Russian Soldiers Mutilated by Unknown Entity

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situated deep in the remote forests of the corellian Wilderness on the Eastern side of the Finnish Soviet border we find a rock formation known as Mount volada but there was something strange about this mountain of Victory as the name roughly translates to the highest mountain in the region its Silhouette cut Stark against the twilight sky shrouded in an eerie Mist a Mist that curls like spectral fingers around what appear to be ancient stone formations large unbelievably heavy Boulders clearly shaped by man and carefully balanced to top smaller Stones thousands of years ago dozens of these
now lie weathered and pitted with age scattered across the mountain slopes in Curious formations that perhaps like the ancient pyramids defy explanation still further among these silent Stone Sentinels are the Crooked trees twisted and gnarled as if contorted by unseen forces the ancient pine trees in the area around 122 years old are only 2 m tall which is considered abnormally short for their age many of the Lakes dotting the surrounding area are also quite perplexing the locals refer ref to them as dead Lakes because there is nothing alive in them fish or otherwise so what
is it that makes this mountain so unusual among the Sami people the indigenous natives Mount vavar is whispered to be a portal a gateway to other Realms a threshold Between Worlds where the fabric of reality is at its thinnest sacred rights are still observed by those who remember the old ways paying homage to the spirits that are believed to dwell on the mountain many visitors report a profound sense of isolation and quiet when exploring Mount volara some say they can sense a palpable shift in the air a chill that seeps into the bones and a
sensation of being watched by unseen eyes and in the deepening winter of 1939 as the Red Army launched a fullscale offensive across the corellian border into Finland what would become known as the winter War these Russian men appear to have discovered a terrifying truth about these ancient beliefs perhaps this is merely a story of an ordinary Mountain where an unusually vicious pack of wild animals somehow slaughtered an entire company of heavily armed Russian soldiers or perhaps in the nature of all things unexplained it is something else this is the story of volara the Mountain of
death the Mist which hangs before you offers you a choice to pass through or to escape Beyond it are stories which defy explanation and fly in the face of what we know to be real it is a void of both reality and impossibility of both fact and Superstition you alone are left to discern what to believe as you pass through what we call the fog War imagine climbing a mountain to gain a tactical Advantage only to discover that the mountain is cursed while we may never find ourselves in the position of these unfortunate soldiers sadly
there are still unseen evils prowling in the shadows trying to find us have you ever tried Googling your own name I mean it's unnerving the amount of personal information that any two- bit scammer or weirdo can easily find online through these data brokers who are selling it that's why for some time now I've been using Aura the sponsor of today's video the Marine Corp made me sit through endless presentations on protecting my personal information and of course I don't want my information being sold fortunately Aura makes it easy showing me which data Brokers are selling
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line I value my family's privacy and you should absolutely value yours you can go to wartime stories to start your 2E free trial also link below in the description look data breaches like this are clearly becoming the norm these days you've got nothing to lose just by trying it out now back to our story [Music] [Music] on September 1st 1939 the world was again plunged into global conflict with tensions in Europe once more reaching a boiling point the forces of Nazi Germany crossed into Poland provoking the Allied powers of Britain and France to declare
war on their old foe the Soviet Union at this point in cahoots with Germany thanks to the molotov ribbon trop pact also partook in the conquest attacking the already overwhelmed poles from their eastern border as part of this agreement the two regimes would avoid hostilities and divide the conquered spoils between them however the Soviets were rightfully wary of their lofty German allies should Hitler turn his military against the Soviet Union Stalin sought to reinforce the vulnerable Leningrad area against push from German occupied territory the corellian ismos then a part of the sparsely populated nation of
Finland was seen as the ideal place to make such a push the fins long fearful of any sort of Soviet expansionism shot down every Russian attempt to negotiate the transfer of territory on November 1st 1939 the winter War would thus commence with a bombardment of the Finnish Capital Helsinki the country of of Finland was at this time a sparsely populated land of merely 4 million people characterized by its beautiful temperate forests lakes rivers marshlands remote settlements and harsh Winters Finland and its lightly armed troops found themselves squared up against the might of the Red Army
the Soviets attacked across the corellian ismos with 14 divisions totaling about 450,000 men including thousands of Tanks artillery pieces and aircraft the fins on the other hand while mustering a large force of reservists couldn't hope to match the numbers of the Soviet armor and Air Forces to any Soviet General comparing the numbers of the opposing forces a swift effortless Victory seemed virtually guaranteed however any student of History will tell you that huis is no stranger to the battlefield almost immediately the advancing Soviet forces were beset by logistical problems presented by both the harsh winter and
