This UGLY Wierd loser Unlocked GOD'S Powers By KISSING A Girl Uglier Than Him | Anime Recap

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Video Transcript:
4,000 years into the future Humanity was nearly brought to extinction by Giant closur and their only chance of survival was by utilizing the Franks an overpowered Mecca that unleashes legendary Powers when a guy rides a girl however after failing to get aroused while riding his partner Naomi hero was considered to be the only worthless ugly loser in their world and Naomi was sent off for execution as he walked around without anything left for him in this world he saw a girl swimming inside the lake before Vanishing away afraid she may have drowned hero hurried to
save her but she flew out with a fish before licking his face pushing both of them into the water as she tried developing plot with him she told him that she wanted him to become her darling so she offered her hand and promised to help him reawaken his abilities realizing his chance hero tried to take her hand but a group of men appeared from the bushes and asked her why she ran away so she told them that she needed a break as they were about to leave hero wondered what her name was but since she
didn't have one she told him that her code name was 02 and disappeared from his sight as he saw Naomi's body being taken for execution a clasa appeared from the ground causing Naomi's container to Tumble out of sight when it emerged several cannons began shooting it so it tumbled and crashed into the Fortress before wiping them out and causing hero to fall from the railing when hero discovered that the monster was heading to destroy his friends he started running after it but soon realized that a second monster had joined the party at the same time
one clasa tried blasting a teenage pilot but was knocked Away by a Franks that began tearing it apart the claur turned its tail into a giant machine and pushed her off before shooting an energy blast that was repelled by the Franks causing a powerful light to explode and sent the robot flying towards hero when he saw a wounded man fall out of the Franks he discovered 02 inside of it and she told him that the man was dead he wondered how she would pilot it so she told him that she would control it on her
own after all she's always devoured her partners and never feared losing her life however hero offered to become her new partner and told her that he also had nothing to lose if he died so 02 told him they were alike and said that she really likes him and was looking to see him ride deep into her robot the Franks began to power up in that moment and at the same time the CL Aur charged towards the Fortress however the Frank started pushing it back as it began upgrading from hero in 0 2's United Souls before
hurling it away at that instant their Franks launched a spear into the second monster and began flying towards it as they crashed into it they released poison gas inside and blasted it causing it to explode into Thick Smoke with the monsters defeated 02 came out of the Franks carrying hero and everyone recognized her as the partner killer the following day hero arrived at the the boarding home and found Ichigo waiting for him however as he began to leave she asked him if he really controlled the Franks in the babble so he told her that he
had no memories of the event but was looking to Pilot the robot again so that he would be certain Ichigo told him that Zer 2's Partners often died after their third ride together and asked him to stay away from her so that he would not meet the same fate but hero told her that he could not stop thinking about 02 and was looking to ride her again another pilot called Goro appeared before him and told him that 02 was in their dining hall inside the hall the teenage Pilots began staring at the girl as she
ate like a useless creep and wondered who she was zoram who was a hopeless worthless s decided to shoot his shot and told her that he wishes to ride her until he climaxed however she began to wipe her greasy hand on his clothes causing him to scream like he was climaxing before long she sat beside hero and decided to ask for a taste of his meat realizing his chance hero decided to ask her if he really controlled the robot she told him that he did and said that he was her darling leaving the teenagers in
shock Nana entered the hall and introduced herself to everyone telling them that she was their new caretaker and would be in charge of all their duties as 02 began to leave hero asked to ride her one more time since he only climaxed after a couple of seconds however Nana told him that only the headquarters could make the decision inside the elevator Nana told 02 to stay away from hero and the other Pilots as she thought thought that she would be a bad influence to them by the next day 02 came across Ichigo and Goro but
after walking off Ichigo decided to ask her why she chose hero for her partner when zero2 refused to answer Ichigo told her to stay away from him as she had no desire to see him abandoned with a broken heart seeing through her shitty lie zer2 began to stare at her and licked her face like a creep before leaving that evening zoram kicked a ball at hero and began to call him a weak useless coward who was pretending to be a hero like his dumbass name angered by his words hero faced off with him but Ichigo
and Goro hurried to separate them after a few days the sergeant told hero that he would be having a battle in a Franks and that his victory would promote him to being a parasite when he was told to choose a partner for himself zer2 offered to ride with him but Ichigo said that she was a stranger to their group and offered to ride instead so Nana accepted disappointed by the outcome zer2 began to leave so zorom decided to challenge hero for the battle hoping to to humiliate him and threatened to crush him like candy that
night as everyone was gathered to watch their battle Ichigo told hero to focus on strengthening his connection to her since they could only power up the robot through their emotional connection she thought their best chance at success was for hero to concentrate on powering up the robot while she took charge of the battle however Hero has never been able to connect with any girl because he is a lonely disgusting worthless version just like the protagonist from the story on today's sponsor web novel if you ever felt useless just remember Little Willie William exists who was
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me because while William died without ever developing plot it's better than remaining a lonely loser likee hero who never learned how to connect with a girl because he was too ugly damn so they began to connect and soon powered up the Franks as they started approaching zoro's robot seeing that it was actually working hero thought that they could win the battle and suggested that they destroy their opposition immediately however as it drew its weapon it fell before zorome could slash it in mysteriously powered down inside the Franks hero tried restarting it but realized that it
was hopeless Ichigo asked him if she was the reason for him not being able to get up and wondered how he was able to ride with zero2 hero told her that their kiss had mysteriously brought the robot to life but he had been too stupid to realize what they were really doing looking to give it a shot Ichigo suggested that they kiss so she covered his eyes and tasted his lips when it was over they realized that the robot was still asleep and that their kiss was a fake suddenly zoron kicked down their robot and
tried ending it but he froze in that instant and fell down angered by her disappointment Ichigo began to power the robot on her own and charged forward with their opponent before slamming it into the Fortress and leaving both robots destroyed inside the Franks Ichigo began to cry at her failure and called hero a useless [ __ ] as she was convinced that he did not make a genuine attempt to connect with her the next day when they came across each other outside the examination room hero tried to apologize to her but she was summoned at
that moment later that day hero told Goro that he would attempt riding with 02 for a second time but Goro told him that he was risking his life after reminding him about all her previous Partners who died in battle however hero was determined and told him that he was completely useless if he was not piloting any robot the following day hero spotted zero2 all by herself but as he began to stare at her she told him that she had been waiting for him and asked him to follow her after she walked into a new passage
the the system stopped hero from passing through 02 revealed her S-Class ID that granted her access to every area of the facility and as she hurried to Hero she held him and led him through the system as they arrived outside hero discovered a beautiful city before him and wondered how zer2 was able to discover it she told him that she had been to several facilities and knew her way around since they were all built in a similar structure hero told her that he had never been into the city since they were all born and raised
inside the Fortress but was curious to see how it looked he told her that he would like to give her a new name but she told him that she liked her name and jumped onto a pole before walking across it she wondered if he would like to run away and suggested that they escape from The Fortress but hero was too afraid to answer the following day Nana told the teenagers that they would be going on their first mission to annihilate lesser closur that had been appearing outside the facility the sergeant told them that the clasa
were attracted by magma energy reactions and that they had been appearing in the level eight mine and destroying the system Nana said that hero would not be joining them in the mission since he was not capable of piloting a robot and that they would have to rely only on themselves before long they arrived at level 8 and started heading out as they found a clasa devouring a system ichigo's robot began charging towards it and as she stabbed it she pulled it down so a second robot caught it allowing Zoro to impale it with their success
zorom began to celebrate and said that the mission was like taking candy from a baby Ichigo told him to destroy its core immediately but as he tried to impale it it jumped on his robot and began attacking it causing Miku to fall unconscious luckily futoshi blasted it away allowing Ichigo to stab the core however another claas appeared before their eyes and several other clasa began appearing before them realizing they had no chance at Exterminating them Ichigo suggested that they run away before they were killed by the monsters at the same time in the facility 02
told Nana that she was was willing to rescue the pilots so hero offered to support her however the sergeant said that hero was a weakling and would only cause more harm than good 02 decided to confront Nana looking to persuade her into accepting but nana told her that she was not allowed to Pilot the Franks with hero VSU suggested that they ride together and told Nana that it was their only hope of rescuing the team since hero the loser could ride her like a man mitsuru thought that he could ride her twice as hard but
02 told him to jerk off and said that his face looked like [ __ ] emotional damage however hero was ashamed and told zer2 to ride with him so she accepted and they began to leave meanwhile in level eight Miku finally regained her Consciousness so the team supported Ichigo to hold a gate as the clasa continued bumping into it however when the team learned that 02 was coming to their rescue Ichigo thought that she was riding with hero and her distraction caused her robot to power down allowing the monsters to destroy the gate gate so
they started running away while the monsters chased them before long they discovered that they were trapped and a huge claas appeared before their eyes but as it tried devouring them zer2 landed on top of it and impaled it until it burst before them as newer monsters began to gather the Franks impaled another monster and mitsuru started calling himself the greatest pilot in history and that hero was the most useless person he had ever met as he began slashing and obliterating the Monsters looking to test his full abilities 02 decided to go all out in the
battle and faced off with another huge clasa by the time the Franks was pulled up to the surface zer2 stepped out of it unscathed but mitsuru was left unconscious and badly wounded the next day when mitsuru was looking like he had seen a ghost hero decided to ask him what happened inside the Franks mitsuru told him that 02 was a crazy psychopath who tried to devour his soul and as he caught hero he warned him to stay away from her or she would end him like her other partners that afternoon Ichigo decided to ask hero
if he was still bent on riding with Z2 as she feared that he would meet his Doom if he continued pushing his luck hero told her that he had no intentions of quitting so she told him that she would not try to stop him anymore and decided to leave however the following day when hero saw 02 he remembered mitsuru's words and immediately hid himself however as he soaked inside a pool zer2 appeared before him and followed him into the water asking him if he would like to develop plot with her when when hero was too
