parameters it's about onethird of what you need and if you want to ask okay what why what's going on with these it's a little
hard to say the question of interpreting any of this is a bit of a challenge but there was some fun research put out by a couple um interpretability researchers from Deep Mind in December where they were studying where facts like associating athletes with their sports live inside a model so if you have it autocomplete a phrase like Michael Jordan plays the sport of blank if it successfully predicts that basketball is the most likely answer that answer was nowhere in the context it couldn't just have come from passing information back and forth between tokens it has
to mean that somewhere inside the parameters of the model that it learned during the training process it somehow encoded the fact that Michael Jordan plays basketball and they did a study where they were doing a whole bunch of associations between athletes and sports and trying to probe at the network to figure out where that probably lived and the answer seemed to be inside these multi-layer perceptrons so one thought you could have in the back of your mind is that in so far as prediction requires context this is where the attention blocks are relevant and in
so far as prediction requires just general knowledge from the world these uh perceptrons give extra capacity to store some more of that it's not to say that they can't live in the attention blocks but it just gives a lot more capacity for that and that's basically it it's just those two but you go back and forth between many different iterations of it you'll pass through another attention block pass through another multi-layer perceptron and repeat over and over the thing that makes deep learning deep is this repetition of a certain kind of operation many different times
and what you do is you say you're going to flow it through uh sometimes on the order of you know a 100 times gpt3 for example has 96 different layers and at the very end you want to look at just the last Vector of that sequence in this case that last Vector initially was encoding the word was but the hope is that at this point it's absorbed so much meaning from its context and absorbed so much meaning from the general knowledge baked in the weights of the network that it's able to make that prediction in
the sense that you can apply a certain simple operation just to that last Vector that produces this probability distribution over all possible tokens that might come next might feel a little bit weird that you're just doing it on the last Vector because in the rest of it you have this big sequence of very context-rich vectors but what happens to be the case is that for the purpose of training it's very efficient if all of those other vectors are simultaneously being used to predict what comes next at very I different points for subsequences of the text
that you're putting in that way one training example can can act like many and now I know you know this but just to keep in the back of your mind the whole framework behind any kind of machine learning is that rather than telling the network what to do in a very designed sense where you're going and fine-tuning okay I want you to do this with this token and that with this token you instead just provide a very general framework and that framework is characterized by a bunch of tunable parameters just real num numbers that you
can change often hundreds of billions of them and you show it many different examples of the inputs and outputs that you might want it to have in this case just random Snippets of text say behold from the internet and then what the actual word following was and as long as you have some kind of procedure that will tell it how it's doing on a particular example either saying O you did poorly on that example you need to change your weights this way or you did well on that example you don't need to change too much
then if you run this through for many many many different examples presumably some kind of behavior emerges within that flexible structure now the reason that's important to keep in mind is that it means actually understanding what's going on is extremely challenging because it is an entirely separate question from the design of the network itself and understanding what the computations are what you and I are going to do is mostly focus on what are those computations and what is the framework and we're going to use some motivating examples of what we think it might do to
help learn what that structure is and make it more memorable but the actual question of what it's doing in AEP way is a very very unsolved one still today the specifics if you're curious for how this um training will look at a high level you have a cost associated with each example so let's say it's autoc completing a phrase um TNG technology Consulting is a blank and from actuals of text that it pulled from the internet let's say one of the examples included the word leading following in there what you would do is say what
probability did you assign little Network to the actual next word that it was was and then you take the negative log of that probability and that defines a cost so you kind of see the graph here and essentially what it means is if it assigns a probability closer to one that cost is very close to zero but if it assigns a very low probability as in it wasn't predicting the word that they're actually was um it increases very steeply as you get there and this is just the cost on one example in principle the cost
for the entire network is going to be a sum or an average for the cost over the many many many trillions of examples that you give it and so the visual you might have in your mind Loosely is that there's a kind of surface where what you and I can graph and uh show on a screen is limited to something where you have a function who maybe has two dimensions of inputs two different numbers as inputs and then that cost as a third dimension for that output and that would get you this surface and in
principle you want to find a low point on it where there's a low cost but of course the network doesn't just have two different parameters as the input it would have hundreds of billions of parameters so it's going to be some super super high dimensional cost surface but still the the thought that you have in your mind is that the process of learning involves tweaking those parameters iteratively so that you're taking little steps downhill on that surface it's not going to be in two Dimensions it's going to be in some crazy high number of Dimensions
but still the idea is that you're slowly tweaking it in some way to try to find a minimum on this cost surface what that means is you really have no idea what behavior is going to emerge with those parameters because it's whatever emerges on this unbelievably complicated surface and what local minimum it happened to fall into so that's that's a thing to keep in the back of your mind now one of the visuals that we can try to get to this um comes from something that is very relevant to parsing everything that happens with Transformers
