I've been on this Earth for 23 years 23 years man and um it's just a blessing for me to even sit in front of this camera and share with you 23 things that I've learned in this life I'm just going to be talking you know no edits if you watching this I'm telling you you in for a treat cuz I've learned a lot I've been through a lot and let's hop into it man the first thing I learned is building a relationship with God man God has carried me through everything that I've been through every
season that I've been through all the good all the bad I always had God that's been my best friend before I had best friends God was my brother before I had before I had a brother you see what I'm saying God was my father before I even had a father he knew me before everybody else knew me and he sent me down here to live this life the best way I can and I haven't been perfect but it's all about Evolution it's all about growth and that's the second thing I learned this life is all
about growth man I may be 23 but at the end of the day I feel like I've grown so much as an individual I feel like my wisdom is older from my age because I hung around older people because I understood to shut up when people are speaking so I can learn from other people I understood how to humble myself in front of others you see what I'm saying so I can learn from everybody that I come in contact with so it's not it's not always about me that's the third thing I learned right yeah
life is all about Evolution but it's also not always about me man sometimes we got to tone the ego down we got to be understanding that it's about what we don't know this wisdom is about the things that we don't don't know that's what wisdom is being able to say man I don't know a lot but I'm willing to learn life is all about learning life is all about growth and life is all about being humble because as quickly as you get it you can lose it and that's what brings me to the next one
y'all got to keep count but it's about gratitude for me I got to be grateful for the things that I got I can't express to you how much gratitude matters to me man there moments where I would hug my grandma one minute and then we get a phone call that she's in the hospital and then I'm her slowly pass slowly pass right I have moments where I'm hugging my great-grandmother and in my head I'm like man I know one day she not going to be here so I'm just going to cherish these moments with her
while my grandmother my great grandmother's cooking in the kitchen if she need help I'm I'm bringing the pots I'm bringing the pans I'm bringing whatever she needs so I can help her it it's just that that's what it is gratitude for the people that is around us for our loved ones for our life even even if things aren't where you want it to be in life you still got to be grateful for your life even if your life ain't perfect you still got to be grateful for your life because I learned that building that relationship
with God right he appreciates when you appreciate what he gives you even if it's not a lot that's where the true test is at can you still be grateful for the life that I'm blessing you with even if you don't have everything that you need son even if you don't have everything that you need man can you still be grateful for the life that I'm blessing you with and that's why I'm going to bless you more and God has blessed me way more God has blessed me way more than I thought I would ever be
blessed especially at the age I'm at now because I've been grateful because I practiced gratitude because I'm not entitled because I dropped my ego at the door like I know what I bring to the table and I know who I am and I know how great I am but I'm only great because of God and I always give him the credit for that I always give him the credit for that you see what I'm saying I always give him the credit for that man at 23 I learn how short life is I know there going
to be some of y'all man 23s young young very young but when you're so so so grateful you're grateful for life you don't want to waste life because you understand how fragile life is you see people come and go like we just spoke about I understand how fragile life is I truly appreciate my life and I truly feel like I've been here for a long time I do I feel like this is my my my 100th life and this is the one where I got to get it right that's that's what I feel like that's
what I feel like I got to get it right this lifetime and I don't want to waste time cuz I understand I understand that people could here today and they could be G tomorrow man so I got to be grateful for my life got to be grateful for my life life ain't is long as we think it's long in certain ways but it's short in many ways and we here for a good time not a long time that's what I learned and if you got a dream you got to go after and Chase it that's
the next one I hope somebody's keeping count bro we got to go after our goals and dreams man I learned I learned risk taking almost every time I took a risk at work you know why cuz I listen to my gut I listen to my intuition see when you build that relationship with God that's how God speaks to you I'm telling you bro God is going to speak to you through that intuition you got to listen to your gut feeling oh should I go here I don't think so should I go after this yeah yeah
I should I don't know how it's going to work out but I got faith so I'm telling you I'm telling you man you got to take that risk you got to go after your dreams you got to go after your goals I knew that I always wanted to do content on some certain scale I didn't know we would reach here I didn't know I didn't know my voice would be this impactful but I knew that I had to keep waking up every day and doing the right thing and walking the righteous path and I knew
God will figure out the rest these 23 years of living I understood that it's me and God these 23 years of living I understood that I got to wake up and I got to get one% better each day these 23 years of living I understood that I got to live and I can't just exist I got to take that risk I got to take a chance on me I can take a chance on everybody else everybody else want me to take a chance on everybody else but when it's time for me to take a chance
