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it is exactly 6:30 p.m. and we're live welcome welcome Hony fera Mariam casabi Marley Rodriguez Oscar Panini and marir Mar Rodriguez Amanda welcome everybody good something to you good morning good afternoon good evening or good night morning evening afternoon night evening good evening good afternoon good morning or good night me for Precision English okay without further Ado 6 for for okay okay okay so let's get it started so there are six different ways to ask this but I'll show you six okay and you're going to choose one of them you don't need to remember all
of them you're going to choose one of them and stick to this the other ones you just got to know so let's get it started the first way to ask how someone is what's up what's up for okay hey Matt what's up what's up when you say what's up the response is to say how the person is follow what what's up is not formal what's up formal so I do not recommend you to use this one in a formal context this is informal okay what's up what's up what up up whats up what's up up
okay what up what's [Music] up what up what up so what's up what's up what's up what's up hey sup Su what's up for Messenger okay so you know the drill write down write down in the comments what's up Mar Lana Kelly phip Gana Silva austa Z Andre George Batista Pedro VOR carolinaa up okay moving on so this is the second way that I'll show you today what's new what's new what's new no hey man what's new what's new okay what's new what's [Music] new okay what's new new what's new no okay ball ball ball
b b b ball ball b l lar b b okay what and follow what what what okay so you know the Dr what's new what's new okay moving on the Third Way a form how's it going how's it going good afternoon how's it going hey hello how's it going how's it going okay how it going how's it going going how's it going it going okay how's it going how's it going okay how's it going how's it going foree how's it going how's it how's it going how's it going how's it going how's it going okay
how's it going how's it going how's it going how's it going how's it going okay so you know the drill write down in the comments how's it going how's it going moving on the fourth one how are things how are things long time no see how are things okay how are things how are things how are things how are things okay for r r okay to is er rare World r for okay things [Music] things things okay easy how are things how are things okay nice for how are things how are things how are things
how are things how are things okay moving on you know the drill how are things L Gran Jana cardo L Alves austo Pedro VOR Marcus Fran Monica well done moving on listen up listen carefully how's everything how's everything hey how's everything good morning how's everything hello there John how's everything how's everything how's it going house house everything every everything how's everything how's everything good every everything everything okay every every every okay every every everything everything very good marav you know the drills write down in the comments how's everything okay moving on the last one the
last way that I'm showing you to ask how someone is which is listen up listen up carefully how's life how's life what's up mate long time no see how's life all right so again house Life House life life okay life ter very good so now it's your turn which one of these six Alternatives did you prefer write down in the comments which one of these six alternatives are you going to use M I prefer how's it going okay nice Alex how's everything okay Lucas gei how's life okay isak Silva what's up nice Carlos how's it
going how's life it going fore all right moving on so now that you know ways to ask how someone is let's talk about ways to tell how you are okay so the first one listen up listen carefully I'm good good thanks and you I'm good thanks and you so let's say someone came to you how are things hey Matt how are things I'm good thanks I'm good thanks and you I'm good thanks and you I'm good thanks and you God [Music] God God God oh stop stop okay okay good [Music] good okay thanks thanks thanks
okay and you you and you and you and you okay I'm good thanks and you nice all right mov on the second one the second way of telling how you are listen up listen carefully pretty good pretty good how are things pretty good pretty good good pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty woman walking down the street Pretty Woman Pretty Pretty [Music] for pretty pretty better do you think you're better off alone do you think you're better off alone better bettery pretty [Music] okay okay moving on the third way of telling how you are same
mode really say mode really simp so how are things yeah same mode really all right same old really same old really same old really same old really same old okay for no say mod say [Music] mode say mode say mode really really really moving on the fourth one okay so as you can see these ones are not so happy they're kind of depressive so you're you're on the same mod now you're not so great but if you want to tell the truth sometimes you're not feeling so well right listen up listen carefully not so great
really not so great really no not so great really okay so how are things not so great really why okay no not so great really not so great really not so great really okay so great not not not not so not so great not so great really deser not so great really not so great really not so great really okay not so great really or not so great really moving on the fifth one a could be better could be better so hey man how's everything could be better so as you can see we're going to