but was not at all new to Transformers it existed in natural language processing for a while which is this very first step where you're associating words with vectors in some way now on the one hand the reason you have to do this is that if you're doing uh certainly deep learning but but most categories of machine learning it's very very helpful if your inputs and your output puts are both real numbers things that you can change continuously because that way you can do calculus and you can do things like gradients so converting words into something
that's expressed in this continuous realm like a vector space is a very natural first step for that but what's very fun is to look at what kinds of patterns emerge as you train the network and as you see what sort of embeddings it stumbles upon for doing whatever task it's trying to do whether that's next word prediction or something else that presumably requires understanding language in some way one of the things that will emerge is that words with very similar meanings tend to Cluster near each other so if you look at all the nearest neighbors
for a word like Tower in a simple word to VEC model you get a lot of other words that have kind of these tall construction building is Vibes and these are um in some sense a cluster that represents a loose idea represented in that point in the space but it gets a lot more interesting than that because it's not just a matter of where the words are and how they cluster but also that directions in the space might encode different sorts of meanings that aren't necessarily captured in a particular word but just a more generic
idea so there's this paper in 2013 from some Google researchers uh it's called efficient estimation of word representations in Vector space and they had a number of very memorable examples in there but one of them that they pulled out was how if you take the embedding of woman and you subtract off the embedding of man so you might think of it as the sort of difference Vector in that space and then you add that to the embedding of King so you take that difference and you add it to King and you search what are the
nearest vectors at that point in the space what you find is that it's actually quite close to the embedding of Queen which is very fun it's a very mathematical way to basically play the analogy game that would be on like old SATs or things like that it is fun I tried to reproduce this though by downloading a certain uh simple word to Vector model and it kind of worked but actually the the the nearest neighbor to that point was the word King itself Queen was the second most nearest neighbor it sits a little farther off
which kind of makes sense because the way that queen as a word shows up in training data is not just a feminine version of King you have things like the band Queen or the word drag queen but where it worked really well as if I played around with family relationships so you know the difference between uncle and Aunt is quite similar to the difference between man and woman um and other things like that the upshot is that somehow during this training process with this abstract gradient descent notion it's as if the model learned to associate
one specific Direction in this space with the notion of gender in the sense that adding a little Vector in that direction to a word can take you from the masculine embedding to a feminine embedding that's very cool and there were all sorts of other fun examples they put in there um I think one that stood out to me was uh if you if you take Japan associated with sushi and then ask it to associate German with something it would naturally put bror in there just you can just play this game with subtraction now it's very
hard to visualize these things right because we can draw three-dimensional vectors which are representing lists of three numbers but these word vectors in principles are very high dimensional and you can understand why it's helpful for them to be high dimensional because if you want to encode concepts with distinct directions in the space then you would like to have a lot of distinct directions to work with at your disposal in this case um to take the numbers from gpt3 as an example the vectors that we're embedding our tokens to have 12,288 coordinates so in principle this
embedding space is 12,000 Di iions so it's very very big but I also kind of want to explain why that it's even bigger than you might think it is like weird things start to happen in higher Dimensions to get a sense for why this might be helpful you should keep in mind we don't just want these to be encoding an individual word it's not just the various meanings of a word that might be relevant what we want to happen as it flows through the network is for these to have the capacity to soak in whatever
meaning is relevant from the context so here if I take a little bit from the uh famous Robert Frost poem the road not taken when we look at that last part of the passage two roads diverged in a wood and I took the One Less Traveled by the word one would start its life in the Transformer simply being embedded to a generic embedding of one that knows nothing other than you know maybe it's a number a pronoun things like that once it has the ability to soak in context if you want to predict what comes
next it would be helpful to somehow know that it's one of two roads to know the antecedent of that pronoun it might even also be helpful you let it flow through the network and get it to ruminate on it more to somehow encode the more highlevel inarticulable poetic ideas there that it's symbolizing Choice what it's a choice between those very high level ideas if you can embed them in the vector might be relevant to predicting the next token and anyone who's interacted with these llms often gets the feeling that it really does seem to understand
something at a at a deeper level that's not just as simple as defining one word versus another and when you think about it from that point 12,000 Dimensions doesn't actually feel like all that much um like on the one hand okay that's a that's a large number of uh different directions you could work with but if we want to encapsulate every possible concept just with a distinct Direction in this space well it doesn't seem like that much to work with I'll give two quizzes here one is a relatively easy and uh uninteresting one and the
second one is dramatically more interesting so quiz number one is to ask if you have a bunch of vectors you know how many vectors can you fit into an n-dimensional space so that every pair is 90° apart part the reason this would be relevant if you want distinct directions in the space to correspond to distinct ideas if they're perpendicular that helps you from having unwanted overlap like for example if you have some direction that corresponds to the idea that the words being spoken are in German and then some other direction corresponding to the idea that