as well as the unique Finnish landscape between its remote towns and few small cities Finland is largely dominated by dense Woodlands the only way through them often being one or two winding roads now buried under feet of snow though largely outgun The Finnish troops were incredibly resourceful and used their familiarity with the terrain to effectively combat combat the densely packed Soviet formations perfectly camouflaged within the snow dusted woods and armed with a familiarity in Marksmanship outdoor survival and skiing developed since the earliest days of Boyhood The Finnish troops turned these narrow paths into kill zones
the average Soviet soldier on the other hand was generally ill-prepared for the nature of winter Warfare aside from being poorly trained equipped and led by incompetent officers many of the Red Army soldiers weren't even issued a proper winter coat in an environment that regularly saw temperatures drop as low as 45° F many of these men would be claimed by Frost instead of finished bullets despite the ferocity of the Finnish resistance the Soviets through overwhelming numbers and sheer tenacity gradually advanced in the corellian region with their slow tedious push into finished territory the Soviets came into
contact with not only the Finnish civilians who had yet to evacuate but with the indigenous Sami peoples well rooted in corellia Long predating the modern states of Europe the Sami peoples are indigenous to Scandinavian and Nordic countries their nomadic populations spread amongst Denmark Norway Sweden and Finland the corellian region in particular hosts a plethora of archaeological evidence tracing the presence of ancient Sami peoples as far back as as 8,000 years much at odds with their Christian finished counterparts and the unwelcome arrival of their communist neighbors the Sami held firm to their ancestral beliefs while one
could label their religious Outlook as something akin to paganism a more accurate description of Sami Faith would be that of animism a subform of shamanism the Sami believed that all of Earth's physical elements from its animals rocks and plants possess a life force all their own a Divine Soul worthy of reverence and respect the Sami people lived handin hand with the natural world around them believing wholeheartedly that if they respected the earth and its many entities they in turn would be rewarded with Nature's Bounty however as it was and is the tragic reality of so
many indigenous peoples the Sami their way of life and beliefs were scoffed at on both sides of the battle line for nearly two months the Soviet forces while making incremental gains had endured a humiliating stalemate at the hands of a stout numerically inferior finished defense now in late December of 1939 and marginally better prepared for the Tactical and environmental situation the Red Army sought to launch fresh offensives into the corellian region west of the kala River in order to get eyes on the finished lines in the area the Soviet looked to secure an elevated position
from which they could Recon the enemy defenses with an elevation of 1,369 Ft giving it a commanding view of the surrounding area the mountain of volara seemed like the ideal candidate for an observation post however when speaking with the local Sami people far better acquainted with the territory than their occupiers the Russians were met with concerned looks and a series of ominous warnings volara they said was an evil place in stark contrast to the surrounding landscape covered in a lush expanse of temperate forest life it seemed had a strange aversion to volara the Mountaintop plays
host to a desolate ecosystem one that even the lowly insects seem to avoid ugly mangled trees forc their way through the Earth their branches Twi twisted and gnarled by the hand of an unknown influence the scattered ponds and small lakes nearby the mountain are likewise devoid of any life failing to host anything from tadpoles to seaweed voltar's most interesting or perhaps unnerving feature however comes in the form of many intricately cut perfectly balanced rock formations known to the Sami as SAS with their faith largely anchored around worshiping the natural world the Sami believed that such
prominent rock formations served as dwellings to powerful entities with the mountain playing host to numerous SAS and at least at one point finding itself at the intersecting point of raineer and fish migrations It is believed that volara was once a very sacred place a Holy Ground where Sami people in preparation for the hunting and fishing Seasons would appeal to the Gods both in prayer and ritual sacrifice if satisfied the gods would bestow Good Fortune upon the hunters the spirits that dwell upon vavar so said the Sami didn't take kindly to Outsiders if the Soviets didn't
plan to respect the very Earth they were to ascend the finnished troops would be the very least of their problems unsurprisingly the Soviet officers paid little attention to the folklore of what they interpret Ed to be an archaic backwards way of life with orders to establish an observation post from which they could observe the finished lines a company of 100 men from the Soviet 8th Army set out ahead of their main force with the Mountain's elevation giving it a commanding view of the area at least one tactically competent Soviet officer must have had this nagging
thought given their close proximity why hadn't the fins chosen to Garrison the heights of Mount bavara since early man started to develop the first Battle Tactics taking the highest point in the battle space has always been seen as a cardinal rule in strategy so why were the fins okay with letting them secure the area's highest Vantage Point completely unopposed regardless of whether their decision was tactical or otherwise the fins dug in nearby watched as the Soviet troops meandered their way at top The High Ground looming over them with many Sami men and descendants having volunteered
or having been conscripted into the ranks of the Finnish Army the significance and lore of the mountain before them was by no means lost as they willingly gave away the elevated position to their opponents the fins perhaps for the first time in the history of warfare were glad to be looking up at their enemy and one cold night as the low winter sun dipped below the Horizon their feelings were soon validated you always make it too strong I make it the way I like it good your Bly aing if I drink this muck you made
