O homem que tocou o lado negro da alma | Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
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hey, I studied zonde for a long time not only with DrMiller but with other experts on the subject such as cloue van rit Pedro Bash and many others who attended the zonde study circle there that DrMiller created in his office, hey and that psychology was essentially based on a theory of drives, the drives are obviously impulses that every human being has and that manifest themselves and combine in variable forms, he said that there are four basic drives, which are the sex drive, the drive of what he called paroxysmal which is accumulating and discharging, it's the pull of the ego in self-affirmation and the pull of contact, social contact means getting to know living with people, each of these had two vectors, one positive, one negative, and that's what these drives were combined in. Differently, forming, let's say, a variety of possible personality formats eh eoo zond who for a while worked at a genealogy institute in budapest eh eh he ended up verifying that there was a certain recurrence of illnesses and professions within the same families over time and one day he had a brilliant intuition of that these drives were expressed in sympathies and antipathies that people had for their fellow human beings and with this he collected 48 photographs of patients in which one of these drives manifested itself in an exaggerated and morbid way and created the famous Zom test. But the test is clear in itself it doesn't work without a huge knowledge of the theory, that is to say, no, it is not a test that you can apply mechanically, although there is a French website on the internet le test de zond Okay, where you do it you get a result that the result is not inaccurate but it is very generic and very schematic, you know, the Zon test firstly needs to be done several times at least 10 times, right, for you to get a correct diagnosis, and the ones where On the one hand he had this condition of the drives and he had a pyramid scheme of the elements of the personality where in the first one in the first range you had the basic impulses, right in a second you had the social environment in the third you had the cultural environment in the fourth you had the ego and on top of the Ego you had the spirit, right?
So he said that the function of the Ego was to articulate these various drives so that here they could manifest themselves in a way that he says, first socialized and then humanized, that is, you first channel the drives of a way that will be socially acceptable and then, based on that, you will transform these impulses into virtues and qualities, right, and the ego, obviously, to do this, it has to be guided by the Spirit, that is, it goes alone up to a certain point, but after that there has to be a kind of superior inspiration which is exactly what he called the spirit and I began to meditate on this for a long time, he compared these drives to a revolving stage, right, the stage turns and one drive appears, then another, depending on the situation you is living and normally the stage rotates so that all the drives can find their expression in life and be, so to speak, counterbalanced or neutralized by the others depending on the situation and he compared mental illness to a revolving stage that broke so it always remained the same it's drive obsessively forcing conduct in a certain direction and forcing this which is the most extraordinary thing because he discovered all this before the guys had described DNA much earlier, in 1910 20 he already had this whole idea eh and he discovered that these eh these breaks to be said of the revolving stage determined let's say hereditary drives in which they compared to say our ancestors they saw continue living in our mind in our soul like characters that demand that we repeat their life so that's why you have these symptoms recurring over time, that's right, and the function of the Ego is to use this hereditary material, combining it in a more or less creative way so that it first becomes socially acceptable and then even becomes a channel for manifestation. of some virtues and qualities and this problem of how to deal with drives, that occupied me a lot of time because every The problem with maturity is that we basically have the same impulses and the achievement of maturity depends, let's say, on an effective knowledge of the drives you have, that is, they are desires that sometimes appear only in a direct form, sometimes they appear on the surface. form of its rejection, for example, let's say the sexual drive itself, it says that it manifests itself in two ways, active and passive, and that these two can in turn be affirmed or denied so that denial, when it is extreme, shows let's say the presence and strength of this drive is not that, so for example you can find a person who has let's say a zero sex life zero the person is apparently asexual but when you do the test you see that they have enormous tension, right?