afraid to answer she told him that he was the only person fitting to be her partner and that they could have special babies with his seed but at that moment an alarm started blaring across the entire facility Outside The Fortress four robots began charging towards the closur looking to stop it before it got to the facility when one of the robots began drifting back the closur worm chased it but another robot impaled it in a trap as it tried freeing itself the other robots caught and stabbed it before wrestling It to the Ground with the
monster down the team wondered if they had defeated it as they could not find its core however it suddenly caught zorome and trapped the team with weird objects Ichigo tried hurrying away but fell in the sand and became stuck with the rest of the team at the same time hero and 02 hurried to Nana hoping to join the battle but she told them that their presence was not required at that moment a group of soldiers arrived and surrounded 02 telling her that the headquarters was demanding for her return to the front lines but when a
soldier touched her she smacked him far across the room causing the others to point their lasers at her realizing the odds were against her zer2 told hero that she would be leaving for a different facility but was sad that she could not stay by his side so she told him goodbye and began to leave after she was gone hero asked Nana if 02 truly killed her previous Partners inside the Franks Nana told him that 02 was a special girl who was being utilized for battle at the front lines and that every battle took a nasty
toll on on her partners and caused them to die she said that 02 was a strange alien from an unknown planet and that her abilities could not be compared to a regular human hearing these words hero realized that he had misjudged her intentions and started running off before long he began screaming her name and banging the system but she walked away from him desperate for her to listen he began reciting his best Reddit pickup lines and told her that she could become his Discord kitten since she had helped him regain his ability to get up
he wanted to ride her until he climaxed and released all of his energy into her body hearing these words zer2 stopped walking pleased to have heard his confession as she jumped onto a soldier she pulled his gun and began firing at the glass before jumping towards it and Breaking Inside she told hero that no one had ever recited a love poem to her and asked him to say it one more time so he told her that he wanted to ride her until he climaxed his energy into her delighted with his confession she suggested that they
save the team first Rush forward 02 kicked a soldier and they began hurrying to her robots as they prepared to Power It Up Nana told them to return immediately but 02 told her to screw herself and turned off the communication before long the Franks emerged and flew off towards the battle with rocket speed she knocked into the closur finally freeing the team hero told them that he would destroy the monster's tail so the team decided to take on its head as the monster launched weird objects at the Franks she blocked them and pulled down the
tail before releasing gas into it however they discovered that the core was missing so as it vanished into the ground the Franks chased after it before long she emerged from the ground and as she slammed its tail a great worm appeared out of the ground and crashed on the sand looking to end it Ichigo jumped on top of it and stabbed its tail realizing their opportunity the rest of the team stabbed it and managed to pin it down so hero decided to end it as the Franks freed herself she jumped across to the other side
and went through the monster destroying it from the inside and emerging with the core as it exploded into a thick smoke that night as the system announced that two facilities would be combining in a kissing procedure zorome began to wonder if they would have to kiss each other so akuno told him that the procedure involved transferring of magma fuel reserves from one facility to the other as the fuel was used in running the robots when the team began to look worried that the clasa would attack them hero told them that he would protect them with
his Franks a few days later the team had their graduation ceremony and were promoted to par parite but by the following morning Goro noticed that hero was looking sick so in the bathroom he decided to ask him how he was feeling but hero told him that he was fine in the lounge the team thanked hero for coming to their rescue in the battle against the closur but he only wished for them to consider him a member of their team however when zorome began to say that he was merely Lucky in the battle hero decided to
make peace with him realizing that the kid was merely a useless [ __ ] so they shook hands as they began heading into the dining hall 02 appeared before hero and led him to a table for their breakfast after spilling grease on the food 02 fed hero with a bite [ __ ] hell inside the boy's dorm 02 began jumping on a bed and told hero that she would be living with them inside the boarding home but her news left the boys in shock realizing the boys were uncomfortable with her presence hero decided to lead
02 away that evening Ichigo showed 02 to a new room telling her that she would have to sleep here and follow all their rules if she intended to continue living with them however 02 thought she was trying to control her and told her that she would rather stay with hero and cuddle him in his bed meanwhile in the bathroom hero was feeling very sick and as he touched his heart he knew that something was terribly wrong with him after Goro found him sick in their room he opened his shirt and discovered a large scar across
his heart but as he tried activating their emergency alarm hero stopped him and after having a glass of water he told Goro that he was still determined to ride the Franks once again Goro thought that he was crazy and reminded him that he could die in his next attempt but hero said that he had never felt more alive and asked him to tell no one about his health status as he thought it would jeopardize his chances of ever piloting a robot again the next day the sergeant told the team and another team that a 100
clasa had been discovered several miles away and that they were approaching the Fortress at a great speed since they intended to carry out another kissing procedure he told them that the new team team would be protecting both facilities while ichigo's team would serve as their backup as hero and 02 entered the room Nana said that they would be joining in the mission however the new team thought that 02 was a useless Menace who did not care about her allies and one of the boys began saying that they would not head into the battle with her
since she had caused the death of his partner a few years ago 02 told him that she had no memories of his friends since she had lost too many partners to count angered by her words the boy tried approaching her but hero stood in his way and promised to keep her under control that night while the team were heading back to their boarding home Goro tried suggesting that they cast 02 aside from their team but hero interrupted him realizing that he was about to disclose his secret and said that it was better to keep 02
as their Ally that same night hero began to shiver in his bed as his sickness continued to get worse frustrated by this discovery Goro decided to sit outside the boarding home but soon spotted Ichigo and 02 head towards the forest Ichigo told 02 that she must stay in line when they head out for their mission but 02 told her to screw herself and began to leave however Ichigo managed to stop her and told her not to push hero Beyond his limits so that he would not die like her other partners zero to told her to
mind her business and called hero her darling saying that he had chosen her for his partner and that his death would mean nothing to her hearing these words Ichigo smacked her face and called her a heartless psychopath immediately Zer 2's eyes began to Glow with anger as she threatened to destroy Ichigo but luckily it began to rain so 02 looked to the sky in Surprise and forgot about her rage when Ichigo returned home she found Goro waiting outside as he threw her a blanket to dry herself he told her that he had seen her arguing
with zero2 but had decided to stay away from the conflict she began to tell him that she felt useless as she could not connect with hero emotionally and thought that something must be wrong with her and began to cry the following morning her met 02 at the river and reminded her that this was where they first met as she opened his shirt she saw his scar and decided to ask him if he would like to quit being her partner since their third ride together could be his last however hero remained determined and told her that
he would be her ride or die and would continue riding her until he released all of his energy into her excited by his words 02 began to laugh as she spun before him the next day as the team began heading out for their mission Goro pushed it go off to speak with hero but as Ichigo stood before him she began to stutter hero spotted 02 in the hallway and decided to wave to her causing Ichigo to lose her Focus so when she tried speaking again she told him that she considered him to be her brother
and was hoping to see him return from the battle alive hero told her that he considered her to be his sister and also hoped that she would return safely from the battle before running after 02 as Ichigo prepared to power her robot she told Goro that she intended to keep Z two away from the battle Outside The Fortress the teams watched as a large army of closur began approaching them so the first team decided to lead the battle as one robot launched a spear towards a monster another jumped high and impaled it until it exploded
immediately three robots launched arrows into another allowing the leader to spear it until it erupted the leader suggested that they eliminate the monsters one after the other so he broke a claas sur's leg allowing his team to bind it while he ended it with his spear after spotting three other claas is taking a different direction the leader told ichigo's team to eliminate them and warned them not to bring their losing streak into this battle as a clausa began approaching them futoshi tried blasting it but it dodged and devoured him Ichigo began firing at it but
as it avoided the blast zorom tried impaling it but missed and crashed into mitsuru's robot as two monsters tried ripping futoshi robot apart another tried devouring them but Ichigo threw it to the ground and ended it in that instant a new monster began running towards The Fortress so Ichigo told zorom to Chase and eliminate it meanwhile hero was very sick and was in a lot of pain as a new set of clasa army started approaching the facility 02 told him that ichigo's team were running around the battlefield like brain dead morons and that she could
not wait to join the fight hero wondered why she always enjoyed destroying the clasa as he noticed that it made her happy like a creepy Maniac she told him that she was a monster and that she loved the adrenaline that came with every battle determined not to to be a spoil sport hero suggested that they join the battle immediately so 02 agreed as the Franks flashed into the battlefield she stacked up several monsters into a tall line and obliterated them in an instant before impaling another and destroying it with a slash the clasa began firing
at her but she blocked and jumped away before destroying them in a Flash realizing their advantage the second team bound another monster and electrocuted it until it exploded after the Franks destroyed another monster hero became very sick causing the robot to become stiff and unable to move however she soon came alive and began slaying the monsters with swift movements so Ichigo ended the last Ichigo told 02 to withdraw from the battle but hero insisted that they would continue with all the Lesser monsters defeated the second team decided to bind the last closur and electrocuted it
causing it to stop moving when they electrocuted it again with a great light a mighty noise rang across the battlefield and Before Their Eyes it began to transform into a strange humanoid shape as it stepped forward the second team launched their arrows into it but it swung them away and smashed them into the ground with the team leader about to be eeked Zoro managed to rescue him and put him in a safe spot realizing they were the only team left Ichigo suggested that they restrain the Beast so that hero could end it since only his
robot had the weapon to find the beast's core so they split up and began climbing on the monster hoping to stop it before it reached the Fortress at the same time hero was was trying to endure his pain as large veins began appearing across his body however he was determined to continue so as the team managed to weaken the monster's knees the Franks began descending towards it with her Spear and as she stabbed it hero tried forcing the spear with all of his strength and released a gas inside it causing the monster to fall believing
that the monster was dead hero passed out from exhaustion however it knocked the Franks far away towards the Fortress and began transforming into a new shape with hero unconscious the closur prepared a mighty attack and launched the Franks into a wall causing it to power down in that instant as the robot tried getting out the closur started pounding it relentlessly Ichigo realized that hero may be dead so she began to cry afraid that they would never see him again however Goro began to scream at her and told her to get her [ __ ] together
