Myron Golden And Russell Brunson Reveal Secrets To Making Millions

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Myron Golden
→𝐉𝐨𝐒𝐧 πŒπ²π«π¨π§β€™π¬ π‹π’π―πž πŸ“ πƒπšπ² π‚π‘πšπ₯π₯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 π“π¨ππšπ²β† https://www.makemoreoffers...
Video Transcript:
let's share some of our best stuff like stuff that we don't normally share yeah stuff that we either the stuff that we don't normally share or stuff we don't share with people unless they pay us a whole lot of money um or just stuff that'll really move the needle a lot I think the best thing that will serve everybody here is we share stuff that really moves the needle a lot my desire for y'all is I really really desire for each and every one of you to understand how much impact you can make just by
owning your assignment just just own it like don't stick your toe in the water don't play with it people ask me all the time in fact I remember one time I asked you this but people ask me this all the time man if you could go back and do your entrepreneurial Journey over what would you do differently Myron if you could at 62 year old 62 years old go back and talk to your 18 year old self what would you say my answer is always the same you all know what it is don't you get
it done faster I wouldn't have taken so long I wouldn't have waited to get ready to get ready to prepare to prepare to like make my financial life work I wouldn't have done that I would have gotten it done so much faster because the sooner you get it done the longer you get to enjoy it with the people you love the most do not make the mistake of forgetting that you are expiring people something man why are you so intense because I'm dying and I know it I quit tripping stop acting like you're gonna be
lived to be 972. I'm gonna get to it one day and then one day turns into Monday because you keep putting it off and keep putting it off and keep putting it off like get the deal done and quit tripping it doesn't take you a long time to go build a successful business takes you a long time to become the person who's willing to do it but it doesn't have to take a long time to become that person so if I could share a principle with y'all that's one of the most important principles that you
could learn and I'm not probably something I'm not going to teach this week I don't think at least I don't have any intention of teaching it this week not that I sit down and map out all my talks to the nth degree that's not my jam it's my jam that's his Jam foreign I mean people have invited me to come speaking what are you going to talk about I don't know yet I need to go see the people I need to pick up on the energy I need to feel like what the jam is what
the vibe is I like I know a whole bunch of stuff but I don't know what these people need until I see them anybody in here like that is just me okay there's a couple of us cool and and good friend of mine Kenny Grant told me one time he said man I'm gonna tell you something he said I'm a prepared man's been in a prepared message so I just make sure that I'm a really really diligent student of all the stuff I learned and I go implement it before I start talking about it so
what I'm going to share with you all is I'm going to share with y'all the myth of the economic pie when you understand when you understand that the economic pie theory is a myth then you can stop feeling like you need to compete with everybody you can stop feeling guilty for all the money that you make you can stop trying to justify the fact that you're rich to people who think money is evil I don't want to make too much money because I'm not that greedy I want to leave enough for somebody else it's all
part of the economic pie myth so when God created man there's no such thing as an economic pie it's a farce it's a fairy tale how do I know that well if if there was such a thing as an economic Pie when God made man he would have put him in a bakery he wouldn't put him in a garden did I say that too fast I think I did because some of y'all look like he what God would have put man in a bakery where consumption creates lack but he didn't put him in a bakery
he put him in a garden why did he put him in a garden because in a garden consumption creates production what does that mean what it means is you plant a seed you know I got to do my whole whiteboard thing so you got you got this ground you take the seed you plant in the ground now the interesting thing about a seed in the ground is it has to go down before it can go up just like everything else in nature the law of advancement states that in nature before anything can go up it
has to go down and so when the seed says I want to be a tree I'm going to be a tree I'm going to be a tree and no I'm not going to do the eagle story so don't get excited um well if you want to be a tree you got to go down before you can go up it has to go down in the ground it has to do all the stuff what does it have to do when it goes down the ground before it can become a Sharia it needs to be without giving
the story away if you heard me talk about it before what does that have to do spread grow roots what else what is that germinate what else good stuff good stuff what's that get nutrients good okay so it has to do all of those things what did you say it has to cease to be a seed if you are unwilling to stop being what you've been being you can never become all that you desire to be you got to let go of what you've been being or you will never become all that you can be
so it goes down in the ground and then what's really interesting about trees you know we see this part of the tree but what we don't see is there's much stuff going down going on under the ground is there is up and up above the ground see trees don't grow in One Direction they grow in two directions trees grow gravitropically which means they grow away from light and towards gravity but they also grow phototropically and the phototropic nature of a tree is that it grows away from gravity and towards light hmm that's pretty cool it's
the gravitropic nature of the tree that makes the phototropic nature of the tree possible in entrepreneurship everybody wants the phototropic nature of the entrepreneurial tree they want to be in the light they want their leaves blowing in the wind they want everybody to see how green they are but if you don't have Deep Roots you'll never be a tall tree okay that's cool then they grow some fruit let's call those apples the interesting thing about an apple is this it has seeds inside it y'all remember what Warren weirsby said don't you you said any fool
can count the number of seeds in an apple but only God can count the number of apples in a seed if you were in a bakery and there was a pie and you ate a piece of pie there would be less pie for everybody else but if you are in a garden and you eat an apple from an apple tree in an apple orchard in a garden you expose the seeds you plant those seeds in the ground and your consumption created the production of six more trees that's why the economic pie is a myth because
in God's ideal environment for man men and women consumption creates production by the way we see it all the time we just don't notice it anybody here to have anybody in here of an iPhone anybody here of apps on their iPhone could you have the apps if you didn't have the iPhone like consuming buying an iPhone created the production of iPhone apps and cases and pop sockets and on and on and on and screen protectors and repair and on and on and on and on and on and on and on The Story Goes so this
whole idea that somehow entrepreneurship takes away from our society and from our environment and destroys the environment and blah blah blah and all the rest of that gobbly group that people want you to believe so they can control you of course don't buy the lot cost too much don't be ashamed of what you produce I don't have to I don't like when I give when I give money to charity I'm not giving back I'm just giving there's no back I didn't take anything from the charity I give it I'm giving it to I don't need
to justify the money I make by calling it giving back yeah that's what I'm talking about now here's what's really interesting while we're talking about a garden not only is God's ideal environment for a garden but because all principles are microcosms of each other whether you know it or not you are a garden your mind is a garden you sow seeds in your mind and it produces fruit ideas that can produce whatever else you wanted to produce but what's really fascinating to me is God planted a garden in Eden and then he put the man
there and the man's job was to cultivate and protect the garden that's pretty cool but when God made man men men and women because he called their name Adam and Adam means man when he called their name Adam so when God made man put him in the Garden of Eden here's what happened God made man from the talk to me dust of the ground oh so the ground that grows our food is the same ground that we were made from that's pretty cool thank you well here's what else is interesting about that God planted the