na in this sexual area, so you say that impulse that is rejected is what is effectively determining the conduct, that's not it and that's what happens with the others, and with the other drives, also the subject who, for example, withdraws, the misanthrope doesn't want to talk to no one like that, but when he sees the contact vector is exacerbated, it means he is longing for human contact and precisely this longing is so strong that he has to deny it because he cannot satisfy it, right? So observing these things in myself and in other people, I want to say, I applied it not for clinical purposes, obviously, but just for my study, I applied this Z test to hundreds of people that I knew very well, right, and I believe that it was Zonde's psychology that was the first current of thought whose veracity I could confirming in practice I saw that it was exactly like that, I tested it one way, I tested it the other way, I said but it's not that the man is right, that's it, and at the time of Zonde the idea that mental illnesses were hereditary, right? It was widely subscribed to by people in favor of euthanasia, especially the Nazis, and a very strange situation was created because the zond was not only Jewish but was also a prisoner of a concentration camp, from which he managed to escape to the hospital, right?
He gave the equivalent amount for the purchase. of a battle tank A lot of money at the time, eh, so the zonde was like a kind of hot potato Nobody wanted to touch that, but after the studies on the AD, they're talking about it, it's no longer possible to deny the thing, it's there. It really is a fact.
so interest in the zonde has increased a lot in the last few decades, right? You have an infinity of books about the zonde now, right, and without a doubt he was one of the greatest geniuses in the psychology of psychiatry of all time and this problem of drives caught my attention precisely because the drives that are denied are ignored by the person, they hide that not from others but from themselves, they do not want to think about it and precisely that is being the determining factor of their conduct, in other words, the individual is seeing themselves in an inverse way and the function of the Ego is not effectively known, although the ego is only one of the drives, it is also oriented in two ways towards the expansion of the Ego or its contraction and hardening, and the function of the Ego was to superimpose itself on the universe of drives precisely through the connections he established connections and check and balances that he established between one another and hence the function that ooo zond called ego pontifex the ego is the builder of Bridges Okay between the various drives when the bridge falls Okay then one thing becomes disconnected from the other and entire pieces of the Soul start to ignore each other and precisely the one that corresponds to the stage session that stopped and that is in front of the audience is the one that the person ignores the most. So I saw that this problem, let's say of self-knowledge It's something much more complicated than I could have imagined and than I had access to in other schools of Psychology, especially psychoanalysis, that is to say, I not only studied a lot but I did a lot of analysis for the purpose of of knowledge, that's right, and I saw that all of them compared to the zond were very poor, only the ones on had a general plan of the thing and knew how to integrate this within the whole history of the culture and the spirit, so the moment came when I noticed the zond was missing.
he gave the map of the thing but this map is still static he is only talking about the aspects that are the drives that are permanent in the human being and that combine, recombine at each moment in a different way, as we will say, the attitudes of life, the problems you have, etc. your drives, they change as they go. Sometimes he also thought that the best way the ego operates is through the choices it makes conscious choices and that the main choices were the choice of marriage, that is, the partner you choose, the choice of your circle of friends and the choice of your work or profession and he created a business called ergotherapy, which is not completely different labor therapy and which is precisely the individual's orientation towards one or another profession that allows a better assembly of his instinctual scheme, he had started with this verification of the coincidence between professions and mental illnesses in the history of families and his work then culminates in a series of psychotherapeutic procedures, among which the choice of a permanent or temporary work is right to cure the individual because in that work he is obliged to, let's say, articulate the his impulses in a different way than he did before, but I saw that one thing was missing in the area, which was a psychology of human development, he had the framework, he had the means, the diagnostic process for each moment of life and he had the therapeutic procedure, but the biographical aspect was missing, that is to say, the development of life's life, I said well, so I have to start looking for this, and at that moment something happened to me that really helped me, I met a Bulgarian astrologer who lived in Uruguay called Boris Christof Boris Christof was a very funny man Very witty, a genius in certain aspects and he had some fantastic achievements in the field of astrology, including the fact that he provided services to the Uruguayan police to locate missing people when there was That plane case that fell in the Andes, and people even started practicing anthropophagy, so he helped a lot to locate these people using astrological methods, this part of the astrological methods, I don't know, I didn't really know, I still don't know, but in astrology there are a multitude of methods of of prediction some enormously complicated like the so-called primary directions that require high spherical trigonometry calculations others more simpler and I never took any of these prediction methods seriously until today eh eh I think the only thing that is more or less valid in trology is the structural and permanent aspect, if that exists, right?
