Su my fellas don't forget to leave feedback and enjoy the story Swordsmen who conquered half the world Ron kendles a family of renowned Swordsmen where everyone has exceptional talent and strength its members have become unsurpassed rulers of the world fight it out conquer it and slave them that's the motto of the Run candle family the family to which Gene Randle belongs the youngest of the rank and delellis at the selection ceremony that determines your future jyn chose the sword of the head of the family this means that is the one who will lead the Run
kendle family a mysterious man approached him and said that his choice met expectations interesting jyn thought jyn had no doubt that the future would bring him success and of course Fame but he doesn't see the point after all he has no talent for swordsmanship jyn was called a disgrace to the various departments and was said to fall short of the standards of his family he was considered the worst swordsman in the family's history even his own Brothers joked about him practicing with a wooden sword they said he wasn't worthy of the Barada JY was was
silent looking down one of the brothers approached him and asked why he was silent then he kicked him in the stomach and ordered him to respond to his great Brothers jyn fell down clutching his stomach sitting on the floor he reached for his sword but his brother pinned down his arm he said there was no point in training him and jyn grumbled in pain then this guy holding a notebook in his hands asked what is it hotly asked does he really think that after reading the book he will learn swordsmanship the blonde brother holding his
wooden sword in his hand said that the Jin was nothing and he was not worthy of a chance explaining that if they are given a chance they forget their place and cling to hope he asked why his brother did this then one of them grabbed Jin by the hair and told him that he was only doing it for his own good then one of them asked if this was what his Nanny taught him Jean said it wasn't Gilly's fault his brothers again reproached him for contradicting them and decided to teach him manners Brothers a complete
lack of talent all JY knew was that he needed to keep training he believed that only by training hard would he gain the recognition of his family and that he would eventually be recognized ized as a rang gendall jyn was banished from the castle from now on he is no longer part of the family he was kept alive on the grounds that they had taken his efforts into account so for 25 years he was exiled from his family and doomed to a miserable existence but then he met the master and realized that he had a
talent and not just a talent but a talent for magic which is forbidden in his family then the story is moved forward 3 years and we see jyn trying to replenish his Mana by combining it with natural Mana but suddenly a black aura envelops him jyn is at a loss as to what happened suddenly a clot of dark Aura appears behind him jyn asked him who he was clot replied that his name was solder and he was the Lord of Shadows our hero also introduced himself by giving his name the shadow Lord then offered jyn
a contract jyn was shocked solder it promised him that if Jen agreed he would gain more than just Shadow control but it can also remove any curse with the help of the Shadows solder discovered that jyn had been greatly hated as a child and that apparently his talents are sealed by a curse this curse is called the blade illusion and it suppresses your swordsmanship abilities such a terrible curse could not have fallen on one of the rank andellas That's What attracted the shadow Lord he stated that from now on jyn would not be affected by
any curse the shadow lord said that he would enjoy watching jyn become an outstanding Mage the magic dissipated and jyn went outside to test his swordsmanship skills drawing his sword from his belt he lunged jyn was surprised that solder was telling the truth now holding the sword in his hands jyn felt how light it was like a feather while swinging his sword jyn tried to add some magic thus he was able to combine sword and magic and now the worst swordsman in rankle history doesn't exist jyn exclaimed enthusiastically that he was finally buying it suddenly
three Knights who have been watching jyn all this time appear from behind the bushes suddenly jyn opens his eyes and hears screams covered in rocks and covered in blood he can't move his body felt so heavy he keeps hearing screams when he suddenly remembers they begin to call out to the master and solder it even though he is near death JY can't believe he died in his sleep he gets obsessive thoughts that he is a non-entity he regrets that he just got the chance to combine magic with the power of solder it in desperation he
only asks if it really had to end like this and if so why was he even given the chance then we see jyn being transported back to her childhood he is surrounded by men from his family JY wonders what's going on he knows he's dead and can't believe what's happening the girl turns to him and tells him not to hang up his nose Gan recognizes the same Nanny Jilly looking at the space around him he sees a field littered with swords and recognizes the same sword the sword of barisan suddenly jyn realizes that he's at
the selection ceremony he went back in time he is only oneyear old now everyone who was at the ceremony was surprised that jyn chose the sword of the family head in his previous life he chose this sword by pure chance but in this one he decided to make that choice himself jyn made up his mind and chose the Barada sword the group of people were shocked and couldn't believe their eyes his relatives knew that this sword was the sword of the head of the family and we see that the head of the family himself says
that his youngest son chose the Barada with that the selection ceremony was over and the order was given jyn must be taken to the castle of the storm we have a view of the Tempest Castle it looks really Grand and even lives up to its name a hand tries to reach the book we can see that it's Jim after failing to pick up the book he picks up a chair to reach out in parallel he says that it has already been six years since he was sent here according to the family's rules jyn will stay
in the castle until he is 10 years old this means that he will stay in the castle for another 3 years but as we can see this does not please him suddenly shouts are heard from somewhere when asked what happened a shocked maid sitting on the floor says to the main character there's a dead bird in his room seeing this jyn says that only the castle can do such a thing when his twin brothers suddenly step in and say oh look from their facial expressions it immediately becomes clear that it was they who killed the
poor bird one of these brothers is called Daytona ran kendle he is 9 years old and the 11th of the 13 sons of of ran candle the second one is called haon rank candle he is also 9 years old he is the 12th of ran candle's 13 Sons they sarcastically asked jyn if he liked the gift but jyn didn't say anything jyn only thought that he knew what kind of killers they would grow up to be they're only nined out and they've already killed a defenseless bird just to torment jyn Hatton tells jyn that he's
annoyed with him but jyn still doesn't say anything then they ask him about the fact that the future head of the family really does not put them in anything and they joke about where barsad jyn said something but Hatton didn't hear him so he started teasing him he told jyn to repeat it jyn fell silent again then Hatton grabbed him by the shoulder I almost hit him but JY blocked the kick just in time Hatton was at a loss jyn told Hatton to shut up jyn was giving off Dark Energy jyn then slapped his brother
Hatton in turn was outraged and exclaimed about how jyn dares to beat him then jyn hit him again this time the impact was even stronger with the words that JY had endured for a long time he prepared for the next blow and a mysterious Dark Energy was still coming from him Jean punched Hayton again this time in the stomach the room was noisy Jin said that from now on it was best for his brothers to stay out of his sight just then a man with a Red Cloak came to the noise he saw that the
twin brothers were lying unconscious and JY was standing next to them this person asked about what had happened here turning to the young masters then JY still emitting dark energy from his hand said the man's name his name was ham Han turned to jyn and asked him what he had done the young man Master lied to the con saying that the twin brothers had fought with each other Han didn't believe the young master and asked again Jinn then gave Han a cold look and said that they had fought and then plummeted Han had expected nothing
less from the rank candle even children were merciless he thought and with haon in his hands he didn't argue with JY and only accepted his lie Han was about to take the brothers to the doctor but JY interrupted him and said that they didn't need to see a doctor right now he motioned for Han to follow him it was raining outside at this time and the weather was not the most pleasant we see just finished burying the very bird that his brothers killed he was leaning slightly over the bird's burial sight he buried the bird
under a tree and there were two brothers lying unconscious it was raining outside and Han asked the young Master if he really wanted to drop the twins right there Han noticed that the rain continued to increase jyn just said what they needed remembering again what they had done he continued turning to Han with a cold look he said that they needed to think about their behavior Han had no choice but to obey the Master's order jyn went to the castle he left his Brothers in the mud and the rain but I didn't feel for a
second that I'd done anything wrong Han just stared at JY from behind him suddenly he felt a strange power it came from the boy Han was confused because jyn's power is not like an aura Han took a closer look at jyn's hand which was emitting Dark Energy he couldn't believe it was magic if Han was right then they had bigger problems than their brother's quarrels he must report to the Head about what happened in that jinna's magic then the con called out to a passing servant he ordered him to saddle his horse meanwhile J J
was already in the castle he watched Han from the window jyn immediately knew that Han wanted to report everything to his father Han wasn't just their security guard but also the one who kept an eye on them jyn realized that since he thought the boy had magic he wasn't going to give up so easily Dark Energy radiated from jyn's hand it turns out that this is the energy of Shadows it is proof of his contract with solder law the shadow Lord with this power JY realized that even death didn't break their contract in this life
thanks to this power he was immune to curses in particular the curse that was on him in his previous life namely the blade illusion curse thanks to this there was no longer a worse person in this life The Swordsman in the family's history as he was called in his previous life jyn was determined that a lot of things would be different from what they were in his previous life Ben Jinn decided that he needed to do something namely meet your father meanwhile Han had already finished reporting to his father about what had happened he was
kneeling on one day the father is clearly not happy with this course of events and did not comment on what happened only repeated the words of con that the younger one beat up the twins after that my father turned to the con he told him to gather the standard bearers the father is going to the youngest after bowing to his father one of the bannermen announced that all seven bannermen and 200 Knights were ready and then we see all the members of the standard bearers among them is a white-haired girl the same guy who reported
you were ready a smiling girl with black hair and a guy next to her the next shot shows us three more flag bearers after Gathering all the bannermen and knights my father had headed for tempest Castle here we see for the first time what it looks like he's dressed all in black has Ashen hair and looks menacing we see the rank andle coat of arms wriggling in the wind a woman's voice saying that everyone was gathered so suddenly we see that it is a girl one of the flag bearers she asks de calling him little
brother if he knows why she says she's already asked Luna but she doesn't seem to know either this deuka is Mary rank kendle the seventh standard bearer of the rank kendles yawning she says that she is not up to it and that she needs to beat the magician next to her stands de rank kandle the fourth standard bearer of the rank kandles he thinks out loud and says that the twins are only a year old and that they are hardly the problem then he answered Marie's question he said that the father went to see the
younger one Marie asked in Surprise why he went to see the younger one deth reminded her that jyn had chosen the family head sword at the selection ceremony she wondered if this was the only Prisa but she immediately responded by saying that they couldn't understand what was on their father's mind then one of the flag bearers called out to Marie and de she motioned for them to keep their voices down this girl's name is Luna Rank kendle and she is the first of the rank kendle bannermen Marie suddenly wondered why her father had decided to
check on her younger brother in person the only thing that occurred to her was that he was really special meanwhile The Nanny straightens the young Master's shirt and tells him that the head is coming to visit them she suggested that maybe the father wanted to see the children at the same time Jinn thinks that Han must have told his father everything jyn thinks Han is he would never say it directly jyn believes that Han probably just described everything he saw while the nanny was brushing his hair all he could think about was what was going
on he assumed that Han had described his power as something that was neither Aura nor magic my father was definitely interested in figuring out what it was he wanted to see if this power of einen could contribute to the greatness and prosperity of the family meanwhile the castle Gates opened and the Knights came in their swords pointed at the sky the knights wore iron shoulder pads and helmets that Protected Their Heads then a voice greeted my father who was the first to enter the castle and here is the very sort of the head of the
family Barada my father ordered the twins to be brought in the Twins were kneeling on one knee in front of their father their father asked them about their fight with jyn and he asked them to tell him what their fault was the twins stiffened at the question and were somewhat confused but they quickly found a way out of the situation they said it wasn't their fault and jyn attacked them first they put all the blame on him once again they reminded their father that he had defeated them with his unknown power which is not like
an or more like magic and then the twins pleased with themselves said that magic is forbidden in their family ner who was standing in the room confirmed that magic was forbidden and was about to start talking about questioning jyn when her father interrupted her he turned to his sons and told them to remember that they would not survive in the rank handle family like this the Twins were only startled and silently headed for the exit and my father ordered me to bring jyn in his father's name was shyon rankle he is the strongest and most
indifferent person in the world he is the greatest hero of the the time a demigod the quintessential Knight after becoming a knight instead of a mere human he lost most of his emotions now he is only obsessed with the clan and its development for shyon someone without a talent for swordsmanship is just an empty space so it was in the past when jyn was cursed but now it's different after collecting his thoughts jyn was firmly convinced that everything would change in this lifetime he will make everyone respect him he headed for the entrance he opened
the gate and all eyes were on him as soon as he took a step and entered he immediately got down on one knee he greeted his father calling him Master shyon asked him why jyn called him Master instead of father to which Jen argued that his brothers sisters and knights were here several hundred people that's why he decided it was an official visit he chose what he considered appropriate treatment Luna was surprised by jyn's answer and admitted that it was very comprehensive after finishing his answer jyn thanked him and called him Master again shyon told
the boy that he was in the castle today for a different reason so the boy can call him father shyon decided to ask jyn the same question he had asked the twins he asked about what prompted jyn to do this jyn clenched his fist and said it was just Revenge he said that every rang gandle should give what they deserve Marie was surprised by his words JY continued by saying that it didn't matter if they did him good or evil shyon said nothing he ordered jyn to stay and everyone else to come out the knights
began to discuss the situation they talked about whether the junior was able to pass the head test one of the flag Bears told them not to stand around and follow orders the knights obeyed everyone headed for the exit before she left Marie turned around and said with a smile that a conversation with her father alone was pretty good for such a small child as soon as everyone left shyon said that he would like to ask JY a few questions in person according to the twins jyn has some special power jyn tried to hide it and
started talking about how rank Kindles aren't allowed to use magic after all then you cannot fully focus on fencing and reach the top of your skill but shyon was insistent and once again asked the boy what this power was he said that if it was magic he wouldn't just let it go jyn started to answer thinking that as long as his father knew about his powers he wouldn't let go the boy himself wondered what kind of power it was the power of solder it jyn said that he doesn't know what it is maybe magic or
maybe Aura it began to emit Shadow energy he himself was wondering what such a power was called so he created a bundle of dark energy to demonstrate it to his father he asked his father to help him figure it out seeing this my father suddenly realized what kind of power it was this is the power of the founder of the rang gandal family by taking a look at this the father realized that the boy has the energy of Shadows the same energy that the Barada has my father came to the conclusion that he was indeed
destined to lead the family the boy holding a ball of Shadow energy turned to his father my father spoke he said that jyn had the power of sth the god of Shadows jyn asked his father if it was really the power of the Shadow God my father confirmed it my father told me that sold had made a contract with Lord Tamer the founder of the rank kendle family solder it has since become the patron saint of the family however since tamer's death the shadow God was never seen again my father couldn't explain why solder it
had decided that but it looked like solder it was trying to contact the rank handle through JY then the boy said that he wanted to ask his father something he asked his father about the shadow gone why soldit is stronger than shyon my father turned his back and pondered he said he didn't know and that he had never had to fight a god before jyn pondered the answer puzzled looking at shyon smiling face he couldn't think of a better answer my father turned to jyn he called him son and his hand started moving closer to
jyn's head jyn was startled he thought something was going to happen but shyon placed his hand on his son's head and praised him he told him it was good to ask his innocent question gave shyon a great topic of conversation shyon said that seeing jyn was the right thing to do he added that he also wanted to ask a question he wondered what jyn would do with her power JY put his hand to his heart and said that he was going to use it for the good of the family then the father looked at the
boy with disapproval and muttered his own words that he would use the force for the good of the family after that a smile appeared on his stubbly face and he exclaimed loudly that the Jin made him laugh jyn didn't understand what was going on he stood silently in front of his father jyn's father told him that he beat up his brothers I put them outside in a thunderstorm and I asked him how he dares to say that the power is for the good of his family jyn stood silently with his head bowed my father told
me to tell jyn not to lie to him jyn knew that his father wouldn't just just forget about it jyn was trembling but he still Found the courage and determination to respond he said that he uses his power to achieve his goals his father frowned again and looked at Jee in silence when suddenly he said that he liked this answer JY was surprised that such an answer suited his father Shon headed for the exit as he passed JY he said that he would keep an eye on him shyon walked out but jyn was still standing
in the same spot once the door closed JY could no longer contain his emotions he was really scared panting he was glad he'd gotten away with it he was also glad that he was able to find out what this Shadow energy was and that it was justified he couldn't have expected his father to be interested a moment from his previous life popped up in his mind a moment where he was standing broken behind his father who didn't even pay attention to him but this life is the exact opposite of the last one clenching his fist
jyn thought with a smile on his face jyn and his Nanny were taking a walk in the Tempest Castle suddenly someone called out to him it was Marie and she handed him the box he asked his little sister what it was she said it was a special gift from her big sister she gave it to the babysitter saying it was Heavy what was in that box jyn didn't know and couldn't guess Marie told him to cook it well to chew it thoroughly and she wished him to grow up big and strong de asked Marie where
her suitcase was she said she gave it to Junior hearing this jyn wondered why she had given it to him jyn opened the suitcase when he opened it the nanny was shocked orange energy radiated from the box he saw that there was something that looked like a heart and a strange energy was coming from it it turned out to be the heart of a phoenix and JY could tell that he was confused to give something like this to a child you have to be crazy Marie rank kendle Knight of the sixth rank seventh standard bearer
of the rank candles they called her raging wind she has another nickname but few people know about it it is also called The Fury of the Southern lands obviously the battle mad sister had given jyn such a gift her wishes for him to grow big and strong were not empty words she wanted him to fight her jyn was sitting at the table he reasoned that if you eat the Phoenix Heart at such a young age you can not only get resistance to fire but also grow faster he also remembered that a sixth ranked Mage needed
the Phoenix Heart to safely summon it he had already imagined that he might even be able to summon a phoenix in this lifetime meanwhile The Nanny came over with a plate in her hands she set the plate down on the table and I noticed that lady Marie had given Jean such a lovely present she asked Jin to start eating while the dish was still warm JY was about to start but there were two brothers standing behind him they looked like they were hungry too he asked them not to delay and directly say what they want
they didn't show any sign of insinuating that they had cooked too much that Jin couldn't handle the whole pot alone jyn asked them if they really wanted it and they immediately started nodding then jyn decided to give them something to do the two brothers went to the mine and duck of course they weren't happy that they were doing this they thought why should they we wondered what the point of all this was they were afraid that they would get in trouble for digging around here the second brother said that if something happens the younger one
will answer forgetting about all the inconen conveniences for the sake of soup they continued to dig suddenly it turned out that the mine they were digging was directly above a certain room suddenly we see that a person is in a cell that is filled with water it is immediately clear that it is well protected we can see what kind of person he is it gives off a dark aura that resembles the energy of Shadows seeing his face it becomes clear that he is unconscious and most likely he was imprisoned in such a place the twins
did return they had completed jy's errand The Nanny was at a loss as to what they were doing upon their return JY congratulated them and said that they had done it quickly the two brothers were disheveled and their clothes were covered in mud they were standing with a shovel pickaxe and Lantern one of them said that they had completed jyn's errand and were entitled to soup then jyn who was wearing a raincoat said that the soup was already waiting for them on the table Daytona was glad to hear that when they saw two spoons with
some soup in them the only thing they could say was to ask where then they turned to JY and called him little brother they were not happy with the fact that there is only a teaspoon and does not seem to him that this is not enough jyn replied that he said he would give you some soup but didn't say how much after that he rhetorically asked if he kept his promise and then wished him a good appetite the brothers sarcastically thanked him clearly displeased then the action takes place in the forest among the trees JY
took off his hood he seems to have noticed something it turns out that jyn came to the same mine where the Twins were digging he had given them an assignment to dig a mine for a bit and didn't expect them to try so hard after knocking on the wall jyn determined that a first rank spell was would be enough to break through such a wall after that jyn created a green ball in his hands and a green colored magic Aura appeared around it he said that he was almost upset that he didn't have anywhere to
throw his magic he leaned his hands against the wall a round magic rune appeared rocks flew in all directions jyn managed to break through the wall he said that he was finally in his seats it turned out that he got into the secret storage of the ran candle looking at the sealed gate he thought that in his previous life he never got here so now he feels somewhat awkward he stood in front of the gate and thought about what his older brother had told him namely the code phrase needed to open the gate suddenly jyn
thought of something and smiled JY standing in front of the door said that the rang gandle child wanted to comfort mureen that was the secret code the door began to move it opened and Jin entered the Vault this Vault holds the secrets of the families that the rank kandle have destroyed over the past Millennium this storage was really huge only the rank kandle Bannerman could enter this vault in his previous life jyn's brother had said that he didn't need to know about this place since he wouldn't be the standard Bearer anyway even so his brother
helped jyn remembering this jyn decided that now he would find a use for his knowledge suddenly jyn saw a strange dark Aura he didn't understand what it was when he got a better look he saw that there was a human inside the cell but then he saw that he had scales on his face and realized that he wasn't a human at first he thought about where this creature came from but suddenly he realized something very important in the same code phrase the name miren is pronounced jyn guessed that the creature behind the glass was miren
JY wondered if this was the black dragon you reckon it is said that the first standard Bearer defeated the black dragon and sent him into a deep sleep up until this point jyn hadn't believed in Legends he thought they were just fairy tales jyn stood looking at miren for a moment longer then he came to his senses and his priority was the books he was looking for JY continued to search for books suddenly miren who had been sleeping for centuries moved his finger jyn found the book he was looking for he was standing in front
of a bookshelf and he said that it contained The Secret of various families deciding to start with the kin family who were also Swordsmen he picked up the book as he read he realized that the theory was too complicated for third rank magic jyn wanted to take all the books with him but then he might be caught with the books especially since there was nowhere to hide them then he found a way out of the situation he decided that he would come and copy books he came back from the Vault and read the book copied
from there as if nothing had happened but no one could suspect him the next day he also sat and copied the book in the vault suddenly he heard strange noises he was scared so he got up from the table and put things off for later jyn asked who was there he couldn't believe that someone would come here from Tempest castle at this hour suddenly the doors opened and the man turned to JY and asked who he was JY was shocked he recognized Meen he couldn't understand why muren had awakened jyn couldn't remember ever hearing about
his Awakening in his previous life at the same time muren stared at the boy in silence there were scales on his face and his eye was like a snakes and glowed yellow jyn stood there in fear he tried to reassure himself that mirac and the dragon was the rankle family's guardian and that if jyn showed respect he would spare the child JY introduced himself he said he was a rankle child and that he welcomes the guardian of the family hearing this Morin's face changed his veins bulged even on his forehead suddenly he started shouting and
asking jyn what he called him Duren asked jyn again if he had called him a guardian he was very angry and shouted so loudly that Jin covered his ears with his hands mirakin also indignantly said how dare Jin treat him like a servant he started cursing rankle he was shouting about what rankle had told The Descendants that he was now considered a guardian he said he wouldn't take it out on the small stuff but he's Furious but come to think of it he'd already snapped at Gina then mirakin calmed down crouching down and repeating the
word devil several times he took a deep breath in and out then said he'd been locked up for a while just woke up and seiz the baby jyn stood in front of miren puzzled and didn't understand anything when mirakin suddenly leaned over the boy and tried to smell something he asked why JY smelled like Shadow energy nuren said that even though he had slept for a thousand years he definitely hadn't forgotten the smell according to him only those who sign a contract with solder at smell like Tamer the founder of rankles once did suddenly the
boy understood why muren had awakened it turned out that it was all because of his strength meanwhile muren was trying to smell where the shadow energy was coming from then JY decided that it was time to try something he turned to Mr muren muren asked him what the boy knew about Shadow energy back then jyn personally demonstrated his Mastery of Shadow energy jyn said that according to his father the god of Shadows gave the boy his power this clearly didn't please Meen a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead and he couldn't believe what he
was seeing hoping it was solder's joke he was very upset that the one he had been waiting for for a thousand years was just a child as a result there was an awkward pause between them the two of them stood in silence looking at each other nuren was on his knees exhausted and turned to Jim he told him a story about how he had once made a promise to solder it and it looked like murein would have to team up with jyn to fulfill that promise jyn started to ask mureen something about his promise to
solder it but mureen cut him off he said that he would explain everything later because he had just woken up and wasn't thinking straight yet and I don't think jyn will understand but at least he wanted to introduce himself properly to sod's follower Shadow energy appeared around mureen JY was shocked at how much Shadow energy miren was using miren introduced himself and said that he was a repres resentative of solder his hand was shrouded in Shadow energy and there were claws where his fingers should have been gradually his body was completely shrouded in this energy
nuren also said that he is a friend of solder and The Last Descendant of the first creature created from the shadow nuren was completely different from his human form his eyes glowed white and he had wings instead of arms finally he turned into a dragon and a powerful Shadow energy radiated from him he said that according to the Thousand-Year contract from now on he would serve jyn jyn couldn't say a word he just wondered if such a great being would serve him mureen in the form of a dragon asked jyn for his name in response
jyn smiled and looked at mureen when he knocked off his fist he revealed himself as Jin rank kendle the 13th and youngest of the rank kendle family the black dragon mureen mount murin a place with violent winds is named after this Dragon Once Upon a Time the black dragon mirakin ruled the lands of the rank candle but a thousand years ago Tamor slain nurin buur Castle is said to have been destroyed as a result nuren fell into into a deep sleep jyn came out of the Vault he wasn't sure if the Founder's Guardian Dragon was
telling the truth anyone who makes a contract with a God must be paired with a guardian Dragon however the guardian of solder didn't know anything about the dragon JY assumes it's all because of mirin's hibernation but now that he's awake he's going to be a personal Guardian Jin thought at the entrance to the Vault he indicated in advance that he had come miren was glad to see the boy more precisely what he brought with him jyn gave him a snack that the nanny had prepared for him jyn said said that since they would spend the
next few days together it is worth asking miren about everything that he is interested in that's how JY hid mirakin in the secret library for a long time while mirakin ate jyn asked him questions and once again jyn asked about the battle with Tor mirakin said he shouldn't remember because it was 1,000 years ago JY just stood there not knowing what to say nen said he was sure of one thing but before he finished he asked for another strawberry pie it turned out that the ancient black dragon-like strawberry pie Moren asked Jen what he was
doing here jyn said he brought empty books and wrote down everything Nan said he was surprised and asked if jyn understood anything at all only 30% jyn said nen told him not to lose heart and complimented him on how good it was for his age other children are not capable of this and even lazy jyn retorted that this was true for ordinary children and he's a rank kendle and he can't afford it he has 12 older brothers and sisters and also Mom Dad grandparents and if he wants to crush them he'll have to try harder
JY asked m and how much of this book the founder himself would have understood JY thought about how he would look compared to the strongest man in history how he could have proved himself nuren replied that at jyn's age he wouldn't have understood a single line but theory is not always necessary nuren said that even though Tamer didn't read books he still fought well he added that jyn has the potential of Tamor but he is no match for him it seems that jyn is very hurt by this he asked miren if this meant that he
would never lead the family after a brief pause miren replied that he wasn't he said that once jyn signed a contract with solder so did Tor and reads something so complex putting his hand on jyn's head he said that jyn was still young he needs to be patient and train more and then he will be as strong as Tor nuren said that JY might even be able to surpass him then when jyn asked if he really believes there Moren replied that this is indeed the case and he said that solder it had a nickname for
Infinity solder's power is Limitless so he's like a follower too so he told jyn to keep his head down and believe in himself so Moren decided to teach jyn a secret technique to lighten his mood a little nuren placed his palm on jyn's back and released some energy the boy was in pain and asked what kind of technique it was miren said that this is a technique for releasing Shadow energy it was the first time jyn had ever heard of such a technique which wasn't surprising since he wasn't experienced in using Shadow Magic yet according
to mureen this technique should be able to be done by anyone who is connected with Shadow Magic beginnings and endings of Shadow energy subjugation training but miren warned that if the boy did not master everything it could be dangerous so they will learn carefully and gradually interested the boy accepted the terms and immediately asked where to start nuren said that first you need to learn how to unleash Mana jyn asked why it was necessary but at the same time he remembered that he often did this in his previous life nen explained that releasing Shadow energy
is opening and moving the flow of Mana to do this you need to have perfect Mana control he said they would be doing it for the next 2 or 3 years Jinan thought that it was too long n and smiled and looked away saying that you can't learn something Advanced without knowing the basics so once they learn how to move their Mana they'll start learning how to move it meanwhile jyn had already revealed his Mana holding the magic sphere in his hands he asked Moren what to do next as soon as mirakin saw this he
was shocked how did he do it asked miren it turned out that jyn has been able to do this for a long time miren said that he couldn't believe his eyes so he asked jyn if he wanted to learn how to move Mana but JY as if nothing had happened immediately moved the Mana sphere from from one hand to the other mirin was pleasantly surprised by this he said that only the greatest Geniuses are capable of such a thing since the boy had all the basics miren had no choice but to show what the release
of Shadow energy looked like miren explained that the energy of Shadows is drawn oddly enough From Shadows sold created all the shadows in the world meanwhile we see that the Shadows around Moran begin to distort and seem to reach out to him that is why miren continued solder it is the Lord of all the Shadows of the world and jyn is his follower suddenly Shadows began to move across the floor Shadows from all objects suddenly came to life and gathered in one place under mirin's feet miren said that jyn could also become a shadow Lord
he turned to the boy and asked him what he thought about it this was the release of Shadow energy jyn's face was ecstatic at the same time a battle took place somewhere in the forest lady Luna stood with a sword in her hands over the monster she had defeated a knight turned to her and informed her that everything was clear on their territory there are five areas left to be cleaned up which you need to deal with in order to complete the task according to Luna 4 months is enough for them and now the knights
can rest with a look full of sadness she was standing on a battlefield she swung her sword shaking off the blood on it and wondered if this was something that 9-year-olds liked the corpses of various creatures were scattered around her half a year after jyn met miren the twins left the Tempest Castle the twins said that they would see each other again and jyn wish them to take care of themselves and so the twins got into the carriage and drove away meanwhile JY has already turned turned 9 years old his Nanny Gilly you wished him
a happy birthday and gave him a kick jyn thanked The Nanny and asked her to give everyone a peace then all of a sudden Han came into the room Han apologized for interrupting jyn asked him what had happened jyn started talking as Luna was already entering the castle Han informed jyn that lady Luna had arrived at the castle jyn and the nanny were surprised by Luna's visit Luna was the first standard bearer of the rank candle and a KN of the ninth rank she was the firstborn of the head of the family the nickname white
whale has been a established for her even though Luna was stronger than her siblings she wasn't interested in a power struggle she's not involved in a dirty war for the throne so she's really like a lone white whale that's why Luna never cared about other children in a previous life Jen and Luna didn't even seem to be a family they were so far apart that's why her visit surprised jyn so much at first jyn thought something terrible had happened he then assumed that she had somehow found out that he was in the secret library and
so they met each other Luna's first sentence was just that jyn had grown up jyn thought it was an official visit so he told Luna that if he had known she was coming he would have dressed appropriately Luna in turn only said that he was cute and did she really need to notify everyone in order to see her younger brother jyn was confused and didn't understand what was going on Luna took him by the shoulders and asked if he was Ill because he didn't look well jyn replied that he wasn't sick but just a little
nervous suddenly Luna was lost in thought jyn said it's the first time he's seen her up close that's why he's on edge suddenly Luna thought about his words she thought jyn thought thought she was trying to follow him or something because it's normal in the ran candle family to follow relatives steal from them trample them in the mud suddenly Luna became nervous and after a short pause hesitantly said that she had behaved disrespectfully jyn was surprised and asked her again then Luna said that jyn might be Mal but she shouldn't have forgotten that he was
rank handle after all then she lowered her eyes and apologized to jyn she got down on one knee and called jin baby and said to him she wanted to talk to him in private and asked him if Nanny and the Knights could leave them for a while Jen was surprised that she wanted to talk to him alone he replied that he would also like to talk but he still didn't understand what she wanted but he assumed it was nothing bad jyn little brother Luna said she wanted to tell him something that was something that was
the reason why she came without an invitation jyn is interested and asks what it is Luna said that when his father visited him his behavior attracted all the siblings then she took his hand gently and told him that it meant that once he left the castle of storm they would be watching him closely Luna was clearly worried about her brother's fate and said something else to him she hoped that he could live happily ever after without getting involved in a family conflict Luna really didn't want JY to be harmed by the rank kendle family's Customs
after saying that JY realized why Luna had decided to visit him it turns out that my sister came out of the war for the throne jyn then wondered why she didn't tell him about it in her previous life if she didn't want him to get involved in the war for the throne there were two possible reasons why this happened perhaps it was because he was unworthy to even speak to her or maybe in her previous life she didn't warn him because no one even saw him as a rival jyn put his hand on Luna's wrist
and said that he was really grateful to her but he really wasn't going to get knocked out of the game then Luna tried to change his mind by saying that she really wasn't joking and that she wasn't talking to him because she thought he would become her competitor jyn let it be known that he knew it was serious but there was already an attempt on his life by assassination he meant that he had a curse on him and his death in a previous life suddenly Luna's face changed abruptly and she asked JY what he was
talking about JY said that because of this there is no turning back suddenly a dark purple Aura began to emanate from the Moon and she asked JY who dared to do this angered she asked again about who had dared to attack him in the Tempest Castle the entire room and even the cup on the table began to shake from the aura of the Moon Jen looked up at the moon at that moment he saw a different moon from the one that had communicated with him a moment ago her eyes were filled with anger and she
was ready to kill kill the one who dared to attack jyn she asked jyn a few more times who wanted to kill him but jyn chose to hide it by saying that it was classified information then he clarified that he didn't really know who it was but even though he was attacked he's fine right now thanks to Luna's reaction JY realized that not all of his relatives hated him and he was glad to see that they didn't suddenly Luna full of sadness hugged jyn it turns out that jyn has already been dragged into this vile
conflict Luna said it saddened her in his previous life jiny wouldn't have thought that Luna was so kind and empathetic Luna changed the subject and said that today is a holiday and you should not talk about sad things it's jyn's birthday after all Luna came to congratulate him and with that she reached into her pocket and pulled out something she took out the box and presented it to her brother in this box there was a pendant with a blue stone in the center she asked jyn to turn his back for a second while holding the
pendant and after putting the pendant on him she said that if he was in a desperate situation he would have to break the blue stone and when he breaks it she will come to his Aid wherever she is so she asked Jinn to never take off this pendant Luna leaned a little closer to JY a smile on her face and wished him a happy birthday everyone was sitting at the table drinking tea and the nanny had brought Strawberry Shortcake Luna even managed to spoon feed JY like a small child so it made JY uncomfortable meanwhile