a darker side now but it happens right could be better in could be better could be better could be better okay in everything okay could could [Music] could a b c b better better better better better better okay could be better could be better could be better could be better let go all right so moving on to the last way can't complain listen up listen up carefully can't complain long time no see how's life yeah can't complain can't compain in can't complain complain okay all can can can complain can complain can complain can complain okay
very good compain seeing follow complain complain can't complain okay I can do it I can can do it okay I got obious I can't do it I can't do it I can do it I can do it I can do it I can't do it I can't do it I can do it I can't do it okay I can do it I can't do it okay now now you know the drill which one of these six Alternatives do you choose which one of these do you prefer write down in the comments for pretty good Alan
ala pretty good jna card pretty good Kar Costa pretty good Marcus Korea can't complain pretty good it can't complain all right now moving on for okay moving on so now you know how to ask how someone is you know how to tell how you are so let's move on let's move on to Small Talk Talk small talk okay so listen up listen carefully what do you do what do you do is see what do you do directly gives the idea of work what do you do what do you do in what do you do what
do you do okay do you do okay what do you do what do you do what do you do what do you do okay pretty better better better pretty pretty [Music] [Music] what do you do what do you do water what you do what do you do what do you do what do you do okay for what do you do what do you do what do you do what do you do okay what do you do for what do you do okay moving on so there is an alternative so this is the second alternative of
talking about a job right what do you do for what do you do for a living what do you do for a living for a living for a living so I teach for a living I teach for a living I sell for a living a living for a living living okay Liv Liv living live I live I live [Music] okay Beach e She sh okay what do you do for a living what do you do for a moving on the last alternative so this is an expression if you want to sound cooler you can say
that what your bread and but what's your bread and butter Eng bread and butter bread and butter it's not earn bread earn bread translate literally and butter okay what's your bread and butter what's your bread and butter what's your bread and butter okay bread and butter bread and butter bread and and butter and butter okay and butter and butter and butter okay bread and butter okay and butter and butter bread and butter Brad and butter bread and butter okay good bread and butter bread and butter bread and [Music] butter what's your VA what your what
what what [Music] what watch [Music] your okay watch your bread and butter what your bread and butter watch your bread and butter what your bread and butter what's your bread and butter what's your bread and butter now it's your turn write down in the comments which one of these Alternatives did you choose for what's your bread and butter okay Jonathan opinski what do you do welcome back Jonathan Jonathan thanks for coming back DAV Lucas what's up do you do El mirle what's your bread and butter okay Lucas what your bread and butter maravil arur cast
what do you Doan CL pipini what do you do what do you do what do you do for a living okay okay so now you know how to ask about work but do you know how to answer about work let's talk about this okay so how do you tell what you do for 11 what are the ways form I'll show you the first alternative listen up listen carefully I'm teacher I'm a teacher I'm a teacher as simple as that simp a o and I'm a nurse I'm a nurse I'm a lawyer I'm a lawyer I'm
an artist I'm an artist what I'm a driver I'm a driver okay [Music] ke reversal context for okay therapist therapist reversal context reversal cont for engineer engineer engineer engineer okay okay teacher teacher a secretary a doctor so let's move on a teacher a doctor a driver a therapist a nutritionist a [Music] dietician okay a engineer an engineer an engineer an engineer engineer I'm a interior designer interior designer interor interior designer a man interior designer an interior or an apple apple or anle anle an apple that's it okay I'm an artist I'm an engineer I'm a
teacher I'm a doctor moving on for what do you do for a living using this I'm a teacher and a businessman I'm a teacher and a businessman Professor what do for a living I'm retired okay retired paer I'm a teacher hey there Anna I'm an artist okay AUST I'm a public servant okay okay uh sandraa I'm dress maker okay okay moving on okay so you know how to say you're professional you know how to tell what you do for a living but let's say want to tell where do you work so you say I work
for and then the name of the place you work at I work for I work for Google I work for Google I work for good Google I work for Google but say goog I work for Google Now the last one so you don't want to say the name of the place you work for but just the kind of place so you say I work at I work ATP I work at an office I work at a farm I work at a bakery I work at a drug I work at a lab and it goes on
all right so as a last exercise I want you to write down where you work at is it a hospital is it at home in Casa is it at an office son Maria I work at a hospital lza I work at a house okay Angelica Sil I work at the city hall okay okay I work at a bank V I work at a school good moving on so you've already talked about work let's let's move on to Hobbies how do you talk about Hobbies Hobbies all right so these are three different ways of asking about
