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Por Que Você NÃO SOBREVIVERIA a CIDADE MALDITA em "TERROR EM SILENT HILL" Você se perde em uma cida...
Video Transcript:
You get lost in a ghost town and discover that the place is infested with bizarre monsters that will never let you escape. What would you do? Do you think you could survive?
I don't think so, but subscribing to the channel and activating the bell might give you a chance, because in this video of defeating films we'll follow Rose looking for her daughter and I'll point out the mistakes she made, what you shouldn't do and show you why you couldn't survive the bizarre monsters of "Silent Hill"! This woman is about to visit the worst place of her life, Rose is a mother who loves her adopted daughter Sharon very much, a little girl who for some reason had episodes of sleepwalking and constant nightmares about a ghost town called Silent Hill that she claimed to be the your house. Worried about her daughter's well-being, Rose decides that she needed to take the girl to the city to try to stop these nightmares, but her husband Christopher did not like the idea at all, so the woman decides to go without him to Silent Hill.
On the way, when Rose stops at a gas station, she finds a bunch of bizarre drawings of Sharon who was very scared of everything that was happening and this strange behavior catches the attention of police officer Cybil, who will check if everything was okay with the child while her mother was going to pay for the gas, but Sharon knows better than to talk to strangers and closes the window in the policewoman's face. Meanwhile, Christopher starts to get worried about his family and decides to go through his wife's computer where he ends up getting lost watching the videos of defeating films and decides to leave a like to strengthen the channel. Then the man decides to look at his wife's history and finds research on Silent Hill, Chris calls his wife trying to convince her to change her mind but the girl has already decided.
Back on the road Rose ends up being followed by Cybil who found her mother's behavior very suspicious, the policewoman asks the woman to pull over the vehicle but when Rose realizes that she was very close to Silent Hill, she steps on the accelerator ignoring the officer's order. The girl drives at high speed until the radio begins to interfere , leaving Sharon extremely uncomfortable, her mother tries to turn it off until she sees a girl on the road and ends up having an accident trying to avoid the girl. Okay, for starters going to an abandoned town alone is a bad choice, even if her husband wouldn't have agreed I'm sure Rose must have some relative who would agree to help take the girl to the town, even though she shouldn't even go there a place like that, therapy would be the best option here, and lock this girl's room at night.
Since these instances of sleepwalking along with recurring nightmares could indicate repressed memories and nocturnal panic, this theory can be supported because Silent Hill is a town with a gigantic coal mine below that suffered a huge fire, the flames managed to reach the mine. of coal and that's why the city burns to this day. And since Sharon was adopted, it could be that she witnessed this fire, which generated a deep trauma in the girl and would explain the nightmares and panic attacks.
So much so that Christopher himself said during the call that they should take the girl to a doctor, which indicates that this mother did not even bother to take her daughter to a psychologist or psychiatrist to understand what was going on, because it is much easier to take the girl to a ghost town where she can relive traumatic memories, right? Nowadays in psychology there are various hypnosis techniques that help patients to recover and deal with traumatic memories, which could be of great help to the girl. And between us, there was no need to run away from the police in that situation, right?
Doing so Rose only increased Cybil's suspicions even more as well as breaking a bunch of laws. And she had seen the officer as soon as she arrived at the station, so instead of looking at those bizarre drawings of Sharon creating a tense situation and raising the officer's suspicions, she could just go pay the bill and leave, without giving reason to the police. Cybil investigate your car.
Since all of this caused quite an accident and the speed and ferocity with which Rose turned that steering wheel, this car could have easily overturned, causing one hell of a tragedy. When she wakes up, Rose realizes that her daughter was gone and decides to look for her in the city that is taken by the ashes that fall from the sky, the woman spots her daughter and tries to follow her until she hears a bizarre siren before everything goes dark. Rose uses a lighter to light the way and follows Sharon through the alley until she finds a crucified miner, at which time several deformed creatures on fire appear and begin to chase the girl.
The woman tries to open a door to escape but ends up falling and when the monsters were going to finish her they start to disappear for some unknown reason, after recovering Rose runs to the street and realizes that now there is a precipice that did not exist before preventing her to leave Silent Hill. Things get even weirder when a woman covered in ash named Dahlia appears saying that only the devil opens and closes the entrances to Silent Hill, and Dahlia says that someone has done horrible things to her daughter Alessa. Worried that the same would happen to Sharon, Rose asks for help showing a photo of the girl, but the woman freaks out saying that that was her daughter, making Rose put her foot out of there.
