1500 Action Verbs | Common Action Verbs in English | Part 2 | English Vocabulary with Picture |
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Action verbs are verbs that show or describe an action. They are the most common type of verb in Eng...
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kneel kneel crawl crawl grab grab lean lean share share send send give give slip slip bathe bathe hang hang close close open open grind grind plow plow spray spray ride ride tumble tumble Vault Vault blow blow stand stand sit sit Titan Titan wrench wrench drink drink cram cram dig dig pour pour shave shave Dive Dive drag drag cut cut draw draw calculate calculate count count fly fly shoot shoot press press charge charge copy copy tear tear measure measure knock knock tie tie leak leak peel peel Chop Chop soak soak mix mix stir stir fry fry
crack crack call call Mark Mark hide hide where where a ski ski grow grow access access add add pick pick flick flick ring ring weld weld fold fold drill drill saw saw brush brush rinse rinse rest rest rescue rescue receive receive record record pump pump protect protect pack pack unpack unpack print print prick prick Polish Polish great great paint paint divide divide erase erase follow follow p pound pound download download swallow swallow repair repair help help invent invent plant plant praise praise primp primp q q rake rake rate rate refuse refuse wipe wipe repeat repeat
weave weave so so we have completed 100 English verbs now let's review there are 10 questions each with one point how many points can you get let's do it rinse bathe dive tear ring praise wrench plow tumble soak great job how many points did you get share your score in the comments repetition is the key to learning if you found this video helpful please like share and subscribe to my channel for more videos bye-bye