seed of an aspect of his creativity inside of all of us he did not plant the aspect of he did not plant all of the aspects of his creativity inside of any of us do you know why because he planted an aspect of his creativity inside of each of us then each of us needs all of us and all of us needs each of us so I don't have any competition I only have collaboration even people who think they're my competition we don't have competition because we're all made for a totally different purpose Russell's not
my competition Keen is not my competition I don't have any competition the only person who can be Myron golden in this season I mean there are other people that name but I'm talking about this Myron Goldman this assignment is me in the history of the whole wide world I don't have to beat anybody to win how cool is that well here's what happened God planted an aspect of the seed of his creativity inside of all of us people wonder why are you talking about the Bible all the time why are you talking about the Bible
all the time why are you talking about the Bible it's life it's life so watch this I'm gonna I'm gonna quote some verses for you to show you tie the whole thing together then I'm gonna turn it over to Russell it says in Isaiah chapter 55. my ways are not your ways saith the Lord Neil are my thoughts your thoughts as the heavens are higher than yours or my ways higher than your ways my thoughts and your thoughts for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven was a Reindeer and the snow do
it comes down from heaven and it watereth the Earth and maketh it bring forth and blood the rain and snow come down from heaven water the Earth to make it bring forth in Bud which means the Earth doesn't have any choice once it gets water making that bring forth in bud why that it may give bread to the eater and seed to the sower the water comes down from heaven to make the the Earth bring forth fruit so that it can give consumption to the consumer and production to the producer that's what it said watch
this so shall my word be to goeth forth out of my mouth and it shall accomplish that which I please and it my word shall accomplish shall prosper in the thing we're unto I sent it what does all that mean here's what it means here's what I see happening God by the way all principles are microcontins of each other so this whole idea of a garden is bigger than we know this whole idea of a tree the whole idea of Solomon talking about trees is bigger than just Solomon talking about trees when I water the
dust of the ground that is me with the water of the word of God that came down from heaven it saturates the soil that is me so that the seed of creativity that God planted inside of me can bring forth and Bud and give food to the eater bread to the eater and seed to the sower consumption to the consumer and production to the producer even for those of you who don't even know the Bible or like the Bible or don't even believe the Bible the best thing that I can do for you is teach
you principles of truth from that book even if you don't like it because whether you know it or not that is your best chance to win so that's why the concept of the economic pie is a farce because God's ideal environment for man is not a bakery but a garden so much so that he made you a garden of creativity to create ideas that feed and serve other people and profit you so everybody's blessed by everybody else God put us all in the world by ourself he put none of us in the world for ourselves
Russell [Applause] can you imagine following that up with anything holy cow that was amazing that was awesome um okay well all right so Isaiah done on the on the on the yacht I was talking to Anissa and she was saying that and we're both her mentors she said that from you she learns like belief and this kind of stuff and for me it's more tactical so I'm gonna go tactical because we're tag teaming bro that was amazing anyway so um [Music] I don't know how to like transition other than I got something cool like I
want to share yeah I don't know if it's that cool but um so what I was thinking about well uh Myron gave a sermon that was amazing I can just listen talk forever like it's insane like that just came out of your head and just that was anyway that was amazing so I'm six I'm 62 and I've been thinking about this stuff since I was 16 bro it ain't that neat okay let me try one outfit but I'm not anyway so what I was talking about is um so my thoughts in my head um a
lot recent I don't know about if you guys are like me but I'm thinking about marketing and sales and like that stuff all the time partially for me and my companies but also because um obviously I lead a lot of entrepreneurs it's like I'm always trying to like protect myself but protect everybody else as well right if you've read the traffic Secrets book like the intro the introduction says warning there's a storm coming right and then right after that covet hit and then after that we have the Apple Facebook fights and AD costs 3x and
then like just all sorts of chaos happens since then and it's interesting to me because um so many who I know and love their businesses went away during this season right because they couldn't handle it and AD costs and things like that and it's interesting because they talk about in the book I talk about all the things but everyone always still defaults back to like Facebook ads or like just the the basics right and the whole the whole goal that book initially was like to to be a warning but also to get people thinking differently
as opposed to like um because I got started in this game uh man 22 23 years ago now so if you look at like when I got started it was pre-facebook pre Myspace pre friends dirty as my Friendster wow like that's when I got started so like when people ask me how did you get traffic back in the day I'm like how did we get traffic back in there you can just go to Facebook and buy ads you couldn't there was Google ads for a little while then that went away there was SEO but like
but how did we actually get ads and like we had to be more strategic way to think differently um one of my first mentors and he spoke at lasting live for anyone who's there uh Mark Joyner and he wrote a really good book on this but um Mark was doing he was innovating on this stuff way back in the day like how do you get traffic how do you how do you how do you create traffic right and the interesting thing that Mark talked about is that you don't create traffic like traffic's already there right
look at the internet people are already on websites they're already doing things our job is not to is to not to go and like create traffic it's all about like how do we shift someone's attention from over here to me right that's the whole premise and I think for most people there was a decade where ADS Facebook ads specifically were cheap and expensive and so people jumped in and they bought Facebook ads and it's just like oh this is easy and so a whole generation a decade worth of of marketers got really really lazy because
it was easy and it got a little harder a little harder they got really hard and that's when people are starting to fall and so for me it's always like going back to the to the the foundation back to the to the roots right um somebody on the ship asked me why I bought Dan Kennedy's company the big reason was like I needed to go back to like the beginning of the like like Dan Kennedy had had has been through the cycle like back in the day infomercial So like um on TV TV used to
play until like 11 o'clock at night the TV would just end and so Dan and his buddy's right no it's not a TV nothing on TV 11 clocks like four in the morning we should go and buy at the time from the TV stations the TV station was like why would you want the tie everyone's in bed and like I think we think it's gonna be good so they started buying infomercial they'd buy like six hours worth of infomercials from like 11 to 5 a.m for like 30 bucks the station's like sure give us 30
bucks you can throw it on there and so they run infomercials they're making millions of dollars and they're just like this is crazy if people knew what we were doing and running these things then they're just like hmm right and they were like make all this money for a while it was happening happening also like the station's like like what's happening they start moderating checking also they realize what's happening like oh the sources these guys are making money with this they started increasing the price and they increase the price the more people found out competition