meanwhile Hero's Soul was in a different world as he discovered that he was dead Naomi appeared behind him and accused him of giving up on zero2 the same way he gave up on her hero said that he was now useless since he was dead and believed that 02 could fight the battle on her own suddenly he saw 02 standing at the tree before him but when he tried to touch her she began walking away from him making him realize that she was very sad at that moment he opened his eyes and found zero2 trying to
fight all by herself but was knocked back as the monster continued ramming into the Franks however 02 continued fighting like a crazy beast from Hell enduring all the pain and Relentless smashing and at at the sight of this hero realized that 02 had always fought in the same manner every time she lost a partner so he became determined to help her and to ride deep inside her again as life returned into his eyes the veins vanished from his body so he held her as she began to scream and restored her to her right mind he
told her that he would always stay by her side and would never leave her again and at that moment the Franks revived and began crushing the closur but as it started changing shapes again the team began flying towards it determined to stop the transformation so they held it apart revealing its core to Hero who began flying towards it with a great speed and as the Franks went through it it stabbed the core causing the monster to rise with a light that looked like wings before exploding into thick smoke inside the Franks hero told 02 that
he wishes to be her wings so that she would never have to fight on her own as they started heading out happy to see their friends again after a few days the team were allowed to go on a vacation to the beach as their reward for destroying the aurs so 02 pulled hero into the water and began splashing on him however a few days after the battle hero was introduced to Dr Franks who was the creator of the robots and to another dude who told hero that he was very lucky to be alive when the
sergeant told hero and zer2 that the headquarters had decided to make them Partners zer2 immediately hugged hero as she was happy to hear that at the beach hero began following 02 as she swam farther into the water she told him that he had helped her discover the ocean by becoming her partner she said that she wants him to always stay by her side and decided to lick his face when he began to stutter thinking she intended to kiss him she told him that a kiss meant that they belonged to each other and that he should
only kiss whomever he loves when she asked him if he had ever kissed another girl other than her hero began to stutter again and was luckily pulled into the water by his friends before long They Carried him off to the beach and after throwing him to the sand zoram decided to ask for the meaning of a kiss as hero tried sneaking away way zoram grabbed him and persuaded him to tell them so he said that they had to stick their mouth in someone else's mouth shocked by this discovery zorome decided to ask if kissing was
a special act so hero told them that it was a sweet and warm feeling that he wished would never end looking to experiment this zorom tried to kiss hero but he told him that he should only kiss whomever he loved when Ichigo appeared wondering what weird was going on Goro told her that they had learned the meaning of a kiss and asked her if she had ever tried it but she told him she had hadn't at that moment Miku began calling on to them and before long they arrived at a cave surprised by their Discovery
as they climbed up the steps Goro asked hero if the boys could become love partners with the girls since he had told them that kissing was a special thing to be done with their partner but hero was uncertain about it as they arrived at an old abandoned city they began to wonder what must have happened to the people who lived here after spotting a large house zorom futoshi and mik decided to enter as they looked around they discovered that the house looked similar to their boarding home and wondered if their home was intentionally built with
this design meanwhile kakuro wandered into another part of the house and found an old book on the floor as she cleared the dust she was enchanted by the drawing of a baby but mitsu saved her from getting hit by a board however she continued to hold the book at the same time Ichigo found a drawing of a kissing couple and began to remember her kiss with hero but zero2 appeared behind her and told her that she had kissed him when Ichigo said that she had also kissed a boy 02 told her that she was only
meant to kiss a special person and demanded to know who she had kissed luckily Goro called on to her from across the street saving her blushes as they arrived on a cliff zoram wondered how the city was able to exist zer2 told them that the city was abandoned by humans when clasa began to appear on Earth and that there were several other cities across the world that were all abandoned that night after their dinner Z2 told hero that she wanted to swim and began hurrying away to the ocean a few minutes later as they sat
around the fire hero wondered why humans had decided to abandon their cities rather than protecting themselves from the closur and since the clasa were attracted by the magma energy he wondered if it was worth losing the Earth for however zorom believed that it was a worthy risk and thought that it made them saviors of the world that night while everyone was asleep Ichigo saw hero as he was trying to sneak away so they decided to stroll across the beach together as she showed him the Stars she told him that he used to read her stories
about them when they were little but hero had no memories of it however after spotting another star hero remembered that they had named it after ichigo's code and had promised to see it together after leaving the Fortress as they started walking again she told him not to focus all his attention on zer2 but to focus some of his attention on her and that their kiss inside the robot was very special to her however as she tried telling him that she would like to stay by his side forever he suddenly pointed at the shooting stars across
the sky as they watched the Stars hero told her to make a wish in her heart but she thought that he was a [ __ ] for not listening to her confess her desires a few days later the team started battling another closur as one robot dodged its attack zoram jumped on top of it and began stabbing it before futoshi blasted it realizing their chance to defeat it the team started charging forward but the monster spilled slime on them however they discovered that the Slime was harmless to their robot and thought of attacking again but
it began streaking inside and melting off the girl suits realizing they were about to watch some beautiful plot unfold the boys stared really hard like their lives depended on it however 02 was able to scream at hero and reminded him of the monster before them so they rushed towards it and as they blocked off the Slime they slashed it to dust by the time they returned to the facility the boys began apologizing to the girls for enjoying the sight of their beautiful plot but the girls thought they were useless perves and told them to stay
away forever so later that day they drew a line across the house and Miku told the boys that they were not allowed to step across to the other side however zorome decided to challenge their command and tried walking across but the girls threatened to beat him to a pul by the following day the girls discovered that the boys had occupied the dining hall and were beginning to eat all the food when Goro suggested that they call off their stupid rules the girls refused and began to pull Miku away but zer2 merely crossed the line into
the Hall that afternoon the girls decided to search for some food but as they walked through the first floors for their very first time they discovered that several rooms had been sealed off Ichigo wondered how much longer they would have to continue fighting the clasa since the battle was starting to look like it would never end as02 licked her neck she told her she could taste her secret but the girl thought she was a useless creep who was meant to live inside a jungle the girls decided to speak with 02 in private and asked her
to join their fight with the boys having spotted her with hero they thought she was making their decisions irrelevant by breaking their rules so zero2 agreed to join their stupid fight but the following day she ripped off the Restriction notice and told the boys that the girls had called for peace as she changed the girl sign to the boys but when the boys entered the bathroom they found the girls inside and they began hurling items at them calling them filthy dirty perves when zorom tried explaining what 02 had told them hero saw her stealing their
clothes and sprinting out so he chased after her after demanding for the clothes she told him to take it if he was a man as he ran to grab her she slid down the handrail and started running up more steps hero chased her into the lounge but she flipped across the room and ran through the hallway as Zer two climbed up the roof hero followed her to the edge realizing she had nowhere to run but she released the clothes into the air hero thought she was weird and wondered why she had decided to steal everyone's
clothes so she told him that she merely intended to have some fun as she began to lower herself like she was about to fall she caught the house frame and easily helped herself to the ground like a badass [ __ ] inside the house Nana told the teenagers to handle their business without messing up and suggested they make peace with each other since they would have to leave for a new battle soon in the girl's room Ichigo demanded to know why 02 had tricked them so she told them she was trying to help them become
responsible parents with the girls confused by her words she began to leave and told them they would all be dead soon at the same time in the boy's room hero suggested that they make peace with the girls and began to deliver a powerful speech on how the girls saved their AES in battle by powering up the robots with their frail bodies the boys thought that the girls would make good wives and agreed to make peace with them in the meantime the girls wondered what 02 was trying to tell them but were uncertain about the meaning
of her words so kakuro decided to restore peace within the team and began telling them that they needed the boys as much as the boys needed them and that they make a happier team when they are pleased with each other but Miku thought they were better off staying apart and decided to leave the room afraid she may have ran away the girls decided to ask the boys for their support so that they could find her meanwhile Miku was hiding in an abandoned room when she spotted an old photo of another team that had once lived
on this floor shocked by her Discovery she dropped the glass and her friends kicked the door in as they wondered who had stayed in this room 02 revealed that it had belonged to a previous team that had died in battle with the team hoping not to become the next sushi they decided to make peace with each other and zorom told Miku that he would be sneaking into her bed to feel her beautiful plot every night a few weeks later the team received a present from the leader of the forces when Zer to wondered why they
were given a present every year hero told her that it was an attempt to encourage them for their hard work later that day Goro found Ichigo spying on hero as he gave zero2 a present hero told her that he felt sad since she had not received any and was hoping to make up for it he told her that the mirror had belonged to his previous partner Naomi who had left the facility after her injury fascinated by the gift zero2 threw her arms around hero and told him she loved it and would cherish it forever but
Ichigo was sad and wished she had received the gift instead Goro remembered that when they were little they had noticed ichigo's hair was beginning to grow long so in a desperate attempt to impress her he had hurried to make her a hair clip but discovered that hero had beat him to it he he felt sad that he had always liked her but was too afraid to tell her inside the boy's room hero saw Goro holding the clip and wondered why he had it with him Doro told him that he had been hoping to give Ichigo
the clip ever since they were little but had been too ashamed to do so when hero wondered why he was afraid to tell her how he felt Goro told him that Ichigo had always liked him and had desired to stay by his side the same way 02 was always by his side shocked by his words hero began to stutter but Goro told him that he loved Ichigo and always hoped to be with her forever having said these words Goro told him that he was ready to sleep and immediately laid down the following day the sergeant
told them that a clasa had been discovered a few miles away and was fast approaching the Fortress Nana told them that their Duty was to destroy it before it reached their spot so that it would bring no damage to the Fortress before long the team headed out in their robots and began approaching the monster after spotting a massive Thundercloud they saw a great closur in the clouds moving toward towards them like an alien spaceship hoping to destroy it zorome began charging towards it dodging his way through the tentacles and slashing it but got trapped in
