''The SHOCKING Weight Loss Secret They Don't Want You to Know'' | Barbara O'Neill

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''The SHOCKING Weight Loss Secret They Don't Want You to Know'' | Barbara O'Neill Barbara O’Neill’s...
Video Transcript:
hello and welcome back I'm Barbara O'Neal today we are diving into some of the most exciting weight loss tips shedding excess weight isn't just about looking better it's about feeling healthier and more vibrant in our daily lives have you ever felt frustrated by diets that promise quick fixes but don't deliver sustainable Results Weight Loss requires understanding our bodies making informed choices about nutrition and adopting healthy habits that last so join today as we explore practical strategies for achieving sustainable weight loss my uh inquiry always is why and so the first thing I'm going to look
at and there are a few factors that come together to cause this and that number one is the food that we're eating when we looked at the liver we looked at this and this morning when we looked at diabetes we looked at this so we're going to look at again in relation to weight and it's the high carbohydrate diet that many people are eating today car I'm still mastering the art of saying one thing and writing another so bread bread is very common cereal there's a whole aisle devoted to cereal and many people having bread
and cereal for breakfast by midm morning they wanting something else so they reach for and we're just going to say cakes Etc because if we say everything um there's not enough room on the board for it when you go into muffins and croissants and donuts and pasties and pies and past etc etc etc so we're just going to put Etc also uh pasta I'm a fifth generation Australian Scottish descent I didn't know what pasta and pizza was till I was about 18 so what did I grow up with sausages or chops mashed potatoes frozen peas
or beans every single night of the week except for Sunday when Mom would do a roast lamb and everyone I knew ate like that our relatives ate like that the neighbors ate like that as a fifth generation Australian I grew up in a little Presbyterian Church everyone in the church ate like that I came to the conclusion as a child that everyone in the whole world ate like that but it's not quite true is it and when I was about 6 I had a boyfriend who was about 19 and he had a friend who was
a vegetarian I'd never heard of such a thing i' actually didn't had never even heard of brown bread so this was real traditional Australian rice I'd never had rice I don't think I went to a Chinese restaurant till I was about 18 and that's the first time I ate rice potatoes well we ate potatoes every meal and last and certainly least in nutritive value is the pure crystallized acid extracted from the sugar cane that pure crystallized acid extracted from sugar cane it's basically sugar right it's fascinating how something so sweet has become such a big
part of our diets worldwide and you know it seems like a sugar consumption has gone up so have issues like obesity and diabetes it makes you think about how eating habits have changed over time brings the glucose the glucose goes in under the action of insulin goes through the 20 step pathway I'm sure everyone's very familiar with the inside workings of the cell now yes and that 20 step pathway gives us two units of energy isn't that why we eat to get glucose to to run our energy Cycles the end result of the 20 step
pathway is a chemical form of glucose called pyruvate and pyruvate as the chemical form of glucose gets fed into What's called the PowerHouse call the PowerHouse because these eight little chemical reactions this eight-step pathway delivers uh impressive 36 units of energy and the reason why the eight step pathway gives 36 units of energy is the presence of oxygen so this is called the aerobic pathway way whereas this pathway is called the anerobic pathway because it does not use oxygen it produces energy by the process of fermentation so when when we eat the carbohydrates they're broken
down to glucose the first place the glucose is sent is to the cell the second place it is sent because only so much can go through the energy Cycles then it is stored as glycogen we look at this this morning and how that's particularly useful for the diabetic having these little well it's useful for everyone because they're little molecules of glucose sitting in the muscle cell and that's why the best place to or the best time to exercise is early morning because in early morning when you're starting to move some people say well how are
we going to get fuel to actually exercise it's your glycogen stores already sitting in your muscle cell and when the when the cell needs it it's plucked and it's released amazing process but on the high carbohydrate diet and this is what a lot of people don't realize especially when people go on a weight loss diet and stop all the fat yeah fat free this fat free that fat free fat free fat free and yet what are they eating lots of carbohydrates do you know fat gives the Fe feeling of satiation or satisfaction and the best
