How To Test Facebook Ads In 2025

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Nick Theriot
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I spend over a million dollars a month on Facebook ads for my clients my advertising agency and this is exactly how we test Facebook ads in 2025 so this is just one of our accounts right here and we have one campaign per country for this particular account we don't do a separate testing campaign and a separate skelling campaign we just do one campaign that both take place and I'm going to show you how it's all structured and then I'm actually going to show yall of how like actually go and put it together inside of an account so just going to show youall real quick see campaign right now we've been able to scul about $3,000 A Day In AD spin for this particular client and then if I open up that particular campaign we have a bunch of AD sets and each ad set is one flexible ad with three creatives two copies and two headlines again I'm going give you all examples of both video creatives and both image creatives and we're actually going to build those together inside of an account I just want to first show youall the overall structure of things and all we do is we listen to Facebook and allow Facebook to tell tell us what creatives will scale now Facebook has a prioritization of entertaining its customers not us not the people that spend money on Facebook but people who actually go ahead and just sit there and doom scroll all day so it spends a fuckload of money on the ones that get much more engagement than the others and engagement is a byproduct of an ad getting more spend so when you put an ad out there and Facebook starts seeing a lot of people clicking on ad and engaging with that ad it starts to spend a lot more money on that and typically I'd say nine out of 10 times the ads that get a lot of Engagement and a lot of spin are all winning ads with really good cost per purchase and those are the ads we just leave on like this and all we do to scale that campaign is just go ahead and increase the budget by 20% a day as long as we're hitting our overall cost for purchase goal that we need to in that particular campaign so when Facebook doesn't spend money M on those adsets for example these are some new adsets we recently launched it barely spent any money and created little to no impact in overall cost for purchase so we'll be turning those off today we'll be launching new ones cuz they've been running about 7 days so basically I just let it run for about 7 days and I give it Facebook an opportunity to spend on it for 7even days and if Facebook doesn't spend on it I turn it off now if Facebook spends a lot of money on it and it negatively impacts again n out of 10 times it doesn't negatively impact but there's always about that 10% chance that something take overall Spin and actually does worse all we'll simply do is turn that off before the 7 Days depending on how bad it hurts performance and then as mentioned again we're just doing one flexible ad per ad set with three videos or three photos and that's all we do and I'm going to go in into an account and actually show y'all specifically on how to set this up now before I actually set this up we have to get our creative sh so I want to show yall uh two examples I'm going to show you an example of a a photo ad and I'm going to show you an example of a video ad because there's a there's a lot of people that are like well Nick you can't see what winning one isn't a flexible I'm like yo I literally do not give a and the reason behind this is because all of my videos or all my photos in that particular flexible ad test are so similar that I don't even care which one takes overall spin because I know in general what concept we put together so for example here's a video and you I'm not going to play the whole thing but overall this video it starts off with how this comy leak proof underwear end it my $200 pad Nightmare and it just goes over of like this girl telling her story and stuff like that key difference here is when we do a video all we change is the visual hook which is what's visually displayed in the first couple of seconds so I got three videos here all exactly the same just a slightly different visual hook and then that's it so the text Hook is the same the only difference is the visual hook and here we go last video how this comfy boom so same thing so we have three videos all exactly the same just a different visual hook so I know the hook we use for this concept which is how this comfy leak proof underwear in them that's the thing I'm testing for right there so I know in general if 118 takes off and is a winning ad I know what is like actually working there now let's look at it from a photo standpoint best underwear that doesn't leak boom best underwear that doesn't leak boom best underwear that doesn't leak all the same just slightly different visually shown again me knowing which one of those Works still doesn't help me with anything cuz I know the overall concept that worked I just don't really care to a smaller level of what visual worked and why do I not care because and all of our accounts that we're scaling and we're spending a lot of money on all all of our concepts are visually significantly different so like for example if this concept works for this account how this comy leak proof underwear ended my $200 pad nightmare like I'm never doing it again why because in all of our accounts if I just go sit there and just keep doing this over and over and over and over it's not going to create me any new net new positive creatives so I like to keep testing big swings every time I'm in an account because it increases my chances of finding a winning at a significantly higher rate than me just sitting there and doing okay well let's do how this confid leak proof underwear end that my $200 pad nightmare let's do $100 pad nightmare instead of $200 and do everything the same like that's such a little test and I've just never really seen success with it so for me I want to consistently look at the big swings in the account so if if I know this works cool great let's move on if it doesn't work cool that's great let's not do that again and move on like both both ways I'm moving on it's just simply Gathering da of whether it worked or not and all of this came from research now I want yall to understand that before I show you how to set this up because like you need to understand all of this because if not you're be like well Nick how do you see which flexible ad it works I do not give a that's long story short because it doesn't help me at all it doesn't help me really to further advance and scale the