the five Bible verses that taught me how the universe works now what a lot of people don't understand especially when we're talking about religious text is that there's a lot of esoteric wisdom in there metaphysical information that explains your position and your relation to the universe and we're going to dive deep into these scriptures to actually get an understanding of your actual role in this universe but more importantly how to rearrange your Universe because the bible really gives you a blueprint and this can be extrapolated across all religious text and I say that as somebody
who's read the Bible who's got a Quran who's got a bav who's got a Torah who's got a town Moon so on and so forth so I look for the esoteric wisdom but there's five verses in particular that will give you the most foundational simplistic understanding into How the Universe actually works and it's been there for thousands of years so that's what we're going to get into in this video as you can see AJ was laughing at my boy but I think that's a pretty good prayer position pretty yeah pretty good anyways let's get into
it now before I get into the actual five verses that explain the systems of how the universe works I need to lay down the foundations as always because chances are a lot of us are accustomed to what I call [ __ ] religion which is that type of religion that you go to every Sunday but your life doesn't particularly change and it's because you're not aware of the actual stages and levels of information throughout these particular books so I'm going to have to give you an understanding first foundationally the perspective or the frequency that will
operating from as we're diving deep into these particular verses so the first thing that I have to explain to you is the difference between what I call the esoteric or what is called the esoteric and what is called the exoteric now the esoteric comes from the Greek word esoterical which refers to Inner Circle specifically and EXO comes from the Greek word exteral which is a reference to the Outer Circle and you can think about it like this so for most of us that grow up in the world we are taught religion we are taught information
that is on the outside this is what I conceptualize as slop slop is food that has absolutely zero nutritional benefit but it sues your appetite and that's exactly what let's say commoditized religion does cuz religion is a business let's keep it real hence why [ __ ] go to church every Sunday giving bare bread away to these pastors so and so forth and the inner which isn't bear in mind this outside stuff is for the masses so let's say 98% in fact no I wrote that in the wrong place this is the realm of the
2% which I'm going to explain to you throughout this video and the exoteric is chances are where you are are where you were taught where your family were taught your aunties your grandmas your grandads all of those good people the inner circle is actually what is considered the real deal food which is actually kept for people that are initiated into particular either esoteric or ultic orders the high priests on and so forth and this is something that's been maintained over thousands of years so what we're going to get into today and our perspective and the
frequency we're going to be dissecting these verses from is going to be from an esoteric standpoint point which is the information that's been reserved thousands of years for the inner which is exactly what we're going to be getting into so just in case anything that I say sounds demonic or kind of out there I'm just giving you an understanding into what you've been programmed to perceive things as versus what it actually is now even before that there's something still that I need to tell you relax you're going to get some we'll get to the verses
I promise but it's important that I frame things in a particular manner that allows for me to build upon things in an easy way okay seeing a bit of marks on the board I can't lie I can't let it slide maybe I do have maybe I do have OCD I don't know I don't know but I just can't let it slide sorry for that wi what this one yeah n trust me she loves it all right cool all right perfect so here's one thing that you guys need to understand and you're going to have to
understand this merely for the fact that you're now operating on a different frequency the fact that you're even watching this video up until this point means you're on a different frequency and because you're on a different frequency there's something that I have to make you very aware of when it comes to this form of religious text and this isn't even just religious text this can be extrapolated to any books that can be extrapolated to TV shows and movies now this is a bar I had to write it down you don't read the Bible you read
your level of Consciousness you have to understand the level of Consciousness that you've been accustomed to perceive the Bible limits your perception into what really exists within the Bible most people see the Bible solely as a book of literal chronological history which even from a chronological standpoint doesn't even make sense but most people see the Bible is literal but the Bible is not only a book of alchemy it's an alchemical book it is an astrological book it is also a physiological book and you're probably thinking physiological what are you talking about well take the concept
of hell Hells the idea that there's Brimstone Brimstone is a product of a combination and continuous production of sulfur sulfur is also what you have within your stomach when your body becomes acidic that in of itself is a very very minor breakdown but it's not only alchemical it's not only astrological it's also physiological but it's not also just physiological it's also metaphysical on my knees no didy metaphysical and it is also esoteric but you won't be able to perceive these things based upon certain levels of consciousness so when you're sharing these verses that I'm about