weight loss diet is a diet that stops your hunger fat is important because it helps us feel satisfied after eating which is key to a good diet when people focus solely on cutting out fats and loading up on carbohydrates especially when trying to lose weight they may miss this crucial Point carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which cells use for immediate energy any excess glucose that isn't needed right away gets stored as glycogen mainly in muscle cells this storage is like a reserve tank that comes in handy especially in the morning when our bodies start
moving and need fueling on this High carbohydrate diet people have eleminated the fat and they're eating lots and lots and lots of this not realizing that that excess glucose once we' filled up the energy cycle we've filled up the glycogen stores and so now the body sends it to the fat cells and on this High carbohydrate diet what's happening to Americans and Australians they're getting bigger and bigger and bigger in fact it's one of the most dangerous fats because what the body does is it stores it in the probably areas of the body that's not
used a lot maybe the arms the belly the the hips the the thighs and then when that all gets when that gets all filled up then it starts to go to the internal organs way weighing them down and in the book Wheat Belly notice the title of the book Wheat Belly Dr William Davis he shows that Sugar particularly sugar and the hybridized wheat and the hybridized wheat is found in most breads cakes cereals pastas pizzas because it gets the blood sugar level up so high so fast as we looked at this morning then very quickly
it's dumped as a viscral fat on the belly and in the book Wheat Belly I think the word Wheat Belly he uses in on just about every page showing this process and another fact another very misunderstood fact is that glucose Burns at 4 calories per gram whereas fat it burns at 9 calories per gram now this this piece of information which is fact is in just about every weight loss book is proof that if you want to lose weight don't eat the fat it's going to give you more than twice the calories but what the
people don't understand is what a calorie is a calorie is a unit of energy and if you want a high energy food what do you eat ah fat it's going to give you more than twice the units of energy compared to glucose but if you're eating more calories than you can burn yes it's going but if you're eating more calories than you can burn yes it's going to be stored the issue lies not just in the calorie count but in how our bodies metabolize different types of calories excess carbohydrates especially refined sugars Spike insulin levels
promoting fat storage this is exacerbated by modern diets rich in processed foods Laden with sugars and refined grains on the other hand fats when consumed in moderation and from healthy sources provide sustained energy and can even support weight loss by keeping us Fuller longer and stabilizing blood sugar levels one of the best things that you can do for weight loss is to eat breakfast like a king I have to admit that I think I eat lunch like a king and breakfast like a queen but whatever and sometimes the queen eats as much as the king
lunch like a queen and then tea like like a PO or you call it uh supper yeah I think that when I say tea you probably think I'm in a cup of tea yeah but we call an evening meal tea and as one lady said to me well what a Popa eat I said sometimes nothing mhm what many people are doing today and I see it in many countries I go to they eat breakfast like the paa they eat lunch like the paa and the tea or the supper is the king and the queen together
that's like going on a journey and you start your long journey and you go to the gas station we call it a petrol station call a gas station and just put a little bit in and then an hour later put a little bit more in and then an hour later put a little bit more in and then and then you've done this all day and then you finally get to your destination you go into the gas station and you fill your tank and then park it in the garage how much sense do does that make
and yet that's what most people are doing little bit here little bit there little bit there end of the day king and the queen together and the body says finally finally we've got some nourishment and then they say oh no and that's the challenge with a regular eating patterns it confuses the body's natural rhythms and can lead to inefficient metabolism and energy storage when we consistently skip or skimp on meals throughout the day and then Overload at night it disrupts the balance our body's need to function optimally breakfast sets the tone for the day by
jump starting our metabolism and providing essential nutrients after a night's rest it's like fueling up at the beginning of a journey to ensure you have enough energy for the entire trip lunch maintains that energy level keeping us focused and productive as for dinner it should ideally be a lighter meal supporting our body's winding down process as we prepare for rest but the beauty of the plant proteins it's much cleaner burning fuel it doesn't leave an acid waste like the protein does and when I was Consulting with this man he said to me I believe if