then boom now like late night infomercials from the most expensive media you can buy now right but there was a season when it was 30 bucks for a six hour block right and then it shifted that's correct right you guys had a decade where Facebook was like two bucks a lead three bucks a lead right like it's crazy um and you look at so I asked Dan I said what happened when when people were doing later infomercial and shifted what happens like 90 people want a business 10 of us figured out the deeper funnels figured
other ways to do it like figure out how to make how to increase how much money you made for a customer um and then the same thing happened with direct mail and the same happened with uh phones and fax machine like every media every media Source goes through this cycle when you come in at first the costs are really low it creates Mass adoption in return to using it and after they're addicted it's like the drug dealer closed after we're addicted and they can increase the ad costs and it's the it's the cycle right it
happens platform by platform happens season by season um and so for me I was thinking a lot about like how do we protect ourselves from this how do we how do we um think about traffic differently and actually on the boat today Dr Nissa Holmes was sharing an idea and then it kind of sparked this in my head because like she got it and she connected to it and I'm pretty sure that almost everybody else in my community has missed it but she got it and she explained I don't know if she knows what she
got about but she got it so this is this is the principal so Mark Joyner wrote this book called integration marketing and what his premise and it's a little short book you can read in like an hour it's a little mini booking on Amazon um but the premise of integration marketing is is there's already traffic happen there's already streams of traffic right what we're traditionally taught is like oh go and buy an app so go and buy an ad in this thing um or let's say we find someone with the email list so I go
to my room I'm like hey we promote my my challenge next week and you're like sure what how's you know we figure out the commissions he promotes it and we get a big spike of sales and it disappears and next week I'm like I gotta figure out how to promote this thing and we we go through this cycle trying to figure out how to hustle and how to how to make these sales right and what Mark talks about in this book is instead of figuring out like how do I get my under one-off promotion how
do I look at like how do I integrate into Myron's business into his marketing so that anytime he gets a lead I'm gonna make more money anything he does in his business I make more money so instead I come to me and I'm like okay um you're running your business I'm running my business what if um when somebody joins your challenge how many emails you send them right now let's say you got like a 10 minutes 10 emails yeah this is 10 emails am I cool she said 10 emails to them and then after the
emails are over and how about email 11 12 and 13 you put an offer to my free plus shipping offer to my free book whatever and in exchange I'll put an email uh for you in my Challenge on pay on day 12 11 13 14 right and now it happens every time Myron does new challenge gets a new lead something happens he goes to the cycle and then it builds my business and every time I do something goes to cycle and does his business right so when I watch click funnels uh Mark had just written
this book and I was thinking about it and um and we didn't run Facebook ads the first two years of Click funnels or any kind of ads I don't know how to run ads I was just I was an ad guy I was just like I was I was this kind of stuff and so um we started doing our company because it didn't have ads was like let's do integration with partners and so what we do is we'd find somebody who had an email list and we do a promotion with them so they promote a
webinar we do the webinar together we make some money on the webinar and then it was done what we do is we take that webinar we build out a funnel and it became their funnel I said this is your funnel anytime you drive someone here you get paid commission on it like you you already introduced me on the on the video we have this whole thing like it's an asset now that you've created let's plug this in so that it's on the footer like on your help desk when your support desk or actually help desk
tickets in the Footers put PS blah blah push people the funnel and they say okay sure let me do that so we go we set this up in someone's help desk where now every time somebody comes and asks questions to their help desk in the PS is linked back to my webinar I said that deal up a decade ago and those things still make me sales today every single day right because it's in there like they don't check that after you set up they forget about it right or the email number 11 12 you put
in there you never think about it again the rest of your life as long as you're growing your business it keeps growing my business right how many places can we start integrating um into our business so we started looking at at um as many integration channels as possible and like this comes back to just creativity now like you can be as creative as as you can think of right and so we started looking at YouTube videos since we find people have YouTube videos in our Market they're having success and go back like that this video
is really good and I look at them like they're not promoting anything in the description it's like oh YouTube God my hey um how much did it cost to change the description put a link back to my webinar in here I'll pay you 20 or 50 or whatever it is the guy's like oh like it's just a YouTube video I recorded three months ago I don't even think about it cool we added in there it's there now for the rest of time that YouTube video is making me making me money right that person makes other
YouTube videos my room talking about today he's like he's making these videos and these ones pop over here all these will start Rising together so as that guy gets better and better at YouTube I can get more and more sales more traffic coming through because I'm on the description of this video or this video I'm in their email sequences I'm in the the footer of their um uh of their customer support desk um I started thinking where else can I where else can start integrating this we had some Partners who um they ship out like
box sets of stuff to all their customers and they're like my dream customers okay what if we what if we put a postcard and I'll pay for this postcard I'll put in everyone in the boxes you ship out somebody and we'll set up the printer and the shipping house and let's go there and every time you ship out a box my postcard would be there for a free book offer or for my webinar offer and like sure we set up once I never think about it again and every time this person sells a book I'm
getting a customer back on the back end you see we start thinking about traffic differently um instead of having someone just setting up JVS and Deals like that it's like how do we find integration Partners have someone literally going out there and finding integration Partners one thing I started realizing was I wasn't very good at SEO but I knew the value of SEO like if you get on page one for work at home or make money or sales phone whatever keyword it is like that's a big deal right um in fact this is probably pre-click
funnels probably 12 13 years ago I found this team they lived in Peru and they were College a bunch of college kids in Peru but they all had email addresses and they had access to like their site so we would we would do this SEO thing anyway I don't get nerdy with you guys but we do this SEO thing where they would trade edu links and get links anyway um I wanted to get I want to be on page one at Google for like work at home make money online stuff like that so we
spent like six months doing it and I got there and when we hit page number one and Google for like work at home it was like raining money all day long it was just like this is crazy I'm not paying for this it was just raining but there's everyone competing so we were there for like three or four weeks then we dropped back off we get back up there again we dropped back off and I eventually gave up on the game because it was just it was stressful for me so instead I started doing like
well who are these guys keep beating me these guys are just hardcore full-time all use SEO so I go to Google I type in workahome or make money whatever my keywords are I see it here's the people and I see the top three or four people what a 90 traffic goes to the first three or four listings so I'd go there I'm like that person's getting all this traffic and most these guys the the really good SEO people aren't info product People Like Us they don't know this they just they sell advertising that's what they