Eh, but among other techniques that bor chist used, he had invented one that was very simple, he started from the fact that a complete rotation of the planet Uranus has 84 years represented V, meaning the scheme of an entire life, meaning the ideal schematic duration, so to speak, of human life, and based on that, he took each house of the horoscope and divided it into seven pieces, and each piece corresponds to one year of the life of the Dude, if you ask me if this works or not, to this day I don't know, that's right, he even called this method, he called it proluna, so he did my proluna, one thing he got right, some he got wrong, and how to say, to this day, no one knows who died, I guarantee that It was him and I guarantee it was me but what I thought at the time was the following, it is impossible for this ideal schematic duration of human life of 84 years to correspond to the Life of any particular person Because people don't live 84 years, some live 20 years, others live 30 others live 120 and so on, so between let's say an ideal scheme or so to speak, archetypal, right ? However, the idea of, let's say, an ideal scheme, an archetypal scheme, seemed to me in itself very fair, as long as you didn't apply it, so to speak, literally or materially to the life of an individual, I say, then of course if it exists, let's say if human life is a passage in time and this course is naturally accompanied by eh and growth development decay and death And this happens to everyone, okay, so the idea of ​​an ideal circuit makes a lot of sense in itself as long as you don't use this ideal circuit as a mathematical measure. so that's when the idea of ​​using these 12 signs or houses of the zodiac came to mind.
They are, of course, stages of development and this development was marked according to me and note that here I also carried out hundreds of Diagnoses on people I knew very well as well as historical characters and this ideal development was marked by changes that are absolutely necessary and unavoidable. As soon as a child is born, the first thing she does is take possession of her body, Cri is eminently interested in her own body, her view of the world is totally subjective from a physical point of view, oral body and only gradually does she It only starts when she already has some movement capacity, she starts to explore the physical environment around her, all children are like that, okay, so you can see that, for example, when a baby is born, he is very interested in his own foot, he keeps examining his foot, right? sucking him, sucking his foot, etc.
, and so on, and so on, and so on, he starts moving objects like this. This order cannot be reversed, it's impossible, but the boy starts to take in the surrounding physical environment before taking control of his own body, so then you there is a clear passage, this passage could not be marked with an exact chronology, that is, it was such a day that the [ __ ] changed, this is not possible, but the passage has to happen anyway, I existed following a third passage, which is when the individual he begins to communicate not only with his physical environment but more with the verbal environment around him when he learns signs and language and begins to have a means of action that he didn't have before, that's not it, this passage is also clear, it means you won't there is no possibility of you confusing it, I mean a baby who is just let's say crawling and exploring things around with a baby a little later when he is already able to explain himself in some way Okay that passage doesn't correspond either let's say to an exact date, a chronology, but let's say it is conceptually unmistakable, so to speak, there is no way to confuse one thing with another Um, so that's how the idea came to me, let's say, of the 12 layers of the personality and these layers were marked by two things first the pursuit of a dominant objective eh and the appearance of a type of suffering that is also dominant during a certain phase um so you see that a child as soon as he is born let's say he is the first thing he deals with is taking possession of his own body and the thing that makes her suffer the most is her own body No, children cry when they're sleepy, when they're hungry, when they're in pain, if they don't have human problems, so to speak, I'm crying because my girlfriend left me, I'm crying because I lost my job doesn't have this problem, I'm crying because my stomach hurts, right, because I want to breastfeed something like that, right, and in a second moment, when she starts exploring the physical environment, she may have frustrations that she sees from the physical environment, for example, when she picks up an object and the father the mother takes this object from her hand and starts to cry This is very different very different from crying because you are hungry or in pain Okay so in this second moment you see that the child has the possibility of being frustrated in his efforts of mastering the physical environment Um and not only frustrated in the normal functioning of your organism As it was in the first phase in a third moment when you learn to speak when you learn to speak then obviously you want to understand and be understood and when you fail in one of these two things you suffers, right? Much more than much more for this than for reasons relating to the two previous phases, although these reasons continue They continue They just leave the foreground there is a child who already knows how to speak, he can also suffer because she's in pain or because she's hungry or because the toy she wanted to get fell out of her hand, right?
