11 Lessons From Growing A 7-Figure One Person Business

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Dan Koe
Creators, freelancers, coaches, and other one person businesses always have the same struggles. They...
Video Transcript:
when I first started my business Journey it was out of curiosity I was very observant I observed those that I didn't want to be like and those that I did want to be like and that created contrast that created a polarity it made me realize that I don't want this I want this and this is what I'm going to work towards so that I don't end up like this because on one side of the coin there were people that were unfit unhappy in a consistent cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck and to me it
became very clear not out of judgment but out of discernment that that isn't how I want to live my life and even more so it seemed that they were unwilling to change right and I've noticed a lot of people in my own network are just friends or people that I'm connected with where they experience this very young it's possible to overcome this limiting belief when you're older but when you're young you're more of a rebel you have more of that rebellious Essence in you and you see someone doing something and you're like that's stupid why
would I do that and then you question it and you work away from that and that could be good or bad but in contrast to that on the other side of the coin to people that are living unfit unhappy unhealthy whatever it may be there were people that were living the dream spreading a great message and educating others and providing value and just inspiring people to be better to do better with their lives and to get more out of life and since I was born 26 years ago I'm 26 now birthday was just in October
so when I was 26 years old by the time that I was of the age where I wanted to start learning about things and start pursuing a better future for myself I did it on social media I follow people on YouTube on Instagram and just other places where I could pursue my interests and learn and yes there's always objections here where it's like yes the people on social media there's some that are like uh living a flashy lifestyle there are some that are just like putting out a message that is a bit too extreme or
they say that they're happy all the time and so people think like oh all rich people are unhappy deep down all of these social media influencers they're unhappy deep down they they don't know anything they're just putting on this facade and you're like it's everything is a half truth right you're you're true to an extent there are some people that way but to believe that every single person you see online is that way and that all of their success is just nothing it's just a fart in the wind that doesn't make any sense at all
that is completely that is just the most closed-minded perspective you could ever adopt for yourself because why don't you question that's what curiosity is why are you not questioning these things and I'm not talking about the social media influencers being rich and unhappy I'm talking about your own limiting beliefs and reactions to those things like oh they're all unhappy deep down it's like what if there are some that aren't unhappy deep down what if some are actually extremely happy wouldn't I or you have to be in their exact shoes to know 100 for sure wouldn't
you have to have access to their state of mind that you will never have access to therefore it's not worth worrying about it's worth working towards it if that's something you want and not talking about it and not talking bad about it and just throwing other people off a perfectly good path to take in life so you would have to pursue that and you would have to experience that lifestyle to know if you're going to be perpetually unhappy because that just doesn't make sense you can be happy in any phase of life that you were
in that's what spirituality is all about whether you play the external game of riches or not you can still be happy and enlightened in whatever it may be and so this curious mindset led me to trying things that I eventually fell in love with I tried the gym because I was watching people go to the gym and yes all of these started out as surface level shallow Pursuits that's how it starts out for everyone so I tried the gym because I wanted to get over a breakup and I wanted to get jacked and I fell
in love with it and eventually I attached new why or new purpose behind it so that it could become a sustainable and meaningful pursuit in my life and I tried new skills that people were promoting and told me would benefit my life and I fell in love with learning and I failed a bunch I fell off the path but I eventually came to the point where my knowledge my skill set and my experience that all compounded to the point of where everything started to make sense and I was able to navigate life and business that
much more artfully and so with a vision for my future and small consistent actions and failures and everything in between the entire hero's journey I have built myself into a lifestyle where I can research my interests I can write about them in a creative way and produce a valuable message that other people get value from I have full control over how much I work whether it's zero hours a day or four hours a day or 20 hours a day I have full control over that and I can increase or decrease accordingly and yes my income
can sway sometimes with that but I have control over it and then I also have full control over where I can live um and the different things that would normally keep someone chained to a specific location and I get to build products and services that will not only help me but will help other people and now the the main downside of this lifestyle is that you are in full control so however you perceive that and the uncertainty and discomfort and everything else on the negative side of the coin not comfort and security which are usually