his Nanny stood there and watched with a smile as Luna loved her little brother after all this Luna said goodbye and said that it was time for her to go jyn told her to take care of herself and wave goodbye to her as well now wearing a pendant with a large Blue Stone jyn came to Maran judging by the way muren he greeted him and waited for Jen nurin didn't really have time to say anything before he noticed what was on jyn's neck when asked what was on his neck jyn said it was a birthday
present then miren told jyn that the person who gave it to him seems to love him very much judging from mirin's reaction this pendant was special jyn asked mirakin what it was this pendant is an artifact of the Demon King orgal nuren told the story that a thousand years ago people risk their lives just to get one of his artifacts is this pendant really that amazing ask Jim mirakin replied that this pendant gives the wear a resistance to attacking magic no higher than rank five and also increases their magic power and it is possible that
it has the ability to summon nuren knew a lot about the pendant because he was living in that period he said that there was a person with very strong energy here and assumed that the gift was from him jyn said it was a gift from his older sister and asked if he could sense her energy even from here muren actually sensed her energy even from the secret vault but more than that he said that she also noticed his energy JY was afraid of that he asked muren if she would tell anyone about it muren said
that there was no reason to worry since she had given him something so precious after all and pointed to the pendant he asked if Jen thought she would turn in her brother and leave him to die he assured JY that he could trust her and yet it turns out that the moon actually felt Morin's energy on the way out of the Tempest Castle she said that there was a strong energy coming from here that wasn't there before but she wasn't hostile quite the opposite she is ready to pretend that she doesn't know anything even if
her brother is up to something JY in turn should always remember that no matter how much he grows up she will always be on his side jyn thought that life at Tempest Castle would be incredibly boring but it brought him a lot of things father's recognition and hopes Phoenix Heart from Sister Marie friendship with the moon and even getting to know the dragon Guardian nen this was something jyn had never dreamed of in his previous life jyn is doing really well right now because he's only 10 years old the action takes place in a room
with a lot of weapons in it jyn fights with a man who punches him but the teacher blocks him it turns out that this is part of his preparation for moving to the central Castle the man hits him back but jyn manages to block it jyn lunges again and lands a powerful punch but the man blocks it again this man did not expect any other after fighting with jyn he understood why the master himself was interested in him when this man was training others he was judging their abilities but judging by the look in his
eyes it was jyn who was judging whether he was fit to be a teacher and so their duel ended this man is jyn's teacher he said that she had enough today then the teacher turned to JY and asked if there was anything that didn't suit him during the training session the man bowed and said that it was an honor to teach JY he added that it wasn't long before JY left the castle and the teacher promised him that he would do his best to prepare him in the best possible way jyn just smiled and said
that he would rely on the teacher after practice jyn held a candle in his hands and looked at it with interest he stuck his finger right into the flame suddenly he exclaimed that he had finally succeeded the nanny who saw this was worried that he might have been burned Gina turned to The Nanny and said that now for him fire is like warm water The Nanny giggled and said she was glad lady Mar gift was working she had only heard of the Phoenix heart but had never seen its effects in person and neither had Jin
jyn got this ability because he ate half of the Phoenix heart and he planned to eat the other half in a couple of years meanwhile his Nanny was already packing up her things and informed him that they were leaving the castle at dawn when she saw two books lying on the table she asked him if he should take them with him on the journey jyn said yes he would read them on the way the nanny asked him if he could take anything else to which jyn said no after packing up his things she told him
that she would also make him a strawberry pie jyn said that he would like to have a pie and suddenly jumped up and remembered something he said he'd take a little walk jyn went to the secret vault and met miren there he told miren that he was leaving tomorrow miren said that he had been waiting for this day but jyn wondered quite logically how he was going to take mirakin with him in response mirakin replied with a grin that he was a legendary black dragon and there was no need to panic as a friend miren
started talking about how he was weak but even that wouldn't stop him from going after jyn without anyone noticing jyn asked mirakin why he hadn't said anything about being weak before it was all because he had been asleep for a thousand years jyn asked if miren would be able to regain his strength but he replied that they would become stronger together after all miren is his Dragon Guardian so miren told jyn that he was becoming a strong swordsman Mage like Tamar jyn asked muren about the fact that the rank kandle were originally both Swordsmen and
magicians as a friend he recalled what he had heard from solder in his previous life solder had told him that their family were Swordsmen and magicians the founder of the Tor run kendle family was the strongest swordsman Mage in history apparently at this time everyone forgot about it suddenly mirakin started talking about how rank Andel had rejected Magic and was only aiming for swordsmanship because of a humiliating contract made a thousand years ago although mirakin is revered as the guardian of the family it is unlikely that anyone will be happy about his return but if
that had happened a thousand years ago he and jyn would have been honored for bringing back the world's noblest creature mirin set jyn asked miren if he really thought thought so miren thought for a moment then admitted that it sounded like nonsense but whatever it was he would hide well and ask jyn not to worry about it Jin asked miren what would happen if someone came to the Vault and found him missing miren said that he would cast him illusion using Dragon magic Jee asked what would happen if the illusion was discovered miren got angry
grabbed jyn's head and rhetorically asked jyn if he had forgotten that miren was a shadow dragon mirakin said that for him to cast an illusion is a mere trifle but since mirakin has weakened this illusion won't last long but he promised that he would support her as long as he could until he regained his strength jyn was about to leave and thanked muren murin only pointed out that since jyn was grateful he could have shown more respect jyn suddenly remembered that he had something from mureen he reached into his bag and pulled out a strawberry
pie as well as the wine he'd stolen nuren was very happy with this offering after giving him the wine JY only asked him not to get drunk so as not to impose some strange illusion miraca couldn't contain his emotions and exclaimed that he had raised Jin for a reason and also asked jyn to introduce him to his Nanny and now it was time to leave jyn was warned by the Nanny not to expect life to be his peaceful as it was inside the walls of Tempest Castle hajin may have trained hard at the castle but
now his life will be much more complicated and she won't be able to make him cake in more jyn told her not to worry and that he understood everything and would give it his all the nanny bowed to him and said that she would also devote herself completely to him suddenly someone came up to them and called out to the young Master it turned out to be the Knights of the Guard J and Holtz they greeted him these two knights had to make sure that jyn arrived at the Garden of swords in one piece so
jyn left the Tempest Castle on this day October 30th 1790 jyn left Barry Castle as I climbed into the carriage he was only thinking that he was finally leaving this place and so the horses started and the carriage drove off jyn was really waiting to be sent to the rank kendle estate to the Garden of swords jyn and his Nanny were on their way to the Garden of Swords it was snowing heavily outside at this rate it's going to snow all the way and they have to wait it out in the nearest Village Jin said
the nanny said that if there was too much snow they wouldn't be able to teleport suddenly The Carriage stopped abruptly the knights outside reported that it was an ambush and asked them to stay in the carriage The Nanny hugged Jin and said that everything would be fine and asked him not to worry Geral and Holtz are seventh ranked Knights and Gilly is with him from The Sounds coming from outside Jilly could tell that there were about 20 enemies out there among them are magic war and perhaps even archers but there's hardly anyone above the seventh
rank suddenly Jin thought of something he told Jilly to get out of the carriage at once Jilly didn't understand and asked Jee what he was talking about JY said that the nights of the Guard should not leave a run and child unattended under any circumstances one of the knights had to stay jyn said and suddenly Nanny understood too this meant that at least one of these knights was a traitor or an impostor jyn said that something might have been planted in the carriage so they should leave Jilly was angry and took the attack as a
MTI suddenly from behind the sleeves of Gilly's battle claws appeared she said that she would protect Jen and asked him to forgive if he could not control himself Jil slammed her claws down hard and the door shattered into splinters the snow continued to fall outside Jill was carrying Jean In Her Arms running with him in her arms she said that as soon as they arrived at the estate she would accept the punishment she deserved jyn said that he needed to go back to the knights because he wanted to make sure of something when Gilly asked
him what he wanted to make sure of jyn said what kind of War their allies might have arranged jyn supposed that if the attackers wanted him they would have attacked him when he got off The Carriage but it was too quiet and suspicious The Nanny listened to Jean and decided to give him a chance to see for himself when they arrived at the scene and saw oneeyed red-haired man shouting for his subordinates to find jyn ranad jyn's guess was correct there were two groups on the battlefield one called demon and the other called black Sakura
one of the groups was a group of magicians from the UDA family which in turn was part of the midal family of magicians the second group were the mercenaries from the black king squad one of the Mages spotted jyn's Nanny Jilly McClaren and gin ran chandle with her their main goal is to protect Jin run kendle suddenly the same red-haired oneeyed man stepped in front of JY and Jilly blocking them out he introduced himself his name is murea and he is the captain of the black king Squad he came here on the orders of the
rank kendles to rescue JY run kendle at the center of the battlefield were the two knights who had promised to bring jyn to the Garden of swords in one piece it turned out that they were the ones who dared to attack the young Master they were in a fighting stance and were ready to fight to the last these two knights weren't traitors they were imposters as if they were truly seventh ranked Knights they would have no problem dealing with everyone the two knights were surrounded by the men from the black king Squad and the Mages
from the UDA family the knights were desperate with despair suddenly Jilly screamed and asked who they were working for and what they needed one of the knights said with a grin that it was an obvious question enraged he said that he would not answer the rankle mut The Nanny asked JY what she should do JY coldly ordered her to kill one of the knights then cut off the other's hands and bring them to him Jill obeyed the order she made a sharp lunge towards the Knight who had been rude to her the last thing this
Knight saw was Gilly's menacing gaze so she stabbed the knight in the throat and killed him after finishing the first one she started moving towards the second white-haired Knight the Knight was terrified but nevertheless prepared to defend himself before he knew it Jill had already stabbed him and he saw his own blood she knocked him down and chopped off his arm then she also mercilessly chopped off his other arm the Knight was terrified and screamed in pain the seemingly fragile girl ruthlessly defeated her opponent opponents while never doubting her actions holding the Knight by the
hair she dragged him to jyn's feet jyn told the Knight that some of their patrons had greatly underestimated their opponents after all to become a nanny in the rank kendle family you need to be a warrior of at least the seventh rank so JY advised him that if they wanted to kill any of the children they should send three or four eighth rank Knights lying on the floor with two arms missing the Knight shouted with all his strength that this was just a warning and the rule of the rank handle would soon come to an
end jyn said that he understood and that he wanted the the same thing because if the rung candle rule comes to an end then Jin rung candle's rule will begin the Knight raised his head with the last of his strength as he looked at jyn and shouted glory to the great zipple family jyn thought about it and remembered what kind of zipple family it was here we are introduced to another famous family apart from the ran rang gandal there was another strong family that ruled the other half of the world unlike the rang gandal who
chase after swordsmanship this family is honing their magic skills a thousand years ago after the death of the rang gandal founder temp zipple and the rang gandal made a humiliating pack forbidding the rang gandal from using magic and all their magical abilities were sealed the zipple family has been a sworn enemy of the rank Kendall family for a thousand years and now it becomes clear what a humiliating contract miren was talking about jyn said that he was wondering who would do such a thing but these Knights are just followers of the Zippel he told Gilly
that they would leave the Knight somewhere nearby since there was no point in talking to him then the nurse took the Knight by the hair and dragged him somewhere the Knight only asked to kill him jyn stood there thinking that even though the Zippel were sworn enemies of the rank candle and still made the rank candle fearful they had nothing to do with what had happened today it looks like their followers are doing whatever they want still jyn felt that something wasn't quite right what confused him was that no matter how good the disguise was
it wasn't that easy to trick a rangin seven Warrior and then he wondered if that had helped them and the image of a man in a white shirt and glasses standing with his back turn made it impossible to make out his face after throwing the night out somewhere nearby The Nanny informed JY that he had obeyed his orders jyn then spoke to the captain of the black King's Squad he told the captain that he had survived only because they had diverted attention to themselves and that as soon as jyn arrived at the castle he would
report on how Captain mura had helped them jyn said that he had no doubt that the family would reward the captain handsomely but for now he ordered him to take care of the teleportation gate suddenly the captain looked at jyn standing next to the nanny and thought that jyn was just a child but even though he was a rank handle wasn't it too early for him to walk around so freely outside the castle Captain Mira didn't understand why jyn was so confident since he was only 10 years old and then Mira seriously thought about jyn's
words that really jyn's words about establishing the rule of JY rank kandle are not childish fantasies and he is completely serious after some thought he turned to his subordinates and ordered them to monitor their behavior while the gate was being prepared for teleportation he also ordered them not to do anything the members of the black king Squad didn't understand what the order was at all they were upset and wondered why they should bother with their behavior at all apparently I've never ordered this as a captain before Jilly informed captain nura that they were ready to
leave then let's go he said smiling awkwardly and putting his hand to his heart the soldiers had never seen the captain behave like this so they were also in a slightly awkward situation the captain Nanny and jyn walked through the snowy location in front of Kama while the rest of the group walked behind I don't think anything will happen if they leave those imposters unattended jyn said that nothing would happen even if they were found dead or alive they would serve as a good example to their comrades and he praed Jilly judging by the words
of the black King's Squad the heroes will reach the village in 2 hours and there they plan to wait out the snowfall Jan turned to Jilly he said that she shouldn't blame herself for what happened today and that even hand a KN of the ninth rank didn't suspect anything therefore it is even harder for her Warriors of the seventh rank to notice something comma and there is nothing wrong with what he says that a night guardian should do Jilly turned her back on Jean and apologized feeling ashamed Jin suddenly remembered that Jilly hadn't changed at
all the fate of every rang gandal nanny is linked to the fate of the child entrusted to her Jilly had been his nanny in a previous life so because he didn't have the talent she was bulled by the other nanas but she never blamed Jim and when he was exiled from the family Jill was exiled with him and then she only apologized to him for not being able to serve him properly as she said while bowing her head this was how Jen was treated by Jilly in his previous life so he decided that he wouldn't
be too hard on her the new life is radically different from the past so Jill also needs to harden her character young master I will gladly accept any punishment for what has happened Jilly said putting one hand on the other suddenly jyn started yelling at her he told her to stop blaming herself and that it was in order Jill meanwhile stood submissively with her head down jyn said that as long as she was his Nanny she was his only guardian and if she freaked out over such Trifles it would only cause more problems in the
future he asked her not to be forced to repeat it twice and asked if she was clear and then Jilly again lowered her gaze and feeling guilty promised that she would definitely improve jyn led the way a drop of sweat rolling down his face embarrassed that he had just yelled at his babysitter along the way Jilly thought that she had no idea that the master was so worried about her she knew it was all for her own good therefore she was determined to muster her willpower for Jin's safety after thinking about it she cheerfully and
enthusiastically said that she would give it her all finally the heroes reached that very Village the heroes came to the hotel where they took two rooms meanwhile JY continued to think about what had happened and the imposters and he assumed that he was probably the one behind it and here we were introduced to the same man in glasses in a white shirt it turns out that he is a magician of reincarnation and his name is buber Gaston although dragons are also good at reincarnation even they are not able to reincarnate perfectly as they cast an
unusual Shadow there's only one buar in the world who can do that with the help of his magic he committed far more than one crime reincarnating in various people and all in order to sew chaos around the world in that case it was more complicated if buar was really involved even though he hadn't done anything special yet and so our hero settled in a hotel jyn recalled that in his previous life when he was 20 years old the B Empire's special Branch arrested buar JY reasoned that buar might be useful you just need to poach
it but jyn immediately wondered why you'd want to poach someone who once pointed a sword at you already sleepy and yawning JY thought that before buber did any more damage he needed to make sure that something was different from his previous life Jilly hung up her fur coat then turned to Jean and told him that she would guard him outside jyn was already asleep he was sleeping pretty soundly so it wasn't a big deal that Jill had almost accidentally woken him up when she saw that jyn was asleep she just smiled sweetly and left the
room suddenly sounds began to come from somewhere we see that it is a black cat vigorously wagging its tail it was mowing so loudly and insistently that jyn could hear it even in his sleep suddenly jyn woke up and he didn't know how he fell asleep jyn stretched even though he had trained a lot in the castle of storm but still such loads are not suitable for a 10-year-old he noticed meanwhile strange noises continued to come from outside the room jyn couldn't just let it go and decided to check out what was going on he
looked out the window and saw a strange black cat standing right behind him when jyn saw this he was speechless and surprised at the same time at that moment he remembered mirin's words about hiding well JY leaned on the window sill with one hand and covered his face with the other and said to the black cat that he had promised to follow him without being noticed did he mean to turn into a cat an enraged miren in the form of a cat apologized continuing to scratch the window jyn let the cat in and said that
he was surprised and didn't expect miren to look like this jyn thought mirakin would turn into one of his servants like a stable boy in response miren took on his human form and told jyn that he would have been Declassified and if jyn had thought of it himself miren continued to approach the boy saying that jyn didn't know how hard it had been for him at that moment mirakin tripped over a plank sticking out of the wooden floor suddenly he fell with a crash hit the window sill on his face and screamed in pain Jilly
immediately came running to such loud screams she was agitated and literally rushed into the room shouting about whether something had happened there was an awkward pause jyn was standing awkwardly smiling and looking at the nanny while muren was squatting next to him and holding his face it hit so hard that it broke the thick wooden window sill in two Jill asked miren how he dared to pursue the master she was really angry at him and prepared to attack she threw miren to the ground and stood over him threatening to cut him to pieces if he
didn't tell her everything even though Jilly was Jen rank kendle's Nanny she logically didn't know mirakin by sight even though she might have heard the legends about him at this time jyn fearing for mirakin who was already half-conscious hurried to stop her he told her to stop but he said her name because he wanted to explain everything to her but then mirakin remembered something that had to do with Jill's name suddenly he sat up put one hand to his chest and the other he held out to Jill his eyes were full of love and his
face was flushed except for the bruise he'd received when he hit the window cell nuren told Jill that they had finally met while calling her his strawberry Shortcake hearing this jyn felt very ashamed for mirakin and lowered his head and covered his face with his hand mirakin told Gilly that he had been waiting for a long time to meet her thus embarrassing her jyn only realized that he and mirami were in trouble after that jyn decided to start over and introduce murin to the nanny saying that he was the rang gandal Guardian the black dragon
muren why did he decide to introduce his Nanny but muren interrupted him and said that he knows who she is he said that she is still his strawberry cake when she found out who mirakin was she said that she was only a lowly servant in the rank kendle household and apologized for her behavior she bowed to him and asked him to forgive her he told her not to worry and how he could be offended by calling her a strawberry Jill was confused and she asked mirak and why he called her that because you are wonderful
beautiful and bake the most delicious strawberry pies miren replied she thought about it and suddenly realized why the master asked her to make strawberry pies every day jyn asked the nanny to sit down so he could explain everything after hearing jyn's entire story she said that there were a lot of things she didn't know about master jyn apologized to Jil for having to lie to her even though Jilly knew that the master had an exceptional Talent she couldn't imagine that the master had magic and she didn't know that he had signed a contract with solder
it and now he had a dragon with him she said that as his Nanny she was both shocked and happy jyn said she was one of them now and no one else should know about mirin's Awakening and jyn's connection to him at least not yet Jilly said she understood then mirakin told her not to worry calling her a pie girl because he would always be with JY Jilly thanked miren for his kindness suddenly she started talking about that noise she asked if it was from mirin's reincarnation then miren replied that it wasn't so and jyn
warned him to be careful miren said he just fell Jilly then went up to jyn and asked him sheepishly if he was sure mirakin could be trusted to which Jen hesitantly replied that yes you can at this time mirakin was laughing as if nothing had happened at the fact that he himself had fallen the heroes were standing outside the middle teleportation gate building the captain of the black king Squad was also standing next to them they were talking to Gilly and she said they did a great job addressing the entire black king Squad and that
the rank candle family would reward them handsomely for their work the captain thanked her and said that they had learned a lot on this Mission and that he would look forward to seeing her young run kendle grow up JY was also standing next to him miren in the form of a cat was sitting on his shoulder now he could be next to jyn even in the form of a cat suddenly the captain turned to the nanny by first and last name and asked her if it was possible to ask a personal question Jilly allowed it
and then the captain said that she had an amazing talent so why did she leave her family and become a nanny for young rank candle Jilly didn't say much but after a short pause she turned her back and said over her shoulder that it didn't matter and there was nothing interesting about it then the captain realized that it was rude of him and apologized to her so they said their goodbyes and so the heroes came to the middle teleportation gate there they were met by a man who asked them to introduce themselves then Jill took
out the bundle and opened it to show the man what looked like the end of a sword with the rank handle fan Crest on it she said they needed to go to Colona to Hester to join the Allied Forces when he saw this he immediately knew that they were from the rank kendle family he said it was an honor to meet them and ask them to follow him he said they'd give Jen and Joey the best seats this person informed them that they would have to wait 2 hours but then they would be home in
no time and wish them a pleasant trip JY and Jilly were sitting on a luxurious sofa with mirac and the cat Jilly told JY that she was actually worried because even if miren was discovered they might be able to get out of it but what if and then jyn beat her to it by asking if she was talking about magic she said that none of the rang gandal are capable of using it then jyn smiled and told her not to worry he knew that himself so he would hide his magic suddenly there was a commotion
from somewhere all three of them sitting on the sofa turned around to see what it was jyn saw this and became alert suddenly a man wearing a green robe with a golden dragon on it walked into the room it was a guy with purple eyes and long white hair behind him were two large guards they were all from the zipple family which is a swor an enemy of the rank kendle family the man sat down across from jyn in silence jyn was silent but looking at this man he tried to remember who it was because
this man from the zipple family looked familiar suddenly the guy arrogantly clicked his tongue and said that he didn't want something in the hu Fester showing contempt with all his appearance then he added looking at the rankles that he hadn't expected to see these drags here although the nanny was full of anger she was still silent and jyn was as calm as possible and did not give into provocations seeing Mirana cat this man said that the cat is cute smiling naively he called the cat over and called it a good boy but miren mercilessly attacked
this guy scratching his hand suddenly the two men who were next to the boy became alert they were about to use Force but the boy stopped them and said that everything is fine this cat is just an animal and he himself provoked it and that it is better to keep your swords in the Scabbard when rang andela suddenly he thought about it and looked at Jin this boy was trying to hurt them but he didn't expect them to just ignore him he noticed that the younger one so he meant JY was very reserved after that
he introduced himself he said that his name was vered and zipple he apologized for his rudess walked over to jyn and held out his hand and then jyn exclaimed in his mind he finally remembered who it was bared and zipple is a genius magician most likely the next head of the family he is the equal of all young magicians both in terms of skills and in terms of character he's the one whose magical abilities JY considered an unattainable ideal but it was like this before jyn didn't think that he would meet him at such a
young age jyn said that he was also curious about what veridin was like he's glad verin wasn't a complete they started arguing and jyn said that if the guards had taken out their balls veridin would have gone to Hester without guards and without a couple of fingers veridan laughed and said that even the rank handle jokes were cruel JY asked if it looked like he was joking giving veridan a cold look then veridan thought about it and decided to give jyn some advice he said that if jyn meets someone else from the zipple family then
don't rush to cut off someone's fingers because this will add to the problems of both families to which Jin replied that it was quite funny and that their fathers shyon rank candle and Celiac zipple wouldn't start a war over some Childish quarrel veran considered this he agreed with JY and said that they would probably compensate for the damage with gold or something he added that jyn had taught him something and said that he would pay him back later jyn told him to pay him back right now to which veridin asked with a smile what he
should do jyn asked them to keep quiet until the gate was activated and let him rest veridan looked at JY with interest and thought that in a couple of years he would become somewhat amazing but despite verin's interest in jyn they couldn't make friends with her because of their background but veridin was also happy with the idea that they might become sworn enemies JY looking at the behavior of veridin who had already annoyed him thought that the zip loopes were not all right in the head suddenly a voice came over the loudspeaker thanking them for
waiting and telling them that teleportation was about to begin before teleporting verin called out jyn's name and said that it was nice to meet him and would look forward to the next meeting JY on the other hand showed no sympathy and said that he that their meeting would never come and so the main characters came to the castle by Carriage as soon as they got off the carriage they were immediately met by the butler he introduced himself as Pedro the second manager of the house it must have been hard to get here Pedro said he
said that he would welcome them to the main castle of the rang gandal and in the garden of swords and so the main character found himself in the garden of swords in the main castle of the rang candle The Garden of Swords is a place where those who have contributed to the prosperity of the rang gandal family can leave their sword thus this Garden is a symbol of the hopes and honor of every rang gandal walking along the garden of Swords the hero talks about how he once hoped that after his death his sword would
be placed here in the garden he remembers that in the past he was weak deprived of potential he was never a leader or a blade he didn't know why he ever thought that hard training would make a difference but now as far as jyn was concerned his life in this worthless place would make sense so jyn entered the castle there he was met by his father and other members of the rang gandal family he was first greeted by his mother Rose rank kendle Lady of the rank kandle house who goes by the nickname black panther
Jen also greeted his mother in return mureen and shyon suddenly locked eyes Shy's gaze wasn't gracious at all and his face was Sullen jyn's father asked him what kind of cat was on his shoulder and where he had picked it up the boy replied that he had taken him in shyon emphasized the difference between picked up and sheltered and said it was good that JY could choose his words because that's how a real rank CLE should respond at the same time all of jyn's siblings in the room were looking at him with hatred because of
his father's praise suddenly the cat jumped off jyn's shoulder and ran to his mother his mother Rose while petting the cat asked what his name was jyn replied that his name was moth Rak neckl hearing this jyn's older brothers were outraged one of them began to appeal to his father and mother saying that this should not be allowed to get away with it you cannot give an insignificant animal their last name then he turned to Jil and asked her how she'd raised Jean in the first place but then his father interrupted him he asked JY
why his son had given the cat the name rank candle JY replied that he did it in order to be responsible he said that maybe it's just a cat but it's the first time he sheltered someone and if so then the name should be meaningful Duren and his cat form just looked at jyn happily jyn's father shyon found this very funny and asked him if he understood the significance of their last name since he was talking about it jyn replied that he understood and said while holding the cat in his arms that if someone hurt
the off he would pay for it shyon commented on jyn's Words noting that the boy has a talent for making enemies meanwhile jyn's siblings were were looking at him with Angry Eyes jyn said that apparently he really has this talent but he also has a talent for getting rid of enemies we see shyon smile broadly at this and say that his siblings should be more careful if they decide to deal with what he called jyn The Cheeky kit then jyn's parents shyon and Rose went their separate ways and here we are transported to the Future
four years have passed since JY came to the main castle of ran candle it's the summer of 1794 we see Jen standing with a wooden sword in his hands he was training and fencing at the moment he Jin rankle is a 14-year-old Knight of the second rank also a Cadet we see him standing with his fencing coach the coach said that it was time to finish training and that jyn had done a good job jyn asked if that meant there would only be a morning workout coach jyn's name is Garen altimir and he is the
guardian of house rank kle a knight who trains low-ranking Cadets he reminded jyn that young lady Luna was planning to train him jyn remembered this and decided that in that case he should have a bite to eat so he put the wooden sword back in its place and went to eat before he left Garen asked him if he would have lunch with the cadetes again and he said that Madame Rose would be upset JY sighed heavily and said that it couldn't be helped because he didn't want to play peek-aboo with his siblings over the food
Garen expressed his understanding and said that he would inform the lady jyn was sitting on the stairs when suddenly a guy came up to him he called Jin master and said that he had brought food this guy is Bop schmidtz guardian of the House of rang gandal a low ranking night Cadet jyn thanked him for the meal Bop sat down next to her and they both started eating Bop was an ordinary commoner 13 years old because of his lack of training he was stripped of his Rank and banished and it was clear from jyn's look
that he felt sorry for Bop JY then asked him if it was good for him and Bop just smiled awkwardly after that we see what kind of speech Bop made he said it was really delicious he is very grateful to the rank kendle family for being able to eat such wonderful meat he is especially grateful to the young Master because jyn is always ready to share meat with him jyn was embarrassed and asked Bop to stop jyn said that Bop said the same thing yesterday and then asked if he knew it by heart Bop scratched
his head and laughed awkwardly then jyn told him that he should be more careful because of what bip says what's on his mind everyone looks down on him bip really looked simple and seemed very naive JY continued to give him advice and told Bop to straighten his shoulders hold his head higher and become at least a little more confident he reminded Bop that he was a rank andle night Cadet then Bop confusedly said that his grades were terrible and he hadn't even reached the first rank Jin side and reassured him that even becoming a Cadet
wasn't easy no matter how bad bop's grades are he's still better than his peers who didn't make it here JY said jyn watched Bop eat and thought that he was so pure and sincere I wouldn't be surprised if even his relatives jyn thought but at the same time he couldn't understand something how someone so pure trained by sword master hyron became a loyal of the bement Empire how he turned into a ruthless killer when jyn found out that Bop had become an imperial bodyguard jyn was shocked and when jyn found out that he had committed
suicide the master was upset so JY couldn't afford to leave Bop because then who knows what would happen to him jyn then shared a piece of meat with bop bop was happy even for such a seemingly trivial matter jyn was personally going to make sure that Bop wasn't kicked out this time he said that he was already dead and he wouldn't repeat his mistakes again we see a picture of jyn walking down the hall and talking about what he has achieved he has second ranked Shadow energy release fourth rank mana and second rank swordsmanship everything
is not going badly at this rate jyn plans to reach the third rank in swordsmanship and we see that jyn has come to the training room the moon was already waiting for him there she said that today they will continue yesterday's training however this time it will be a little different Luna said she said the phrase that the heart is your eyes she told him to look with your heart jyn obeyed and did what Luna said he was embarrassed because he had never heard of such training but he had no choice Luna explained that for
those who live in fencing it is extremely important to open their inner Vision she told him not to open his eyes standing with his eyes closed jyn thought that only Knights who have reached the seventh rank can comprehend intervision and Luna wants to train someone who can get the second rank in addition inner vision is usually achieved by dispelling the aura but during training with the moon jyn can't use the aura he decided to trust her so he continued to do what she told him and focus on his training he firmly believed that one day
he would understand how to do it and now we see that the training session has already come to an end Luna prayed JY saying that he was doing great as always and that he could come back back again JY was grateful for what she was doing after training Luna thought that as she expected he was doing well but each time he exceeds her expectations jyn shows a concentration that is not typical of a second ranked Knight Luna is sure that with such a potential he will understand everything in a couple of years JY was leaving
and we can see that Luna glanced at him and wished only for him to keep growing and we are transported to the open courtyard in the castle where all the cadets were already standing and they were lined up in a row jyn went there and was greeted by coach Garen JY glanced at the cadets and said they were nervous Garen replied that today was a crucial sparring session if the cadets get a good grade they will become a night guardian faster it's hard not to be nervous Garen said then turning to JY he said that
today was also an important day for the master according to Garen Rose said that if jyn defeated 10 higher ranked opponents he would be able to start training in the advanced group starting next year then jyn saw Bop among the cadets who was shaking with fear jyn thinks about doing something to keep Bop from getting kicked out but Bop still lacks confidence it was time for Coach Garen to announce to the cadets that today they would take turns fighting three opponents and the top 10 will face genin one on one the cadets understood the command
and now we see that they are already fighting coach Garen watched the fights of the cadetes and commented on one of the fights saying that it was very good and the training did not pay off in vain there were three Cadets left on the bench who were not selected and Garen told them that they could sit back down and we see the following picture Garen tells jyn to get ready and jyn himself self is in full combat Readiness and so he quickly delivers a crushing blow to his opponent which knocks her sword out of her
hands gen one in just one blow standing over the defeated opponent he remembers that earlier in a previous life he defeated eight opponents right now he only needs two more wins but as it is clear from his words he was wary of one of the rivals at the same time Garen called out to the next opponent and then the girl he'd been wary of came out this girl's name is Mesa Milano she is a night Cadet of house rang gandal from the normal group she was one of the few people who would become a night
guardian after completing her training when she came out to fight she told jyn that she would beat him today no matter what the cost jyn replied that he was looking forward to it but in his mind the battle with her was the most important moment in the trial after exchanging a few words they began to fight Mesa immediately took off and threw a punch at jyn but he managed to block it jyn thought back to his previous life he noticed that Mesa was even stronger than before but it wasn't enough to defeat the current JY
still JY knew that would have to fight eight more after her so he started attacking Mesa with simple punches she noticed that he had previously demonstrated a wide variety of techniques she was sure there was a reason but she couldn't figure it out or as she thought he was underestimating her because he didn't think she could win at that moment jyn attacked Mesa she still chose to think that he underestimated her firmly gripping her sword she fiercely attacked jyn in return she wanted to show him that she shouldn't be underestimated the cadet standing to the
side could only watch this battle in Surprise Jin meanwhile kept up the pressure and we see Mesa not wanting to let jyn push her aside and wanting to surpass him she pounces on him swinging her sword wide and then her strike reached jyn's sword the moment their swords came together Ma's sword couldn't withstand jyn's precise strike in the middle so the other half of mesa's Sword flew out of the way Neza was confused and she didn't understand what had happened or how her sword had broken as a sign of his victory JY held a wooden
sword to her throat he told her it was a good fight then jyn looked at the sword and said that it was useless now suddenly Mesa realized that the Jin had been hitting the same spot all along she was thinking and thinking that even though their strength and stamina were the same she would never be able to beat him in accuracy and perseverance since jyn was rank kendle's son after all after thinking about everything she turned to jyn and said that she would devote herself to training completely and would definitely win everything was going according
to plan it was hard for jyn to fight the others in this state but because of mace's crushing defeat the other cadetes were sure beforehand that they couldn't beat JY and now we see that the challenge is over jyn won all 10 opponents jyn was glad that everything went as he expected it's easy to see that jyn was pretty exhausted after 10 fights in a row coach Garen told jyn that it was amazing and added the following starting next year jyn will be trained by real Rank andellas and then Garen congratulated him jyn thanked Garen
and said that as long as he wasn't transferred to the advanced group he was counting on him it was almost time for the morning training session to end and Garen wanted to take stock of it and go to lunch but jyn wanted to take on another Cadet in the 10 minutes that remained he picked up his sword and when Garen asked him who jyn wanted to fight jyn loudly called out the name Bop Schmitz Bop was confused and Afraid what can I say even if the cadets standing nearby were scared jyn told Bop to fight