Once I remember that I suffered horribly when a little toy of mine fell into the toilet, right? And it was at that moment that I understood what it meant I never said that again then it won't come back again it was a tragedy then they bought me another one like it and everything went back to normal eh but the toilet appeared as a kind of symbol of the black hole, right the way to the the door to on So you continue with these and motivations of the previous phases, but they leave the foreground, they are integrated into a larger circle, so to speak, um , so these passages they mark the life of any person, there is no exact chronology, this can happen, in principle, at any moment, there are some children who pass from one phase to another faster, others less quickly, but one day it will have to pass and the change in behavior is remarkable Okay, so right now we are seeing Jack learning to crawl. Okay, so you see that the physical world has acquired to it has a much greater importance than it had before, I mean before it was just, so to speak, a cloudy screen that was in the background, now, not now, it's the scenario of your life, okay, so when you start, you know, learning to speak, so V, human communication becomes becomes enormously more important than anything else, for example, the manipulation of the physical environment is now done through language, right?
previous ones , right, so the development could be described in a schematic way that corresponded to the famous 84 years without having to last 84 years, right, there are people who could go through that much more quickly but none of them made the jump. This is important because the activity of one of the phases required so to speak, the mastery of the previous phase n is so, for example, a boy who is a baby who is still incapable of manipulating his physical environment, he will not learn to speak, right? Even if he cannot, let's say, suppose the case of a paralyzed child, for example right, even so, she will have at least the ideal mastery of this physical environment, she is capable of orienting herself in the physical environment, something that at birth she was not in any way OK, so a phase has to be covered contained in order to be overcome um and the overcoming does not eliminate it but contains it, right, and that means it is overcoming in the German sense, al reb, which means you lift that, you lift that to another, eh, level , no, so each level is marked, let's say, by a predominant activity, by one, by the search for one.
predominant objective and also by the emergence of a specific form of Suffering that did not exist in the previous phase when the pursuit of that objective is frustrated Okay, so let's say the fourth phase was when the individual had already grown enough, he had mastered it in such a way, let's say o the surrounding verbal environment means the entire field of Communications so he can evaluate his life as a whole from an emotional point of view Um and see if as a whole he is happy or unhappy, notice well a small baby he is only happy or unhappy at a certain moment, right? Now there comes a time when you have an emotional background Of happiness or unhappiness where you evaluate whether they like you, whether you are accepted, whether you are despised, whether you get the satisfactions you want from life or not And this more or less corresponds to adolescence, so that means the search for satisfaction in life as a whole The Search for Happiness, so to speak, and happiness So let's say acceptance, affection, etc. , etc.