just Illusions and are far more risky uncomfortable and uncertain than just pursuing things for yourself and embracing the uncertain nature of life because that's what it is but that's the main downside is that you have to manage and take every aspect of your life into your own control and so that's the first lesson out of the 11 more that I want to give you that I've learned these are just the most important lessons that I've learned from building a one-person business from doing what I want with my life from talking about my interest and turning
myself into the bit into a business which has been the theme for the last two videos right the first one is the one person business model how to productize yourself the next one is the rise of the value Creator a career path for polymass and self-improver so if you want a broader explanation of the type of business model like the Creator business model uh or the digital business model that I'm talking about here then I would go and watch those but these are the 11 lessons that have just these are what changed everything for me
so I hope they can do the same for you so the first lesson is that it's all traffic and offers because business is a game of creating a good product or service and putting it in front of the right people if you don't have people to view your product or service you don't have traffic you don't have social media shares you're not growing you don't have an audience you don't pay for ads whatever it may be you don't have media that brings people to your product or service the way you monetize then nobody's going to
buy it but if you have a bunch of traffic let's say you build like a theme page on Instagram and have a million followers but none of them are interested you don't really have a way of monetization um you don't know what you're doing in terms of marketing and sales then yeah you're not going to make money either and the thing here is is yes there's details in like marketing promotion strategy funnels all of those different things that are tactics for the main principle of traffic and offers right there's principles and there's tactics principles are
a must they come first it doesn't matter if you study all these marketing funnel and other if you don't have traffic and a good offer then you're not going to make money so as an example and just like a beginner level thing you have to understand these principles so well and where you're going to apply them so social media in this case to the point of where you could do this at zero experience and here's what I mean by that is that you could affiliate for a product if you don't know what an affiliate is
it is someone who gets a commission on selling someone else's product so if I want to affiliate for let's say a web design software like WordPress and Elementor they have an affiliate program then I get like 30 of what I sell from them through my link so let's say I start a Twitter account right here's how I would make money immediately and let's use it for the case of a different product where I have higher margins so a digital product a course where I could usually get 50 commission let's say the course is on web
design right so I go on Twitter I write a thread on the fundamentals of web design how to create a good website right I put some time into the content I make it attention grabbing I make it very valuable and I plug my affiliate Link at the end for 50 commission and then what I can do is I can pay someone 25 to 50 to retweet that thread right this is what social media marketers and social media management agencies do all the time they pay for other traffic an audience is traffic if I want to
get more eyes on my content on Instagram I could go and pay for a story share to get traffic to that offer my profile would be the offer in this case and so on Twitter I write that thread about web design plug my Link at the end and then I pay let's say four people so I pay a hundred bucks for four retweets from people with a hundred thousand follower audience so I have the potential of getting in front of four hundred thousand people then not to not even taking into account them retweeting it and
then their entire audience seeing it and many of them retweeting it as well and spreading it to their audience and potentially on that thread I could get let's say a million impressions right let's say thirty percent of them make it to the bottom three hundred thousand make it to the bottom let's say five percent Click Five percent of 300 000 is like I don't know it's it's something okay a big number and now let's say five percent of those people convert because the landing page is good so let's say that I get like a thousand
people to the landing page five percent convert I should stop using five percent because I don't understand the actual conversion five percent of one thousand is fifty I think it's fifty so if 50 people buy a course that is ninety nine dollars and I get fifty percent on that so fifty dollars times fifty is 2500 I believe that's 2500 so from zero experience from spending a bit of money I spent a hundred dollars on advertising and then I made twenty five hundred dollars so twenty four hundred dollars profit from doing absolutely nothing but understanding traffic
and offers so lesson number two is that you need three levers so let's say that you have a brand and you have a product so you have the traffic and you have offers you need three levers the first one is growth you have to be growing your brand if you aren't growing then you're going to get stuck in the rat race that everyone else is in of trying to consistently reach out to clients lamb clients or just sell via a medium that is not your own traffic source so you need to continuously grow your brand