do so they come back and I'm like okay they're on page one for for this keyword it's insane they're probably getting 40 50 000 visitors a day I come back and I'm like hey um can I when somebody opts into the to the email thing on your form on thank you page can I can I put an offer on your thank you page can I put an email in your email sequence can I put a pop-up on your page when someone comes a pop-up comes up and joins my newsletter I set that up once I
walk away and that thing just starts generating money and leads and traffic forever and so for me for the last decade I've been doing that um a lot and most people know about it most people see Facebook ads about that those are all great um it's like free money to this day just he has no like stats numbers so decade me doing this if I turn all my ads off right now we get um over over a thousand probably 1200 or so people per day who come to and create a free trial that are
not attract they're not attributed to any kind of paid ads you can do the math on what that looks like but it's just this it's just setting these things up one a Time One a time thinking about it meeting someone and not just saying oh promote my thing for my things just like hey how can I do this no you find somebody who's got a really good offer that's crushing it like what's on the thank you page like Grant Cardone did his big challenge the other day and I knew he was going to get a
thousand people to promote it so I was like Hey Grant on your thank you paid definitely register for the challenge can I put this block down here that tells people get a free click funnels account and so he's like sure so I made a video meeting him talking about it and so on the thank you page there's like step one go to the Facebook group step two do whatever step three and the step four is like me and Grant and he's like hey you should get a click funnels account because Russell said so and I'm
like yeah you should get a click funnels account here's a free trial um we had like three three thousand two hundred and something people sign up for free click funnels trial on thank you page or Grant's launch I think I made more info more money from Grants launch the grant made from Grant's launch like because we plugged it in and all those people started coming in now the trials and click funnels are getting billed they go to the value lot everything else starts happening and so she's thinking about traffic different you know Partnerships differently thinking
about how we can like weave what you're doing in those things and this was talking about she created her Miffy offer and she would start looking at who are all the other people in her Market that already have her traffic and she's plugging into their sequences their thank you Pages all that kind of stuff now every time they get a custom where she's getting customers she's not gonna pay for that she's coming through organically um so that's the first thing about and then the next piece is to kind of add to it um uh any
guys here ever studied Abraham Jay's really smart marketer and one thing he talked about uh with joint ventures a lot of times we think about joint ventures we look at like um who's the person like who's like almost like a competitor with us got the exact same audience and what Jay said that was just brilliant to me so you have to look at like the life cycle of a customer right it's like let's say your product is right here so for me like I'm Russell so I'm I'm selling funnel software so a lot of times
like well who else is selling funnel stuff like let's let's that's the JV but those customers are all in the same spot like what you want to think about is what are all the things somebody needs before they become your customer and all the things they want they need after their customer and that's you start finding new traffic sources and nobody else is tapping into right because I can go after all the funnel people but now I'm continuing to funnel people if I can step back and like well what if somebody need before they need
to funnel well they they probably they probably need a logo probably needed a website maybe write a domain name maybe they're buying maybe they're saying a WordPress site maybe they're um uh you know getting you can go 99 designs they're going to Fiverr and I started looking like what are the places that those people are already at prior than ever coming to me and looking for the Integrations options there right uh like if I can go to and I haven't closed the still if I could if I can click 99 designs or um five right
every time someone goes to five or if I could be built in their sequence where every time someone creates a Fiverr account the day 22 it's like hey you need a click funnels account like you imagine how much money that would be if I can close that one deal it takes me three or four five years to close that one deal but I plug that in that could be you know 10 000 leads a week coming in just from one one integration one deal so do you pay those people an affiliate commission or they just
it depends every every situation is different um and every Market's different like and it's the same you're paying 15 for your people right it's a commission so 15 Commission in the in the funnel world I gotta pay people 50 60 70 Commission because they're they're hot to the game right but other places it's like a lot easier sometimes it's like the YouTube guy is like I'll pay 100 bucks to throw out a just I'll change change your your description uh or in your description add a link to my thing and they're like sure 100 bucks
one time never think about it again email sometimes it's like I've got a whole bunch of funnels I'm like hey mine I'll do your day 12 on my free book funnel you do it on 12 day 12 on your challenge funnel we will set up we didn't you get all free traffic at free traffic we just forget about it we just said we don't um Tony Robbins and graciosi so he owns Which is a platform for course Builders we own click funnels so when somebody cancels click funnels right now um the only thing I
know is they don't like click funnels anymore but they still want a business and so when someone cancels click funnels there's a video for me Dean and Tony saying hey sorry that you know click funnels with a good 50 maybe you just weren't ready yet which is totally understandable so if you're not ready for click funnels yet there's another platform that's really simple called it's a little easier to get started and Tony needed to lead you uh help you in fact Tony Dean jump on here they jump on the video and they're like hey
um we'll give you free trial so then all those people who leave are canceling clickfunnels leaving go to Mastermind I get affiliate commission all the people who are leaving click funnels which is awesome and when somebody leaves Mastermind some of these masterminders a video from Edina Tony saying hey maybe recorded right because if the FBI sees this they're going to arrest you for being a gangster [Laughter] is that powerful so like so then with some of these Mastermind they come back into click funnels and think about this like when somebody's leaving your website what do
you do with the traffic that leaves your website they just leave it right yeah so if I go to my room I'm like how about this every time someone leaves your website put a pop-up on your page it's like hey you should get Russell's free book and it's time to use my website I'll put a page for your book they don't like my stuff maybe like your stuff right now the traffic is leaving me anyway I get traffic Myers traffic leaving him because my traffic leaving me and also we switch traffic and we both start
growing together this is the mindset shift I wanted to kind of share to try to compete with Myron's amazing sermon um hopefully he got some tactical ideas of just how you get traffic that's separate from from all the stuff that we normally think about so he just proved there's no competition it's all collaboration you just have to look for ways that everybody wins stop trying to beat people and start looking to win with people [Applause] wow now I'm dizzy now I'm just thinking about all these things I can do Okay so um I'm gonna share
something with y'all I might share that this week though I want to share something I'm not gonna I'm probably not I won't share that this week I'll share it right now I'll share it right now I won't I won't I probably won't share it later this week and if I do share it later this week you'll probably get it the second time okay so uh well think about it though we think that when we're teaching somebody something that they understand it as soon as we said it well it fell out of my mouth and it
just they got it all you need to do to know that ain't true is have some kids and you will know that just because you said it that does not mean they heard it can I I get a witness up in here so so it's it's a it's amazing so so what I'm going to do is I'm going to share with y'all the absolute most mind-blowing like aha Revelation not about business as much as about life if you get life-right businesses easy right get life right understand how life works it's really interesting you know I
