what is the most hidden base you can build in Minecraft well I I want to find out and today I'm going to build literally every single hi and base entrance I can find on the internet ranging from the simplest to weird weirdest to the craziest to answer that question Cu uh somebody has to do it so let's grab some blocks and build a 100x 100 block border where they all will be built inside cuz at the end I'm actually going to be inviting my friend Caleb to see which ones can easily be found and most
importantly which one is the best all right and after some research I put together this list of hidden bases this is every single one I found after a couple hours and let's get right into it and build the first one which is the classic Village World secret base which I'm going to be honest he's probably going to find this one second is a hidden tree base where you build it inside of a tree but the problem with this one is uh if you just have high quality settings on uh you can you can see through
it but don't worry because right now I'm just quickly building all this simple easy hidden BAS first I'm working my way up to the harder ones next up on the list a natural waterfall base where you just build it in this little hole yep inside of here which is pretty clean but is also pretty obvious but this next one is pretty genius all you need is powdered snow and buckets go to a birch tree build a little base under it however you like break the rest of the logs except the ones connected to the leaves
and replace them with your powdered snow bro what the what the heck is this maybe trees will help it look better nope not at all it still looks trash take a hole a scaffolding and this will be the entrance to the base there we go ins hiide this base so no one can see some people might know this trick but you can just cover it up with snow and make sure you're in a snow biome so it's not obvious people will just walk over it without them knowing and to get into your base all you
got to do is Crouch what okay we got it okay and Bam you're in your base also I just realized I built it outside of the border so I moved it over here so don't worry the next hidden base is a bed well using a bed you see when you sleep in a bed and wake up you can spawn on these five blocks by placing blocks on top of them you can control where you spawn actually uh you can spawn here as well um you can control where you spawn what the heck you can control
where you spawn okay you can also spawn on these blocks as well but you you get the point by using this method you can make yourself TP through walls as you can see I am now in this random cave and my bed is on this side of the wall so you can just build a little secret base in here and I guess on the way out you can use the same method yeah K is definitely finding this one like bro there's just a random bed here all right I just made a little decoy base inside
of a mountain for the next hidden base which is actually very very simple bam how this hidden base works is when people go into your base they will leave without even knowing there's a secret room and all you have to do to get inside of it is close a door yep that is basically it we'll have to see if Caleb finds this one and see if he closes the door there will be another hidden BAS Bas in here as well which is a classic trapo under the bed to get inside you just got to open
the trap door HPP her in the mine cart and Bam and when you're finished you can just sleep in the bed and get out which is pretty pretty cool and I like this one a lot the next hidden base is in this lava pool don't believe me watch a pig is going to go in it oh okay it doesn't work for animals but if I jump in this area yo got your hiden base in a lava pool this was kind of a pain to build but you're just need to place signs in water and to
get out um you're just going to go like that bro watch kale jump in here and die to the lava it's not my fault when you Farmland grass it'll be smaller than the other blocks and you can break the block behind it and by using this trick you can place down a mine cart on the other side and by using the tiny little hole you can enter your base to get out of here you can just use the same mine cart trick I guess yeah this is not suspicious at all next I'm going to create
a little pathway through this Forest because pathway blocks do the same thing as Farmland look at this they're the same height so I'm going to do the same trick but under a tree which is way less suspicious let's place down a lever right here connect it up to a secret Redstone door to get into your base you just got to flick this lever which opens this hole bam I actually like this one a lot and for the last simple hidden base we're going to build uses a bow and pressure plate yep because many people don't
know this but for for some reason when you shoot a block with a pressure plate on it it somehow Powers it and don't ask me why this works I literally have no idea how ask Minecraft and by using this mechanic we can build a really good hidden base and all I have to do is shoot my bow at this block and it opens my base yeah Minecraft actually thank you thank you for adding this mechanic this is actually super and the arrow also keeps the door open and when you want to close it you can
