Master English Listening with Engaging Conversations and Stories

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English Easy Practice
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Video Transcript:
[Music] hey guys welcome back to the English easy practice channel are you ready to improve your English skills through real life conversations listening practice is the key to speaking English fluently we're here to make it easy for you in today's video we've got something special for you immersive daily English conversations that will sharpen your listening abilities this listening practice will broaden your vocabulary with common Expressions used in everyday speech repetition is key so feel free to watch this video a few times more so you can learn English vocabulary and phrases deeply until you use them
automatically you can change the video speed if you need to just click the gear icon below and slow down the video speed for a better understanding ready to dive into the world of spoken English let's get started and let the Learning Adventure begin [Music] hey did you hear about Mark he got a promotion at work no way that's awesome news what's his new position he's the new team leader can you believe it I'm so happy for him wow Mark totally deserves it he's been working so hard lately how did he find out when he told
me that the boss called him into the office this morning Mark said he was nervous thinking he had done something wrong but then bam promotion that's fantastic I'm all ears tell me more what are his new responsibilities he'll be overseeing the team's projects and helping everyone stay on track it's a big step up but I know he's up for the challenge I bet he is and you know what I'm all ears for any office gossip spill the beans all right I also heard they're planning a surprise celebration for Mark this Friday it's going to be
a blast Count Me In we need to get him a congratulatory card or something what do you think great idea let's make it a memorable one I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture if you like this video give it a thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button to receive more like it in the [Music] future hey guys how's it going not too shabby Lily just catching up on some work you same here just surviving The Daily Grind by the way have you seen the new iPhone it's pretty cool oh really I've been thinking about getting a
new phone is it worth it well it's got some cool features but it costs an arm and a leg yeah seriously I was checking it out online and the price tag nearly knocked me out yikes maybe I'll stick with my old one for a while can't be spending that much right now smart move Lily I mean who needs a phone that costs an arm and a leg right exactly I'd rather save that money for a nice vacation or something totally agree let's plan a getaway soon then something that won't cost us any limbs sounds like
a plan maybe a weekend road trip C me in just as long as it doesn't cost us any body [Music] parts [Music] hey Mark how's it going not bad just dealing with work stuff how about you crazy busy I've got this project due tomorrow oh that sounds stressful need any help thanks but I'm good just wish there were more hours in a day I get that by the way did you catch that new movie not yet I'm in a rush lately how was it awesome we should plan a movie night when you're free definitely let's
make it happen got to run now talk to you later sure thing take care and don't let the deadlines get to you too [Music] much hey Lily Mark what's up hey Sarah not much just dealing with a mountain of paperwork yeah work's been crazy lately I'm swamped with deadlines I feel you both my inbox is like a NeverEnding Story and I'm buried under emails can't catch a break I tried taking a break but it feels like I'm sinking how about we grab some coffee this weekend a little escape from the chaos coffee sounds perfect I
need a caffeine boost to survive C me in a coffee break is just what I need great we'll find a cozy spot to relax and catch up it'll be a nice break from being swamped with [Music] work [Music] Sarah guess what I'm exhausted oh no Lily not you two what happened work has been a roller coaster this week I've been juggling so many things that my brain feels like mush H I can relate it's like we're stuck in a NeverEnding Loop of tasks and responsibilities exactly I feel like I need a pause button just to
catch my breath tell me about it yesterday I had so many meetings I thought my head was going to explode meetings are the worst sometimes it feels like we're talking just for the sake of talking I know right but hey let's not drown in our exhaustion how about we plan a chill weekend to recharge our batteries that's a brilliant idea a movie night or even a lazy Sunday brunch could do wonders for us perfect Let's Escape the craziness and focus on some good vibes and [Music] laughter [Music] hey Mike how's it going hey Emily I'm
good thanks I've been trying to improve my English you know awesome you're in the right place so how's it going so far yeah I've been thinking I'm reading my text textbooks a lot I know my grammar and my English grades are good but I still struggle to speak fluently it's like I hit a wall I get it speaking is a whole different game but you're not alone many students face this so let me spill the secret it's all about listening listening really absolutely listening is the key to speaking excellent English it's like magic for your