them luckily he managed to break free but a bomb exploded on him however he spotted the core and thought it would be easy to destroy it so he flew towards it but was engulfed by the weird bubbles before he could smash it Ichigo flew towards him and punched him to safety but ended up trapped in it as the closur began to Sparkle with bright lights it erupted into a massive explosion when Goro woke up inside the robot he decided to turn off the warning alarm and remembered that he had ejected Ichigo right before the explosion
hero began to speak to him through the calm and told him that Ichigo was safe but that he was trapped inside the claas sur's belly and was becoming its breakfast hero told him that the rest of the team had withdrawn to the facility and that they were not certain they could save him their only hope for rescuing him was through his robot but with Ichigo out of it it was impossible to power it up as Ichigo hurried into the the room she demanded for Goro to be rescued immediately and told them that he was an
ugly brain dead [ __ ] who only did stupid things because his face looked stupid the sergeant told them that Goro was stuck in the monster's fuel tank and was lucky to still be alive he said that their priority was to protect the Fortress and that they would have to destroy the clasa with Goro inside of it however Ichigo was afraid of losing her partner and told them that she was willing to save him so 02 suggested that they utilize the exhaust hole on top of the monster so they returned to the battlefield and as
zoron launched the Franks to the top Ichigo dived inside it and began swimming deep into the fuel at the same time Goro was finding it hard to breathe and began to remember when he was a little boy he had gotten his kicked off him but was usually saved by Ichigo who thought he was too weak and useless to do anything on his own he had fallen in love with her from that moment but was sad that she had always loved hero instead when he was ready to eki himself he decided to activate the self-destruct system
but but luckily Ichigo entered the robot at that moment she reminded him that she had promised to save his sorry since he was always weak and useless without her Goro was happy to see her and offered to hold her hand and at that instant the robot came to life and released an explosive device before flying towards the surface and escaping to the outside as they began rushing back to the Fortress the clasa erupted into a massive explosion with peace restored Goro decided to give Ichigo the hair clip and told her that he had been waiting
to give it to her ever since they were little he said that he loves her and wished to spend the rest of his life with her however she told him that she only considered him to be her friend after returning to the facility hero noticed that Z2 was looking sad but when he asked her what was wrong she told him that she was merely worried about dinner by the time Zoran Miku began screaming at each other Nana appeared and told them she had good news for everyone before long she began telling them about an invitation
into the City by the leader of the forces and that they would be awarded for their success in the battles with the team impressed by the news they thought they would finally meet all the adults in the city however 02 was not impressed and began to leave so Nana told her that she would be undergoing medical tests in the city but 02 told her she had no desire for undergoing any tests and that she was as healthy as a horse the following day as the team were prepared to leave hero noticed that 02 was sad
and was unwilling to go as they began descending into the city the teenagers thought it looked very beautiful and wished they could live here for the rest of their lives when they arrived inside the headquarters they were welcomed by a weirdo in mask he told them that the leader was pleased with their achievements in the battles and that they were the most special team in the forces but after he left the teenagers wondered why there was no Feast to celebrate them Nana told them that the headquarters does not allow any feasts and that they had
to return to the facility immediately so the girls suggested that they walk home so that they could have a better view of the city as they started heading back zoram told the team that he was eager to become an adult so that he would live in the city but Ichigo thought they wouldn't survive the coming Wars and would not be growing up any more than they already had when they arrived at their energy source the team were impressed by the sight of it and wondered who must have created it but by the time they began
to leave zorome stayed back and started climbing up a building the lift began to rise and as he reached the top he discovered that he could not find his way down so he went around the building hoping to find an exit but realized that this city was a ghost town as he looked around the city he spotted an adult walking by but the man merely ignored him having no other options he began climbing down the building however he saw another adult staring at him and lost his grip before falling to the ground when he woke
up in a strange home the woman told him that she was afraid he may have cracked his skull and thought he would never wake up again zoram wondered if he was in an elderly home but the lady told him that Elderly Homes don't exist in the city and that she must inform the forces of his whereabouts however he told her that he just wanted to ask some questions so she agreed and took off her mask as he was eating her delicious food he wondered if she lived alone in the apartment but she told him that
she lives with her partner even though they barely saw each other hearing about her partner he wondered if she also pilot a robot with him but the lady told him that they don't pilot a robot and that her partner was like her husband whom she was meant to make babies with zoram did not understand her words as he had never thought that a boy and a girl could do anything other than piloting a robot together so she offered to show him her partner inside a room they found her partner lying in a weird machine so
she told him that he was activating his brain for some creepy pervy pleasure suddenly the lady fell and she told him that she was tired and was beginning to feel dizzy while resting in the lounge she told him that she had not spoken to anyone in several years and had nearly forgotten how to talk to people Zoro wondered how often she spoke to her partner but she told him that she had not heard his voice in many years she told him that they only stuck to their personal business and never even felt the need to
greet each other when zorom began complaining about his own partner the lady suggested that he finds someone new however zoram didn't want her to be replaced so he said that she was the love of his life and that he would not trade her for the whole world those words kept making the lady feel worse so she decided to report his whereabouts on her system telling him that the forces would arrive soon and wondered why he was starting to cry he thought that she looked familiar and asked her if they had ever met before however she
believed they had never seen each other and called him a hero for joining to protect everyone in the Fortress but a buzzer rang in that moment before long two men from the forces began checking zoram for infections and thought that he was too filthy to be in their city after zorom returned to the boarding home he began to scrub the toilet as a punishment for ditching the team and Miku screamed at him for being a stupid useless dumbass after a few days the team returned from another battle and Ichigo told Nana that they had eliminated
several clasa and were looking forward to the next battle the sergeant told them that they would be taking on a new set of closur the next day and told them to get enough rest by the following day the team watched as a great machine began Excavating the ground as they learned that newer clasa were beginning to approach them the team Reed for the battle but one robot powered down inside the robot iteru was looking very sick and had passed out from exhaustion so they brought him into the facility for treatment that night in his dream
he remembered he had been very weak when he was little and had been told that he was too useless to become a pilot so in hopes of getting stronger he had taken a lethal injection that he managed to survive however when he asked hero to become his riding partner hero told him that he was only interested in riding with a girl who had lovely cherries and as he woke up from the shock of that memory he realized that he hated hero very much and was never going to forgive him the following day he demanded to
ride a robot as he was determined to prove himself to everyone but as he tried powering it up Nana and the sergeant discovered that he was still very weak and useless like he has always been so later that day they told the team that they had to shuffle Partners since mitsuru and Nuno had lost the desire in being Partners Nana thought they were better off separating and finding new partners with other teammates after the meeting hero decided to ask zero to why she had been acting strangely for the past couple of days but she told
him it was none of his business and began to leave by the time they returned for their next meeting Nana asked for volunteer teammates who were willing to switch Partners so akuno told her she wanted to become ichigo's new partner although the robots only powered up when both Riders were a boy and a girl auno thought that it was worth giving a try so Ichigo agreed when Nana asked if any other teammate was willing to exchange Partners kakuro raised her hand and futoshi life was shattered before his eyes but later that day they discovered that
Ichigo and akuno could not power up their robot so Nana suggested that foshi becomes nuno's new partner that evening in the boy's room futoshi began to cry as he was sad to have lost the love of his life when zoram said that kakuro was a useless St stupid [ __ ] who could not count her toes with her finger foshi threatened to beat him to a pulp and as mitsuru appeared outside the room foshi hurried to give him a punch but tripped on the floor a few hours later the team were informed about a great
closur that was was beginning to approach The Fortress so they hurried out as they watched the monster approach them 02 began charging towards it and slashed it all the way to the top realizing it was unscathed she tried stabbing it but got trapped and covered up luckily Ichigo and futoshi flew on top of it and managed to rescue her but she flew towards it again determined to end it and slashed off its parts but it transformed into smaller closur as it pushed off the Franks it nearly smashed it too and futoshi but 02 charged against
like a deranged psycho before hero pulled back and saved them from getting smashed when they wondered how they would defeat it kakuro suggested that they shoot it and hop to find its core as they narrowly dodged the monster's feet three smaller closur began running ahead to the construction site so two robots started firing at them but they dodged the shots and continued running however futoshi was able to jump on top of one and ended it with a slash desperate to make up for his blunder mitsuru charged towards the monster but was kicked away and when
the monster monster tried smashing them foshi swooshed in and caught its foot as two robots slashed its knee it began to fall but started releasing a tentacle so futoshi began blasting it with his gun at the same time in kakuro robot she tried persuading mitsuru to try again but he told her he was the greatest loser in the world but she told him that she believed in him and was hoping to be his biggest supporter mitsuru remembered that hero had ditched him when they were little and told kakuro that he must have been a true
loser but she told him to forget the past and look towards a brighter future looking to continue on her own she decided to power up the robot and transformed into a new monster but immediately powered down with mitsuru managing to stop her he told her she was a brainless nut job and warned her to never power up the robot on her own at the same time the team were destroying and slashing the monster but it continued stretching towards the construction when mitsuru's robot came to life futoshi pushed off the monster and blasted it with Relentless
fire before kicking it off realizing his chance mitsuru rushed to it and as he stuck his gun inside he released a mighty shot into it allowing hero to impale the core as the claur rolled up and exploded into Thick Smoke but the Franks was able to escape after returning to the facility futoshi punched mitsuru for being a useless arrogant [ __ ] and told him to never put kakuro into danger so mitsuru promised to always watch over her after a few days the team arrived at a new facility called the lab where they were all
created Nana told them that they had been brought to this facility so that they would undergo medical tests but hero thought that they were merely brought to the lab so that 02 would be tested just then a new team arrived with the same mysterious dude hero met several weeks ago when the dude asked Z2 if she had turned a new Leaf she told him to screw himself and walked away from him the mysterious dude told them that 0 2's nickname was Iota and that she used to be a member of their team however he was
surprised that they were able to become her friend and wondered if they gave her some weird injection Ichigo told them that 02 was considered their teammate and that she was a better human than the rest of them looking to make an impression the mysterious dude decided to kiss her but she blushed like a tomato and soon began to leave with the rest of the team after having his own test hero remembered his last conversation with 02 when he met her in the library he had noticed her strange attitude for a few weeks and decided to