I will be Bing then I'll be truly insufferable is this you being tolerable bite me I bet the Reds have better cry the hell who the hell is that do we have people over there no no I I don't think so the captain ordered us to stay put [Music] despite finished leadership ordering their troops to hold in place at the bottom of the mountain their lines were roused by what sounded like a brutal confrontation playing out a top volara cutting through the Eerie Stillness of the night gunfire explosions and screams of panic echoed from The
Mountaintop it sounded as if chaos had broken out within the Soviet position the unhen Ed spraying of guns and lobbing of grenades wasn't meant for the fins but for a threat that was somehow in and amongst the Soviet troops for two consecutive nights the fins listened as the Soviets did battle with an unknown enemy their screams and gunfire ominously waning with each passing hour finally at some point on that second night the mountain fell silent with Dawn mercifully breaking Over the Horizon the fins perplexed by the unruly behavior of their enemy decided that it was
time to get eyes on the Soviet position setting out across no man's land a small finnished scouting party Advanced towards the looming slopes of the mountain beginning their cautious Ascent to its peak as the scouts slowly but steadily made their way up the mountain face a complete lack of security or any sign of enemy activity in general set the men's nerves on edge where were the Soviet observation posts or snipers the telltale signs of lumbering equipment shovels breaking ground and officers barking orders surely now being so close to the peak they draw some unwanted attention
or at the very least hear the unaware enemy going about their business but according to their journal entries that wasn't the case save for the wind howling through the dead trees looming Stones vavar was unnervingly quiet gripping their weapons tight the scouts prepared for the final steps that would take them at top the mountain Plateau what they discovered would only deepen the mystery in a most horrifying stomach churning way the Finnish troops had located their enemy what was left of them anyway all 100 men had been massacred over the expanse of the Mountaintop the Bloods
splattered scene painted a Grizzly image of fear and Desperation in their final moments some of the Soviets looked as if they had attempted to flee before being struck down others more disturbingly still firmly clutched the Firearms with which they had taken their own lives as horrifying as it sounds it looked as if they were the lucky ones the majority of the Soviets met their end not by gunfire or explosives but by what the fins could only guess were the claws and fangs of a voracious Predator few of the Soviet bodies were fully intact with severed
Limbs and various inerts scattered carelessly amongst the mangled trees and Sacred Stones shimmering in the morning sun countless brass casings further signified the desperation of the Soviet defense despite their panicked resistance to whatever attacked them the scouts found no indication of Finnish casualties or the presence of friendly troops anywhere on the mountain someone or perhaps something had with animalistic blood lust ripped an entire company of armed men to pieces at top mount volovar [Music] [Music] the grizzly fate of the Recon company at top mount volara fell to the Wayside in the wake of renewed Soviet
offenses in the area during the latter half of December while the Finnish Army and Air Forces would continue to fight the Red Army with great tenacity the numerical and material advantages held by the Soviets would gradually wear down their stout Defense 3 months later in March of 1940 Finland would ultimately yield to Soviet demands surrendering much of the corellian region to the Soviet Juggernaut in June of 1941 Hitler would betray the non-aggression pact still in place between the Nazis and Soviets as operation Barbarosa drove German armies deep into the Russian motherland Finland now receiving direct
military aid from Germany launched its continuation war against the Soviets while reclaiming much of its native land from their enemy Soviet advances in 1944 would see the fins again pushed back to their 1940 borders now with corellia firmly in Soviet hands an uneasy peace settled over the vast remote region to the Sami people volara will always be a sacred and holy Place worthy of the utmost respect but to the Russians who now occupied the region and were aware of the Mountain's history a new moniker was coined Death Mountain as it stands today vavar is seen
as a sort of Hidden Gem for Russian hikers explorers and paranormal enthusiasts given its remote location access to the mountain is quite difficult however should one persevere in their track they'll be treated to the many odd remarkable sites of voltar's unique geography little if anything remains to attest to voltar's wartime history and its Associated myths however that certainly hasn't stop the flow of reports detailing the mountains various phenomena paranormal or otherwise some even go so far as to state that volara itself is a portal between Dimensions so where does this leave us with this particular
mystery did a supernatural Force residing at top the mountain really Massacre an entire company of Russian troops or if such an event did occur could a much more Earthly though equally terrifying culprit be responsible on both sides of the winter War large packs of Eurasian wolves were an everpresent concern at best the animals were a mere nuisance constantly drawn to the smells of cooking meat or rations radiating from the battle lines however those familiar with the reports of wolf attacks during The Frigid winter campaigns of European Wars will be well aware of just how dangerous
