in 2021 Sam mman released a blog post titled Moors law for everything this is a blog post that is on the future of the economy and how AI is going to be integrated into the workforce and how it actually shapes different policy this is something that I think you all should read but I'm going to be breaking down all of the key points from this article /blog poost and telling you guys some of the key things that are becoming clearer every single day so the article starts by stating More's law for everything his first sent
sentence is one of the ones that I've continued to Echo to my post ASI economics Community because I want people to understand that look change is going to come and there's no point pretending that it isn't so the first sentence is he states that my work at openai reminds me every day about the magnitude of socioeconomic change that is coming sooner than most people currently believe and that statement isn't ushered by some random blogger this is by someone who works at the frontier SL leading AI research company that EX exist today now this was stated
in 2021 so I can't imagine the kind of things that Sam mman is thinking about the future of the economy and that statement is one that you should most certainly remember but let's take a look at some of the things that this actually speaks about so he says software that can think and learn will do more and more of the work that people do now I'm going say that again guys software that can think and learn will do more and more of the work that people do now even more power will shift from labor to
Capital and this sentence basically means that look the value on human labor is going to go down while the value on capital is going to go up and then he also says this which I've highlighted right here he says that if public policy doesn't adapt accordingly most people will end up worse off than they are today now that's a statement that I think is one that you should also once again remember because basically what he's stating there is that if governments aren't proactive in making policies that take into account the fact that AI is going
to increase in L become more and more capable it's going to increasingly do more and more tasks then we're going to be in a situation where the average person is going to be worse off than they are today this is something that I tell my community all the time it's great to of course have governments that enact policies that help you out but sometimes governments are slow to enact policies and we can't always rely on the government to have our best interests I like to think of it like this the government is probably going to
do the bare minimum to ensure of course there is an outrage but other than that they're not really going to do that much and that's the problem if public policy doesn't adapt most people are going to be worse off than they are today the article continues to state that in the next 5 years computer programs that can think we'll read legal documents and give medical advice in the next decade they will do assembly line work and maybe even become Companions and then the decades after that they will do almost everything including making new scientific discoveries
that will expand our concept of everything there are three important predictions for the next years we've got got the first phase which is of course AIS that can think and that can read legal documents and that can give medical advice and what's interesting is if you remember this was of course all in 2021 so we can see that from 2021 to 2024 that prediction was arguably spot on right now ai can read legal documents and it can give medical advice if you've seen the research suring this you know that it is no joke and if
we take a look and once again listen to what Sam Alman is stating here he says that in the next decade they will do assembly line work and maybe even become companion and after that they're going to be doing almost everything including making new scientific discoveries that will expand our concept of everything that puts us on a very fascinating timeline for how the future is going to develop and the most basic thing that you can see here is that over time a becomes more capable and it can do more things that we can do now
there are three points that he makes here that I think are just completely fascinating he says that this revolution will create phenomenal wealth okay phenomenal wealth that is a crazy statement okay and of course as is every technological Revolution there are people who get rich and there are people who are displaced you always want to be someone who is in the area where you manage to benefit from the transformation the most this is why I created my community and he says here that the price of many kinds of Labor which drives the cost of goods
and services will fall towards zero once sufficiently powerful AI joins the workforce then he said here that the price of many kinds of Labor which actually drives the cost of goods and services and this is how Economics work of course of course if it takes like someone really smart to create something if you're going to hire them you have to pay them a higher salary and of course because of that the product has to be more expensive basic economics and he's basically saying here that this is actually going to fall towards zero once sufficiently powerful
AI joins the workforce and he's put joins the workforce here in quotes because this could mean of course a variety of different things of course you've got AI joining the workforce in the sense that it's going to be autonomously doing tasks on a computer and of course you've got AI joining the workforce as a humanoid robot that's able to do many different things now also he's stating here the second point which most people just aren't paying attention to is that the world will change so rapidly and drastically that an equally drastic change in policy will
be needed to distribute this wealth and enable more people to pursue their life they want let's do that one more time the world will change so rapidly and drastically so that's two things here not just the speed but also how the world actually functions that a drastic change in policy will be needed to actually distribute the money that basically is being absorbed by these companies that make these AI tools to enable more people to pursue their life they want you have to understand we're basically going to be in a society where there are only going
to be a few companies that manage to capture all of the economic value from Ai and then of course he comes on to point number three that if we get both of these right we can improve the standard of living for more people than we ever had before and I think this is a true statement if you manage to drop the price of everything that's valuable towards zero once AI joins the workforce and of course if you manage to actually distribute and of course if if you manage to distribute the wealth effectively this is going
to be a society that's currently better off today but of course as he said before this is something that we will need to address in terms of politics certain policies will have to change and be enacted in order to make sure that this transition is as smooth as possible now essentially he said here that because we are at the beginning of this tectonic shift we have a rare opportunity to Pivot towards the future that pivot can't simply address current societal and political problems must be designed for the radically different Society of the near future remember