ask her what was wrong with her but she told him she wanted to kiss him and began drawing closer like a Mindless robot but hero spotted her fangs and freaked out meanwhile outside the lab 02 was kicking and smashing the soldiers that were trying to subdue her but after a soldier shot her she kicked off two other soldiers and fell before reaching him a few hours later the team began walking through the lab and as they saw the new kids they remembered when they were also living here as they began watching a new set of
kids inside a lab they discovered that they were being injected with special doses to become parasites a lady told them that the kids were being being injected with higher doses of yellow blood cells since the clasa were continuing to increase in number hero asked her if his previous partner Naomi had returned to the lab but the lady told him that no one ever returns to the lab once they were gone as the team started heading back kakuro decided to ask them how babies were created everyone thought that her question was strange but Miku told her
that they were created inside a machine after returning to the Fortress Nana and the sergeant noticed that a few clasa were trying to sneak towards the facility so they told the teams to destroy them outside the Frank swooshed off and as she crashed into the monsters with a mighty light they exploded but when she landed a monster knocked her off worried that 02 was losing control Ichigo told her to stick to their plan but she took off again as She chased another claur determined to eliminate them all she missed her blast but lunged towards it
with her spear ending it in that instant more closur began to appear and the team thought they were moving too fast but zero two believed they were easy kills and began to chase them realizing she was going insane hero pulled her back but she powered the Franks forward again and as she landed before the monsters she ended them with her spear however she began pounding the ground like a deranged Maniac determined to end more closur but the Franks lost all its fuel in that instant later that day hero found 02 at the lake and asked
her why she was acting strange so she told him that she intended to kill every closur in the world so that she would would become human hero thought she was crazy and tried telling her to accept herself the way she was but she screamed at him and told him to shut up however he would not stop and decided to tell her that he loves her but she thought he was merely trying to get laid so she pushed him to the ground and told him that she was willing to develop plot with him and began to
kiss him however he managed to push her off and tried telling her that he's really a good guy who wanted some true love but she said that she was merely using him to slay clasa in hopes of becoming human later that night when Ichigo tried to speak to Z2 she found her destroying the mirrors and wondered if she had lost her mind but 02 merely walked away Ichigo remembered that the mysterious dude had told her that 02 was putting a curse on her partners and was causing them to die every time they rode the Franks
together he said that hero was a special human and that he would soon become a monster like her if he continued riding with her the following day the Franks began battling another clasa in the snow but lesser closur started knocking into her until zorom and Ichigo came to the rescue however 02 had no desire of slowing down and began charging again but hero pulled back the Franks and told her to forget her Obsession of becoming human looking to end him zero2 took control over the Franks and her soul began to strangle him she told him
she was bent on becoming human so that she would meet her first darling once more but hero thought that he had also met her before so she began telling her story when she was little she was trapped inside a room for several months and a ghost fed her with food but one day the ghost gave her a picture book and after revealing the pages to her 02 became Enchanted by the images hoping to find more books like it zer2 decided to explore the world but ended up becoming a lab rat in the facility on the
other hand when hero was little he had always been curious to discover who he was while he was being trained to become a parasite but one day he came across Ichigo while she was crying and she told him that the other kids were becoming zombies from all the injections they were receiving she thought something was wrong with her since she was always crying and wondered if she should take more injection until she became numb from the pain but hero told her that she was special and decided to name her Ichigo delighted by this name Ichigo
LED hero to the other kids and he gave them all a name but as the days passed they noticed that their friends were beginning to vanish and the adults never told them where they were taken to however they continued running their tests on hero and rewarded him with sweet tws every time he performed well but he had several questions that no one was willing to answer but one day he saw an ugly little monster girl who was getting dragged into the facility when he decided to ask an adult who she was the lady told him
to stop asking questions determined to find out hero tried to sneak through the hallway but was spotted by two adults who told him to return to his room however hero was bent on finding out so he snuck out in the snow and decided to climb up a tree to have a look at her cell inside the cell 02 was fighting to take back her picture book from an adult when she managed to snatch it back hero smiled in Delight as more days passed in the facility the kids discovered that several of their other friends had
gone missing and wondered if they were being abducted however some adults arrived to summon hero for another round of tests after the tests hero was rewarded with two sweets but as he began to leave he heard a scream in the hallway so he hurried to see who it was but found Z2 screaming inside the lab as she was being tortured for some crazy vicious experiment horrified by the sight hero fell back but a man began dragging him away from the lab a few days later hero snuck out into the snow and found his way to
zero2 cell after climbing up a tree he threw a torch at the window and a cold wind blew upon the girl with zero too afraid hero stretched a friendly hand towards her and pulled her outside but the branch broke and they fell into the snow as they arrived in a withered Forest 02 realized she had never been outside before and began to chase a rat for breakfast when hero saw her eating the rat he tried to make her vomit it but she bit his hand so he began to rub her head and helped her relax
until she released him as they started walking hero noticed she could not speak but wondered if she understood his words after seeing the num 0 02 on her brace he decided to name her 02 and she immediately liked it and began repeating his name so he decided to tie bandages on her feet to save her from injuries and they began traveling again as they rested he gave her a suite and as she tasted it she screamed in Delight so she decided to give him her picture book hoping he would read her the story but a
group of men from the facility began to look for them luckily they were able to hide in the bushes after continuing their journey through the snow they snuck into a new territory and started running as the forces trailed them while resting in a tree hero told Z2 that her picture book told the story of a monster princess who was looking to become Human After after falling in love with a man however hero thought the story was sad since both of them could not be together and wondered if things would have been different if they were
both human when they tried resuming their Journey hero realized that zero2 was wounded so he began licking her wound and told her that he wants to be her darling forever touched by his words she began to cry and threw her arms around him but as they thought they were safe the forces appeared before them and knocked Hero on the head when they were returned to the facility the doctor commanded for hero memories to be erased and this had made zer2 determined to become human so that she would be reunited with him inside the Franks hero
told 02 that he remembers her as the monster girl who had the picture book from all those years ago but at this realization Z2 powered down the robot hero told her that he had seen into her thoughts and was able to recover his forgotten memories but he passed out in her arms when Ichigo entered the robot she threw her off and tried to wake hero up before long hero was driven away and zero2 realized that she had really [ __ ] up later that day when she tried to meet hero Ichigo stopped her and told
her that she would not be allowed to get anywhere close to him since she was responsible for his critical State when the team wondered why Ichigo was determined to stop her Ichigo told them that 02 had been deceiving hero so that she would end him and steal his Humanity like she had done for her previous Partners 02 told her to mind her business but Ichigo hurried to her front and told her that she was no longer a part of their team and would not be allowed to see hero anymore when hero woke up the team
were happy to see him alive however he was hoping to see Z2 and wondered where she was Ichigo told him that she had stopped her from coming to see him and had been kicked out of their team when they began to leave hero decided to apologize to mitsu for abandoning his promise to ride with him in a robot but mitsu told him that he had forgotten about it and advised him to abandon 02 however hero remembered that he became a shadow of his former self after losing his memories and had continued to fail all his
tests until he was close to returning to the orphanage he thought 02 had been his Saving Grace who had restored him to his former glory and was determined to speak with her again the next day the sergeant told the team about a new mission to destroy an army of clasa and that two other teams would be supporting them in the battle but Ichigo immediately raised her hand and demanded that zer2 be cast away from their team as they considered her to be a deranged Menace Nana told her that 02 would be returning to the headquarters
the following day as she was being summoned already and would be rejoining her former teammates shocked by the news zero2 tried pleading with them and said that she desires to see hero before she leaves but nana told her that she would be leaving the following morning when zero2 tried leaving the room futoshi stood in her way and Ichigo told her that they were determined to keep her away from hero forever at the same time hero tried leaving his room but Miku told him that he was not allowed to leave his room as they feared that
02 would end him after a few hours Ichigo arrived in his room and told him she had brought him an apple as she began to peel it she told him that 02 would be rejoining her former team and wanted him to stay away from her however hero told her that he could not stop thinking about 02 but apologized for making the team worry about him after eating the apples hero told Ichigo that he intended to sleep so she left him meanwhile in the boarding home 02 knocked Goro into the window as she was determined to
find hero but Ichigo showed up and told her she would never be allowed to see him angered by her words 02 held her shirt and told her that she merely intended to speak with him so Goro suggested that they give her a few minutes with hero before long they arrived at the facility but as02 entered the infirmary she discovered that no one was inside the team were equally shocked but soon realized that hero had escaped through the ceiling however zer2 thought they merely intended to trick her and her eyes began to Glow in anger meanwhile
hero was knocking on her door in the boarding home and was eager to see her again when he discovered that her room was silent he decided to go inside but realized that the entire room had become a mess at the same time 02 had knocked out the entire team and was ready to end Ichigo but hero entered the room at that moment after spotting him she released Ichigo so hero hurried to her and wondered why 02 was hurting everyone 02 told him that Ichigo had tried to take him away from her but was hoping to
speak with with him now however hero told her that she was a monster and said that he wanted her to leave Forever by the following day 02 was ready to leave and as she began walking out the team felt bad for her and thought that they would miss her as hero arrived before the boarding home zer2 merely walked past him and headed into the forest when Ichigo suggested that they head inside she discovered that hero was crying as he was sad about never seeing her again but when he tried to chase her Ichigo held him
back and told him that he would become a monster if you return to [Music] her oh my no God no God please no no no no she told him that she wanted to be with him forever and was willing to ride him until he climaxed into heaven she said she had always wanted to be with him since they were little and that she loved him with all her heart but at that moment hero saw 0 2's jet as it was flying away from the Fortress the next day the sergeant revealed a large settlement of clasa
