3 Secrets FEMININE ENERGY Women Know (that you need to know too)

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Jillz Guerin
AWAKEN YOUR FEMININE ENERGY COURSE! πŸ’–πŸ’« ➑️ https://jillian-guerin.mykajabi.com/awaken-your-feminine...
Video Transcript:
if you truly want to unlock and radiate feminine energy there are three incredibly important things that you need to know and let me tell you my life completely transformed the minute I actually learned these things and started embodying them so let's dive into what every healthy magnetic radiant feminine energy woman knows so that you can become her too hey friend welcome back if you're new here my name is Jill's and I help women step into their power tap into their divine feminine and become their best self so if that's something you want to do you
should subscribe and stick around and in case you want more for me besides just my YouTube videos you can check out my deep dive feminine energy course or any of my other digital products they're all linked down below the first secret that is so life-changing if you want to be this powerful divine feminine woman is understanding The Law of Detachment and realizing that Detachment brings ease Detachment brings magnetism the two are actually incredibly related and if you don't have a healthy sense of Detachment then you're probably going to always struggle being fully comfortable and fully
confident as this feminine energy woman but here's the thing with Detachment Detachment is not being aloof it's not being avoidant it's not having all of these walls up it's not pushing down and ignoring your feelings what Detachment really is at its core is trust the women that you see that are just so magnetically feminine they all operate with this one very important belief that the universe is always supporting them that the Universe has their back and is conspiring in their favor they can let go and not try to control and force things and Chase because
they have trust and that is true healthy Detachment I remember I got this DM on Instagram once and I've gotten this same sort of message many different times just in slightly different ways and she said I really like this guy but I feel like I'm constantly checking my phone waiting for him to text me like getting into that desperate energy you know and it's messing with my life and she said how do I not do this how do I just and I said if there is a chance that he is your soulmate then he will
text you if he's not then the universe is only making space for something better and would you really want that person to be taking all of your energy all of your focus all of that entangling your heart if it's not even going to work out for you anyway you can detach once you believe that everything is working out in your favor for some reason I've never really loved the word Detachment I don't know something about it just never clicked with me it felt confusing and distant and honestly when I heard the word Detachment I didn't
really even know what that meant like how to be detached but another word for detachment is just trust and I love the word trust Detachment feels cold and closed- hearted but trust it feels soft and loving and beautiful it feels like you're being taken care of and once I could see it and feel it as trust then all of a sudden I knew how to detach you cannot be this magnetically feminine peaceful woman if you're trying to control and force every little thing if you're constantly trying to change people's behavior so that they'll be who
you want them to be let him ghost you let him because maybe it's not a bad thing at all maybe whatever it is isn't for you when you're detached AKA when you trust that things are working out in your favor you show up as a different person you're more peaceful you're happier more grounded you walk away when your standards aren't being met instead of trying to force and control the situation you're no longer doing silly things out of fear and there's a really subtle but powerful difference between these two statements okay number one I want
this this is what I want this is what I have to have versus I want this but if it's not this it's something better and I'm open to being surprised good things often show up in unexpected ways the best things in life tend to take you by surprise but when you stay in control mode in Desperate mode you can accidentally push these good things away but when you Release Control you allow for all that to come in that's why the women who are so connected with their feminine energy you'll notice this if you actually try
to look they all have this air of Detachment to them I like to call it a warm Detachment they're not cold but they're also not afraid of walking away it's not that they don't care or that they don't love hard or work hard or pursue their goals but they're worth is not determined by every little outcome release your grip let go of control and Trust Detachment is the secret and even though it's ironic letting go is how you make space to become everything that you want to be the next thing secret to becoming so powerful
in your feminine energy is mastering the art of self-respect self-respect is the unwavering belief that you are worthy right that you deserve to be honored and loved that putting yourself last is actually not the noble thing to do feminine energy thrives and comes to life when a woman actually sees herself as valuable and deserving and when you see yourself as that that'll directly influence how people perceive and treat you as well self-respect is honoring your boundaries it's knowing your limits it's knowing when to walk away it's respecting your desires it's respecting yourself and not just