the general tone of speech is one of skepticism you don't want those two align over each other because that would mean that anytime that you're speaking German it accidentally infers that it must be skeptical in some way maybe that one's not a bad idea but in principle you want more independent directions now with this the answer uh for an n-dimensional space is n this is actually kind of what defines the notion of Dimension at least in an abstract sense for a vector space now a fact that I I didn't know that's a pure math fact
which is very fun and fascinating until I was talking to some people who do interpretability research into large language models is a slightly related quiz which is to say how many vectors can you fit into an end dimensional space not so that every pair is perpendicular but so that every pair is kind of almost perpendicular let's say you give a little buffer where they can be somewhere between 88 degrees and 92 degrees if you think about it you know if you're just going from two-dimensional to three-dimensional intuition you play with it in your mind it
kind of can't fit anymore like that that that little wiggle room doesn't give you that much it turns out as you scale things up the way that the answer to this question grows is exponential in the number of dimensions and I I tried playing around with with this a little bit I I would actually love if any one of you out there wants to give a numerical answer to this in the case of say a thousand Dimensions or 10,000 Dimensions when I was playing with 100 dimensional vectors I could definitely comfortably fit like hundreds of
thousands in that would be quite close to each other in this almost orthogonal way it gets a little computationally expensive if you try to do it with a thousand dimensional vector and you know hundreds of millions of them but it's shocking actually you can fit very very many even though you know 88 degrees 92 degrees to our eye those look almost orthogonal and this might explain a couple different things one it might explain how these models can actually fit quite a few ideas into a seemingly small space small in the sense of uh compared to
the number of Concepts in the world you know 12,000 isn't that big and also why they scale surprisingly well because you don't really get this effect of exponential growth kicking in until you get to a certain Dimension and so as you go from say 10 to 100 Dimensions it's not just that you're getting a hundred times as many directions at your disposal you're getting many more than that and as you go from a 100 to a thousand dimensions again you get this sort of super linear increase now that's just a thing to keep in the
back of your mind so that every time I'm trying to motivate something by saying oh imagine some direction in this space encodes such and such idea even though that's a little bit of a madeup example for the sake of motivating the structure it's maybe not that implausible to have certain very specific Concepts correspond to certain specific directions in the space so with all that said let's get into the meat of the matter which is what's going on inside this attention block what is the specific mechanism M by which information is transferred back and forth between
these vectors and once you do you can have the sense of what is the number crunching that happens inside a large language model and why is it as parallelizable as it is the way I'm going to do this like I said is by telling a little bit of a lie where we're going to imagine something that we might want it to learn we would hope that it learns but this isn't to say that it's necessarily what actually happens in production models let's say we have got you know some kind of phrase like a fluffy blue
creature run The Verdant Forest we want to think about how do the nouns in that phrase get updated by the adjectives and what I mean by that is when you initially encode all of these because they don't have any notion of their context from the initial encoding the vector associated with the word fluffy for example is just some abstract notion of fluffiness not tied to anything or the vector associated with creature is just some very generic notion of creature that's not going to be any more specific than that but we want to somehow get it
so that these talk to each other and the relevance of fluffiness and blue nits gets baked into that creature word I should say it's not just that they encode the particular word they encode a little bit of extra information too which is the position that it shows up in the context so that position kind of gets baked into the vector and this is a very important idea because one of the philosophies here is you want to keep everything parallelizable which means if sequential relationships are relevant you know something is right next to another one you
don't want that to have to be inferred from the way that the data is processed say going through it step by step instead that should entirely be inferable simply from the state of the vector itself regardless of what order things are processed in but in principle each one encodes basically just the the meaning of the word also the position so at the moment if we're envisioning it uh with these little diagrams here what you would want is that after the attention process goes through and after you do whatever computations we're going to do the vector
associated with that token creature would now encode the much more specific notion of a fluffy blue creature or the vector that was associated with that position of forest now encodes a much more specific notion of a forest that has some greenness to it and the constraint that we have it's not a hard constraint but a uh a helpful design choice if you're doing any kind of deep learning here would be to make sure that all the operations that you're working with to somehow ask the question of which ones are associated with which and how should
they update other are expressed in the language of matrix multiplication because if you do that where you have a bunch of matrices that are filled with tunable parameters then this process for training which relies on gradient descent and a thing called the back propagation algorithm can work very efficiently and it's in part because matrix multiplication can be done very efficiently on gpus in parallel um it's in part because it's a linear operation and when you're doing calculus with that the derivatives are nice and simple there's no added complexity that emerges so in general try to
say how can I somehow Express this notion of letting one thing influencing another only using the language of multiplying matrices where those matrices have tunable weights in them that can be hopefully uh learning to do what we want them to do and there's three matrices that are going to come up they're called the query the key and the value matrices and we'll go through them each one by one but to set the stage the query Matrix is as if you want to let each word ask a question so you might imagine the word creature or
other thing in there asking hey are there any adjectives sitting in front of me because right now it can't really see its context it just knows its position and it knows that it's a noun and you also want to give the adjectives that sit in front of it the capacity to somehow numerically or mathematically respond to it answering yeah I'm an adjective I'm in that position now of course they don't literally ask instead the way that this looks is to associate the embedding for that word in creature with a new Vector it's what we're going
