I don't have to tell you playing solo queue can be really frustrating especially when playing in lower ELO brackets now before you crucify me no I'm not complaining about my teammates as a Smurf I don't have any issues carrying games to help teach you guys how to improve what I just find funny though is how extremely frustrating it can be to play with some people I am constantly amazed at how some players are so annoying to play with that it tilts their teammates leading to games feeling like complete chaos like you genuinely don't want to
win with some of the players you counter imagine yourself as this Kane for a moment you just watched a skill cap course and you're feeling pretty good about your macro as a jungler you actually pay attention to Lane States so you see that mid lane is pretty volatile right now so you transition gank through mid forcing Katarina to base winning a zero Lane then you use this map advantage to secure grubs easily you're putting pressure and getting objectives I'm not saying you're doing anything crazy but it's not bad you're feeling pretty good about how the
game is going as you do all of this you take a gander at Top Lane your Pantheon is losing half of his HP trying to phase the wave but you see the incoming wave is over here so he literally can't even do that he just lost half his HP for no reason okay that's cool meanwhile yir overstate his welcome in mid and gets his base cancelled so despite you helping him he's not going to have any priority sure that happens sometimes but then he decides to AFK and base for like 15 seconds on top of
that sick you guys already know what it's like to play with a mid who never has priority and all they do is Spam ping be careful guys guys just pry don't die there please don't die please as Kane you've done everything right but because both your solo laners are completely griefing you're supposed to just quietly give up your blue honestly I don't blame Kane here I would probably die for this blue as well but hey there's silver right they couldn't have known any better cut them some slack right yeah well I guess Diamond players do
sometimes look like they're in silver that's probably the most annoying thing about solo que it's not that Pantheon or azir did something so terribly bad that you can't carry them like beating their Lane opponent five times but what the hell why are they randomly trolling like that some players are just super frustrating to play with like supports that randomly try to mess up your wave as an ADC marumi just hitting the wave which and right now the wave is super volatile if I ever see a Yumi ping like hitting the wave like that I would
be furious and that's what this guide is going to be about we're going to cover some of the most frustrating things that people do that causes your teammates to run it down like this master e by the way I'm completely on ye side here you'll see why later and two I'm going to cover some tips on how to deal with some of those frustrating teammates so you don't fly off the handle like Kane did here by the way every clip in this video is going to be at basically a diamond level I don't want you
guys thinking I'm picking on pure noobs everyone in this video should have a decent understanding of the game and shouldn't be annoying their teammates this much and if you truly want to learn how to carry bad teammates like these and finally Escape low ELO then you need our brand new season 14 multi-chapter courses teaching you how to carry as a top laner jungler midlaner and AD carry pair that with our other new courses on how to counter op top and midlaners master your jungle clears or check out our new brona Diamond Series it doesn't stop
there we have new season 14 courses on macro Wave Control trading setting and hock Keys csing Vision mechanics low stakes and the list goes on then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from chall your experts teaching you how to carry out of the exact rank that you're stuck in you can even select me Hector from the drop down as I release five brand new commentaries every single week where I have to answer any questions that you might have you can try all of this out completely risk-free since
if you don't rank up while actively using skill cap you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this through the discount which you can only get from the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right back to the video now out of all of the time I've spent reviewing lowo and playing in it I can confidently say the most annoying thing people do to troll their teammates is being an objective focused player I would rather
have a Yasuo that goes 010 dies to every gank and then sidelanes the whole game than to have a teammate who wants to play for objectives as they like to say it is the same thing every single game and I feel bad for the players who fall for their little Shenanigans take a look at this jna she's one of these object active players I dislike so much she casually pings Dragon to remind her teammates that they should try to secure it and less than a minute later she per jungler and Jinx are all dead and
the game is over all because of a couple of harmless pings before reviewing how that all went wrong let me break down what I mean by hating objective players I do not blame the player base here I blame years and years of the same regurgitated crap advice rotting people's minds around objectives guys you need to stop playing for kills this is how Challengers actually carry games kills don't win games it's actually the objectives because the objectives are a team wide buff that slowly accelerate the game and then you end any time I hear advice like
that it's just the same nonsense and has led players to mindlessly pinging and grouping around objectives disregarding everything else on the map and in the process not only do they bait themselves but they bait all of their teammates along with them throwing countless games unfortunately the counter to players like this is confidence which brings me to my other issue which is of players that go along with these calls a big problem that I've noticed from lowr low players is a lack of confidence in their own decision-making and trust me I get it league is a
very complicated game and it's really hard to know what to do at all times you have like 10 decisions to choose from and you have seconds to make a decision and if you choose wrong you could lose the game off of it and then you have to do that over and over again a lot of players fall victim to this where the decision overload in this game holds them back from climbing so what happens is that it's really nice when someone makes a call for you for a lot of players it's very refreshing to not