account so let's just go ahead and set this up let's go create let's do sales campaign cuz most of y'all are sales I have a lot of success with this strategy doing leads I've also had a lot of success with this when purchases so either way it works we can do a manual sales campaign I like a manual sales campaign because Advantage shopping plus campaign you can only create one adset so you can't create multiple adsets in there so hit continue name your campaign whatever you want I like to do either one product or one product category per campaign and I also like to do one country per campaign so for example if I'm targeting USA and I'm also targeting Germany I'm going to do a USA campaign and a Germany campaign if I'm you know promoting my inner circle program I'm going to have that is a designated campaign because that's a $1,000 a month program if I'm promoting my ebook that's going to be a campaign by itself so I do one product per campaign or one product category now the reason I say product category is because let's say I have a a clothing brand and it has a ton of t-shirts all around the same price point then I'll do one campaign for all those t-shirts and I'm just going to promote the top two or three best sellers in I campaign let's say I have a clothing brand and I have a men's collection and a female collection I'll have one campaign designated for female and one campaign designated for mail so just to quickly clear that up real quick about campaign structure and strategy it's one campaign per business objective so that just kind of brings a little bit more detail of what that objectives look like so just going to call this test because I'm not keeping this live turn off catalog uh Advantage campaign budget we're going to turn that on I always like to start off my campaigns at $100 today I'm never turning this campaign off I'm going to keep testing creatives and landing pages and offers for this product and make it work if you go watch my video 0 to 30k a month I literally spend like two or three months making a product work because clients pay us to make products work we don't oh let's just test a product for two days and see if it works or not like no like clients pay us to be like hey Nick you got to get us M make us money so here's the product have fun and like I got to make it happen so click on next ad set name this is where I always like to type in the number of that creative test uh so technically this one is 118 and then 147 so I'm just going to type in 118 right here I'm going to show y'all uh in a little bit of exactly how I organize all that and exactly how I put that in like a Google sheet and all that good stuff just let's first get this done first so I'm going to do one let me actually finish this up 118 this is USA this is going to be female only because this is a female product yes it's 60 plus but I'm going to do 18 plus because technically I just trust Facebook Facebook's going to spin based off what it needs website oh wait hold up I am still like not finishing this up I'm getting a little too carried away here all right broad AP just means automatic placements and then o per just means um optimized for purchases all right I'm going go boom I'm going to select my adet or my data set I'm going to select purchases you should only be optimizing for purchases or leads uh like we have some lead generation clients where we're only optimize for leads all of our Ecom clients even if you're starting at zero you just open the ad account you just put credit card on the profile and you haven't even spent a single dollar you're still optimizing for purchases even if there's no data cuz that's what you want you optimize for what you want now next thing is we're not going to turn on Dynamic creative this is the way we used to do it but Dynamic creative will be phased out by meta so we're just not going to worry about that at all start date I like to do 12:00 a. m. and that's just because from a organization perspective and in just kind of starting it at the top of the day fresh hour all creatives are at zero they all have to offer fresh opportun is spin at zero I like to give it that opportunity right there all right now we're going to go in we're going to be looking for the switch to original audience options use original audience United States gender we're going to put that to female again we only do broad targeting here I don't do interest I don't do look likes I don't look do custom audiences the only exclusion I'll add is uh purchase 180 days I think that might be it right there so if you don't know how to create that just create custom audience we website next uh BM boom boom purchase type in 180 days and then create and you're done now from here we're going to go and leave placements placements automatic that's it click on next I just call this 118 as well and again I'm going to show youall how to organize all that in a sa and Google Sheets after this um just want to get this done first we're going to click on flexible here multi Advertiser ads I haven't seen any differences in performance leaving it on or off off so I just leave it on because it's just one last thing I have to uncheck by meta and because this is a video ad we're going to upload videos upload those videos real quick all right so we just got our three versions in here and again I'll only do three you don't have to do three you could do two or one but I don't recommend more than three the other thing I recommend is that you want to make sure that each of the visual hooks are different I said that's the only thing I'm going to recommend for youall everything about the script is the same just different visual hook and then what I'm going to do is is I'm going to load in a winning pre primary text and then I'm going load in add text option a new primary text so this new primary text will be like like the winning one will just be one that I know Works already for the account and then a new one will be more related specifically to that ad concept same thing for the headline I'm going load in a winning headline and then I'm going to load in a new headline and then description honestly I never with this I'm being completely transparent with Y oh that's also too another thing is thumbnails I don't really care either I just let Facebook do its thing I've done a ton of tests and I've never had a significant impact in performance by changing the thumbnail so I just don't do it all right next thing we're going to load in our destination there we go and then vage creative options I turn that off now I always do shop now just depending on the product we're selling because this is an Ecom related product I do shop now if this was