As absurd as it may seem, I guarantee that there is a huge difference between going through the stages of life complaining, crying, surrendering to discouragement to the point of giving up, thinking about stopping fighting and going through the same test thanking you, giving thanks to God. . .
The same sun that is over my house is the same sun that is over your house. God pours out the same day for all men. All men are given the same opportunity every day.
Same air, 24 hours and what have you been up to? No one will smile all the time and no one will cry all the time. What is he saying?
The desert will never be a dwelling place, you have to cross it. It can be long, full of obstacles, but you have to have the necessary strength to walk. The struggles you are going through now, they will pass.
And you who don't have any fight, will arrive. There is a time to smile and there is a time to cry. Only if you don't know how to bear it, everything will seem bigger than it really is.
If you don't know how to bear it, everything will be bigger than it really is. And it's not wrong to cry, it's wrong to give up. A man without faith, I say, is a man lost in his own solitude, in his own distance from who he really is.
So when you have a dream in your soul, when you say: "I want something" and suddenly you start putting up a bunch of obstacles: "But this is not possible. It won't work. It's not for me.
I don't I deserve it. I can't do it. It won't do.
" All this undermines your strength, undermines your power. And when you see your power being undermined, you automatically distrust the Creator's power. It's time that our prayers, they are not prayers of elevation and charm and thanksgiving but are prayers of beggars, of supplication, of pain, of even doubts whether they will hear us or not.
And when we pray that way, we are not connecting with God, we are connecting with the poverty we create within ourselves. With the lack of strength of faith in us. We are in the feeling of loneliness.
And what is loneliness if we are not separated from the Creator. If you are smiling today, you will cry tomorrow. Because there is no such thing as an eternal smile.
And if you're crying today , you'll smile tomorrow, because there's no such thing as eternal crying, and that's the problem. The problem is that we make the seasons stick. We are in the smiling phase and we want the smile to be forever.
Or when we are in the crying phase, we amplify the crying so much that it seems that nothing will change in the short space of time. Because there will be time when I have to fight for something. Fight with all my might.
Fight to keep. Fight to hold. And there will be times when I will just have to give something up.
All growth that is not integral is not growth, it is deformation. There is time to heal but there is time to be sick. We live in a phase where our society is so sick, it's so sick, because we only believe in one reality, the reality of happiness.
I have to be happy. You open social networks, everyone is happy. And when you see everyone's post and you look at your life, you say: "Wow, I'm really unlucky.
Because look how happy people are. Look how they smile at the networks. Look how they post pictures , everyone smiling.
" You don't know what's behind the posts. We live a life where the feeling of happiness is present. Do we really know who we are?
Because if you don't know who you are, someone will tell you who you are. And everything is related to the ability to endure. And when you think you only have the structure for happiness.
. . When the counter match of time comes to you, you feel miserable, unlucky, totally out of context.
I believe that problems are not meant to destroy me. But the problems are yes to make me win. The stages of life will fluctuate.
And why do they fluctuate? To grow. Why do the stages of life fluctuate?
For you to develop. Start crying out of your life . Rip out of your life today the chapters of your life that you were humiliated and go see what a fool you would be today, how stupid you would be today, the genius you would be today.
Remove from your life the chapters that you were betrayed, humiliated, the chapters that you were wronged, rip them all out. Leave only chapters of joy, you would be like a fool. Thanks to the bitter chapter we matured, we hardened, we learned to have wisdom, discernment, and to say as I said before, I accepted God's good, why wouldn't I accept evil?
The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. When you discover, awaken the immeasurable power that your mind has to create your reality, you begin to feel like a partner of God. Co-creator of the Creator.
And when you feel that way, your faith is established. Not blind faith, but that convinced faith that you can face any obstacle. You know that all the stones on the way are signs that lead you to God.
They lead you to your perfection. That you can indeed feel pain for some situation, but you will never enter intermittent suffering, because you know that this pain is a sign for you to wake up, for you to grow, for you to leverage, for you to go forward. And every time we talk about this strength that human beings have, to come out of the ashes and find a light in the tunnel, what are we saying that this strength is what?
It is God within them!