On the way, the woman finds some drawings of Sharon inside a truck, indicating a school that became her next objective in this macabre tourism. Well, I think you can already tell that something is very wrong in this city, and I 'm not just talking about the monsters that appeared, but also the ashes in the air, rose should walk around with a cloth covering her mouth and nose, that's because breathing ashes for a long time can make it difficult to breathe in addition to irritating the eyes, and breathing in ashes can cause fatigue, preventing a woman from running for a long time, and this can be a problem if she is chased by monsters. Speaking of monsters, that siren we heard before everything got weird is probably not a coincidence, that's because these sirens were used a long time ago to indicate that a dangerous situation was happening in the city, like bombings in times of war and today nowadays they are used in some places to indicate natural disasters like tornadoes and storms.
Therefore Rose should be very attentive and whenever she hears that sound she should look for a safe place to hide until things get back to normal again although I find it difficult to have a safe place in this city. Rose goes back to her car to try to call her husband but the call goes to voicemail, so she sends Christopher a message saying she needed help as their daughter was missing. When Cybil finishes speaking, she appears arresting the woman for having fled from the police with a little girl who curiously disappeared, Rose says that the policewoman was bleeding and Cybill explains that she had an accident on the road that left her unconscious and how those glasses are in one piece is a mystery.
. She tries to use the radio to contact the police station but there was also no signal forcing the two to walk to the police station, but the plan goes downhill when they realize that the other road had also disappeared, Cybil then remembers that there was a base of nearby observation that they could use to look around. But before they went there, a bizarre creature appears spitting an extremely corrosive acid at the policewoman who reciprocates the gesture by unloading the clip on the thing, Rose takes advantage of this gap to escape and when she gets away she passes the handcuffs under her legs to be able to use the hands.
Then the girl goes to the city bus maps where she can find her way to school, she goes to the office looking for something useful and finds the keys to the place and a flashlight. Okay, this is the second time this woman has run away from the police needlessly, come on, we're stuck in a city with crazy people, deformed children and a creature that spits acid, the only person who has a gun and knows how to use it is Cybil, running from her would only be bad for our safety, the right thing in this situation would be to accompany her trying to convince the woman that we are harmless so that she agrees to go with us to school and we cannot forget that the key to the handcuffs are with the police, if Rose is not in the mood to shifting a finger to get free she'll need Cybil, and Rose can't imagine that the acid creature isn't the worst thing that inhabits this damned city. When Rose arrives at school we have to have something in mind, we don't know how long we will be trapped in this city of hell, so gathering survival resources would be more than essential, usually in these schools in the United States there are wards that Rose could scour in search of medicine , bandages and medical supplies, plus there's also a janitor's room where she could try to find some tool to cut the cuffs.
Already at school Rose realizes that she was not alone and runs to one of the rooms to protect herself, there she finds a table with children's handprints on the word witch, searching the table the woman realizes that it belonged to that Alessa, who apparently suffered bullying. At that moment the girl runs by and Rose follows her to the bathroom, but what she finds there is not the girl but a body chained with barbed wire next to a message on the wall saying that she doubted anyone would have the courage. The woman realizes that she had something in her body's mouth, she manages to grab it in exchange for almost vomiting, but she doesn't even have time to recover because the men she saw earlier noticed her presence and were trying to enter the bathroom to capture her.
With no way out Rose starts asking God for help but I think something else listens, the men's canary goes crazy making them run away and the siren rings again making reality distort until it becomes something completely different. Suddenly the body that was in the bathroom comes to life, in addition to several insects that begin to chase the woman, she leaves there and finds the men who wanted to catch her and we can see that these insects are not at all friendly. In an attempt to escape, Rose runs to a window where the bars were open, but before jumping she sees a girl identical to her daughter nearby.
It was to be expected that there were more survivors in the city than the crazy woman, so Rose shouldn't go into places screaming for everyone to hear, firstly because that could draw unwanted attention, not only from malicious survivors but also from monsters, and not we can forget that the woman still had her hands chained, which meant that it would be much more difficult to defend herself against anything. But Rose had two very important things in a fight, the surprise factor and the keys to all the rooms, if it was me in this situation, I would try to lure those guys into one of the rooms making noises and then I would hide somewhere outside, as soon as the guys entered the room, Rose could lock them inside, making their search easier, as you could see that these guys have a lot of difficulty opening doors. And against the damn cockroaches I think Rose did everything right, but I would try not to fall backwards like she did, because in that game the girl could have seriously injured her head ending her bizarre tour right there.