, right, that's precisely when, uh, the T boys, for example, appear problems with his family because he feels that he is not loved enough, rightly or wrongly or when he starts looking for a girlfriend and when he, let's say, starts to have a more affectionate relationship with his circle of friends, right, and for example Ah, then his satisfaction or dissatisfaction condenses into more permanent or more or less permanent judgments that he makes about people I like so-and-so or I don't like so-and-so This is my friend That is my enemy something that a small child doesn't There is still a small child, she can fill the next stage on the shelf, they are playing as if nothing had happened, but there comes a day when things condense into a kind of personal emotional world, a kind of autobiography, it's emotional and into a judgment about your conscious mind. Of happiness or unhappiness and the reasons why you are happy or unhappy, right ? that it is no longer enough for him to be liked or to have, let's say ah, the necessary happiness coefficient, but he begins to test himself in his own eyes to see if he likes himself or not, whether he has reasons or not, so he begins to test himself and seeking challenges not to prove anything to others but to prove yourself to others is important in the fourth phase um it means doing things that will bring you applause affection etc etc but there comes a time when the individual wants to prove his own strengths He wants to know how far is he capable of going Okay, so then he starts looking for ways Okay, not with an eye on the audience but with an eye on his own inner security, that is to say the achievement of one's confidence in an inner security that does not depend on the judgment of others It's just up to him to know who he is and what he's capable of, that's not it, so for example, if the boys get into a fight, that's right, it's important for each one of them to win the fight, even if there's no audience, that's not what we're doing for example, an exercise, the individual has to overcome themselves in some way, that is, the search for self-improvement is constant, that is clear that the need, let's say for the applause of approval, still exists but it is no longer the main focus, for example, if the individual he fails but he is applauded out of affection out of paternalism he feels deeply humiliated this no longer satisfies him , right?
I wanted this but if he's on the farm then maternal affection starts to be a shame for him that's when boys, for example, run away from their mother when their mother rejects them, it's characteristic at this time, I mean I don't want to be carried Hmm I want right, if like Alberto Roberto I made it on my own Okay, so this is a phase in which the individual imposes challenges on himself, everyone absolutely goes through everything, that's right, but there are some cases where the subject stops Um when he already has a that minimum of confidence in himself that allows him to function in society he has to move on to another phase where putting himself to the test is no longer enough but it is necessary to have real efficiency, for example when he gets a job Hmm, I mean my boss doesn't want to know if I have self-confidence, I don't have self-confidence, he wants me to do the job properly, so that's where the challenge stops being a means of self-evaluation and becomes a means of effective action in a society where what matters is not more the search for security but the search for efficiency um see that it is impossible for you to move on to this one if you haven't gone through the previous one if you don't have that minimum self-confidence necessary for you to know who you are what you can how are you going to evaluate If you are being efficient or not, that is impossible, right? If you have gone through this phase, then you reach something that is maturity, maturity means that the individual knows who he is, he knows if he is happy or unhappy and he knows he knows more or less his circle of capabilities he knows what his rights and duties are in society Um And he knows that he must judge others more or less by the same criteria so then he acquires a sense of justice of which we would say citizenship either to say this layer is the layer of the normal man of the entire society, that is, you have to know who you are, where you are, what your rights are, what your duties are and how to judge others according to more or less the same table of rights and duties is correct, which then allows you to have a normal and healthy objective coexistence with other people, human development, obviously. it doesn't stop there, um, there may be an eighth layer in which the individual, who is an adult, puts his whole life in question and says, well, I already got what I wanted, I'm here married, I'm a family man, I'm capable, etc, etc, I have my money I have my job everything is fine but what is the point of all this that I'm doing here and who am I ultimately?
So this is a stage of crisis really crisis of maturity some people suffer the crisis of maturity at 50 60 at 40 others only suffer in their early 20s, depending, let's say on the speed of their development. So, let's say, up to layer seven, all human beings must necessarily reach it. That's right, this is a condition for social life, if people stop at the layers prior to Sem society doesn't work and you will see that Brazil is an example of this where the number of people who stop at tier four is an impressive deal and those who are in qu are struggling to move to c but without taking full responsibility for the challenge.
Therefore, even though we are still in great need of approval, applause from the group and external support, people can never act objectively because everything they are doing is to acquire satisfaction, gratification is subjective in the end and however, although they are in layer four, they can socially play roles that correspond to the following layers, you know, they can be married, have a child, have a job, etc. , etc. , and yet their basic motivation is that of layer 4, which is acceptance, their subjective happiness, etc.
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