have to think and you can just follow along with someone else's decision that they've made for you so what happens is you pair these two types of players together and you're going to get the following let's start with the instigator of all of this Jonna watch her carefully being the objective minded player that she is jna walks back in the lane presses Tab and pings dragon three times okay let me break down why this makes me so angry for her teammates first right now with basic wave knowledge again this is diamond replays you should know
that the enemy Ezreal and Lulu are favorite here because the wave is closer to their side of the lane it's easy for them to have Wave Control so they're the ones who are about to build a slow push and have priority so instead of fighting for priority and actually trying to play for Dragon she just wants to Ping it mindlessly and by walking so far back for no reason Jinx can't do anything either it's not like she can walk up alone this is what I hate about players who care about object they don't try to
make the call good they just want you to do it they remind me of those little kids is whining in the store Daddy I want dragon please and Ekko being the overindulgent parent that he is is going to follow along when someone pings something in your games don't blindly listen to them again have some confidence Ekko should take a moment and look at the map okay mid lane looks a little volatile maybe a gank is needed there before I go to Dragon also bot Lane doesn't even have control over the wave probably not going to
get any help from them but no we're just going to blindly listen to every call of course as he starts it he pings for help and what's funny is that the rolls are going to reverse now junglers have this habit of pinging for assistance whenever they do an objective even if they can solo it this is a really good example I'm the thresh and as I walk by Dragon my uder starts spam pinging me to help him do it but I'm thresh I don't do any DPS to it so a better use of my time
would be to gank midlane or something a little later as Vex and I walk by the dragon he's still spam pinging for assistance but a much better use of our time is to just go kill bottom as you can see the uder did not need assistance he soloed the drag and took zero damage what a lovely rooll Riot the situation is very similar in this game Ekko can solo the dragon at level four maybe not as well as that uder but the most important thing is that this only works if he sneaks it he really
shouldn't want his teammates to give it away but he pings for help because just like the uder you must get help at Dragon screw every present circumstance who cares and now Jonna is the one mindlessly listening now as Jonna walks in she could take a moment okay am I providing any value at dragon besides a minor Shield not really also Scuttle crab vision is up if I took this player and I showed them this replay I guarantee you they would tell me that it is not correct to help she doesn't provide any value at Dragon
so Jonna may as well continue laning and just Zone the Lulu and Ezreal but because Jonna is actually in the game and she doesn't want to let ech go down and not listen to the call she walks over Scuttle to help giving the enemy team vision and you guys already know how this ends up by now and these two threw the game completely by randomly pinging objectives and thoughtlessly following each each other's calls I honestly feel for the Jinx who got caught in the middle of all of the shenanigans she didn't deserve any of that
that being said my best advice in Solo qu is this if you ever see stupidity going down from your teammates just don't help just let them die it's hard I don't blame her for not realizing immediately how hard her jungle and support we trolling each other but that's what you need to learn to do to avoid being griefed by players like this and like I said to be clear it isn't just an objective thing where players troll each other into throwing games it's just the most common one it can happen in so many different ways
and I'm going to cover a few more extremely common ones do you guys remember this master ye from the start well this game he experienced three different triggers I guess from his teammates that sent him off the rails they are very common mistakes and I'm going to cover them as we watch this poor jungler slowly lose a sanity let's go back to level four as ye is finishing off Scuttle crab after his full clear you see midlane is super volatile at the moment with heavy trading going on y was on his way here after Scuttle
but fiddle got there first say whatever you want why didn't you skip Scuttle he's late whatever fiddle is here first here's where trigger number one comes in why did Vex not immediately flash as fiddle entered the lane I can't count the amount of times I've seen a champion with instant CC like rexi walk up to someone gee whiz why is this guy still chasing me what a there's no way he'll ever oh right there is a reason that if you watch high low players they very often Flash before they take any damage during a gank
it is genuinely valuable to use your flash this way yes it feels bad to blow your flashlight like that but it allows your teammate to play the game they can try to punish your opponent for wasting Tempo on trying to kill you and I'm not saying that's always going to work out even this Korean Challenger thresh did nothing with it but the game is at least playable for everyone and that's the important thing let's pause right here imagine if Vex just sucks it up and flashes immediately now the game is playable ye is full HP
he's going to come over here and he's either going to kill both aeli and fiddle sticks or they'll be forced to back off ye might instantly win the game if x just stays alive for a second instead Vex is dead and now Y is very upset fiddle got a free kill for no reason and ye feels pressured to do something even though he can't he is clearly very annoyed your teammates don't just do crazy plays like this randomly very often when they do this it's because they're frustrated for some other reason okay let's go to
trigger number two ye is a bit tilted but he comes back out on the map Farms some camps and put some pressure in bot Lane by clearing the control ward in the tri Rush he camps the brush for a bit maybe they set up a dive with this big wave or maybe ye can punish if they try to reward then he proceed s to Astros Smurf he uses his Auto reset to reclear jinx's Vision in doing so he also baits alistar's combo and Dodges it with his Q This is a fantastic play by ye punishing
the enemy bot Lane and they kill Alistair okay let's pause on this Frame I don't want you to think about it don't you dare think about this I want an honest answer if you saw this on your screen what are you doing do you back off or do you try to finish off Jinx I just know there's someone out there who took the time yeah I quickly glanced at the mini map they clearly have Shanel and in case you didn't know Shanel actually Shields the target more based on their missing health so even though Jinx