Hobbies the first one what do you do what do you do what do you do for fun what do you do for fun I listen to music I go to clubs I play golf I don't know what do you do for fun what do you do what do you do what do you do for fun what do you do for fun okay what do you do for fun what do you do for fun that's the first way the second way what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time
in your free time in your free time in your free time okay what do you do in your free time time free coffee CFE coffee coffee C I'm coughing this is a cough coffe okay moving on the third alternative what do you like to do what do you like to do okay what do you like to do what do you like to do what do you like to do okay okay okay I'm cheing two people what you like to do son the soul is son the F meet the car okay now you know the Dr
write down in the comments which one of these three alternatives are you going to use what do you like to doas what do you like to do okay what do you like to do what do you do for fun okay what do you do for fun Mar what do you do for fun saying that what do you do what do you like to do very good okay okay moving on so you know how to ask about Hobbies how do you answer about them all right four Alternatives the first one I like playing tennis I like
playing tennis that's the first one okay I like [Music] fore okay walking is is good for the health drinking water is good for the health drinking drinking water is good for the health walking is good for the health engl [Music] is or are m is or I am playing I am playing she is playing they are playing I like playing for m is or I like playing playing tennis makes me happy tennis m is m is okay back here so this is a way of saying what you like to do I like playing I like
cooking lasagna I like cook I like cooking I likeing okay I like writing writing okay good moving on the second one I really like playing tennis so when you want to emphasize you use really really you say really really I really like playing tennis I really like cooking Las okay so let's say you're not so much into that but you're kind of you're kind of into that I kind of like make make I kind of like playing tennis I kind of like dancing kind of like cooking okay so what if you don't like anything in
specific so you just say I like uh watching series and stuff like that I like watching series and stuff like that so this is a generic version of an answer that you can give I kind of like I like watching series and stuff like that I like watching series and stuff like that M I like watching I like watch okay so now you know the drill it's your turn as write down in the comments something with one of these four S arani Al I like riding a bike okay I like riding my bike my bike
I I like riding my bike okayer I like listening music okay ano to music listening to music listening okay uh B benio I like cleaning my car okay well done Gori ver I like swim swimming Zen daki I like playing Geor Batista I like sleeping Mar I really like playing soccer well done okay all right for good moving on so we already talked about work and hobbies and how someone is how you are now how do you ask where someone is from these are three different ways as some the first one where are you from
where are you from I'm from where are you from okay where where are you from where are you from where are you from where are you from where where are you from the second one this is an informal way of saying where are you from where are you from where where are you where are you from where you from where you from okay so where are you from for okay where you from where you from where you from okay all right so let's say you don't want to be so straight you need a more indirect
way of asking asking where you from so you can guess are you from San Diego are you from San Diego are you from kurba are you from s Paulo are you from Tampa where are you from okay are you from you from San Diego okay good so you know the Dr write down in the comments for where are you from okay where are you from Jana Silva s where are you from Paulo roer where are you from Luis Philipe P where are you from okay K Fern K where are you originally from okay good where
[Music] you is where are you from okay so you know how to ask where someone is from how do you answer where you from okay three different ways for the first one I'm from and then your nationality or your city your hometown I'm from I'm from brail if you're talking about cities I'm from I'm from I'm from from I'm from I'm from okay I'm I'm okay so what I want you to do right now is to write down in the comments where are you from I'm from great I'm from milon Pao I'm from P I
saw two people from p already where are you from okay I'm from I'm from Jano two people from Jano I'm from Brazilia matut I'm from Angola oh that's great people from all around the world okay fromto boys hey T inter VTO great this is the second alternative okay so you can say yes I'm from and then the yes I'm oh no I'm are you from San Diego yes I'm from San Diego oh no I'm from New York okay yes or no yes no I'm okay are you from kurba are you from kurich yes I'm from
no I'm from I'm from I'm from I'm from I'm from maso I'm from s Paulo I'm from Gram I'm from Puerto Al that's up to you okay good so now you know how to answer where you from let's talk about ways to ask someone's contact you talked about work you talked about Hobbies uh you talked about your countries PES you talked about things you like and things you don't like so now how do you get the person's contact listen up listen carefully can I get your number can I get your number that's a very polite