was talking about I was talking about earlier when I talk about the Bible in the beginning was the word that's a good place to start right because in the beginning was the word okay anyway I just just think of that just now uh in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God and the same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made and in him was the life and the life was the light of
men and the light shined in darkness and the Darkness comprehended it not wow I just pray that for me and for you that when the light shows up and Shines on the answer that we've been looking for we are aware enough alert enough and care enough to comprehend it so you've probably heard me say this before you'll probably hear me say it eleventy thousand more times God put so many success principles in Genesis chapter one it's almost like he gave us a wink and said if they don't get the chapter two I want to be
okay like do you want to read your sister how is that in the first chapter so a couple things one the first thing that God tells us about God why do I why do I even care about that well when you meet somebody whatever the first thing they tell you about themselves is that may not be the most important thing about them but it's the most important thing they want you to know when you meet them are y'all tracking and God is love but they the first thing he told me God is omnipotent and that's
not the first thing he told me and God is omniscient and that's not the first thing he told me and he's on my presence that's not the first thing he told me and he's righteous and he's holy and he's just and he's good but none of those things are the first thing that God told me what's the first thing God tells me about God in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth why did he do that now you might not ask questions like that but I'm reading that I'm like I mean you're God
you don't need anything it's not like you're sitting around thinking man I just I don't know I wish I had a no you don't do that you're God why would God create a Heavenly Earth the only answer I've been able to come up with if you find a better answer please let me know but the only answer I've been able to conjure up and when I say conjure up like maybe as a possibility as the reason why he did it is because he is creative and therefore it is his nature to create so God's creating
flowed out of the fact that he is creative the first thing God tells us about God is that he's creative not because it's the most important thing about him but because I believe it's the most important thing he desires for us to know about him why because the first thing that God tells us about us is that he made us in His image and God created man in his own image I mean in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so if you were a man or you're a woman
God Made You In His Image okay so now we got that why is that important well it's important because am I made in His image and the first thing he tells me about himself is that he's creative then the first thing he's telling me about me when he tells me he created Me In His Image is that he created me to create stuff and he made me to make stuff so now I don't have to go through wondering aimlessly through life thinking I just don't know what my purpose is this we need to be prepared
peace I don't know my purpose how do I find my purpose your purpose is to live in your creative space and make the world a better place and see here's the beauty of it I don't have to compete with Rod because I wasn't created to live in his creative space and make the world a better place I can't do that I cannot do his assignment I can't compete with Michael I can't compete with AJ like I just don't like I just have to be the best Meyer and Freddie golden I can be and live in
the my creative space and make the world a better place so when I find in me an inclination to become proficient at something good at something I've developed the skill I can do it and I can do it well I can do it at a level of Excellence when I live in that and I create something that makes somebody else's life better I've just made the world a better place are y'all tracking let my creative space make the world a better place okay got that locked and loaded live my creative space make the world a
better place so how do I do that is that a good question I do believe in Genesis chapter one we're still in Genesis chapter one y'all I do believe that we find the answer the first time God ever spoke to a human being like what did he say this might be fairly important here's what he said first time God ever talked to man and it's really cool because here's what it says it says and God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply so what what I get from that is God always gives
the capacity before he gives the command he gives the ability before he gives the assignment so if I find myself in a space where I feel like this is what I'm supposed to be doing I don't have to wonder if I can do it I may not even have the ability but I have the capacity to gain the ability so I have to wonder if I can do it if he tells me to do it I know I can do it because he told me to do it God's not in the habit of frustrating his
children you don't tell your children to go do stuff that's impossible for them I don't say to my granddaughter here here's the keys to the car run down to Publix get us some bread and some peanut butter and jelly so we can make some sandwiches she's three it's not that you'll never be able to do it she's not yet become the person so here's what God said he said be oh I'm not going to do that I'm not gonna do that in that color he said I'm going to do it in that color I like
that he said B fruitful what does it mean to be fruitful well got to go back to Genesis chapter one again find out what is a fruit a fruit is a living organism who's what seed is in itself oh there we are at that seed again a living organism whose seed is in itself so when God said to man Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden be fruitful here's what he's saying make sure you produce on the outside of you based on what I put on the inside of you I put something in you
that was my job make it show up on the outside that's your job how many y'all tracking be fruitful and multiply now multiply is not a b you wouldn't say to somebody well be multiplied they say what you talking about Willis where's Willis is Willis here no okay anyway that was never mind some of y'all like was he never mind be fruitful the verb for multiply would be do multiply [Laughter] do multiply do replenish do subdue okay let's talk about those be fruitful do multiply multiply literally means to increase the very first thing God told
man to do was to increase hmm be fruitful do multiply replenish replenish means to fill up well if you start multiplying stuff that's going to start filling it up be fruitful multiply it replenish subdue that one's a little odd because subdue literally means to trample to stomp to step on to tread well if you're telling me to build something up and multiply and fill I mean fill something up and multiply why are you telling me to trample because God is introducing us to the principle of entropy what is that disruption always follows intention creation is
created by intention and disruption always follows intention there's no way around it the mistake most people make is when disruption follows their intention they make the mistake of assuming that they're going in the wrong direction when it's actually more often a sign that you're going in the right direction do you understand when you start doing something good the first thing that shows up is something bad I remember when I used to be really fat I used to be fat Meyer now I'm almost fitmeyer and I said I'm going to start working out I'm gonna do
30 push-ups I got that can I do push-ups around are you good no you can't you can't go that low let's try I'm gonna do push-ups oh yeah we can do that I could do a hundred when I was a kid man are you crazy what in the world possessed you to think what's your thoughts out you're about to do 30 push-ups you must be some kind of out your mind and so I try to do 30 couldn't do 30. but the next day the first thing I could do three the next day I could
only do two this is going in the wrong direction anybody who's ever worked out knows when you start working out you don't get stronger first you get weaker first when you start working out you don't feel better first you feel worse first have you ever felt worth first then eventually one day you're like I know I'm only going to be able to do four you're like wow I know this is gonna get so hard I don't even know why I keep doing this too three oh my goodness where's that going for four oh my goodness
