MAKE IT HAPPEN - Motivational Speech

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Ben Lionel Scott 2
Make it happen. #motivationalspeech #motivationalspeech #motivational #motivationalvideo
Video Transcript:
you know who's going to bail me out you know who's going to come and rescue me you know who's going to come and save the day no one I don't have backup nobody's coming nobody's coming to tell me to turn the TV off nobody's coming to get me out the door and exercise nobody's coming to write the business plan for me I got to do it all myself and many of you are not where you're supposed to be not because you're not gifted not because you're not talented you have absolutely no discipline you keep cutting
yourself slack you keep telling yourself you did enough you keep letting yourself off the hook it's time you punish you from now on you're not going to hold any other human more accountable than you hold yourself it's high time that discipline became your best friend your daily companion it's time to face yourself you're the only one tripping you up look in the mirror and tell yourself no more messing around you got to get real doggish you got to get real dirty if you want to make it it's these moments where you're tested by life these
decisions we make on a daily basis do we get up early and go for a run or do we hit the snooze button do we go that extra rep in the gym when our body's dying and we push past that or do we throw in the towel and give into the pain those Ines you need to be number one are around us every single day it's when you get up that day and do those little tiny things the little details in life that's what adds up to be the difference between the champion and average you
think I don't get tired of course I do but I've got reasons bigger than my fatigue I'm out here setting the pace making sure every day counts cuz I'm doing it for my family I'm doing it for my wife I'm doing it for my kids this is my zone and I'mma kill it ain't nothing going to stand in my way I'll work every fing day if I have to whatever it takes I need you to think about the people you're doing this for and when that alarm goes off in the morning you need the thought
of those people you're grinding for to be louder than that alarm clock so when it goes off and you're just not feeling it you got to think do I hit the snooze button or do I get up and grind for those people you have got to push yourself your family is counting on you your dreams are counting on you everything you've ever wanted is counting on you so all those days you don't feel like getting up just think about them you don't get to success by quitting when you're tired you get there by quitting when
you're finished when you're done you don't stop when you're tired you stop when you're done dreams ain't easy if they were everyone would have everything they ever want it waking up with zero energy won't cut it you can't outsmart the grind some days you just got to have the grit and the hustle to get your ass up and get to work you don't make millions just cuz you're talented or skilled you make millions cause you execute you've been taking your sweet ass time and that sh got to stop you can't afford to move at a
snail's pace in a world that's racing by you're not a bad person for it but you'll remain in the middle of the pack if you can't pick up the pace it's time to kick it into high gear you dedicate yourself to The Daily Grind even when the high of motivation wears off success is always full price every single time there are no discounts no markdowns it's going to cost you sweat Blood and Tears so quit looking for the easy way out there isn't one discipline is about doing what you hate doing the [ __ ]
that makes you hungry comfortable that pisses you off but you grit your teeth and get it done like it's your [ __ ] passion it's about embracing the suck lacing up those boots when you'd rather be kicking them off it's dragging your ass out of bed when the blankets feel like a cozy Cocoon of comfort but you rise up anyway because there's work to be done that feeling of dread that resistance it's a sign that you're on the right track because real growth doesn't happen in the comfort zone it happens in the trenches in the
grind where every move is a battle it's easy to do what you love it's a whole other ball game to do what you hate with the intensity and drive as if you love it that's the essence of true fing discipline it's not about mood or feelings it's about commitment it's about saying [ __ ] my feelings I've got a mission and I'm not leaving until it's done you won't always stay motivated there's going to be times where you're dragging ass and all you want to do is col collapse and go eat like crap you have
to learn to get yourself up and moving when it's the last thing in the world you want to be doing so that's what separates people it's the difference between the dreamers and the doers between the people who talk a good game and those who play to dominate regret weighs tons but discipline weighs ounces it's much easier to look back on a life full of discipline knowing you made the right choice in the moment rather than looking back on a life full full of excuses full of regrets regret that you didn't pay the price for greatness
discipline doesn't give a flying about what you feel like doing it's the Relentless unwavering force that keeps you moving forward when everything else screams for you to stop it's doing the work the hard gritty Soul testing work and not just enduring it but owning it like aing boss you make it happen you get it done because that's who you are a person of action a person of your word you stay true to what you said you do not for Glory not for Applause but because that is the standard you hold yourself to long after the
mood has left you're still there grinding pushing striving because that's what it takes that's integrity that's honor that's real power and you have that power within [Music] you you're going to have more days you don't want to do something then you are going to want to most days you're not going to be pumped up most days you're going to feel weak most days you're going to want to stay in bed most days you're going to feel like most people do but if you do what most people do which is give yourself reasons to not get