these animals can be when their desperate hunger finds them settling for a new kind of prey with the battle lines often intersecting with regional reindeer migration routes is it possible that with their usual prey being driven Away by the oncoming War The Wolves now prowling about their usual hunting grounds on empty stomachs decided to settle for human flesh often traveling and hunting in pxs of up to 24 a determined group of hungry wolves could certainly inflict casualties upon an unsuspecting inexperienced group of Soviet conscripts but a well-armed company of over a hundred men given the
horrific degree of damage found upon the bodies of the Soviet troops it has also been suggested that the company crossed paths with a larger sort of Predator the brown bear is a common site across Eurasia and North America while they are not known to be territorial brown bears may feel inclined to act in a more aggressive manner should they be competing for a food source likewise their temperament towards humans is often unpredictable though such animals will usually go to length to avoid human contact should they find themselves caught by surprise or otherwise threatened brown bear
bears are known to attack with vicious intent should a mother bear be acting in defense of her young cubs there are arguably few if any forces in corellia that would be able to stop her Rampage however be it an angry bear or a ravenous pack of wolves surely there would be an overwhelming surplus of evidence detailing such an attack Footprints feces dead bodies of the attacking animals or other indications would almost certainly be littered all over the grizzly scene eily enough this was reportedly not the case The Finnish men who ascended vavar each with a
lifetime's experience of hunting and tracking couldn't find a single piece of evidence detailing the involvement of any known animal the mystery of Death Mountain is a little explored Tale in the realm of wartime Oddities after all when set event takes place in the shadow of Mankind's largest and most terrible conflict it's easy for things to get swept under the rug while it certainly wasn't uncommon for entire companies of men to be wiped out or vanish during the dark frigid days of the winter War the volara incident certainly lends itself well to Theory and speculation both
grounded and outlandish so what did kill those men at top the desolate Mountain Plateau a hungry pack of wolves willing to settle for human meat a bear protecting its young or perhaps something as rational as Renegade Finnish troops taking matters into their own hands none of these truly seem to fit the scene described something that attacked the men over a period of 2 days days something so horrible it would lead men to fire wildly while screaming and to fearfully take their own lives as they watched their comrades being ripped apart if we allow ourselves to
consider it perhaps it was the very thing the Sami people warned the Soviets of just before setting off on their fateful track up the mountain perhaps the presence of so many men foreign to the Mountain's sacred grounds offended something far more terrifying than even wolves or Bears or we might conclude a possible combination of spiritual and natural forces in the realm of native lore even in Christian scripture and in the scope of the sami's ancient beliefs the possession of animals by Spirits is not at all unheard of Sami Legends consist of many strange entities that
are interestingly consistent with other ancient natives from other continents things like Giants and there was another unnatural being they speak of something they call stalo a being that possesses the ability they say to change its appearance to take on the form of either human or animal something other native cultures might translate to skinwalker hey guys thanks for sticking around for the after action here um well there is not much of an after action on this one I I really after reading through this story you know kind of looking over whatever I could find about this
particular Mountain it's obviously I don't know if it's like a Stonehenge kind of thing right with these rock formations um it's got a lot of significance with the Local Natives the Sami people I you know what one interesting thought is that I never really gave it any thought that there would be native people living in Scandinavia in the way that the Native Americans are considered native people so that was an interesting point uh to learn in the making of this story and to consider that they have very similar Legends and potentially these things are tied
to interactions that their ancestors have had in the past with entities or creatures or things like that again just very interesting in the same way that you can have two different people serving in two different militaries different countries let's say reporting having similar experiences in different parts of the world whether it be spiritual these sort of creature experiences UFOs other things like that just very very interesting and I'm sure we may explore this in future with other cultures with the more of these sort of weird stories and weird encounters that we explore the more I
get a a rounded sense that a lot of these things might be the same thing as far as diversity is concerned these are the same entities being seen in different locations around the world it's just entirely contingent upon the country where they're being seen that it's being given a different name or a different description or identity so again very interesting but that being said thank you for listening thank you for watching stay tuned for the next episode we've got some exciting news coming uh and I hope you guys are looking forward to more stories as
we get more people involved with the production process and and helping speed all this up a huge shout out as always to my supporters patreon YouTube channel members uh people who support the channel through buying merchandise and other ways you guys have been a huge help getting us to this point so thank you so much I sincerely appreciate your ongoing support may God be with you no matter what you are dealing with and I will see you in the next episode
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