oh my goodness oh my goodness I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't stop I can't stop I can't stop I can't stop I can't stop and what happens what happens y'all thought that was good y'all should have seen me before I turned 62. disruption always follows intention don't let that deceive you and get you off the right off the right track don't let the disruption that follows your intention make you feel like you're going the wrong direction I bought this building man we came in here the air quality was so bad every
time I came in here I felt like I had like sand in my eyes I was in here for an hour I'd go home I felt like I had sand in my eyes so I got a higher Servpro to come in and clean out this the air ducts and then we're in the middle of a challenge we got a torrential downpour it's December 16th last we got a torrential downpour it was raining outside like my goodness what's going on all of a sudden it sounds like it's raining in the building I don't remember a waterfall
being in that closet back here we're in the middle I'm teaching on The Challenge on day four it's raining in the building water starts coming in don't flow water or no flow about to mess up my clothes disruption always follows intention y'all get it B that's why it says subdue be fruitful do multiply Deuce replenish do subdue increase fill up and trample anything that tries to stop you okay y'all tracking and then it says have Dominion I'm going to do this faster abdominium so here's the here's the beauty of it this is the ultimate success
formula in life y'all ready here it is B do have what does that mean it means don't be cane do can't do can't have it means be a little do a little do a little have a little it means be a lot do a lot do a lot have a lot now here's what's really interesting about this B well that's good B speaks to my identity well when I got this thing being speaks to my identity do you realize that everything you do flows out of Who You Think You Are did I say that's your
fan everything you do flows out of Who You Think You Are see Russell Brunson that dude like he changed my life in a lot of ways but the most valuable thing he did for me was created an environment where I could be introduced to who I really am did y'all hear what I just said he created an environment that introduced me to who I really am and so identity everything flows out of your identity be fruitful talking about your identity do doing speaks to your activity having speaks to your property so if you will be
who you're supposed to be you'll do what you're supposed to do and then you'll have it see here's why here's where people mess it up before I even go there what's really interesting is God set it up so that we could win here's what he said here's what God did he said I'm gonna put inside of human beings this really intense desire to have see that desire you that desire you have to have a nice house and a nice car and a nice clothes and a nice nice relationships and Pockets full of money and great
experiences and nice vacations that desire that you have God put that desire in you why so that you would be willing to do the right thing in order to have the things you desire God cares the most not about our having but we care the most about our having so you know you know what eventually happens we we want to have one I have one I have one I have and finally we yield I'm going to go ahead and do this thing that will let me have this stuff that's what by the way that's where
that's where all of us in this room started that's where some of you in this room still are you're you're you're Desiring to learn how to do the things that will cause you to have the stuff you desire to have we're my people but here's the problem and if you're taking notes this is the writer Downer of writer downers you ready everybody is already doing 100 percent of everything they can do who they are right now I'm gonna say that one more time some of y'all looked at me funny everybody like everybody everybody I'm only
doing that to keep myself awake yo I'm entertaining me and let me way back have you watching on YouTube like it's a midnight Mastermind I go upstairs at 8 30 start running my bath water so I can be in to be a good and early and here we are oh help me Jesus at a quarter to eleven and I'm running my mouth so so everybody is already doing a hundred percent of everything they can do who they are right now so if you desire to do more than you've been doing so you can have more
than you've been having you have to eventually yield to the thing God cares about the most unless you got to start becoming who you can be that's the part God cares the most about who are you being while you're doing what you're doing I'm seeking to have what you're Desiring to have well when I get that down see like that's why I'm not gonna chase rabbits because I don't have time in all of us and I'm going to end on this this last point this is not the last point it's just the last point I'm
going to talk about now because I want to hear from Russell um so all of us have inside of us what we call potential what's potential what's the difference between in in in in our property our potential is the difference between what we have and what we could have in our activity is the difference between what we do and what we could be doing in uh our identity is the difference between who we are and who we could be that's the gap so what all of us are doing whether we realize it or not we're
seeking to fill the Gap you are here to fill your Gap you thought you came to fill the Gap in your property but you didn't realize that that there's a sequence to this thing you can't start there you got to start by feeling the Gap in your activity I mean in your identity so what is the gap in your identity like this is this is like this is like you're being nothing that you can be this is like you're being all that you can be none of us are here none of us are here most
of us are somewhere down in here even if we feel like we're all the way up here let me know tracking so you might feel like you're up here but I got news for you baby you down here [Laughter] oh my Eraser fell out oh there is that it no that's not it so I'm going to erase with this thing um so so you're not up here but I ain't messing with you I ain't up there either I'm not I'm I ain't tripping okay so how do I fill this Gap in my identity I fill
the gap in my identity I talked about it earlier today I feel the gap of my identity through intentionality I become hyper intentional about everything I am doing and everything that I am being thank you thank you Miranda I fill the gap I fill the Gap and that's how I I fill the Gap with intentionality I I start ignoring distractions and I start hyper focusing on intention and the scap starts getting Fuller and Fuller it starts filling up oh I'm becoming more than I used to be I'm becoming more than I used to be and
here's what happens if you ever do get all the way up here guess what happens this just gets bigger your potential gets bigger as you fill the Gap your potential gets bigger so there's no such thing as filling it up to the full because when you fill it up to the full full gets bigger are y'all tracking okay in our activity how do I become how do I do more than I've been doing but we fill the Gap in our activity you know that's none of the things you can do that's everything you can do
some of us or most of us are right down here even if we feel like we're higher so we filled that we filled this we filled this Gap we filled this identity Gap with intentionality I'm just going to put intent we fill this Gap with ingenuity ingenuity we keep on we keep on working a new approach until we find an approach that works like gangbusters we don't get married to anything until it works people fought they come up with an idea they fall in love with it and they run 100 miles an hour in the
wrong direction attempting to prove an idea works because they came up with it and what happens well the Gap in our property the have part we filled this with intensity and I am telling you when you will become hyperintentional and like like just always learning looking for a new approach and then become intense what happens everything changes for you my pocket so that's what I got for you RB you good yeah give it up for RB we're gonna have Russell do one more something and then we're gonna answer three or four questions and then I'm
gonna be like Pharaoh let God's people go I know yeah exactly because you you got work to do tomorrow I do too yeah so and y'all y'all got y'all got some learning to do I don't want your minds not to be sharp it's almost 11 o'clock so do you have something else you'd like to share or do you want to just go straight into q a what do you want to do let's do a q a real quick and then and then we'll be done okay so let's do a q a who's got a question
