Carl Jung EXPLAINS: Why You Keep Attracting the Same Type of People!

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Practical Stoic
Carl Jung EXPLAINS: Why You Keep Attracting the Same Type of People! In this thought-provoking vide...
Video Transcript:
[Music] have you ever found yourself saying why do I always attract the same type of people maybe it's the toxic friend who drains your energy or the partner who's emotionally unavailable but excellent at mixed signals it's like the universe has a favorite playlist for your relationships and it's stuck on repeat well Carl Yun has entered the chat to explain why this keeps happening according to Yun the people we attract aren't random they're mirrors reflecting something deeper within us spoiler alert the problem might not just be them relax this isn't about blame it's about awareness by
the end of this video you'll not only understand why this happens but also how to break free from the cycle and maybe even laugh a little along the way let's dive into to the yungin rabbit hole The Law of Attraction but make it shadowy let's talk about the law of attraction but not the Pinterest board version where you manifest free vacations by thinking positive thoughts no Carl Yung had a grittier more eyebrow raising take on it he believed that you're not attracting what you want you're attracting what you're hiding cue the Shadow the psychological junk
drawer where we shove all the stuff we don't like about ourselves think of your Shadow as the part of you that doesn't get invited to dinner parties it's the fear insecurity and unresolved trauma lurking just beneath the surface according to Y this Shadow doesn't just sit quietly in the corner it's like a hyperactive casting director it goes out and recruits people into your life who perfectly mirror your hidden issues and here's where it gets wild the universe or your unconscious mind isn't trying to punish you it's trying to get your attention that toxic friend they're
not just bad luck they're a loudspeaker for your unexamined boundaries that emotionally distant partner they're here to show you your own fear of intimacy Yung believed this wasn't just psychological but Universal the world you experience is shaped by the internal energy you carry it's like your inner wounds have a Wi-Fi they're constantly broadcasting signals attracting people who resonate with the same frequency the upside recognizing this pattern is your first step towards Breaking Free once you shine a light on your Shadow it's stops calling the shots The Law of Attraction isn't a curse it's a clue
a breadcrumb trail leading you back to yourself the relationship mirror it's not Funhouse glass picture this every person you attract is like a human mirror not a flattering Instagram worthy mirror but one of those brutally honest ones in a dressing room with harsh fluorescent lighting this is yung's take on relationships they don't just happen to you they happen for you whether you like it or not according to Yung the people you keep attracting reflects parts of yourself that you've either ignored rejected or Flatout denied let's say you're someone who always tries to keep the peace
even when it means sacrificing your own needs guess who you'll attract someone who's perfectly happy to take advantage of that tendency forcing you to confront your lack of boundaries now don't panic this doesn't mean you're doomed to a lifetime of toxic relationships it simply means the universe has a wicked sense of humor every frustrating person you meet is like a Post-It note from your unconscious mind saying hey remember this thing you need to work on here's where the magic happened when you start to see these patterns you gain the power to change them the mirror
might show you things you don't want to see but it also gives you the chance to grow you're not stuck with the same reflection forever you can clean the glass adjust the lighting and maybe even smile back ultimately the mirror doesn't judge it just reveals and once you start paying attention you'll realize is that every difficult person you've ever met was a catalyst for your Evolution you can't smash the mirror but you can learn to see yourself more clearly shadow dancing why you attract your opposite here's a plot twist worthy of Netflix you don't attract
people who are just like you you attract people who highlight what you're not it's like your Shadow swiped right on its perfect counterpart Yun called this the anima and animus Dynamic the balance of opposites within us think of it as your inner yin and yang playing Matchmaker let's break it down if you see yourself as the nurturing caring type you might attract someone who's detached and self-centered why because their personality triggers the parts of you that you've repressed like your own need to set boundaries or demand respect it's like your subconscious went oh you hate
confrontation let me find someone who thrives on it the frustrating part Opposites Attract because they're trying to teach you something your Shadow has a PHD in irony that impatient coworker they're here to teach you patience that partner who never expresses their emotions they're showing you your own struggle with vulnerability youung believe that these opposites aren't random they're opportunities for growth they force you to confront the parts of yourself you've ignored denied or labeled as not me it's uncomfortable sure but it's also where the magic happens when you start seeing your opposites as teachers rather than
annoyances everything shifts the emotionally unavailable partner teaches you how to nurture yourself the controlling friend shows you the power of setting boundaries the lesson opposites don't attract to torture you they attract to complete you and here's the kicker when you integrate your opposites you stop needing to attract them instead of shadow dancing you start living in harmony with yourself and everyone around you sure it's still a dance but but now you're leading emotional theu breaking the cycle ever feel like you're trapped in a relationship version of Groundhog Day you meet someone new only to realize
6 months later they have the same toxic traits as your last ex or first boss or even a family member that's not bad luck that's Carl Yung tapping you on the shoulder saying hey you've got some unresolved business here Yung believ that our relationships often replay the emotional patterns of our past especially the ones we haven't fully understood or healed it's like life gives you a relationship doover but instead of changing the script you keep choosing the same character type to play opposite you why because your unconscious mind loves familiarity even when it's unhealthy if
you grew up with a parent who was emotionally unavailable your brain learned to associate love with emotional distance so when you meet someone who's just as unavailable your unconscious goes ah yes this feels like home here's the tough love these Cycles don't break themselves to escape emotional Deja you've got to dig into the root cause this might mean asking yourself hard questions like why do I keep choosing people who treat me this way or what am I avoiding Within Myself spoiler alert the answers will probably make you squirm the good news once you identify the
pattern you can rewrite it instead of seeking love that feels familiar you can start seeking love that feels healthy Yung would argue that this isn't just about relationships it's about personal growth when you heal Those Old Wounds you stop attracting people who poke at them breaking the cycle isn't easy but it's definitely worth it and the best part once you've done the work you look back on your past relationships laugh at the absurdity of it all and think wow I really dodged a few Cosmic bullets here the shadow test is it them or is it
you we've all done it pointed the finger at someone else and thought they're the problem but Carl Yung would raise an eyebrow and say hold on are they the problem or are they just showing you something about yourself welcome to the ultimate psychological plot twist sometimes the traits we despise in others are the ones we secretly carry within ourselves Yung called this projection it's like wearing emotional VR goggles that project your own unresolved issues onto everyone else projection works like this let's say you pride yourself on being kind and selfless then Along Comes someone who's
blunt assertive maybe even selfish you might find yourself thinking H they're the worst but deep down what you're really reacting to is your own buried desire to be more assertive something you've repressed to maintain your image of being nice here's the kicker the people who trigger us the most are often our greatest teachers that annoying coworker they're holding up a mirror to the parts of yourself you don't want to see that overconfident sibling they're showing you your own untapped potential for self assurance Yung believed that recognizing projection is one of the most powerful tools for
self-awareness once you realize that your reactions say more about you than the other person you can stop playing the blame game and start doing the inner work the reward Freedom when you stop projecting you stop attracting people who push your buttons instead you attract people who match the healed whole version of yourself so the next time someone rubs you the wrong way ask yourself is it them or is it me chances are it's a little bit of both the mirror the Shadow and you so why do you keep attracting the same type of people because
life isn't about avoiding the shadow it's about understanding it car's wisdom reminds us that every relationship is an opportunity for self-discovery the next time you find yourself in a familiar pattern don't despair take a step back laugh at the absurdity of it all and ask what is this trying to teach me you might just find that the answers and the people start to change are you ready to embrace your Shadow learn from your triggers and attract the relationships you deserve hit subscribe and let's grow together see you in the next video
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