to explain to you that will teach you how the universe works when you try show this to other people they're going to be like mm no no Jesus he walked on that water M he turned them he turned them 5,000 bread loaves he done that like they're going to be looking at things very literally and it needs you to understand that now because you're operating on a different level of frequency you have a different level of Consciousness and your level of Consciousness is essentially the revealer of what you're allowed to see in your world most
people are concerned about what the CIA is hiding or what the FBI is hiding or Mii but what you really should be concerned about is what your level of Consciousness is hiding from you because if something is not in your Consciousness it cannot be perceived in your world you're worried about all these people hiding things from you worry about what your mind is hiding from you and that's based upon what you have within it because you cannot get anything in the world that is not within your mind I repeat you can only experience in the
world what you experience within you can only be given in the world what you've given yourself all of that was bar right that down so this is all the different aspects of what the Bible is and of course this is based on the fact that the Bible is a compilation of ancient you know Mesopotamian Samarian mythological Al alores for our own spiritual journey on this earth now let's get to the verses I gotta be with you got to be with you got with [Music] you chemistry was crazy from the GetGo and neither one of us
knew why you know that song I just okay can't be without you baby home isn't it funny how she like her song that song and how she is in power inow she like what the [ __ ] you talking about DW is mad like she's on Mad violence but like if you actually listen to Mary Jay's music like Mary J she's actually goated so I like when I see when I'm looking at me when I walking P the mirror stress time of the night got my head on straight I got my mind right ain't going
to let you see I want change my life my life just fine and Family Affair let's get it up that up that in this dancer nah she's like that I don't know why she's always so like uptight and power you know what I'm saying I want to talk about what happened though cuz I don't want to spoil it for some [ __ ] that I watched it bro I don't want to spoil it for some [ __ ] so you're probably thinking Nero get to it relax you're going to get some just relax you're about
to you're about to be taught biblically How the Universe works so first verse bear in mind guys you won't get this from church I promise you that and the guy used to go to church all the time when I was younger and I used to ask the pastor all these questions the [ __ ] would just tap me on the shoulder and be like God will reveal and in a sense he was right but Ephesians 5:13 and I'll get AJ to put it up on the screen so you can look at it and apologies if
I miss out a single word cuz it's off top Ephesians 5:13 all things that are made manifest and made manifest by the light for whatever makes manifest is the light now I'm going to write this verse down just so can break it down in a lot more detail because this in of itself is foundational to your concept of understanding how the process of creation and creating your reality takes place now for the new [ __ ] that are here and you're not accustomed to what we do here we help you create your reality when I
say we I mean me AJ all the [ __ ] in the comments that are with you right now cuz they're always in the comments because one thing that is critical is that spirituality without the ability to control your reality vanity you can't walk around and say you're God and then worry about Bay lifts and you can't even pay for [ __ ] that's just not the reality that we're in we're not here for Spiritual ego and spiritual vanity and taking on this particular identity if you're not in your desired reality your entire spiritual journey
should be a concept that you use to revolve around your self- Evolution and make sure that the information you're taking in leads to that they're saying about love and light beloved I could give a [ __ ] about less about that and the funny thing about spiritual [ __ ] is that their personalities either love and light or darkness and Gloom and they're like you know oh my God you know you see the the low vibrational entities and all of this and all of that so just just keep it cool now just to write down
the key points so of course as I I've said the verse but I'm going to write it you know paraphrasing now it might say all things are exposed by the light or it might say all things are made are made manifest By the Light all things are made manifest by the light for whatever manifest is light all right cool so a lot of critical points in this particular verse all things when it's talking about all things it is talking about everything that exists within our reality or our third dimensional realm also known as the physical
plane everything around you everything in the world that is all things all things are made manifest manifest is nothing more than the physical expression physical expression of a mental creation that is actually what manifestation is versus my definition of manifestation or a process which is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change that is my definition that I've accumulated over these couple of years studying it but the actual let's say if we was to make it a literal definition it's simply the process of the physical expression of
a mental creation another way of conceptualizing it you can think about it like printing if you print out a document you're taking it from one state to another that is what manifesting is all things so everything within our reality our third dimensional realm our physical plane but more importantly your world is made manifest by light now light is a very important word in the realm of meta physics because let me ask you a question and this should give you a light bul moment no pun intended when you're watching a cartoon and you see a cartoon
character get a idea what comes above their head AJ light bulb light bulb why because light in the realm of metaphysics and that's actually an esoteric reference light is information which is consciousness that's why when an idea comes above a cartoon character's head they get a light bulb because light in the real of metaphysics is known as information which is consciousness and Consciousness is the substance of what your mind is made out of another variation of Consciousness is saying imagination so essentially all things everything within our third dimensional realm physical plane your world is made