for Russell y'all gonna ask me questions all the time I'm gonna be here all week you know talk to me okay so that was a that was a question for me so his question was um if you're like attempting a new approach how do you know when to stop doing it I I think that's gonna be different for everybody so I'll let I'll let you or I can answer it first and do you answer or you can answer first not answer what do you want to do like how do you want to do it how
do you know when you attempted approach it enough times that this has not been working this is not going to work I'm done it's hard because it depends I mean not to watch it to see like some people just some people try a little bit oh it didn't work and they run away really fast some people don't like drown themselves holding on to an idea I've had friends who've done that who just won't let up the thing and so there's some there's some version in between I don't think it's ever like letting go or not
letting go I think it's it's like lots of little pivots and like tweaks and pivots and changes um but I think it's less of like business workers doesn't work as much as like um with anything I'm doing my goal is I'm putting it on the market I'm trying to see how the Market's responding to something right um because the Market's the ultimate judge like I only care about what people will like will you vote on this thing with your credit card like that's the only thing that actually matters in anything right that's what I'm doing
in in my in my ideas I'm putting it out there testing thing and I'm seeing people with a credit card if they don't then I'm okay something something was incorrect there something wasn't quite right so I'm gonna try another angle another angle another angle and so I'm looking until something hits right so it's rarely it's like something works or doesn't work it's just like it's being willing to make big enough pivots or shifts around it to see like like especially if you believe in the thing right I think a lot of us are feeling like
were called for something we're trying to do this thing but it's like it's not always going to be the first time the second time like for me to build click funnels um uh like two years ago or three years ago Frank live I went through I found every domain I ever bought looked at every funnel that had ever actually went live before click funnels was 150 funnels I launched before I launched uh The Click funnels funnel and so and some of those had some success I'm a different like you know compared to click funnels they
were all failures but every single one of them like by me tempting and attempting and attempting it's the thing that made me worthy so that someday God would bless me with the idea for click funnels and so for me it's less like is this working or not it's just like it's attacking attacking attacking and like and listening and like seeing you know where you're led to and trying again trying to get in over time it's like if you keep being persistent um that's when that's when it shows up and I think a lot of times
people are looking to um looking at whether or not the approach worked and then determining that because this approach didn't work that this is necessarily a bad idea just because the first of Ingenuity is not about changing the objective it's about changing the method to get to the objective right um so and I'm only going to do like people say well man what kind of books do you write I only want to I only write the kind of books people want to pay to read I don't even want to write the Books people want to
read I want to write the Books people want to pay to read right uh so I like Russell said I let the marketplace determine what objective that I set in business because they're the ones that are going to pay for it right it was like I said about Bill Gates earlier somebody asking me you have an iPhone no I don't have an iPhone he had a zoom right but he was the only person in the world who had one right and that's a little bit of an exaggeration but not much right it failed miserably why
he created the thing he wanted to create instead of creating things Marketplace wanted to buy um so the thing that we need to adjust is the approach maybe we may need to adjust the approach a thousand times we may only need to adjust the objective one time and you want to set and object like if you're starting out and you're setting your objective by yourself and you think you're right that what like the most dangerous I don't know what you think but the one of the most dangerous things you can do is to believe that
you know what the marketplace wants and be so I'm gonna make them take this not me I want to find out what they want to take and I'm gonna go make that yeah right in the marketplace for for business was that was that helpful you're not cool David I saw your hand pop up so his question was what are some of the most effective I'm repeating it for YouTube but for those of you who are wondering so what are some of the most effective ways for increasing show up rates on webinars um so people's attention
spans are this long right so the biggest problems you'll have typically is especially they're buying advertising as they start advertising the webinar way too long um we found like if if uh if someone registers more than like two and a half days out from the webinar they're not showing up at all right even my team that he wants like let's put a webinar a week in advance let's start sending emails and all sorts of stuff and like the problem is our attention spans are so small number one is like most of my registrations for webinar
are happening within 48 Hours of the actual webinar that's number one right especially email and stuff like that the further out you extend it it's just like it's just a waste of of money because you know there's that number two is just like again their attention spans this this long it's the only thing that actually gets into the webinar um not the only thing but one of the core things is like the message they get right for the webinar hit so it's hitting it from anything we can from text message email um like because most
people are going to forget unless it's one second before and then the third and like the most important of all the things is curiosity um the more like if someone's registering for webinar and they think they can answer the question of what the promises on the webinar then their likely of showing up is really small when you open such like so much like raw curiosity they can't figure it out the only they can figure out is getting on the webinar that's when short rates are the biggest that's like I have to be there I gotta
count I schedule my calendar um so we had Mike and AJ in my inner circle and they had a webinar back in the day and this was three or four years ago but they were it was costing them like I think it's like 35 40 to get it registered which is crazy and then um and their shortbread was like 14 15 like it was really really bad and they came to your circle like how do people show up and the only thing we changed I was like if you if you read their headline the headline
was like how to um how to use local something to increase or how to use local reviews to to increase your clients blah blah right so someone read that they're like oh it's local reviews I know what local reviews are I'm a genius so like they didn't sign like the registration was low so the ad costs were really high and show rate was really low as well so all we did was change it I said don't tell them what it is tell him what it's not so they just changed the headline from how to use
local reviews to get more blah blah blah too uh the new thing we're doing to get more insert result and it's not by and by the way it's not this or this or then they list off all the things it wasn't which were all the things they would think it's not SEO it's not PBC it's not this it's not this not this not this register and we'll tell you what it is then it was like curiosity so it happened it's like the conversional landing page went up so when that cost went from like whatever Thirty
forty dollars down to like twelve dollars per opt-in and then the convert like children want to make a 12 conversion rate like a 25 convert like just all just rock curiosity so instead of telling them what the webinar is tell them what it's not like here's the result they want here's what you're knocking what it's not and like I don't know what it is like it's not it's got to be one of those things it's not like what could it possibly be and that's the best thing so curiosity is number one um messages a minute
five minutes before they actually show up in any channel you have access to hit him and then not advertising too far out where they don't even know who you are about that time my three biggest things um I'm gonna go with Steven and I'm gonna come to Andrew and I'm gonna go to Steven and we're going to be done I put all those guys I saw their hands first that's why Stephen uh awesome um so we've tested a billion things and of all the billion things we've tested there too that the two that have had