just pick it up and Bam you just got to make sure you don't use a bow with affinity or else you can't pick it back up and your B is unhidden and there we go all the easy simple hidden bases we can build are done I'm expecting Caleb to find at least most of these cuz come on they're they're kind of kind of bad but we are just getting started and let's move on to the medium level ones which are actually going to be more hidden cuz that's the point first up is actually a really
really good one that is building it really really high and building it just with chest yep just the entire thing being chest I'll show you why not only because nobody will look this high up in the sky but because chests are entity blocks and when you go further away from them they will actually disappear and when you're chilling on the ground they're nowhere to be seen but little will they know they're just literally right here but you just got to make sure when you're up there no one is around you because uh it look like
you're just floating in the sky and they will see you and also you got a beautiful view this next one is from Green and all you got to do is place down a boat up inside of it go straight into this natural looking hole and when you're taking damage just hop out oh it didn't work oh oh all right I fixed the problem I just got to go inside and once I'm fully inside I just got to hop out bam you got your Secret Base and to get out you just got to do the same
exact thing hop into this boat and bang but the boat on the outside kind of just stays there which is a little bit obvious but luckily green thought that too and added on this Redstone machine that will fix it all right um I didn't build my Redstone as good as greens but it still works similar and now when you go into your base with your boat just like this with these two levers you can destroy the boat using lava that's a boat based thingy okay I am starving and I ran out of food I need
to go to my vending machine and for the next few things on the list we're going to need to build a decoy base to hide them it all right there we go pretty simple just a regular base and we're going to add a lot of hidden bases onto here first one we're going to add is another one designed by Gan which is a composter hidden base on the outside of the house and to get inside you go into the composter and press this button pretty pretty pretty simple and to make this less obvious I'll place
down a bunch more posters and buttons everywhere and I'll add Farm stuff to make it look like a a garden area second I'll add the classic painting oh that is way too big painting hidden base which is definitely going to be found but that's fine because oh but that's fine because I'm going to add another hidden painting wall but a little bit more complicated all right for this hidden painting base instead of just having a painting that people can just go through cuz everyone knows that trick to get into this this base all you got
to do is throw a block right there and Bam you're in your hidden base okay there's no way out so you're going to have to deal with that and this head and base is designed by Green again and how this door works is by using honey blocks and Hoppers cuz for some reason you can throw blocks through honey blocks and these Hoppers detect when an item goes through them which Powers this Redstone and opens the door but there's another hidden painting base better than greens that I found and is actually one of my favorite hidden
bases all you got to do is place down iron door where the painting will be and a furnace anywhere next to it which is going to be the access code to get into the base place a comparator connected to it and just simple Redstone Dust connecting it to the door and that is basically it let's just place the painting back down and now because the iron door is shut you can't get inside and to open it all you got to do is put a stack of items into the furnace and just like that nobody will
find your Secret Base unless they they smelt something uh I didn't think about that next let's add a simple trash can to this base which isn't anything special just a place to throw away your stuff and that's pretty much it yeah but if you jump into it there's a hidden base which is kind of cool the only way to get up is through the same way I need fire and I just got the idea of building one that's not actually a trash can just in case Caleb jumps in the wrong one hopefully he doesn't die
I hope you guys remember me and Kel are in a hardcore server so if he dies it's my fault and I have no the last thing to this basee of course is going to be the shulker opening hidden base which we all know when you open a shulker with a block over your head you'll face through it and go into the ground which is your hidden base and I hide this better I'll add like realistic shelves so it doesn't look so sus but there you go another hidden base and this base has five hidden bases
in it it's pretty good now quickly build the rest of the medium hidden bases which is a pathway Redstone door by mumbo jumbo which is very hidden all you got to do is pathway this block and a door open and to get out of here you just press this button and there you go and the Redstone also makes a pathway block go back to normal which is very very good to hide your base next is a redstone door by shulkercraft that opens when you eat food yep I'm not even kidding it only opens when you