language skills but I learned English in school with textbooks yeah that's the thing in school we use our eyes a lot but to speak like a native you got to use your ears more listen listen listen so what should I listen to easy and interesting stuff children's programs audio books and even simple shows you want to understand at least 95% without a dictionary sounds doable and hey do you have any recommendations absolutely check out the English easy practice YouTube channel they've got daily English conversations and short stories perfect for your listening practice that sounds great
great I'll definitely subscribe awesome and for a bit more head over to englishy they've got audio lessons using the listen and answer method download the short story lessons and start listening to them every day nice I'll check check it out perfect Mike happy listening and happy learning you got this thanks Emily I'll see you [Music] around hit that like button subscribe and remember the comment section is your playground for practicing those new expressions [Music] team I've got exciting news I found this cooking class where we can learn to make gourmet dishes what do you
think gourmet dishes I can barely make toast without burning it I'm not exactly a culinary genius either but it could be fun what's in the venue everything from Italian pasta to Sushi it's a culinary World Tour Sushi I've never even attempted to make that isn't it complicated that's the beauty of it we learn together and if it goes south at least we'll have a good story fair enough Count Me In but let's promise not to start a kitchen fire agreed I don't want to be the one explaining to the firefighters that our attempt at Sushi
went wrong no fires I promise now the classes on Saturday afternoon we can grab coffee before and mentally prepare for our gourmet Adventure sounds like a plan but Lily do they have a class ask for those of us with questionable knife skills I see what you mean Sarah I'm sure they'll start with the basics Safety First shopping second I can already picture our gourmet Creations prepare for the most unique sushi rolls in town even if they look a bit unconventional as long as they taste good we've seed it agreed let's embark on this culinary journey
together I'm ready for gour me greatness and if it goes wrong we can always order takeout and pretend it never happened that's the spirit Mark get ready for a day of culinary Adventures [Music] Mark I accidentally spilled coffee on your favorite book I'm so sorry oh no really that book means a lot to me I know I know I feel terrible I'll buy you a new one it's not just about the book Lily it had sentimental value my grandma gave it to me I had no idea I'm really sorry Mark it's not a big deal
Lily accidents happen let's just be more careful next time thank thanks for being understanding Mark I still want to make it right though you know what how about we find a way to fix it together maybe there's a book binding Workshop or something that's a great idea I didn't know you could fix books well I don't either but we can try it's not a big deal but it would mean a lot if we could Salvage it definitely I appreciate your kindness Mark friends help each other out right it's not a big deal really thanks Mark
I'm lucky to have a friend like [Music] you [Music] have you guys seen the news about the upcoming changes in the city's public transportation no I haven't what's changing they're planning to introduce a new bus route that connects the suburbs more efficiently I might help with a commute that sounds promising I spend so much time Comm muting every day yeah same here it's about time they made improvements and they're considering adding more bike Lanes too it could be a game changer for cyclists that's a good point it would encourage more people to use bikes promoting
a healthier and eco-friendly lifestyle true I've been thinking about biking to work this might be the push I need also they're planning to extend the metro line it'll make it easier to get around the city without relying too much on cars that's fantastic news it could reduce traffic congestion I agree it's about time they invested in improving public transportation that's a good point Lily definitely let's hope these changes make a positive impact on the city [Music] hi Sarah how are you doing I'm good thanks how about you I'm doing well too hey do you want
to go to the park this weekend H I'm not sure I think I have to study for my math test oh I see when is your test it's on Monday well we could go to the park on Sunday morning and then you could study in the afternoon what do you think I'm not sure I don't want to be too tired for the test that's true maybe it's better if you just study on Sunday we can go to the park another time yeah that sounds like a good idea thanks for understanding no problem good luck with
your test thanks all needed you're welcome hey what are you studying in math right now we're learning about fractions and decimals oh I remember those they can be tricky do you want me to help you study that would be great thanks no problem we can study together on Saturday and you can review it by yourself on Sunday sounds good to me thanks again Lily anytime Sarah that's what friends are [Music] for remember watching this video a couple of times more you will improve your English skills [Music] quickly there was a young Baker named Sarah with