manifest is physically expressed by light by Consciousness for whatever manifests is light everything in your world everything that is manifested including this whiteboard including this pen including baby oil all of these things are nothing more than the physical expression of somebody's State of Consciousness or a creation within somebody's Consciousness this is foundational when we're talking about how the universe works because everything that you conceptualize to be physical is nothing more than an expression of light for whatever makes Manifest this W included this whiteboard included these pens included this bracelet included all of these things are
nothing more than the manifestation of Light which is consciousness so essentially what this is saying is that Consciousness and what the word is made out of matter another way of saying Consciousness is the Mind these things are the same thing they are the same thing simply in different vibratory States Consciousness and matter and matter is essentially what the world is made out of so let's say the world is nothing more than a creation of Consciousness and this can be extrapolated and actually Interlink to the first hermetic principle which is the idea that the all is
mind and the mind is all the universe is entirely a mental creation and it is true because before anything can be physically expressed it first must be mentally expressed this is the nature through which reality is created now this is very important for you to understand in the realm of metaphysics and reality creation because if your reality is based upon your physical expression of your mental creation if you want to change your world the physical expression you don't change it by changing the physical expression you change it first by changing the mental creation if you
want to change the things that are made manifest in your world the first thing you need to change is the light and the light is your ious and your State of Consciousness so it is a mental equivalent essentially in order for you to materialize any condition of reality your desired reality before it can exist in the physical plane it first must already be established as a mental emotional equivalent within you as an internal State because that sets in motion that particular vibration that vibration compounds into a frequency that frequency is corresponded with a particular reality
and when you've done everything else that reality then collapses into you and then you experience that manifestation and this is very important because what a lot of people don't realize is that if all things are made manifest by light then where we need to truly be placing our attention to is the light for whatever manifests is light so it's important to understand before you want to change things change the light light is information State of Consciousness your State of Consciousness when we're talking about State of Consciousness essentially what I'm saying is you want to alter
the mental emotional state you're in to be the equivalent of your desired reality Ephesians 5:13 ladies and gentlemen I told you we're cooking we're just getting started we're just getting started relax you're going to get something AJ's nodding his head that means things are flowing now let's move on to the next verse by the way I want to congratulate one of the guys who commented on the last video that we did um the video about The Silence of God he said that he manifested a job in the Aston the European astronaut Center and he's working
on lunar missions congratulations my bro that's amazing and you said that you'll invite me to try on the the space suit or whatever listen I don't know if you're trying to get me to get changed in front of you or whatever I don't know why you mentioned me trying on birthday suits sorry space suits and all of this but yeah nonetheless my bro congratulations honestly congratulations that's what we like to see over here and it's funny because I was on an interview with somebody who was applying to be my client and he was telling me
why he actually applied to be my client in the first place do you know what he said he was like to me I was like to him why do you want to why you why do you think I can help you and he was like I've been watching your videos and I had some money that the bank was holding like six figures worth and he said for the longest time they just wouldn't release it and he said said I started watching your videos and I started embodying some of the principles you were talking about and
they released a chunk of it and he was like even my relationship with my wife like it's improved and I was like wow just from watching my videos that's truly amazing now if you guys are interested in actually working with me if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue ceiling and you want to break out in the next seven weeks and you want a two to five extra Revenue then Link in the description and this is crazy cuz I had a client who came to me she was stuck at 15K for over a year
two months within 2 months he's just hit 50k and she met some [ __ ] oil tycoon and she's about to get into business with him so shout out to youma I'm very very proud of you I know you're going to be smiling when you see this I'm proud of you but next verse ladies and gentlemen next verse which one should we go with let's go with this one because this one's going to answer a question that we've all asked ourselves at one point or another which is why do bad things happen to good people
I'm a good person why she just keep going left for me I'm a nice guy you know like why is why do he keep going left for me it's all because of this one verse ladies and gentlemen Acts 10:34 somebody said wow it's really true the smart people do have the worst handwriting first of all [ __ ] you I'm pretty sure my handwriting is blessed it's not that bad what do you mean it's not that bad any anyways God is no respector of persons now for the longest time a lot of us especially you