and your follower count you do that by writing basic and beginner level content that works right it's not like you just go and you write something that you think is basic the idea has to be validated by the market if you aren't in the social media game already you don't understand this where you're going to have posts that perform better than others posts some may get 10 likes some may get a thousand the ones that get a thousand you take that message and you start writing about that more so your engagement increases over time and
then you have a consistent cycle of that Evergreen content in your creative process or just how much you post content and that's how you continuously grow then you can sprinkle in other things here and there as well the second lever that you need is a nurture lever because here's the thing and what a lot of people Miss it's like oh I have to sell and make money online product if I want to make money with a course oh I can't sell something that I'm interested in if I want to make money doing what I want
to do and that's just completely false it's because usually those people saying that are in the survival mindset of I need to make money immediately and so they start studying direct response marketing which is a great skill to have but it teaches you how to get someone to click and buy in one go it's not like General marketing and so with people that are in a less Niche area or a less profitable area you need to dedicate yourself to educating your audience to the point of becoming customers you don't just attract people that are at
the highest levels of awareness and marketing and then just hope that everyone buys no you're going to attract beginners intermediates Advanced people you're going to attract a global range of people and you need to filter them into your newsletter so that isn't affected by the algorithm and you can talk about whatever you want and then you educate people on your interests and why they're important and how it can impact their lives and then you plug your product or service in order to help them and that's where you're going to make the most money so the
third lever is the monetization lever and that is just an offer or promotions you have to be consistently promoting yourself you can't just promote yourself once or write a thread and send people to it and make twenty four hundred dollars like we talked about earlier you have to be on a systemizing inconsistent promotion schedule right this is why I personally made the two hour writer is to give you my promotion schedule for all of these things and how I create content and how I write and how I do everything that I'm talking about here if
I do not promote my products once a week at the end of my newsletter which is long enough where that promotion once a week isn't too much right it's the perfect amount and I'm delivering more value than I am promoting right so people have the option to buy my products and services and if I do not get that in front of people's faces every day every week every month then I'm not going to make money and so when I say systemized I mean you work it into your content creation process if I write three tweets
a day and I want to plug my service or my product under one of them then I can do that and so that means every single day I have to go in and I have to plug my product or service so that I can earn an income for myself and hopefully that product or service is good and valuable in your are iterating on it and you are making it better according to the feedback that you get from customers so lesson number three is one of my favorites and that's to question everything I truly think that
it's just unfortunate that the advice of question everything has been talked about so much that the message behind it is deluded or people don't take it as seriously as they should just because they've been exposed to that so many different times it's not novel anymore it's not going to catch your attention and make you think oh wow that's so insightful when this is probably the best skill you can ever perform in life is just questioning everything especially in business because everyone's giving out all this advice that people take as a law and then they don't
see results and then they call it a scam so questioning is the driver of My Success in business people would yell at me like oh you have to Niche down and who said who said I had to Niche down aside from you guys who have built this thing mental construction of the exact way to get business success to the point where no you you absolutely have to pick a niche and while I am technically niched down it's a in a completely different way than what most people talk about because business is getting different every single
day and I've adapted to that and I understand that niching down in the traditional sense as a broad coverall term is not the answer because that just Sparks so much like it Sparks so much confusion Niche down on what brand content uh product everything that I talk about my bio if my bio is too Niche that nobody will follow me or at least enough people to fuel like I don't have the growth lever down so I can't even monetize then it doesn't make sense to Niche down so this is a side tangent and for another
time my favorite thing is Broad net or broad catch specific sale go based around all of your interests and talk about things in an interesting way on social media top of funnel beginner lower level of awareness and then funnel them into a specific product which targets a specific problem that you educate people towards and get people to the point of having that better problem in their life that you can come in and solve so another thing is like you have to wait to monetize until you hit 10 000 followers that's a common piece of advice