to call the query vector associ ated with that token and this query Vector is commonly much smaller than the embedding so if that embedding Dimension was like 12,000 Dimensions um the pretty common choice for keys and queries would be like 64 or 128 dimensions and the way that you generate this query Vector is going to be with a matrix you take some big Matrix you multiply it by the embedding and presumably it should somehow be able to pick up on oh this embedding is for a noun and it's a noun in a certain position and
the query that it spits out should should somehow encode the idea of looking for an adjective in certain positions the visual you might have in your mind is that if that embedding Vector was in this very big space pointing in some direction and coding all of that we're mapping it down to the smaller space to ask the question and this isn't just something you do to one of the words you do it to every single one of the words you multiply them all by that same query Matrix and what that would mean is that every
time it hits a noun the query that it produces is going to be effectively asking hey are there any adjectives in such and such position sitting in front of it you might naturally ask what is it doing to all the ones that aren't nouns and who knows maybe it's trying to do something else in parallel for the moment given that we're just making up a toy example to motivate the structure I can say let's just focus on the nouns and then talk about all the other things that you might want a mechanism like this to
do later and whether that would be accomplished in parallel in the same Matrix or not so you apply this to all of the different embeddings get this sequence of query vectors and in the same moment you also multiply them by a distinct Matrix what we're going to call the key Matrix I'll label it as WK and you produce a sequence of keys and it's entirely analogous those keys are also going to be smaller vectors in that same smaller space and the way you think about it would be that uh they're kind of answering a given
question the keys and the queries are trained together so that if a query Vector was uh picking up on a pattern like looking for adjectives before it the key Matrix should be something such that when there are adjective sitting in a position before it it spits out something that will correspond to the answer yes we'll see what that that means in just a moment for for them to correspond but like everything that we see this key Matrix is just full of parameters that are learned during the training process so whether this is actually what it
does is a separate question but the hope is that you're giving the model capacity to do something like this so if you have all of these keys and you have all of these queries and you've trained everything just you know hoping that a bunch of data will somehow get these patterns that you're hoping for you might think of those key vectors in the same way you've taken something from that very big embedding space and you've mapped it down into that key query space and you should think of that smaller space as really being the same
one where the keys and the queries live in the same space because what we'll mean by saying that the key is answering the query is that they align in this space that they kind of point in the same direction so if you were to take whatever query was produced by creature asking hey any adjective sitting before this position for then the key prod by those words blue and fluffy should point in a similar Direction so that you can pick up on the fact that they correspond by somehow measuring whether they point in the same direction
so how do we measure that things point in the same direction I mean there's a number of different ways but certainly in the context of machine learning where everything is friendly if you can just multiply things and add them up and do nothing more complicated than that easiest tool in the belt is the dot product um this dot product is going to be positive Whenever two vectors align with each other um it's going to be zero whenever they're perpendicular to each other which we'll think of as meaning unrelated and it's negative whenever they point in
kind of opposite directions so if after producing all these keys and queries you take each pair of them and you take a DOT product between every possible pair this is going to give you a grid of values that's telling you which words are relevant to updating the meanings of which other words so the way I might like to visualize this is U thinking of all of those points inside the grid as literal dots where the big dots correspond to large dot products small dots to smaller dot products um so in our particular example with adjectives
and nouns that pattern would look something more like this or for example if we zoom in and you look and you say Okay fluffy and blue each kind of give us something which is you know very large when they're being related to the word creature and then everything else is small in comparison that's going to be something we can work with and the question is okay what what are we going to be able to do with this if you pick up on which words are relevant to which other ones now the thing that we're going
to want to do and there there's a certain lingo for this by the way where anytime this happens you say that those tokens on the left attend to the Token on the top so in these case the adjectives attend to the creature what you want to do is take some kind of weighted sum according to how much each of these vectors on the left attends to one of them on the top and we're going to take weighted sums along the column such that we want the big ones to matter more and then the small ones
with very unrelated words like the down in the row to matter less but at the moment these aren't weights these are just outputs of a DOT product that are maybe very large positive numbers or large negative numbers and if we want them to behave like weights we need them all to be between zero and one and for them to all add up to one and once we have it like that we'll take a weighted sum in a couple minutes you'll see what it is that we're taking a weighted sum of but just knowing that we
want them to act like weights the tool in the belt for this another very common function that comes up in machine learning contexts is something called the soft Max it has a very elegant little formulation you essentially exponentiate everything and then normalize it but all you really need to think about is that it takes an arbitrary list of numbers they could be positive could be negative they could even be infinity and the output is going to be a list of numbers where each one of them is between zero and one and if you add all