the biggest impact consistently across the board and software and just like pure membership sites um both are under one umbrella and the umbrella is consumption so we call this operation consumption how do I get them actually consume the thing they bought back in the day used to be like if we don't say anything maybe they'll forget and then like the bill will go through right causes the bad user experience it's the opposite I need to get them consumed so in Click funnels the biggest thing we did someone creates a click funnels account if they just
log in they hit the members area there's all these features and stuff they sit there and then they don't do and then they log out and cancel um so the first thing I have to get them after like I have to force feed them like how do I get you to actually stop for five seconds so I can show you what this actually is so what we did in Click funnels back we had eight or nine years ago now um is you guys seen the final hacker t-shirts yes the only way to get a funnel
hacker t-shirt is to watch it so if you guys had that there might be a couple other places you can buy for the most part some of us come in and there's a video that says hey before you start your click funnels account um uh I want to bribe you because I found people who don't who who log in Click funnels and start using software a lot of them drop out because they don't know how to use it but if they watch a 10 minute video ahead of time show them how to use it their
success rates way higher so I'm going to bribe if you watch a 10 minute video I will give you this shirt for free um so just watch this video I'll ship the shirt out I'll cover shipping and costs and everything and so then they watch a video where I walk them through this is what a funnel it's this is how it works this is where you click and then they know what it is and they actually log and then they can consume it so that's number one and then the second biggest thing is when someone
comes in we have a consumption sequence where every day they're getting an email and a message that is telling them how to do one thing and this is my biggest mistake initially initially I was like Hey log in we're gonna teach you like you're gonna log into your my domain name you're gonna set this up anytime there's an and killed consumption so it's like login go by your domain name tomorrow I'll Tell You Next Step so cool take a log in you're gonna pick a template and then next I'll tell you next week okay now
you think the temple I'm sure how to edit the template each day was just one micro task they go in there and do the thing so right now we're for click funnels 2.0 we don't have either those sequences in there because you know how dumb we are and so uh I filmed the new t-shirt version uh last week which should be going live here in a little bit and then um we're bringing back our one funnel away challenge as a consumption sequence when somebody comes in to click funnels everybody will go through the one funnel
away sequence be 30 days all built to teach one principle and have them do that principle and software over 30 days to get them consumed so those of all things are the two things that had the biggest impact for us so good yeah so good all right good stuff give it up for Russell that was really good [Applause] so so I think where do you see the internet as overall three years um it's a good question I'm excited for most of it some people's gonna be crazy but what I'm excited for is right now the
world we live in we offer be really really good copywriters and things like that because we're guessing right I got to write a sales page and it's like an event if I speak in an event I know I Got 5 000 people in the room I'm selling a package I'm going to create the best possible offer I think is going to address as many concerns as possible motivate people and that's what we're hoping for right um what the what what's coming super rapidly AI there's a million use cases for AI but I think that makes
me most excited is just uh customization based on the AI so we'll work on our click funnels is making is and we're not far from from it being like a legitimate thing that we'll all be able to start using is instead of just coming to a page and trying to get three or four percent conversion tweaking a headline like we know all the data about some especially if they've bought something in the past in your click funnels account we know who they are where they live how much money they make we know uh the social
profiles that we have all the data on somebody right um and so when somebody comes in instead of just like having a static headline in real time it'll be someone will click on a link and you know oh that person's from Tampa Florida they make 350 000 year and whatever so the AI will be smart to say like hey show the headline that's most likely to convert someone from Tampa Florida making 150 000 all year and write the headline for that person right and then right headline pictures images and it'll like rendering out pages in
real time based on who the person is so instead of just like hoping to convert the best we can it's like knowing as much as we can about the person so the more customers you have in your platform the more they buy for you more like like now I'll know hey if Myron's six extra Secrets not traffic secrets from me I know that'd be great upsell or great crossover exit pop or whatever we can build things on the fly as people are coming in and that's that's something the future is just it's no longer
static anything it's all based on the more the more data we get on customer profiles in fact somebody has probably seen I'm launching um well I have a I have a company I'm launching with like five ulterior motives but one of them is this so it's it's a personality have you guys ever seen um I've taken a personality profile before if you know someone's personality profile it's really easy to sell them right because you know like mostly everything about them so we created a software called which is really cool uh which basically you go
in there and you take all the personality profiles and then it creates one page so you go like understand dot me slash Russell Brunson you guys can see my disc profile my Enneagram my Myers-Briggs like all my so all my tests are there so you can see them really quickly um but what's cool that we're gonna be releasing to click funnels world in the future is um that data it's like when somebody comes in and they opt into your funnel and it pings back say oh this person's uh infj they're high D High I and
their Enneagram three wing whatever right right a headline for that person and also you're like based on their profiles like everything's rendered out in real time so that's what I think the future is the next the next three years very great and Stephen and then we got to call it tonight I got to get Russell some rest you know tell her so my question to you is how do you determine when you're when you're too much value and how do you engage that and this is the price that you actually started like what do you
know it's a good time to raise your credit the biggest thing I think that people understand is it's not so much that um like when like when am I giving so much value and 18 is the pricing it's not it's not so much that as much as like the delivery of the things will change the pricing right like when I wrote series book I wasn't trying to say like how much value I'm going to get before I get more eyes I'm gonna give them all the value I have like so I killed myself on
that book all the values there and so then the way I charge more is not by giving them more values by changing the delivery mechanism so I have a quote I would say that people will spend more money for the exact same content package in a different way so it's the way I'm packaging it changes the pricing tiers and levels right uh book versus the course versus a seminar versus The Mastermind they that that's what's shifting you know like just our coaching program we have 25 of 50 115 250 000 level and what we like
we over deliver all levels but there's no like okay I'm gonna hold this back because they're not ready for it's like it's all there it's just the delivery is what shifts the shifts the pricing so that's kind of how I look at it more so like that yeah so I want to say thank you all for coming I hope this has been extremely beneficial I got to get my homeboy from Idaho back to the hotel so he can get some rest before he has to stand up and rock our worlds tomorrow and y'all need to
get some rest before your world gets rocked tomorrow if you're able to sleep after this amazing night I'll probably get to sleep about one o'clock in the morning but anyway love y'all see y'all tomorrow go do great things
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