Besides, the chance of her getting lost at school and ending up in a dead-end corridor was pretty big and then she wouldn't have much to do against those damn cockroaches. At the same time Christopher was arriving at Silent Hill when he is stopped by the police, he tells Detective Thomas that he was Rose's husband and the agent says that he would help Chris find his wife but that they should do it with caution because one of his police officers had also disappeared . The two begin to search the city but we can see something here guys, the place where Rose and Chris are are completely different, showing that in fact the woman is in another dimension, since the school they are seeing is completely different from where Rose is, the couple even gets to stay in the same place but they don't see each other, Christopher just smells similar to Rose and kind of feels her presence, but that's all.
Thomas then decides to end the search, which makes Christopher angry because he feels that the detective was hiding something, the man tries to call the police asking for the Silent Hill records, but the attendant informs that these files were confidential, so he could not to help. That's why Christopher goes to the Brahms city archive center that was neighboring Silent Hill, he invades the place and finds the police file box of the ghost town and curiously in that huge pile of old paper he goes straight to Alessa's folder, after discovering this, the guy calls the orphanage where they adopted Sharon to find out more about where the girl was found. By the way, did anyone tell this mother that she adopted a girl who is almost 40 years old?
Now orphaned Kate has a competitor. And if I were him, I'd get out of there as soon as possible, before he gets arrested for trespassing . Returning to Rose, the poor thing falls to the ground and realizes that this time she doesn't have time to recover, because in addition to the insects, she now has one more concern, Pyramid Head with his gigantic sword begins to chase her, the poor thing even tries to escape but starts to feel hopeless.
But when she was about to give up and be swallowed by the insects, Cybill appears to help, the policewoman drags the girl to one of the rooms and they block the door but when everything seemed to get better, the head of the pyramid starts trying to hit them with the sword. The two dodge the blows but couldn't dodge the insects that were entering through the hole in the door, when all seems lost the monsters start to disappear again. Rose tries again to ask the police for help because her daughter was still missing and she says she found a fragment that probably belonged to a hotel where her daughter must be, when the two get there, they find Anna fighting with Dahlia who before leaving says their sins bound her there.
The duo asks Anna if the girl had seen the child, without even showing a photo to help identify her, the woman says that the people of the city had a shelter that was in the local church and says that if Sharon had faith she would certainly be able to survive, Anna definitely cannot be trusted, so Rose takes the knife from her. They see a strange symbol on the floor, which Rose says she has seen in other places in the city, and then Cybill starts to search the mailbox where she finds a child's drawing in apartment 111, which was the next stop for the two. Well It was really cool that Rose and Cybil decided to play matrix with the pyramid head, but if they just lay on the ground and didn't scream they would probably have a much better chance of surviving, although this is the second time the darkness has gone away.
moments before Rose is finalized, I think someone here is wearing the famous protagonist armor. And I even understand the mother's desperation to find her daughter, but apparently Anna went there to get groceries, which means she searched every room in that hotel and still didn't find any children, and she said she had a shelter in the city, a scared and smart girl would probably go to the first safe place she found, so instead of searching this hotel I would go directly to the shelter. Although this woman seems like a religious fanatic, since in a conversation of just 2 minutes she managed to say the word faith and religion 7 times, besides that staying in a city like this for a long time must drive people crazy, trust her for sure not it's an option.
So if I were to check out this shelter my attention would be doubled, looking around the perimeter before and after looking for points like windows to look inside and know exactly what kind of freak I'm dealing with. But ignoring all these warning signs, the two let the woman accompany them to the apartment, but they do not find any door with the number 111, Rose then sees a painting similar to her daughter's drawing. And Anna says that that was the first burning, because their ancestors burned witches to keep everyone there pure and avoid the apocalypse, Rose notices something strange and tears the painting finding room 111 behind him.