Bop was very scared he tried to object but then jyn shouted his name again he pointed his sword at Bop and said that he couldn't survive in the rank kendle family there he ordered Bop to come forward and fight and threaten to destroy him and then we see a picture of Bop walking unsteadily towards Jean Bop was standing in front of JY holding a sword and he didn't understand why the master had chosen him if only because Bop was weak and jyn wanted to teach him military discipline jyn looked at Bop seriously and told him
that he was quite tired from all the fighting while Bop was full of energy but he was still stronger so jyn called bop bop couldn't understand the master right after saying that to bop jyn charged him he hit bop bop asked why jyn was doing this jyn continued to attack bop's shouts rang out when Bop blocked another shot from jyn jyn came up and said that he was blocking well after that punch jyn jumped back then he threw dust in bop's eyes I started attacking while he couldn't see anything jyn swung down and knocked Bop
off his feet bop's eyes filled with tears and he was in pain jyn told him that he didn't just call him out for a fight but because he wanted to fight him standing over ballop jyn said that he could have killed him he ordered him to get up and that he would not spare him again meanwhile the cadets continued to watch in horror suddenly Bop began to rise and a golden aura began to radiate from him the cadets noticed this and it turned out that Bop was watching with an Ora Bop was crying but there
was also anger on his face and a yellow gold AA enveloped him meesza said they needed to stop right away because if this continued JY might get hurt the trainer was in shock he was watching the fight closely so he didn't hear what Mesa was shouting jyn ordered coach Garen that whatever he saw now he would take with him to the Grave Garen said he understood and Mesa was shocked Bop then asked if this was what jyn wanted he replied that this was exactly the case jyn told Bop not to hold back if he knew
how to use Aura Bop bared his teeth and said that jyn had made a terrible mistake if he wanted to fight him and that he should have acted sooner with that Bop attacked JY and now we see that their swords collided JY blocked bop's attack but his sword didn't hold Bop broke jyn's sword in two with a single blow Jin Wu meanwhile was thinking that he knew that Bop was strong but he didn't think that he was that strong during training sessions Bop always managed to understand the opponent's strategy and assess their skills and then
deliberately lost but jyn would never have thought that Bop already had an aura jyn was extremely surprised jyn's sword was broken leaving him unarmed then he decided to fight with a different weapon namely with his hands he hit bop's arm while he was swinging his sword with that blow jyn knocked the sword out of bop's hands suddenly jyn approached him and grabbed him Bop was also left without a sword and jyn knocked him down and took a choke hold jyn held Bop and waited for him to give up but he didn't give up so jyn
let him go Bop lay exhausted on the floor as JY approached Bop holding his throat and standing on all fours asked JY why he stopped because he himself wanted a decent fight and said that then it was necessary to fight to the end he asked JY if he really enjoyed playing with people that much jyn replied that it wasn't Bop countered by asking why jyn had arranged all this jyn replied that he didn't want to provoke Bop and that he had no idea how much all of a sudden we see Jean get down on one
knee in front of bop bop asked him what jyn knew about him that made him so stubborn JY reaching for the sword said that he didn't know anything about it but he knew this to be kind and caring you need to be strong Bop is weaker than jyn but Kinder at the same time putting his hand on bop's shoulder he said that he liked that trade about Bop but the good cannot survive in this hell jyn then asked Bop to become stronger so that he could protect the good with him and the others jyn apologized
to him for being rude then Bop burst into tears at this time the Servants of the palace came with food they asked if the training was going on and if they should come back later jyn replied that everything was fine and told them to bring in the food Bop was still sitting on the floor wiping away his tears and he had told the master to go to lunch jyn smiled and said that he would take a portion for Bop as well and we are transported to another location we see that shyon is sitting on the
floor and Han is standing next to him after shyon listened to Han he asked him if the younger one really said that KH confirmed it then shyon laughed out loud and said the following sentence so that's what his beliefs are jyn Wants to Rule the strong and help the weak shyon said that in this case it is necessary to understand whether such an approach is beneficial to the rank kendle family he ordered Han to go back and Han Jin over and he said it was time for junior to go on his first assignment and we're
transported back to the academy it's January 1795 jyn is 15 years old and has been promoted to a third rank night the first vacation started the cadets either left for their hometowns and Villages or they stayed to continue their individual training sessions when cadetes Advanced to the advanc group they can forget about wooden swords and they will be given a custommade sword some of the cadets had already given the blacksmith's instructions regarding their swords jyn was thinking that he also wanted to find a suitable sword in their Armory but Luna would choose his sword because
she wanted it it turns out that a month ago Luna tried to persuade jyn to let her choose his own sword but jyn didn't mind because Luna is a better swordsman so you just have to trust her and so Luna showed the sword she had chosen jyn clearly didn't like this sword he was embarrassed Luna said that this sword is also called Veil slayer at jyn's age she'd used it a lot herself back then she wanted to use something like a sword acts with a similar shape she looked at the sword and said that the
shape of the crle she used to fight with came from him she asked jyn if he liked the sword jyn didn't know what to say after collecting his thoughts he said that he was grateful for her help in choosing a sword but it was unlikely that such a sword would be suitable for him then she was disappointed and said that she was just joking but jyn knew it didn't sound like a joke Luna then tried to talk jyn out of it telling him that Veil Slayer was a really good sword even if it was a
little heavy jyn was embarrassed to watch and watched in silence then and Luna saw his expression and understood she said that she understood him and so be it with another sword jyn let out a sigh of relief Luna opened the doors of the Armory and said that she really tried her best when choosing it she was thinking about which sword would suit JY best which sword would suit only him and then she took the sword in her hands and said that she had thought of him since jyn had chosen Barada at the selection Ceremony this
sword would suit him best jyn was pleasantly surprised he recognized this sword this sword is called the brother of the Barada which belonged to the founder this sword is called bradamante jyn was thrilled and Luna said he seemed to like the sword this sword is unique even the other swords from the family collection can't compare to it JY said he reasoned that he would have done anything to get that sword and was delighted that Luna had chosen bradamante for him bradamante and Barada are best compatible with Shadow energy if jyn had chosen it himself then
his siblings would have objected then jyn said that the others wanted bradamante too and he didn't even know how to thank her upon hearing this Luna told him that something didn't add up and she thought he was still uncomfortable with her this started to upset Luna JY quickly retorted and told her that it wasn't true at all and that he wasn't lying to her she said that she was already upset so he would have to comfort her after that they started training Luna asked him to remember something else she said that among all the brothers
and sisters who try to trample on each other there are also those who selflessly love him and once again asked him to remember this well then she took him by the shoulders and told him not to upset her again Luna said that she had already spent enough time alone long before before jyn was born and that she didn't want him to be alone like she once was so Luna went back to training and she told jyn to watch with his heart when he returned from training he immediately showed the sword to muren muren without distracting
himself from the comics told him to put the sword away it's too early for him because he didn't Master the shadow energy enough he explained that to properly use bradamante Shadow energy must be at least rank three and jyn is still a brat with the second rank besides miren said that JY wouldn't even be able to awaken the sword but jyn didn't listen and believe that he would soon reach the third Rank and be able to use Braton and suddenly mureen was distracted from reading the comics he made a remark to Jen and told him
to listen carefully mirakin took JY by the head and told him that barasat and bradamante couldn't be used randomly they needed third rank Shadow energy and that was the bare minimum he ordered jyn to use a normal sword until his strength reached the fifth rank jyn retorted that he didn't like waiting too long and that he only needed to reach rank five in a year nen frowned then said that it was impossible even if JY won the shadow contest nuren ridiculed jy's plans said that it was nonsense and asked him not to talk such nonsense
anymore jyn was annoyed so he picked up the comic book like he was going to tear it up and asked muren what he was saying suddenly I came into the room and saw this picture and asked if everything was all right she then informed him that coach Garen was calling for him jyn was asked to come himself because Garen had to explain the strategy to him and show him everything on the map JY asked what strategy he was talking about Jilly said that coach Garen would be helping him with his first assignment and that jyn
would move out as soon as he was rested jyn used aloud that it was a good time for the mission since he had recently been awarded the third rank but it was strange that they were moving out after arrest he came to the conclusion that perhaps this is due to the complexity of the task because they are usually assigned from an advanced group or higher JY said that he probably already proved himself worthy he went to the coach and asked Gilly to wait here with muren jyn opened the door and went into the office he
told Garen that he had come for a mission Garen asked asked jyn to pass and said that only 10 Cadets from the normal group including jyn got it and then Garen began to explain the strategy to them the cadets will be divided into two groups this is a search task they will go to the southern border of the Jin Kingdom it was quite a dangerous place because this kingdom is not far from the land of monsters as well as from the base of the flame white wolf they shouldn't send low ranking cadetes to this place
jyn thought he noticed something was wrong because this is quite difficult for the first task and it was issued earlier than it should be the Cadets were given a map and instructions for the squad members and then everyone was shocked the squad included Cadets with average scores and even Bop whose grades were constantly fluctuating it looked like someone had deliberately set it up jyn knew that someone was his father he realized that his father might have been informed of their battle with Bop and that shyon had decided to test jyn in this way jyn was
very serious he accepted these conditions and was determined to show his father what he could do because his beliefs are unshakable we're being moved forward 3 days and the cadets are already at the southern border of the Jin Kingdom in order to complete the mission they must find sber will the heir of the will family from the Jin Kingdom according to their plan they will set up camp in the central section of the border and after that each Squad will go on a search they also decided that every day at the designated time a selected
person from each Squad would come to the camp to share information with the others jyn ordered everyone to call themselves the commander and said that the injured should stay in the camp until they fully recovered when everyone stopped one of the party members said that they had noticed a monster from the water tail tribe these monsters from the water tail tribe are cute creatures that avoid Predators which means they won't run into the white wolf tribe right now JY had ordered what appeared to be bop to go to Camp 2 hours earlier and then return
to sector 13 since he couldn't go fast because of the snowfall he ordered the rest of the team to start searching sector 13 jyn had a bad feeling that his father had personally assigned them to this Mission but everything was going too smoothly jyn allowed for the possibility that he had misunderstood everything and this was just an assignment not a test from Shire and we see that a bunch of cute little creatures have come up to the cadets one of the tail tribe monsters said that they felt sorry for the guys and gave JY a
fried fish jyn accepted the gift and thanked him promising to repay his kindness later the hero carefully considered his plan of action after seor 13 the land of the beastmen begins and the cadets from the normal group are no match for them therefore they should not strain too much for the sake of results for the next 3 days jyn will only confirm the results of the search in each of the sectors and suddenly we see see someone running towards jyn it turned out to be bop he informed jyn that the second Squad was ambushed the
cadets were frightened jyn ordered the cadetes to prepare to move out and delip to report the situation delip reported that the second Squad had spread out to get away from the enemy and only one had been able to reach the camp and Report what had happened jyn started questioning Bop and we find out that the Ambush was set up by Ordinary People there were three of them Bop said why would anyone attack the rang andal with such a small Force JY agreed and said that he was sure that there were many more of them he
then ordered Edington and David to return to the camp to guard it in the surrounding area he told them that it was forbidden to make contact with the Enemy when detected he ordered them to report to him first if anything happened jyn thought about how many people might have set up the Ambush but he couldn't even guess what their goal was or why they were attacking the second Squad instead of the first which included JY himself he doesn't know who they are but he was determined to personally make them pay for daring to touch the
Run endles suddenly jyn motioned for the group to stop they saw foot Prince and blood on the snow Bop was horrified when he saw this and he didn't want to think about the possibility that Mesa and the entire second Squad might be dead jyn reassured him that the blood was still fresh after examining the place he said that there were no signs of falling or pieces of Flesh he added that they fought here but the second group escaped judging by the tracks they were only attacked by one person suddenly Sierra one of the group members
found a bandage made in Hester where the cadets came from she said she found them on the west side in his mind jyn imagined a map that showed a rough outline of the squad's movement while the second Squad was dressing the wounded man someone else attacked and they had to flee to the West Jean then ordered Sierra to go to Edington and David's camp and explain everything to them and ordered Bop to follow him and so they ran suddenly they stopped and hid behind The Birches they saw the second Squad but Mesa wasn't with them
and the cadets themselves were guarded by all three of them JY ordered Bop to close his eyes briefly and attack the one on the left in two seconds jyn took out a knife and started using Shadow energy on it it turns out that miren taught the hero to use the energy of Shadows in such a way as to increase the sharpness and destructive power of the object so the knife was more difficult to notice jyn then threw a knife at one of the attackers one of the squad members killed one of the guards the second
one was attacked by Bop but the guard noticed him and blocked his attack suddenly jyn arrived from the other side and threw a punch at him the guard fell screaming in pain jyn stood over him and asked if everyone was safe The Battered members of the second Squad said that they were fine but Mesa was a prisoner they said that they were not forgiven for this jyn told them to take care of themselves first jyn was standing over one of the guards the guard begging for mercy but jyn said that for a zipple follower he
valued his life too much jyn decided to give him a choice if the guard tells you who they are what their purpose is and were the bases then only he will die or else if he kept his mouth shut jyn would kill not only the guard but also his loved ones he said that he would keep his promise because he is Jin Rank kendle and then he swore on the honor of his family the guard chose the first option he said that they are a group of repution Aries Canelo and we see that the genie
is transferred to the memories a terrorist organization that was active just before his death the world was filled with panic when they killed a bunch of people and King Jin they call themselves revolutionaries and revolution is for them to overthrow Kings and put their own at the head of the whole world and here we are transported back and see the dialogue between jyn and the guard the hero asked the guard if they wanted to cause trouble in the Jin Kingdom by killing the rankle cadets the guard replied that he didn't know anything because he was
just a six and that he didn't even know where the base was but his group was located right near the beastmen lands there are about 204th rank Warriors and more Mages jinen asked one last question he asked why they had taken Mesa the guard replied that it was just for the sake of propaganda to promote the revolution they were ordered to take all the girls alive then one of the members of the group being enraged said that they were just scum and we see JY taking the sword and saying that he will keep his promise
then we see that the blood has been left on the snow after killing the guard jyn asked the squad members how long it had been since Mesa disappeared and they said that it had been about an hour this meant that they were already closed to their campsite jyn ordered the group to give everyone first aid and requests back up one of the cadetes asked jyn if he was going to go alone jyn had a reasonable assessment of his own strength and he knew that there were 24th ranked men out there and the cadet was right
it was too dangerous to go alone Scott said that they were only Cadets and Cadets often died during missions so he asked jyn not to take any chances but the hero was determined he said that once one of them was captured rank kendle couldn't leave him jyn said that he was stronger than the cadets thought and that any objections would be considered in subordination and then turned to bop and he said that all the members of the second Squad were injured so he is the strongest among them jyn hurried over to Mesa wanting to be
in time before they did something terrible to her as jyn ran he assessed the situation his swordsmanship and energy are ranked third and his magic is ranked fourth he is growing quite fast but now he can't cope with all of them once the main thing for him is to save Mesa so he decided that he would try to avoid fighting he focused on the search and cast an exploration spell and then the wind tracking spell a green line pointed him toward the meadow and he ran while jyn was running he was attacked several revolutionaries and
a Magus charged out of the bushes he used magic to kill one of them an enraged revolutionary with a sword attacked jyn but jyn deely drew his bradamante sword and repelled the attack and we see that the magician began to cast Fire magic and warned the Warriors to move back suddenly with the help of Fire magic he grabbed jyn's hand with something that looked like a fire whip seeing this one of the Warriors decided that this was the most convenient moment to attack since Gino was being held by a mage but jyn beat him to
it and hit him right in the stomach with his sword the Mage was holding jyn with a flaming whip but suddenly jyn pulled on it and dispelled the magic the Mage was confused and didn't understand why his fire magic didn't work on Jin the Mage then started using ice magic but that didn't bother Jean either the Mage couldn't believe his eyes he stood there in horror trying to figure out what was wrong with his magic as JY approached him JY threw a punch and there was blood splattering everywhere Jean called them the Kelo he suggested
that perhaps they are not trying to hide because they expect that the opponents do not have combat experience he saw the tracks and realized that the others had left in a cart Kelo has its own hierarchy and jyn guessed that they probably split their loot according to their position in the group this means that they will not dare to touch the share of the one who is more important which means that there is still a chance to save Mesa jyn took a look at the map he said that he was already close to the beastmen
lands and Kelo base was somewhere nearby and then he decided to distract them he used Fire magic then he set fire to the forest and started a big fire it was part of his plan the kelos noticed that they were on fire everyone ran outside and went to put out the fire JY surreptitiously observed this one of the revolutionaries began to command he ordered The Magicians to use water or ice magic jyn thought that he was the boss but it turned out that he was they call boss the boss shouted that the fire couldn't have
started in this weather and said that it was definitely set by someone just as he started giving the order to find the instigator jyn was already standing behind him suddenly the boss turned around after hearing something but jyn silently knocked him down there was so much Thick Smoke from the fire that jyn and the Revolutionary boss couldn't be seen on the roof after knocking out the boss of the revolutionaries he found the keys then we see him open the door to a certain room there he started looking for Mesa he saw that there was a
basement after that we are shown pink hair and then we see that jyn has found a connected Mesa she said why he did it it's dangerous here jyn told her not to worry about him and asked if she could go she said she could but she didn't think she could run so Jim released her suddenly they heard strange noises suddenly Mesa asked jyn to promise her something she asked him to leave her if he was in danger she couldn't let jyn get hurt then he just held her back and said that we need to leave
and that it's dangerous here when they went outside they saw that all the revolutionaries were killed and everything around them was destroyed when he saw the claw marks on the revolutionaries he realized that it was the beastmen from the warrior tribe who had tried we can see that Gan and Mesa are looking somewhere else and it's clear from the look in mesa's eyes that she's obviously not happy then we are shown a shadow whose silhouette looks like a wolf after that we see a hand that is covered with fur and holds a weapon and here
we see a beastman from the white wolf tribe this beastman was huge and he was holding something that looked like a hammer axe in his hands meesza said she would distract him and asked him to run but JY knocked her out with a blow to the neck and she fell unconscious at that moment the beastmen clicked his tongue and said that they were all useless and were of no use because they couldn't even put out a fire then he turned to jyn and asked if it was all his fault jyn replied that this was true
and introduced himself saying that he was the son of shyon run candle JY run candle and the next picture opens up the beastman was much larger than jyn and he was also very angry JY was Fearless he ordered the beastmen to give his name hearing that Jinn was a rank candle the wolf simultaneously bared it teeth apparently having a grudge against the rank handles all of a sudden we are transported to the events a few days before the start of the search mission to the rank candle house we see that he is holding his bradamante
sword and the energy of Shadows begins to radiate from it suddenly mirin appeared out of nowhere and interrupted jyn by kicking him mirakin was angry he told jyn that jyn might die mirakin warned him he also said that jyn wasn't ready yet and if jyn tried to awaken the sword again the shadow energy would poison him he warned jyn that if he didn't want to die for too much Shadow energy he shouldn't even think about Awakening The Sword and so we are transported back to the present we see that the beastmen is shouting at JY
calling him run candle he said he was going to have a better hunt today the wolf introduced himself and said that his name was cuajito truka he was a warrior of the tra family he was from the white wolf tribe this tribe is made for battle and Slaughter an adult white wolf is at least a rank six Warrior everyone knows that the white wolf tribe doesn't like rang gandal and all because a long time ago the founder of the rank Kindle family called their God the great white wolf Javier to him and killed him JY
knew that he couldn't escape with Mesa cuajito screamed that he would sacrifice Gina to Javier so that his soul could rest in peace huo gave Jenna choice and said either they fight in a fair duel or the wolf will tear him to pieces while jyn runs away with his tail between his legs jyn took a stance and said that he was choosing a fair fight cuajito started the attack while he attacked he said that the choice of Jinn means that the rank andellas are not devoid of nobility and that then let the strongest win he
hit jyn with his axe but JY managed to jump out of the way but the wolf didn't stop and immediately launched a second attack jyn blocked this attack but he no longer had the strength to block its attacks they exchanged blows again however JY estimated that he could still win he has an ace up his sleeve that Quito doesn't even know about a pendant given by the moon and the energy of Shadows but jyn wasn't sure if it was worth wasting the pendant on such a threat if JY couldn't handle such an opponent then he
didn't have a chance to become stronger he thought however in addition to all this jyn couldn't use magic since his fourth rank magic wouldn't even leave a scratch on a wolf in addition if the guardian Knight is sent to investigate Kelo he will immediately see traces of M and then jyn will definitely be discovered and expelled from the family and so after thinking about it JY came to the conclusion that there was no other choice and he would have to use the energy of the Shadows the wolf continued to press while jyn continued to block
and Dodge the attacks pushing jyn back the wolf said that he had a good sword but for some reason it wasn't black like the famous rang gandal swords after that the wolf rushed at jyn swinging his ax and said that jyn was stronger than he looked but jyn managed to dodge he tried to remember what it felt like when he tried to awaken the sword the wolf meanwhile continued to morally push JY he said that he was finished and he would sacrificed both jyn and his white sword to Javier when jyn was already at the
peak of his emotions he remembered what we can see is that Shadows have formed around cuito and Jin the wolf could not understand what was happening everything was dark in his eyes he said that he could not see see anything suddenly Gina threw a punch at kuo's stomach area jyn's sword blade was shrouded in Shadow energy and the Wolf now understood why the rankle were famous for their black swords the wounded wolf was killed without understanding how jyn managed it jyn just said it was a good fight after defeating the wolf jyn came to his
senses because he was very tired suddenly his eyes fill with Shadow jyn was screaming in pain it looked like what Moren had said had happened suddenly jyn collapsed on the ground he was in a place where everyone was calling him names calling him a jerk and a disgrace to his family this place was filled with Shadow energy suddenly someone appeared in front of him it was m and silhouette and he reminded jyn of what he had said about what would happen if jyn decided to awaken the sword while he didn't have enough energy he said
that he would have to pay the price nureen asked jyn how much longer he would lie in the mud poisoned by Shadow energy and then told him to get up because if jyn lost it would all be over nuren asked jyn if he still didn't know what to do suddenly jyn remembered to release the energy of the Shadows the shadow energy surrounding jyn was destroying everything and he couldn't use the release but he wasn't going to give up he relaxed and then after a couple of tries he finally succeeded he let out a sigh of
relief he noticed that the pain was suddenly gone which bothered him and seemed too strange his body didn't change at all but he was filled with the energy of the Shadows but he could still move so he decided it was time to pick up Mesa and leave when he suddenly heard a noise behind the Rocks he asked who was there a guy poked his head out terrified and begged me not to kill him jyn thought the man was from Kelo the man said that he was sville from the Jinn Kingdom jyn introduced himself to sber
and said that he was sent to find sber sber was very happy to have met Rank and Del and he was crying with happiness JY even managed to forget about him because of Kelo so jyn met sber and they met then we see jyn take Mesa away she said she would never forget his kindness jyn replied that it was nothing and that he was paid for it after all after taking Mesa JY asked samber how it was that he was kidnapped by Canelo sber said that he was following his beloved JY asked if they really
decided to run away together sber got nervous and said it was because she had died 2 years ago but her face her voice even the two moles on her arm are exactly the same as when she was alive jyn immediately thought that since it was an exact replica it must have been buar Gaston's handiwork he supposed they probably wanted to kidnap sber for the money but he couldn't figure out if there was any connection between buar and Canelo the last time jyn encountered buar was when he was 10 and here he was again jyn suspected
something was wrong he was thinking about meeting buar finding out what kind of person he was fortunately for jyn buber's eight leer is located in the cirano principality and when jyn moves to the advanced group he will definitely stop by jyn said that reinforcements will be arriving soon so it's time to head back when sber heard this he burst into tears because Gina had summoned The Guardian Knights for his sake but it was actually for mesa's sake sber said that he would never forget their meeting and that if jyn ever needed his help he would
just let him know but jyn only responded coldly we see that the heroes have returned where Gina was met by the Nanny she was very happy and congratulated him on the successful completion of the task she said that jyn was probably tired so she prepared a bath for him jyn was happy and was thanking Jill when suddenly the cat in the back called jyn over jyn pretended as if nothing had happened walked up to muren and decided to pet him asking if he was behaving well but the muren cat bit him jyn threw the cat
away Jin and mirakin were angry Gina asked why mirakin bites and in response received a question whether he is in his mind miren lashed out at Jin during which he reminded him that he had told him many times not to awaken his sword he had said this many times miren said that jyn might ruin everything and that he was worried about him while jyn asked me to just listen all of a sudden miren transformed into a human and was already attacking jyn in this form he said there were no excuses for jyn and asked what
could be more important than the life of solder at's sole follower Jilly tried to separate them but she said that the master had just returned then suddenly he said that she didn't bring strawberry short cake and it looks like they have a problem jyn tried to justify himself by saying that his friend was kidnapped right out from under his nose and who knows what would happen if he left Mesa but mirakin said that jyn has a pendant and this is not some costume jewelry by the way jyn said that he didn't want to waste it
explaining that he might encounter much more powerful enemies moracin was even angrier that it would be considered a waste for jyn to use the pendant jyn didn't understand why muren was so surprised as muren continued to speak negatively about jyn but then jyn asked how m knew that he had tried to awaken the sword to which mirakin replied that jyn's shadow energy rank had skyrocketed from third to fourth so it wasn't hard to guess jyn said that he felt the energy of the Shadows overwhelm him but he never imagined that he would jump an entire
rank but mirakin said that jyn should thank solder it for his Mercy a total of 10 people had experienced Shadow energy poisoning now counting jyn as 11 and nine of them had died jyn is one of the survivors he asked who the other one was assuming it was the founder but miren said he was second and and Tamer would have died jyn waved his hand and said that it meant that he and miren were similar he asked him not to worry because he wasn't ready to experience such pain again and then jyn went to wash
up nen told Gilly that he would have to starve jyn out to get a grip on himself but Gilly said that she would probably make the master dinner miren was jokingly jealous of jyn and now we see that the action takes place in a luxurious room framed in gold in it the siblings discussed that there was no way jyn could defeat a white wolf Warrior and they joked that jyn could only defeat a bandit wearing a wolf skin they wondered how he managed to do this since he had only just reached the third rank one
of the sisters said that it was possible but only if Jin met the weakest white wolf this is Gina's sister and a rung kendle the ninth standard bearer of the rung kendles but my ran kendle the eighth standard bearer of the rank kendles said that even so it was impossible and that it made even less sense that Mom believed Jin right away she asked Mew if she thought so and then we see Hatton and Daytona they discuss whether JY really killed the wolf haon said that no matter what kind of monster Jin is it's impossible
the problem isn't whether or not he killed the white wolf but whether or not he moves to the advanced group Daytona agreed he said that if jyn studied with them they would be finished and they both imagined an evil genie in their head who wanted to beat them up they agreed that it was terrible and someone called them it was Mew and she asked them what they were Whispering about if they were afraid of what would happen when their little brother came to them they said they weren't afraid and Anna smilingly told them not to
lie to their older sister then she made a threatening face and said that what she hated most was being lied to so much so that she was ready to rip out their tongues the twins under pressure from their sisters admitted that they were afraid of Jin then she offered to help she allowed them to use them she told them not to miss their chance and take slaves the Twins were happy in the advanced group everything follows the laws of the Jungle both Knights of the third and fifth rank are engaged here newcomers are mixed with
those who have been here for 10 years NE and Anna choose several Cadets and turned them into their she allowed me to take them and show Junior where he belongs because they don't like him either then she grinned and told them to hold on if they didn't make it meanwhile jyn took a dip and talked about how he had completed the first task so it was finally decided to transfer him to the advanced group in addition his shadow energy had reached the fourth Rank and if he wants to use it properly he should reach the
sixth rank in swordsmanship in 5 years Knights of the sixth rank are excellent Swordsmen seventh Masters and those who have reached the eighth Rank and above are considered exceptions to the rule for every 2 million people on the continent there are barely 100 who have reached the ninth or 10th Rank and only one could go even further the demigod star Knight in part time father of Jin Shire rank candle jyn firmly believed and was determined that in this life he would be able to become a star Knight and he wanted to surpass his father even
more suddenly we are transported to another place we see someone knocking on the door Rose was sitting in the room she allowed us to enter it was Jen and he asked his mother if she had called him jyn's mother Rose said that she did call for him she told jyn that she had heard that he had successfully completed his Mission and that she was very happy with his results he thanked her for her words suddenly Rosa started talking about Pro's report and she said that she understood that jyn had refused her advice to move to
another room she asked jyn if he knew that only the child who becomes the next ruler can use these Chambers this room has been empty since Joshua the Jew used to live in it when he was younger but it's time for jyn to take over the room jyn thanked his mother but said that he couldn't accept the offer when asked why he said that no matter how good the room is it remains just four walls besides it is too luxurious and big for him according to him when asked if JY really didn't want to live
there he said that he really didn't want to and had already made up his mind his mother just tapped her finger on the table and then let him go when jyn left she speculated about whether the younger one didn't have a drop of greed or whether there was too much of it she was thinking about what she had offered quarters for those of the children who would become the head of the rank candle family in the future Rose is sure that jyn knows about the support he will receive from the moment he enters this room
but he will become a target for those who did not get this opportunity she assumed that JY probably realized that she was testing him that his mother would be looking forward to jy's results in the intermediate class and here we see jyn standing in front of the cadets telling them that from tomorrow they will be transferred to the intermediate training class which consists of several factions they found a place in his faction he warned them that they would get caught up in territorial battles and face aggression but he told them not to be afraid because
he wasn't just going to watch if something happened he said that it would all disappear once he completely left the intermediate class until then he asked them to move in groups of three even if they weren't in training and not to act alone and now we see the following picture here is Zed rendle the eldest member of the Runkle family a knight of the eighth Rank and the younger brother of shyon rendle he's standing in front of the cadets Zed has told them that a dozen recruits have dropped out this year and 27 have dropped
out he turned to the new students and told them to gain experience from their mentors in the intermediate class and he would only teach them how to use the sword and evaluate their skills Zed said they'd have to deal with everything on their own except for the murder then he turned to the mentors he shouted and asked about what he always repeats and all the mentors shouted that the rank candle didn't need weaklings they screamed again and again they screamed louder JY just thought about how loudly they were trying to scare them as they stood
there jyn noticed the twins too they also stood there and shouted that the rank candle didn't need weaklings jyn noticed that the ugly guy behind the twins seemed to have been training for quite some time and there was no way the twins would defeat him alone he realized that they must have Enlisted the help of sisters Mew and Anna jyn decided that even though they were trying to bully jyn and his faction he had to let them know that they had misunderstood suddenly he started walking towards his brothers and the guy standing next to him
the brothers were scared and didn't understand why he was going there but they tried to reassure themselves that their sisters would support them suddenly jyn un sheathed his sword and slashed at the guy standing next to the twins the brothers were horrified zad was surprised to see it too jyn chopped off this guy's arm and all the cadets froze in horror the guy fell to his knees and screamed in pain clutching his arm or rather what was left of it jyn thought that it shouldn't be him who was terrified but them then he ordered a
doctor to be called Daytona took out his sword and started asking jyn why he did it and if he was but jyn ignored him and turned to the cadet who had his arm cut off and asked him his name the cadet introduced himself his name is Kajun Romero jyn then asked him if he knew why jyn had cut off his hand at that moment Daytona pointed his sword at jyn and asked why he was ignoring them and told him to draw his sword again Jin frowned into his eyes and turned to his brothers asking if
they couldn't see that he was talking to Kin and also said that he would accept the duel later and told them to keep quiet Hatton was infuriated and he called jyn names and said how jyn dared to act like this after injuring his student suddenly he closed his own mouth as if he had said something he didn't want to say jyn understood what was going on and when he heard that Kajun was part of the haon faction he said that kajin was looking at him too bloodthirstiest were shocked when it turned out that a battle
for political suprem Supremacy had begun between the brothers Zed only enjoyed what he saw and was glad that the twins had been dealt a decent blow after trying to suppress their younger brother thanks to the twins kajun's position as part of their faction was stable because of this jyn's actions weren't all that unpredictable but the battle for heimy is an established tradition in rank candle it was a very very bold move from jyn jyn then ordered all the new recruits to listen as he shouted out his name he told them that they could Point their
swords at him or suddenly attack like he did but he told them to keep in mind that if he saw even one hint of hostility he would not hesitate to respond in kind thus intimidating the cadetes quite well suddenly Zed turned to JY JY was ready to listen to him jyn was calling him senior Furious Zed asked if jyn really thought he could do something like that in front of him jyn answered without a moment's hesitation that he thought so jyn said that he was confident that he would not fight the twins but the older
one said was angry he materialized an object in his hand while also saying that jyn's words about fighting it were quite interesting and now we see that Zed has a sword in his hand he pointed his sword at jyn and ordered him to explain according to zed depending on jyn's response he can decapitate him so Zed got angry and ordered jyn to explain jyn replied that the senior had decided to use a unique technique to intimidate students even though jyn was in the classroom JY was thinking about this when the older one attacked him the
Elder swung his sword around the sword passed very close with jyn but jyn didn't even move and kept looking at the Elder there was a small cut on his face from the Elder's punch but he continued to stand still and only remained silent Zed asked about how jyn didn't like Zed scaring the students so he decided to make a fuss jyn replied that except for the fact that he didn't like it it was exactly as Zed had said Zed said that in such a case jyn should have challenged him right away why would he hurt
another Cadet jyn replied that it was because he couldn't beat him right now meanwhile Bop and Mesa looked on in fear jyn went on to say that if he thought he was going to win he wouldn't have attacked Kajun or his brothers but zed zed said that jyn didn't seem to Value his life too much or hope too much for the status of the p patriarch's son but jyn said that wasn't the case the hero said that in his opinion sitting idly by simply because his opponent is stronger than himself is not what a member
of the rank candle family would do Zed looked at jyn seriously as he listened to this and then said that his death would only be a moment and his honor would be a legacy and chuckled the twins like the other cadetes were surprised house Z said and grinned then he loudly said that jyn's bravado was so absurd that it made him jyn's Uncle happy and then he laughed out loud the elders said that jyn should be allowed to do so and that Jin was truly worthy of his surname then he turned to the cadets and
told them to remember this day today they saw what it was like to be in the rank kendle family he said that this brat decided to show that they were crazy Fanatics then shouted at the cadets to fight and not forget who they were by clenching his fists the senior officer released the cadetes and informed them that their training would start tomorrow the cadets were tense and scared jyn with his back to them said that as their little brother he was giving them advice right now the twins are more afraid of their older siblings but