dreams of creating the perfect cake she was known for her passion for baking and loved experimenting with new recipes one day she decided to bake a cake for her best friend's birthday but things didn't go as planned Sarah started by mixing up the flour sugar and eggs but when she reached for vanilla extract she accidentally grabbed a bottle of hot sauce [Applause] instead she didn't notice her mistake until the cake was already in the oven when the cake was finally ready she couldn't wait to see her friend's reaction [Applause] as they took the first bite
their faces turned bright red and they gasped for water the cake was incredibly [Music] spicy they burst into laughter and Sarah felt embarrassed about her cake mishap her friend assured her that it was the most unforgettable birthday cake ever they continued to enjoy the spicy cake sipping water between bites and sharing stories of the hilarious cake catastrophe from that day on Sarah became known for her spicy cake and embraced her baking blunder she learned that even mistakes can lead to wonderful memories and lots of laughter making the cake catastrophe a legendary tale among their friends
who is the main character in the story Sarah the main character in the story is Sarah was she a carpenter no she wasn't a carpenter she was a baker what was Sarah's passion baking Sarah's passion was baking did she love experimenting with new recipes yes she did she loved experimenting with new recipes what was the occasion for which Sarah wanted to bake a cake her best friend's birthday she wanted to bake a cake for her best friend's birthday did she bake a perfect and delicious cake no she didn't bake a perfect and delicious cake because
things didn't go as planned what ingredient did Sarah accidentally use in her cake hot sauce she accidentally used hot sauce in her cake did she notice her mistake no she didn't notice her mistake in continued baking was the cake sweet no it wasn't the cake wasn't sweet it was incredibly spicy what was the friend's reaction to the cake they turned red and gased asped for water what did Sarah feel after her baking mishap embarrassed she felt embarrassed was she happy after her baking mishap no she wasn't happy she was ashamed she was embarrassed how did
the friend react to the spicy cake they burst into laughter did they laugh yes they laughed a lot they burst into laughter what did they use to cool down the spiciness of the cake water they used water what was the friend's opinion of the cake they found it Unforgettable what did Sarah's friends think of the cake mishap they thought it was hilarious did Sarah's friends enjoy the cake despite its spiciness yes they continued to eat it what did the friend and Sarah do while eating the cake they shared stories and laughed how did Sarah feel
about her spicy cake afterward she embraced it as a unique baking experience what did the story teach us about making mistakes mistakes can lead to wonderful memories and laughter what kind of cake was Sarah trying to bake a birthday cake who was the cake meant for her best friend the cake was for Sarah's best friend did Sarah put vanilla extract into the cake no she didn't she didn't put vanilla extract what did Sarah accidentally grab instead of vanilla extract a bottle of hot sauce what was the friend's initial reaction when they tasted the cake they
turned red how did the friend react to the spicy cake they laughed what did Sarah's friend think about the Cake's spiciness they found it Unforgettable how did Sarah feel about her cake mishap she was embarrassed at first did they drink drink milk to cool down the spiciness of the cake no they didn't drink milk they drank water to cool down the spiciness of the cake what did they do while eating the spicy cake they shared stories and laughed what did Sarah love to do baking she loved baking what was the reason for Sarah's cake baking
her best friend's birthday what ingredient did Sarah mistakenly use hot sauce There was a little boy named Timmy what was the boy's name the boy's name was Timmy was Timmy a little girl no Timmy was a little boy his name was Timmy was his name Sarah no his name wasn't Sarah it was Timmy Timmy loved animals what did Timmy have a special love for Timmy had a special love for animals did Timmy like cars more than animals no he didn't he didn't like cars more than animals he liked animals more than cars he had a
dog named buddy did Timmy have a pet yes he did Timmy had a pet what kind of pet a dog he had a dog named Buddy what was the dog's name the dog's name was buddy did Timmy have a cat named Buddy no he didn't have a cat he had a dog named buddy not a cat Timmy and Buddy played together every day who did Timmy spend time with every day Timmy spent time with his dog but buddy every day did Timmy and Buddy only play together on weekends no not on weekends only they played
together every day what did Timmy and Buddy do together they played together and had fun every day but one day buddy ran away did buddy stay with Timmy forever no one day buddy ran away how did Timmy feel when buddy ran away Timmy felt sad when buddy ran away did Buddy run towards Timmy no buddy ran away from Timmy Timmy was very sad was Timmy happy when buddy was with him yes he was happy when buddy was with him did Timmy smile when he was [Music] sad no he didn't smile when he was sad he