he's basically saying here that look whilst yes developing policies about today's issues are good but we need to be thinking about the near future and how radically different that economic system is going to be and he says that policy plans that don't account for this imminent transformation notice the word imminent there which basically means it's around the corner he says that they're going to fail and when you think about it it's for the same reason that the organizing principles of a pre- agrarian or F ual societies would fail today now he says what follows is
a description of what's coming and a plan for how to navigate this new landscape here's where he dives into exactly what is coming and how best to prepare so he says that this is basically part one the AI Revolution and this is where he says compare how the world looked 15 years ago think about it there were no real smartphones and 150 years ago there were no combustion engines no home electricity and 1,500 years ago there were no industrial machines and 15,000 years years ago there were no agriculture we have exponential growth in terms of
the human timeline and if we just look back 15 years ago the world does look remarkably different you have to think looking towards the future can you imagine 10 20 years from now what the world could look like he says here that the coming change will center around the most impressive of our capability the phenomenal ability to think create understand and reason and to the three great technological revolutions the agricultural the industrial and the computational we will add a fourth the AI Revolution this Revolution Will generate enough wealth for everyone to have what they need
and it puts here if we as a society manage it respons that is a big if if you will now he says that the technological progress we make in the next 100 years will be far larger than we've all made since we first controlled fire and invented the wheel and we've already built AI systems that can learn and do useful things and they are still primitive but the trend lines are clear and I think that's one thing that most people don't understand about current AI paradigms is that these people that are at these Frontier Labs
there's a clear trend line that they're following in terms of these scaling laws in terms of just looking at how many breakthroughs are made every single year the kind of research that's being published every single day in all of the areas that are needed in order to push these systems forward in terms of their ability to reason and so basically what he's saying here is that there is so much change coming that most people don't even realize about now here's what he talks about the fact that the economy kind of you know inverted it kind
of went worse in the sense that you know in the last couple of decades costs in the United States for TVs computers and entertainment have actually dropped but other important costs have actually risen significantly most notably those for housing Healthcare and higher education of course housing is so expensive you remember in the 1950s you could work one job and buy a house and look after your family healthc care is ridiculously expensive higher education is just so expensive I remember when it used to less than it is now and of course redistribution of wealth alone won't
work if these costs continue to sore I mean living conditions now whilst yes they are much better than someone living 150 years ago doesn't help if you know the cost for housing Healthcare and higher education have risen tremendously he said that of course AI will lower the cost of goods and services because labor because labor is the driving cost at many levels of the supply chain if robots can build a house on land you already own from natural resources and mined and refined on site using solar power the cost of building the house is close
to the cost to rent the robot and if those robots are made by other robots the cost to rent them will be much less than if it was when humans made similarly we can imagine AI doctors that can diagnose health problems better than any human and AI teachers who can diagnose and explain exactly what a student doesn't understand now this is basically where he titles the article Moors law for everything he said M's law for everything should be the rallying Cry of a generation whose members can't afford anything they want it sounds utopian but it's
something that technology can deliver and in some cases already has imagine a world where for decad decades everything such as housing education foods and clothing become half as expensive every 2 years this is basically true for technology you can buy a phone now that has a really nice camera you can buy a TV that has you know huge pixel density and quality and all the things that you might want this is not the true for housing and many of the other things that are important one thing that he says here that I somewhat agree with
is that of course we will discover new jobs we always do after a technological Revolution and because of the abundance on the other side we're going to have incredible freedom to be creative about what they are now essentially this is where he actually talks about the new economic model and this is where he talks about something called the American Equity Fund and the American Equity Fund would be capitalized by taxing companies above a certain valuation 2.5% of their market value each year payable in shares transferred to the fund and by taxing 2.5% of the value
of all privately held land payable in dollars so basically you know how most people think that Ubi is the very best solution to Ai and I know that Ubi whilst yes it is good and it does kind of work in the sense that it's good to help people who are below the poverty line the fact of the matter is that there is still certain elements of Ubi that it still needs but I do think that the American Equity Fund is something that offers a solution that is quite similar to that because it does offer some
incentives he says that all citizens over 18 would get an annual distribution in dollars and company shares into their account people would be entrusted to use the money however they needed or for better education and basically he describes how how this would work and why this is you know pretty much better than Ubi so he says that under the above set of assumptions this is of course the first example a decade from now each of the 250 million adults in America would get about $13,500 every single year and that dividend could be much higher if
AI accelerates growth but even if it's not $13,500 will have much greater purchasing power than it does now because the technology will have greatly reduced the costs of goods and services and that effective seing power will go up dramatically every single year basically saying that look your life is going to be a lot better and I guess that is kind of true if we take a look at the fact that now we can access intelligence for quite cheap I mean if you think about it what we can really do with technology I guess I could
access a business consultant for $20 a month and if you're unsure what I'm referring to I'm referring to the fact that GPT 4 Gemini Pro all of the current Frontier Labs you can access those models for literally just $20 a month not to mention that you could get the new state of the art models llama 3 for just free now basically he says here and he explains the incentives that as long as the country keeps doing better every citizen would get more money from the fund every year and every citizen would therefore increasingly partake of