that were destroying several fortresses and were annihilating the forces at the sight of it the team realized that they had never battled such a large army of closur and were afraid that they would all meet their Doom the sergeant told them that their Duty was to eliminate all the closur in the settlement and to take control of it as their success would determine the survival of humanity before long the team were ready to leave and Goro told hero to be proud of being a loser since he would always be one what did he say Ichigo
said that they would be returning soon and suggested that he took a nap since he was too useless to do anything else damn on the battlefield Zer two's old teammates attacked and obliterated the claas as Ichigo and her team charged into battle futoshi launched a straight blast at the monsters vanquishing them and rushing forward to slay them in a Relentless Onslaught while zorom slashed several monsters ERS until they were pulverized mitsu blasted the monsters before him and discovered that there was a hole leading into the closur settlement however as Ichigo told the team that they
intended to enter inside the clasa began to separate at that moment a monstrous super Layman clasa began ascending from the ground and tossed aside a fortress as it exploded in an instant however the monster began approaching a new Fortress and after destroying it it started moving towards the final Fortress but a new team stood before it with their bombs and exploded in that instant managing to slow it down but it broke into the Fortress and began releasing smaller closur into the city realizing their Fortress was about to be destroyed Ichigo suggested that they head inside
but zero2 hurried before her and rushed into the city as millions of monsters continued pouring into the Fortress zer2 tried climbing into the great closur but was knocked down as the monsters tried devouring her she destroyed them with her tail as the team became exhausted Z2 ran across them vanquishing all the claas in sight meanwhile hero entered Z 2's room and wondered what she intended to tell him before she left as he looked at the taped mirror he decided that he would no longer continue to be a loser but would finally man up and speak
to her at the same time the team discovered that the clasa were taking over the city and as Ichigo ran out of ammo she pulled a metal and smacked away three monsters zoram tried fighting a monster but was knocked back as Ichigo slashed another they found a training robot rushing towards 02 and discovered that he was hero but before hero could get closer to her the monsters sent the robot crashing back and hero tumbled outside after spotting him Ichigo told him to return to the facility but Goro decided to power down the robot realizing that
Ichigo merely intended to keep them apart since she wanted hero for herself so he told hero to enter into his robot and asked Ichigo to help him get closer to 02 before long Ichigo began to power up the robot and as they were connecting she discovered that he only had memories of 02 in his thoughts so she decided to suck it up realizing she was hopeless of winning him over with great speed Ichigo crashed into the Franks but was knocked back in an instant however she would not relent and rushed forward again attacking endlessly but
it bit off her weapon as she smacked it it knocked her head but she bashed into it and managed to power it down when hero entered the Franks he discovered that 02 had become an unrecognizable monster however he tried piloting the Franks but discovered that 02 was in total control of the robot hoping to reach into her soul hero decided to hold her ugly massive horns and asked to see what was in her memories and at that moment he began seeing everything after his memories were wiped out several years ago the doctor had tried to
erase Zer 2's memories but discovered that she was protecting them she had thought that she could become Human by holding on to the moments they shared together and began to eat her book to remember him for ever as hero held her close to him the horns vanquished and zero2 opened her eyes when he tried to hold her she told him to stay away and said that she was a monster but hero was not concerned and held her close to him saying that even though they weren't able to do it back then he wants to go
see the outside world with her at the same time three large clasa launched a blast at the Franks but as it Rose High into the air a powerful light began to glow and the Frank started transforming in that instant as she flew into the monster closur she pulverized it from the inside and flew out the other way before a mighty explosion erupted as she charged again she destroyed a great Army of clasa vanquishing them in an unrelenting assault and blowing the surrounding settlement before obliterating it in a massive explosion a few days later the team
returned to the boarding home but the Fortress was a great mess so the teenagers had to fetch their own water and and eat the food that was supplied to them one evening while stacking up their food Goro told hero that he misses their battles with the closur and was afraid that something terrible must have happened to Nana and the sergeant since they had not seen them in weeks however hero could not understand why he would miss the constant battles that were a threat to the existence of humanity that afternoon while taking a walk through the
withered Forest zer2 stopped to admire a tree when hero asked her if she was happy she told him that she had never been happier before and wished to continue living with him forever at the boarding home the team discovered they were starting to run out of food so 02 suggested that they begin hunting their own food when futoshi said that they had no idea how to cook mitsuru told them to study some cookbooks and learned to make their own meals so they started preparing for the meal and 02 arrived with a bucket full of fish
that evening after cooking the fish they began to eat and thought that it was delicious after their dinner everyone began to wonder if they had been abandoned to die in the boarding home since neither Nana nor the sergeant was reaching out to them and they were no longer being supplied with food they feared that they had been left to die however hero thought they were stronger because of their numbers and as he stood before them he told them to consider their present State a new lesson and to focus on their lives aside from piloting a
robot and fighting in battles that night 02 showed hero the pictures she had painted from her old book and told him that he had inspired her desire to become human as she Drew closer to him she told him that he had helped her to learn the true meaning of humanity and that she no longer had to change her appearance so that she could look like a human touched by her words hero promised to stay by her side forever a few days later Zer 2's old teammates appeared at the boarding home with the team in Surprise
the leader told them that the papa who was the head of the forces had sent them to the Fortress so that they would check up on them when the team were delighted by the news he told them that they intended to stay for the night and asked Ichigo to prepare a room for them to stay later that night 02 discovered that hero was beginning to grow horns like her and wondered if it was because he made her climax or because he licked her wound many years ago however hero remained a love sick buffoon and decided
to kiss her before telling her that it didn't matter because the horns made them Inseparable soulmates 02 told him that after they were separated she thought the only way of ever seeing him again was to become human so after the doctor told her that she could only become one by eliminating clasa she had believed his words and had made it her life's mission to exterminate all the closur in the world the following day mitsuru told kakuro that he was afraid of ever leaving the boarding home as he feared that they would never see each other
again drawn by his words she began to move her hands all over him she told him about the book she found in the deserted City and that the book had explained to her how she could create a baby by taking his seed into her as mitsu stared in shock she began to unzip his clothes but he smacked her hand off however zoram saw them and wondered what they intended to do with each other so mitsuru told him that kakuro was merely helping him clean his shirt later that day while mitsuru and hio were lying in
a river mitsuru told him that kakuro was starting to act strange around him and that he got a volcano nearing eruption every time he sat close to her hero told him that he was becoming a better person with kakuro by his side and he believed that mitsuru was beginning to love her the same way he was in love with zer2 as they arrived in the boarding home Ichigo told mitsuru that zorom had spotted him with kakuro inside the garden but at that moment the weird guy and his team arrived as he showed them kak coro's
book he demanded to know why she had it in her possession so kakuro told him that she intended to have a baby with everyone confused futoshi wondered how they could make one since they had been told that they were all created inside a lab kakuro began to tell them that they could make babies the same way animals were having their own she said that they had been told to lie their whole lives and that they could make babies by laying together but the weirdo told her that she had been living a dream and that their
reproductive organs had been removed while they were in the lab however when kakuro doubted that he was telling the truth he said that she was disgusting and that the world did not need any more feminists angered by his words akuno stepped up and smacked his face but when she tried to smack him again Ichigo and Goro pulled her away however Nana and the sergeant arrived at that moment a few hours later in the Sergeant's office he told kakuro that they had been spying on them for the past few weeks and that it was on the
orders of the Doctor Who had made them his lab rats Nana told her that she knew about her intentions to make a baby but warned her to never attempt it as it was against their regulations kakuro wondered why they had a reproductive system if they were not meant to have babies so Nana told her that their reproductive organs were merely for connecting with their partner when they piloted a robot together however kakuro would not accept and demanded to know why they had emotions and desires but nana suddenly began to scream so the sergeant told kakuro
to return to the boarding home when the creepy dude showed up at the door he wondered if Nana was starting to regain her emotions even though it had been taken away many years ago he thought that she was no longer fitting for her position since her emotions would cloud her judgments and threatened to report his Discovery to Papa meanwhile inside a claur settlement two adults approached a claur princess and told her to surrender since she had lost the majority of her Army but suddenly her screams began to echo through the cave so in a desperate
attempt to eliminate her one adult drew his weapons and began charging forward but as he jumped towards her she impaled him and tossed his body to the ground before long two monster pythons destroyed the rest of the men but as the clasa princess checked the body she discovered that it was an empty shell that night at the boarding home the team began to wonder if it was truly possible to create a new life when Goro asked hero if he knew the process of developing plot hero told him that he had not discovered it but was
looking to explore with 02 however 02 thought that it was a waste was of his time and told them that they were lucky to possess the ability of creating babies as she had no such ability of her own meanwhile mitsu arrived in kakuro room and found her sobbing she told him she was sorry for trying to lead him into her bed but as she began to leave miteru embraced her he told her that he loves her and wants to make her happy but she wondered if it was a terrible desire that she wants to become
a mother so he kissed her and they laid together after a night of plot development the following day in the facility the sergeant told Ichigo that they would be abandoning their Fortress for a new one but Ichigo thought that the news was sudden and wondered if there was an ulterior motive for relocating while heading back to the boarding home Ichigo told hero and Goro that she would miss their Fortress but Goro told her that their home had become a mess and that they only had a little ration of food to survive on inside the boarding
home hero suggested that they throw a wedding from mitsuru and kakuro as a celebration of their Union having read a book about a man and woman tying the knot he thought that they could replicate the same event kakuro said that she wants the wedding and mitsuru agreed that it would leave them with lasting memories of their boarding home however they soon noticed that futoshi was looking sad but as kakuro tried apologizing for breaking his useless simp heart he told them that he would like to officiate their wedding later that day they started making preparations and
Ichigo thought that their curtains would make a fine wedding gown for kakuro but a few minutes later Ichigo walked into auno room after realizing that she had been sad all day however when she thanked her for standing against the weirdo who said that kakuro was disgusting auno told her that she had not done it for anyone but herself when Ichigo wondered what she meant huno forced her to lay down and began telling her that she wished she could pilot a robot with her and that she was in love with her Ichigo wondered why akuno felt
