now I want you to ask yourself a question how many times have you put others before yourself how many times have you abandon yourself in the Name of Love Duty or fear of rejection perhaps you haven't even noticed but each time you prioritize others needs above your own you stray a little further from your true Essence and without realizing it you lose energy you lose the connection with what you really need Kong said that until we make the unconscious conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate and in this moment right
here and now I invite you to become aware of something essential you cannot heal if you don't prioritize yourself I'm Jordy and I'm here to accompany you on this journey to your healing I'll see you in our next encounter close your eyes breathe deeply inhale through your nose exhale slowly through your mouth feel the air entering your body expanding your chest filling you with calm and as you exhale release the weight of tension of worries of everything that has distanced you from yourself This Moment belongs only to you there is no rush there are no
demands only you breathing connecting returning to your essence take another deep breath allow this truth to settle within you you are important you deserve to give yourself the same love the same dedication the same patience that you give to others maybe you grew up thinking that caring for yourself first is selfish but what if it's just the opposite what if by prioritizing Yourself by giving yourself Love by listening to yourself you truly begin to heal think about it you can give from an empty cup you can't support others if you don't first support yourself now
I want you to imagine a scale in front of you on one side all that you give your energy your time your efforts your love and on the other side what you receive is it balanced or do you sense that the weight of your giving has tipped the scale too far in One Direction today in this space we're going to start changing that we we're going to restore balance remind yourself that you're the center of your own life prioritizing yourself does not mean distancing yourself from others but rather getting closer to who you truly are
so let go of any guilt any belief that made you feel that self-care is a selfish act today you choose to see yourself today you choose to give yourself the love you deserve imagine that you're in a Serene luminous space a place where time seems to stand still where there are no worries only a profound sense of Peace in front of you appears a large golden mirror framed with subtle details that reflect the light warmly you approach it slowly and as you do you feel A tingle on your skin as though the air around you
were charged with energy now you stop in front of the mirror and look up for the first time you observe yourself self with total presence without distractions without judgment you look steadily at the person who looks back at you who is that what do you see in their eyes perhaps you notice a hint of weariness of struggle of all those times you've put others before yourself or maybe you feel a spark of light a flame that though faint remains lit inside you I want you to take a moment to observe every detail of your reflection
the expression on your face the energy your body emits no rush no fear this is you truly you without filters without masks just you in your purest essence as you keep looking at yourself something extraordinary happens the mirror begins to transform what was once just a superficial reflection now becomes a deeper vision of yourself you no longer see only the image of your physical body you see beyond it you see your history your emotions your dreams you see the strength that has been within you all this time you see the person you deserve to be
the person you already are in the depth of your being suddenly a soft golden light begins to emerge from the mirror it's warm enveloping and it slowly surrounds you you feel its energy caressing your skin as if every cell in your body were absorbing its power this light doesn't just illuminate your exterior it's entering every corner of your being filling you with love acceptance and healing feel how this light rests on your head dispelling any thoughts of self-criticism or doubt it travels gently across your face relaxing every muscle allowing you to feel in total harmony
with yourself it goes down your neck your shoulders releasing any accumulated tension any emotional burden you've been carrying the light continues its path expanding over your your chest wrapping your heart in a deep healing warmth any emotional Pain any sadness from the past begins to melt in its Radiance feel how self- love grows within you feeling the spaces once occupied by doubt and guilt for now this light spreads through your arms your hands reminding you that you have the power to create to hold to support yourself it travels down your abdomen strengthening your Center giving
you security and balance it continues down your legs to your feet connecting you to the Earth to reality to the present take a deep breath feel how every part of your being is vibrating with this renewing energy at this moment there is no lack no fear there is only love love for yourself for all that you've been for all that you are in the process of becoming now I want you to look again at the mirror what you see has changed it's no no longer just an image it's an affirmation it's a reminder that you
are enough that you're worthy that your value doesn't depend on anything or anyone else this healing light that wraps around you is now part of you it has always been there and now you recognize it Place one hand over your heart and mentally repeat I accept myself I love myself I prioritize myself feel these words resonate within you flooding every cell of your body allow yourself to embrace them to integrate them into every part of your being I accept every part of myself even those I once feared to acknowledge because in integrating my shadow I