decided to look for buddy what did Timmy choose to do when buddy ran away he decided to look for buddy did he decide to look for ice cream no he didn't he decided to look for buddy not ice cream did he give up on finding buddy no he didn't give up he wanted to find buddy Timmy asked his mom for help who did Timmy turn to for assistance his mom Timmy asked his mom for help did he ask his teacher for help no he didn't he didn't ask his teacher for help did Timmy ask Buddy
for help no he asked his mom for help Not Buddy his mom said let's make lost dog Flyers what did Timmy's mom suggest doing to find buddy she suggested making lost dog Flyers did Timmy's mom suggest making a cake no she suggested making flyers not a cake what did the Flyers say the Flyers said lost dog they made colorful Flyers with Buddy's picture what did they put on the Flyers they put Buddy's picture on the Flyers were the Flyers plain or colorful they were colorful Flyers was there a cat's picture on the Flyers no there
wasn't there wasn't a cat's picture whose picture was there on the Flyers Buddy's picture was on the colorful Flyers Timmy and his mom went around the neighborhood to hang up the Flyers where did they go with the Flyers they went around the neighborhood did they stay at home with the Flyers no they went out and hung up the flyers in the neighborhood who helped Timmy hang up the Flyers Timmy's mom helped him hang up the Flyers many people saw the Flyers and promised to help find buddy did anyone see the Flyers yes many people saw
the Flyers what did these people promised to do they promised to help find buddy did people ignore the Flyers no they didn't ignore them they wanted to help Timmy felt a little better how did Timmy feel after people promised to [Music] help he felt a little better was he completely happy no he wasn't complet completely happy but he felt a little better now he just had to wait and hope for Buddy to come back what did Timmy have to do next he had to wait and hope for Buddy to come back did he have have
to search for buddy anymore no now he just had to wait and hope what was he waiting for he was waiting for Buddy to come back one day while Timmy was at the park he heard a bark where was Timmy when he heard the bark Timmy was at the park what did he hear at the park he heard a bark did he hear hear meowing no he didn't he didn't hear a meowing he heard a bark he turned around and saw a dog that looked just like buddy what did Timmy see when he turned around
he saw a dog that looked just like buddy who did this new dog resemble this new dog resembled buddy did Timmy see a cat that looked like buddy no he saw a [Music] dog Timmy approached the dog and said buddy is that you what did Timmy say to the dog Timmy said buddy is that you what was the dog's name that Timmy mentioned Timmy mentioned the name Buddy did the dog respond to Timmy you'll find out soon the dog wagged its tail and licked Timmy's hand how did the dog react to Timmy's words the dog
wagged its tail and licked Timmy's hand did the dog seem happy to see Timmy yes the dog seemed happy happy did the dog bite Timmy's hand no the Dog Licked Timmy's hand it didn't bite Timmy knew it was Buddy why did Timmy believe it was Buddy why did Timmy know that the dog was buddy Timmy knew it was buddy because of the dog's Behavior was Timmy sure it was Buddy yes he was sure it was buddy did Timmy think it was a different dog no Timmy was certain it was Buddy he was so excited to
find his lost friend how did Timmy feel when he found buddy he was excited to find his lost friend was Timmy sad anymore no he wasn't sad he was happy what did Timmy find at the park he found buddy at the park Timmy hugged buddy tightly and said I missed you so much what did Timmy do when he saw buddy Timmy hugged buddy tightly what did Timmy say to Buddy he said I missed you so much did Timmy ignore buddy no he didn't ignore buddy he hugged and talked to Buddy Buddy was happy to be
back with his friend Timmy how did Buddy feel about being with Timmy buddy was happy to be back with his friend Timmy was Buddy sad to be with Timmy no buddy was happy not sad did Buddy want to leave Timmy again no he wanted to to stay with Timmy Timmy and Buddy walked home together and Timmy thanked all the people who helped him look for buddy who did Timmy walk home with Timmy walked home home with Buddy what did Timmy do to show his gratitude he thanked all the people who helped him look for buddy
did Timmy walk home alone no buddy was with him Timmy and Buddy were now the happiest pair in the neighborhood how did Timmy and Buddy feel now they were now the happiest pair in the neighborhood were they sad anymore no they were no longer sad do they like being together yes they liked being together very much Timmy and Buddy spent every day together playing and having fun what did Timmy and Buddy do every day [Music] they spent every day together playing and having fun did they enjoy their time together yes they enjoyed their time together
very much one sunny day Timmy and Buddy found a lost kitten in the park what did Timmy and Buddy find on one sunny day they found a lost kitten in the park was it a lost puppy they found no it wasn't a puppy it was a lost kitten where did they find it they found it in the Park Timmy said we have to help the kitten find its family what did Timmy think they should do he thought they should help the kitten find its family did Timmy ignore the kitten no he wanted to help it