know with the particular societal system that we live in Morality religious indoctrination we have this particular idea that if we want to have a good life we must appease this particular God the first thing I need to tell you [ __ ] is that there is no mans sight in the sky that is dictating pause the course of human events deciding that you know what this person prayed for a Benz I'm going to give you a Ben you prayed for that new job you showed up to church every week you know I'm going to give
it to you but that kid that's being bummed in that war on country is praying to me I'm just not going to respond to them that's not how things work it doesn't work like that at all and it's important for you to understand this because I could never understand this when I was kind of you know detach myself from religion that question that I even just posed to you you know why would God answer one prayer you know why do why do Pastors only perform Miracles um in church and not in hospitals all these different
type of questions that I had in my mind could never be answered and it just never made sense to me why you know my mom being this amazing Angel would be suffering to the degree that we were in this particular environment working as hard so on and so forth it just never made sense to me and then I'd ask myself the question of why do bad things why do why why do bad things happen to good people why would God allow that to happen I want to make God happy no like I I want to
you know pray you know whatever whatever and it wasn't entire came across this verse later on in my life things made complete sense because what you need to conceptualize God as isn't an individual who sat in the sky allowing for certain atrocities to happen and not others because that can really shake us internally and that type of stuff still annoys me God is an impersonal energy God is an impersonal energy similar to electricity or fire fire can be used for you fire can harm you or help you depending upon your use of it electricity can
do the same electricity doesn't hate a [ __ ] that it shocks to death it's not like yeah [ __ ] yeah I got you it's not like that and fire is neither the same same way that rain rain you know falls on the good people and the bad people it's the understanding that God is a particular impersonal energy and when I say impersonal energy what I'm talking about in particular is the highest state of energy the highest frequency also known as the most high and when you conceptualize God to be that but more particularly
that frequency is nothing more than an observer based upon the Creations that you experience in your life then you come to an understanding of why bad things actually happen to good people this impersonal energy this frequency this Consciousness which is what God ultimately is is the same Consciousness that is within us and because that's the same Consciousness that is within us that Consciousness is then led to be the substance of what our reality is Created from our reality created from that substance so then it all is about that Consciousness so when we see God don't
think of this individual who has a particular personality because the concept of God even having a personality is nothing more than human vanity because we are you know giving God humanistic characteristics when God is above this third dimensional realm which means god is above human Tendencies or really and truly should be even when you take the word personality comes from the word persona persona has eological Origins andk God can't have a mask you understand what I'm saying in a sense though you know we are all masks that God is wearing AJ is a mask that
God is wearing and so is a stranger down the street but for the mere understanding that when we see God the way that I want you to conceptualize God in this sense when we're talking about Consciousness is a universal impersonal law and because it's Universal and impersonal it simply reflects whatever it is given the State of Consciousness that we hold is out pictured and that's it it's not like God hates you it's not like God loves you God has no favorites this verse actually tells you God is no respector of persons if you go to
other versions of this verse it will say God does not show favoritism and this is for you to understand that it's not about the physical actions that you do it's not about the physical action that you do that's going to make God happy and put you in a good reality it's not about donating to the homeless and doing all of this other [ __ ] even though you should do that for the mere fact of the law of circulation which is another concept entirely but it is about the State of Consciousness that you hold now
why do bad things happen to good people please remember this so you never ask yourself this question again in your life or you never say why me I want you to stop saying that [ __ ] the reason why bad things happen to good people is because good people have bad States Of Consciousness it is that simple and if you have a bad State of Consciousness that Consciousness is going to be outp pictured into your reality and experience as a condition circumstance or event in your reality God is no respector of persons God doesn't give
a [ __ ] about how many good things you do or how many bad things you do and I know that sounds [ __ ] up and it is but this is why bad people have great States Of Consciousness and self-perceptions they see themselves as powerful they see themselves as capable they have unwavering confidence in their ability to do anything all of these characteristics output to a particularly strong frequency that strong frequency has more of an opportunity to materialize their desired reality whereas all us type of good people have bad particular states of self-concepts we
have bad States Of Consciousness and we see ourselves as low and humble and we don't want to do too much and we don't want to make too much noise and we don't want to accept and we don't want to upset anyone and because we have this inherently as our state of consciousness go back to Ephesians 5:13 everything that we experience all things are made manifest by our light our particular self-conception our state of consciousness our frequency so unfortunately and it sounds [ __ ] up that's why bad people get what the [ __ ] they