of them up it adds up to one and the larger numbers from the input will correspond to larger probabilities basically larger weights in that output and then the smaller numbers from the input end up closer to zero so the reason we call this soft Max is that it acts kind of like a maximizing function where if one of those numbers in the input was notably bigger than the rest then the Distribution on the output has almost all of its weight towards that so if you were sampling from that distribution it's effectively the same as just
choosing the maximizing input but it's softer than a Max in the sense that as you continuously change things you get this smooth change in what that output is which again is friendly if you want to be doing calculus with this which is what's going on with that gradient descent under the hood so we take this list of numbers that we want to act like weights that are currently just arbitrary things between negative infinity and infinity and you run it through a softmax and you do this to every single column in this diagram so every column
that corresponds to one of the queries you're taking the softmax with all these dot products and it's giving you a sense of weights for which other words are going to be relevant to updating the one at the top of that column there's a little Nuance that I'm uh not illustrating in the diagram here where before the softmax you uh divide by the square root of the dimension for that key query space doesn't matter it's something that's helpful for numerical stability but if you're curious that's a little detail missing here so once we have this grid
this is properly what I'm going to call the attention pattern associated with this well it's actually not an attention block but just ahead of that attention block and this attention pattern again I kind of like to visualize with a bunch of dots just giving you a sense of which things are most relevant to which other things but there's one tiny more Nuance that we need to address before we actually use this to make any updates and it has to do with something I referenc a little bit earlier for how during training there's not just one
prediction that takes place but actually quite a few different predictions as it processes a given input so here if it's taking in the phrase The Fluffy boo creature roamed The Verdant forest and predicting the next word as it all flows through the Transformer what comes out on the other end is going to be a prediction at every single step along the way for every different subsequence of tokens and again this might not seem super relevant in the case of something like a chatbot where it's generating text like why are you predicting the next word you
already know what the next word is but it's very relevant for training because it means that if you feed in this particular thing rather than just having one particular training example which is whatever actually follows this you get a whole pile of training examples where it's using those same weights to try to make predictions all along the way and so all of the weights get to be updated by all of the different predictions that it's making for that one bit of processing and the context can get quite big it can be thousands of different tokens
so that can mean the difference between a single training example and thousands of training examples for one particular run now if this is going to work if you want to be able to get this training efficiency speed up by having it do all of this in parallel it means that even though it's processing the full block of text for example here if it's saying you know the fluffy boot creature blank and it's predicting what you know verb might come next or what word might come next it has to somehow ignore the fact that it already
knows because that's in the input the word that comes next and given that the attention mechanism is letting all the vectors talk to each other if you just blindly let it allow all of them to talk to each other each one along the way would have the answer given away to it so what you have to do is take all of the positions that correspond to later tokens influencing an earlier token and do something to zero them out so in this case you know everything where there's a later token like the word roamed sitting before
an earlier token like the word creature that's something that we're going to want to make sure is zero and by the way if you see diagrams like this in other sources there will be different conventions on whether people are putting the queries at the top or the keys at the top and so you might see this masking look transposed from where it is now but just as long as you think about the influence of it is that you don't want to let later tokens influence earlier ones you have to set those to zero now if
you just naively set them to zero the problem is that your columns wouldn't be normalized anymore so given that we want to use them as uh weights for a weighted sum in a moment that would mess things up um you could say okay well then just set them to zero and then renormalize the columns but another way to do it that is a little a little bit more elegant before applying the soft Max set all of those values inside that masked region to negative infinity and this feels a little bit weird if you haven't spent
a lot of time with soft Maxes but the effect of that is that any component that was negative Infinity after you pass it through the softmax goes to zero and then automatically because the output of a softmax always adds up to one The Columns are going to be normalized in this way so this gives you what you would call a masked attention pattern or sometimes people call it causal attentiona self attention because you don't want to let later things influence earlier ones now a thing you might think about in the back of your mind at
this point is just at this point creating this attention pattern that determines which tokens are relevant to updating which other tokens as you increase the context size which is how much text it's incorporating into its prediction this pattern that it's producing grows quadratically with the size of that context so this is why it can be very non-trivial to just take um a traditional Transformer and simp simply scale up the context so anytime you have some of the newer large language models with very large context Windows they have to be doing something a little bit clever
they have to have some variation on the original attention mechanism and another thing you might pause and Ponder on here is even though it is a very large pattern that you're going to get as you have very large context sizes when you're going through this process of some large language model producing new text doing it one token at a time you might notice that there's going to be a lot of redundancy in each one of those computations CU remember in principle for each one of those tokens it's generating it goes through the whole process where
all the data flows through this network and does everything that we're talking about here for each one of those tokens but because a lot of them are the same when it's generating new text like this there is a lot of redundancy and you can have a lot of clever caching to basically take advantage of it so that you're not faced with that quadratic speed up at inference time it's something that's much more relevant during training um or during the very first pass when it's making its very first token another thing you might want to reflect