discover my true strength each day I draw closer to my true self shedding the masks that society and my fears have created my unconscious is a vast universe filled with answers and I choose to explore it with courage and love that which I don't make conscious will run my life in the dark so I illuminate every corner of my being with attention and understanding I'm not seeking Perfection but wholeness because only by integrating my light and My Shadow do I find true peace every experience in my life no matter how challenging is an opportunity for
the evolution and expansion of my Consciousness I do not run from my fears I face them observe them and transform them into allies for my growth all that I judge in others is a reflection of something I have yet to understand in myself and I choose to see it with compassion my destiny is not written by external forces but by my ability to make the unconscious conscious and choose my path as I allow myself to feel my deepest emotions I break free from the chains of the past and reclaim my power I recognize myself as
the creator of My reality and by transforming my inner world I transform my outer life healing is not about forgetting the past but rather seeing it with new eyes and finding its purpose in my journey whatever I resist in myself persists but all that I accept becomes a new source of power my shadow is not my enemy it is the gateway to a deeper understanding of myself I free myself from the need to be ex accepted by others and choose to live in congruence with my Essence my unconscious is my Ally and each night while
I sleep I work on my inner Evolution and healing I allow myself to question my beliefs because only through doubt do I discover new truths that help me expand my purpose is not outside me waiting it's within me emerging as I discover myself true Freedom doesn't lie in external circumstances but in my ability to choose my response to them my past does not define my future my present is the only moment from which I can transform my life every emotion I feel has a message for me I choose to listen to it it rather than
repress it I free myself from the control that past traumas have had over me and choose to write a new story for my life I do not fear my darkness by embracing it I discover the light that has always been within me I am not a prisoner of my automatic patterns by making them conscious I free them and allow myself to choose again I allow myself to be vulnerable because in the honesty of my emotions I find my greatest strength all that I seek in the out World already resides within me waiting to be recognized
there is no mistake or failure on my path only lessons guiding me to a deeper understanding of myself each day I observe myself with more love and understanding knowing that my growth is a sacred process the shadow I fear holds the most valuable treasure of my true Essence I am not here to repeat the past but to transcend it and create a life aligned with my Truth at every moment I have the power to rewrite my destiny because I am the author of my story my shadow is not the enemy it's the part of me
that longs to be seen understood and loved my intuition is a powerful guide and each day I learn to listen to it with greater Clarity I allow myself to rest in uncertainty knowing that life always guides me to where I must be I am not limited by what my rational mind deems possible I open myself to the Infinity of my being I do not fear change I embrace it as an opportunity to expand and evolve by Illuminating my shadow I regain the energy I once used to repress it my path is in linear and that's
okay every detour is an opportunity for Learning and growth everything that happens to me is a reflection of my inner world and by transforming it I transform my reality I open myself to the possibility of discovering aspects of myself I once feared acknowledging for in each fragment of my being I find a hidden treasure no part of me needs to be rejected every emotion every thought every impulse is a message from my unconscious awaiting to be heard transformation does not happen through denial but through integration therefore I choose to embrace all that I am with
love and understanding each day I allow myself to know myself more deeply without fearing what I might find because every Discovery brings me closer to my truth I am not separate from the universe every cell of my body vibrates in synchronicity with the totality of existence I am not defined by my wounds they are the steps that have led me to expansion and growth I free myself from the fear of others judgment because the only judgment that truly matters is my own deep inside me dwells an infinite wisdom guiding me in each step of my
path my unconscious speaks to me through symbols and dreams and each day I become more receptive to its messages peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to find Harmony amidst chaos I do not seek to remove my shadow but to know it to dialogue with it and to let it show me what I still need to integrate life is a journey of self-discovery and every challenge is an opportunity to get to know myself more deeply I am not afraid of my contradictions within them lie keys to my growth my purpose in life
is not to please others but to become the most authentic version of myself I do not fear emotional pain I know it's a teacher showing me the path toward my Evolution every emotion I experience is valid and carries a message for me and I choose to listen with love healing is not linear and I allow myself to progress at my own pace without comparing myself to others I am not a victim of my story I am the protagonist of my transformation my mind reflects my inner world and by changing my thoughts I transform my reality