the freedoms powers autonomies and opportunities that come with economic self-determination poverty would be greatly reduced and many more people would have a shot at the life that they do want now here's where of course he talks about the tax he says a tax payable in company shares will align the incentives between the companies investors and citizens whereas the tax on profits does not incentives are superpowers and this is a critical difference of course because you know he speaks about here that you know profits can be disguised or deferred or of shored and often disconnected from
share price but everyone who owns a share in Amazon wants the share price to rise so essentially this is where they're basically just saying that of course you know as individual assets tend to rise in tandum of the countries they literally have a stake in seeing their country do well so basically everyone's incentives aligned and this is something that I think is quite true because one of the things we've SE seen time and time again from companies like apple Microsoft and many others is the fact that they will always just avoid paying tax where they
can so they will always literally you know just go through Ireland go through this country go through that country they will you know do that as many times as they can in order to just reduce their tax bill but of course increasing their share price is not something that they're going to want to not do now of course this is basically where Sam Alman talks about the new social contract so he says that if everyone owns a slice of American value creation everyone will want americ to do better Collective equity in Innovation and in the
success of the country will align our incentives the new social contract will be a flaw for everyone in exchange for a ceiling for no one and a shared belief that the technology can and must deliver a virtuous societal and a shared belief that technology can and must deliver a virtuous circle of societal wealth so it's going to be an interesting new social contract because I do wonder how this floww will work I do wonder how you know certain economic paradigms are going to be you know if there's going to be inflation is there going to
be deflation because the cost of goods is going to drop down I mean there's so many different things to think about here and of course some of this is quicker some of this is later than we think and of course he says here that we will continue to need stronger leadership from our government to make sure that the desire for stock prices to go up remains balanced with protecting the environment of course human rights and stuff like that so here's where we get into part five shifting to the new system of course is basically where
he's stating that look everything necessary will be cheap and everyone will have enough money to be able to afford it as the system will be enormously popular policy makers who embrace it early will be rewarded and they themselves will then become enormously popular now he actually also talks about the Great Depression and he speaks about how in the Great Depression Franklin Roosevelt was able to enact a huge social safety net that no one would have thought possible 5 years earlier and we're of course now in a similar movement and he says here that we are
in a similar moment now so a movement that is both Pro business and pro people will unite a remarkably broad constituent now what he actually talks about here and I think this is rather interesting because I don't think it's going to take that long for this to be implemented if it is he says a politically feasible way to launch the American Equity Fund and one that would reduce the transitional shock and this is something that I spoke about in my community you know I spoke about how the fact that you know these AI updates it's
like a shock to someone you know if like boom like if you lose your job that's like a shock you know if a new air comes and you know industry it can just do you know a million better things than you that is of course going to be a transitional shock to you know Society because there's going to be a large percentage of people that are in that category he's basically stating that the legislation that transitions us gradually to the 2.5% rate and the full 2.5% rate would only take hold once the GDP increases by
50% from the time that LW is passed starting with small distributions soon will be both motivating and helpful in getting people comfortable with a new future achieving 50% GDP sounds like it would take a long time but it took 13 years for the economy to grow 50% to its 2019 level but once AI starts to arrive growth will be extremely rapid and down the line we will probably be able to reduce a lot of other taxes as we tax these two under fund as we tax these two fundamental asset classes and he says that the
coming changes are unstoppable if we embrace them and plan for them we can use them to create a much fairer happier and much more prosperous Society the future can be almost unimaginably great now I left you guys with that last statement there because I do think that it encapsulates the kind of paradigm shift that we're going to be going into and yeah the coming changes are unstoppable and of course if we do embrace them you know we can create an incredible Society but I think the main problem here is that our leaders going to do
the work required to ensure that this transition is one that is fair and is one that you know provides for everyone that is going to be something that is a harder question and I haven't really heard anyone talk about anything like this apart from Andrew Yang who has discussed Ubi but I mean you know it's going to be interesting to see how many of the different states vote on certain policies if some are just going to be trial in certain States is someone just going to be Tred in certain areas of the West I mean
there's so much to discuss here but I do think that once there is the transformative AI technology that is there then people will start to you know raise questions and I don't think these policy makers are going to avoid this conversation anymore because it is something that will need to be addressed at some time politicians do have this thing where they always just kick the can down the line but this is not something that you can continually Kick the Can down the line because at some point that can is going to become full of metal
and you're not going to be able to kick it now recently created this tool which is the AI job impact tracker it has jobs by their industry by their susceptibility to Ai and all of the new AI tools that are basically impacting their work and of course the future projections on how that role may change I've leave I've left a link to every single tool that there is and I've included some notes on how that tool actually impacts that industry there are over 200 different that are in this current database this is just an Excel
sheet and if you want access to this Excel sheet do not forget to click the link in the description and join my post AI preparedness Community where you can thrive in the post AGI Community by preparing now and staying ahead of everyone if you did enjoy this video let me know what you think about this new economic model do you think samman has it right with the American Equity Fund or do you think he is misguided in his efforts I definitely think that out of all the solutions I have heard it does sound like one
that is more promising and more realistic but I'd love to know your thoughts in the comment section below and hopefully have an amazing day