will it be the same in the future he told me not to focus too much on what is happening now and advised me to think better about the future and now we transported to jyn's room he's back earlier then he turned to Jil who was bringing him tea and said that he had declared the battle for hegemony to the twins Jilly was surprised and a drop of water slid down her face but as JY thought the older sisters Mayu and Anna were probably covering for them Jilly couldn't believe it so she asked JY again if
he had actually declared a battle for the hegemony to both of them at once jyn said that he had injured one of his brother's students and after a bit of questioning it turned out that this student of their sister's faction was his because his brother couldn't keep his mouth shut right now the disciple belongs to the Gemini faction and if the sisters find out about this they will surely be furious jyn said that there was no way his brothers would be able to recruit a fifth ranked Knight to their faction since they usually recruit those
who are weaker than them to their factions nervously jly said that both sisters had already reached the rank of standard bearers and she explained that there was an unspoken rule that standard bearers could only fight with other standard bearers jyn said it was true and he was glad that his sisters were holding him back it's a huge blow to them as they're both standard bearers and they can't leave jyn's side yet the only thing they can do is disrupt the distribution of his room and increase the difficulty of missions thanks to their Authority then there
is a chance that jyn will be injured or killed but do not forget about single player missions among those that come with high difficulty that's where no one will be watching jyn which means he can use all his power Jilly wasn't nervous at all but on the contrary she was even happy and said that then this would be a great opportunity jyn only said that he should thank his sisters and strive for more all of a sudden he picked up moth and said that he was sure no one would mind if jyn took the cat
with him after miren gave a questioning meow jyn said that he wouldn't take him on missions for miren he had something else to do mirakin asked him what he was going to do but jyn didn't answer saying that he would tell them later and until then miren and Jilly needed to lay low and now we are transported to the training session Zed said that they would all move out after finishing their day's training at the secret rung candle family only training ground only Hatton Daytona and Jean were standing there the elders said that these were
special privileges for Pure Bloods but warned them not to think it would be easy Zed revealed that their family's sword skills are based on destructive power they fight they win they own randal's character traits are reflected in this art they don't have a specific definition but there are secret techniques that can only be learned as a standard Bearer when jyn saw the twins faces he realized that it it was probably the sister's fault Zed went on to say that fencing doesn't have a fixed form whether it's a leg position or a stance this is the
main difference between the rang gendal and other noble families he asked if they knew why jyn raised his hand and replied that it was because of the unique physical abilities and talents that the rang gandal possess it was Vero my uncle said that being a ran candle meant having a great bloodline their physical stats and sword skills were even beyond the dreams of an ordinary person Z said that if they had any minor flaws their level was still much higher than than average that's why it was so easy for them to learn said said with
an evil smile he gave each of the brothers a steel ball jyn looked at the ball and thought that there was something inside he assumed that there were steel parts Zed said that this ball is called a pure Stone and when it hits it makes a ringing sound my uncle said they were going to hear three kinds of sounds so he asked them to pay attention the first time he hit the edge of the ball the sound was so unpleasant that one of the brothers even had to cover his ears with his hands and the
others were clearly not happy either then he struck again but this time weekly for them the sound was no longer unpleasant as they understood the sound of a stone depends on the force with which it is hit if you hit it weakly The Sound will be quiet but if you calculate the strength well the ringing will be truly beautiful the essence of training is to make sure that the sound is perfect with each beat this is done to train the strength of the spirit will perseverance and concentration if you take into account the physical abilities
of the rank candle family then this exercise is perfect although its Essence is simple however they only hit a piece of of Steel which is too boring for the rank Candle special training so Zed made the last sound JY wondered what the third sound would be because he could definitely hear that there was something inside the ball like steel shards while Zed was beating jyn suddenly realized something he ran to his brothers and shouted for them to fall down the ball split and then there was an explosion he was very strong the brothers were lying
on the floor with jyn on top of them they didn't know what had happened but it was clear that jyn's reaction was good Zed said that if they hit too hard it would end up like this and that's how they started training after they survived the explosion and escaped onca Zed said they were the first since Luna to be unharmed by the rock most of their siblings learned from him so this brutal performance is part of the initiation Zed never thought there would be another unharmed child jyn then asked him if he could find out
how Luna was able to escape the damage Zed said that jyn would probably be disappointed when he found out at least his brothers were annoyed Zed said Luna didn't shy away like JY did like the others she took the blow on herself but it was so strong that there wasn't even a scratch left on it Zed told the three of them to start training anyway he ordered them to beat until they could produce a clear sound at any time and in any situation and now we are transported to the Moon her nanny nanny started talking
about what Luna had said earlier Luna asked if Nanny was saying that someone in the family wanted to kill Jean nanny said she suspected young ladies Mew and Anna given how much they try to keep an eye on Jean nanny is pretty sure the sisters had something to do with it even though it looked like they wanted to kill JY Luna still couldn't believe that the sister would be so crazy as to try to kill in the Tempest Castle she said that it was forbidden for those in the Tempest Castle to V for inheritance besides
if shyon found out about something like this the family would be turned upside down and their own lives would be in danger then he asked if there was a good chance that Jean had lied or taken the wrong approach jyn was 10 at the time so both options are possible since then Luna and Nanny have been investigating for 5 years but have not achieved any results Luna doubted that jyn would lie she thought of what he had said to her she said he was careful with her then not because he felt uncomfortable but because he
felt threatened with his life it was in the air Luna said Nanny asked if young ladies muw and Anna should be looked up Luna said that she probably should and shared that she was worried about the fact that they still hadn't found anything it was kind of creepy for her nanny said she was worried too she worries that Luna might be harmed by her siblings Luna replied that she was able to survive her 30th birthday and made it clear to her that there was no need to worry so much Luna said she hoped JY was
doing well Nanny asked if she met Master Jed's training she said it was true jyn should feel the effect of her mind eye training the clear Stone really hits hard Luna said she was sure jyn was fine she loved watching them grow up we'll move on the next day the training session started 4 hours ago jyn and the twins were very tired then Zed gave them a 5-minute break jyn thought it was an exercise to control his strength and develop his mind but he was wrong he needed to increase the destructiveness of his Aura Zed
hit the rock without using it but jyn doesn't have enough physical strength so he decided that it needed to be strengthened with aura control first you need to focus the aura and achieve a clear sound only then can jyn break the stone the main thing is not to rush even the Twins were able to do this in their previous lives so Jen was sure that he would definitely be able to do it Zed looked at his brothers and thought that they were all holding up well but when he looked at jyn he thought that this
kid was special he wondered if JY might be able to break Luna's record and now we see that the day is already coming to an end Zed told jyn to tell them that if they were going to be tomorrow they weren't coming at all as the brothers left Zed pondered the Twins were exhausted much later than he thought they are real rank andellas after all and then there's the youngest and suddenly after that Zed starts to get angry about why JY is the youngest Zed believed that if JY had been born 10 years ago all
the rang gandal forces would have been concentrated in his hand then he said that his brother was a disgrace then Zed sat down annoyed and repeated what a shame it was we are now fast forward a month to March 1975 middle class Cadets are being trained the man announced that the middle class had received their first mission those Cadets whose names he named should come forward their first mission is security they are assigned to guard the new recruits from the blacksmith Association then he called out the names the third mission is the destruction of demonic
creatures the target of the mission will be Orcs location unprotected lands of the cirano principality he looked at the page he was reading from he didn't understand something or was surprised and then read out the names Mesa and ballop were among them and they were shocked the man said that there were two and a half dozen Orcs on them that needed to be destroyed and as the Orcs move in rootstock or groups they will have to muster their resolve and give it their all the man said that this was all and wished everyone good luck
the cadet ranks began to talk about how destroying Orcs wasn't for new recruits they discussed that those sent on a mission would return half dead suddenly a Cadet standing next to kadun he grinned and said that he thought they should prepare incense and Graves Kajun said he had a moment before leaving for the mission and asked if they would like to make a will one of the cadets got angry but the other one continued to sneer insinuating that jyn's faction was very weak without him Mesa pulled away one of the faction Cadets and told tomt
to keep his cool so far they are not strong enough to compete with them there's a mission ahead you'll still have time to hurt yourself Mesa said tment started snapping and that's when Mesa lost her temper she told him and stand still she said that since their Commander was rank kendle they should focus on the mission they received and return unharmed after her successful application she said it was the only way they would put them in their place we see that the brothers continue to train with clean Stones suddenly Hatton hit him too hard and
blew him up sending shards of rock flying straight at JY Hatton asked jyn if lion was okay to which jyn replied that he was still alive and asked not haon to do it somewhere far away from him it's been a month since jyn started training with pure Stones his older brothers started blowing them up but jyn had a strange feeling it was as if a path of iron beads had appeared in front of his eyes and was imprinted as clearly as the trajectory of an arrow and if the pur Stone shards hit him again he
would definitely be able to dodge perhaps this was the perception that Luna had trained him in jyn decided that before he forgot he should try again but suddenly Zed asked for attention and said that they were assigned a mission the brothers whed about being sent to the Celebration they are being sent to the bement Empire Zed offered his condolences and said that thanks to them the rest of the brothers wouldn't have to dance at the Imperial reception but he chided them for even if it's such a small thing aren't they ashamed to sigh about their
mission he said that if he saw it again he he would make you dream of death the brothers were terrified JY also thought that the Mayu and Anna's sisters were also mean punishing their ignorant Brothers by sending them to a social event in the bement Empire my uncle said it was a big event and it was hard to refuse even if you were a rank handle he ordered them to go there and learn something useful the blitz knits are gone then my uncle looked at his notebook again and gave Junior a task jyn's task is
to eliminate bip the target is the toy of the Ice Palace Master Taris in other words one of her many lovers Zed asked JY if knew about the palace jyn said he knew the ice palace is a huge Tower in the middle of the continent's western sea it is owned by the master of the Ice Palace the 51st Master Taris in Dorma also known as the spider of the Abyss she became famous for being ruthless to anyone who attempted to kill her lovers Zed warned that the palace and its Master were very strong and that
this Palace was beyond the reach of rank kendle or zipple Jean's Target is Alo shander who is accompanied by the Ice palace's Men and lives in the Mamita crime District hearing this the Twins were taken aback the twins whispered that if it was in mimita they would know that the knights had ordered it and that it was too much even if the younger one was so good the customer was the chandera Family itself they ordered the murder of Their Own It looked like the family couldn't get Alo back so they decided to kill him jyn
said firmly and decisively that he would do it Zed was surprised by jyn's choice because if jyn had refused Zed would have talked to the knights my uncle laughed and told JY that he liked his straightforwardness the uncle said that the three of them would leave in 3 days the twins couldn't believe that the younger one would actually go to Mammoth my uncle said that since JY agreed there was no need to stop him suddenly the brothers approached jyn they said that in case of danger he would open up then they would not touch him
they were worried about jyn jyn told the older brothers to decide who they liked best him or the sisters Zed then turned to Hayton and Daytona and said that jyn was telling them not to go against him if they wanted to live happily ever after then we fast forward a few days Mesa and the other cadetes came out to see Jin off and she asked him if he was going to Mammoth she noticed that his hair is a different color jyn said that he can't go there as a rank handle so he disguises himself jyn
said that their tasks are different so they need different gates after asking them about the mission jyn replied that they looked gloomy and asked if something was wrong Mesa said everything was fine and they came to say goodbye JY asked about what it means to say goodbye and she said that it won't be the last time they see each other Mesa said that if it didn't go so well one of them might die to which JY replied that nothing would change from their excitement and advised them to focus on their task until he returned he
asked not to waste his energy and worry in vain Jean said goodbye to bop too JY then asked Jilly to keep an eye on them nen in the form of a cat told jyn not to worry because this body is gorgeous black but the genie should not be caught or noticed before leaving miren told jyn that he had to be careful not to be discovered and advised him not to be careless because of his Miracle disguise Jilly said sir miren hadn't arrived yet and it would be quiet for a while jyn told her to think
of it as a vacation and that he would bring bring her some souvenir Gilly said that he was worried about him because he had to kill the Mistress of the ice palace's lover although jyn isn't just an ordinary Cadet mammo is a very dangerous place so Jilly asked jyn to take care of himself jyn got on his horse and said goodbye to the nanny the place Jin Mammoth went to is a crime District a place where the most repulsed criminal elements gather and now we see that a man came into the bar and shouted to
everyone to meet the new guy this man's name is Tonk this bar is a hideout for criminals because of the energy that comes from these creepy types they say that even grass doesn't grow and then we see JY enter the bar the people sitting there were a little surprised that it looked like they really had a new one after entering the bar jyn tossed a silver coin and said that there would be a glass of water and a light snack everyone was surprised at his audacity because he's just a kid Tonk went up to jyn
and told him that jyn was new but he was acting like one of them Tonk asked him where the genie came from if it was some rank nine night from a far away land then he viciously said that since jyn had arrived in mammo he should learn his rules he ordered him to kneel down and then do something else but JY didn't let him finish and stabbed him in the throat blood splattered on the table and tonk died jyn Put The Knife Down on the table and asked him how long he would wait everyone in
the bar was shocked and then they laughed out loud and started drinking saying that they expected Tonk to die like this JY just kept thinking that just like Zed had said all the Madmen gathered here Zed had told Jean that if he wanted to impress the local outcasts he needed to show them his strength and fearlessness Jin had received aug huge amount of support in his previous life and he hoped that one day he would be able to repay that so the bartender handed Jee a glass of water and a light snack saying he hadn't
poisoned them JY said that poisons are not favored here and he knows it the bartender said that jyn was well informed and asked if he had anyone from around here jyn said it was none of his business then the bartender started asking jyn what he wanted he offered him drugs said the last batch was pretty good and also asked if he was looking for someone Jen asked if someone who introduced himself as Easter had passed by the bartender said that he was absolutely sure that such a person was not here so JY asked him to
tell him where to spend the night no bed bugs or anything like that the bartender said there was only one place an in in the west of the city the moonwell he said that even Kings stay there so JY can rest easy so Jinn came to the moonwell in as he walked he thought about the task at hand Al Caro Chandra son of the count he grew up not knowing what need was going crazy with entertainment and pleasure all he has is a noble family name Alo a man who trembles before the strong and mocks
the weak the reason he's staying in such a dangerous city is because he wants to attract the attention of the Mistress of the Ice Palace so the only place he can be is a hotel jyn thought of the new drug the bartender had mentioned and assumed that Alo was brewing it in his room jyn also assumed that if Alo was the ice palace Master's lover then he must have security guards so jyn went into the hotel to investigate the situation in the lobby first and the first thing he saw was a disgruntled Alo yelling at
the night Jen was lucky he didn't think that he would meet him so soon alaro meanwhile continued to argue with the Knights he was fiercely begging them for something one of them said that something was wrong and that it was their duty to protect him the Knight was about to say something about Al Caro's pampering when suddenly Alo shut him up saying that he didn't even want to hear about it alaro said that if he got it he would do anything for them and he called them names and said that when his darling came back
he would blow their heads off the Knight behind him sighed heavily and alcaro was angry and he was beginning to boast that he was a member of the shander family and they were peasant Bratz when suddenly the Knight knocked him out with a blow the knights obviously didn't want to protect Al Caro because he wasn't very smart they would be happy if he died of an overdose the guard said that he didn't understand why they should let alcar alive but they were still determined to do what they had to do without any reasoning jyn analyzed
the security detail Al Caro's security is about level six or so he thought he also knew that killing Alo would be much easier than he thought problems will start after jyn needs to get him out of the way avoid the guards and stay safe JY reflected that it was an unspoken rule of mmit not to use poison everyone would be insulted if he used poison and the guards might get in the way Alo should be removed quietly in the secret room of the moonwell Jin thought and slamming his palm down on the table he made
up his mind to act and here we see some people coming and discussing how many Guardians Alo has the girl clearly hates Alo saying that all the difficulties are because of him because he doesn't know his place one of the knights walking nearby said that it would be over for today he called the girl mistress and said said that she came personally to get rid of him they are going to the moonwell and the girl said that she can get rid of his kind at any time she continued by saying that she couldn't wait to
tell them the good news suddenly thunderclouds appeared in the sky lightning flashing everywhere the guards said it was from the moonwell side the girl said they were crazy and definitely picked the wrong day and now we see Jenn again who has decided that he will raise the entire moonwell with magic directly from the room once he added the fourth rank Shadow energy he would gain the destructive power of the sixth that way everyone will assume that the Mage is at least ranked six and no one will be able to suspect JY because who would think
of a brat who is barely 15 after all even vered and zipple barely reached that level in addition due to the properties of Shadow energy jyn will not leave any traces of using magic so there will not be a single reason for suspicion he decided that a lightning bolt would be enough to make it look like it had come from outside as the shadow began to gather around him he used the release of Shadow energy we see that jyn is surrounded by Darkness while summoning lightning he said that no matter how much he thinks this
plan is a bit crazy and so he began to summon lightning it was Jen who created the lightning bolt that struck over the moon well it turned out that the girl was siries and Dorma the commander of the Seven Swords of the Ice Palace the daughter of the master of the Ice Palace lightning struck the building and destroyed it the guard told Siri that it seemed some high-ranking Mage had a grudge against the moon well Siri said it was probably true but the Mage might be up to their liking siries added that there were six
palace men in the inn and that her mother's lover Alo was definitely there siries told them to hurry up prioritizing the lives of their people and said that Alo didn't care the entire sky was blue with the glow of lightning suddenly another bolt of lightning struck right in front of the girl the bandits fled in Terror they thought it was one of zipple magicians because one of them had recently killed zipple but it turned out that this Bandit was lying suddenly one of the guards got scared and started to run away but suddenly lightning struck
in front of him it was incredibly strong stronger than the others hon was shocked Siri said that judging by the force of the impact it was the last attack siries hoped they were okay suddenly Jean emerged from the rubble he was thinking about the fact that his last lightning bolt which he had spent all the energy of the Shadows on was very close in power to the seventh rank he managed to avoid serious injuries thanks to the pendant jyn saw that the ice palace guards were alive but he didn't see Alo jyn thought that if
Alo had survived this was a great chance but suddenly Siri appeared in front of him and was surprised that there were people of her own age Mamita she asked JY if he was okay and said that he had been hurt by lightning Siri said getting out of here would be a great solution and told Jee to move and get up heton said that their men were hurt but they were all safe this was a relief to siries who ordered everyone to gather outside and if Alo was with them she ordered them to kill him Siri
said that magic was uniform and that it was definitely one person and ordered them to capture the magician if they found him jyn realized that the ice palace Master's daughter was standing in front of him and from her words he did uced that she had come to deal with Alo jyn decided that Alo was going to die anyway so there was no point in leaning out the problem was something else it would be bad if the daughter of the Ice Palace Master remembered him jyn decided that he needed to hide his face as much as
possible and pretend that he was damaged in this mess in order to leave as soon as possible one of the guards said it was a shame that Alo had been killed by a magical attack which meant that they had failed the mission to escort him but Siri wasn't so annoyed she said that she had come to relieve them of this burden and that she had had enough of his whims jumping onto a small deis and raising her sword siries loudly announced that the Inn was now under the control of the Ice Palace she also shouted
her name and said that she was the daughter of Taris the master of the ice palace and the commander of the Seven Swords of the Ice Palace she said that anyone who resisted would be declared an enemy of the Ice Palace two Bandits decided to object she shouted that they didn't care whose daughter she was there it was Mammoth the second man shouted that it was the kings of this city who ruled here not siries and that maybe the ice palace was to blame for the attack in an instant she cut off their heads as
she had said the protesters would become enemies of the palace then she said that playing the ruler of this garbage pit really allows you to look down on the ice palace Siri said that if it turned out that the attack was caused by the ice palace the bandits would receive compensation but what if the maid's Target was them and the ice palace was an accidental victim and she asked if it was not clear why they should take control of this place the bandits told them to do what they wanted and that they agreed that this
magician should be found and killed siries replied that of course they would start looking for the Mage among the survivors but it couldn't be any of them there wasn't a single Mage there Siri said who knows whose anger the bandits might have attracted and immediately told them to keep their objections to themselves and then she went back to jyn she asked why a kid like him was still here when she said to leave jyn said he was just a little scared and hurt his leg and apologized Siri laughed and said that he must be too
cowardly for a man and too cute for a swordsman she took out some salv and told jyn to roll up his pant leg she said that jyn was luy to have survived the attack in that sheet series was sharing the medicine with him and she told him to take it as a great honor JY asked how he could repay her kindness but she smiled and said it was nothing she asked how someone like him could repay someone like her she told him to think of it as a pleasant memory and thank the ice palace now
and then so she said goodbye to him and jyn waved back jyn's mission was accomplished and so we see cadetes Killing ogres they just killed the 18th ogre one of the cadets said that he thought they would return at this rate without any losses Cadets mment and scut were happy that everyone would survive and rub their noses at those who laughed at them but Mesa immediately interrupted them telling them not to relax because there are still seven monsters roaming around Mesa had thought that Orcs usually moved in groups but these ones moved singly so they
were easier to kill she thought that the gods were watching over them after all or that Master jyn was blessed and that the blessing affected them as well she told everyone to return to the search and ordered that no one relax until the end of the mission and that everyone remained Vigilant and now we see that that miren in the form of a cat is watching them from the bushes he was bored because all he could do was wait for the cadets to catch the remaining seven before he could go home suddenly we're flashed back
a few days to when jyn's Squad started their mission we see the Orcs gathered in a large group mureen standing on the deis ordered them to listen and said that from now on they should walk one at a time he threatened them that if they disobeyed his orders or hung around in pairs he would destroy them all he told them to get out of his sight if they understood the Orcs scattered in fear and now we are trans orted back to the present nraa in the form of a cat talks about how jyn forced him
to do such unworthy things he wondered if so what if jyn was a millennial contractor nureen was not happy that everything was on Gina as he watched jyn's party from the tree all he could think about was what would make him buy a new man was when he got back in this body mirakin needs to do everything possible so that the squad returns from the mission in full force suddenly mirakin noticed someone approaching nuren was confused that someone was coming from the other side nuren couldn't figure out where they'd come from but he knew that
the cadetes wouldn't be able to just come back then miren was forced to use Shadow energy the good thing was that the cadets were somewhere in the third rank after all if it was JY he would have instantly noticed mirin's barrier and now we see how the shadow outlined a circle and then a dome was formed Bop noticed something he noted that it was getting dark rather suddenly but he thought it was going to rain as we can see there is no face on the head of this huge Knight only something big and glowing red
nuren transformed into a dragon and started started flying towards whatever was approaching he was outraged that someone dared to send their Warriors without his permission as he approached he saw that it wasn't a living creature But A Relic from ancient times it was a grave giant with a shield in one hand and a spear in the other and the giant was completely covered in armor nuren was sure that his Dragon Clan had gotten rid of the Grave Giants a couple of thousand years ago besides he couldn't understand how a giant guarding the graves of dead
Gods could be here it wasn't a pleasant meeting at this moment miren started to form a ball of shadow energy he wanted to end the grave Giants in one Fell Swoop he used Shadow energy on the Giant from such a force the giant began to collapse its eye burned red for a while but soon the eye went out and the giant fell to the ground nuren began to descend and descended to the ground he reincarnated as a human and said that he hadn't used his powers in so long that his bones were cracking nen said
there was no way the grave giant could have appeared here by accident no matter how much he thinks about it the zipple family is clearly involved he couldn't understand what was going on in this world mirakin decided that it would be best if he didn't tell jyn anything yet because if something happened mirakin would be able to protect him miren was thinking that jyn had grown a lot in 10 years he was sure that he had enough strength to go up against the Zippel suddenly we are transported to a workshop and now we see For
the First Time The Magician of reincarnation buber Gaston he told bishal that there was a problem with buber's creation the grave Giant and buar was very nervous the one who entered the room was bishco abriano the head of the Kelo ter group bishal said that he had already heard the news and that as far as he knew the cadets were attacked by the grave giant during the night Yuber said it was true but he would never have thought that anyone would dare destroy his precious creation bishal said that this is not so important now after
all the one who defeated the giant is a dragon moreover the shadow dragon bishal said that he specially went there personally to check everything out in person buber got nervous and asked bishal if he meant that the dragon had noticed their work bishal said he wasn't sure but he thought it was a warning B then told biara to look around here and that he would send people to help after all he urgently needs to meet with the zipple family we are transported to the castle and see the following picture Zed with a smile on his
face Praises jyn for successfully completing the mission and returning from mammo in one piece Zed said that the bannermen who gave jyn this assignment would be surprised well they'll be furious when they find out how it went so Zed ordered all the fighters to disperse jyn and his Squad stood and congratulated each other on their successful missions jyn told the group that they had had done a great job and they said they were very happy that jyn was safe then we see the cadets standing in the distance start discussing them one of them said that
by some miracle on the same day the magician staged a terrorist attack at the hotel where the target of the task was staying one of them said that Mr jyn was really lucky another began by saying that they live in an unfair world because not only is rank candle kissed by Fate while some people no matter how hard they try still can't get above the average Cadet one of the cadetes said that he didn't know how skilled they were but young master jyn was only ranked four and his Cadets were only ranked three and then
asked Kajun if he was going to leave it like this Kajun said that even if he was arrogant and the youngest Lord he still had pure rank candle blood in his veins Kajun said they couldn't do anything until the lady gave the order suddenly jyn came up to them they started whispering about whether jyn had heard them jyn said that unfortunately he had excellent hearing the cadets were surprised jyn asked Kajun if his arm was okay Kajun replied that the doctors said that with the w and cut it off it would be easy to restore
it said it looked like the cadets were having a very interesting discussion kajin replied that most of them Ordinary People Who encounter people like jyn whisper behind their backs and asked them not to pay attention jyn said that no matter what he does or doesn't do as long as he doesn't become a standard Bearer it's none of their business Kajun asked what kind of flogging he would get if jyn wanted it jyn asked why he would do such a thing to which Kajun replied that it was because he was being extremely Brazen jyn said that
Kajun really is an iore kajin got up in a huff and said that he didn't think it was pleasant for anyone to watch a young Master receive Universal Acclaim after completing a mission based on pure luck jyn said that it looked like there was a misunderstanding he didn't say that because Kajun was making fun of him and acting impudent jyn told Kajun that is a fifth ranked Knight with outstanding abilities compared to intermediate class Cadets Kajun should be stronger than jyn taking out his sword jyn asked so why did he choose to discuss behind his
back jyn reminded kajen that he could challenge him at any time jyn told kajin to draw his sword and that there was no need to give into him anymore jyn wanted to deal with everything properly Kajun said that it sounded like jyn didn't want them to put an Aur a restriction JY said that Kajun understood correctly to which Kajun responded by drawing his sword saying that jyn would regret it Kajun attacked jyn but he blocked them jyn was thinking that kajun's attacks were really heavy but he wasn't a match for the ones jyn was going
to fight while fighting Kajun shouted in Anger that jyn was still too weak to fight him jyn blocked kajun's next attack but then Kajun hit him after another swing of the sword jyn had idea something occurred to him something that was happening to him like the day a steel ball hit him because of haon and he began to understand the trajectory of kajun's next strike there are an infinite number of places that a Kajun can hit but not so many for a fifth ranked Knight especially when the enemy is not visible behind the blinding veil
of anger so jyn decided to finish him off in three Strokes they exchanged words jyn saying that Kajun can't beat him because jyn reads all his actions Kajun said that jyn keeps saying such meaningless things jyn made a backhand push then an unexpected uppercut and then the final attack he created an aura of power around the sword that the fourth rank couldn't even dream of successfully blocking kajun's sword flew away and Kajun himself fell to the ground Kajun couldn't figure out how JY had just blocked the kick pointing the sword at Kajun jyn said that
he knew how many years it had taken him to reach the fifth rank Kajun asked if jyn had deceived him he didn't know that jyn was ranked five he said that he wasn't lying that Kajun just didn't know anything about him jyn never gets into a fight if he knows he's going to lose suddenly the two brothers haon and Daytona came running shouting about what had happened when they saw this picture they suddenly stopped and were surprised they couldn't believe that their little brother had defeated Kajun as jyn walked past them he said it was
easy the Twins were shocked and then we see the sisters asking Kajun if Jen really beat him Kajun said that he was very ashamed of himself one of the sisters asked if Kajun had been bribed or if he had succumbed because Jin had run candle Kajun said none of that Mayo asked what was the matter then she couldn't believe that Kajun was seriously claiming that a 15-year-old boy had defeated a rank five night so quickly Kajun said that not only he but everyone who was on the training ground can confirm Kajun also added that jyn's
strength surpasses rank five grinning Mayu said that it was her own fault for expecting something like this from someone like kajin and told her to just leave and so the sisters were left alone my sister said that she thought the younger one was showing them his teeth Maya replied that it wasn't just them jyn was grinning at the whole family Mayo said that on Gina's next mission experiment with their kids this must be the place from which he will return Dead next we see Gilly telling JY that there is a commotion in the garden of
Swords everyone is Amazed by his abilities jyn said the first chapter father and sister Luna in the entire history of the rung kendles only three became fifth ranked Knights at the age of 15 and so Wu Jin now has the fifth rank of swordsmanship fourth of magic and Shadow energy Jinn hadn't even expected this level of swordsmanship after all he was just training normally with a pure Stone and had reached the fifth rank as he stared out the window he thought that it looked like if one of his three powers Shadow energy Magic or Ora
became stronger it affected the others when jyn was overloaded with Shadow energy earlier he opened up oras and Mana afterward no one has ever possessed such abilities in history so it's useless to search for records but JY is sure that these three powers are definitely connected suddenly Jee noticed the flowers and asked Jilly if she had put them up Jilly said they were brought in while Jean was away so she didn't clean them up then she asked if she should get rid of them JY said no need there are no curses on the flowers and
everything is fine returning to the topic of conversation jyn said that since they discovered that he had become a fifth ranked night at 15 his brothers would start to get a little nervous including brother Joshua who is vying to be the next head and they show us Joshua ran Kendall when Luna rung Kendall relinquished her position as first standard Bearer the second standard bearer of rung kendle became a strong candidate and with the support of his mother Rose rung kendle he secured the position jyn said that it would be a good idea to hide the
abilities until the time comes and he decides that revealing his achievements will do more good since it was reported that jyn had reached the fifth rank news of him would spread further than rank handle and would surely be covered in the press as well nuren said that jyn is so open about complimenting himself nuren is sure that if jyn becomes the center of attention then his brothers will become more obedient jyn said that was true but more importantly father would personally arrive at the sword garden and then they were both surprised shy needs someone else
to be the heir other than Luna his father was never never happy with any of jyn's seniors sister Luna who was the only one who got his attention was not interested in the throne so he decided that she was not suitable for the role of head of the family then Joshua strengthened his position brother di sister rancha and sister Marie became temporary successors this line was set in stone but things have changed since jyn came along jyn thought about how shyon didn't look at age father is the kind of person who gives everyone a chance
so he will chase JY around just like when he was a regular rank Jai is sure that his orders will incl include two things first it's a test of whether jyn can overcome the age gap between him and his brothers the second is protection and shyon doesn't want JY to die at the hands of his relatives before he passes the test because jyn is a special case Jil said that if Jean's story was published in the newspapers he would be inundated with invitations from families and groups from all over the world jyn said that she
was right but jyn had a plan to deal with all the meetings at once which was to hold a banquet when shyon arrived he told Jill to be ready and told her that it would be her responsib ability to keep a particularly Vigilant eyee on muren if muren turned into a human and made his way to the reception it would be the end of them miren surprised jumped up and said that he was not a child and he had no intention of doing this and so a few days passed Jil says that the butler seems
to be very busy answering an endless stream of emails when she asked Pedro it turned out that even the ruling family of the bement Empire wasn't left out jyn said it was funny that they were also very curious about what was going on Jill said that the head had sent a schedule of home home visits through ham shyon is scheduled to arrive in a month so even the arrival dates of other families were scheduled jyn noticed that the young gentleman had become quite quiet lately he said that if they tried to take control of him
when everyone's attention was on him it would be like showing either Their Fear or hatred suddenly the butler entered the room shouting he was shocked and said that jyn was assigned a mission and sent straight to the ruins of Colin then we see jyn's mother Rose rank kendle yelling at the flag bearers she asked how they who call themselves standard bearers could have done their job so badly she was Furious that they'd sent Junior to zipple territory suddenly the door opened and Jean came in and my mother calmed down at the same time there were
standard bearers in the room among them runcha rank candle the third standard bearer of the rank candles ran rank candle the fifth standard Bearer vgo rank handle the six standard Bearer Rose asked jyn if he had already heard that his next mission was in the Colin ruins JY replied that he had but Rose immediately said it was cancelled there is no chance that Jean will go to Colin the sisters were outraged and decided to object but Rose was Furious and shut them up she said that they only think about killing the younger ones NE asked
if it was weird the second sister also said that she didn't understand why my mother was protecting the little one rose said that if the sisters were crazy then let them continue to talk nonsense the sisters began to talk about how their mother and father had always silently forgiven their quarrels they asked if it was because their family needed competition she said that she was sure that everyone here grew up fighting second sister said that it was true after all she had been sent on ruthless missions so many times when she was only mid-rank Rose
finally agreed and said that competition is really needed no matter what the methods and techniques are but then she asked if they had reached the fifth rank at 15 the sisters were shocked Rose said that Junior was different from all of them she said that if they had jumped to the level of a junior at his age she would have protected them too but the sisters didn't deserve her protection Rosa said that he could see the state they were in now that they were standard bearers and he didn't regret it in the least then she
turned to R ran and Vigo she said that since the three of them were also standard bearers they were responsible for the Ruckus the sisters had caused she ordered Runa to practice self-discipline for a while and R and vgo to return one family sword each from their vaults Rose said that if it was up to her she would have taken all the prestige swords they had so the Brothers still got off easy with that all sorted out Rose wondered what action Jean would take next in this situation with rose dragging and his non-ed siblings Rose