on me Sur when it's time for me to take a chance on me everybody say oh I don't know man you sure about that that's another thing that I learned in my 23 years of living not everybody going to believe in you you got to believe in yourself you got to believe in yourself when you take that risk when you going after your goals and dreams you got to understand not everybody's going to believe in you man not everybody's going to believe that you can do it but you have to have enough belief in yourself
you have to have enough belief in what in what you're doing you see what I'm saying cuz not everybody going to believe in you you got to believe in yourself enough to make that dream come true to make it possible man in my 23 years of living I realized that a lot of people die at the age of 21 a lot of people died at the age of 21 and I come from tough environment so I do mean literally but I also mean figuratively not going after their goals and dreams not taking a risk they
not really alive for real they just existing they're just floating and I realize that I don't want to float I want to take the most out of this life that I want I want to get the most out of this life that I can and if I want the most out of life guess what I got to give life my all y'all know that's how it works we got hoodies that say that on the back right if I if I want to give life if I want the most out of life I got I got
to put the most into life so you get what you put in and that's what it's all about so we got to lock in on that man it's so much it's so much I learn man it's so much I learn and I'm so grateful for everything I learned I'm grateful for everyone that's had a part of my journey I learned things really do work out that when you're going through hell you really do have to just keep going I learned that I've been through hell I've been through tough times I've been through times where I
didn't know if I was going to make it or not but I just kept waking up and I just kept doing it over and over and over again I kept putting in the work I kept believing in myself I kept taking a chance on me you can't expect everybody to take a chance on you you got to take a chance on you you got to believe in you this is the time bro this is the time to level up you know this my birthday video man I'm going to look back on this 20 years from
now and I'm going to say man that kid he was smart but look at what I know now look at the information I know now it's all about growth what we know today and who we are today is nothing compared to who we're going to be tomorrow because every day we're elevated and every day we're growing that's what life's all about you know that's what life's all about but I I think it's important we touch back on goals and dreams cuz we all have those and it's like we don't want to go after those goals
and dreams if we if we don't believe that somebody's pushing us or believing in US everybody feel like they got to have somebody pushing them but the truth is you got to push yourself I learned that the life that I want is on me I learned that I'm accountable for my actions and I'm responsible for who I am as a man it's nobody else's responsibility to come down from the sky and do the work for me God can only do so much man he woke me up that's so much already it's like for me to
not appreciate him for that and for me to sit here and and waste the life that he's given me man that's not that's not me doing my part you know we got to meet God half way I got to do my part I got to lock in and do my part it's going to take discipline it's going to take consistency it's going to take hard work it's going to take people not believing in you but you got to believe in yourself 23 years of living man 23 years of living what I learned is I learned
that purpose is everything let's talk about it bro being on your purpose man that's your anchor that's what's going to carry you through when motivation can't that discipline and that purpose is going to carry you through when you really have a purpose you show up every single day you put the work in nobody got to tell you to put the work in you just want to put the work in cuz that's your purpose you Purpose Driven you locked in you locked in you locked in being 23 man I realize that I can't focus on everybody
else that's not really focusing on me that's not locked in and doing the things that they need to do in their life people that not supporting me I need a good system around me even if it's only three people I don't care even if it's only five people two people one person I don't care I got to have a a healthy support system I don't got time for the fake stuff I don't got time for people who don't want to uplift I I don't want to be a bird flocking with them you know birds of
a feather flock together I don't want to flock with those birds I want to flock with the birds that's waking up early early early bird gets the worm I want to I want to I want to flock with people that's putting in the work that believe in themselves that's locked in we support each other we love each other we want to see each other win I want to be around purpose-driven people I realize that we got to keep our energy clean that's the only way that these dreams could come true because you telling everybody your
goals and dreams and guess what they're poisoning it cuz they don't really believe in you you sharing your dreams and goals with people who don't believe in you who don't want to see you win that's what I learned I learned that there's haters out here there's haters out here man and when you got big goals and dreams you got to keep it to yourself you got to UPG reget your life in silence sometimes you can't tell your goals and dreams to everybody you got to tell your goals and dreams to people who also have goals
and dreams and the way that you know people have goals and dreams is they live with a certain urgency they want to put the work in they have a purpose they waking up early or they going to bed later when it comes to their goals and dreams man when it comes to something that they're passionate about they still taking care of their health they still doing the things that they need to do they still building that relationship with God but they putting in the extra time to make their goals and dreams come true those are