this way so akuno told her that she had loved her from the time Ichigo had given her her name she told her that she wishes to stay by her side forever but hated herself as she thought her feelings were wrong however when she began to cry Ichigo held her close and told her to accept the way she felt that evening the team began to paint their boarding home hoping to preserve their Memories Forever before hurrying to take a group photo but that night while 02 was looking at her drawings a black hole appeared in the
ground and monsters started crawling into the room but as they tried pulling her into the ground hero woke her up from her dream and she embraced him immediately shaken by the memory of it the next day while walking through the beautiful Forest Z2 reminded hero about their promise to marry each other several years ago and told him that he became her darling after this promise so they began to swirl around happy and in love with each other inside the boarding home kakuro began to approach mitsuru in a lovely white dress after they held hands auno
gave them flowers and hurried to open the doors as the couple started walking out zorom and Miku jingled their Bells while they continued down the aisle together they began exchanging steel rings [Music] one soldier knocked zorome to the ground but futoshi stood in their way and told the couple to run off but as they began running the weirdo and his team appeared before them and told them that they were being summoned to the headquarters for reindo trinational soft but as she began attacking again he dodged gracefully until another dude blocked her strike and threw her
into an all-on-one battle with the team before she was punched away when she tried fighting her way back a guy knocked her to the ground and they held her down so the soldiers began to pull the couple apart and knock down mitsu for resisting before dragging them away with their party ruined the team sat in silence and sadness ashamed of themselves by the following morning they prepared to leave the boarding home but wondered if mits and kakuro would ever return to them at the new camp the team continued to wonder if they would ever see
their friends again but at that moment Ichigo received a message that told her the couple would be arriving at the camp soon before long they appeared at the entrance and hurried to meet the couple as they arrived when hero apologized for suggesting they get married the couple wondered what he was talking about as they had no more memories of it Goro told them that they had exchanged vows and Rings to commemorate their Union however they had no memories of the event and could not even remember each other so a 02 told hero that their memories
had been erased the same way his memories were wiped Away by the following day the team began to wonder why mitsuru and kakuro memories were erased and before long they realized that they were merely a pawn for the adults when hero arrived he told them that he intends to meet the papa and to ask him to return the couple's memories to them so later that day as he stood before the adults with the team in support hero told them to return the stolen Memories Back to the couple but Papa told him that it was not
possible as their memories had been deleted and that they could never be returned to them but when he told them to return to their quarters futoshi challenged them and demanded for an apology but Goro held him back zorom decided to approach them and asked how many closur they had to kill to become an adult but they gave him no answer making them realize that they had no future as a grown-up hero told the adults that they did not trust them anymore and demanded for their freedom once the war was over so Papa agreed to free
them if they succeeded in the final battle after a few days a lady appeared in their quarters and told them that their new mission was to destroy the remaining closur on Earth however when Miku wondered where Nana had been moved to the lady told her that her name was Nana and that she had been appointed to be their new caretaker meanwhile inside a private room the adults told hero and 02 that they were counting on their Victory on the final mission and that it was the most important mission of all however hero was looking to
prove his determination so he he assured them that they would be quitting after this Mission and would start making their own decisions the next day while the team were heading out they came across 0 2's old teammates who called them a bunch of useless losers but 02 told them their mother was a useless [Music] loser immediately an alarm began to blare inside the facility so as the old teammates arrived on the battlefield they began slaying the closur zoram fell out of the sky and destroyed the ones before him so Ichigo charged toward several others annihilating
them and mitsu eliminated one before smacking off another meanwhile as the Franks was descending deep into the ground hero decided to ask zero2 where she would like to go after the war but she told him that she wanted to stay by his side and reminded him about their promise to get married as they were ready for battle 02 sensed a great enemy approaching their base so the doctor told them to leave immediately and as soon as they left a robot crashed inside and a Claus or serpent appeared in the Smoke revealing the closur princess inside
the doctor wondered if she had come to Pilot the star entity which was their most powerful robot and offered to be her riding partner but she pinned him to the ground and stamped on his hand telling him she had no need for him at the same time the Franks tried to force its way out but discovered that the entrance had been sealed too tight with the monster fast approaching hero tried redirecting the Franks but could not control it immediately the serpent rammed into the Franks and the claur princess raised her hand to power it down
at once she pulled 02 outside and called her a useless ripoff of their Clan before throwing her off as she bound hero to his seat she checked his horns and thought he was fitting for plot development so she began to kiss him shocked by the sight Z2 tried hurrying to them but a tentacle smacked her off the princess told hero that she intends to drain his life force and began to power up the robot in that instant putting her hand forward the entrance opened and she flew off as she began flying towards the star entity
hero wondered how she could pilot the Franks so she told him that her clan had created the Franks before humans stole it from them as her horns began to Glow a terrible noise spread onto the battlefield outside and paralyzed all the robots in an instant through psychic connection the closur princess told them that they were responsible for starting the war and said that they had been stealing the magma energy that belonged to her clan inside the facility the sergeant wondered what the princess was talking about so the doctor told him that the magma energy belonged
to the clao sapiens who used the closur as their weapons he told him that the clasa had two Riders the same way their robots have two Riders and that their Franks had been created in a similar way as the clasa so that they would be extremely powerful after hearing his words through the Cal the team realized that they've been on the wrong side of the war and that the excavation they tried to protect a few months ago was a direct assault on the closur world which had caused them to fight back meanwhile the Frank tanks
began to descend onto the star entity and summoned a great Army out of the ground at the same time the team watched as a great closur Army emerged to the surface and closur jets flew into the sky when the ground began to crumble another Mighty Army appeared on the surface as the Jets flew to outer space they launched Mighty blasts at newer enemies and the team wondered what the f was going on at that moment the star entity appeared before them and weird alien Jets crashed into the Earth as new monsters emerged from them they
ran past the robots and began attacking the clasa when a closur launched a great blast to outer space the new enemy verm Unleashed their own Mighty blast destroying it instantly but the princess launched a powerful blast of her own and vanquished the verm Army immediately however when she tried unleashing another blast the star entity became too stiff to move and the princess began to lose her powers at the same time two of the adults revealed themselves as leaders of the verm army and said that they had programmed the star entity to s destruct after launching
any attacks since it was a formidable weapon that could destroy them at that moment the star entity began to seal up with walls and strange threads started crawling on hero and the princess as it drained away their life force as the princess began to scream in pain hero decided to connect with her Memories the same way he connected with zero2 meanwhile on the battlefield a verm robot began to destroy the closur Army like garbage but the team were uncertain about who their Real Enemy was when they realized ized that the adults had vanished Ichigo suggested
that they head for the star entity and stop it from self-destructing so the team agreed with her at the same time zero2 wandered into the facility but fell from her injuries however when she woke up she discovered that her wound had been treated and fluid was passing into her body she told the doctor that the closur princess had called her a ripoff version of herself so she wondered who she really was the doctor told her that the princess was the only Survivor of her clan and that he had created her using her DNA he told
her that her Destiny was to Pilot the star entity and to save Humanity from the clasa since she was the only survivor of the experiment additionally he had created her former teammates using her cells but discovered that they had no clausa or blood inside the star entity hero asked the princess who the verm Army were as he had seen them inside her memories so she told him her story 60 million years ago her kind had occupied Earth as their home but one day the verm appeared before them and told them to cast their bodies aside
so that they would become one with each other however when they refused their offer the verm declared war on their world so in a desperate attempt to win the war the clao sapians began to create Immortal weapons for themselves and soon evolved to become closur but by the time the war was over their world had been completely destroyed however since the verm were not human they merely took possession of other monsters and continued their reign of terror so in hopes of preparing for the next War the clao sapians decided to to live under the ground
and turn themselves into magma energy that became the core for powering the closur meanwhile on the battlefield 02 old teammates commanded Ichigo and her team to return to their position in the battle as the papa had given them an order to fight until the very end when Ichigo told them that the adults had all vanished one of them threatened to destroy her however an army of closur appeared before them and the leader slashed one and jumping into the air he ended another before destroying several others so the team UTI Iz their distraction and snuck away
from the battlefield at that moment an army of verm took down a robot and began ripping her apart before her teammates could rescue her angered by the sight the leader jumped High to the sky and vanquished them in an instant inside the facility Z2 told the doctor that she intended to save hero and pulled out the needles the doctor told her that it was impossible to save him and that she would merely be destroyed with the star entity but Z2 told him that hero was the love of her life and that she would rather die
trying to save him since she had promised to never abandon him hoping to Aid her Quest the doctor told her that he would lead her to the star entity but at that instant the team crashed inside and eliminated verm robots before spotting 02 before long they started heading out but verm robots began to chase them as they arrived at a dead end and futoshi blasted a hole through the rubble but his robot powered down having lost all its fuel with the enemies continuing to approach them kakuro and mitsuru offered to stay behind and zorome decided
to support them allowing Ichigo to run off with 02 as Ichigo jumped through a light two verm robots followed her but she left 02 in the doctor at the entrance before stabbing one of the verm however the second took her down and ripped her arm off yet G managed to push it out of the passage and they went falling deep into the facility as the doctor revealed his true arm a bunch of worms appeared and ripped it off the doctor told 02 that his arm contained the princess cells and that it was the only way
of entering the star entity and immediately the door opened but the serpent appeared behind them and opened its mouth to give zero to a free ride as she climbed onto it she thanked the doctor for creating her as she was delighted to have known hero after her words the serpent took off into the star entity and began forcing its way through before crashing inside and breaking into pieces with the Franks before her eyes zer2 began to climb up and forced the door open inside she found hero buried inside thick ugly threads but when she tried