wondered if jyn would pretend and coax her to relent or enjoy favoritism she wanted to see how he would resolve this situation so jyn turned to his mother and said that he really liked the mission assigned by the sisters shocked his mother asked him if he really meant it knowing what a rotten place the Colin ruins were jyn said he knew it was part of the zipple territory that the rank kandle had wanted in the past and failed to get the sisters were also shocked jyn said he understood the risk but he wasn't going to
back down in this battle he said that he thought the mission assigned to him was fine jyn told the sisters that the place was really dangerous but but he didn't believe it was an irrational decision he said that the sisters probably thought that he had quite High abilities so jyn turned things around in his favor Rose said it was Reckless and asked Jee if he was trying to make his mother lose her temper jyn said no and that if they suddenly decided to replace a person on a mission it would be tant himount to admitting
their incompetence Rose said the partners wouldn't have suspected them of that the Jin sisters are just trying to hurt him because they can't break him in battle using their Authority JY also knows it's true but she said that if he faed the sister's head on Victory would be on their side but if he succeeded in the mission he would deal them a heavy blow in other words jyn saw a chance to win this battle Rose said that the Colin ruins were a place where he could die if he made a wrong move and asked if
he was sure he wanted to go there jyn said that he was confident and asked if when he successfully completed the mission he would be able to get the swords that were taken from his brothers he said that this mission is marked dangerous so he asked to get at least such a reward ran said that they were just swords and that if jyn wanted them so badly he would give him one of the it he had so that JY would forget about this Mission ran asked JY if he didn't think staying alive until his father
arrived would be enough JY thought it was funny and said that if it was so important ran would have stopped the sisters before they assigned JY a task his mother interrupted their conversation and told JY that if he successfully completed the mission she would give him the swords of his brothers after these words she dismissed everyone Rose was afraid that jyn would do what Luna did so she trampled on the other's Pride but she realized that it didn't seem necessary she was sure shyon would be happy happy to see the younger one grow up well
when everyone was out of the office Anna asked jyn if he really thought he was lucky jyn said they probably didn't know but he wasn't too lucky Anna said that soon his calmness will fly off because the mission is a team one and jyn will not be alone JY thanked her for her concern and then said that they would see each other again and here we see JY meeting up with his team for this Mission Mass introduced himself first then Lima has and kajin was also in the middle Miles said it was an honor to
be with jyn and apologized for his past mistake Lima said that he doesn't make a mistake on a mission Kajun added that this also applies to him JY forgave Kajun and offered to put the past in the past where it belongs and get to work Kajun thanked the young Master jyn wondered what kind of honor it would be if all three of them were members of Mayu and Anna's faction he thought they were planning to stab him in the back and blame it all on the danger of the mission mil said he would introduce JY
to the situation this is a search mission the place is the ruins of Colin artifacts to be found four pistols and here we will learn more about the Colin ruins initially a native settlement was established on these lands but now the territory belongs to the Zippel and is associated with the kingdom of philon although Colin was discovered several hundred years ago the Zippel who stumbled upon the ruins and the local inhabitants killed and ensl almost the entire population of course now they say that they respect the locals but this is only at first glance although
they appear to be happy with their conditions they are actually only the lives and rights of these natives are not important to most people so they are ignored Jean specul ulates that the reason zipple spared their lives was to rule colins's land this is a hypocritical Act of alleged Redemption of the past usually the zipple family is committed to good governance and their people are genuinely loyal to them jyn recalled that in any case the Zippel had gone too far in their previous life and they had blackened their reputation for a reason but all for
the sake of a mirror shaped artifact that the natives had carefully hidden his existence is the zipple family's biggest secret but thank you to the brave journalists and Jean's past life for bringing the whole truth to light the published report report contained evidence of the atrocities committed by the Zippel in an attempt to find the artifact according to local residents it turned out that it was called the Fountain of Mana a thing that just looking at it could raise one's Mana level to seven with it the zipple family would create an army of Mages but
jyn knows it's going to start in 10 years because they haven't found the source yet this time jyn decided that he wouldn't let the zipple take him Miles said that the Mages were coming back and then explained the strategy he said that the artifact they were looking for was in the third Warehouse Miles said that a surprise attack alone wouldn't be difficult but there's detection magic in there Kajun asks them not to worry because according to him no matter what happens they will protect jyn with their lives jyn was skeptical but he thanked her jyn
said that safety directly depends on endurance he suggested that we rest for a while and start in an hour jyn took some dried meat out of his pocket and offered them a snack the three of them ate what jyn gave them when they had all eaten it jyn said he would go and wish them sweet dreams mil started to fall and Kajun asked if it was poison Jean said it was just sleeping pills they got on the floor jyn asked mile if he really wanted to admit that they were here to kill him jyn said
that he would be less suspicious of him if he acted as arrogant as usual then jyn chuckled and wondered if it was only dogs who followed their Master's orders with blind loyalty and so after jyn put his companions to sleep he was left alone we see two security guards talking about something and suddenly one of them was neutralized by JY the second guard got scared and asked who he was then hit jyn with a spear jyn managed to dodge the spear then he lunged and KN the guard in the throat after knocking them out jyn
deduced that it didn't look like there were any other guards outside he went to the Vault doors and was surprised to see that they had a simple lock with no signaling magic sometimes they let ordinary people hang around the third Warehouse so jyn thought the Zippel didn't think it was particularly important when jyn opened the door he saw a magic circle of blood and blood on the floor it is known to the public as a protective magic that allows you to recognize the bloodline in fact the circle distinguishes between humans and demonic beasts as well
as victims of the epidemic jyn realized that it didn't matter whose blood it was as long as it belonged to a common person then he cut the guard's hand because he didn't want to leave any evidence he spilled the blood of one of the guards on the circle the circle glowed red and JY thought that the first signal was simple but suddenly the circle was activated jyn couldn't understand because he was using the man's blood and yet the circle was activated which means the guard is sick or not human at all and jyn saw that
those two guards turned out to be monsters they turned into huge muscular creatures and their eyes glowed red jyn couldn't figure out what was wrong he used the wind of Silence spell any Mages in the area can detect spells so jyn wanted to minimize their use but the situation had changed it seems that the battle cannot be avoided the monster ran at jyn and hit him but Jin dodged then drew his blade and hit back the monster screamed in pain and got even angrier as it hit again this time jyn jumped out of the way
jyn then decided that he should use bradamante so he drew his sword from its Scabbard and Anora enveloped his Blade the Giants were surprised from their reactions it was clear that they knew that the aura was dangerous then we see the Monster pull jyn's knife out of its belly jyn was surprised to see this as the Giant's wound was immediately repaired this kind of regeneration rate is only found in the highest class of demonic monsters but these two were humans just a moment ago which made jyn feel confused JY reasoned that there were a lot
of Mages passing through zipp's territory and the locals were in jyn assumed that these strange monsters were living Golems their creation is a serious crime jyn wondered if the Zippel could use the Colin ruins as a laboratory for experiments with forbidden magic living Golems have the strength and speed of smaller and four rank monsters their movements are clumsy worse than those of rank four Swordsmen who have been properly trained and it's not difficult to fight them jyn thought he knew that normally a magic weapon a Golem wouldn't stop even if it was seriously injured to
neutralize it you need to destroy the core we can see that a Golem's core can be its head heart or stomach although these Golems are illegal and live but they are no different from ordinary Golems so so JY started hitting the cores first he hit the Golem in the head but there was no core the Golem's strength and speed didn't drop at all moreover it became more aggressive then jyn decided that if not the head then there was only one place left he cut the Golem in half and a blue ball fell out of it
this was the core Jin of course broke it he couldn't believe that the Zippel would even outrage their fellow humans suddenly a Golem pounced on jyn from behind but he managed to react and hit his arm with the sword causing the Golem to cry out in pain then jyn hit the heart and it turned out that there was a core and the Golem died jyn let out a sigh of relief and thought about how the magic was almost released and it was close suddenly JY heard someone pleading it turned out that a half finish Golem
that looked like a man in tears was asking to be killed jyn felt sorry for him but he pulled himself together and did it jyn didn't know what had happened to these people but no one will become a living Golem of their own valtion especially since after the transformation they become consumable material with no future still jyn knew this wasn't the time to be angry however he didn't expect this to happen and witness this terrible sight of the Zippel JY assumed that the sisters were aware of the situation when they gave him the mission but
no one canel the mission jyn knew that even if he told the whole world the truth the zipple family would find a way to cover it up because creating live Golems is a serious enough crime for the Empire's investigative committee to press them in the meantime he decided to gather evidence and continue the mission still jyn knew that even then the Zippel would be able to completely deny their involvement but that was not a problem so far the Mages haven't made any big moves this means that most of them are unaware of the real situation
if they had known that the guards were living Golems they wouldn't have been so careless about guarding the warehouses consequently not everyone in the Colin ruins was involved in the crime after entering the warehouse jyn saw that the defensive Magic on the stone slab was simple but the one on the dishes was quite strong according to jyn usually the wards are removed from the body but two live Golems are dead so the Zippel will have to bury all the mess JY makes he started using magic and Flames appeared in his hand and Shadow energy appeared
in the other and he combined them together and decided that he would burn everything there that he could he used explosive Flames then we see Luna angrily asking the sisters who sent jyn to zipple territory if they're out of their minds after all jyn is 10 years younger than them Luna asked why they did it one of the sisters asked if Luna was asking because she really didn't know Luna said that wasn't an answer and asked the sisters if they had started a battle for the hierarchy with a junior of the middle rank Luna said
that the unspoken rule of war is that standard bearers are against standard bearers and non-standard bearers are against each other Luna told them to be ashamed because even she was sorry that the sisters were the family's standard bearers sister Anna screamed that Luna had never interfered in their squabbles because she had such power Luna interrupted her by saying that if they had won after Junior's trial she wouldn't have said a word but jyn had succeeded on the mission in the col in Ruins and must be reporting back to mother right now Luna asked if the
sisters understood why she was talking about shame because after all the sisters had given him the wings he needed to soar Luna wondered if there had ever been a situation in their family where sabotage had failed in the same way as this one she ordered the sisters to leave but before the sisters left she managed to say that according to her observations jyn wasn't the type to show Mercy she asked them to be careful and said that she was only saying this out of concern for them and that even if something went wrong they were
still her younger sisters and now we see that the Moon is already in her room nanny said she thought Luna was going through puberty again since she'd raised her hand against her younger siblings as as soon as they got back Luna said that at her age what kind of transition age can we talk about nanny said she was worried given Jean's temperament he would never forget something like this Luna asked Nanny if she also thought that jinu's sisters were no match for her nanny said she didn't think they'd be able to face him in a
real fight in 5 years so they didn't have much time to live Luna told Nanny not to say something so terrible out loud since they were still blood relatives suddenly Luna asked Nanny if she had found the person who tried to kill Master Jin nanny said they weren't too late because they were middle ranked at the time so it's no use looking at them Luna said it made sense according to her it's definitely not Mary and Yona or the tone twins so the remaining suspects are Master Joshua Master diff Master ran voo and Miss rancha
nanny said that aside from Master's R and vgo she couldn't recklessly study the others Luna confirmed that this is the case as the other two are known for their deception skills according to Luna nanny is more likely to get a headache trying to see them Luna said they would just watch them and Nanny would definitely get into to awkward situations taking care of her suspicions nanny said that Luna had thought well and then added that even after the assassination attempt the young master was growing well and that there was no need to worry too much
and then we see jyn come home Jilly was crying glad that Jean was safe and sound jyn said that everything was fine and that soon even she wouldn't be able to beat him Jill said that jyn was sent to a dangerous place and that if something went wrong she would take revenge with her life nen asked JY if he had reported back JY said that people would probably say that he completed this Mission with outside help but now he's worried about the gossip then he remembered something and asked Gilly and muren to take a look
in the jar jyn had the heart of a living Golem mirakin said that jyn was a favorite of fate and that since jyn himself had returned unharmed the Golem must have been the result of a failed experiment and then muren asked jyn if he had found this heart in the ruins of Colin however jyn replied that the two guards had turned into monsters and told them that they regenerated each time he hit them and this appeared when he pierced their cores hearing about the living Golems muren was shocked murin seriously wondered what zipple plan was
if last time there was a grave giant now there are living Golems what's next mirakin said that in any case if jyn's words were true it was the zipple doing given that the ruins were their territory miren then suggested that they visit Colin again later because he wanted to ask them a few questions about what was going on although jyn didn't really want to go back to the living Golems it would still be safer with mirakin jyn thought that if he was lucky he might even be able to find the source of mana and that
no matter matter what mess they made there the zipple family would do their best to hide the situation jyn agreed to M and's suggestion and said that he would set aside some time and now we see the results of the mission shortly after its completion kajin and the H Brothers returned on their own but Mayu and an stripped them of their Cadet qualifications and kicked them out of rung candle expelling Cadets who had officially completed their mission was a harsh punishment but no one felt any sympathy for them it is now June 1795 and JY
continues to train with pure Stone Zed said that starting to Junior's training with the pure stone is over and that tomorrow he's only expecting the twins however JY also needs to come to morning training sessions with the rest of the cadets Zed said that the head would tell them something next week and the twins were surprised to hear this but jyn was calm the Twins were thinking that it was impossible for their father to promote the younger one to trainy flag bearer the twins quietly discussed that the traine standard Bearer must leave ran to earn
the honor Daytona confirmed that the trainee must act independently without any family support JY only thought that had finally happened that he wouldn't have to endure the dissecting attention of everyone around him anymore he was happy to be able to develop his strength the way he wanted and here we see shyon walking at the head of the army Han informed him that they would reach the garden of swords in 2 hours shyon said that the last Sun continues to interfere with his training shyon planned to stay on the Black Sea for 10 years but this
is not the first time an said that he had sensed that young master jyn was unusual back in the Tempest Castle but he couldn't have guessed how much and what jyn was doing in the garden of swords really shocked him shyon said that his fighting spirit is extraordinary even though jyn was a child his eyes showed deep regret when they first met although shyon thinks jyn was still trying to hide it shyon said that he couldn't forget how jyn provoked his siblings as soon as he arrived at the Garden of Swords although no one had
ever taught him this the junior instinctively knew the rule of destroying opponents shyon said that the other brats knew this and tried to keep JY but he survived and came back every time his siblings threw him into the clutches of death and now he's ranked five a apart from Mammoth and the ruins of Colin shyon was more interested in the first mission the fact that jyn fought one-on-one with a white wolf tribe Warrior and one shyon expected the younger to use his subordinates as a shield but who would have thought that he could handle it
alone shyon said that by doing this jyn was able to prove the validity of his own promises Han asked shyon if he really believes that jyn killed one of the white wolves on his own to which shyon replied that he does but the truth is not quite true but anyway according to shyon jyn is a funny guy and shyon is going to learn the details of the first mission from him and so they arrived at the Gate of the garden of Swords shyon was walking along the red carpet and soldiers were lined up on either
side of shy Rose and Luna met shyon and he told her that she did well but Rose said that Joshua had prepared everything himself so she didn't have to do anything shyon then replied that if Rose said so since the grown children could do just fine without him there was no need for him to leave the Black Sea shyon said that the guests they would receive today would be overly attentive to him and asked if it would make life difficult for the children Rose said that it was all right and asked everyone to go inside
because she had prepared their favorite dishes suddenly as shyon was passing by JY he noticed that Jen had two swords in his Scabbard he turned to ran and vgo and asked them if they had returned the swords he had given them ran said that it was Junior who stole the swords from them and they agreed to give them back if he successfully completed the mission in the ruins of Colin shyn smiled broadly then laughed out loud shyon placed a hand on Ran's shoulder told them to make sure they got them back and noted that Jin
chudo was perceptive so much so that shyon sometimes wonders if he's really his son we see JY and shyon standing side by side shyon also told JY that it seems to be his first banquet in his previous life thanks to his teacher jyn had attended some of the other family's receptions but this was the first time he had visited the main family on the rare occasions when Banquets were held jyn hid like a criminal and now he is the guest of honor at his father's side jyn started to think about something but shyon threw him
off by talking to him shyon said he was sure JY knew this but family rarely held such events because they only celebrated those occasions that were worth celebrating in other words shyon said that jyn's achievements are quite High shyon placed a hand on jyn's shoulder and asked him how many guests he thought they had invited jyn guessed there might be about a thousand that's right shy said the number has increased by about 200 since the last time 7 years ago this shows that the ran candle family's Prestige has grown in these seven years shyon said
that from time to time other families organize huge Banquets but all the Thousand guests gathered here here today are outstanding people for S years shyon did nothing but continue his training destroying demonic creatures in the Black Sea shyon said that their family's Authority continued to grow however because in the current ERA he was the only one who had become the quintessential Knight Shy knew that if he disappeared it was very likely that most of the people here would turn their backs on the randles jyn also understood that without his father the randles would not have
had so much power the rank kendle and zipple families are the two main families but with my father gone the Gap in military power between them will widen significantly in that case the zipple family would have absolute superiority over everyone else jyn turned to his father and said that if it wasn't for him if all these people decided to turn their backs on them if the zipple started to oppress them and push them into a corner Jean would leave the family shyon asked what jyn was talking about jyn continued that if the rank kendle family
failed without shyon it would indicate the incompetence of the next head jyn said he wasn't going to die a miserable death under such a patriarchy jyn then asked shyon how many other people vulnerabilities they had at their disposal he said that in exchange for the return of his brother's sword vgo asked him to show him the family's custom contracts which only standard bearers have access to the head of the wara family deceived the emperor and pocketed the Treasures of the Empire but through their efforts his relatives can attend this banquet without a twinge of conscience
the Clover family recently asked them to remove magicians from the zipple family Gerald's daughter sold the family heirlooms to support her svl gambling addiction and appealed to them and she also did not pay the commission Mission fee jyn had a bloodless weapon at his disposal with a single glance he said that there should be a lot more weaknesses in the secret contracts that only Shen and mother are allowed to view shyon asked if jyn was saying that even without him he could have protected the family jyn said that if the head without becoming the quintessential
Knight leads the family then everything will depend on his diplomatic abilities shyon said they weren't the only ones who knew about the alien wormholes though since the zipple family had just as many of them in store JY said he was sure of it but the Zippel would never be able to justify owning such things JY said it was because the role of villains belongs to the rank in Dallas he went on to say that regardless of whether the next chapter can use this weapon or not jyn will leave the family without a second thought and
then prepare for revenge on the Zippel no matter how long it takes Shon grinned and said that it wasn't so bad after all they had to be alive to get their Revenge it suddenly occurred to him that the other children didn't have the guts to talk about the possibility of the Run endle falling in front of him just bragging or whining but junior he thought with a smile junior is bluntly stating his conclusions while remaining completely unperturbed shyon was only sorry that jyn had appeared in his declining ears but shyon felt that JY had all
the talents of Luna Mary's wild nature and diff's fighting Spirit shyon reflected that 10 years was a sure thing but not more than 15 so long as he could be in charge he was thinking that he would enjoy watching Junior turn the line of succession upside down shyon said that it looked like most of the guests had already arrived and it was time for them to join in at that moment shyon remembered something he told jyn that there was something shyon would like to discuss with JY after the banquet and that jyn would be called
jyn was sure that this would be a promotion to trainy standard Bearer and it looked like he would be leaving the family soon jyn was thinking that the 4 days of the reception would be really long suddenly a man ran up to them shouting and calling for shyon it turned out that the guests had arrived Uninvited shyon couldn't understand he was starting to think that since they were Intruders he assumed they were the zipple family and so it turned out shyon asked if they were Zippel and the man said said that there were five of
them the assistant had Andre zipple and his family which was very bold of them shyon ordered Hines to tell Andre to get out and invited the others inside at this moment jyn thought about how Andre zipple had really brazenly intruded but jyn didn't expect that his father would reject the deputy Mages like this shyon asked jyn if jyn thought it was too rude to which jyn replied that he thought it was fine the moment Andre zipple expresses his displeasure and leaves with his family he will ignore the order of the head of the rank candles
to enter the other four which is for bidden in the garden of Swords Andre will comply and if he doesn't he'll come home with his legs cut off shyon said it was about time for the banquet to start and here he is standing over the hall and thanking everyone that they came he said that after receiving such a beautiful son in his declining years it seemed that he would finally be able to get rid of his burden shyon said he wanted them to express their appreciation for his youngest son so shyon began to talk about
the rules of the banquet which are only two in number if a guest is caught up in a fight while being high follow the guards to the arena the loser must obey and the winner must show Mercy because they are at the banquet after all jyn knew it was inevitable hundreds of influential people are gathered in one place and all of them are entangled in a web of favor and Malice if it was a peaceful party they would just stare at each other and disperse but this is a banquet in the garden of Swords by
following the rules set by shyon you can knock out all life from your enemy even if you don't kill him in any case guests have the opportunity to show others who is really the best shyon standing on the balcony said that he H that each of the guests would have a good time shyon then turned to jyn who told him that if jyn found someone who liked him then let him drag him to the ring but he didn't choose those who looked weaker if they didn't offend anyone jyn said that he was sure that losing
was forbidden shyon said that it was obvious and that if jyn lost his father would take everything from brat amania to the nanny it was the first time my father and jyn had had such a conversation in his previous life jyn had never dreamed of such a thing and they had interacted like Father and Son however jyn's goal isn't to get his father's calling become a pet his only goal is to surpass shyon and then we see jyn talking to the guests and suddenly the twins come up to him they congratulated jyn on his fifth
Rank and asked if he would mind if they stood together JY asked them how the pur Stone training was going Hatton said it was better they had done well after using the weapons their Uncle recommended after that jyn said in hayon's ear that this is enough to look natural and ordered to leave suddenly a man came up to him and said that it was nice to meet him it was the first standard bearer of the Ken family the brothers went and Jin wish wished them good luck with their training jyn told the man that he
had heard many impressive stories about his heroic Deeds since he was a child suddenly someone came up from behind and grabbed jyn's head and the standard Bearer in front of jyn was shocked the man who grabbed jyn said that he was just dying of curiosity about what kind of child got the fifth rank at 15 he said jyn was a small kid and looked 10 years younger than him finally he introduced himself and his name was woer jyn held back he just said he just said hello to woer woer said that jyn was really an
amazing guy and asked if was going to shame him for talking to jyn a little informally woer told JY that even though he was a rank candle in the world of martial artists woer was still his senior jyn then told woer from the Tuco family to listen carefully jyn said that his actions just now offended jyn and all the guests for being respectful to him and he said that if he was going to make a big fuss about who was older he should do it more carefully the first and second standard Bears of the Ken
family the night order of the Dragon King the order of the black king and woer were younger than all of them but they still treated JY with respect jyn told woer to admit his mistake and then added that he would pretend it didn't happen the standard Bearer approached woer and said that jyn had just saved his life and asked him to do as Jin said the standard Bearer from the Ken family also said that he knew that sooner or later woger would get in trouble for having a long tongue and then asked woer to handle
things in a nice way this time and not act so narrow-minded so woer listened to his companions and apologized to JY then wuga left in shame Luna came up to jyn and said that he definitely has a talent for finding enemies although it would be nice if JY could act like a normal child too she said jyn replied that he was actually a representative of the rangela family right now and they had a drink together Luna asked jyn what he would do if woer challenged him to a duel since woer is about rank six jyn
said that if that was the case the family head Kang and the other seniors watching them would have stopped the fight Luna asked in surprise if JY had even considered this in his calculations and asked when he had learned how the elite hides all quarrels and agreements jyn said that if there was someone who could teach him such things it would be nice to keep him around Luna said that the sword training is enough what else is needed JY said it would be hard for Luna to understand but there are still a lot of things
you need to survive in a family where you are so hated at that moment Luna was thinking that jyn was talented and had a head on his shoulders and was that why they were trying to kill him Luna was wondering who had noticed jyn's Talent so early Luna said that she was only here because it was jyn's banquet anyway but it's kind of boring here so she said that she would go to a more fun place she said that JY was too short to dance with her now and that she would take him somewhere nice
when he grew up and before she left she decided to try sending a message in the elite way she took jyn's head in her hands and put hers to him Luna said that it would become clear to everyone how much she valued JY so few people would dare to be rude to him in fear of her the guests saw this and immediately understood the message we can see that somewhere in the distance a man was jealous he said that he also wanted to put his head on the head of Lady Luna it turned out to
be bouvard and next to him was Vishal who shut bouvard up and then we see that vishal's young younger sister margel ailano asked Vishal not to be so cruel to bouvard because this is important to him she said that the only reason she could safely attend the banquet was because bouvard believed in her and took her with him mishkal only covered his face with his hand while bouvard talked happily to her someone not far from jyn noticed him jyn only thought that playing host was tiring he wondered where zipple was and if he should go
look for them suddenly someone loudly placed a glass on the table right in front of him she asked if jyn would mind if she dared to ask the rising star of the rank family for a drink it was Siri and Dorma jyn pretended not to know her Siri smiled as if she knew something and said it was an honor to meet him so she introduced herself and they met jyn said that he was glad to meet the daughter of the Ice Palace Master Sirius said that they were the same age and asked how jyn had
achieved so much so quickly she said that she envied the genetics of the Blessed rank candle family jyn said that he was convinced that she was also very gifted because the blood of the Ice Palace is a gift in itself jyn said that he didn't dare to guess how much the head of the Ice Palace Val valed her she said that she was extremely happy because unlike him she was the only daughter Sara then suddenly apologized for being rude jyn said that wasn't the case at all since everyone knows that he is the youngest at
the same time he was thinking that it was quite tiring to have so many siblings jyn thought it was strange because he was sure she recognized him but he couldn't understand why she hadn't brought up the subject of Mamita yet and he knew that the S on his face hadn't stopped her from putting it all together Siri then turned to Jen and said there was one thing she wanted to know she asked if his leg was okay there was an awkward silence in the air at first but then jyn said that everything was fine even
though he couldn't return the favor of such a great person who used medicine for jyn's humble good Siri said that jyn was being more impudent than he looked she said that jyn owed her an explanation about what he was doing in the moonwell Siri said that her people were unable to find the terrorist Mage and this dealt a severe blow to her Pride then she wondered if the boy she let go was guilty jyn asked her if she thought he was a criminal and then said that she knew exactly which ranal family was Siri said
she didn't think so but the rank kendle family had assigned him a mission and if jyn had hired a mage because the scope of the mission was beyond jy's abilities then things would have been different furthermore of the possible targets of the run endles there were only members of the Ice Palace there and as the head of the seventh sword of the Ice Palace she can't just ignore what happened jyn realized that she had misunderstood everything and believed that he was after her people but considering that he had inadvertently harmed the members of the Ice
Palace by targeting Alo there was truth in her words JY pretended that he didn't understand how this confirmed his involvement and said that everything he said was just for speculation Siri was annoyed that he was playing innocent and decided to react she said she would drag him into the arena then beat him to a pulp and spit in his cocky face she challenged jyn to a duel JY said that his father had warned him sternly not to fight those who are weaker but if siries wanted him to he was willing to make a concession now
jyn is on his way to the arena telling the guards that he wants everyone except the medical team to temporarily withdraw and ordered to give two swords in good condition the guards said they wouldn't let anyone in until the duel was over jyn was thinking that siries was still the daughter of the Ice Palace master so breaking her in front of everyone would be too much siries told Jean that before they started she wanted to get a promise from Jean if she wins he will tell her everything that happened in Mamita that day without missing
a single detail jyn agreed and said that in return if he won siries would pretend that she had never seen him in the moon well siries realized that it looked like jyn's conscience wasn't clear so they started and JY charged the sword of series was covered in ice it was an ability pass down in the Endor family 10,000 ice swords jyn thought it was funny and told Siri that he didn't think she would use the secret technique in the first place he said that he was a little sad since he hadn't learned his family's secret
technique yet Siri got angry and said she didn't care they continued to fight but so far they were on an equal footing as they fought Siri realized that jyn was definitely rank five although he was in a hurry to block her ability as the battle progressed his real skills would be r red and siries knew it however she believed that the difference of one rank would more than make up for 10,000 level three ice swords she was thinking that jyn was Superior in both strength and stamina so she couldn't let this battle drag on jyn
was learning her moves and would Counterattack so she had to put an end to it right now JY knew that she was a fourth ranked swordmaster even if she was able to use 10,000 ice swords there was no chance that she would be able to defeat him in a fair one-on-one duel jyn is sure that she is aware of the gap between them and is preparing to end it with just one punch she will definitely use a secret technique but jyn doesn't know how strong the ice sword's attack will be jyn decided that then he
would just respond with his own secret move and now the hero is transferred to Memories in the Tempest Castle jyn had memorized dozens of forbidden books out of the many secret techniques he had learned and of these there was also the strongest one suddenly during the battle Siri smiled as she told JY that this was the end siries used the third style of ice sword Avalanche the ice crystals flying at Jin were imbued with an aura series was just standing on the sidelines and was sure that jyn would lose but suddenly jyn smiled she was
baffled by the fact that he was smiling because Avalanche was released she thought about how rank kendle might be a prodigy prodigy who reached the fifth rank at the age of 15 but he wasn't able to resist the secret technique but siries had a bad feeling suddenly a sword appeared right in front of her face but she managed to dodge suddenly jyn started screaming and then there was an explosion after the explosion jyn thought that he should have used something other than the Atilla family storm since this destructive power is not something that the fourth
rank can handle if Siri didn't dodge then she's probably dead or unconscious then he saw Siri sitting on the floor she was confused and thought about how she was afraid of death and avoided it by choosing life she hadn't expected this from herself jyn asked her if she was okay because he almost killed her and apologized to her he knew that siries had heard his warning but she hadn't tried to avoid the storm of blades as much as she values her honor and pride Siri is still just a 15-year-old child and too young to suppress
her desire to live JY then told her that if he were in her position he would also Dodge and he was sure that she would also advise him to duck so jyn asked him not to discuss it he was trying to calm her down Siri took something out of her pocket and told Jean that he had a cut on his face which turned out to be the same South she said it was the price of saving her life jyn asked her if she didn't think too low of her life being the most successful in the
ice palace she said that she would start to appreciate herself again and asked JY not to worry as she left Siri said that it was a pleasure to meet her and that they had met for the first first time today but they would see each other again tomorrow and now the next day has arrived now you can watch the duels so the real banquet Starts Now JY was thinking that he might be able to meet those guys from zipple JY had heard that they were all between 15 and 20 years old which was fine since
jyn would be able to compare their skills if they were the same age jyn wanted to ask a few questions about Colin but he knew better than to say anything in any case when he became the reserve standard Bearer he would have some free time to take a leisurely stroll through the ruins with mureen jyn thought that using miren to find the Mana Fountain wouldn't be a problem so zipple wouldn't be able to continue forging Mages this time jyn will be able to prevent something terrible from happening suddenly jyn saw the cat and wondered why
it was there Siri saw the cat and started playing with it while jyn was angry she looked at the cat's collar and saw the name moth run candle she asked if Jim lie gave the cat that name and evil Jinn said it was him then someone approached them saying that they knew they would find them if they followed the cat it turned out that it was vered and zipple who said that JY had no idea how long he had been looking for him jyn asked him who he was veridan said that he couldn't believe jyn
was saying this place of greeting veridan didn't immediately say his name or wait for a hint that it starts with the letter B Jin said he didn't remember anyway baradan then gave another clue saying that the place where they first met was the teleportation gate but jyn said that he still didn't remember veran said that jyn's memory was much worse than he expected then he finally gave his name jyn said that if he insists on acting like he's seeing him for the first time it should be obvious that he does doesn't want to show recognition
jyn only thought that the person in front of him would become a nine ranked Mage by the time he was 30 and take over as the head veran said that if he could use magic he would find jyn faster but this is rank handle territory so using magic is forbidden Baran said that it's been 5 years and that he can't believe that jyn is already ranked five veran said that he didn't waste any time either his magic abilities are already ranked six jyn couldn't believe that the zipple family's greatest Prodigy veridan was only ranked six
at 18 jyn thought that if were in his position he would probably have already received the seventh rank JY thought that for some reason verin was lying about his rank veridin said that he was looking for jyn for the sake of that expression and that he would look forward to the day when he could fight jyn so he asked jyn to work hard jyn was thinking that regardless if baradin was actually able to reach the sixth rank only in his 18th year then after the current head of the zip family Celiac then jyn is the
closest to the Pinnacle of magic jyn told veridin to learn to close his mouth and save his breath jyn asked veridin about why the the zipple family came to the banquet Uninvited it turned out that it was all because of vedin because he was annoying Uncle Andre because he wanted to see Jen veridin said that they were just on vacation in the Huer area when he heard about the banquet and realized that it was fake jyn told veridin to be quiet and then leave veridin said that jyn should also come to the zipple banquet unannounced
jyn then asked him what would happen if he committed a terrorist act veridin replied that he always kept his word and he said that even if jyn did veran wouldn't kill him and if there was a fight he wouldn't take part in it suddenly jyn said that there was a nasty guy who had been staring at him for a while and here we see bouard terrified jyn asked him if he had anything to say to him bouard asked when lady Luna was coming bouard said that he wanted to give it to her he was holding
in his hand some Notebook on which he and the moon were depicted this is a collection of poems that he wrote all night and filled them with his love bouard had said that when she read it he was sure lady Luna would understand that he was better than he looked bouard had said that Jan might become his brother-in-law in the near future JY got angry and vered and even spat out the wine he was drinking JY grinned and then said that it looked like the dear guest needed a good beating and immediately tore up the
collection gin said that bouvard not only mentioned the name of Luna's sister but also dared to call Jee his brother-in-law Jin said that in Bard's eyes the rankle family looked pathetic Gan ordered the guards to escort bouvard to the arena bouard only shouted that he simply showed his love and did not understand why they were doing this to him he screamed in horror about how JY could treat a guest like this and so they came out of the building where the banquet was being held the knights threw bouvard into the arena while he was wondering