want it's simply because they have good States Of Consciousness that reflect their desired reality this whole manifestation sh I need you to get this out your head that you need to make the universe happy or make God happy all you have to do is to get into the mental equivalent emotional equivalent State of Consciousness that's reflective of your desired reality so you occupy the beliefs the emotionally charged thoughts the identity the attention and emotional conviction of whatever state it is that you want once you tick off each one of those characteristics you will enter that
particular frequency then it's about your ability to maintain that frequency long enough for it to materialize down onto this physical plane that is what it's about it's not about making God happy or do getting Heaven points [ __ ] you're not getting Heaven points you can do all of this [ __ ] that you want to do you're not going to get Heaven points and get into your desired reality if you want to get into your desired reality you need to stack up desired reality points and that's about doing everything that I just mentioned taking
off one of these characteristics because God is no respector of persons the son Shines on the worst [ __ ] and the good [ __ ] it's no difference and I need you to understand that and take this game out your head that they've implanted into your head that morality is how you're going to get to your desired reality because unfortunately it's not the only thing that will get you to your desired reality is the frequency that you're occupying now please be a moral person cuz I don't want to live in a society where you
are moralist I don't want that but if I'm giving it to you in a real hard way pause it's about the frequency that you occupy and making sure that that is the emotional mental equivalent of the desired reality that you wish to take on this is the game because us [ __ ] at the bottom are kind of guilt tripped and pulled on our emotional strings to be one particular type of way and it's actually not until you have the ability to sever those ties that you're going to be stuck and this is what it
says in the Bible don't take this up with me take it up in the Bible Acts 10:34 God is no respector of persons you know somebody somebody asked me you know Nero cuz I think in one video AJ you actually put where I grew up in a video and someone was like damn that's the ghetto how did you not end up in the streets Nero I'll tell you how I didn't end up in the streets you want to know why I never did any criminal activities one I was scared and I was scared of two
things in particular one I was scared that God would make me the example [ __ ] like I feel like I'd do it and God would make me the example and simply because I had that belief that would have manifested now looking back and the second is Fleece Johnson that's why I'm not committing no crimes and if you don't know who Fleece Johnson is just hear these lines I like you and I want you now we can do this the easy way we can do this the whole way the choice is yours and if you
still don't get it then if you still don't get it then you can even go search that [ __ ] up or just yeah don't even worry about it don't even worry about it but that's why I never committ no crimes listen flee Johnson made me say I'm never committing a crime on this Earth I'm never ever committing a crime I'm not doing it I'm not doing Johnson finished I had to show AJ Fleece Johnson before we recorded buuck is too funny that guy said booty is more important than drinking water more important more important
more important than food okay so next verse AJ please make sure I'm saying the right things here um John 724 don't judge according to appearance but judge by righteous judgment that's the right one in it perfect so guys this is the Sunday school that you [ __ ] really wish you got this would be the Sunday school that would put a lot of us in our desired reality but this ain't happening in our Sunday school my Sunday school it was pastors going like this to people according to you know that happened to me once so
the pastor they must have been doing some [ __ ] like that some I went to a Pentecostal church if you [ __ ] don't know about Pentecostal church that's the ones where it it's boom and it's like it's very very theatrical so the person must have been like dropping [ __ ] just like wom just W just dropping people and it came to me and he's pushing me and I'm just there like he was like he was like just full oh man rightous judgment cool so this verse actually interlinks with a verse from Corinthians
but first I'll explain to this so in this concept you first have to understand don't judge according to appearance by the way I spelled that right guys I know my handwriting just looks a bit bit crazy but that's about it right trust me don't judge according to appearance now what is appearance when we're talking about appearance appearance is what you see and what we see is what we call our reality but what we call reality is an illusion hence why in the ancient Hindu Traditions they called it the world of Maya the world of Illusion
why is it an illusion it's an illusion because we only see 0. 0 3 5% of what actually exists we only see because of something called visible light visible light is a tiny portion of the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum infrared ultraviolet so on and so forth visible light is the only reason why we see we then see because of a process called refraction which is light bouncing off surfaces into our eyes don't judge according to appearance because the thing about appearance is that appearance is an illusion everything that you see everything that you've been
accustomed to see your particular condition circumstance or event of reality that you're going through it's it's an illusion it's nothing more than a creation specifically a delayed creation of Consciousness go back to Ephesians 5:13 if you're Expo if you're experiencing something something all things are made manifest By the Light the light is consciousness this particular circumstance that you're going through is nothing more than a delayed State of Consciousness but because you haven't untrained your mind from attaching the realness that it attributes to reality as you're experiencing something you're not saying this is from an old