Timmy and bu asked around but no one knew where the kitten came from what did Timmy and Buddy do to find the kitten's family they asked around but no one knew where the kitten came from did they find the kitten's family easily no they couldn't find the family right away Timmy and Buddy decided to take care of the kitten until its family was found what did Timmy and Buddy decide to do for the kitten they decided to take care of the kitten did they leave the kitten alone no they took care of it did the
kittens stay with them yes it stayed with Timmy and Buddy days turned into weeks and the kitten became a part of their family did the kitten leave them after a few days no it didn't leave the kittens stayed with them it became a part of their family what happened to the kitten the kitten became a part of their family Timmy buddy and the kitten lived happily ever after how did they live they lived happily ever after did they live happily or sadly they lived happily did their story have a good ending yes it had a
good and happy ending in this story we are focusing on the present perfect tense so you can imagine that the story is happening right now and there are past events that matter to the present let's get started Peter has lived in Denver all his life he has gone to school in Denver he has worked in Denver he has never lived anywhere else today Peter has run errands Peter has been to the grocery store he has bought food for a party the party is for Peter's grandmother she has turned 100 years old Peter has brought most
of the food inside he has put the food into the refrigerator and Pantry but he has forgotten the cake he has left the cake in the car Peter starts cooking for the party lasagna has been his grandmother's favorite food all her life Peter has bought pasta tomato sauce ground beef cheese and spices for the lasagna he has turned the oven on Peter has finished preparing the lasagna he places the lasagna into the oven 30 minutes later the lasagna has baked Peter smells the lasagna he has done a good job suddenly Peter stops he stands up
straight he thinks he has forgotten something oh no he has forgotten the cake Peter runs to his car he opens the door he picks up the cake box he Peaks inside the cake has melted the frosting has dripped down the sides the birthday greeting has [Music] smeared 2 hours later the party has begun friends and family have gathered at Peter's house they have eaten the lasagna Peter has received many compliments for his cooking Peter has been nervous all through the party what will his grandmother think when she sees the cake the lights have been turned
out Peter has put candles on the cake he has lit the candles he walks with the cake to the table Peter's grandmother is shocked she looks at Peter she smiles she says this cake looks the same age as me she blows out the candles everyone enjoys the cake it is has been a great birthday [Music] party okay back to the beginning with questions has Peter lived in New York all his life no he hasn't he hasn't lived in New York all his life he is has lived in Denver all his life has Peter lived in
London all his life no he hasn't he hasn't lived in London all his life he has lived in Denver all his life where has Peter lived all his life Denver Peter has lived in Denver all his life how long has has Peter lived in Denver all his life Peter has lived in Denver all his life has Peter gone to school in New York no he hasn't Peter hasn't gone to school in New York he has gone to school in Denver where has Peter gone to school Denver Peter has gone to school in Denver has Peter
worked in London no he hasn't Peter hasn't worked in London he has worked in Denver where has Peter worked Denver Peter has worked in Denver has Peter lived anywhere else no he hasn't he has never lived anywhere else has Peter gone fishing today no he hasn't Peter hasn't gone fishing today today he has run errands has Peter exercised today today no he hasn't Peter has an exercise today today he has run errands what has Peter done today today Peter has run errands has Peter been to the park no he hasn't he hasn't been to the
park Park he has been to the grocery store has Peter been at school no he hasn't he hasn't been at school where has Peter been the grocery store he has been to the grocery store has Peter bought toys no he hasn't he hasn't bought toys he has bought food has Peter bought food yes he has Peter has bought food what has Peter bought food for a party Peter has bought food for a party has Peter bought food for a party yes he has Peter has bought food for a party is the party for Peter no
it isn't the party is not for Peter the party is for Peter's grandmother is the party for Peter's dog no it isn't the party is not for Peter's dog the party is for Peter's grandmother whom is the party for Peter's grandmother the party is for Peter's grandmother how old is Peter's grandmother 100 years old old Peter's grandmother has turned 100 years old has Peter brought garden tools inside no he hasn't he hasn't brought garden tools inside he has brought most of the food inside has Peter brought the mail inside no he hasn't he hasn't brought
the mail inside what has Peter brought inside most of the food Peter has brought most of the food inside has Peter put the food on the table no he hasn't Peter hasn't put the food on the table he has put the food in the refrigerator and Pantry has Peter put the food outside no he hasn't Peter hasn't put the food outside where has Peter put the food the refrigerator and Pantry he has put the food in the refrigerator and Pantry has Peter forgotten his keys no he hasn't he hasn't forgotten his keys he has forgotten