how other people treat you but how you treat you too that self-respect is a priority and it makes everything else fall into place it makes you magnetic think about the most like radiant feminine energy woman that you can think of right now is she looking like a slob every day is she completely burning herself out and not allowing herself the rest that she knows she needs is she never working out or moving her body or eating junk food all day every day is she people pleasing and saying yes to things when she so badly wants
to say no does she keep hanging out with that friend group that always talks poorly about her behind her back No this type of woman is not in her power she's not in her Authority she's not in her Queen energy she's not respecting her desires she's not respecting feeling good she's not respecting the piece of art that is her body many years ago when I did not enjoy my life and I was not connected to my feminine energy at all a big reason for this is because I lacked true self-respect and I did not respect
my desires I saw them as unimportant or childish or unrealistic or not very valuable or I saw it as those desires were for other girls not girls like me and it wasn't until everything started kind of crumbling down in my life that I realized I needed to start operating from a completely different place my life did not start changing and my feminine energy did not start thriving until I started respecting my desires and yours won't either now just to clarify we have two different types of desires or at least I like to classify them as
like two different types of buckets okay so we have our superficial desires which are like our surface level desires those surface level things that make us quote feel good so that would be like eating a whole box of Oreos or something or like grabbing our phone to scroll on Tik Tok right like feeling good like getting those dopamine hits essentially but then we also have what I call our deeply rooted desires these are things that make feel good on a deeper more powerful level so for example this would be following your passion to be an
artist or moving to a city that just like really calls to you or even tiny little things like taking a 10-minute break outside to just like breathe and be in the air these are things that make you deeply feel good like you can feel it from a different place instead of feeling it from up here and like around here you feel those deeply rooted desires like here and like in your stomach these are the desires that we need to follow these are the desires that we need to respect and I know I've said this before
but I'll say it again your desires are not random your desires are a guide for you your desires are the universe leading you on your path trust them respect them do you think that the most powerful feminine energy woman that she ignores what she truly desires of course not and that's why she gets it or something better do you think she puts herself on the back burner only accepting the bare minimum no but when you lack that self-worth or self- respect you naturally devalue those desires you naturally deprioritize those desires you devalue yourself you don't
prioritize yourself and when you do that your life is never going to turn out the way you wanted to you're never going to have that feeling of like oh I just love my life you're not going to have that feeling of ease and peace now I quickly want to mention that there is an important distinction between having self-respect and selfworth and being entitled and I see sometimes women who are trying to get more entit with their feminine energy connect more with their desires connect more with their inherent worth as a woman especially in like dating
and relationships start to uh cross that line just a little bit self-respect is I value myself I know that I deserve to be treated well and if I'm not I'm going to calmly communicate how I'm feeling but if nothing changes I'm going to walk away entitlement is I want you to always cater to my needs my desires are the only things that matter or I want you to be available whenever I need you you it's not mutual respect it's one-sided it's the feeling that other people owe you something with complete disregard to their needs their
boundaries their feelings their perspectives and then trying to demand that of them but the thing about acting entitled is that you're only going to attract people who lack self-respect those are the only people who will put up with that and tolerate that and that's not what you want in a partner so that's not going to get you very far entitlement will shut down good opportunities it'll shut down receiving it'll shut down your magnetic feminine charm but self-respect that is what brings your feminine energy to life now the next secret to amplify your feminine energy is
that sometimes less is more tapping into your feminine energy means slowing down just being being present and attracting in rather than chasing and this less is more approach you know it kind of goes against the grain it goes against what society and hustle culture tells us we need to do we always need to be pushing more we always need to be doing more that more is always better but how good does that really make you feel and how good does that approach usually work for you maybe in short tiny bursts but not in the long
run it usually doesn't work very well especially if you want to be a radiant feminine energy woman now of course again I'm not denying that there might be short Seasons where we need to kind of bust our butt a little bit more and hustle a little bit more like I don't know maybe you're in the last final stretch of law school or something I don't know how that works but this should be the exception in your life not the rule not the norm there was a year in my early 20s where I was very much