frequency this is from an Old State of Consciousness that I'm moving away from this isn't this is the old me you're attaching it and experiencing it Firs hand and then actually reinforcing and re reaffirming that particular State of Consciousness so it doesn't just become delayed anymore it becomes reaffirm reaffirmed and then that's what you see that's your reality and that's your illusion now the thing about what you see is this what we see and this is a bar so make sure you write this down and I just said this off the top of my head
like in my head sorry damn I lost it ah you don't see the world as it is you see it as you are you see the world through the tint on the frames of the lenses that you're seeing the world through but you don't realize that you have frames that are tinted and because you don't see that you're unaware of it now here's the thing you don't see the world as is you see as you are because your word is a creation of your Consciousness and the thing about it would mean that your perception actually
the way that you look at something is actually based upon the way that you are and how you are not what you want is what the word is going to give you so your perception actually leads to your projection of reality but then when your reality is being projected onto you you're thinking [ __ ] what am I doing what's going on here this is real and it just gets you back into what I call the PE PE pause the projection perception projection perception Loop and a lot of people are stuck in this Loop they're
not happy with what they see in the world but they're happy with what they see in themselves and favorite one of my favorite authors philosophers he said James Allen he says men are unsatisfied with their conditions but they're satisfied with themselves doesn't make sense because your condition and you are nothing more than one you're actually both into Ed your circumstance and your Consciousness are directly intertwined and so many people are unsatisfied with what they see outside of themselves they're unsatisfied with what they see and because they're unsatisfied with what they see they then hold the
frequency of unsatisfaction and that state of consciousness of unsatisfaction then the universe doing nothing more than being a magnify of however you're feeling seeks to use conditions circumstances and events and people to make you more unsatisfied which means then the projection that you experience in your reality is nothing more than the creation of your perception now here's the thing don't judge according to appearance I've just told you why you shouldn't judge according to appearance you need to judge by righteous judgment and what is righteous judgment ladies and gentlemen righteous judgment no did on my knees
is what I call mind sight mindsight is nothing more than the ability for you to hold to the frequency of your desired reality as something that already exists despite what the world is showing you because what the world is showing you is a delayed form of conscious ious you need to understand that what you're seeing is a delayed process of creation so even your ability to create your desired reality isn't going to be something that happens instantly that is going to be delayed but a lot of people get caught out in the delayed game and
they end up falling off without realizing what's really going on you need to judge by righteous judgment righteous judgment is the higher level higher frequency understanding that this is an illusion I'm in my desired reality I'm operating from my beliefs emotionally charged thoughts tension emotional conviction and identity of my desired reality despite what the word is showing me and because what's my definition of manifestation ladies and gentlemen manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change because you're there and you don't need to see reality change
you have manifested because remember manifestation isn't about changing anything outside of you it's about changing everything internally so that things don't need to change outside of you and at that point you would have collapsed the energetic space in between you and things would manifest and this is what is being reference when it just says judge by righteous judgment righteous judgment is a higher frequency higher level higher level of awareness of understanding through the process of how reality is actually manufactured into your reality because if you get caught up by appearance you get caught up in
your perception get caught out in your perception you get caught out in your projection then you're [ __ ] quite simply make sense good I like you and I want you now we can do this the easy way we can do this the hard way the choice is yours guys this next verse I remember when I was Christian this verse puzzled me for the longest time and it wasn't until I understood metaphysics and manifestation all of this stuff while this verse finally clicked so just relax you're going to get some just wait so AJ what
anime you watching next my boy that's it for me bro no more anime don't do that don't do that don't why are you being like that you enjoy death no why are you being like that death not was clearly an exception clearly an exception in order for you to something is an exception you need to see the average that's a bar right that down real talk though how can you actually how can you actually say that bro you have to lock into some other ones bro don't be like that don't be like that don't be
like that unless there's another anime that's like there's anime is better than death definitely isn't I promise you there is there bro def not def not is like def no because you know why halfway through death when they changed the theme song and all of that [ __ ] that's when it was kind of going downhill don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do bro trust me there's one's better than death not you like death note because all the suspense and [ __ ] and all the