people who won't judge you people who are in the gym is not going to judge you if you big and fat because you it's your first day in the gym we're going to uplift you we're going to support you man we're going to be there for you I love people who it's their first day in the gym it's like let's go we here to support people we ain't here to judge nobody but when you have goals and dreams you see how everybody judging you you sure it's going to work you sure you going to make
it you sure you going to make it bro you sure you want to do YouTube you sure about that it's like man if you don't understand it's cool I can't I can't force you to understand it's a different generation it's a different time it's a different mindset some people get some people don't I understand it the more I help people win the more I'm going to win I believe in karmic principles I believe in doing good onto others I believe in God I believe in being a good person you don't think good going to happen
back to me nah bro it's like it's going to happen there's no way we can lose all that all that doubt bro we don't got time for that I've been around too much people who doubt been around too much people who doubt man I don't like that I'm 23 and I'm coming in not with arrogance not with Cockiness but with self-belief I'm I'm fully forming in into the man that I need to be fully believing in myself I don't got people who don't believe in me I cut people off who don't believe in me bro
I cut them off quick you have to when you have goals and dreams I cut them off quick I'm 23 and what I realized is all I want to be right now is 23 I ain't worried about being 24 and I ain't worried about the past I can't control none of that stuff bro all I can control is right now I'm grateful for right now I am who I am right now today grateful to be here grateful to be a man of God grateful to be a man that's locked in grateful to be a man
that's on his purpose grateful to be 23 and I want to experience what it means to be 23 there's a lot of people they they're their age and they don't want to be their age they want to be younger or they want to be older I'm telling you bro be comfortable in who you are be comfortable in your own age be comfortable in your own body if you 99 you 99 if I'm 99 I just want to know what that's like to be 99 many people don't don't don't live to be 99 I get to
live to be 99 I want to know what that experience is like many people don't live to be 23 I'm 23 I want know what it's like to be 23 that's my experience so whatever experience you're in in life I learned that we got to appreciate that experience when I was 18 I appreciated being 18 nobody could take that away from me I was 18 once and I and I lived it fully being 18 I wasn't thinking how when am I going to be when I'm how know I'm going to be when I'm 19 you
who am I going to be when I'm 19 no I'm I'm right now bro I'm 18 you got to think like that now I'm 23 right now I'm 23 I'm grateful to be 23 man what I also learned is we all in this Human Experience together there's no difference between me there's no difference between you I love you bro cuz I love myself we all connected this what it's all about we family on this Earth we all share this Earth we all share this planet I ain't from a different planet I'm from Earth bro you
from Earth bro what makes us different we all under the sun we all got to drink water and we all got to eat food I love you bro and there's not enough people saying that I learned to not be scared of that type of masculinity I could be a man and I could tell people that I love them I ain't scared of that I'm comfortable in my masculinity I know the type of man I am I'm a no BS type of man I'm a man of God I'm locked in I'm Purpose Driven I'm faithful you
see what I'm saying and I'm responsible I'm accountable and I'm going let people know that I love them I'm going let people know that I appreciate them you got to let people know that especially before it's too late so as a man it's like all that stuff bro all that hate all that EnV bro at 23 I don't got space for that bro I don't got time for that I don't got time to be hating on nobody I don't got time to be envious or nobody what I learned in life bro is me versus me
and it's not competition with other people it's collaboration I want to collaborate with people I want to spread love man that's what life is about cuz one day we going to die one day we going to die you got to let people know that hey I believe in you bro hey I love you bro hey I see you bro hey keep working hard bro like you got to let people know that that man a Ain't Nothing by mistake that's another thing that I learned bro a Ain't Nothing by mistake and this thing that we call
life everything everything is happening for a reason everything's happening for a reason and God is going to be with you the whole way through there's no mistakes you got to believe in that you got to understand that you got to understand that everything is for a reason even things that you can't understand that's why it's for a reason cuz you can't understand it but God can understand it you got to appreciate the ups and the Downs man I learned in my 23 years of that I can't just be grateful for the good moments man nah
I can't just be grateful for the good moments y y'all hear me out I got to be grateful for the bad moments too that's what I learned bro I got to be grateful for the bad moments too I can't just be grateful for the good moments man that's how most people are I'm grateful I'm grateful but they only grateful for everything that's going good in their life no when you're grateful for life you have to be grateful for the whole experience of life I'm grateful for the bad moments too the bad moments the negative moments
the moments where I lost everything I noticed that I made the greatest comeback of my life life 22 years old when I was 22 it was the greatest year of my life I made the greatest comeback of my life December 5th I made this channel a year anniversary of helping people all across the world December 7th I was born brought into this world you think these things are by mistake n bro we locked in there's a reason for everything hey there's a reason for everything hey there's a reason for everything and I need you to