eat which is so sick and I know you're probably wondering nope it doesn't open the door with any other types of sounds only when you eat which is crazy and for some reason it doesn't work with golden carrots and only apples it took me a very very long time to figure that out what the heck oh oh bro chill out I'm just looking at your flower and the last medium hidden base is another Redstone door but this one is my favorite cuz to open the door right here all you need is a water bucket and
to pour it in this specific block right here there you go bam and to BU build it is actually very very simple as you can tell this is not complicated at all and to close the door you just need to take the water out and Bam which is so cool I'm not going to lie and you could have a system below to take the water out to close the door but I didn't add one for these hidden door entrances there's no way Kayo will be able to find them so just for making this you know
a little bit less challenging I outline the areas and added the tools he needs to open the doors see if he can figure it out himself just to give him a chance and there there we go the medium hidden bases are all complete the square is filling up pretty nicely if I save myself and this is where the video gets spicy and finally moving on building the actual super unique hidden bases I found while researching the hard and insane category hidden bases these are going to be a lot more hidden I'll just say that and
to start with the hard hidden bases first there's one designed by redraft himself redraft had the brilliant idea of having a secret base open from the pressure plates of your house but not just when you walk into them a secret base opens but to open your Secret Base you have to stand on one of these pressure plates for a while like over 30 seconds or something for the hidden base to finally open which is actually genius so let's grab all the Redstone materials we're going to need and build the Redstone for it well let's hope
I actually can I don't know how I'm going to do this yet all right I think I somehow got it to work to get into your hidden base all you got to do is stand on this pressure plate and wait here for like a minute yep that long oh it opened okay you heard the is open and you just got to stand on it a little bit longer to buy yourself time and now when you walk out this should be open yeah and it closes a piston makes a sound right when you stand on the
pressure plate so Kaleb might hear that but there's no way he has the patience to stand on this for like a minute straight next thing on the hardless is another wool hidden door entrance but unlike the other three we built where you have to do an action to get inside for this one you got a remote wait for it perfect look at this let me open it again to get out really quick there we go how this works is literally by using a a Strider cuz for some reason Striders can see you holding this even
through blocks and when he sees you holding one he will want to eat it and walk into the trip ryer hooks triggering the Redstone and opening the door it's the same thing to get out you just got to hold it right here and Bam you're out and I shut the door you just got to stop holding it bam this one is actually sick I'm not going to lie the next base is actually very simple all you need is Coors fruit and that's it I'm not kidding you just got to build your hidden base under the
ground cover it up with blocks and to get inside you just got to eat your Co fruit okay you might have to eat it a couple times bro why is it not working oh my gosh finally you're in your base this is stupid as and to get out you just do the same thing okay what bro why is it not working okay there you go bam the third hard base completed I'll leave this Co fruit in this chest let's see if Caleb will understand what to do oh holy crap that took so many tries but
I guess that's a good thing and last hard hidden base before we move on to the insane ones is one we all know and love the void base which is pretty difficult to uh build and a little bit dangerous I can just easily fall off and and die I got a chest and a furnace so I'm fine bro I kind of just want to fly in the void but bam there we go the hard defenses I don't know how I'm going to do this and finally with the hard Bas is finished it's time for the
insane category this is where it becomes a whole another level and this is what crazy people do tied their bases I'm not going to lie if you build these you're just you're just weird first up is of course a fake Cactus hidden base made by using like map pixel art I really want to see if it actually works cuz we all seen other YouTube channels putting it in their thumbnail but is it just clickbait looks absolutely like horrible in the actual game or does it actually look very realistic and nobody can tell is just Maps
let's first build a sand desert area where it's going to be at wait what the I just dropped my shovel but I still have my shovel but I don't have my a my pickaxe no way I just lost my pickaxe Minecraft what was that what was that glitch oh okay I got it I got it never mind what the heck anyways there we go let's plant some decoy cactuses on here all right and that looks natural just a desert in the middle of a mountain and now to make the fake Cactus let's kill this horse