way of asking for someone's number it doesn't sound per it doesn't sound poite it's just polite and normal okay so could I get your number could I get your number okay V could I could I could I could I could I get your number get your get get your get your could I get your number could I get your numberer know teacher teacher number number okay so that's how you ask for a number what about the email address so you say could I get your email address could I get your email address okay follow could
I get your email address email address email address add address address email address oh saw email could I get your email could I get your email okay easy the next one so that that's kind of professional Prof right so what if you want Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn do you have Instagram do you have Instagram Instagram don't I have a house I have a car I have a notebook I have a table I have a glass I have a a a dish but I don't have Instagram are you on are you on Instagram
Instagram are you on Facebook Facebook are you on Twitter Twitter are you on Tik Tok are you L you on are you on what's your Instagram handle what's your Instagram handle what's your Instagram handle what's your Instagram handle what's your Instagram handle okay what your in what's your what Your in what's your what's your Instagram handle what's your name what's your name what's your name what's your name okay good number email address Instagram instag Facebook or Twitter or Linkin are you on kaai very good what's your Instagram handle Shel could I get your number okay
uh for could I get your number Andrea Carval what's your Instagram handle Nina centes could I get your number Maria V Mar are you in Facebook very good so you just asked for someone's contact how do you tell your contact all right two ways the first one of course it's are you on Instagram of course could I get your number could I get your email are you on Instagram what your Instagram handle of course it's of course it's of course it's okay of okay off turn off the light the light is off off [Music] off
okay okay the second way my Instagram handle is my Facebook handle my Twitter handle my LinkedIn handle my Tik Tok handle my Instagram handle is my Instagram handle is Instagram my Instagram handle is okay very good for all right so how do you thank someone for something you know the thanks and thank you thanks you thank you so let me introduce you to some different ways the first way the TKS someone I really appreciate it I really appreciate it I'm really grateful I'm really grateful that's so kind of you that's so kind of you I
owee you one I owe you one thanks a lot thanks a lot okay so let's go over them a bit I really appreciate it I appreciate I appreciate it I really appreciate it I really appreciate it appre appreciate it okay appreciate appreciate appreciate appreciate okay appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it okay I really appreciate it I really appreciate it appreciate it okay really grateful I'm really grateful okay that's so kind of view that's so kind of view okay I O U one I owe you one a thanks a lot thanks a lot okay don't thanks
a lot lot okay so you know the drill which one of these five alternatives are you going to use thanks a lot okay J matella I owe you one okay Nia Santos I really appreciate it thanks a lot I'm really grateful all right so you know how to thank someone how do you get a thaning how do you get a compliment okay so these are four ways [Music] the first one listen up listen carefully you're most welcome you're most welcome Vision you're most welcome welcome your most welcome you're most welcome you're most welcome most your
most wellcome welcome okay second one no worries no worries no worries no worries ah War Wares War worries no worries worries worries okay listen up listen carefully my pleasure my pleasure pleasure my pleasure my pleasure my pleasure my pleasure or my my pleasure my pleasure okay okay the fourth one any time thanks a lot any time any time any time any time okay okay time all right you know the Dr write down in the comments which one of these four alternatives are you going to use Marcus France no worries okay milon Pao no worries debor
Valentin my pleasure Marcos Mora anytime Livia Deo anytime Kelly ner no worries classia Maya anytime alen Cordo my pleasure Nia Santos anytime right okay all right moving on so we've been through many different situations Hobbies what do you like what do you don't like work a lot of things how do you ask for information the first one if you want to get somewhere you can say how do I get to shopping how do I get to the mall how do I get to the bank how do I get to the drug store so you just
tap on someone's shoulder excuse me uh how do I get to the mall sh okay how do I get to how do I get to how do I get to how do I get to the bank the drug store the bakery how do I get to Walmart walm tget how do I get to Target for WM okay so the second way do you know where the mall is do you know where the mall is do you know where the mall is do you you know where the mall is do you know where the mall is
okay do you know where the bank is do you know where the baker is okay Pro tip how how how how do how do I get to how do I get to okay get to get to how do I get to how do I get to okay do you know where the mall is do you [Music] [Music] [Music] do okay do you do you do know where the m is okay very good Mar so that's how you ask for information but let's say somebody just got to you and asked for information and you don't know
how do you say that Jesus five ways of saying that you don't know something the first one I have no idea I have no idea I don't know and don't say I haven't got a clue in don't sorry I can't help you there I'm not really sure I have no idea I have no idea okay I don't know I don't know okay I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know okay I haven't got a clue I haven't got a clue I haven't got a