in the business realm it's just like who said who said I just gave you guys away to monetize immediately at the start of the video and then another thing is like you can't make one million dollars while working two to four hours a day again who the said just because you can't do it doesn't mean that I can't build something that allows me to do that so your limiting beliefs right off get them out of your head it's hard to practice but stay mindful and question every single thing you've been told especially the things that
are preventing you from making progress lesson number four is to deconstruct everything deconstructing complex topics or just deconstructing everything is the key to creativity right you want to deconstruct a hole into its parts and then you want to take those parts and turn it into something new not even necessarily new But A A New Perspective of viewing things or just a new solution or a new way of thinking about things and that's the key to it right it's Consciousness and creativity if you want more on this go watch the video uh it's like how to
make a creative income for yourself I believe I'll link it but that's the main thing is you have to expose yourself to more experience you need to have accurate perception in the the things that you are consuming the information you're consuming you need to question it in order to break it down and understand it and gain a holistic perspective of that specific thing then from that you could piece things together and apply it to a different goal either the goal that you are pursuing in Life or the goal that your readers or audience are pursuing
in life right if I'm studying spirituality and it's talking from the perspective active of here's how you become enlightened how am I going to take those same principles that I deconstructed from studying spirituality and apply them to business how am I going to help people achieve the goal of making more money with spirituality that's a challenge that's a very like weird thing to do but that's what I'm doing that's where it becomes fun that's where it becomes new that's where it becomes novel that's where you change people's minds around specific things that's how you become
unique and that's how you create a niche for yourself is not by getting super specific it's by studying your interests and applying it to the goal that you're trying to help other people achieve it doesn't matter how broad or specific those interests are what matters is the specific and Niche goal that you're trying to help people achieve if you want to if people said you need to Niche down towards a specific goal that someone is trying to achieve then I would agree but even then you see what I'm saying here you have to think deeply
about these things I could I'm creating a whole video about this I could create an entire uh something about this a writing or newsletter or something but it's like even then how broad or Niche or specific is the goal right usually I like broad goals because if I want to pursue Financial Freedom and I'm studying the interests of spirituality philosophy and business how am I going to apply those in order to help people get there so lesson number five is don't quit pivot because everyone is worried about shiny object syndrome but if you're still in
pursuit of that same goal but you pivot along the way it's not like choosing a different skill is starting over or quitting altogether it's just pivoting it's not shiny object syndrome because what you need to understand is that you are allowed to start over from a better place of compounded knowledge right if I learn web design and I can only make 500 to a thousand dollars with that singular skill am I going to prevent myself from learning copywriting SEO design or other things simply because someone else told me that it's shiny object syndrome if I'm
making my service better or I'm choosing a slightly different path or a slightly different like Verge from the path than someone else that's not a bad thing that's not signing object syndrome right someone can take this path to reset angle and then you can start taking that path but then you can pivot and you can take this way and then you're unique so lesson number six is to copy your way to success or steal like an artist and so many people get this wrong they just plagiarize and they just take something and try to act
like they didn't steal it from someone else because you have to understand that success is a game of intelligent imitation do not act like you are not the product of somebody else or everything in this world do not act like since the day you were born that you were taking what other people told you what you experienced in this world and what your teachers told you and everything else to create who you are today you are literally a copycat you're literally a clone of a bunch of different stimuli information that created you when you were
young you could be speaking a completely different language if you were born across the world like it's you are a Copycat by Nature that's what you do you see something you interpret it and you either get rid of it or you adopt it so I'm throwing up this graphic from an earlier video of intelligent imitation where you pursued your Curiosities and interests you as a whole in your perception of the world is a perspective vessel you read and interpret information differently from other people and then what you do is you package up and you distribute
those learnings or discoveries to other people from your unique lens in accordance with the goal that you or your audience is trying to achieve so the best thing you can do is practice writing in your favorite author's voice use the topic your favorite account posted as an inspiration swipe the problems that your competitor Targets in their landing page deconstruct Why certain posts go viral and whether or not it brought in money look at what everyone is selling meaning it sells and think about how you can create your own with your unique experience or read about