on that question from earlier where I said why don't we just break up our input into characters why aren't tokens just characters because that feels like a much more natural like Atomic unit of what text is couple answers here one of them would be the context would just be much bigger and given that scaling with context uh involves scaling quadratically that can bloat your network very fast um another one would be that as you embed these tokens and you want them to embed some notion of meaning if they're just going character by character it has
to get processed by the first couple layers of the network before it could possibly get in the meaning of the relevant words whereas you let it just kind of jump directly to the meaning of words from that very first step if you do it at tokens there's a balancing act though because you can't make the tokens too big because you want them to be something that shows up sufficiently in training data that you can learn from it if your tokens were like paragraphs each one would only show up at most once in the training data
and you would hardly be able to learn anything from it so the pattern that people have found that seems to work quite well as something called bite pair encoding if you want to search further on it but in the back of your mind you just think of it as words pieces of words punctuation marks things like that so given that you figured out or the model has presumably figured out which words need to be uh relevant to updating which other words the question is how that actually happens how is it for example that the embedding
of a word like fluffy talks to the embedding of creature so to somehow update it to point in a more specific direction that encodes the notion of a fluffy creature simplest way to do this is just throw yet another Matrix at it we can call this the value Matrix and it's going to be something where if you multiply It by Say a given adjective the value that it produces this new Vector that it produces is something such that if you add it on to a given noun add it to the embedding of a noun it
will point that noun in a more specific direction that also encodes whatever the relevant meaning of that adjective is so in this case it might add a certain fluffiness direction to uh the word for creature but if you multiplied it by something like blue then it would produce a new Direction such that if you add that onto the result then you would be pointing in an even more specific Direction it's of a fluffy blue creature you could do this this would actually work perfectly fine but if you look at the number of parameters involved here
because those key in query matrices we're mapping to smaller spaces um if we take the numbers from gpt3 each one of them ends up having about 1.5 million parameters but with this High dimensional embedding space if the value is mapping from the embedding space to the embedding space itself it involves almost 100 times as many parameters in it which could be fine but it's a little more elegant um and then it works more nicely with how this all plays out in the context of multi-headed attention which we're getting to in a moment if that value
map is actually broken up a little bit and involves fewer parameters where first it Maps down to a smaller space and then it Maps back up to the bigger space so still overall it's something that takes in these 12 dimensional things and spits out some other 12 dimensional thing but for the linear algebra enthusiasts among you you might think of it as a low rank transformation or just at a high level it's something that devotes fewer parameters of the network to this task so when you have this value map you're going to multiply by each
one of the embeddings in the same way that you multiplied the key map by it to get a bunch of keys and sort of associated with each position of that key you have a given value and what we're going to do then is take weighted sums along each column weighted according to the attention pattern and the thing we're taking sums of are these values so for example in the column we have associated with the word creature almost all of the weights after the soft Max are going to go to zero or something that's effectively zero
and the only other tokens that actually attend to it are the adjectives and so what we want to do is take uh a weighted sum of those two adjectives while everything else is zeroed out and once we add all of those together that's going to give us the change that we want to make to the embedding up top so this will produce some change I might give it a little name like Delta e and then the thing that will pop out of the uh attention block at the end is going to be whatever the original
Vector was that came in plus this change and that change is this weighted Sum along the column so the hope is that for this kind of example it takes something that encoded creature and then it spits out something that encloses a more specific direction of that fluffy boo creature and this isn't just doing it to one column it actually does it to all of the different columns based on the attention pattern based on those uh different values it'll take this weighted sum producing a sequence of changes it'll add that sequence of changes to the sequence
of vectors that flowed in and those sums are going to be What flows out of the attention block at least almost so this so far I've just been describing what you would call a single head of attention and as it is this is actually quite a lot to think about because each one of them is being multiplied by you know a key Matrix and a query Matrix and a value Matrix and those keys and queries are producing this big attention pattern and that's going through the soft Max which is used for it's like it's a
lot to think about but this happens like 10,000 times for a single pass of the network because this is just a single head of attention and then each attention block often involves many different heads it might be something on the order of a 100 bigger models could have bigger ones and then there's going to be many different layers of attention so if this is just one of the heads multi-headed attention is something where you would think about those happening all in parallel and again the mantra for Transformers is that they're very architected to work on
gpus so that you can run these things in a shorter amount of time even if it's a greater amount of computation and what I mean by you know multiple attention heads here is that this adjective noun example is just one out of many many different ways that you might imagine context is relevant to updating meanings you can imagine all sorts of other things like also in the sphere of grammar adverbs updating the meanings of verbs or nouns and their antecedents going together but it doesn't even necessarily have to be grammatical just really anything where you