the tasks done not get to work not get out of bed you're going to end up like most people barely getting by being unhappy with their lives you got to make a different decision you got to decide enough is enough you've had enough of being average and ordinary you're tired of being mediocre you're now going to push yourself it's going to feel better when it's over you know that when you get done doing the hard thing it's going to feel better waking up working out taking care of some tedious task you know you will feel
better when it is done you also know that if you don't do the hard thing the thing that you don't want to do that you don't feel like doing you know if you don't do it you're going to feel inferior you know you're going to feel weak and that feeling that horrible feeling you know that feeling too you know it you know it's true those are the two outcomes one will cause you some shortterm gratification you'll get to sleep a little bit more you won't have to put out during a workout you don't have to
do this tedious task you'll get some short-term gratification but the long-term regret will be strong and it will inflict pain on you successful people do one thing more than others make movement they get it done while most people are slacking off relaxing wasting their time the winners in the world are putting in work studying their craft practicing running drills on how to perform better putting in all those extra hours when everyone's already gone home and of course you get tired you'll get worn out you'll feel exhausted and lazy and not want to work and you'll
have some really really rough days but when that happens you got to tell yourself I will not stop I don't care what I have to go through I'm going to get this done no matter what you do what you know you need to do to move forward and when you do that thing you know you're going to feel strong and you're going to feel gratified and you're going to feel worthy of this life that's how you're going to feel when you do what you're supposed to do remember that remember that the pain right now will
absolutely pay off in the future and the capitulation and the conceding defeat to weakness that will absolutely result in the pain of regret and remorse later you know this to be true so don't allow it remember the feeling of victory that comes from doing the right thing the hard thing remember that feeling and then go get it done the work comes before the Bel you're going to have to do some work and you're going to have to keep doing it consistently even when you're not seeing the results even when you feel like giving up and
eventually results will begin to sprout as you do this and when that happens you're going to build Faith Build belief in what it is you're doing you start to realize hey I can really do this this is actually working working and as you work more more success Sprouts you're going to start to create something you have no motivation you have no drive you have no ambition but you're going to force it to happen anyway because that's what bad [ __ ] do and that's what you are you're going to go through day by day by
day doing the work regardless of how you feel like it and then what's going to happen is you're going to see a little bit of a result and when you see that little bit of result you're going to get happy on what's going to happen in your brain is it's going to open up the possibilities for you of what you can actually achieve because now you can clearly see that if I do the work this result will happen and when this result starts to happen you get excited and guess what comes with the excitement the
motivation the inches we need to become dominant in any field of Life are all around us it's in every task every project every Mission every day every second when you do the Small Things how do you do them cuz if you're putting in 120% of in those small tasks I know for sure you're doing it in everything else it's the people who are willing to do twice as much as anyone else those are the people who end up winning you go the extra mile you push through the extra round you do those extra reps that's
what defines if you become first or forgotten Champions are focused on the goal they don't have time to be doing stuff that's not going to help them toward the goal and so what you're focusing on throughout the course of the day it has to change what what you're looking at what you're reading what you're watching the conversations you have You' got to be focused entirely on your dreams entirely on your goals when you're great you don't just focus on a week you don't just focus on a month you don't just focus on a year you
concentrate on the 24 hours that's in front of you and work as hard as possible to nail it you dominate in the dark when nobody sees you when no one knows what you're doing those late hours and early mornings where you're working your ass off nothing feels feels better than giving everything you have to the grind and a lot of people are confused as to how high drive high success people can wake up every day and go at it is because they know that even if they feel bad even if they don't feel like doing
it if they push through just a little bit just a few more days they're going to see something that is going to start to make them feel good it's going to give them belief it's going to get them motivation and it's going to make them feel like doing this is absolutely worth it and not only worth it but exciting so if you're in this phase where it doesn't feel like it's worth it where it doesn't feel like it's very fun just remember if you keep going and you do not let your feelings dictate what your
actions will be the results will always be there when you get to sit back and unwind after working yourself to the Bone for those goals and dreams you'll feel a sense of Pride you might have never felt before but you only ever get to that point if you get up and get to work download this video and audio by becoming a member at Ben lional plus get early access to all new content and hundreds of exclusive videos
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