Inside there was a passage to some kind of factory, but when they were going to jump to the other side, Rose drops the knife, at that moment she sees a child running through the place and follows the girl to the top floor where she jumps in a completely clumsy way. by the rafters until you get to the girl. The woman is impressed with the way that Alessa was identical to Sharon, she offers help but the little girl starts to catch fire in front of her and disappears.
Cybil arrives at that moment to help and Rose says that Alessa was the little girl who caused her to have the accident on the road, Anna says that they do not say the name of the girl because she was a demon, but before they could ask anything the birds start to fly showing that darkness was closing in again. Anna takes the duo to the church where they find Dahlia who asks the two not to get involved with the townspeople because they were cursed, Rose says she saw Alessa and the woman asks her to be careful with her choices because evil wanted revenge. Ignoring Dahlia's requests, the duo runs to the church and before entering, Pyramid Head appears and finishes Anna in a brutal way, and already inside, the two are attacked and called a witch by the townspeople.
But Christabella, the cult's leader, stops them saying they'll deal with everyone later. Look, a tip I could give here is not to waste the only weapon you have in an abyss, in addition we can see that when she went to walk through the factory there was a much safer path on her right, and soon after Cybil still throws a rope for her, showing that Rose could have taken the safer route, but the woman preferred to train her parkour skills learned in Taubaté And Staying with the people of that city does not seem to be the best option, however it is the only one that both have, but even if Dahlia had a few screws less she was the only one who didn't try to hurt us so far, I would take advantage of Cybil having a gun and wait for the darkness to pass to look for this woman and interrogate her, after all it seems that she knows a lot about this city and it could be useful for us to know what is going on. Returning to Christopher, the guy goes to the orphanage to talk to the person in charge of the children saying that Alessa was probably the biological mother of his daughter, but the nun is not in the mood to talk about it, which makes Chris angry.
At that moment Thomas arrives to appease the situation, he handcuffs Chris and says that Alessa was the victim of a fanatical cult that did horrible things to her that's why the girl didn't make it past the night of the fire, the detective orders the man to go home and leave him take care of these issues that have been going on for over 30 years. Chris asks if the guy considered that justice, but Thomas explains that there are several concepts of justice and that even the devil has his, the detective escorts the man out of town, but Chris is obviously not satisfied and says he would be back with people who really knew what to do. In this situation I would thank you instead of complaining, because the guy broke into a building and practically attacked a nun during the night, I'm impressed with Thomas' ability to turn a blind eye.
Besides, Christopher didn't need to invade the archives to know that bizarre things were happening in that city, after all there was internet at that time and he could do a search to find out what really happened there. Meanwhile at the church, Rose interrogates Christabella to find out where her daughter was, but the woman says that only the demon would know, since he sees everything in the city, without thinking twice Rose asks them to take her to that demon because she was determined to save Sharon. Christabella agrees but says that the two probably wouldn't make it back, as they are getting ready to go the cult leader finds Rose's necklace.
She takes the two to a hospital and asks them to decorate the ground floor plan as it could save their lives, Christabella says she found Rose's necklace, but when she goes to deliver the object she is scared to realize that Sharon and Alessa were identical. The cult leader orders them to arrest the two thinking they were witches who were helping the demon, but Cybil beats up Christabella's henchmen and ends up staying behind, closing the elevator doors and being captured so that Rose can save her daughter after the fall. free in the elevator Rose approaches the room where evil used to live.
But before she can get there, she is faced with an army of nurses in clothes on the minimal suspicion, which in itself wouldn't be scary if they weren't holding crowbars, knives and other sharp objects. The woman realizes that those things followed the light so she turns off the flashlight and tries to pass between the creatures, the plan goes a little wrong but the girl manages to dodge the attacks by crawling on the ground, she leaves the flashlight behind to distract the monsters and finally manages to enter the demon's room. Okay, since cell phones back then were crap and didn't have a camera, Rose could type in a text message the route she needed to take and then save that message so she could consult it while she was downstairs.
It was very heroic on your part, Cybil, but you didn't have to sacrifice yourself, despite her having no ammo in her gun, the guys there didn't know that, the policewoman could have threatened them with the pistol and entered the elevator with Rose. As for Rose, she didn't need to go through the monsters, as the creatures apparently only followed the light, she just had to leave the flashlight on at the end of the corridor and hide until the nurses passed, either under a stretcher or near a a wall, thus avoiding being hit by a knife. Having arrived there after following all the clues, the demon finally decides to reveal the truth as a reward, in a flashback the demon says that Alessa was a good little girl, but that everyone around her thought she was bad and did such horrible things to her.
her that I can't even say here. Her mother Dahlia loved her, but she couldn't protect her from others, one day her aunt Christabella said that they would have to purify her, since apparently Alessa was made out of wedlock with someone who wasn't from the cult and that's why she was considered a witch. And usually when these cult people talk about purifying the business, it doesn't end well .