want to somehow transform information that was in one part of a passage to something that's later such that it's relevant for predicting the next word that has to somehow happen through these key query and value mechanisms that are asking which things are relevant to which other ones and what changes should take place when that relevance is there so each one of the heads inside one of these multi-headed attention blocks has its own distinct key and query matrices which are used to produce their own distinct attention patterns and they have their own distinct value Maps which
are producing their own distinct sequences of values which again you do this whole weighted Sum along the columns for so it really is a lot to think about and every single output from those heads which is a proposed change to make to the embedding that was in there you add all of those up together to the original embedding that flowed in so there's lots and lots and lots of different things that are added to it or at least potentially added to it depending on whether they're zeroed out by these attention patterns or not and so
in this just little schematic illustration that I gave where we have an attention block and just some dancing lines to indicate that they're talking to each other the thing that's happening under the hood there is all of those distinct attention heads which themselves involve all of these uh distinct patterns playing with each other and like I said at the beginning there's not just one attention block it flows through a multi-layer perceptron and then another attention block that again lets them all update each other and just keeps flowing through like this and so the loose thought
there is you have all of these vectors gaining rich and richer meanings and the context that they're drawing from is itself becoming richer and richer and richer and by the end your hope is that it's not just the meaning of the original token anymore it's really whatever it needs to be to be able to predict what comes after at that point now there's definitely a lot more that can be said about Transformers we could for example dive into what's going on with those multi-layer perceptrons but I think this is a pretty good point to step
back and ask a little bit why are these as eff effective as they are you know there's lots of different tactics that people have been trying and deep learning for a while but essentially since that 2017 paper Transformers have just been on the uprise for being applied to more and more distinct fields and there's a couple couple things you could point to here one of them is that a big lesson in machine learning through the last couple decades is that scale alone matters simply making things bigger and simply giving them more training data can sometimes
give qualitative improvements to the model performance and there's there's laws that people will write about this they're not mathematical laws they're more kind of heuristic laws but they can be phrased mathematically that predicts for a given size of the model for a given amount of training that you uh do what's the cost function going to look like and if that cost function is going down that typically corresponds to uh improvements in the model performance that are qualitatively visible you know it just looks like a chatbot that behaves better things like that and if scale matters
that means that parallelizability matters so a lot of earlier natural language processing it would read through text the way that you and I do it would kind of start from the beginning and go through the end and as it's reading through it updates meaning a little bit more but once people did away with all those mechanisms and just left one them the attention mechanism which allows things to talk to each other but not in a way that relies on sequential processing it means that they can process text very differently from how in you and I
do where they take in the whole passage and just kind of ingest it at once letting all of the different embeddings talk to each other as it does that's very weird from our standpoint trying to empathize with it compared to how we do it but it's extreme friendly for gpus and letting uh a training run effectively do more total floating Point operations in a given amount of time the other benefit here the fact that we're doing a next token prediction that means that you can train on a huge amount of data that doesn't require human
labeling so having this pre-training phase where you can just give it massive amounts amounts of data that didn't require having a bunch of you know human labelers labeling what's on an image or things like that means that you can get a lot of that training reps in in this very um uh large model without being constrained by the human feedback human feedback usually comes in later where often the reason that we call it pre-training when you do all this next token prediction is that what's required to make chatbots for example work more effectively is to
have some kind of reinforcement with humans in the loop thereafter um but still the idea that most of the actual flops in training can come from something unsupervised plays into this idea that scale and scale alone tends to matter and another another component for Transformers which is quite nice even though we were focused on language where you break tokens into where tokens are little Snippets of words the fact that you can tokenize essentially anything just break up whatever your data type is uh into little pieces and then embed those as vectors means that you can
have lots of distinct data types work in conjunction with each other if you want a model that processes not just text but text together with an image or together with sound it can treat all of those as equal citizens in the same landscape rather than having to have different bespoke architectures for each one and then having a whole different process process for how they talk to each other later so with that I think I'll call it an end here and say thank you and turn things over to the uh Q&A I'm more than happy to
talk more about Transformers if you want I'm also happy to answer anything about three BL and brown if you want um but with that I'll I'll call it an end um I've got one question I I've also seen your your videos so you you seem to work quite some time on this topic already and I would be interested how much work you put in the last months or year or whatever into this topic a lot more than I was expecting but it's been fun especially um because I'm more of a math person by background uh
it's just involved a lot of talking with people who know more than I do on the matter and I've been especially fond of the interpretability researchers on this front because you know they're motivated to understand what's actually going on from my point of view I'm like I don't care if that's what actually going on I just want like a good pedagogical motivation for the structure but it's also thought-provoking in its own right trying to say how can we probate these models so I mean one of the things I would love to talk about more um