know that I need you to know that there's a reason for everything that you do there's a reason for why life is carrying you down that path you have to trust the process you got to trust that God has his hand on everything that you're doing on everything that you're doing in my 23 years of living man I noticed that like I said earlier I mentioned it I got to be accountable man for my life I noticed that I ain't perfect I noticed that I don't got everything in order I noticed that I got to
chalk some things up to the game where it's like man I folded I got to be responsible for that through accountability that's the only way that we could really learn you see what I'm saying if we're not accountable for our life how can we learn we got to be accountable for our life so we can learn from our dark moments so we can learn from our mistakes in my 23 years of living I learned that a loss is only a lesson a loss is only a lesson if we're alive then we're winning I know I
learned that all I need is a heartbeat in order to win all I need is a heartbeat I don't need nothing else I'm motivated just because the Sun is up again I'm motivated simply by being alive I'm crazy like that that's that's what I train myself to be that's who I train myself to be I learned that you could train yourself on who you want to be you don't have to be sluggish you don't have to be lazy you can be purpose-- driven you could be disciplined you could be motivated you could be obsessed with
the goals and dreams you can make it come true it depends on the type of man you want to be that's what I realize man I realize that manhood is the past that you create for yourself ain't nobody going to tell you how to be a man people can guide you people can help you but you have to decide for yourself what's going to work you have to decide what for yourself what's going to work man I have a book coming out you know we I'm working on a lot right now I have a book
and I have a course right I have a book and I have a course that I'm working on for y'all man a book in a mini course all right I'm working on that for y'all cuz I'm I'm here to help people and in that book and in that course it's going to help you become the man that you want to be but at the end of the day you have to decide what works for you and what doesn't that's the beauty of information you don't have to take everything that I say as the gospel I
don't believe it's the gospel I'm just going to share with you my path that I've been through you got to create your own path that's what that's what worked for me I had to create my own pth we locked in bro I learned that being locked in is the only way out that's the only way out of my current situation I got to be locked in I got to be driven I got to be focused on the goal once I'm locked in everything that I'm looking for in life is going to come true everything in
life is going to come true I learned that people gonna love you people going to love you but when you start winning they not going to like you no more they not going to like you no more once you're not the person that they need you to be they going to drop you they're not going to support you no more once you evolve in as a man once you surpass them they going to hate you I learned from most guys from most men not us we support each other I learn from most men they never
going to be happy for you bro unless it's your own father once you pass up other men they're not going to be happy for you unless it's your own father and that's only for good Fathers I'm I'm telling you bro it it has to be listen we have to support each other there too much hate in this world I learned that there's too much hate in this world and my 23 years of learn and my 23 years of learning and my 23 years of growing and my 23 years of evolving I learned that in order
to change the world I have to change myself I have to focus on me there's a lot of people that I knew in life bro they never focused on themselves bro they never focused on themselves bro can you believe that bro I'm telling you bro I kid you not they never focused on themselves bro they always focused on everything that was going on outside of them things that they couldn't control things that that they couldn't control bro I can only control what I can control that's what I learned in my 23 years of living I
can only control what I can control I can only control what I can control and I'm going tell you this I can control myself so I'mma lock in so I'm going to be the best version of me and when I change myself when I become the man that I need to be I'm able to help others I'm able to inspire others I'm able to be there for others so it starts with me but it doesn't end with me in my 23 years of living I realized that for the rest of my life I just want
to be of service to people how about that I want to help people you know why cuz I helped myself you know why cuz I isolated you know why cuz I went through hell and I came back you know why cuz I went through negative moments you know why cuz I grew up in the hood grew up in the streets I seen things I understood that a lot of men were going down the wrong path cuz they didn't have somebody there to let them know that they can do it coming from those environments Carol City
Miami Gardens yeah yeah it might be better nowadays but it's still some things going on nnb North Miami Beach man I seen a lot when I was a kid they took tires off my mama car they held my mama at gunpoint I'm just keeping it real I'm bringing these things up because I seen these things with my own eyes we need a better world what are you going to do to make it a better world you first have to change yourself you first have to heal yourself you first have to connect with God I learned
that in society we have a lot that we need to work on but we have to work on ourselves first I learned that in society there's a lot of gender world there's a lot of gender World worlds Wars going on there's a lot of gender War bro what's going on there's a lot of gender Wars going on bro right what do I mean by that men and women going up against each other why why we need each other we need each other we all came from women bro we got to respect our women and women