They burned the girl who managed to free herself, starting the fire that burned the whole city, and the demon says that when you are left alone in pain and fear for so long, an uncontrollable hatred is born that caught the attention of a demon, that thing promised to help Alessa with her revenge making a pact with the girl. Thus giving birth to the nightmare of Silent Hill, Rose asks the demon where her daughter was, but Alessa says that Sharon is actually the good part of Alessa that was still left, the two decided to take her away from that hell but soon Christabella would find her and try to burn Sharon too. Because of that Rose agrees to help, the demon says that the woman had to tell people the truth because their blind faith prevented Alessa from entering the church, but Rose could, so the bad part of the girl enters the woman's body to get it.
a ride to church. Unfortunately making a pact with that thing would be the only way to get out of that room alive, besides from what we could see the real villains are the cult's people, and even if she managed to get out of there alive Rose wouldn't last long with a demon and a city whole chasing you. Meanwhile, Christabella finally finds Sharon who was being protected by Dahlia, the woman takes the little girl to the church where she begins preparations to burn her, but before they plan to barbecue Cybil, the poor thing was still alive and trying to convince people that it was madness.
But the staff refuses to listen and they burn the poor policewoman in front of the little girl, so the lunatics arrest Sharon to be the next victim, but before they manage to set fire to the girl, Rose appears to prevent it. She is received with aggression but the woman does not shut up, Rose says that there was no apocalypse and that the world still exists outside of Silent Hill, but that the sin that Christabella made everyone commit the sin of ending an innocent soul ended up condemning their souls to this purgatory, because the people there were already dead since the fire, they just hadn't realized it yet. Christabella does not accept this confrontation and finishes Rose with a stab wound, but before the townspeople celebrate, a black liquid comes out of Rose dripping to the ground, releasing Alessa's curse inside the church and this opens a vortex in the center of the place.
The demon revives Rose who sees the real Alessa rising from the ground moving with barbed wires and the girl uses them to finish one by one in that church, starting with Christabella, Rose takes advantage of this gap to rescue her daughter while the demon was dancing in the rain of blood. However, the creature goes to Sharon and apparently has the girl making her unconscious, when she wakes up the wave of submissions had already ended and only Dahlia was left alive, because Alessa still loved her mother, although theoretically general was already dead so stay I live there, it's not that big of a deal. Leaving there Rose tries to call home to let her husband know she was coming, the man quickly answers the phone but all he can hear is the sound of static, when he finally gets home we discover something very sad, Rose and Sharon which is probably now Alessa are still trapped in the other dimension, so the family will never be able to get together again.
Ok guys, it would be impossible to survive in this city, besides the monsters hunting you all the time, Silent Hill is basically the body of this entity and the demon knows everything that is happening, so hiding and setting up a base would not be possible, since the the only safe place is in the church that was infested with these crazy cultists, in addition the creature can shape the space in the way it wants, creating the monster it deems necessary and letting you out only when and if it wants, in the same way it is doing with Dhalia, since being stuck in this place forever can't be pleasant. Rose only “survived” for so long because Alessa needed her to complete her revenge, and by survived I meant that her soul escaped because from what was left to understand, both Rose and Cybil were already dead since they suffered that accident, not least because this dimension of Silent Hill was purgatory, and you won't stop in one when you're alive, and even if they weren't dead at first, don't forget that Rose took a stab and Cybil was burned alive. Therefore, it would be impossible to escape this dimension, since from the beginning they had no way to escape.
And yes, I know the concept of the full circle that prevents the characters from escaping from the silent hill that is usually represented by the fog or the other world and even the giant abyss into nothingness, and the victim theoretically can only leave this full circle after learning the lesson you need in silent hill. Hey guys! That was why you wouldn't survive Silent Hill, do you think you could?
Tell me what you would do in the comments! Thanks so much for watching, and be careful entering a city in fog, you may never leave.
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