in Hustle mode I had these miserably long commutes working a job I didn't like I had to wake up at like 4:45 a.m. every single day it sucked I'm not a morning person I was trying to save money like crazy but it was a year and honestly I needed that year to help me escape my old reality but constant hustling is not how we Thrive as women it's not we create more abundance we attract more good things we bring more ease into our life when we finally realize that less can be more and this is
an essential principle that you need to understand so let me explain what I mean let's first talk about dating by leaning back and not chasing by doing less you open up that space for you to be able to attract in for you to be pursued for you to attract a partner that's just naturally enamored with you for you to focus on yourself by doing less you're not trying to constantly fix him you're not trying to find a whole Improvement project kind of guy by doing less you're not spam texting that random guy how bad you
felt when he ghosted You by doing less you allow your partner to help you and stay in that feminine receptivity you give your partner the space to fix problems and think of solutions himself rather than immediately trying to jump and handle everything yourself if he's trying to plan the first date and he says oh do you have any ideas for where we should go to dinner you say I'm sure whatever you pick will be perfect less is more when you guys decide to get ice cream after dinner and it's a place place that he's never
been to before and he doesn't know where it is don't immediately be like okay yeah you're going to take just straight down this street and then in half a mile you're going to go right here and then right around the corner yep you're going to turn another right yep uhhuh it's right there and then yeah see there's parking in the front oh but there's also parking in the back but we should probably go in the back because the front's yeah no it looks pretty crowded let's go in the back oh get that parking spot right
there that one's a good one yeah chill you do not need to do it all you can do less you can lean back you can relax sometimes and doing less is what actually amplifies your feminine seductiveness your mystery and attracts the right type of person and it gives you that relaxed sort of peaceful confidence that makes you the most attractive version of yourself or what about not in dating just like in general life when you do less and actually let yourself rest and prioritize all the self-care and invest into your nourishment your energy amplifies you
attract in like crazy you manifest like crazy because you're such a peaceful High Vibe clear vessel when you do l it means letting go of that crazy perfectionism that's holding you back and destroying your sanity it means listening to your intuition to make quicker easier decisions and by not trying to do all of the things instead of having 25 goals you have something like four focused goals you simplify you focus on intentional mindful actions rather than busy scattered efforts that get you nowhere even when it comes to making money the same less as more principle
can still apply it's about working harder not smarter it's about aligning your work with your menstrual cycle as much as you you possibly can so when you have low energy you give yourself the rest that you need but when those high energy times come in your phase you're just like superwoman you're getting everything done and it's also easy and again not trying to do everything but having focused efforts focused goals rather than being too scattered and trying to do everything and then doing those things well and doing those things consistently that is what will pay
off it's like the reason why I think I have been like pretty successful on YouTube is because early on I decided that I wasn't going to do it all I wasn't going to post on Instagram 5 times a week and Tik Tok three times a day it's just like it's just too much like my priority was always YouTube and when you put all of your efforts into like one solitary thing or just like a few priorities it means the transformation and abundance from that can happen so much quicker and I'm not saying that you can
only do one thing it's just like spreading yourself too thin trying to do everything especially in business it's actually going to keep you from making money if you really tap into your heart it knows that true success and true fulfillment doesn't come from from trying to be everything from trying to do everything trying to manage everything and constantly exhausting yourself embrace the less is more really think about where your energy and your focus is going focus on what truly matters and trust that not everything requires you to immediately take charge create space for what's meant
for you to flow in naturally less hustle more receiving less control more trust the shift is an important key to turning on your feminine energy and creating a life of more ease abundance and alignment I hope you found this video helpful as always I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below but besides that before you go I highly recommend you check out this video 10 Micro habits to increase your feminine energy it's just a bunch of really easy actionable practical things that you can do in your daily life to help turn on
that feminine energy so I will see you over there or I'll just see you next time in my next video thank you so much for watching I appreciate you guys being here bye
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