the cake has Peter forgotten his hat no he hasn't he hasn't forgotten his hat what has Peter forgotten the cake Peter has forgotten the cake has Peter left the cake at the store no he hasn't he hasn't left the cake at the store he has left the cake in the car has Peter left the cake on top of the car no he hasn't he hasn't left the cake on top of the car where has Peter left the cake in the car he has left the cake in the car does Peter start decorating for the [Music]
party no he doesn't Peter do doesn't start decorating for the party he starts cooking for the party what does Peter start cooking for the party Peter starts cooking for the party has pizza been Peter's grandmother's favorite food all her life no it hasn't Pizza hasn't been her favorite food all her life lasagna has been her favorite food all her life has rice been Peter's grandmother's favorite food all her life no it hasn't rice hasn't been her favorite food all her life what has been Peter's grandmother's favorite food off her life lasagna lasagna has been her
favorite food all her life has Peter bought eggplant for the lasagna no he hasn't Peter hasn't bought eggplant for the lasagna today we are going to practice English speaking with another story first you are going to listen to the story then I will ask you a lot of easy questions about the story all you need to do is to answer these questions out loud okay are you ready let's get started there was a bad man named Dr agma he had plans to take over the world the only way to stop him was to destroy the
artificial intelligence program on his computer with a special virus the only person who could do this difficult mission was agent Jake vond Jake jumped out of a plane with his parachute he landed near Dr agma headquarters Jake's partner called him from the Operation Center and explained his mission she told him to go to the application center and install the [Music] virus Jake entered agma Center through the underground tunnels and he arrived at the basement he headed to the entrance door and saw the incoming mail hello are you enjoying the story please give us a like
thank you he hid inside one of the boxes the man carrying the mail didn't notice him and took him to the warehouse there Jake knocked the man unconscious and wore his clothes now he looked like a postman so no one realized that he was an agent this way he passed through the document room and got on the elevator then he reached the application center Jake put on his special glove he unlocked the security by swiping the special glove and entered the application [Music] center inside he turned on the main computer he entered the password and
installed the special [Music] virus thanks to the virus he destroyed all of Dr agma plans finally one more mission was completed successfully an agent Jake Von save the world Dr agma went to jail and everyone was happy the end if you like this video and want to see more videos like it be sure to subscribe to our Channel thanks for watching okay that is the end of the story let's go back to the beginning this time with questions if you need extra time pause the lesson and say the answers then play it again if it's
too difficult to answer just listen to the lesson a few times when you feel ready you can say the answers next time let's get started there was a bad man named Dr agma he had plans to take over the world was there a good man no there wasn't there wasn't a good man what was there a bad man there was a bad man there was a bad man named Dr agma what did Dr agma have plans for he had plans to take over the world was there a way to stop Dr agma yes there was
there was a way to stop Dr agma there was only one way to stop him what was the only way to stop Dr agma the only way to stop him was to destroy the artificial intelligence program in his computer with a special virus what did Dr agma have on his computer an artificial intelligence program he had an artificial intelligence program could the special virus destroy Dr aga's artificial intelligence program yes it could the special virus could destroy Dr amma's artificial intelligence program was stopping Dr agma easy no it wasn't it wasn't easy it was a
difficult mission who was the only person to do the difficult Mission Jake vond the only person who could do this difficult mission was agent Jake V could Jake vond do this difficult Mission yes he could the only person who could do this difficult mission was agent Jake vont what did Jake jump out of with his parachute a plane he jumped out of a plane with his parachute did he jump out with his umbrella no he didn't he didn't jump out of the plane with his umbrella did he jump out of the plane with his cat
no he didn't jump with his cat where did he land near Dr aga's headquarters he landed near Dr agma headquarters where did Jake's partner call him from from the Operation Center Jake's partner called him from the Operation Center and explained his mission what did his partner tell him to go to the application center and install the virus she told him to go to the application center and install the virus what did Jake use to enter do agma Center the underground tunnels he entered agma Center through the underground tunnels when Jake headed to the entrance Door
what did he see the incoming male he saw the incoming male did Jake hide inside one of the cars no he didn't Jake didn't hide inside one of the cars he hid inside one of the boxes did Jake hide inside one of the boxes yes he did he hid inside one of the boxes did the men carrying the mail notice Jake no he didn't he didn't notice Jake the man carrying the mail didn't notice him and took him to the [Music] warehouse hey Bob I heard you started learning a new language how's it going oh