got to respect men we losing it bro we going crazy if we don't have each other we have nothing and I'm trying to tell you bro the society be doing that but we know what type of time are we on bro we know who we got to be in this world we know we got to be positive and we know we got to demand respect and give respect you know what I'm saying I got my wife man I learned in this life that we can't wait for nothing bro me and my wife we get we
getting um she my fiance but U by the time you watching this she'll be my wife cuz we getting married we getting married like right away like a couple days from now we getting married my birthday on the 7th her birthday a couple days after mine we getting married we already engaged we going to get married like for real for real she's going to be my wife for the rest of my life hopefully what I learned in this life is you need that one good woman to Stand By Your Side and support you that's what
I learned I'm just keeping it real with you you got to have that one good woman is Stand By Your Side and support you to love you and and care for you and the woman that's in your life she has to motivate you she has to inspire you to do better she has to be there for you she has to be there for you I've known my girl since middle school we've known each other since middle school we went to the same middle school we went to the same high school we went to the same
college and I'm looking at myself in a mirror and I'm like why haven't I married her yet I I engaged her in college now we going to get married at 23 years young 23 years young I learned in my 23 years to not listen to social media true love is still there and I was looking at the world I was seeing what everybody was going through and these relationships and I'm like I don't know about marriage but God showed me that he gave me the right one and if it's the right one then don't be
scared to take that leap of faith so I'm grateful to grateful to be married grateful to have a wife and I love my girl and relationships still have a chance to to to thrive I learned that in my 23 years of living in my 23 years of living I learned that I got the best wife in the world she known me for 10 years plus you feel me we got to be grateful for the people in our life man I learned that I got to take a chance on true love I got to take a
chance on myself everything's going to be risky we can't be scared of everything if we scared of everything we never going to move you got to move bro you got to make happen excuse my French you got to make it happen you got to make things happen you have to you have to you got to man 23 years of living I understand all of this and guess what there's a lot more that I need to understand there's a lot more that I need to know and that's why I'm still reading books and I'm still learning
and I'm still learning and I'm still learning and I'm still growing and there's a lot more that I could touch on but it's going to be in my book that I got coming for y'all it's going to be in the courses that I have coming for y'all right check it out early 2025 right early 2025 everything should be released but um I just want to say man like there there's a lot there's a lot that we could do there's a lot that we can do with the life that we have don't waste it be grateful
for your life go hard believe in yourself believe in the process trust in the process trust in yourself right trust in yourself man it's a lot it's a lot that I learn man I learn so much I learn that things are going to get ugly before it gets beautiful I learned that the struggle is needed the struggle is necessary for you to evolve I learned that life is all about evolving and getting 1% better each day it's not about perfection but life is about progression I learned that the gym can save lives cuz the gym
saved my life God saved my life right we got to take our health seriously I learned so much man and I'm excited to continue to learn and I leave y'all with this you know turnning 23 man I can't express to y'all how grateful I am how grateful I am for y'all support how grateful I am to simp just be alive to be here I'm grateful for everything in my life I'm grateful for all my mistakes I'm grateful for all my ups and downs and every single day I'm just learning to be a better man that's
what this is all about it's not about having it all figured out it's not about acting out of perfection thinking that you're perfect no that doesn't exist it's about taking life day by day it's about taking a win day by day it's about not quitting it's about doing your best and putting your best foot forward it's about going after those dreams and goals now is the time to go go after it stop waiting on people to believe in you stop waiting for the perfect day I learned that the present moment is all we got man
the present moment is this is it I'm here today but I could be going tomorrow man so I'm grateful for being here right now 23 I'm grateful I love y'all I appreciate y'all happy birthday to me and um happy birthday to all of us because every day that we wake up that's a brand new day that's a rebirth that's a chance to do better that's a chance to get better and um I just I appreciate all of y'all rocking with me people who are older than me that look up to me thank you for putting
your ego aside and learning from somebody that's younger I want you to know that I appreciate you and I thank you for for still Paving the way you know you've experienced more life than I have you know things that I may not you've experienced things that I may have not and I respect you for that that's if you older than me watching this right I got love for you and I respect you and I'm grateful that you put the ego aside so you can learn from a young but even though I'm young I ain't dumb
I seen a lot I came from tough environments and I'm going keep getting this wisdom out here to bring it back to y'all right and for the younger ones watching me everything I do man this is for y'all so y'all know that it's possible that the dreams and goals that you have in your heart bro it's possible use me as a living and breathing example to know that anything you put your mind to is possible bro you can do it I started this channel one year ago man look where we at anything is possible I
love y'all I appreciate y'all happy birthday to all of us peace man [Music]