an idea that excites you don't highlight and write it without looking at the text making your own by recalling what you learned from memory and filling in the blanks with your prior experience so number seven is that the most profitable Niche is you so traditional or like salesy or sleazy branding marketing and sales that's all coming to an end we've explored that crevice of reality it's had its time in the market and now people are catching on people are much more wary of the scams and other things that are going about and the age of
authenticity is Among Us especially for the people that want to take lead in moving in in that direction right as I am with the past two videos on the one person business model and the rise of the value Creator so if you want to get ahead of the curve you need to productize yourself and you do this by watching the other video on the one person business model because that's 40 minutes long and I don't want to take away from the depth that is provided there by just glancing over it here but if you want
a little sneak peek here is a graphic of how you can turn your brand and all of that stuff into a cohesive business pause and screenshot this if you'd like but go watch the video if you're truly interested in learning more about that so lesson number eight is that self-awareness is key absolutely key so if your creator or a marketer or just a solopreneur business owner in general you understand the importance of marketing and you probably understand that marketing is just applied psychology what you may not understand is that psychology is your mind you can
study it at any time if you are conscious in a way aware of how your mind interprets things or that you spend time practicing being self-aware so if I'm on social media and I want to write better content then I need to pay attention to how my mind interprets content and how it perceives certain content as valuable or not so if I'm scrolling social media right just as I normally would I stop the scroll okay why did I stop my scroll right what caught my attention and how can I use that to catch others attention
and then I continue reading it why am I continuing to read this post I want others to do that on my posts so what can I pull from this and then I like the post why did I like the post I want other people to like my posts so how can I do that I retweeted it okay why did I retweet it and how can I get people to do that for me I clicked on the profile click follow I went through to their website I scrolled down I read a longer article I bought their
product how why question why you do that because other people are human beings too how can you tap into your experience and leverage that to get more people and build a name for yourself so my tweet from a bit ago sums it up pretty well if you want to make money understand why you spend money and now a lot of people commented and like DM me about this it's like what do you mean like what do you mean it's like exactly that stop and think become self-aware stop Outsourcing questions that you can ask yourself so
lesson number nine is start then learn information is abundant and the biggest mistake that people make is letting knowledge outpace execution because yes you can learn anything but are you learning anything and so my favorite way to do this is building projects just always having a project to build a side project a hobby project a meaningful project and treating everything as a project because a project implies that you are researching in order to add to that project if this video were a project then what would I do I would outline the project right I would
create somewhere where I can actually flesh it out so in notion I do this I go or in notes or whatever it may be and I outline okay this is a potential title for the video this is a potential introduction this is a potential body this is a potential conclusion here's a little bit of what I want to write about but now I have to go and research this thing so I can create a credible argument around this I need to pull quotes from books I need to watch YouTube videos I need to do whatever
and now I am intentionally learning and consuming so that I can add to that project and open it in my phone when an idea comes to mind and write it down right and so as a beginner you don't have to be because experience is always a problem that people struggle with you don't have to be a content creator from the start you can be a Content curator right so if you want to create a it's all about positioning and perspective when it comes to this stuff so if you want to create a write an article
or a tweet on let's say how to start a one-person business but you haven't started a one-person business then what you're going to do is you're going to research everything involving one-person businesses you're going to create the post and you're going to make it very clear that like you're not saying you're not giving advice on how you did this you're giving advice on how other people did it and how you're going to do it it's all perspective and positioning so lesson number 10 is to create your own career this is a very difficult lesson and
requires quite a bit of experience to understand because at the start if if I were to ask you okay how would I start an online business with zero dollars you'd probably give me a few of the traditional examples of freelancing starting an agency that's really it but now if you were to ask me what I do like what I actually do I have no clue like you ask me in like if in the elevator if someone asked me like oh what do you do for work and I just say I'm a writer like I just