okay never mind it didn't drop me leather let's kill this cow for leather so we can craft item frames grab some scaffolding and trap doors and right here in the middle is where the fake Cactus is going to be so don't tell anyone let's build a scaffolding entrance into the floor a secret base down here just like that and on top of the scaffolding I'll place down the trap doors B bang bang we can place all the item frames on it and there we go the fake Cactus is done well almost the last thing we
need to do is to make the cactus block pixel art map to put on these item frames and make it seem like it's an actual C I can't talk so let's fly to the nearest ocean and draw a map and this is where we're going to build the cactus block pixelar and fill this whole thing up and I know what specific blocks to use and uh how to build it of course I'm going to be using this Minecraft pixel art generator website cuz if not it it'll look really bad just drag a cactus image in
and a map sizes 128 by 128 survival blocks only bam this actually might look pretty realistic I do not know and for the blocks it says we need first up is 895 white terracotta and this is uh the smallest amount of material we're going to need uh yo what are you doing with those Baby piglins Bro 858 blind wolf I had to make this huge sheep farm just to get it this map better be worth it 2,495 blind terra cotta 5,350 green concrete which oh my took forever to make and the last block we need
is slime blocks but not just like 1,000 2,000 3,000 but 6,786 my current slime farm would take days to produce that much like I'm not even kidding why why would I Li about that so to fix this the only thing I can think of is to spend four extra hours building an entire new slime farm which it says it produces 24,500 slime balls per hour so uh it should be a lot faster why is this guy in the lake I don't think you're supposed to be right there and it looks pretty fast I'm not going
to lie I didn't even AFK yet and uh oh my what the heck so if we just AFK here we should have enough in no time oh my God bro this thing is actually fat I was kind of scared the video was clickbait I'm not and just like that we got it all this slim Farm is actually crazy fast so if anyone wants to build it oh my God I'll leave a link in the description and we got everything we need to start filling this map to look like this Cactus all these blocks you see
in these shulkers every single one I'm going to have to click my mouse once and place down okay why did I even say that that just makes it so much worse but let the pain begin and let's start building this uh Cactus map pixel artart thing thingy this better uh this better look good and also if you're wondering why I'm building it like this instead of just like flat on the ground because if I don't the blocks on the map won't stick out from each other that much and will be like one shade of color
I don't know that much about it I got a guy who knows pixel art a lot to help me on this and he sent me the schematic and told me to build it like this all right it's been like an hour and 30 minutes and I got this much done a pretty decent amount I don't know if it's good or bad I guess we can't really tell until it's like all finished place down on the frames but yeah look how confusing this is just because the blocks are placed in this certain way it adds so
much more detail to the map as you can see there's like little like pixels everywhere and stuff like even this Cobblestone makes a difference to the map this is what it looks currently up here and if I just remove this Cobblestone it looks like this how does that make sense there's like different shadings and thingies I don't know I'm just glad that I dm' that guy and got this schematic and let's grind out building the rest of the cactus pixel art and see if this fake Cactus base is actually good and worth it all right
and look at this oh my gosh it is all complete it doesn't look like a cactus from the outside but if you look on the map it looks like a cactus this took like 20 hours total to make this thing so let's head back to my storage grab some Redstone iron and paper so we can craft a lot more maps let's mark them all to be the cactus pixel art and I know there's probably an easier way to do this but um I'm too lazy for and this just looks insane and let's see if this
Cactus map actually looks good I'm kind of scared it's going to look a little bit trash and I wasted 20 hours of my life but it's for the video and to see if it's actually good okay now I'm just going to place it on without trying to reveal it yet just like this bang bang bang bang and bang and bang all right it's time to reveal it in the Moment of Truth just going to look behind me and see it all right three two one huh wait okay okay okay okay okay okay okay it's not
as bad as I thought it would be but it's not as good as I thought it would be if you know what I mean the only things that make it bad are these like item frame outlines you can see and also the cactus is a little bit brighter it's a little bit too bright but if you don't have a life like me this is actually a pretty good base to build it only takes like 20 hours which is a lot almost a full day like if you don't know where it is it's kind of hidden