why jyn took off his raincoat and said that they would continue the melee as they walked bouvard couldn't understand why jyn was doing this he wondered if jyn had found out that bowar had reincarnated those Zippel 5 years ago and here we see jyn saying that they will continue with the melee bishal who was standing nearby saw buar and was shocked marala said it looked like buar and young Master jyn were engaged in a duel Vishal was angry with bubar he said that he and Marella should come closer after seeing buar and jyn duel Siri
was confused as she tried to challenge him to a duel during the banquet she couldn't understand why jyn would fight with such a guy meanwhile veran said that it looked like pestering his uncle until he allowed him to come was a good decision veran didn't even consider meeting the ice palace haris veridan said he was pleased to meet you and was about to introduce himself but siries immediately made it clear that she didn't want to talk so the referee started introducing the contestants first introducing Jim the rising star of the rank kendle family he then
asked who was fighting against young Master jyn the referee had never seen him baradan watching from Siri's side said that he had heard that buar had come with members of the iano family and that despite his appearance he might be an experienced fighter buber asked jyn to give him a chance to at least formally introduce himself before the duel but suddenly while buar was introducing himself jyn punched him in the face and broke his glasses jyn said he didn't even want to know his name enraged buber swung his hand a green aura emanating from his
fist JY guessed from this aura that buber was somewhere in the sixth rank Siri said that the young Master chose a stronger opponent because it seems that buar is completely focused on the fight buber still hit jyn with a punch buber began to gloat over JY buber thought that jyn dared to attack him with such meager abilities after enduring the blow jyn said that buar would whine for forgiveness then we see jyn hit bubar in the face with his palm he was clearly very angry jyn then continued to throw punch after punch with buar just
defending and blocking still jyn managed to break through buber's defense and the last two blows knocked beware unconscious veridan said that JY Unleashed a barrage of attacks when he made him lose his guard but veridan added that he didn't expect anything less from jyn suddenly Marella screamed at Bish and everyone's attention shifted to them she said that she was disgusted by Master jyn's actions he said that he couldn't believe that jyn could beat up a person like that after he had already lost a duel Marella said that it wasn't fair for young Master Jin to
pick on a weak opponent then she asked bishal if he was going to just sit there and watch since beware was friend bishal said that buar is no weaker than the young Master marala said she was disappointed in bishal and wants him to teach young Master Jin a lesson using a much more noble method the guests who were nearby wanted to see the continuation of the fight and tried in every possible way to encourage Vishal to do so Vishal had to agree even if he didn't want to and then we see Vishal call out to
jyn who was holding buar who was unconscious by the shirt Vish said why don't jyn let buber go and fight him jyn knew about Vishal iano that he was a knight of the seventh rank jyn planned to come out of this duel with dignity regardless of losing or winning besides it would be a good experience for jyn to be able to fight iano after all even shyon recognized the strength of their previous leader then Jen shifted his gaze he thought that Marella iano was a funny young lady putting her brother in a difficult position to
watch their fight jyn said that Vishal seemed to hold his sister very dear jyn added that is someone who also has a sister he understands vishal's feelings jyn said that his sister was important to him so he said that he wanted them to keep a good eye on the servants from now on bishal in an awkward State said that jyn had misunderstood one point bishal said that the man jyn had just turned into mince meat wasn't a servant but their companion bishal asked if buber Gaston had made a mistake hearing this jyn was shocked bishel
said that buar is only present to help his sister who has difficulty moving around and his abilities are not quite suitable for the rank candle banquet bishal told jyn that he was sure that buar had no ill intentions so he asked JY to ignore his actions jyn was surprised and kept thinking about buber he couldn't believe that this guy was buber Gaston The Reincarnation Mage jyn was thinking about the relationship between Vishal and buar jyn was sure that there was no mention of the iano family's connection to Gaston in his previous life when buber was
arrested jyn wondered if Vishal knew that buar was a reincarnation Mage although jyn had finally found buar he now had more questions he gathered his thoughts and decided that he couldn't afford to be distracted when his opponent was ranked seven so Vishal urged JY to do his best jyn decided to focus on the duel he said he hoped to learn a lot from Vishal we see Vishal immediately launch an attack but jyn is able to block it jyn was surprised that judging from one punch vishal's strength was more than rank seven jyn was surprised that
vishal's swordsmanship was on par with Uncle Zs jyn knew that he couldn't comprehend the trajectory of vishal's Sword so he defended himself with one hand wrapped around the blade of the sword the guest discussed JY being pushed back quickly but still holding up well the guests said that the iano family swordsmanship was famous for its cunning and unconventional Essence and anyone who suffered at the hands of this swordsman would never want to fight against iano again Baran smiled and thought that the guests didn't know anything because in such situations these guys of rank andella only
shine brighter if the iano family's sword is like a treacherous snake then the rang gandle sword is an indestructible rhinoceros even if its horn is almost broken it doesn't stop rushing forward then their swords collided again with this blow Vishal scratched jyn in the chest area jyn tried to Counterattack but Vishal easily dodged jyn knew that Vishal obviously wouldn't fight at full strength but still jyn manages to fight well against an opponent with a rank higher than seventh while he himself is only on the fifth jyn had almost reached his limit but he was starting
to feel it again we see JY reminiscing about the duel with Kajun jyn felt the same way he did in that fight Jin Wu suddenly took up a stance with his eyes closed and anara began to radiate from his sword suddenly Vishal said it was a good fight then he took a quick swipe at jyn but jyn still still had his eyes closed visal hit jyn's sword and a crack appeared on it jyn's sword was shattered into two pieces but even then jyn continued to stand with his eyes closed Vishal raised his sword to jyn's
next throat indicating that it was all over and then caught a piece of jyn's Sword altogether while jyn himself fell unconscious Vishal then began to feel his neck he found that a scratch had appeared on his neck although Vishal won he was shocked that jyn was able to injure him Vishal looked at JY who was lying unconscious and couldn't understand what happened at the end the moment the sword broke Vishal felt something sharp graze his throat Vishal assumed that jyn had realized the State of the sword during their duel if jyn had reacted a second
earlier and Vishal a second later Vishal would have died so the servants carry jyn away on a stretcher Vishal thought that jyn was a scary guy then we flash back to jyn who has woken up to find a cat sitting on top of him jyn shed the cat away from him then he threw it away it turned out that jyn was already in her room he passed out right after the fight with Vishal Jilly came into the room and said that the master was finally awake JY asked how long he had slept Jill said that
he had slept for 2 days and jyn was surprised to hear this JY sighed heavily as the banquet was already over and he didn't have time to greet the guests who had arrived to meet him Jil said that for the last two days everyone had been discussing jyn's fight with Vishal and that was enough of a confession and all because the young Master showed the sword of the heart the fact that jyn was able to do it at the end of a duel with an eighth ranked Knight is truly impressive JY himself was thinking that
even though his heart sword wasn't perfect he got what he wanted and the days of Luna guiding him were starting to pay off at first jyn didn't understand the training at all but it really helped him however jyn's heart sword is still at the level where it can only be activated in an emergency jyn knew he needed to be patient but it was amazing that he was able to stand up to the eight ranked one however clumsily in addition he received enough buns confirmed veridin status and he'd made a sort of Friendship with the ice
palace Eris I also found out that buber Gaston and Vish iano know each other jyn was thinking that there were many ways to commit a crime through transformation but it wasn't urgent so he decided to dig up more information first Jill came into the room and put down the flowers saying that the arys of the Ice Palace had left them nin asked if Siri like the Jin but in the language of the Ice Palace these flowers mean never-ending duel jyn said it looked like she wanted to fight him again nureen asked about how it wasn't
the first time jyn had received flowers from a girl challenging as it was it was still a memorable moment and then Jilly remembered something she told JY that the head told him to come see him as soon as he recovered she said it was time to prove his worth jyn guessed that he would probably live away from his family for a while then we see jyn walking down the dark Street and so he came to shyon who was standing with his back to Jin and shyon turned around he finally waited for JY shyon said it
had been a long time since his children had come to see him in such comfortable clothes shyon asked JY if he was aware that he was being sent away JY replied that he knew and planned to leave today JY could tell from the look in his father's eyes that he was satisfied and after being reborn jyn was able to to read his father easily even though he didn't know why shyon asked if jyn knew this place jyn replied that it was a melum a place where only those who had done meritorious deeds in the name
of the family were allowed to enter through the garden of Swords a place where great heroes are buried shyon said that in other words this is the land of those who have protected the family for thousands of years shyon started talking about the first head Tamar ran kendle and then immediately said that he wasn't here jyn replied that he knew about it and he also knew that his grave wasn't in the garden of Swords either suddenly shyon started talking about jyn's dark power shyon said that the reason why they can't pay homage to the first
patriarch after his death they made a humiliating pact with the Zippel they can no longer use magic and honor their ancestors the zipple gods joined forces and curse their bloodline because of this all rendles born after the first chapter were born with a body unable to withstand magic shyon asked jyn if you remembered that when jyn defeated his Tong Brothers with his Aura shyon didn't ask how jyn gained this power jyn said that he remembers because he even lied that he would use it for the benefit of the family shyon said that it was lucky
that jyn was a little boy back then but if it was now shyon wouldn't let it go he then asked jyn if he had heard solder's voice to which jyn replied that he had heard solder refer to him as a contractor shyon said it wasn't fair to jy's siblings shyon then asked jyn about whether jyn would be able to use this power to surpass them and take over the family's care jyn replied that he would go away and tell the world however if there is nothing more valuable than rank Kindle then he is in business
shyon smiled and said that others left the garden of swords for the sake of other people's recognition but jyn leaves to see if the family is worthy of jyn's recognition shyon didn't even know if he should say that he was proud of him or that he was arrogant shyon showed an open palm and said that JY had five years during this time he must obtain recognition or recognize the family and return with an answer jyn drew his sword from its Scabbard then he held the sword out in front of him pointing it up jyn said
that he would welcome his father again in 5 years and here we see how jyn came out of the castle and Jil asked asked him if the conversation with the head went well jyn said that everything went well but suddenly he saw something he looked at Jil who was standing with her suitcase and muren on her shoulder and called out to her questioningly we see something on Jill's arm glinting it was sticking out of the brush and it was the object of Jean's attention Jill said that they say it blocks the aura at least she
heard from the elders she said that she was even a little clever that she couldn't use her powers Jill said that when you're a babysitter you don't earn your own reputation but it's based on your Master's achievement so na asked me not to make such a face because it's for him JY then said that he would continue to defend Jilly and apologize to her Jilly said it was enough that she could become jyn's backup and regain her powers when he completed his test then jyn turned around he looked at the Gate of the castle that
stood behind him the Sun was shining on his thoughtful face and jyn thought it was funny that he wouldn't be here for 5 years after all it looks like this is the beginning and so they set out on a sunny day like this Jim was only intrigued to see the world then we are transported back to shyon who stood in the mosum he thought that he had only reached the level of a half god with his sword but he couldn't break the oath that his ancestors had sworn to the zipple family still a contract with
solder and Shadow energy it is very likely that Junior is the Last Hope of the Run endle shyon thought that JY might have enough power to free the Runkle family shyon was looking forward to seeing what jyn's future held so we see Jilly and Jee walking through the woods and Jil asks Jean if it's okay for them to leave without saying goodbye she said that the cadets under Jen and Young lady Luna would be disappointed jyn said not to worry after all Luna is quite free-spirited herself and as for the cadetes jyn isn't going to
die if jyn had warned them they would probably have had a send off with their swords raised jyn was sure of that and the thought made him uncomfortable Jilly asked where jyn was going because from what she'd heard most of the bannermen went to mammo first because destroying evil is the most effective way to earn Fame reserve bannermen of rank candle before becoming full-fledged bannermen must travel to the outside world and build up their reputation from scratch in addition one of the mandatory conditions is Independence which means no family support for example Sister Mary defeated
all the strongest people in the southern regions of the continent and became known as the fury of the Southern lands berserk wind even before being ordained as a standard Bearer jyn thought about it the other siblings were away for 6 months to 2 years but his father gave jyn all five jyn understood that there was only one reason for this decision jyn had to learn everything about Shadow energy jyn said that they would go to the Aran Kingdom Jil asked if jyn was referring to a nation affiliated with the luo Mage Federation then she asked
worriedly what jyn wanted in zipple territory jyn said that when he was on a mission in the ruins of Colin he heard that a large number of unregistered Mages were rampant in the area they seemed to be teaming up with martial artists and causing a lot of trouble for the locals of Arin Jill suddenly exclaimed that this was a great idea she told Jean that she enjoyed getting rid of bad guys when she was on duty jyn had never actually heard of it and had taken all the information from his previous life every unreg registered
Mage and warrior in these lands is a puppet of the dark tessing family what JY really needs is underground auctions run by entertaining guys there will be a lot of items whose True Value is unknown to anyone of which jyn has a couple of grimoires and a ring in mind Julie took her money bag and said that she didn't think they would be able to use the teleportation gate to reach the Aran Kingdom following the family's rules she was only able to take 10 gold pieces with her and JY as a reserve standard Bearer is
forbidden to reveal his rank handle identity so the choice of Transport is limited jyn said that he would settle everything when they got to Jinn Kingdom Jilly was surprised and asked how they would get there jyn said that they would just fly and mirakin became interested when he heard this he asked what mirakin was waiting for and told him to transform Jilly was worried that someone might recognize mirakin but jyn said it was fine and they should try it at least once nuren jumped down from Gilly's shoulder to the ground and then we see Shadow
energy start to appear around us and now we see mirakin reincarnated as a dragon mirakin told them to hold on tight because they would have to fly at full speed to get there by tomorrow then we are transported to the castle and see the moon suddenly she felt something she looked out the window there she saw a flying dragon she couldn't believe it was Jen she was shocked that he rode a dragon when he became a reserve standard Bearer she said jyn was very special and she noticed that he'd sped off without even saying goodbye
to his sister she wished her cold little brother good luck and now we are transported to the kingdom of Jinn we see miren in human form and after the ride Jilly gets seasick miren started yelling at JY he said that Jilly was feeling bad because of Jim JY replied that it was mirakin who couldn't drive we can see that Jilly was even worse and muren was worried about her he was trying to help her and JY was confused as he watched JY seeing the current muren wondered if miren had behaved badly enough to meet people's
expectations of black dragons murin said it couldn't be helped he would take care of Gilly and urge jyn to find the money but he didn't believe in sports betting JY put on the hood and asked them to just stay here and not make any noise suddenly we are transported to the center of the Jinn Kingdom's Capital The Villa family Mansion sitting on the bank of the pond was the same person that jyn had saved despite the Grandeur of the banquet in jyn's honor he didn't find out about it until after it was over this guy
was thinking that even if it was an Aaron jyn had saved his life he wants to meet jyn again and thank him for saving him just like he promised to do and then we see jyn coming out of the bushes this guy was talking about when he would be able to see Jen again and repay his kindness suddenly someone called December who turned around but jyn immediately put his hand over sra's mouth SRA started screaming in fear and jyn tried to calm him down jyn introduced himself and said that he was the one who saved
sber from the Canelo boys taking a deep breath sber asked about how jyn got here jyn replied that sber himself had told him to call if he needed help sber said that he couldn't forget jyn's kindness because if it wasn't for jyn sber would have been dead by now but JY interrupted sber and said that he would wait here and sber asked him to bring some gold and cash sber was shocked and Confused suddenly we are transported to another place and see the story that standard bearers must hide their identity these are the rules they
must earn a reputation only by their own efforts without the help of their family it is expected that the young masters of ran candle who learned only to fight lead a poor lifestyle for the first months until they can save up enough by completing tasks to catch criminals or provide the services of mercenaries well everyone has a hard time being penous but jyn is different because apparently SRA still thanked him for his kindness Jil said that the food in Jin Kingdom wasn't bad she had prepared for frequent stops like other standard bearers do but thanks
to jyn they made it in no time at all nuren confused Jilly by asking if she was the one who said it was extortion yesterday jyn said that by helping with the money sber was able to pay back his debt as can be seen sber gave jyn a whole bag of money jyn then looked worriedly at the belly and asked miren if it was a girl or a boy as they were about to pass through the teleportation gate jyn asked miren about what he would do if he started to vomit again m said he was
a glutton and it was sacred to eat too much even if he started to throw up jyn said that if it wasn't for him miren would have had to starve for the next few days mirin said that they can fly if jyn doesn't want to watch miren throw up according to mureen only jyn insists on teleporting Jilly then chimed in feeling awkward and saying that if she was seasick they could just put up with it Jean said jil's seasickness wasn't the main problem they head to the Aran Kingdom which is connected to the luo Mage
Federation run by the zipple family currently 8 % of the active dragons cooperate with the Zippel so if they carelessly fly in it would be equivalent to declaring war nuren exclaimed that more than half of these Mages would their pants just hearing his name muren reincarnated as a cat and said that the world has become a beautiful place since the villains hold their heads High Jin chided Moren for turning in the middle of the street dragons Gods who are in debt to dragons and dozens of contractors associated with these Gods support the zipple family on
the one hand jyn is the only rang gandal who has made a contract with God and if it weren't for his father the Zippel would have destroyed them by now jyn then suddenly wondered how they had managed to gather so many contractors and even in the same generation this is hardly a coincidence and then they came to the gate and the man at the entrance asked them to show their documents jyn was so lost in thought that he didn't notice them coming Jean gave him the documents and introduced himself as Jean Gray and Gilly was
named pitan he said that they want to visit the Aran Kingdom see the sights then they're sitting on the couch in the waiting room it was announced that the move to the Aran Kingdom om was starting possible headache and dizziness passengers were asked to stay in a comfortable position and not get up Jill said that as expected from the identification cards made by the family they passed without problems jyn said that the cards were certainly sophisticated enough to fool even the bement Empire's special Affairs department and now the start of teleportation was announced Merkin as
expected became ill jyn thought that the Aran Kingdom reminded him of something from his previous life but it's been 15 years and now we see that the heroes have arrived they arrived at the luto magic Federation Aran kingdom jyn was thinking about something he was thinking about the capital after all here he spent the last year before rebirth for 15 years he was not here and the landscape is still the same street vendors roam homeless people lie around people with grim faces Jil said it was a strange Place despite the fine weather JY guessed that
it was probably because of the looters he had heard that it was particularly bad at this time jyn suggested that we settle down first and then track down the victim and here is the Throne of Our Heroes standing in front of the house nen asked jyn if he was serious about staying in this godforsaken shed Jill said that JY probably had a plan but Moren grumbled that since jyn was rich there was no point in them staying here JY asked if it was a good idea for a bunch of unregistered magicians to come to such
an environment and show that they had a lot of money still Moren was still angry in his opinion not even Orcs would come here so they went into a dark room and there they saw a sleeping man JY asked the man if he was the owner of this in the man apparently L did not see the guests for so long that at first he did not believe it this person assumed that M and jalo jyn is an aspiring swordmaster and the young lady next to him is a manid he smiled horribly then unexpectedly he pulled
out three clear glasses of drinks he greeted them told them that they were at jets in and that he had plenty of rooms available he said there was orange juice in the glasses and let them help themselves and choose any room they liked the inkeeper wanted the guests to drink the juice and when they woke up they would start a new life in the underground auction house nuren eyed the drink suspiciously then noticed something muren smashed the glass and threw it directly at the inke Keeper's forehead the inkeeper was horrified he didn't understand what mirakin
was doing then mirakin jumped up on the counter he kicked the inke keeper right in the head mirakin asked the inkeeper how dare he try to poison him meanwhile jyn poured out his juice thankfully no one took a sip the inkeeper pretended not to understand Moren was Furious he told him that he was going to die today The Battered Hotel owner started asking miren to wait and offer to talk but Moren was so angry that he didn't listen to him and kicked him in the face again and so jyn is transported back in time he
remembers that jet is a self-proclaimed highclass informant someone to whom jyn was in debt in a previous life thanks to his help jyn who was exiled from his family and had no Foundation was able to settle down here in Arin over time they became closer but this did not lead to anything good under the pretext of getting to know the underground auction houses of tessing he had cheated jyn countless times and taken everything but his clothes just thinking about it pisses jyn off jyn watched mirakin beat up jet jyn thought about how he was going
to make the most of jet this time mirakin continued to beat up jet who was curled up on the floor but jet suddenly exclaimed that he was going to ask them a question he said that despite his appearance he was ranked five nen said that no one cares and hit jet again nen wasn't going to stop so jet started shouting that he was wrong it wasn't poison it was a sedative jyn stared at it and decided for a moment that it was probably enough jyn ordered miren to stop and offered to listen to what jet
had to say miren was angry and couldn't understand why they should listen to someone who tried to poison them jet begged jyn for salvation calling him his Lord jyn sat down across from him and said he would ask a few simple questions if jet lied he would die if he told the truth he would live jyn said that he would judge his answers subjectively based on his feelings and instincts miren stopped hitting jet entrusting jyn with further decisions jyn asked jet what he was doing jet replied that he was the inkeeper and an informant but
jyn knew so he pressed Jet Jet continued his answer he said that he is a customs officer and also a human trafficker then he begged jyn for mercy because in that case he promised that he would be useful jyn said it looked like jet was trying to drug them so he could sell them somewhere to which jet said yes jyn put his foot on Jet's toes and asked where jet asked again but JY immediately pressed his fingers and Jet said over his screams that Tess Singa was in the underground auction house he said that tessing
is a dark organization that runs auction houses people illicit drugs stolen Tre treasures and even artifacts in other words a place where everything is jyn said that jet would heal by the evening and asked if he knew what to do next jet said yes muren asked JY if he was going to spend money on medical bills for such scum Billy supported muren saying that if they spare jet he would try to deceive them again jyn said about the dark organization in the underground auction house mureen and Gilly didn't understand what jyn meant JY asked if
there was anything better than destroying them and then said that it was never too late to get rid of Jeff jyn said they would trust him because they needed a guide through Arin anyway but first he's going to find someone to take care of him miren frowned he was not happy with jyn's decision after leaving the Inn Jim let out a sigh of relief he didn't expect it to be so tiring to play ignorant when you know everything but it's not his plan to tell anyone about the rebirth so it can't be helped and now
the heroes are in the hotel and it's night outside the doctor said not to disturb the hand until the bones are mended when the doctor left he told them to call at any time if they needed him jet was surprised that the man they met on the street turned out to be such a talented doctor while jet looked at himself in the mirror he couldn't understand why these crazy people first beat him up and then cured him jet wondered who they were he assumed that jyn was the heir to a martial arts family or bement
special Affairs department but whatever it was he knew that there would be nothing left of him if he decided to stab him in the back jyn told jet that it was time to move out and jit got scared and asked jyn again jyn said again that they had to go and here we are transported to an underground Auction House the guards standing at the entrance saw Jet and our her Heroes they asked him why he brought such a crowd the guard asked if it was merchandise but jet answered telling the guard to stop talking nonsense
and open up because they were his guests and so they went through and then there was a wooden door where the dman was standing he opened the door for them and something luxurious was happening behind it JY looked at it and saw that there were huge shiny chandeliers hanging there there was also an orchestra led by a conductor all of them wearing masks mureen said that these guys were funny since they brought a whole Orchestra jet said it wasn't much for a bandit run hole although everyone knows that Tess's boss is called Sala the real
puppet master is someone else jet handed the mask to muren and asked him to take it he said that if they wanted to go to the auction house it was better to hide their faces jyn put on a mask and asked who the real boss was jet replied that it was someone called a luck spider hand he said that everything here was designed to suit his taste because he did his best to hide his rudess and lack of education for a small fry like jet everything is different jet said that not only does Allah have
the ability to pacify these dirty streets he is also a seven rank martial artist from arable land jet said that there were rumors that Allah had connections with the pure blood rang gandal family across the sea nuren said just ignore it and ask JY if you really thought these guys were hanging out with scumbags from the bottom of the neighboring state Jilly supported Moren and said that she didn't see anyone matching the description jyn didn't say anything but he was thinking that there was one the person who had put a curse on him that made
JY unable to wield a sword if there's a connection to the Federation of magic then it's very very likely that it's him a ninth rank curse that hinders one's ability to wield a sword blade illusion JY denied the possibility that there was a mage in tessing of who could cast such a complex spell but 10 years in Storm Castle and five in the garden of Swords jyn had been unable to find a single clue for 15 years so he decided that he should try to grasp its straws jyn said they were here to blow this
place up and a nice bonus will be that they will find out the identity of this Al and here we see them walking somewhere in the mine nen and Gilly were not happy with jyn's plan as they didn't really know anything about it Jill said that the guards they saw along the way looked pretty strong however jyn said that he had thought everything through and asked not to worry Jilly asked him what exactly he had planned but jean called them over and told them the whole plan and after that miren says that sometimes he doesn't
understand at all what's going on in jyn's head or how he came to think of such things in the first place Jill said it was definitely unusual but was Gan sure what would happen jyn told her not to worry because they could always just run away so jet stopped and said it was here deliberately taking a place that wasn't tooo obvious jet said welcome opening the screen a crack and here we have a top view of the tessing of flower an underground auction house all the heroes sat down on the balcony on chairs and the
auction began the person who announced the auction also said that it doesn't matter where you are from or what your story is their first lot today is something that guests can use to suit their tastes and now we see people in shackles coming on stage the host said they were all in good condition he encouraged me to take a look at the guy at the very end because because it looks like he will be very useful jyn realized that jet had sold out of trying them the same way and told him so in response to
this jet put his hands around his neck and said that he didn't understand what he was doing jyn was saddened by the sight but he was still glad that he didn't see any children among them miren asked JY what they would do JY said to wait JY said that he had heard that sometimes some interesting item slipped through at these auctions he said that if something like this happens he will buy it first and then make a move nen was concerned about jyn's decision jyn was thinking about the artifact at the same time he remembered
some ring that was rotting somewhere in the vault jyn can only get it after their plan is implemented and so the host happily turned to the ladies and gentlemen and said that the auction had begun JY planned to wait patiently and now we are transported to a week and see how the host calls prices and conducts the auction in full then we see jet Whispering something to the young Master jet said that jyn had spent a whole week just watching if the master didn't buy something today the people from tessing might cause jyn trouble JY
asked jet if it was his job to prevent them jet pretended to say that the young Master could do as he pleased but jet was angry and his job and his life were in danger jet was thinking that whoever jyn was they were going to throw him out at this rate jet just wanted jyn to buy something and not involve him in his mess meanwhile the host announced the next lot the first grimoire of the evening the host said that this grimoire belonged to Matthew wanck a magician who once ruled the world and they couldn't
neutralize it but powerful magic must be etched in the pages Jean watched it as if it was fun because this was Matthew mck and they were Crooks themselves in addition most of mic grimoire are controlled by the zipple family which means that the chance of originality of this lot is zero jyn thought about how he had been at the Tessa auction for a whole week and every day was the same the host continues to talk nonsense and magicians are willingly LED we see that the host announced that cheny was the author of The grimoire and
set the initial bid at 50 gold jyn thought about how they sometimes put up such grimoires obscure ones like lottery tickets mirakin then put his hand on jyn's shoulder and told him to buy this because the grimoire if it really belonged to the cheni miren new they needed it the host looked at the balcony in Surprise everyone was surprised that jyn had placed 150 gold coins jyn looked at miren thinking that since the grimoire had recommended miren there was no reason to ask questions the host announced the next grimoire this is the shuil Easter grimoire
and JY recognized the name and was surprised of course no one had ever heard of Easter and neither had cheny the host looked again in surprise at the balcony where jyn raised his hand jyn placed 200 and everyone in the audience was shocked everyone was discussing who this person was who kept buying up strange things mureen asked JY why he bought the book and if he knew it jyn said that he just thought it would be a good idea to buy something else but it's actually his master's item from a previous life the Easter arm
family was destroyed hundreds of years ago and jyn found their Trail here and so the host announced that the lot was sold for 200 gold jyn thought about what he would give to the master when he met him and then said that it was enough and time to make a move after leaving the auction mirac and flip through the grimoires it turned out to be the chenm me he was thinking of nen then asked what kind of grimoire Easter has which has a bizarre and strange code only the master and he can read this code
jet said that it was good that jyn bought something because otherwise they would be in trouble Jay and I turned to Jet who was smiling happily jyn said that he needed to meet a and Jet immediately changed his face jet said it was impossible but jyn just put his hand on Jet's shoulder and told him to go and tell that vered and zipple wanted to see him jet was shocked to hear this he ran to aut's office and told him that this madman wasn't from B's special Affairs department but a full-blooded zipple jet was incredibly
happy thinking about becoming an informant for the Zippel and leaving this hole jet opened the door and shouted for a let to come out vered and zipple is here there was a crowd of security guards and Suits standing there so the guard came out to JY and called out to him disrespectfully we see that behind this guard was a beaten Jet and other guards the guard started to say something but jyn hit him right in the jaw jyn then used Fire magic and asked if they were him he asked the guard if he was a
luck while holding a fireball the guard was horrified and said that sir Aug had ordered him to be escorted to him jyn still used magic he made a small explosion jyn said that he revealed his name but Al luck dared to send his pawns jyn told the guard to tell alua to come here himself to crawl on all fours right at jyn's feet and then we see that the man in the red suit and all the guards were lying on the floor bowing down to Jin the man said he was a the one who took
care of tessing he said that he made a mistake by not acknowledging what he called JY the Lord of Heaven and then beg for forgiveness jet stood behind jyn and thought that if someone else claimed to be vered and zipple he would laugh in his face but jyn was different his Aura was different jet smiled ominously as he thought about the fact that jyn had used a fireball before and that was at least rank five Mana it would be difficult for others to use it freely at that age but not for zipple then we fast
forward to events a week ago jyn said that he would pretend to be veridan and Moren and Gilly were surprised to hear this jyn said that even if this Al knew someone who knew the Zippel it was unlikely that this person was above the status of an old servant in other words Al can't prove that jyn isn't baradin Jilly was worried because it wasn't a matter of jyn being found out or not if the family or the patriarch got wind of it in the future then jyn wouldn't be in any trouble then we flashed back
to find jyn ordering auts to get up lug immediately stood up he called him sir jyn then showed two grimoire and asked to if he knew what they were Al replied that they were magical manuscripts and apologized for requesting ancient Magic IC manuscripts without zipple permission Jean said these manuscripts were highly valued by the zipple family he asked ala how much money he had earned that way ALU said it was a pathetic excuse but he was a martial artist he was enough not to be able to determine the value of these items in inconvenience faredin
he promised to do everything possible to get them back and ask for a chance jyn said it was easier for him to get them back himself than to rely on a guy like a JY then ordered aut to and bring the list of auctioneers in the account book he then said that the zip family would launch an investigation tomorrow which left Alo confused he was terrified and lowered his head this is the end because no matter how hard the tessers try unlike the Zippel they are just a small local gang if anything comes up during
the investigation that the Mages don't like tessing is finished and so alua gave them as he himself said almost everything that was at the auction jyn asked if there were any others to which ALU said yes but they were in a heavily guarded Vault ALU said that it was located in the workers's residence and if jyn would allow him to leave temporarily he would deliver them immediately jyn said it would take a couple of hours so what theug trying to do he asked if Al luck was going to run away and Destroy important documents then
check if jyn was real and why he was here asking the guys who were bribed by Al luck ack only lowered his head in annoyance jyn said that Al luck could do whatever he wanted but he had to remember that he was still on jyn's hook then Al luck turned around saying that he would be back soon and ordered the servants to show veridin the vault in his absence while luck was leaving he ordered one of the guards to keep jyn in the Mansion until he returned Al luck was Furious he thought about how jyn
was arrogant and thought that everyone obeyed him he was angry that he had spent so much money on the Zippel but he decided that he would find a way to buy them back we see miren throwing boxes around and yelling at Gilly to give up everything she asked if everything was absolutely fine to which miren replied that it was only stolen goods while throwing objects miren hit the guard miren whispered to jyn about a luck mirakin said that a luck would find out that jyn was lying when he got back so what would he do
jyn said they just buy at 100% discount and run away before he gets back then he saw a box and he opened it there was a ring lying there JY finally found the ring he was looking for Jilly asked Jean if they were going to throw themselves headlong into the pool but Jilly was still in shock jyn said he'd take it as a compliment jet suddenly burst into the room with a stack of papers in his hands it turned out to be the same papers that JY had requested jet said he had recorded all the
birth regions and ages JY headed for the exit saying that they were done here but he was stopped by a security guard and told that the boss would bring the account book soon until then he asked them to stay in the Mansion but JY immediately punched the guard in the jaw with this blow he knocked out his tooth and then the guard fell unconscious jet had said that jyn was great and not only a powerful Mage but also a great fighter but he was thinking about why jyn had put aluha on the scoreboard for his
subordinate JY asked jet if he had a family he replied that he had a son jyn then told jet to grab him and run better go to the bement Empire hearing this this jet was surprised jyn advised jet to give them the bills and introduce himself as an informant because this is the only way he can survive jet started to get stubborn about staying with Jen until the end because he had worked so hard for this opportunity jet asked to be allowed to serve Jen in great Deeds for the rest of his life jet wanted
to succeed at something for once then Jean said he wasn't vered and zipple Jet was both shocked and heartbroken and now two hours had passed we see ALU standing in that room and the security guard that jyn knocked out ALU said that he had had heard that vered and zipple had long silver hair ala's subordinate then said that they took information about the and other clients and then ran away saying that tessing was finished alak was so angry that even the veins in his neck bulged and he ordered them to catch up the subordinate hesitated
then an enraged luck grabbed him by the head swung and then with Incredible Force threw him against the wall the throw was so strong that the subordinate almost broke through the wall the other subordinates felt fear ALU started shouting to his subordinates to take all those who were left and bring back these Crooks he shouted at the top of his lungs that he would skin them with his own hands then we flash back to the next scene the characters are sitting around a campfire and miren says that he still doesn't understand why they are idle
jyn said that he didn't think they would get anything by fussing over Allah he needs to find out if Al luck is connected to the rang gandal mirakin said that he would just take it as a farewell before leaving in the end ack gave JY a chenm grimoire and even gave him a masterpiece mirakin said that he went crazy when he saw this ring in jyn's hand on the way out of the auction m and asked how JY even knew about something so old but suddenly a red glow appeared in the sky it was the
guards of a luck he discovered the heroes and called the boss they annoyed mureen a lot and JY got up and said that now they would have a chat ALU was angry he finally found them he said that they were scammers and asked if they really thought that they could cheat a luck and run away an enraged Al luck started shouting that he would hang them in the market as a warning to others show them what happens when you get involved with the head of tessing a luck spider hand JY then started talking about the
ratra which contain the names of the abducted people from BT the transaction Ledger with the ancient grimoire that the zipple family is looking for and the client register which lists all the Nobles who turned a blind eye to Allah jyn said he would distribute it to all over the world starting tomorrow the world will be watching Allah jyn said that magic mail is incredibly convenient and then he said that if I was being honest I was done with Allah hearing this Al lost his temper he screamed that he wouldn't let jyn die easily that he