clue got a I haven't got a clue I haven't got a clue I haven't got a clue okay sorry I can't help you there sorry I can't help you there okay okay I can't help you there sorry I can't help you there okay okay okay good the last one follow I'm not really sure I'm not really sure I'm not really sure I'm not really sure okay I'm not I'm not I'm not really sure sure I'm not really sure okay very good so you know the drill say which one of these five Alternatives you're going to
and some question I have no idea Lucia I'm not really sure con Marano I have no idea Luis Tavaris I haven't got a clue Nina sorry I'm not really sure an Garcia I'm not really [Music] sure okay right so uh you just told someone that you don't know something how do you agree with someone six different ways six for set seven different ways set for the first one exactly exactly absolutely absolutely that's so true that's so true that's so right that's so right I agree 100% I agree 100% tell me about it tell me about
it I couldn't agree more I couldn't agree more okay seven different ways seven different ways of agreeing with someone exactly in exactly exactly part exactly exactly exactly okay the second one absolutely absolutely absolutely okay absolutely my see absolutely absolutely don't okay that's so true that's so true okay okay that so true that's so true that's so right that's so right I agree a 100% I agree a 100% a 100 saying percent percent I agree 100% same the six one tell me about it tell me about it for about it about it about it about it
about it okay tell me about it tell me about it okay okay I coulden agree more I couldn't agree more V I couldn't agree more I couldn't agree more okay moving on you know the Dr okay so how do you disagree with someone here are four different ways the first one I'm not sure about that I'm not sure about that I'm not sure about that I'm not sure about that I'm not sure okay about that about about that about that about that that about that about that I'm not sure about that I'm not sure about
that I'm not sure about that okay now the second alternative to disagree with someone that's not how I see it that's not how I see it that's not how I see it that's not how I see it okay that's not not how I see it it it that's not how I see it that's not how I see it okay that that's not how I see it all right the third alternative not necessarily not necessarily no necessar not necessarily [Music] okay necessarily necessarily necessarily necessarily not necessarily okay the fourth one I can't really agree with you
there I can't really agree with you there I can't really agree okay I can't really agree with you there in I can't really agree with you there I can't really agree with you there I can't I can't really agree with [Music] with with with with with okay you dare I can't really agree with you there so tell me in the comments which one of these four alternatives are you going to use not necessary M Stan I can't really agree with you there okay Ula I'm not sure about that Jana Silva not necessarily okay Fernand Klein
I'm not sure about that veral Lucia I can't really agree with okay okay so that's it moving on so we have talked about many different things so how do you put an end to a conversation how do you show you're not in the mood of talking anymore here are three different ways well it was nice chatting to you well it was nice nice chatting to you well it was nice chatting to you well it was nice chatting to you in well it was nice chatting to you what well it was nice chatting to you well
it was nice chatting to you it was nice chatting chatting chatting okay all right so this is the first option the second one right I need to get going right I need to get going I need to get going right I need to get going right I need to get going I need to get going okay V need to need to need to I need I need need a get going I need to get going right I need to get going okay good [Music] foreal okay fin okay so the third one the third one is
I must be off I must be off okay I must be off I must be offe so we have showed that we want to go so how do you say goodbye listen up listen up carefully speak to you soon speak to you soon take care have a good one talk to you later follow okay so these are five different ways of saying goodbye okay speak to you soon speak to you soon take care take care okay take take take care take care okay take care take care take care okay the third one have a good
one have a good one okay good one have a good one okay the fourth one is kind of cute for R oh Rose two Rose two rose rose toos toos okay now the last one talk to you later talk to you later talk to you later okay talk later later later later later teacher later number okay so these are five ways of saying goodbye carosa okay Pera Roberto talk to you later alen Cordo talk to you later letia fani take care van take care jyana Silva speak to you soon Silvana tudos Lis SPO take care
okay all right good FL okay good so we have reached the end it's been 2 hours 27 minut and I think that was cool what do you think doing very [Music] good hamiltona wonderful Bruna Isabella that's so nice to read Basics 23 basic for okay all right so now I will work out and uh We're not gonna be here next week but on the week after the first week of January I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year merry Christmas happy New Year and see you next year have a nice week
have a nice end of day thank you so much for being here okay so bye-bye guys and see you next year
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