would have talked about today it's just very hard to fit in because you need all the background it's just some of that work that's done to try to say that little fact I referenced for for example where the number of vectors you can fit into a space that aren't orthogonal but almost orthogonal scaling exponentially this is related to something they'll call the superposition hypothesis and there's very clever ways that you can try to probe at what those feature directions might be even when it's many more than the numbers of dimensions and could be a whole
video about that um and so there's been a number of rabbit holes like that which may or may not actually turn into videos but I'm quite happy to do and then the visuals are you know it's a labor of love always to to pour pour time into those and try to get something that communicates what I want got a question here yeah thank you for the inspirational talk um I have a question regarding Transformer models it's a bit technical so this trend of um using deeper and deeper transform models remind me of the good old
days with convolutional n networks where they hit the um met a barrier in terms of um exploding and Vanishing gradients um where they started using using things like residual networks to let the signal pass through without any Transformations when not needed are there similar Trends in transer models that you're aware of um I'm not I'm not entirely sure I follow the question so you're saying that the trend where residual networks for example came to be quite helpful is there's something like that in the case yes I mean there the residuality is sort of baked in
from the beginning with how it's even done the thought that as you're going from layer to layer rather than generating an entirely new uh data type you're kind of adding to whatever there was before so it's not just in the sense that you're preserving the dimension so it's friendly for the machine which seems to be one thing that's into consideration the people who designed it are very Hardware aware in contrast to maybe some other machine learning Frameworks but uh there seems to be a continuation of the trend that you're referencing there where making things residual
is deeply deeply helpful and whether that's because it makes for training stability or whether there's something more conceptual I I kind of can't say but it definitely does seem to be the trend we have another question over here hey thank you for the great presentation so um when it's a very long presentation or a very long talk do you have some metrics that you keep track of as in how many jokes should go into this 10 minute period to keep people awake or do you have like a team of creative thinkers per se that kind
of arrange everything this way on the background for it to be finalized by you in the end oh to have a team uh no I I don't think I'm very good at that actually like I'm I'm sort of a nerd who just digs into the topic itself and says all right let's just let's just dig into the topic and the thing that should motivate the next step is centered around understanding and Clarity rather than humor uh so there's there's certainly not enough deliberate thought that goes into that component but for me I think what I
find most motivating in learning something is just the promise that I'll actually understand it and so I think the way I try to motivate audiences with say a longer video is not so much that in the middle there's going to be an unrelated joke to crack but but more just that there's there's there's a real promise that like we're on a path to understanding here and um in so far as that promise is something people believe I think that's when they stick with it a little bit more a question from behind if I understand you
correctly um you use gpus to do a lot of Transformations but you're not really interested in the absolute values that you calculate in each transformation wouldn't be the mix of analog computers together with digital ones resolve this energy hungriness it's a good question I am not an expert on that the drawbacks or advantages of analog computers and therefore I should stop talking now but in principle like from a first principal standpoint in physics it it does make a lot of sense where if you're more error tolerant in that way like the big advantage of digitization
over analog computers if you were to go back to the 1940s and explain to like why they should bet on one horse and not another has to do with error propagation and so in this case if kind of don't care about that cuz everything's just a matter of soft Association anyway I'll believe it I am as curious as you are to understand why that's not the case my best guess or why they haven't you know like replaced it it's just that there there's so much smart mind power that's gone towards optimizing the living Christ out
of matrix multiplication in a in you know a digital context that it's just hard to catch up with that even if something's going to be better from like a first principal standpoint there there's such a head start on on on that one I but if if you find someone with a clearer answer you know send that answer my way because I'm I'm as curious as you are do we have a question in Zoom no we have we have one more good yeah yes thanks for trying it three times to come here and actually doing it
this time uh my question is about tokenization and images you briefly mentioned and text and sound are basically one dimension in some sense because you read from left to right or you listen through time but images are inherently two dimensional and I would argue that the pixels above and below are more important than the one at the end of the current pixel row so how could you tokenize that into a nice yeah so I guess um there's two things there one is the tokenization and one is how the attention will work there I mean the
tokenization um Loosely speaking you'd want to think of it as like little patches of the image are going to be the tokens and then you have some notion of positional encoding that will encode that not just the X position but also the Y position so that the vector that embeds that patch kind of knows where it is and can use that for associations um but as I understand it the naive way of doing that you're just going to end up with either way too many tokens or tokens that are way too small because if you
think of kind of the resolution of an image and wanting tokens to be ones that like show up decently often you you you would just end up with something that bloats the network a lot so you have to get a little bit clever but like in principle it's just the patches and then for how they talk to each other you know there's various different things where you can mask the attention so that it first does it columnwise and then does it rowwise or something like that but there's um as I understand it like not not
one single way of going about it but in all cases it does do something that appreciates your point where it's two dimensional and the way that you'd see that is usually in the positional encoding I think that was the last question okay Grant um thank you very much everyone for coming this is this is delightful to actually be here
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