would skin him alive and that every time jyn lost Consciousness a luck would bring him back by burning him with flames jyn then turned to mureen he said that he wanted to punch aluha in the face one on one murein only sigh heavily when he heard this then reluctantly he walked towards the enemy enraged ALU said that he was crazy and could not do anything alone and ordered everyone not to stand like idols and attack and so the Mages began to attack mirakin UK said to let the guy live and bring him to him the
others he ordered killed meanwhile the subordinates attacked murein murein was able to defeat the guard who ran into him with just his palm but mirakin broke his sword with this blow and the guard fell unconscious then Al Lucha's other subordinates began to attack mirakin defeated two more subordinates without using any weapons other than his hands the guards were afraid to approach nuren even though there were many more of them nuren was angry so he decided to attack them himself he made such a fast Dash that the ground beneath him cracked a little and with that
Dash he neutralized all the guards in the way the other subordinates looked on in horror they were very scared Al shouted at them telling telling them why they were frozen the Mage said that if they opened fire they would hit their comrades then Al luck ordered them to aim at the pair pointing at jyn and Gilly meanwhile jyn pulled Jilly behind him and asked her to stand there for a second so the Mages created projectiles of fire ice and wind they fired projectiles at Jen and Jilly jyn said that they are all rank five and
then we see how they were protected by a shield that appeared due to the power of the blue Amulet the attacking Mages were greatly shocked by this JY just said Thank you to Sister Luna for training it's much easier after that Jilly noticed that he hadn't even dained to say goodbye to her before he left and now an enraged mirac in his shouting he called all the opponents weaklings and said that they have nothing but numbers for Emmy we see how the energy of Shadows began to appear nuren wanted them all to drop dead so
he used Shadow energy and so he struck at UT's subordinates U himself and some of the Mages standing next to him were horrified UK was scared and confused but then he smiled picked up his sword and started laughing out loud he killed those who were standing next to him even even though his subordinates were shouting that Al luck was angry jyn didn't Flinch mureen then asked if Allah was crazy then said that it would save him some trouble nuren said that he had made sure that jyn was still alive so now JY can do whatever
he wants alak asked the heroes about who sent them he was beside himself and once again asked who it was jyn asked aloc what difference it made to him since he was going to die soon anyway then we see the aura fly at jyn but he managed to dodge and it left a crack in the stone Al luck is really fast he said that he couldn't know if Jen was telling the truth or lying then he asked what he should do now he said he wasn't going to suffer a one-sided defeat nuren chuckled and said
that jyn had finally found someone to compete with and it looked like the rumors that a luck was a seven ranked martial artist were true nuren happily shouted to JY that a luck is different from the visal that jyn fought earlier because Al luck wants to kill JY he told me to go all out and try not to die and now we see ack and jyn standing there opposite each other Al luck called jyn an upstart he asked how dare a lowly Mage come out here jyn asked if fow looked down on him and called
him a rookie jyn then un sheathed his sword and they clashed in battle buuck was surprised when he saw that jyn had a sword jyn jumped back and ack realized that jyn wasn't a mage he continued to attack JY he was incredibly Fierce they continued to hit and Parry normal sword strikes jyn thought that the timing was right and he was about to hit but as soon as he hit Alo seemed to disappear jyn was surprised by the move uck hit jyn but he seems to have bounced back alak was displeased and said that it
was a weak blow but still we can see that there was a small scratch on jyn's body jyn thought that Al luck was fast because he didn't fight at full strength but it was already difficult for jyn to handle him aluk was yelling about how the fireball Jin used at the auction was an artifact but inside ALU was thinking that he was in this situation because he had fallen for jyn's primitive trick still jyn is not a problem in Al's opinion U turned around and looked at miren he is sure that mirin who singlehandedly took
down all his sixes is stronger than him alak was wary of mirakin just standing there mirakin chuckled and said that it looked like that damn brat had taken some serious hits Jilly asked him if he really wasn't going to interfere nuren said that of course since it was the young Master's wish but perhaps if it was still too early for him to get up against the seven ranked sword master however murein then said that everything was fine and the brat should realize the cost of Life Jilly started to protest but Moren interrupted her and said
that he was beginning to think that she thought the young master was going to lose and so their battle continues ALU continued to attack with his Aura and sword suddenly for a moment a luck struck jyn's sword but jyn didn't let go of the sword and started falling backwards Jil started to worry when she saw this but mirakin was watching the fight closely Al just smiled madly he bumped into Jin and said it was the end at that moment miren grinned he said that a long time ago when the rank handle sword mes were still
fighting a difference of just two ranks was nothing to them and we see that jyn used a fire spell and shot Alo with great power it was battered but Alo was still alive and Al knew it wasn't an artifact which meant only one thing realizing that jyn was a swordsman Mage aluk was shocked suddenly jyn started electrifying and then so did his sword he raised the sword in front of him then slammed It On The Ground he used lightning summon ALU started to run away from the lightning but another lightning bolt appeared in the sky
and it hit right at aluk but he beat it off with his sword Al said it would if jyn stood there unprotected he would definitely die JY then took hold of the sword with both hands and his ring began to glow and Shadow energy began to radiate from his hands he used helmet release ALU hit JY right on the head with his sword but he was shocked when his sword stopped short of cutting through jyn's head he saw that jyn was wearing a helmet that exuded Shadow energy jyn picked up the sword seeing this Al
took to flight but jyn had already launched a punch and hit Al's shoulder Al was horrified we see that jyn has a black helmet on his face the cut that jynn made was small but then jyn dealt a more serious blow and blood spurted out of the hole after that JY put away his bradamante sword and his anger dissipated muren said that it was supposed to be the Rune of malt he told Gilly that a thousand years ago the Rune of malt was an object created for bement the first emperor who was the Demon's lover
at that there was a war going on for a long time a masterpiece that blocks all attacks below the seventh rank nen couldn't understand how it had ended up in the hands of these bandits in the first place jyn was thinking that the Rune of malt was an item that would be offered to the imperator of bment in five or 6 years during this time the academy and the Press were hysterical about the discovery so J remembered the location and date of its Discovery very well we see that Al luck is lying on the floor
powerless jyn said he had one question before Al luck died jyn said that he had heard that a luck was somehow connected to the ran candle family and he asked if it was true muren said that he should have asked earlier because what kind of answer does JY expect to hear from someone on their deathbed ALU started to laugh although he did it with difficulty he said that now he knows he smiled at JY and said that he was Jin rank candle ALU said that it was still true that he failed but what to expect
from the younger one with his last breath ALU said that jyn wouldn't be able to stop this man mureen asked what Allah was talking about and jyn thought about it jyn assumed that Alice spider hand was not his real name and said that he needed to find out jyn started thinking out loud a seven rank swordmaster is a gang boss who has a connection to the rang gandal nuren said that it wasn't so strange since one of jyn's ancestors ran the bar having the ninth rank jyn said that he wanted to understand who Al luck
was talking about jyn needed to make sure because he was going to become the head jyn replayed in his head ala's words about how he had failed and couldn't stop this man U said that he knew jyn so the fact that Jin failed probably has something to do with the shadowed illusion and the reason he pointed out jyn's age and inability to stop this unknown is because he knows about the power struggle jyn immediately Crossed Out Sister Luna because she left the family certainly not Mew and and the blushies who are too young and inexperienced
the others are not so smart and diligent as to get involved in these intrigues someone who is sensitive to rank who pulled the strings when he found out about jyn's Talent namely the eldest Heir Joshua rank kendle jyn knew that no one else had that kind of influence it doesn't matter if he jumped to conclusions or not in any case he decided that he would find out soon enough then we are transported to the city we see people sorting through newspapers it says that tessing was eliminated thanks to a joint investigation by zipple and B
an evil gang that mistreated the innocent was wiped out in one day JY read the line where it says jet did a good job nuren heard this and clicked his tongue because he wanted to kill him right away however jyn said that jet would have been harassed by the zipple family or bement so it's a very small price to pay for his life according to mcken this experienced more pain he said that whatever it was the Zippel and B got all the credit but jyn wasn't without buns either jyn started recounting what he had received
and mentioned winning a duel against the seven ranked Knight but then Jilly called out to him she was concerned she said that Al's rank didn't mean that he was like the others jyn shouldn't be careless just because he won against a next time Jill thinks we'll have to be more careful jyn replied that he understood her and would be more careful jyn said that because of jet no one would think of looking for them he suggested that we relax and go to the next destination jyn said they were going to ticken an independent town and
Jilly asked if it was the same ticken as the seven flowers M and asked what the seven colors were to which JY replied that it was a large information house in ticken after info canels rang andela zipa and Benta are the most reliable places muren asked jyn if this meant that jyn was going to to find all the bad guys just like jet did jyn smiled and said that was one of the ways so they climbed aboard the ship and set off jyn was thinking that from now on as long as he moved on his
memories from his past life would be a priority so he would have to come up with a goal however this is not all it is also necessary to study everything related to Vishal iano buber and Kelo plus Al's past in his affairs with the rang gandal Callin ruins and forbidden magic so much to check out the most suitable place for this is the seven flowers in ton we see Jen and mureen in the cabin murein said that he found out what kind of Trail cheny left he assumed it was light magic it seemed to Jin
that light magic had disappeared in ancient times mirakin said he was sure it was true since then cheni has been an enemy of the zipple family they erased the stories of everyone who got on their nerves this is a zipple family trait that's why there are no records and the rank andellas can't overcome the limits of their energy mirakin said that the rang gandal will be the same in the near future mirakin said that's why learning to do it is incred L important jyn asked him if he was going to show it right now nuren
said that maybe this is what jyn needs the most right now nurin created a clot of energy that was only white in the center jyn said that since it's light magic why is it dark then there was a Flash and everything was filled with light nuren started laughing and asked how Gina was doing he only stared for a second but his eyes seemed to burst jyn held his face as tears welled up in his eyes he said that he could definitely use it in both defense and combat miren said it was cool and called it
a light grenade Chen's most valuable Magic JY really pulled out something passable so miren took out another grimoire and started comparing it but Gina asked why mirakin was taking out his beloved booklet again mirakin said that this coded system was able to infuriate even the great miren he's not sure about the content but he wonders if it will do any good jyn asked me to just leave it and said that one day he would take the grimoire to a good codebreaker then we fast forward a week the ship has already docked at its destination and
landed the heroes in ticken Jilly was thrilled with how beautiful it was ticken is a city on a small island in the south of the central continent that is not related to either the rankle family or the zipple family although the population is small it is a popular destination for tourists as you can watch the ocean from anywhere in the city it looks like the streets are alive but they were just like the name says independent city Jilly suggested we look for a place to stay jyn agreed and offered to explore the city center then
we see miren jump off Gilly's shoulder and reincarnate he grudgingly asked if jyn was going to choose bed bugs again however jyn rebuked miren saying that he had asked a million times not to reincarnate in front of everyone mirin said that no one cares but then someone exclaimed enthusiastically a girl behind him shouted that the cat had turned into a human she pointed at mureen and asked him how he changed from a black cat to an uncle muren and Gilly were shocked a girl named Julia was incredibly happy and asked to be taught this as
well and then we see Julia walking in with the ice cream jyn tried to tell her that it was just her imagination and that it couldn't be that the cat had turned into a human but Julia said that she saw everything correctly the black cat turned into an uncle she asked him why he she's lying when she calls him Mister JY said he wasn't lying and he wasn't a mister but the girl was stubborn Jean said that since he bought her ice cream they could have pretended but Julia immediately interrupted him and told him not
to make her lie Jil said they thought the girl was lost so they took her to the Garrison but if word got out wouldn't the zipple family catch them miren asked him not to worry because no one would believe the child but suddenly Gilly looked at at him with contempt she said that if miren had listened to the young Master nothing would have happened at all and so the girl finished her ice cream when she saw the building she said it was an information house Julia said she didn't like the Garrison so Jil asked what
was wrong Julia said she didn't like it that's all they're always bothering Julia's mom and bothering her Jil said it wasn't good and asked if they were using cruel methods and exploiting people jyn suggested that the child's mother might be a criminal he decided to go inside first and check suddenly the employ empe of the information house recognized Julia she was clearly not happy about it the guard shouted for the leader to be brought in and said that little Miss Julia was here JY asked if the guard knew the child he said he knew it
was a bad word Julia is the daughter of their leader Jean didn't understand but Julia exclaimed happily and pointed a finger at her mother and we see her mother who came out of the information house JY reflected that he didn't think the center's leader was the only thing her mother did her mother looked formidable with a scar on her Sullen face and a short haircut but but all of a sudden she smiled and then got down on one knee shouted her daughter's name and welcomed her with open arms she went from a formidable leader to
a sweet mom she said she told her daughter not to go too far she apologized for not playing with Julia and promised that they would play for a long time after mommy finished work Julia said that mommy had better keep her promise to which mommy replied that Julia couldn't just leave because she was busy the heroes looked at it and couldn't understand what was going on Julia's mom said that most of the town's people knew Julia so it looked like she was being nonchalant then she introduced herself as Alica Badger head of the ticken Garrison
JY also gave his fake name and said they were passing through ticken Alica said that she should somehow thank them and asked if they needed anything jyn asked if she could recommend a better place to stay Alica wanted to suggest something but Julia wanted to tell her something she whispered something in her ear then Alica took a pen out of her breast pocket and asked for a paper which the guard immediately gave her then she wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to Jen she said it was a letter of introduction stamped
with the Garrison Commander seal wherever they go if they show it they will be welcome everywhere Alica thanked them again for finding her daughter but jyn said they should thank her then the heroes left Alica turned to Julia she asked if the cat really turned into a human Julia said it was true but those people didn't want to talk about it Julia said she pretended not to know for which Alica praised her saying it was a good job Alica thought about the transformation from a cat to a human she knows it's something only dragons can
do then we are transferred to a certain hotel Jilly was pleasantly surprised she said that the service was excellent she only got this kind of service when she was in Huer miren said that the bed was as soft as the filling of a strawberry pie and that's what the bed should be like miren said that in the Vatican things are going well who would have thought that they would be so lucky right after arriving Jil said that now that she thought about it she could have the ice cream that Julia had eaten jyn said that
she didn't have to ask and could order as much as she wanted and so Jilly left the room saying that she would be back soon while humming something at the at the same time jyn said it's been so long since they've lived like this it feels like they've come for a vacation miren asked JY about how he planned to get into seven flowers because it wouldn't be easy jyn said that he wanted to find one person first because seven colors is the best information house in ticken at its Center is someone called the noble Kashmir
sword a famous swordsman that everyone knows he was recommended for the role of the rank kandle primary swordsmanship teacher this is the only information known to the house but in 10 years he will reveal that he is actually the bment Emperor who uses the information gathered by the seven flowers he will gain Sovereign power from the bment zipple and rankle families and then in list support as the first king of the independent city of ticken a meticulous person who is not only skilled in swordsmanship but also has enough skill to hide for so long jyn
thought that The Swordsman might be able to support him the problem is that we need to get closer to it somehow suddenly Jilly burst into the room she said something was wrong the logia is empty all employees and guests have disappeared then hand reached out from the darkness and it turned out to be the Kashmir swordsman jyn was thinking about he put his hand on Jill's shoulder he greeted her and asked if she was okay and if they don't mind if he invades for a little while muren lost his temper when he saw the man
put a hand on Gilly's shoulder Jinn couldn't understand how the noble Casmir sword ended up here suddenly miren slammed his right hand into the threshold wall so that his fingers left holes in it jyn was shouting at murin to stop and not kill him Kashmir sword gripped the hilt of his sword as he saw muren turn turn into a bundle of Shadow energy nuren brought up the Kashmir sword issue nen said that everything was not going well and then approached him closely and asked him what he thought jyn wondered how the noble Casmir sword could
have ended up here he must have a lot of work to do in Arin they didn't cause any trouble either since they had just arrived in Tika more importantly he wasn't alone then jyn started counting and realized that there were a lot of them jyn realized that at this rate they weren't going to get any wet spots left he told miren to calm down because the space is too small and if mirakin fights here Gilly might get hurt and now we see how mirakin looks like a bunch of Shadow energy he turned to kashmir's sword
and asked if he knew miren muren hugged Gilly and began to reproach the noble cashmir sword for using a disrespectful tone mirin asked if he really looked down on everyone because he had a sword on his belt and had sixes trailing behind him nuren continued to push and said that this man just barged in and accosted a stranger miren got even angrier with this guy's answer jyn interrupted miren and said that was enough jyn then turned to the guest and said that if he came without malicious intent then he would relax and put the sword
away jyn said that he knew that he was a noble Casmir sword because he had heard a lot about it he asked how jyn knew his name and who he was jyn remembered that he didn't even introduce himself and did so this time he introduced himself as rung candle miren wasn't happy about it and Jilly was also worried jyn told Kashmir that it looked like they had something to talk about jyn asked if he was okay with it moov to a more appropriate place where jyn can answer his questions and here we see our heroes
and Casmir sitting on the grass jyn thanked him for his trust and decision to communicate privately Kashmir was tense and thought about what the soldiers had brought after reporting the dragon's appearance but it was a mistake that made him even angrier Kashmir is sure that Morin is a dragon because such a feeling of incredible pressure cannot be created by a person if JY hadn't stopped miren they would all have ended up dead Kashmir also recognized Gilly mcen having met her before he was kicked out of B's Palace he still remembers what outstanding skills she showed
in the training Hall back then but he couldn't feel her Aura and couldn't figure out how she was related to jyn and mirami Kashmir said that it doesn't look like jyn is lying about his name but Kashmir has a question about it cashmir asked why he was with the dragon because since ancient times dragons only deal with Mages who have contracts with a God or with someone who has special powers for example not by rain candles but by Zippel Kashmir asked if jyn's family knew about the dragon jyn replied that the family didn't know Kashmir
then said that if it was discovered the family would be in chaos but jeie shares a secret that could easily cost him his life jyn said something else was important he asked Kashmir why they had come to the dragon cashmir says that since they have told him their secret he will tell his own Kazmir said that they met his daughter and the reason Kazmir was here was because she told them about a cat that turns into a man jeene debated whether Kashmir believed the child's words but it turned out that Julia was an unusual girl
and the contractor asmea it was about the God of sight so they don't think there's any chance that Julia saw anything wrong jyn said that there must be a lot of powerful people in the world who want to become contractors for as Mill and then asked if he was afraid to tell them about it nuren then interrupted them and said that something was wrong he asked if she was a contractor so where was her Dragon but Moren couldn't sense its energy anywhere near her dragon as Milla is known for being overprotective of the contractor but
he left the child alone jyn said that there seems to be a problem here cashmir said that Julia's Guardian Dragon went missing about a year ago most likely the zipple family or the bement Empire had a hand in this but there is no evidence miren started shouting that it didn't make sense there wasn't a dragon born yet that was enough to be kidnapped then suddenly muren asked Kashmir if his daughter was really 5 years old he said that if this child was really an asmic contractor then without a dragon at that age kashmir's daughter would
go mad and become disabled Kashmir was shocked by what he heard nuren said that the contractors of asila are able to see the future what people don't know is that these Visions cause huge damage to the dragon psyche right now Julia is too young to separate the Dream from reality so nothing much has happened yet if she continues to see the future unprotected as she is now in a year or two her eyes will become uncontrollable JY asked for more details and asked if if she saw the future she would be incapacitated mirakin said it
was a matter of the principle of causality those who know the future must follow what they see if he does not do so as Mill's punishment will begin when there is a vision of someone's death nothing can be changed contractors who violate this rule will eventually be destroyed mirakin said that from the very very beginning Julia lived in a different world than usual and judging by kashmir's expression miren hit the Bull's Eye cashmir said they needed to find her guardian dragon as quickly as possible and bring her to the baby suddenly he got to his
knees then he said that he actually runs the seven colors information center cashmir is confident in his abilities but for a whole year he could not find the guardian Dragon muren said that meeting Julia was not just an accident as Mill asks for their help for his young investor Kashmir started asking for M and but mirakin said it wasn't necessary he said he couldn't do anything even if Casmir begged miren then pointed at jyn and said to ask for their leader nuren asked JY what he was going to do the first thing JY asked Kashmir
to do was get up from his lap even though they weren't close enough it was about the child's life jyn asked them not to lose hope and said that they would find Julia's Guardian Dragon together Kashmir burst into tears and said that nichas would never forget Jean's kindness it turned out even better than JY had planned jyn thought that even if the seven flowers couldn't find his location they needed the information from the rank andle and zipple squads nuren asked if Ticky was not with Zippel to which jyn replied that this city was not attached
to anyone miren asked Kashmir if they had any information about dragons Kashmir replied that they knew which Dragon was on which continent jyn had asked Kashmir for all the information about dragons in the bment Empire nuren said that this method is a kind of last chance there's actually nothing that the dragons don't know about then we are transported to a cabin in the woods there we see Miss Quick anle a white-haired girl with white eyelashes and eyebrows and pointed ears we also see Ania who was surprised by jyn's achievements and held a newspaper in her
hands with the words that there was news about him again quick anle said that inia is also a good contractor like him then we see that Ania is a girl with purple hair and glasses she asked if it was true to which quick anle said yes unlike a child from a family whose Guardian is a black-haired guy Andia is a contractor for Ulta the god of time quick handle didn't have time to finish and sense danger she ordered inia to lock herself in in the house and not come out until she returned Venia asked if
something had happened quick antle said it wasn't really just a blob that showed up then we see mirakin flying over the water in the form of a dragon he told jyn they were almost there mirakin is going to fly closer and release the energy than bent's dragons will come out on their own he told jyn to hide well so that he wouldn't be caught then miren stopped and hovered in midair he said he was starting we can see how waves started to appear under Moren due to its energy JY suddenly remembered something we flashback to
the past and see Casmir handing mirakin a piece of paper with a list of active dragons in B's territory mirakin studied the list thoughtfully and realized that some of the Dragons he knew were hiding here the list included such dragons as the Earth Dragon brella and the Silver Dragon quick anle seeing this Moren understood something and became indignant jyn asked him if there were any problems mirakin said it was a dangerous idea but there was something between them the dragons so he and jyn had to go because they had a long way to go at
this point kmir addressed Mir M calling him the Great Dragon and asked him to waigh but miren was embarrassed by being called that and yelled at Kashmir and asked him to call him by his first name and then asked if he really looked like a sect leader after that Kashmir leaned over and said thank you he said he was leaving Moran to save his daughter nuren replied that he would say two things before he left miren said that first until Julia's Dragon returns Kashmir should make his daughter tired every day if she gets tired as
Mill's power will weaken Kashmir should play with her when she wakes up and do everything possible possible to make the girl fall off her feet cashmir said that he would keep her busy all day and asked what was the second thing Moren wanted to say Moren didn't give Kashmir time to finish saying ice cream he asked me to bring him some ice cream since someone couldn't eat it because of the cashmere Jill said that miren was so kind and he said that she herself had said that she wanted to make dessert Jil said she didn't
mean that but that moracin had managed to calm sir Casmir down so quickly and here we are transported back jyn reflects on the fact that Moren is actually pretending that he doesn't care about strangers but in fact mirakin is very attentive mirakin said they were coming and at that moment we see two dragons in the distance nen recognized these dragons and did not attach any importance to them according to him it was lavis and Intel which he most often soaped their necks with miren told jyn to put on his helmet jyn wearing a mask asked
muren how badly he had beaten them that they had only come after hearing his energy miren replied that he used to beat up anyone who came into his territory one of the Dragons shouted and asked what miren was doing here uraken called them Earth dragons lavis mtle and then he said that he woke up from a dream because it was time and asked for help the dragons wondered if they should tell him since he didn't seem to know anything lavis shouted to murein that they didn't know what mirin's request was but it wasn't the best
time and advised mirakin to take care of himself at the same time untel shouted to mirakin to leave quickly because they have young contractors in this area and he does not want to create a problem in the bzi Moren became angry and said that they could not order him to retreat because there was no place under this sky where he miren could fly then the dragon screamed for Miran to run and he said that the energy that mirakin had just spread was causing chaos murin didn't understand what he was talking about then the dragon said
that quick anle was hanging around here somewhere to kill murin and at that moment he understood what he was talking about quick anle is a Silver Dragon jyn asked about mirin's relationship with the guardian Dragon of the time God ultah nuren felt uneasy he said she was his ex and Jen was shocked the Dragon begged their older brother miren to just hide their contractors are still very young and if they get caught up in this they may die the dragons said that the other dragons didn't know about mirin's Awakening so if he didn't leave now
there would be rumors suddenly one of the Dragons turned around and miren saw something and became alert miren told jyn to hold on tight we can see that something is emitting light in the distance then the yellow beam passes close to the dragons but they managed to dodge this one left a huge mark on the water and even smashed a huge Rock it's so strong the two Earth dragons fly away in fear simultaneously blaming muren for everything while murin and jyn watched the situation murin shouted at Jin not to relax because there will be another
volley then we see the dragon's hand in front of which a strong white glow forms and after that a powerful yellow beam appears we see that the dragon sent out three beams at once they crashed into the water and created a huge wave the sea began to swell and a funnel appeared jyn assumed it was an ultimate skill of rank eight or higher he couldn't tell how many there were and then we see the girl shouting Moran's name she was clearly angry she said that Mirana couldn't even be repaired by a grave and asked how
he dared to show himself shamelessly here jyn asked if they would have to fight this monster now to which mirakin responded positively jyn asked mirakin about his ex specifically how long their relationship lasted nuren said that the relationship lasted 500 years which is about five inhuman years nuren said that no matter when there was an opportunity jyn should chop her bradamante jyn asked her if she was going too far now that were done then he said that jyn didn't seem to know Meen does not associate with those who are below him in class so when
the situation gets bad he gathers his forces and reeks havoc in one Fell Swoop one thing must be done to strike and now we see that she has already reincarnated as a dragon she told miren that it was too late to run she was full of rage and said she would kill him in the sea upon hearing this miren immediately tried to calm down quick anle saying that he knew that she hated him but that wasn't what was important right now he suggested that she first deal with the the current situation and then talk at
this moment quick anle was using magic her mouth was open and a white sphere was forming in it then she shot out that yellow powerful beam nen dodged and she flew after him quick anle fired the beam again and this time it hit jyn had been holding onto mureen the entire time quick anle approached mureen and tried to bite him but he was able to Dodge in time murein was outraged and asked her why she was so angry but she didn't say anything just swung her tail and hit him right in the face he was
a little surprised and he said she was crazy While She Was preparing to shoot the beam again nuren was shocked that she was going to shoot him from such a distance then we see that she did nurin grouped up and quick anel was a little surprised nurin used the release of dark energy he was in a huge sphere of Shadow energy he breathed a sigh of relief and said that he had bought some time JY who was sitting on his shoulder said that it was a good thing that he followed Meen otherwise miren would have
died if the Silver Dragon had hit him miren replied that he wouldn't die and no matter how strong quick anel was she couldn't get in here nuren thought about what he should do because since talking didn't help he needed to find a way to calm her down meanwhile quick anle was trying to break the sphere with her paw and she succeeded she asked Moren if he really thought he could use dark energy release murin was shocked and wanted to ask her how she did it but quickle interrupted him and said that he had no idea
how weak he had become according to quickle miren is very wrong if he thinks that he is the same as before mirakin told her to stop and offered to leave everything as it is in memory of the good old days muren said that he only came because he wanted to ask for something but quick andle said that when she thinks about the past she understands that simply tearing mirakin to Pieces is not enough after saying that she gave a creepy smile at the same time miren quickly flew up to her and then bit her shoulder
she was shocked quick anle screamed in pain uren not letting go told her to calm down he asked her about why she was going so far when they just broke up quick anle was Furious when she heard this she was annoyed that he thought they were just breaking up so she hit him muren seemed to lose Consciousness for a moment but then suddenly woke up and gave a signal he gave a command to jyn who immediately jumped on the quick anle she was at a loss and underestimated jyn as jyn flew he was thinking that
even miranis couldn't bite through the outer shell of quick antle so it would be difficult for jyn to break through it however with the vulnerable spot that miren made in what's left of his shadow energy it might work and now we see how the energy of the Shadows began to envelop bradamante jyn had already gathered the energy of the shadows and swung his sword and the moment he hit the vulnerable spot he used the release of Shadow energy quick anle screamed in pain tears streaming from her eyes JY with the help of bradamante and Shadow
energy was able to land a great hit and we see jyn chop off quick handle's arm and wing and then he falls into the sea Moren immediately rushed to catch JY and caught him with his hand quick antle fell into the sea jyn was sitting on mirin's arm trying to catch his breath muren said that jyn was at zero but the job was good while JY and himself was thinking about how he had become a dragon slayer nuren said he just hoped she was calmer now jyn was shocked and asked if that wasn't enough nurein
replied that a normal Dragon would have died however quick antle is different the time Master will not die so easily jyn said that they might eventually go missing even before they find the missing Dragon meanwhile quick anle was visible in the water also in the water you can see a huge clock and many mechanisms for their operation the hands on the clock go in the opposite direction and the quick anle wound or rather the missing arm and Wing returned to its place and everything was as before JY asked if quick antle rewinds time nuren replied
that this was the reason why power and Magic were separated however miren told jyn not to worry even though it's a scam it consumes a lot of energy but he told jyn not to move an inch just in case then quick anle changed from a dragon to a human nuren asked if she had calmed down but she glared at him he said that he didn't know that she still had feelings to the point where she was Furious and then he asked if they had parted on a good note but quickle shouted that miren had suddenly
abandoned her without any explanation she asked if that was what he called a good note miren also raised his voice and said that quick anle was angry when he started talking about breaking up according to him Frankly Speaking he did not cheat on her they simply did not get along with their characters jyn was embarrassed by this wondering if this was really a conversation of dragons that lived for thousands of years then mureen said that their argument was not important because he did not come to fight but to ask one question quick anle decided to
ask ask about jyn first she asked if it was possible that jyn was a solder contractor miren said it's not that important right now one of them is in danger quick anle looked at him coldly and said with a chuckle that mirin was disgusting she said that he had killed so many dragons she thought he was quick anle offered to count how many dragons had died at his hands but mirakin suddenly interrupted her and said that her brother's enemy was among them hearing this she froze miren said that for her revenge for someone with whom
he had no connection he killed him then mirakin turned around and said that whatever it was he was wrong to go to her he should have asked others but Qui anle started yelling at him to wait Qui anle swore and said that when she sees muren she always gets emotional and then she apologized for what she said murin had told her that one of asil's Guardian dragons had recently gone missing she asked him if he meant the tick and latry jyn meanwhile was thinking that they had now come to the main topic quick anle asked
if it was strange since wetta had recently taken the child hearing this JY immediately remembered the name the wind dragon wetta is one of the dependencies of melier the wind God and the guardian Dragon of the seven zipple Vice head Andre after some thought quickle says that they said that they would teach latra the language of dragon magic and in her opinion they should change places if they went back a little they would be able to avoid the traps and get into the basement then she told them to follow her and she would show them
to her room and here we are transported to the forest on the outskirts of the capital of bement we see that jyn says that he did not have the opportunity to introduce himself earlier but introduced Ed himself as a solder at contractor quick anle said she knew and asked him if he was tamer's descendant and then called JY by his first name and said he was the youngest son mirin asked her in Surprise about how she found out she said she couldn't help but understand when jyn was emitting the same energy as Tamer it turned
out that the three of them Tamer murein and quick anle had often hung out thousands of years ago she said she was just guessing the age murein was shocked while drinking her tea quick anle suggested that in any case she should return to the main topic to the fact that Lea had taken ladder away a year ago nuren asked her if they had talked Ladder into learning the language of dragon magic and then added that it didn't sound very good to which quickle replied that it might be true miren said that the current contractor as
Milla is too small to control the abilities she asked if it would be dangerous if the guardian Dragon wasn't around quick anle then said that she expected as much and asked if they had a motive nuren asked her what exactly she knew quick anle began by saying that when Veta was picked up by ladder he was staying in bement he said he wanted to introduce ladder to her but kept getting hung up on her contractor and asking her to meet him just once for no reason quick anle said she had no choice as the identity
of her contractor had already been revealed since there are a lot of people in B's upper class the zipple family is on the short side if she was acting on the basis of her character she wouldn't have allowed her contractor to stay here jyn turned to quick anle and said that according to her the identity of her contractor was revealed but no one recognized contractor as Mill it's suspicious how they found out and contacted latra nuren said it was really strange he asked if the contractor detection magic was created while he was sleeping quick anle
said that this was impossible because no one could find out about the contract until the contractor personally proved himself and then she asked about how even if this magic existed what good it would do them JY while drinking tea said that they would benefit from this in two ways first they have a way to minimize the dangers and eliminate contractors outside their territory and secondly if they kill the contractor the zipple family will have the opportunity to make a contract with God jyn then drifts back into his memories this isn't really just a chance to
make a contract jyn is sure that they have a certain method in his previous life the god of time contractor Ulta officially appeared at the stone statue after 10 years the contractor was a full blooded zipple jyn doesn't doubt for a second that they can make contracts if they kill the previous host that's why Julia's Guardian Dragon was stolen considering that JY hadn't heard anything about Princess Tana in his previous life then we flash back to reality and quick anle is already saying that there are a lot of assumptions about solder's contractor but she can't
accept them she said that JY was acting ridiculously suspicious however jyn suddenly interrupted her and said that she was telling a lie that she didn't even believe in herself jyn said he wasn't sure how the dragons were doing but there was no limit to human greed even when they reach the top they will not be satisfied but will desire things more than that they are also people who have ruled for thousands of years no matter what they do there is nothing strange about it JY is sure that the heads are up to something and added
that he doesn't fully understand why quick anle pretends not to know he assumed she was afraid of the zipple family after hearing all this quick anle was shocked mirakin began to argue furiously that the Zippel were truly greedy but while he hated to admit it they were capable people mirakin said there was nothing wrong with being careful hearing this quick anle smiled a little and snorted then she laughed out loud she told the surprise miren that he had change she got up from the table and said that she would hide her contractor first and then
help them hearing this mirac was somewhat displeased quickle said that she needed to see vetta and find out the truth if the heroes weren't lying they must be looking for an opportunity right now and would come right at her call then she put her hand on jyn's shoulder and said that in addition to that she had obligations to Tor one of his descendants is here evoking memories of the old days she said that jyn's provocations and even his audacity reminded her of Tor quick anle said she would call WETA and was about to tell her