like I don't know for lead generation for our Legion clients I'm going to do like learn more or something like that apply now and then yeah that's it everything is done let me just do a final double check real quick yeah cool so this is done I'm going to publish this and then now this is how you do video now let's go ahead and do photo ads that's going to be the next one so photo ads we're just going to duplicate this duplicate original setup original campaign there we go I don't want a new campaign or anything like that this is 147 so I'm just going to type in 147 because it's already been done correctly in terms of how we set all this up this all should be already set up how we need then I'm going go in here 147 and then I'm literally just going to remove this boom boom boom add images upload I hate that you have like the images you have to upload one at a time so going to do this and then we hit continue There we go and then here the only thing I may have to do is just double check some of this stuff um I'll still do a new primary text because like these are two different concepts this one right here talks about like how you know they stopped waste how this how this leak proof underwear ended my $200 pad nightmare so that's a completely different concept than best underwear that doesn't leak so two completely different concept so I'd be doing a completely new primary text for this but the same winning primary text will be uh used as well because I I know it's a winning primary text and then here I'll just publish and that's it now there's a couple other things we have to look at when do you turn these off when do you add more that's all good questions so let me turn off this campaign and let's actually go dive into a completely another account so I can show y'all one that's already actively doing this all right so here's another account that's already actively doing this we have our single campaign this this particular client is only in one campaign or one country only selling to one uh gender and on top of that uh they only have one product they're pushing they have other products on their website but this is the hero product that people come in for and then they buy this product and they they use to other products as upsells and stuff like that so let's just dive into this account so we only have two sets running right now and again I literally just showed yall how each of these adsets are set up so we ran a bunch of tests over the last 7 Days uh da yeah Thursday we ran a bunch of tests over the last 7 days we did 110 132 148 15 typically I only recommend anywhere between 1 to 4 a week uh every 7 days but this particular client right here is struggling they kind of came to us and was like hey Nick we're struggling severely with our Facebook ads and like you're just literally our last hope so we're like we we we went a little harder than we typically do just on the number of tests and I think we're doing like 8 to 10 a week again not ideal but just again a very specific situation there in so let me just pre-frame with that ideally we want to test anywhere between one and four Concepts a week now let's keep in mind here every concept we create is freshly filmed content so we're not reusing the same content over and over every concept we create and again one concept is is like this is one concept and this is one concept right here one concept is three creatives one hook one script and three different like visually different hooks for a video or visually different images so we do one concept per test with those three creatives each and typically what we do is you have you have to look at it from the perspective of It's Always new freshly shot content and everything comes down to your ability to write this script and your ability to like create that photo so you creating like 200 Concepts a week you would literally just be like the level of quality wouldn't be there so you you constantly have this teeter totter of quantity and quality and if it's just a oneman team three to four Concepts a week is like I can't see people do more than that and keep quality so you really need to make sure you keep the quality there the next thing is I I launch them I give it 7 days to earn Spin and beat so like for example this one right here 103 took over over all spin it's currently working the best and we haven't been able to beat it and pretty much what we look at it is this is our top spinning ad right here and our goal is to beat it in terms of Spin and if it doesn't outspend it then we at least want to leave a lower cost for purchase add-on so like we turned off 137 here cuz it had a $44 cost for purchase so we turned it off 121 right here we left it on because it has $30 cost for purchase it's not necessarily hurting things but I know for a fact this one wouldn't take overall spin because one it has like it's had like 3 four weeks to take overall spin it hasn't and on 7-Day window it has a higher frequency than this one right here so this shows me this is more of a retargeting ad and to be fair it was made as the intention of retargeting AD so even though we put retargeting style creatives in it we're still doing broad targeting because we let the creatives do the targeting for us so yeah so basically every 7 days we launch our anywhere between one to four Concepts we give them seven days to earn spin if they don't earn Spin and don't succeed we turn them off and again n out of 10 times the ones that take overall spin improve the business positively it lowers overall uh CPA so we can scale an increased spend every now and then maybe one out of 10 times of in terms of the ones taken off we have one that takes off and actually negatively impacts business it has a worse cost per purchase and then we have to turn off that high spending ad um for example in this case this one took a lot of spin over the last 7 days $836 with a $44 cost for purchase we need a $30 cost for purchase for this account so we had to turn it off so just again keeping that in mind right there now we need a $30 cost for purchase in this account but we're getting a 33 on this one and the reason why we haven't turned this one off is because we haven't had one that beat this one yes this has a $30 cost for purchase but it's not gaining enough Spin and I do not force spin I let Facebook control the level of spin on this so yeah that's all I do this is how I test new creatives on Facebook I keep it simple and then as I'm hitting my target cost for purchase of $30 right now we're at 36 so we're not hitting our Target cost for purchase so I'm leaving this at our flight deck I forgot what it's called a certain I always have a hard deck of a number we never