hi Alice yeah I'm trying to learn Spanish it's like my brain is doing the Chacha with all these new words I know what you mean but Spanish that's awesome how's your progress well yesterday I tried ordering a burrito at a Mexican restaurant I ended up asking for a dancing donkey wrapped in a tortilla no way did they bring you a donkey huh thankfully not the waiter looked confused but then I did my best salsa impression and he got what I meant that's hilarious you're turning language learning into a real life comedy show absolutely and the
other day I thought I was saying nice to meet you to my new Spanish friend but I accidentally said nice to eat you I must have sounded like a hungry zombie oh Bob I'm dying of laughter here keep going oh and here's the best part I tried Serena my cat with the Spanish song It was supposed to be romantic but my cat just gave me a confused look and walked away your cat's probably a music critic in Disguise I wouldn't be surprised but you know what despite the hilarious mixup I'm having a blast learning it's
like a comedy adventure every day that's the spirit Bob language learning should always be entertaining just remember one day you'll be a multilingual standup comedian who knows maybe I'll Tour the World with my language mishaps lost in translation The Comedy Tour I'd buy a front row ticket for that keep chaa chinging with those words [Music] Bob serenading singing or playing playing music to someone in a romantic or affectionate manner example sentence Bob tried Serena his crush with a beautiful song outside her window blast a highly enjoyable and exciting experience example sentence the weekend trip to
the amusement park was a blast when we went on all the rides and had so much fun Maps unfortunate incidents or accidents that often result in humerous or unexpected outcomes example sentence despite the cooking mishaps the dinner party turned into a memorable evening filled with laughter and stories [Music] hi Lisa I heard you're all about personal growth and setting goals what are your short and long-term goals hey Mike absolutely I believe in continuous self-improvement my short-term goal is to start a daily meditation practice I want to improve my focus reduce stress and find more inner
peace I've been reading about different techniques and downloading meditation apps to get started that's wonderful Lisa a little mindfulness goes a long way and what's your long-term goal my long-term goal is to write a book I've always had a passion for storytelling and sharing my thoughts I want to explore different genres and create a meaningful piece of literature I've started jotting down ideas and making a writing schedule to stay on track that's impressive Lisa I can't wait to read your book Someday by the way do you have any funny or inspiring quotes you'd like to
share oh definitely here's one for you the elevator to success is out of order you'll have to take the stairs one step at a time I love it it's a great reminder that success takes effort and perseverance thanks for the chuckle Lisa now tell me about your goals well my short-term goal is to learn to play the guitar I've always admired musicians and wanted to create my own melodies I've enrolled in guitar lessons and practice chords every day that's awesome Mike you'll be strumming some sweet Tunes in no time and what's your long-term goal my
long-term goal is to start a nonprofit organization that promotes literacy among underprivileged children I believe education is a powerful tool and every child deserves access to books and learning resources I'm researching different organizations and making plans to bring this dream to life that's truly admirable Mike your nonprofit will make a significant impact on so many young lives Count Me In as a volunteer when the time comes Thank you Lisa your support means a lot let's keep each other motivated and work towards achieving our goals we're on a journey of growth and making a difference absolutely
Mike together we can accomplish great things here's to personal growth and the pursuit of our [Music] dreams inner peace a state of calmness tranquility and Harmony within oneself example sentence after a long day she meditated to find her inner peace and let go of the stress jotting down quickly writing something down usually in a brief or informal manner example sentence an inspiration struck she grabbed a pen and started jotting down ideas for her story perseverance the act of persisting or continuing to do something despite challenges obstacles or setbacks example sentence with perseverance and hard work
she overcame all the difficulties and completed her Marathon literacy the ability to read and write as well as the competence and knowledge in a particular language example sentence the literacy rate in the country has significantly improved over the past decade thanks to educational reforms underprivileged lacking the basic advantages opportunities or resources that others in society enjoy example sentence the organization aims to provide support and assistance to underprivileged children in accessing quality education thanks for watching guys now I recommend you watch this great video too it will help you to improve your English skills and you
will love it I promise
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