is very low it's actually quite deceptive how much effective HP she has so the risk is not worth the reward here I'd quickly back off okay no right okay we all know any sensible player instinctively keeps going here now notice how before shinel even comes in rakon is already backing off you are full HP why are you backing off meanwhile Y and Ezreal were trying to commit because yeah why wouldn't you raon leaves Tower range ye gets aggro he's pretty shocked by this I would be as well he's like oh crap I guess I can't
keep going he has to back off but it's super awkward and then of course they all end up dying this is an important rule I don't care if a call is bad if you are right beside your teammates they have the right to assume that you're going to follow up with them if you're already in the thick of things with your team you commit to the play it is better to fully commit to a bad call with everyone going all in then half assing an actual good call I genuinely feel for this Mastery in is
so frustrating playing with people who randomly back off in fights I'd rather have an overaggressive player who feeds a lot of kills than someone like this Recon it is much easier to play with someone who you know has your back in a fight and if they had just committed they probably kill through shenel anyway instead they're on the back foot now but not for long because trigger 3 is going to seal the deal for this game as Master y walks back out on the map Vex the fiddle sticks yet again then she spam pings him
and this is obviously implying jungle diff as if she isn't the the main reason they're losing that wasn't trigger three by the way that's just a little bit of extra love that y has to stomach you guys remember how Shen aled bot Lan what do you guys think Fiora was up to let's take a look she pushed the wave which is fine but is now hard griefing her Tempo to Greed for a plate I cannot tell you how tilting that is typically when a global champ leaves their Lane your teammate should at least you know
do something by being alone in the lane instead Shen is going to continue to have priority over her that's just great isn't it this means that ye can't contest anything he can't fight for these grubs because his Fiora is low HP and zero Mana this is the third lesson at skill cap we tell you to treat League like a single player game you should focus on yourself don't rely on teammates play to feed yourself Etc that doesn't mean that you become a terrible teammate though you do have to actually work with your team the way
to view solo que is that a bunch of random things are going to happen across the map all the time you have no idea what's coming but you need to be ready for it this means that having priority and being ready to join all these Random Encounters is very important the more uptime you have to help those Random Encounters the more likely it is that you win that game so you can't control what will happen but you can control how often you can react to the randomness as Fiora doing this is really annoying for your
teammates it means that ye can't do anything on the top side of the map until she bases not having a top laner for this long is not fun you cannot expect your teammate to keep their cool when they're not allowed to play the game for this long you just can't of course Master Y is going to run in here and to top it off let's go back to raan's point of view when he spawns raon sees this massive way of crashing a bot which means it's going to bounce back into his ADC this means he
can Roam by the way this is the most fundamental of fundamentals for support a diamond support should know this I'm not flaming a lowy low player here why is he going Bottom unless you need to protect your ADC from a dive why is he autopilot going Bottom this comes up because the master ye actually outplayed the grub fight he got one of the grubs and was about to get out but here comes Alistar and Ron's nowhere to be found that's just awesome so you guys can see how I said early on into the video how
I kind of side with Master ye here that was super frustrating it doesn't excuse him running it down but it is quite understandable of course if you're actually the master ye you wouldn't want to react the way he did this isn't how you climb obviously going one by one at the mid lane play after watching Vex die Master E should just take a breath okay my Vex is griefing it's fine the fiddle sticks will probably throw later I'll capitalize on that it's just one kill I can still carry on the bot dive you need to
be more reactive of how your teammates are playing okay my raan's backing off that's weird but it's fine we got Shanel sure it's worth it whatever and for the last play okay my Fiora is grading for a plate I'll just Farm it's fine maybe she really needed the extra gold Master y could have definitely carried this if he kept this cool honestly he was playing pretty well and if you were in that position that's what you should do but I do think the blame falls on his teammates way more a lot of players don't realize
just how frustrating they are to actually play with one of the best exercises I recommend for climbing is trying to be self-aware and having a deep thought about what it's like to have you on the team do you mindlessly ping throughout a game or are your calls clear and make sense how often do you over Force things or are you super insecure and leave your teammates hanging do you always concede priority and hope your teammates don't die and so on honestly a lot of this game in climbing is about dealing with the silliness from the
random teammates that you're paired with that being said though you might be experiencing more bad random allies than you actually should because you may be a bit frustrating in some aspects of your gameplay and if you want to stop feeling frustrated and want finally learn how to carry bad teammates and Escape low ELO then you need our brand new season 14 multi-chapter courses teaching you how to carry as a top laner jungler mid and 0 carry paare that with our other new courses on how to counter op top laners op midlaners master your jungle cers
or check out our new bronze to Diamond Series it doesn't stop there we have new season 14 courses on macro Wave Control trading setting and hock Keys csing Vision mechanics loyal mistakes and the list goes on head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from Challenger experts teaching you how to carry out of the exact rank that you're stuck in you can even select me Hector from the drop down as I release five brand new commentaries every single week and there I have to answer any questions you may have
about them you can try all of this out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skill cap you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this through the discount you can only get from the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description to get the rank you've always wanted all right guys that's going to wrap it up on this video hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next one peace