twists and turns in it yeah n you you don't know about shingin no kyogen my boy I don't know who Attack on Titan I know you've heard of Attack on Titan I've heard of it of course you have it's nothing like death you haven't even watched it guys no [Laughter] petition going to start guys like I told you all right serious now lock in stop laughing now this verse in particular like I told you I hope I spell Isaiah right Isaiah 45:7 this verse had me confused for the longest time when I was growing up
cuz I could just I just couldn't understand it I just couldn't understand it you know you as a religious person you're taught that the whole world is in God's hands and God can do anything at any time and God created everything so God created the evil it's like what what what is this kind of but this verse actually sums it up perfectly from a esoteric perspective beautifully actually and this verse States something according I form the light and the Darkness I form the peace and the Calamity or chaos what is it I formed the light
I formed the darkness I formed the peace and the chaos I the Lord do all these things that's what it says right AJ I perfect I form the light and and creat darkness peace Calamity and then I the Lord do all these things perfect I the Lord do all these things oh this verse this verse is beautiful for a number of reasons the first thing that you have to understand an alar actually is this when you see the word Lord another way of conceptualizing Lord so in fact let me write that here so when you
see the word Lord here another way you can conceptualize Lord is God God is remember impersonal Consciousness that impersonal Consciousness is within you and that impersonal Consciousness leads to your reality and that impersonal Consciousness is almost a universal law hence acts 10:34 that was a bar cuz it rhymed I form the light and the Darkness I form the peace and the chaos or Calamity I Consciousness universal law do all these things I is a reference to the ego the ego is the five physical senses the ego is the vessel that you occupy within this third
dimensional realm so when it's saying I it's talking about you as you're reading this you say I as in me right my avatar the Avatar that God is operating in this third dimensional realm because that's what you are right you're you don't you don't you don't you know how do I say this you have a body but you're a spirit you understand what I'm saying I so you I form the light in the darkness why because light and the Darkness is a particular state of condition of reality which nothing more is really a polarity so
I form the light in my life and the Darkness in my life based upon what impersonal Consciousness God universal law boom I formed the peace and the chaos in my life how many you [ __ ] say I just want peace I just want peace in my life I just want peace I just want peace you can't you can't have anything that you want wanting is indication that you don't have it so you're actually creating the Calamity in the chaos by saying that you want peace and by you saying you want peace almost as if
the world can give you peace the world cannot give you peace until you give it to yourself first remember it is the internal that leads to the external you need to take your attention your focus off reality and shift it to you internally because once you do that that is when you redirect to the true source of creation that is when you step away from the false gods Thou shalt not worship false gods false gods is anything that you decide is inherently more powerful than you from a point of frequency in your reality that's including
the world around you by the way so don't think it's about [ __ ] saying oh my God it's l Wayne it's Jay-Z These are the false gods and the false no it's actually poverty it's actually struggle it's actually oppression it's actually um yeah so I form the light and the Darkness I form the peace and the chaos I the Lord do all these things so every particular state of condition State condition event circumstance of your reality that you experience which is either good or bad light or dark peace or chaos essentially what it's saying
is all the polarities that we experience in our reality good bad positive negative peace chaos these are something that we create and we create it from the awareness of the fact that that it is our Consciousness that leads to our reality so when we're seeing the Lord the Lord is a reference to a universal law God impersonal Consciousness impersonal Consciousness is a substance of your reality leads to your creation of reality remember go back to Ephesians 5:13 all things are made manifest by the light for whatever manifests is light it's the exact same thing lock
into what I'm saying now and this is so beautiful because even if we go now I'm about to go on a tangent here because verses are just coming to the top of my head even if we go to Revelations is it Revelations 2230 can you do me a favor check Revelation 22:30 Revelation 22:30 should be essentially Jesus saying I am the Morning Star I'm The Offspring of David I'm the bright early morning star Revelation 22:30 does it say Morning Star that's what I want to know 2230 yeah Revelation 2230 technical difficulties here guys CU I
just want to make sure I get the verse right because one thing that I'm not going to do as you've seen with every other verse I got it right and I don't want to mislead you and put you into it's there Revelation 2230 no results found no results found type in Revelations mhm and then type in Morning Star Verse 2216 2216 does he say Offspring Morning Star he says hi Jesus have sent my angel to testify to perfect re Revelations 22:16 absolutely perfect thank you because I don't want the Bible because I'm giving you guys
this information off the top of my head I don't want the Bible bangers when you're trying to give these verses they're like you're saying the wrong thing by the way if you want context for these verses I can give you context but in reference to Revelation 22:16 this is just off the top of my head right because one thing that is mentioned in that verse is Jesus and Jesus is talking about how he is the Morning Star right the Morning Star if you check the definition of Lucifer one of the definitions for the word Lucifer