waking him up she realized that he may be dead determined to save him she unleashed the powers of her Mighty horns and began to kiss him as the princess spotted them she thought they had a special bond and decided to offer them her powers immediately her horns began to stretch across the threats when hero woke up inside the spirit world he found zero2 before him and she told him that she had come to rescue him as they kissed each other the walls dismantled from the Star entity when the verm warships launched a blast at her
she canceled it and began to to smash the verm robots before her as Zer 2's Soul entered into Hero's body as she formed a great ball she Unleashed a mighty destruction at the verm warships vanquishing them in that instant when the verm Mother Ship tried to leave the star entity caught it but it escaped and the verm promised to return again and destroy the Earth several weeks after the war the surviving teenagers began to live on their own and with the fortresses destroyed they started planting their own food inside one of the quarters hero tried
feeding 02 but she was lost in her mind and had no thoughts of her own as he pulled her sleeve he discovered a mysterious cut on her arm the following day as the team were having breakfast Ichigo told them that they have food reserved to last them for a year and that once it was finished they were going to starve foshi wondered if using the magma energy to power up the camp would cause another war with the closur but zorom told him that they had no other choice if they intended to survive as kakuro began
to feel sick she told them that she would get some rest and began to leave later that day Ichigo met hero in the hall and wondered why 02 was looking sick however when he would not say she told him that she cares about him and that the team were always ready to support him that evening when Goro met Ichigo she told him that they could survive on their own by farming however he thought they were hopeless and told her that since they had been abandoned by the papa and the remaining adults they had only a
few months left to survive before they were all dead inside 0 I's quarters hero discovered that she had new cuts across her arm and wondered how she was having these marks outside the camp as the team were working on their farm hero came before an explosion erupted a short distance away as they hurried to the site they discovered a mysterious weapon in the ground and zorom wondered if the clasa is intended to attack the Earth again but kakuro fell before them as she was too sick to continue working a few hours later Nana told them
that she was pregnant but the girl was confused by her words and the team merely stared in shock since she could not pip at a robot while pregnant Nana suggested that she removes the baby but kakuro and mitsuru were still confused as they started heading back mitsuru asked hero for a suggestion as he never thought he would become a father but hero had no idea what to tell him when he arrived at 02s quarters he found her missing and began to look for her as he finally caught her hand he wondered if she had regained
her senses but realized that she was the same as she merely stared at the sky the next day the team discovered that their plants were all dead and wondered if they had used a wrong fertilizer on them before long an aircraft flew over them and the real Nana came out with the sergeant at evening the sergeant told them that the soil was beginning to die due to the Decades of extracting magma energy from the earth he thought that they were all screwed and suggested that they start marking their spot on the graves but Ichigo sank
to her knees as she was drained from all the work a few hours later as it began to rain hero discovered that 02 had left her room again when Goro found him in the hallway he tried telling telling him about his new idea for growing plants but hero spotted zero2 outside and hurried to her as he held her he told her that she would catch a cold and suggested that they return inside but before his eyes two large Cuts appeared on her body that night inside her quarters hero decided to check her picture book and
discovered that she did not finish her story as she knew that they would have a sad ending hoping to connect with her hero tried to kiss her but as their horns touched he discovered that she was in a battle in outer space and that her soul was trapped inside the star entity before his eyes newer Cuts appeared on her face and hero looked like he had seen a ghost that evening while the team were delighted to discover a new ground for farming hero appeared before them and told them that he intends to rescue zer2 from
outer space when they wondered how he intended to arrive there he told them that he would follow the Mars orbit to the verm planet although the team thought that it would be dangerous hero told them that he could not abandon 02 and was willing to eeky himself for her as he began to leave Goro hurried to pull him back he told him that they needed to prepare for the future and to start cultivating a farm so that they would not die from starvation but hero told him that rescuing 02 was his priority as he considered
her his only family however Goro thought that he was being selfish and was choosing to end himself in an impossible task but hero told him that he could not live without zer2 and was better off dead if he could not be with her angered by his words Goro punched him but zoram swiftly restrained him the next day as hero started heading out he saw his team before him Ichigo told him that they intend to follow him to outer space and to help in rescuing 02 at that moment 0 2's old teammates also offered to join
the battle as they walked away Goro decided to apologize for punching him and told him that he was hoping to see everyone return alive after they left kakuro asked mitsuru why he had decided to stay so he told her that he was hoping to take responsibility for her pregnancy in outer space the team discovered Ed that they could move their robots much freely than usual and thought that the battle would be a cakewalk but while in a claur ship the system began to warn them about an approaching verm Fleet however as the verm mother ship
launched a powerful blast at the clasa ship it shielded itself from the attack realizing their opportunity the team headed out hoping to reach the star entity as hero flew closer he wondered why the star entity was not attacking the verm fleet so the repentant weirdo told him that she needed a pilot to control her hoping to give him an opening the team went before hero and destroyed the verm Army in their way and as they launched more blasts they annihilated the enemies before them however zoram was knocked back and they discovered a great verm Army
standing in their way Ichigo told hero to cut through the army with his speed so as they charged forward zoram vanquished the Army before him allowing hero to dash through the opening but when they reached the star entity they were knocked aside by a mighty verm that towered over them like a Goliath as the robot flashed into the dark Darkness it descended with a mighty strike but the verm was unscathed however as it charged again the verm punched it aside realizing they were hopeless the repentant weirdo opened the star entity and ejected hero into it
he said that hero had taught him the true meaning of humanity and he hoped to meet him in the afterlife having said these words he moved towards the verm and exploded in that instant but as the war raged on hero found his way into the star entity meanwhile on Earth kakuro watched as several Cuts appeared on Zer 2's body but as she stretched her hand Towards the Sky she connected with hero instantly inside the star entity mysterious wires began to float before hero so in hopes of connecting to zero2 he decided to hold them inside
her memories he discovered that she had created a depressing world for herself and thought that she was the Wicked little witch from Snow White when hero wondered why she was avoiding him she told him that she was afraid of stealing away his Humanity but hero could care less about losing himself and told her that he only desires to stay with her forever and as he stood before her he told her that he would never abandon her meanwhile on Earth mitsuru found 02 and kakuro inside the rain but when he told her to come into the
camp she told him that she wants to protect Z2 from any harm so that she could prepare herself for her responsibilities as a mother touched by her words mitsuru told her that he wishes to stay by her side and was hoping to be a great father for their baby he told her that she has given him a new purpose to live and hoped to spend the rest of his life with her as he showed her his ring he suggested that they start over again so she accepted to stay with him forever after the rain kakuro
and mitsuru watched as zer2 began to transform to Stone and they wondered what was happening to her soul at the same time in the spirit realm zer2 returned to her old self and was happy to be reunited with hero at that moment the star entity began to transform into a mightier upgrade and as she launched a straight blast it destroyed a thousand verm Fleet like ants so she summoned a great ball of light that vanquished a million another Fleet in an instant before the team two satellites emerged from asteroids and released a thin light that
opened up a portal to a different solar system hero told the team that he would be going through the portal to the clao universe so that he could destroy the entire verm Army when Ichigo wondered why he wasn't retreating to Earth zero2 told them that destroying the verm Army was the only way to end the war with the team afraid for them hero and Z2 promised to return alive and entered the portal inside the clao universe a verm fleet fired a blast at 02 but she blocked it and Unleashed a powerful blast that destroyed them
in that instant meanwhile on Earth the team discovered a new area in their old facility and thought that it would be great for farming so they began to cultivate the ground outside the camp Ichigo told Goro that she wishes hero and zero2 could see the new world they were starting to create for themselves and hoped that they were still alive in the clao universe several months later mitsuru discovered that kakuro had delivered their baby but as he tried to touch her she caught his hand causing him to be overwhelmed by the sight a few months
later the girls were reunited with Naomi who had been forced to sleep inside a box since she left the Fortress by the time the year ended Goro prepared to leave the camp and told them that he intends to explore the world in hopes of finding new humans in other parts of Earth so as he bumped fists with Ichigo he kissed her and left her blushing like a tomato before waving off meanwhile in the clao universe the verm fleet continued attacking 02 but she caught a mother ship and destroyed it after the battle hero told Z2
that he dreamed about his friends and saw that they were happy on Earth as they began to enter the verm universe the verm leaders appeared before them and told them that they would be destroyed immediately a mother ship knocked into 02 and she watched as several mother ships began to emerge from the universe determined to fight back she threatened to destroy them but discovered that hero had fallen unconscious looking to utilize the opportunity the verm Unleashed continued blasts and began to retrieve the Clacks of or bomb as they Reign more attacks on her a massive
Mothership impaled her but at the same time on Earth kak coro's daughter who was starting to grow up told mitsuru about her connection to 0 2's statue realizing 02 might be in danger the team gathered at the Statue and as they held their hands they tried communicating in their souls and continued increasing as the days and nights passed luckily their hearts connected with 02 and their psychic voices brought hero to life as02 pulled him in the spirit world she told told him that she was ready to take him inside of her and kissed him at
that moment the star entity came to life and pulled out the Mother Ship as she started flying towards the verm planet zero2 told hero that she loves him and was hoping to remain with him in the afterlife so hero told her that he loves her too as they went through the enemies obliterating them zer2 snatched the bomb and stuck it inside the planet before punching it but her arm was ripped off and two mother ships restrained her however she dispelled into a new transformation and as she summoned her weapon she flew into the verm planet
and caused a mighty explosion that vanquished the entire world as the planet was exploding Hero's Soul merged with zero twos as they became the Jong bird that could only fly with its partner with the planet destroyed hero and zero2 souls began to drift into Oblivion at the same time on Earth the team watched as a bright light Shawn through the sky and they wondered if they would ever see hero in 02 again but as 02 statue vanquished Ichigo realized that they were never returning and after a few days the closur fleet returned to their home
inside the earth and were never seen again 8 years passed and as the team began to rebuild their world they abandoned the Franks since there were no more battles to be fought and never forgot about hero and 02 for saving their lives as years continued passing the Secura tree continued growing for thousands of years until it became the center of a giant City [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign
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