of course all you guys notice this one but did you notice other two right here and here so I mean if you hide this Cactus base pretty well it has some potential I'm not going to lie but is it worth 20 hours eh I don't know what do you guys think it is pretty sick I'm not going to lie though the next insane hidden base I'm going to build very quickly and I mean quickly for the video this took me 5 hours but I saw this YouTube video of a redstone door by this guy and
shout out to him because it's kind of cool to activate it I hid the button with the pathway trick again as you can see the stone button right there and if I just click it wait for it wait for it y yep it just pops out of the ground but that's not it this thing right here is just a way to get to the hidden base kind of like an elevator since if you pathway this grass block as well and press this Stone Button as well and before I click it I didn't link it up
that well probably should have moved it closer over here but I'm too lazy when I click it I got to go into it fast as I can there you go and Bam you're in an elevator and you go down to your hidden base which isn't as cool as elevator you know only insane people would do this to hide their base but this is actually just so sick and when you're coming back up the floor just reopens and Bam was it worth the 5 hours or not I don't know if you guys want to build this
hidden base I left the video in the tutorial so go check it out for the last and final hidden base we're going to build before I bring Caleb over to see which is the best to build all we need is is observers blind blocks honey and pistons of course and Redstone and also this other stuff that I got this last one isn't technically going to be hidden but we'll have the ability to not be found you guys will understand uh soon you'll see why first things first we'll build these four Stick thingies and on top
of them we'll build a little platform with a little house on top just like that behind the house we'll build a engine you guys already know what this is it is a walking house about a year ago I paid a guy $50 to make this for me shout out to him his name is activation go check out his YouTube channel is pretty cool but I never really used it until today because it kind of works perfectly for this video yes I know it's not really hidden as you can tell the thing is if somebody stumbles
upon it and finds it and checks it out like oh my gosh wo this is a cool house wao there's no promise that it will be there tomorrow it'll be super far away and I think to activate it you to activate it I think I forgot update that observer in the back to get it going and okay just update this Observer and B you got yourself a walking house just look at it bro let's stop it before it gets out of the box stop I'm going to turn this on when Caleb comes over and let's
hope he doesn't find it with that this 100x 100 area has over this many hidden bases inside of it I don't know how many there is it's on screen right now and it's time to bring my friend Caleb River and see which bases he can find if he doesn't find this birch tree one I'm I'm going to be pissed and here he is I already explained to him I built a bunch of hidden bases for the past couple of days and it's your job to find them all behind this dirt wall is all the hidden
bases okay okay okay this is actually very important that you try your hardest and to make sure you actually do I'm going to pay you for each one you find easy $1 medium three hard five insane $20 dud I need this money I'm broke this is good and uh over here there's only three rules no breaking blocks no cheating and uh try your hardest tell what is hidden bases uh there there's a red banner in them okay if you find all the hidden bases I'm going to give you a PS5 I'm not kidding PS5 actually
I'll actually like ship it to you okay okay are you ready three two one all right what what what the heck is that wait is that technically a hidden base yeah I found this one Whatever this is bro I don't know why I built this I just gave you free this is 20 bucks right here why did I do this why does this Cactus look weird bro what the heck what the shoot bro you can't break blocks okay but I'm that wasn't a block that was a pton we're another 20 easiest that's to be one
in here right I knew it bro okay that's $1 also I didn't tell you I have unlimited time I have unlimited time all right you wait what oh oh what bro I almost fell in there bro all uh I oh my gosh oh my God bro don't die only 1 minute in and he's finding bases left and right but there's still 25 of them he needs to find okay so what is this thing these are hints right yeah yeah wait wait a minute I can't break blocks right but I can I can do this dang
okay no aha yo you found one I would not have found this if you didn't put that hint okay um what is this I don't know this is this is [Music] a why was I so scared to walk in here I feel like you're going to trap me oh aha okay that was obvious bro I feel like there's more in here though you can't just put a painting in here I mean that's pretty that's obvious right that's too obvious oh what is this oh I'm not going down not going down there no oh it says
trash man I didn't even see that better trash can why do you have a better trash can Wait I see something down there oh sh get the heck out get me out there's nothing in there well I feel like I got to I got to check the other trash can [Music] now yes yo you actually did it bro there's something in this pton there's honey there's nothing there it's honey bro I feel like I would figure this out if I wasn't so stupid oh oh I a break it I shot it you outplayed me you