Dr Atkins had read The China Study Atkins would have become a vegetarian wouldn't he interesting comment so you can do a you can get those results but on you can do it on a plant diet as long as you do the legums and so many people say oh legums you got to soak them you got to cook them well when you go home tonight just fill up the sauce Spin and fill it up with lentils in the morning rinse it well bring it to the Bowl rinse it again put it in your slow cooker there's
lots of shortcuts or whenin are soak a whole lot rinse heaps of them and then put them in snap lock bags in the freezer then you just pull it out cook them there's lots of shortcuts and you can get organic beans in tins just make sure you bring them to the boil and rinse them very well so this it's easy it need not be difficult you see animal protein it burns out so let's look at protein animal protein only 58% is burnt as fuel so that's a 42% waste that's the acid waste and that's what
uh Dr Colin Campbell found in his book uh The China Study he could switch cancer cells on and off and we looked at this briefly when we looked at cancer on the first night because it's an acid waste and cancer thrives in an acid environment we looked at that whereas plant protein it's a lot cleaner burning fuel it doesn't have that acid waste so with plant protein you're getting up to about 80 80% easy is burnt as fuel that's that's a big difference so your plant protein is a superior protein what Atkins found and I
found this interesting he found that these three food groups are the essential food groups fiber is essential because the colon needs to be swept we looked at that when we looked at the column when we looked at the waste disposal organs protein is essential because the crosswood bands remember we looked at the DNA on the first Nights made up of amino acids amino AIDS is a breakdown from the protein we we eat and it's amino acids that builds the new cells in the body and 50% of the membrane around every cell in the body is
protein That's essential fat is essential the fat-free diet is a dangerous diet there are fats that'll kill and there are fats that'll heal and because there are some killer fats they've all been dumped in the same basket what are the killer fats the altered fats you see for centuries people use the coconut oil and the olive oil they can be extracted from the Flesh of the plant but those hard seeds they couldn't really get the oils out and until they developed high heat chemical equipment to extract oil from hard seeds and because they use chemicals
and heat they destroy the oils immediately so there's clear plastic bottles that got sunflower oil peanut oil soil don't touch them they're the oils that can help to damage the arterial wall they're the dangerous oils and your deep fried foods if you do fry any food it should be always in a saturated fat because saturated fat is heat resistant and light resistant it doesn't the heat does isn't doesn't destroy is the fattiest organ in the body it must have fats the milein sheath that is around the arm that comes out of the nerve cell it's
mostly fat if someone's on a fat-free diet on cholesterol lowering medication because that fatty substance is mostly cholesterol and it protects the nerve cell so if someone's on a fat-free diet cholesterol lowering medication and got a mouthful of mercury needing fish every day to try and get some more protein but they're having huge amounts of mercury and big exposure to chemicals wow that's disaster there's your Parkinson's disease there's your multiple sclerosis there's your dementia and your Alzheimer's because then the brain cells are getting damaged so we need to be having nice amounts of fats how
much well not much it's a very concentrated food maybe a teaspoon of meal maybe not even that you don't need much I don't know about you but I couldn't drink a cup of oil no no not attractive but you would be surprised how much oil a person is consuming when they eat a whole meal of say fish and chips and scallops all that fried food they're almost consuming nearly probably between half a cup and 3/4 of a cup of fat and it's damaged fat that's the fat that is dangerous there's no doubt about that but
because there are dangerous fats unfortunately they've all been classified as dangerous but they are not and we need some our brain needs some I gave the story this morning when I talked about diabetes of of Jim the guy who was a type 1 diabetic and got off all his medication and do you remember the weight loss he experienced quite phenomenal and it wasn't just that he was eating breakfast like a king lunch like a queen and tear like a PO it wasn't just that he was on a low carbohydrate high fiber generous protein and healthy