the shadow I fear holds within it the key to my true freedom I am not my thoughts or my emotions I am the conscious Observer who can choose how to respond to them I allow myself to challenge my beliefs because only by confronting them do I discover new truths that expand me life brings me learning opportunities in every EXP experience and I choose to receive them with gratitude integrating my light and my shadow makes me a complete authentic being there are no good or bad emotions each one is an expression of my Human Experience and
deserves to be honored my subconscious mind is my Ally and I work in harmony with it to manifest my well-being authenticity is my greatest wealth when I show myself as I truly am the universe responds with abundance I allow myself to feel without judgment because each emotion is a messenger helping me understand myself better I do not seek to escape my Shadows but to illuminate them with the light of my awareness each day I choose to sew thoughts and emotions that nurture my growth and expansion I am not seeking external approval my internal validation is
enough to guide me I allow myself to trust my intuition because within it reside the purest voice of my inner wisdom freedom is not in escaping suffering but in understanding it and transforming it into learning I do not seek to attain Perfection but to embrace the beauty of my ongoing Evolution my unconscious is a treasure of knowledge and each day I choose to explore its secrets with love and courage I choose awareness over unconsciousness in integration over fragmentation love over fear today I allow myself to be completely me without fear without guilt without reservations breathe
deeply feel how the air enters your body filling you with energy and as you exhale release any resistance any tension any belief that still makes you doubt your own worth today let go of that old belief that you must wear yourself out for others today understand that when you put yourself first you aren't depriving anyone you are adding you are elevating your energy allowing your well-being to expand into all areas of your life feel how each Breath You Take freeze you a bit more you let go of guilt let go of the need to justify
why you deserve self-care you don't need permission to prioritize yourself you don't need external validation you only need to remember that you too are worthy of love of rest of peace now I want you to visualize in front of you a chord that has kept you tied to those limiting beliefs the chord represents all those times you you have placed yourself second all those times you said yes when you wanted to say no all those times you silenced your truth so as not to inconvenience anyone observe that core examine it closely and now in your
your mind or even out loud say these words I free myself from the belief that I must harm myself so that others can be happy I release the guilt of prioritizing myself and embrace my right to self-care I let go of the fear of disappointing others and honor my own truth as you say these words imagine that the core dissolves no longer binding you no longer limiting you feel the relief the lightness the freedom of being completely you without guilt or constraints now Place one hand on your heart in this moment you decide to establish
new boundaries not to distance yourself from others but to draw nearer to yourself because each time you set a healthy boundary you choose yourself and when you choose yourself you teach others to respect you to Value you to see you for who you really are feel how your energy shifts your body is lighter your mind clearer your spirit more at peace you have made a powerful decision to be your own priority from now on you walk with firmness with confidence with selflove because you have understood that by healing Yourself by prioritizing Yourself by living in
Balance not only do you transform yourself you transform everything around you feel how each breath becomes more measured deeper wrapping you in an absolute sensation of calm and Tranquility there is no rush no demands only this moment this Sacred Space of rest you have granted yourself your body has fully relaxed every muscle every cell every part of you rests in Harmony in balance your mind feels clear light like it is floating in an ocean of infinite Serenity and your heart beats softly with the certainty that you have done something profound for yourself now take a
moment to thank yourself thank this moment of healing thank the love and compassion you have brought into yourself thank the decision to prioritize yourself to give yourself this space to listen to yourself feel how this gratitude wraps your entire being like a warm breeze caressing you from within it is a recognition of all that you are of all that you have healed of all that you have decided to release tonight quietly repeat to yourself I am worthy of my own love and care every day I choose myself with more awareness and love my rest is
sacred and I receive it with gratitude there is nothing more to do nothing more to resolve everything is in order everything is fine now simply surrender to rest allowing your body and mind to regenerate in the gentleness of the night and as you plunge into this deep restorative sleep feel how this sense of Peace becomes anchored in you like a seed of self-love that will continue to grow with every new dawn rest let go and surrender to this restful state that nurtures that heals that restores night surrounds you with its calm and you flow with
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