outplayed it you outplayed it I shot it I shot it but this doesn't even give anything away bro oh bro I'm actually so dumb bro how did I not I even saw the HPP wait am I actually am I I feel like I'm Dum what something something open op something opens I hear it this is crazy am I stupid oh my God it's right there oh oh how did it open I'm so confused bro you finally did it bro you're supposed to stand on the pressure plate for like a minute this is when I started
to realize Caleb is not going stop he just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out the pressure plate base he's trying his hardest to find every single one I don't think you'll notice if I give him this PS5 right there's a bunch of buttons around here why is there so many buttons I don't know I think it's just the design bro you don't need to get that safe you can never be too safe bro okay that bow is op bro okay now there's obviously something in the P snow right come on yep found it what
did you think of the design though I hate I hate the Vu that not look like a tree okay what is this I do not care no I'm kidding um I don't know what this even means man what what wait [Music] what I shouldn't be making I'm getting close to something then right it's in a block right I don't know why I would have to shoot a I mean honestly after did that thing the fungus anything is possible bro cuz I didn't even know that was [Music] possible what oh how did you do that I
was the M I'm the master at fin bases there has to be something in the trees right you would hide something in the trees they're set up perfectly so that I can get to the top of this tree but I guarantee there's nothing up here okay aha I don't know how to get up there but I found it I don't have the W food for this but here we go bro how did you jump right in the right spot bro bro that okay this is where we started from no it's not where we started from
uh oh look at that okay okay another one what are you doing why are you smelting coal you're smelting a coal or bro okay I just had to make sure there was nothing else in here and it doesn't look like there's anything else so I'm on my way now what why are you looking at me why I thought there something else in there bro I'm just following you around you didn't say anything so was like very freaking suspicious what would I need to say there bro you're being awfully quiet BR I feel like there's something
else in here I just drank water bro I'm being paranoid a't I I'm I'm being really paranoid look there's a lot on the line okay I guess something in here won't be able to play GTA 6 there's something in here oh no no oh my God why did I say I'm kid I'm kidding okay there's nothing else there's nothing else probably yeah probably probably also look at your base it's all over there now oh my bro I only see a Observer bro this guy really wants a PS5 bro listen GTA 6 D I feel so
stupid sometimes you know that how many have I found that's question oh what is this nothing yep oh okay okay what bro are you Ser what is this this is not a base bro there's no red banner no what this ain't against the rules right oh my God I guess not oh my God hey I found the base bro I I don't think you're going to get this one I'm not going to lie actually is it pretty complicated I'm go piss uh keep on trying to find out okay okay I this one um maybe no
no not okay and now I'll be able to eat the apple what broo I came back right when you did it now cuz you can have different Redstone signals with the things you eat in Minecraft there's no way bro like if I eat this carrot oh okay it works with a carrot though this one's going to be easy bro there's nothing I can do with water well I try to fill up the whole thing with water but that didn't work so I don't know what to do how was I supposed to know about this bro
oh my God and you say people can get this easily there's no way dude you know be very funny if I miss like a very very obvious one I feel like I feel like you would hide something in the sky but I don't want to fly all the way up there BR we're so high up in the sky I'm going so high are you following me oh you are um I don't know if you can place blocks this high how high can I go bro you can go infinitely look I just feel like you wait
there was you found it bro you found oh my God how was it invisible okay uh uh I um I think I got all of them I think so you're finished yes to finish you you have to say I'm finished okay I'm finished before I tell you how much money you made weirdly you found all the hard bases come inside come buto I actually would have double checked if I remembered and the ones you missed were mainly the the simple [Music] ones all you have to do is shut the door you're spam clicking it as
a bro why are you so sneaky with these bases bro based on the few ones who didn't find the simple hidden bases are the best and not building a pixel art map for 25 hours really quick my personal favorite has to be the one under the tree it's so clean but let me know in the comments if there's any I missed and Caleb you made $16 bro it's like 105 MC chickens bro he's actually Happ why is he actually doing this who the heck orders 106 McChickens bro what are you oh my bro no