fat diet it was also the fact that he began to drink more water he was having 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and when you start drinking more water it's also time to start having some whole salt but it's the fourth point point that I think made a dramatic effect it all has an effect and that was the high intensity interval training what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take you inside the cell and show you why the high-intensity interval training is so affected so this is intervals of high intensity
intervals of recovery and it's done for a cycle and Doug M the heart doctor he He suggests 30 seconds high intensity 90 seconds recovery for a cycle of six there's 15 minutes a day sorry but uh no excuse if you haven't got 15 minutes start to write down how long you're on the computer how long are you on the phone how long are you on your iPad how long do you spend watching tell it m and you will quickly see time to do some adjustments with your time what I want to show you is what
happens inside the cell when you do the high intensity interval training now before I go there just let me Define high intensity it's anything that gets the heart rate up and the breathing so Mark and I we run up hills every day and our recovery is walking down Hills and we run up the other Hill when I was in Germany two weeks ago uh where I was staying was in was in a little village and the house I stayed with was right up on the side of a hill so anywhere I went when I went
back home I had some high intensity and I found a path through the forest and I found this path by accident because when I was going on my usual road I passed a man with a dog and it was on a big rope and this dog was jumping trying to get at me barking ferociously I was terrifying and I thought I got to I got to find somewhere else to walk I don't want to pass that dog again and then I found this bush track we call it they call it a forest track and in
this Forest track I got five high intensities and I wasn't even running it was just walking and it was a track that was made for a tractor so it wasn't for a car cuz I don't even know if a car would have got up those those Ste ones so I was very happy with my track that I found and and the nasty dog didn't go on that track because it was um it was Bush I it was a track you could walk so sometimes you don't even need to run all I need to do was
walk and walk fast up these really steep bits most of the research has been done on an exercise bike where the person if they're unstable on your on their feet they're holding on it's very good if they've got hip or knee or ankle problems then then the weight is not on those areas and you can cycle as fast as possible and then your recovery time can just be slow cycle it could be swiming doing laps of the pools it could be push-ups I mentioned when my boys visited last April at Easter holidays they were doing
a thousand push-ups a day they do it 20 at a time 20 at a time so they were certainly doing that interval all through the day and they got out on my back rander and went doing doing the pull-ups the recovery time is really just till you feel it's time to run again or it's time to go fast again it doesn't have to be 90 seconds but that's what you're aiming for your recovery time is an indication of your Fitness the longer you take to recover it's usually an indicator that the more unfit you are
and if you take a long time to recover don't worry about it this is Progressive that's what Al se's book says Progressive acceleration of cardiopulmonary exertion pace so as as you get stronger as your body gets fitter you you'll be able to do uh less recovery time so let's have a look at what happens inside the cell this 20 step path when we looked at this uh when we looked at the cancer it's a very fast pathway that's the one that consumes about 15 times the glucose of any other cell but this eight-step pathway is
slow it's a lot slower and as a rule this actually feeds quite well into the eight step path bab but when you're doing your high intensity and when you're getting to the end of your first stage of 30 seconds your 20 step speeds up your eight step speeds up and there's a rate setting enzyme in there that will always keep this one faster this one slower and because of the higher revs of these Pathways more pyruvate is being made then can be fed in to the eight-step pathway and so what the body does is it
stores that excess pyruvate as thank you for joining me today as we explored the vital topic of we loss remember achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a journey that involves making sustainable Lifestyle Changes whether you're looking to shed a few pounds or embark on a significant transformation the key lies in understanding your body's needs making mindful food choices and incorporating regular physical activity I encourage you to take what you've learned here and apply it to your daily life small steps can lead to significant prog progress over time if you have any questions or want
to share your experiences feel free to reach out Here's To Your Health and well-being may you find success and fulfillment on your journey towards a healthier happier you
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