blog like I honestly have no idea I don't know what to say it's like well I write tweets on self-improvement and I make videos on business and spirituality and sometimes I post on Instagram as well it's like I could call myself an influencer but I'm I don't like that word so I'm not going to call myself that I could call myself a Creator but that doesn't get the point across and it's like I've created like I can't just take my business model and be like yes this is a career for everyone like I can train
everyone into this this deserves to go into a college curriculum so other people can be trained into it and eventually replace no it doesn't work like that you have to create your own career by following what works by doing what works but in your own way without getting in your own way and then you continue on and you iterate and you continue and you blow past societal expectations to the point of where you have a holistic view of your business or whatever you're doing but from the outside nobody knows what you actually do like people
have asked me what do you actually do oh so you're a YouTuber but you make a hundred thousand dollars a month that doesn't make any sense like and so it's funny it's just fun to see that people don't understand the whole picture but that's the thing create your own career by just sticking it out and challenging the notion of like if there's a problem in your life like I don't like working eight hours a day then fix it create a solution for create solutions for all the problems in your life until you're living the ideal
lifestyle that you want to live and so a more tangible way of putting this is that you can create your own niche in a sense right you can create your own career to the point where I like studying broad interests I like getting the big picture and Distilling those in the form of content so if I'm studying spirituality and philosophy and Neuroscience then I can create a new category right I can take those and create an umbrella category that nobody else knows but me and then I can start talking around that called Nero philosophy so
let's say it's neuroscience and philosophy I'm noting the connections between the two and I call my Niche or career neural philosophy or that I'm a Nero philosopher right and so then that opens up a bunch of different topics that you can talk about and that's very Niche and specific and something that people haven't heard about before so it's novel and you're going to attract more people and you're going to build Authority in the category that you created so lesson number 11 is lack of experience is not an excuse because it's incredible what kind of mental
gymnastics your ego will go through to convince you what you can't do we've talked about this already about having the affiliate link and paying to get eyes on a thread and traffic and offers and making twenty four hundred dollars and whatever it may be but lack of experience is not an excuse It's a limiting belief to think that you don't have enough experience you don't understand how to position yourself in the market in a way that is authentic and true to yourself even when you have zero experience because if I tell you to start writing
online and the 200 benefits that it creates for your life and business how does your mind object it'll be like well I'm not good at writing oh that stuff's only for influencers oh I'm just freelancing before I decide to start building an audience and all of these are more dumb and false than they are true because it's your mind it's your ego the last one is a bit too silly and it allows us to create an example of what I'm talking about here so that last one was I'm just freelancing before I build an audience
because people feel like they don't have experience to start building an audience so they decide to freelance first it's like do you even hear yourself you're saying you're going to accept 500 to a thousand dollars when you have no idea what you're doing but you're afraid to talk about things online from whatever perspective or positioning you want to from a beginner level like perspective you're just saying I'm sharing what I learned it doesn't make any sense you're going to accept money rather than just post online and give out free information and gauge the viability of
that information for free in the form of an audience and then build leverage to the point where you have a lot of traffic built up to the point where you don't even have to reach out to people to gain freelancing clients so here's a little graphic very simple very streamlined but it's not you need experience to start it's you gain experience by starting and so everyone human beings in general are leaving out the pieces of the picture that would lead to them taking action right you're letting your ego close your mind off and laser in
on one specific thing and leave out the holistic picture and creative ways of thinking about things in order to pursue your goals full force that's the problem don't let fear rule you and keep you the same so that is it for this video my friends if you want to learn my content creation process and writing check out the two-hour writer course if you want an introduction to that check out the seven days to genius ideas free challenge if you want a community of like-minded individuals that are different from social media and that won't make fun
of you for pursuing a better life for yourself then join modern Mastery it has an entire strategy library of everything we talk about here we're relating to online business and personal development and then last but not least the power planner if you want to organize your life and actually understand your vision for the future and the goals that are reverse engineered for that you can find that for free in the links in the description and some other things that may interest you but aside from that thank you again for watching I love you you guys
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