go below because if we go too low of a budget then we just we just get less volume we get less purchases it becomes like we have to let things run longer so and that that hard deck will be different for every brand depending on just the results and stuff like that so uh right now we have a $500 a day hard deck so we will not scale below5 $ a day regardless of performance and we'll keep spending at this with the goal of bringing down this this cost per purchase further so we can spend more now just from some organization tips because I don't see people talk about this but once you start building a lot of this you need a way to organize it so there's a couple tools we use first things first let's just build it live just go open up a new Google sheet and I'm just going to build this really quick I'm I'm going to build it which y' because I I know have mother in the comments that are like oh Nick can can can you send this over to me it's like bro I'm literally going to build this with you so I just call this batch number that's the first one and I always start my batches off at 101 that's my first one the reason why is cuz I don't want to put just one because just the way it works in Facebook when I sort it won't recognize one so I always like to start off at a three digigit so I always like to do batch number and then what I like to do is called status then what I like to do is I think it's hook desire next one I want to do is Persona next one I want to do is what am I creating and then next one is uh what is my hypothesis cool and then next one actually there's one more status uh results there we go and then here just going to delete this delete columns and then let's just sort all this real quick I'm going select all of these I'm going to do this and then I'm going to do text wrapping on and then I like to Middle it as well cool take all these black text color white batch number is easy just go down like this wait you just type it in every time so like oh wait hold up one more thing real quick view freeze up to one row just make sure it's selected so that way you can always see this and then it's batch number one status and then you can go to tools unselect that format drop down option one you're going to be is in progress there we go and then next one status and progress one at another item lost uh in progress you're just going to leave it as yellow one green status last one loss done actually you can actually remove this one there we go and then that way you can you can see okay hey status we launched U but wait one more I know that's what it was all right left all right launched date there we go cool so you know for example today we launched 147 for example the best on the where it doesn't leak so I'm just going to type in 147 here launch date today is 12 12 2024 our hook on this there we go 10,24 that' be wild what were they doing at that time sending tablet like those let's see the best underwear that doesn't leak best underwear that doesn't leak there we go and then here we'll type in your desire desire for this one is just underwear that doesn't leak your desire is what people want because we're after a pretty sophisticated Marketplace we can actually call out the product you know for example another one might be desire for make money desire for a girlfriend desire to feel confident when they're talking to girls desire could be uh to scale Facebook ads whatever does what what does people want what do people give a about in this particular case people give a about is having underwear doesn't leak and Persona we're going after a 60 plus women who struggle with leaky underwear this is the person you want want to market to in like more specifically what am I creating image ads it's just more in general image ads uh what is my hypothesis so this is going over as why you're creating this take a second and just think about it all right so obviously we already created this but our hypothesis is women struggle with underwear that leaks so I want to create an image ad that showcases how we have underwear that doesn't leak all right this is just my hypothesis of why I'm creating this and what's going to happen and then basically what'll happen is we'll launch this we'll let this run for 7 days and then after the seven days all we'll do is do is hey this worked it took over a spent it impact the CPA we did amazing or hey this the terrible it lost and boom yeah that's it very very simple thing you can do just to keep track of all that and then the second thing from a team perspective what we do is we also love a sa so a sa you can use any board creating type of product any creating product can work for this just the main things here is to do doing ready to launch and then yeah pretty much we don't really use post launch much oh yeah actually we do use post launch so to do this is where I'll basically just go and I'll write the script on here uh you can create these little task so like let's just say for example 147 I can create a task 147 and then I'll just copy over the hook the hook is the just basically the name for that I'll sign that to Simon which is just my video editor certain stuff um I'll give it a due date and then I'll basically just give all the information here's the hook I want to use here's some inspiration for those images and I'll let my visualizer go do that and then from there once the I'm remove him off that so he doesn't get the notification sorry about that Simon then from there once he starts actually working on it we'll put it on doing then he'll put he'll move it over to ready to launch when it's done my media buy will come seees something's ready for launch uh once we once it's that day for launch period cuz like I said we do like to do every seven days we'll go we'll launch these move them over to post launched post launch just means it's been launched and now we're just waiting for that data and then from here once it's done testing we'll just mark it as complete and then uh it'll go into our completed column right there so yeah as far as that other tools we like to Leverage is uh frame.
iio uh frame. iio is phenomenal when it comes down to like sending creatives for review and stuff like that let's see if I can find some really quick right here creative assets yeah so this is frame that i o real quick and y'all can see this this is where you can like review it and get feedback to your video editor so that's one thing we like to leverage and then another thing we like to Leverage is uh just like Adobe suite as my video editor team uses and then if we need to hire like ugc creators to actually create out a script we use incense.
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