is early morning star why is Jesus identifying as Lucifer or the devil it's because this is representative of the two inherent polarities that are within you the light is Jesus the darkness is Lucifer and that's on a very simplistic level so when we're talking about I form the light and I form the darkness every single thing that we may attribute in our lives because [ __ ] like to do this something will go wrong it'll be like oh it's the devil and my grandma's like this I love you Grandma she'll you know something will go
wrong she'll be like the devil's working hard you know the devil's doing something and this is a widespread belief on a collective level but with this understanding it's like where does the devil fit into your life when it says I form the light and I form the darkness the darkness that you experience the adversity the struggle the suffering that is all a byproduct of your State of Consciousness and a direct reflection of your State of Consciousness based upon the polarity that we inherently have within us which is one of Jesus Christ Consciousness and Lucifer in
that particular State or the devil representative of descending down into the lowest of frequencies and being caught up in the illusionary realm around us so Isaiah 457 ladies and gentlemen now the final verse and other verses are coming to the top of my head such as John 10:34 John 10:34 Jesus says is not written in your law I have said ye are gods that particular story The the people at the time were accusing him of blasphemy and saying that you know you walk around saying that you're this guy the Son of God and your God
and all of this what's going on and he says it's not written in your law I've said that you guys are gods and it's funny cuz I asked my pastor at the time um my I asked him at that time I said you know what's going on here and he was like oh he doesn't mean that what and obviously you know like I could see my mom in the corner side eyeing me like this you know what I'm saying so I just I took a couple steps back because I could see that it wasn't making
sense that particular story Jesus is letting you know that you are Gods because that is what Jesus is reflective of hence why also in John Jesus said the works that I do you can do as well and you can do great because it's nothing more than the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness the Christ Consciousness is nothing more than the materialization of the One Source Consciousness going through your particular Avatar at that one particular state it is a unity in the understanding of your relationship and your connection to that God Consciousness cuz once you're at that
point then things tend to flow in a bit easier now the final verse is is actually something that Jesus mentioned himself which actually links to a verse in Matthew so I'm going to write this down right here just because it's interl I can of myself do nothing and of course there's some other stuff in that verse but the top line is the most important thing because what this is referencing is a correct understanding in the hierarchy of Consciousness in your creation you can't manifest [ __ ] you can't you can't change your reality you can't
do anything the only person that can do something is the aspect of the infinite intelligence the God within you that is who can do something that particular aspect of your Consciousness is beyond the illusion that you're confined to within this third dimensional realm and that's what you need to tap into hence why the old cliche saying let go and let God let go is to let go of the ego the left hand atere of the brain that's attached to trying to do everything by itself and conceptualizing and categorizing everything and allowing the infinite God which
is beyond the Illusions to alter your reality within and in order to do that you have to come to the understanding that I can myself do nothing and that's what Jesus said because he understood that he that Jesus himself wasn't the one that was doing anything the individual that was doing everything was God the God within and hence why in Matthew Jesus says with men this is impossible but with With God all things are possible how often do you connect to God and I don't mean praying to God that you're not pregnant or your girl's
not pregnant I truly mean for example going into the silence and I've got a previous video about this entering the inner Dimension the true temple of God as it says as Solomon said the temple I believe that's acts 1724 God's Temple is not built with hands right understanding that you are the God's Temple as says in Corinthians the spirit of God dwelleth in you coming to the understanding that once you enter that particular aspect of you then that's when you get yourself out the way because the issue is right now you're trying to do everything
yourself you've got too much of a firm grip on the physical plane manifestation requires successful alignment across all three planes of existence physical mental spiritual you first align yourself on the spiritual then the mental and then the physical last the part of the spiritual is understanding that you can't do anything and letting go of your desire to try do everything yourself and actually stepping to a point of being one with the Universal Life Energy and when we're talking about universal life force energy this is just another way of me saying God really and truly and
understanding as it says in Psalm 4610 be still and know that I am God if you want to tap into that God version of you and allow things to be done then you actually need to get yourself out of the world and enter the inner world and be still because before you can know God and use that God to actually alter your reality you first must be still entering into the silence entering a particular condition and a state of Peace because that is the first step to actually align aligning with the universal God force and
then it's a bunch of other things such as calm such as serenity such as confidence such as knowing once you enter all of these particular things that's when you come to the understanding that you of yourself do nothing but it is God that makes all things possible as was said in Matthew [Music]