the plan when the contractor girl came into the room nen and jyn were surprised and quick anle approached inia because quick anle had told her not to come out but then quick anle said it was actually better that way and then introduced them to each other she said it was her old friend in contractor that he was protecting Jean ran candle suddenly there was a scream she screamed at the fact that young Master JY was right in front of her quick anle feeling ashamed said that she had forgotten to mention it Andia tearfully shouted that
she was dreaming of something and then asked young Master Jin to give her an autograph quick anle asked inia if she wanted to keep her dignity as a contractor suddenly Ania bowed down and introduced herself saying that she was from the common people but was attending the academy as a scholarship student jyn thought that Ulta valued the Bloodlines of her contractors and if she was a commoner did that mean that she was so talented jyn smiled and said that she had nothing to apologize for no need to be ashamed of the enthusiastic reception quick anle
scolded Ana and asked if she had ever told Anna not to leave the house without quick antle's permission inia said it was sad there and so she thought it would make her feel better if she saw quick anle but suddenly young master JY appeared in front of her which meant that she definitely made the right choice by coming here jyn thought about B's nobility he could imagine them her which was why JY hadn't interacted with people from the academy since his previous life jyn then started to approach her while Ania was asking quick antle about
why young master jyn was here jyn replied that the reason he was here was because of Ania he said there was a chance someone was after her because she was a contractor for oldach and then he smiled held out his hand and asked her if she would come with him calling her Miss she was embar embarrassed and her face was red suddenly she screamed that jyn was taking her away and Ulta finally heard her prayers it was really very loud so quick anle asked Anna to stop but Ania screamed and begged them to take her
with them she was praising the time God old TCH but suddenly quick anle came up behind her and hit her holding Ania who is unconscious In Her Arms quick anle said that she was afraid that Ania would not want to go quick anle said that Jin Anda would follow him to the rank handle underground prison JY replied that their family didn't have anything like that quick anle told told JY not to pretend because there was a dragon there too jyn was surprised to hear this then we see miren asking them what they were talking about
JY and quick anle looked at miren who was already asleep on the couch quick anle then turned to jyn and said that she had agreed to help because apart from keeping her loyal to Tor and any as safe this slumbering miren didn't realize how weak he had become she wouldn't tell him but he couldn't stand up to vetta so if they had to fight him it would be her JY asked if WETA was really that Strong Quick anle said it was but miren was incredibly weak too according to her her attack at C would have
been a joke to him a thousand years ago she said that they both needed a place to wait for Veta to arrive and offered to stay with her JY asked if they would push them back quick anle said it was all right but he needed to convince the stubborn man she was sure Moren would make a big fuss because this was his ex's house jyn had said to leave it to him but at the same time he was thinking that Silver Dragon quick anle contrary to his first impression of her was quite thoughtful she got
up from her knees and said it was just time quick anle said that inia would wake up in 10 seconds and asked her to explain the situation carefully jyn was surprised and asked if quick anle had just hit her since even trained martial artists wouldn't wake up so quickly we then see Ania lying unconscious but then she suddenly wakes up as soon as she woke up she started repeating the same thing namely calling out for Jen quick anle said that there are things in this world that go beyond common sense and reasoning we flash back
and see JY and Ania discussing something Ania is informed that the ticking contractors are being being hunted by a certain force and she may be her next Target she said that she trusted JY completely and inia was excited about the intrigu and adventure of a child a girl dragons and a young Master jyn which sounded very romantic to her jyn said that maybe she could look at it that way she replied that it was better to think positively and she should also prepare to leave her family in ticken JY asked her when they were leaving
and said the sooner the better Andia replied that she was ready for tomorrow because her whole family is a seven-year-old younger brother and an old dog Poppy JY said they would move slowly quick anle ordered Ania to return and begin preparations as she left the room she said goodbye to jyn quickle asked jyn if she could tell the academy that Ania was Ill JY commented positively and said that if she reported that Ania was in hiding they would investigate Ania was just saying that she needed to worry about wette now when suddenly there was a
knock this one asked if anyone was home and said he needed some wood quick anle said it was strange because there were so many trees outside jyn asked her to wait he asked her if it was true that this man had come to get wood and JY himself wondered if all dragons were so careless jyn put on a mask and said that it was probably the person outside from B's special Affairs Department jyn said it was about Miss and I from now on they will monitor this place they probably want to confirm the presence of
Outsiders that quick anle brought with her quick anle was Furious that anyone had dared to follow her she opened the door and the guard started to ask her something but she immediately grabbed him by the throat she lifted it into the air with one hand she told him to tell the truth and asked if he was from B's special Affairs Department the man choked and said that he wasn't from the Department then quick anle asked him who had sent him here suddenly a man appeared in the house and said it was him the man asked
quick anle to loosen her grip the red-haired man with the face mask said that if she killed him another officer from the special Affairs Department would come quickle released the officer and guessed that the red-haired man was the commander she attacked him with her fist and said that if she needed to kill someone she would start with him she hit the commander and the room became very bright dest Rose all over the room then we see that it hit him right in the face but he was still standing there quick anle was shocked by this
and he asked her if she had let off steam jyn was shocked that the red-haired boy was fine after being prescribed a blow to his forehead this is definitely not an ordinary officer from B's special Affairs Department he has a red mask that only Department group leaders can wear plus he wields a curved sword only one person fits all these characteristics the emperor's right-hand man leader of the third group code name Ras one whose skill with the blade is is recognized even by the rank handle no doubt he's strong judging by his energy at least
at rank eight jyn is glad that he has covered his face with the Rune of maltt quick anle told Raz that it was good for a human he said he was sorry if he offended they had no other option to verify the identity of her guests and now that they've confirmed them Raz is leaving quickle said that apologizing for the fact that they had so rudely invaded her space simply exceeded the limits of human arrogance Raz replied that Miss inia had just left the house he asked quick anle if she thought walking late at night
alone was dangerous for an if she fights now she will win but she won't be able to help miss an i if something happens to her in such a short period of time he told her that if she didn't want to continue he would just leave and then as he left he wished her a good evening suddenly quick antle told him to remember something as she spoke she was Furious next time he would have to put the treasure on the line every little thing he defended with his life she warned him to be prepared to
lose everything because of what he had done he said nothing and said goodbye until the next time Raz said that he had confirmed The Smuggler's appearance and then ordered the officer to go back and find out their identities and he said that all sightings of the Silver Dragon would be suspended for a while the officer asked if they needed to continue monitoring the movement of quickles and guests Raz replied that if they provoked the Silver Dragon any further it would only get worse he said that he would take responsibility and ordered the officer to move
out once I thought that they were definitely up to something he told the officers that they were all in danger and ordered them to stop close surveillance while the targets were active then we see an annoyed quick anle viciously banging her fist on the table she says that she shouldn't have left Ania in this wretched City and that if JY and miren hadn't come the consequences would have been different jyn said it was good that they were able to avoid this and now they would make looking after missia a top priority quick anle said they
were moving out tomorrow we flash back to the next morning and see Jean and quick anle standing on a cliff with a wonderful view of the blue see jyn said it was a great relief that they found a merchant ship Bound for ticken jyn told quick anle not to worry because he had paid the captain more than enough and he would not neglect missia besides Moren is accompanying her so there's no need to worry quick anle said she'd go check in with wetta they can meet him as soon as miren returns and here we are
fast forward a week we see muren standing in front of the house and thinking about something while looking at it JY praised miren saying that he did a good job miren said that quick handle is more violent than he expected mirakin revealed that the two of them made this house when they were together in the past he knows why she leaves them here jyn asked him if his cold heart was melting miren irritably told jyn not to say something so ridiculous Reviving old feelings is something that is hard to deal with they're just memories a
thousand years ago a house like this had had the good old days with Tamor and quick anle no matter what they did it was fun he clearly saw Tamer who called him by name then he suddenly had a headache when jyn asked him what had happened to him mureen said that it was nothing special just a sudden headache quick anle said it was pathetic and asked him if he was tired from the short flight already ready nen got angry and told her to sh saying that no matter how weak he became he wouldn't be exhausted
by something like this quick anle told me to hurry up and collect my thoughts because weta's answer came it will be tomorrow night the place is an uninhabited island off the southern coast of bement and now we are transported there quick anle is standing on a vacant lot and waiting jyn and muren were hiding somewhere behind the Rocks muren asked quick anle what she was going to do when she met Veta tomorrow quickle replied that she would tell him that the reason she had called him here was to find out the location of as Mill's
Guardian Dragon lry if he pretends to be innocent quick anle will beat him up nuren smiled and said that it was not a bad thing in her place jyn would just avoid such a tedious situation he said that since Anna wasn't with quick anle she could do whatever she wanted quick anle told miren not to do anything because she would fight alone she didn't need him outraged miren started shouting that no matter how weak he became he didn't need compassion from his ex quick anle asked about the person who said that she was compassionate and
asked him to stop talking nonsense because it was related to Ania besides the other side takes the dragon's honor seriously this means that he will definitely come alone quick anle told him not to worry and just relax JY meanwhile was thinking about it and doubting his honesty if they really did kidnap lry and plan to create a contract they'll probably come fully armed so we're transported back to the island and see a green portal opening in front of quick anle a dragon comes out of it and we see a man laughing and saying that it's
an honor for him he never thought that he would meet the Silver Dragon of time quick anle he leaned in a little and said it was nice to meet her he introduced himself as winged dragon Deputy head of zipple and mesler's contractor Andre zipple then a disgruntled quick anle turned to wetta and said that he should have come alone vetta said that when he received quick anel's letter Andre was there for him Veta was interested in the history of contractor oldach and Andre seemed just as excited Veta asked the Silver Dragon for understanding quickle said
that Veta had made a terrible mistake recently Veta replied that since since he had made a strong impression it was worth moving on to the main topic he has a lot to discuss about the ult Taha latter contractor quickle immediately asked where ladder was now Veta shouted that it was obvious that this was what quick anle had been thinking all along quick anle also screamed and told him to answer the question because he took ladder a year ago and from that moment on contractor as Milla can't find his Guardian Dragon buleta said he didn't know
what answer would satisfy her he said ladder was fine quick anle was Furious and asked how dare joke with her Peta told her that he didn't know what her relationship was with the asila contractor but that it was a bad idea to focus on the zipple family quickle said that Veta was really mad and asked him if he really had kidnapped a young dragon who didn't understand the ways of the world meanwhile JY and muren were watching this and thought it was arrogant then Veta exhaled heavily and called it boredom two green tornadoes appeared next
to quick anle but quick anle didn't stagger Veta said he had a suggestion for her Veta offered to hand over the contract and in return promised to keep quick anle alive to which quick anle grinned and replied that this was nonsense vetta said quick anle was just an old blizard vetta then shouted that if she did she would sleep forever and then attacked her with a tornado sending rocks flying at quick anle there was a Flash and quick anle was reincarnated as a dragon she said she also had a suggestion for vetta she told him
to return ladder right now and then she would let him go painlessly Andre then exclaimed that she had managed to fend off feta's attack quite easily he shouted that for the first time in a long time he could go all out and raised his magic staff up he used Mona release and a bright blue ray of Mana shot into the sky jyn saw this and thought that it was rank n Mana the first time he had seen it since his rebirth Andre zipple the rung kendles rejected him but he is the Deputy head of the
wealthy zipple family Jean was interested to see what level Andre was on Andre shouted for the Silver Dragon to get ready and there was a green Mona pool in his hand quick hample decided that she needed to dodge and started flapping her wings but suddenly something went wrong and she couldn't take off a ray of Mana flew into it quick anle was shocked that she couldn't fly theetta said that it looks like the wind turned its back on her and unfortunately all the air currents on this island belong to him and then he took off
he is the king of Mesler the wind God vetta said that no one would fly without his permission soaring over quick anle he said that she was no match for him and began to prepare the projectile quickle was angry and asked if this was the best thing they could do Andre shouted that it wasn't good enough and said he would show them how it was actually done quick antel asked if she thought he could only control the wind Veta then shouted for her to die and fired Andre and Veta teamed up and shot out Raging
Thunder Jinn was excited and shouted at miren but miren said that now was not the time miren said that quick anle had indeed become complacent but these empty-headed people were also too confident meanwhile A blue ring appeared above quick anel's head then that ring broke and everything went dark JY was shocked because it looked like time had stopped and the Raging Thunder had also stopped then quick anle took a deep de breath and fired her magic at the enemies Andre was also a shock iron because it was the ability to control time and even stop
magic it had been many years since he had seen such a sight quick andle said that today she would tear his filthy mouth apart and Andre was horrified to hear this he shouted and seemed to reproach her for being so angry after just one spell while vet ordered her to quickly start the next attack but Veta didn't answer and Andre started hurrying her and panicking meanwhile Veta froze his body didn't move he assumed it was the power of time control quick anle prepared herself and made an incredibly fast Dash I grabbed Veta by the tail
and Andre flew out of the way quick anle tugged on weta's tail and threw her into the ground with all her strength Veta was lying unconscious on the ground quickle leapt at him hitting him with all her weight Veta screamed in pain but quick anle didn't stop and decided to use her mouth it bit and tore vette's arm off Veta was terrified and screamed in pain Andre zipple was running towards wetta shouting quick anle asked him how he dared to keep talking and called him a Andre yelled at quick anle but she told him to
and watch because he was next quick anle thought about taking care of wette but she was using too much strength she understood that she needed Jen and Morin's help to deal with the Mage Andre told her that she had gone too far he took out a blue oval object and said that such arrogance is only allowed to the best nen was shocked when he saw this item nen recognized the item is the sore Stone a monster's head appeared out of that rock nen said that it was impossible because this Stone must be destroyed he couldn't
understand where the old man got the source Stone from the monster that emerged from the stone had teeth but no eyes this monster started attacking with its jaws Andre said that quick anle was born a silver Dragon of time and lived with the idea of her own superiority but she was wrong according to him humans dragons and even Gods will all eventually fall into the hands of the zipple family he shouted at her to stop denying it and accept it meanwhile the monster opened its mouth wide and then bit quick anle who screamed in pain
then we will learn more about what this Source stone is the source Stone holds the power of all the gods when danger came to the world they created it as a security measure to prevent the end of the world in the end the gods themselves destroyed it it was so powerful that it could erase the world instead of protecting it after that we are transported back and see that miren is furious that the quick anle was attacked but at the same time thinks about why the item that should have disappeared is still in the hands
of the magician meanwhile quick anle was holding her sore side which was emitting something dark and she asked asked what it was Andre chuckled and said that was where she belonged where the weak must bow before the strong suddenly murin was reincarnated already in Dragon form he shouted and told Andre to stay away from Quick anle Andre was a little surprised by the black dragon because there were only two of them left in the world so Andre realized that this black dragon was the rankle mureen Andre asked him if he had woken up from a
Thousand-Year Slumber and then suggested that the guy near miren was his contractor Andre recognized the younger one who had recently left the the house Jean rung Kendall Andre was on his way here to get his hands on contractor OU but his appetite grew and he smiled horribly as he said that adrean said that if it was fair he would wake up his sleeping friend the monster approached wet and whispered something to him Etta suddenly woke up the magic that had been working on him dissipated when he got to his feet he said that he shouldn't
have saved energy and then Andre apologized to wetta calling him an old friend Etta said he thought Andre was dead nen said they were crazy Veta replied that he and mirakin had not seen each other for a long time then they began to fight furiously mirakin called wetta a corpse and wetta replied that although mirakin had lost ground his words were just as harsh then he started collecting a monosphere and shouted for muren to go back to sleep muren used Shadow energy and when Veta fired miren suddenly disappeared leaving a trail of Shadow energy suddenly
he was behind WETA he turned back into a dragon and was about to strike mirakin hit Veta on the back but Veta managed to grab mirin's Fist and said that he would be upset if mirakin lost to him quickly both dragons started to charge the magic sphere and wetta told Mirana that he should be happy because WETA will be known as the one who killed the legend to which miracor replied that WETA should stop deceiving himself then we go back to Andre and quick anle and Andre said they should continue as well according to Andre
he was going to go easy on her but now that she has seen that face of the sore Stone she will have to be put to death Andre suddenly became alert Andre suddenly remembered and exclaimed that Jin rankle was definitely here jyn used the magic that miren had shown him Andre said that the child's intervention wouldn't change anything but JY used flashbang magic right in front of Andre's face Veta noticed it too and even turned around he saw that Jean was running towards the blinded Andre with a sword in her hands Veta agitated by the
situation ran to save Andre nuren tried to stop wetta but WETA managed to hit jyn with his tail this one was very strong jyn lost Consciousness for a moment and then it flew into the stone and split it into small pieces when jyn came to he looked up and saw a Veta shell flying at him and a monster approaching jyn sat down while the projectile flew at him and then took off the chain that was around his neck he threw the rock with all his might the stone shattered into fragments and then a strong beam
of light hit this place and we see the sword of Luna Luna herself said that in all this time JY never contacted her she asked if it was true that Circumstances had changed now and called him Junior then we see what happened before jyn intervened in the fight jyn ran across the battlefield and thought that it would be suicide to get involved in a dragon fight he knew that the only place he could be useful with his level of power was to thwart Andre with flash magic then we see once again how he blinded Andre
and we see how he smashed the blue stone on the ground and then the moon appeared which stood up to protect JY Andre was shocked by what he saw he recognized the white whale Luna commented on what was happening and said that the deputy head of the zipple family and the wind dragon should be enough to call her sister she said he did a good job and asked if he was hurt The Battered Jin replied that he had barely held out out he thanked his older sister for coming Luna looked somewhere and said The Magician's
name she asked Andre if he had swallowed his tongue she said she wanted him to explain how he was connected to her little brother JY meanwhile was thinking about how their opponents were Deputy head zipple and the Wind Dragon animated by an artifact with the power of a God in jyn's opinion they would be difficult for even his sister to handle but for some reason jyn was sure that this fight was over now mirakin told jyn to move away mirakin carried The Battered Jin and quick anle on his back and apologized to JY explaining that
he couldn't block wet because he was controlling the wind nuren said that jyn had a good sister anyway because if she had arrived a little later JY wouldn't have been left with a wet spot Thanks To Oi jyn is alive meanwhile Andre said that this was an unexpected turn because the white whale itself looked at the light and besides he had evidence Andre shouted that the ran candle family had broken the zipple family's elf because Luna's brother ran candle had used magic and the zipple family would not be able to turn a blind eye to
it Luna smiled and said that no matter what Andre didn't have to worry because he wouldn't be able to tell his family the news Andre was scared but he said Luna was just a girl he attacked her with a monster and asked her how dare she not know her place as the monster flew to attack Luna she slashed her sword straight along its body the monster crumbled to death Luna said that all the Zippel she met were insufferable wind bags as she expected the deputy head isn't any different Luna made an incredibly fast lunge it
happened very quickly in an instant she was behind wetta and even more than that she managed to cut him down Luna said that it looked like the dragon preferred to stay in its true form but that it was better for Luna since her blade had a place to roam wetta grinned in shock and clicked his tongue and then he reincarnated into a man it turned out that he was a man Andre shouted at him and wet said that he understood Andre wet then created a mono weapon in one hand which was a spear the second
arm was covered in something dark purple he grabbed the spear with his other hand and the tip of the spear began to emit the same energy as the hand this power is not magic it looks like both drag energy and Demon energy at the same time the reason why the wind dragon goes out of its way Luna said that it looked like will it needed time to use the artifact properly and she said that the deputy head of the zipple family and the wind dragon had to rely on such a pathetic tool she asked them
if they really thought that this small thing could save them meanwhile wet launched an attack with a spear tipped with strange energy this spear was huge but Luna managed to jump out of the way wet was Furious and shouted at Luna to and try to attack her again he said she didn't know anything so she should stop making such claims she Drew her sword and slashed at the spear deflecting the attack wet wasn't going to stop and continued his attack Luna and wet exchanged a huge amount of blows but here's another moonstrike to stun wet
wet was in a bad position Luna hit him with her sword and he jumped back he paused with his spear stuck into the ground his body covered in a wound from the Moon strike Luna said that this was wet's limit which made wet angry Luna asked if he had anything else to show her but wet didn't answer she said that then she would finish quickly she raed raised the sword above her head after that a pillar of light hit the ground from the sky and the moon used the third and final rang gandle movement the
pillar of light even cut through the clouds and everything was flooded with light wette and Andre watched in Surprise the moon used a meteor shower then we flash back to the hero's memories and C that he's talking about how if he needed to describe the family's sword technique in one word that word would be dominance according to zed she is destructive and ruthless fight get possess the rang gandal mindset is contained in the sword that's why there is no method not for the rang gandal sword the only things they have for killing opponents are secret
technique and final move then we flashback to see jyn shocked that luny used the third final move the meteor shower JY couldn't take his eyes off it because it's beautiful to the point where you go blind and we see a white balloon flying towards Andre and wet there were a huge number of these balls it was very strong Andre was Frozen with fear wet who had been reincarnated as a dragon was hiding Andre from the meteorites and shouting at him to pull himself together and come to his senses Andre was silent and only wondered if
it was possible he realized that it wasn't like she was using the power of a God she had a contract with or a rare artifact he was horrified and at the same time wondered how this was possible with just human strength meanwhile wet was shouting that Andre just needed to survive Andre was alive so they could still win wet said that as long as they had the devil Stone they could turn the situation around wet asked to be resurrected if he died protecting Andre Andre came to his senses and squeezed squeezing the stone decided that
wet was right and this was not the end because as long as Andre had the devil Stone he would not die in his mind he exclaimed that he was a god with this Stone after the meteor shower ended Luna looked at the battlefield in annoyance she said she was still a long way from her father's sword then she looked at jyn and thought that even so it had paid off looking at jyn she realized that he was clearly provoked and after all if Luna couldn't take her father's sword then Jinn definitely would then we suddenly
see that a huge creature appeared with a sore Stone in the Center of its chest the monster had a mask with horns Luna said that her Pride was a little hurt and she would be annoyed if the clowning continued in front of her little brother the monster screamed horribly jyn was surprised and asked what it was nuren said it was now clear that the Zippel had used contractors to create the source Stone the origin stone is a weapon against the gods although it is currently of low quality however it's still dangerous saying that murac and
reincarnated as a dragon mureen holding jyn in the palm of his hand said that they were leaving but jyn said that they should fight too and you can't leave someone so dangerous to your older sister JY was really worried about her miren said that it wasn't necessary since big sister Gina could handle such a pile of manure and they would just get in the way so Moren suggested retreating JY gritted his teeth he thought about how after signing a contract with solder and being reborn he met Meen jyn could have started with more luck and
strength than anyone else jyn was ashamed of having to retreat without being able to respond to the enemies properly and he remembered the time when he had been assassinated he decided decided that he never wanted to experience such helplessness again and that he had to become stronger mirin looked at jyn in silence mirakin knew that jyn wasn't scared but he didn't expect him to get all fired up after seeing such a sight nen is so proud that he wants to bite JY nen realized that this was the moment when jyn's fighting Spirit should not be
stopped if Gina continues at this pace she will be the best until then miren will support him because JY is his contractor after a thousand years Luna asked the monster if it really thought it could kill her just because it shap changed a little luna said that in that case he was very much mistaken she called Andre a pathetic person he pointed his hand directly at the Moon then shot out a purple Ray the Rays were so strong that they destroyed the Earth they hit but the moon was able to survive Andre shouted out that
there were 12 gods inside him right now he asked about what she had but then answered himself saying that she had nothing but a sword that was too big for her he told her to just admit it and give up because even if her father were here right now no one would be an opponent for Andre Luna said that that one blade was enough for a swordmaster and her face was completely expressionless and unperturbed she said that if Andre used the magic he had cultivated all his life he would be able to see half of
her combat equipment and that was because she would show it out of pity Luna said that a sharpened sword was very strong against something so pathetic and the sword began to have a red or around it Andre was surprised having fought countless Swordsmen before but this is the first time he's seen such a thing but he pushed those thoughts aside and decided it didn't matter after all as he thought thought he had reached the level of a God he started calling out to her and said that he would show her an arrogant girl how weak
she was Luna launched an attack and hit Andre at the same time she used the sword of the heart a technique called the red moon with this technique she perfectly cut Andre into two pieces she also cut the sour Stone The Rock suddenly exploded and energy was released from it and then the energy began to condense into a sphere Luna started to get sucked in trying to resist by holding on to her sword but she knew she was going to get sucked in anyway suddenly there was a cry and Luna looked up to where muren
was flying it was Jen who was shouting sitting on mirin's arm and holding out his hand to Luna At first she was surprised and then she smiled because Jen had saved her today then we are transported to the time that reports what happened to someone we learned that the island has disappeared Without a Trace Raz said that the strange Vortex also absorbed nearby matter and a large amount of Mana was found around this area although humans definitely played a role what was more important was the magic power of the time and wind dragons he said
that the department suspected that Veta from the zipple family was involved in the case before the incident there was a report of him crossing the border then Raz said that at the same time it seemed that the wind dragon had died Raz showed the dragon's claw the boss asked if they had found someone who was the owner of human Mana Raz said it looked like a contractor the boss said that the contractors with Guardian dragons and the Sinister energy had something to do with the thing they were creating then he asked about Andre but once
said they were still studying the boss slammed the desk and said that a lot of details had recently been removed from reports he asked Raz if they had determined who was staying with quick anle Raz said he had no excuses then the boss looked at RZA with displeasure and then said that there was nothing to be done because if RZA couldn't do it then who could the boss ordered them to make sure they didn't tell the press anything and if they can't find any Abbi tonight they can file a missing person's report he ordered more
people from the special Affairs division to be sent to zipp's territory to check their condition even though they're on friendly terms it's best to play it safe the boss then asked Raz if he understood and knew that the boss was Restless once he answered that he would live up to expectations and then it turns out that this person is the Emperor himself Emperor bment Amir bment then we are transported to a small house where we can hear buber shouting in awe Vishal said that there was a battle between the Silver Dragon and the wind dragon
on the coast of B and as a result the island disappeared and a whirlwind formed in its place so Vishal is sure that the devil Stone broke buber asked how they had dared to destroy his creation since he had warned them not to use the own so carelessly until it was completed buar said he would never forgive them and offered to tell them what they thought of them thisll listened to buar but thought that the Zippel had ruined everything and that they were making him delay killing buar Vishal said that in any case the head
is now Furious Vishal said that the head wants to renegotiate the alliance with the zipple family so buber should ignore the connection with them from now on then we are transported somewhere and see how the meat is fried on the fire then we see a fire breathing dragon and a man holding his hands over a pink ball the white-haired man set on Andre was dead the dragon said that he must have left with fetta even the devil Stone didn't help him the woman said it must have been one of them either the silver dragon's strength
had exceeded their expectations or someone else had intervened the dragon asked who it might be the dragon asked if it was true that the shadow dragon had killed the grave Giant in Canelo the dragon thought about Misha according to him if this is Misha's power then it's understandable because she wouldn't be afraid of the devil Stone the man asked about whether Misha who is miran's Sister in question the Dragon said it was and besides quick anle was his ex not exactly an outsider to Misha the man told the dragon whose name is Katan that then
they would know what he should do next Kaden asked if he wanted the dragon to find her Kaden said it was impossible because if the black dragons wanted to hide no one could find them the man laughed and told him not to be a child besides they were disgraced by missing the devil Stone Kaden asked if he was okay despite the death of his younger brother he said he was obviously sad but he knew it would happen the man said he was shocked when he found out that Andre had attended chiron's banquet and didn't even
mention it Ken said that the man was lying we should tell the creator of the devil Stone to make another one without it they won't be able to rule the rank kendle family as long as the head lives nor will they be able to rule the kings of the Black Sea zipple said that kajuna wasn't the only one who was annoyed by what was happening Kaden repeated zipp's words about not being a child Kaden said that if zipple plans to take over the world the stone is not bypassed and of course if he kellar wanted
to become a god gone then we flashed to another location and see Jilly going to open the door Jil opened the door and asked who was there then she saw Jen muren quick anle and Luna standing at her door Jean said they were back and Jill was shocked Jen asked her if she would make them something to eat since they couldn't eat while flying back Jilly was very surprised that even lady Luna was here and then fainted we then see miren trying to calm down Jilly who is lying on the couch and talk about the
young Master being kicked out Luna told JY that it looked like his Nanny had misunderstood something Luna said Jilly was very worried about him Jean said Jilly was too good for him then someone entered the room and immediately addressed JY it was Sir Kashmir who exclaimed that they were back and asked who all these people were JY introduced Kashmir to his older sister Luna rendle Luna greeted him and said that he was the same sir Noble Kashmir sword that she had heard so much about Kashmir was shocked and said that he was flattered by such
a high rating it was an honor for him to serve her Kashmir then turned to quick and edle and jyn said that she was missing Asgardian Dragon the Silver Dragon quick anle Kashmir greeted her and introduced himself saying that he was the head of the seven flowers information house and an acquaintance of Master chin Kashmir did this because he knew better than to step on the same rake jyn said he was sorry that he hadn't made Kashmir aware earlier Kashmir replied that everything was fine because they were in the same boat then quick anle called
out to Kashmir and asked where Ania was cashmir replied that he was just about to tell her that latter had returned 3 hours ago jyn was surprised and asked if lder was back today Kashmir said that ladder is with with kashmir's daughter and Miss Ania but here's the strange thing latter has absolutely no memory of his disappearance and jyn was surprised to hear that then we see Flash Forward and see Julia's shocked mother she was shocked that lder doesn't remember being kidnapped he talks about how vett said they want to teach him dragon language magic
he asked about what happened after that then we see cashmir talking about ladder being too well for them to say that he was threatened by the zipple family maybe he really wasn't abducted quick anle said that she personally received a confession from zipple n got angry and said they were erasing evidence he said they were covering up everything related to the devil Stone including latter's memories it's a family trait and when things go against their plans the Zippel burn their Bridges Kashmir asked in Surprise about the devil Stone jyn said it was an artifact they
had created and said he would explain it now Deputy head of the zipple family a wind dragon and an artifact that consumes contractors Jill said that JY had been through a lot they couldn't understand what the Zippel were up to nuren said there was only one reason why the Zippel decided to imitate The Source Stone someone wants to become a god they try to gather all the power of existing gods and Destroy obstacles on the way to this goal to become the only deity controlling the world Kashmir asked quick anle to rest because he uses
all possible resources of the seven colors he said that if she wished he would show her to miss an eye then quick anle left with Kashmir who escorted her to Ania Jean asked Jil how she was feeling she said she was feeling better and then wondered why she was lying down she was very surprised to see the moon which which also looked at her then She fainted again sometime later Luna reveals that after they destroyed the infamous tessing organization ticken an independent city became safe Deputy Chief zipple and wetta are both dead and all of
this Jin did within 2 months of barely becoming a reserve standard Bearer Luna said that jyn even used magic without getting official confirmation if jyn was caught he would be sleeping in his grave by now Luna was a little drunk and said it was an incredible achievement Jilly said that when Luna found them Jilly thought it was all over but it turned out that L already knew everything Luna laughed and apologized for scaring Jilly but she might Overlook it once Jilly said smiling that then they should just avoid the chapter Luna said her father already
knew miren and Gilly were shocked Luna said that Shy knew everything from the incident in tessing it to Andre's death and soon shyon would know about her involvement Jilly was surprised and said that they were definitely finished now jyn told Gilly not to worry because he had an idea jyn said that he wanted to meet his father together with his sister and talk to him Luna and Jil were shocked by this Luna said that JY was not in his right mind and asked him not to do anything because then he would just close his eyes
he said he only wanted to warn shyon that the zipple family was in the middle of executing a plan to attack the Run candle family Luna asked that maybe if it was a devil Stone she would report it she asked him if he understood what it meant for a reserve flag bearer to return home without permission and if he was going to take the flag bearer exam jyn said that shyon would find out that everything happened because of JY and since it had come to that it would be best if he spoke to to his
father in person jyn decided that maybe he could make a deal with his father Luna laughed and said she was old enough but she never even mentioned it sitting back down on the couch she said that if jyn continued like this shyon would just kill him jyn smiled and said that he believed that when the time came Luna would stop him but Luna was frowning and clearly didn't appreciate jyn's words she got up from the couch she walked over to jyn standing right in front of him she frowned at him then she clicked her tongue
and said that JY had intimidated the family and she can clearly see how hard it was for Jilly still she said she would go with JY and asked when they were moving out jyn said that he planned to use the first teleportation gate tomorrow to which Luna replied that it was good because it was better not to stay too long Jil was excited and wanted to ask Luna something but Luna interrupted her by saying that since their family consists of those who are always trying to get at the throat of another at least Luna should
give them warmth she told Jen that this was why she would become his shield Luna is sure that Jen is up to something as usual we are transported to the next scene Luna and Jin are standing in front of some other standard Bearer and knights are standing around them the standard Bearer asked Luna that instead of trying to change jyn's mind she had brought him along the gray-haired standard Bearer asked if Luna expected her to believe that Luna turned to Jen and said that she should treat him very well jyn's brother then shouted for them
to look at these lunatics he asked about why jyn had come back how dare the future standard Bearer look for the sword Garden May said it was the result of her older sister's condescension and said that JY was sharking the responsibility of being being a backup standard Bearer and then added that she knew Luna probably thought it was too much too Luna was thinking that it looked like everyone had prepared as expected then we flashed somewhere and see Marie talking about how shocking it is and wondering if Junior has given up his right to become
a standard Bearer but then she said it was more likely that puberty made him wonder if there was an afterlife Marie got angry and said that they should fight when jyn grew up the nurse asked Luna why she had brought Jin here but Luna said that he had come by himself the sister said that it was Luna's job to stop him at the time and asked what kind of frivolity it was Luna got nervous and said she didn't know then asked where her father was jyn watched from the sidelines and thought that for some reason
sister Luna thought that sister rancha was difficult to deal with rancha asked Jee if he really wanted to meet his father he told rancha that it was which surprised her Theo shouted that jyn had only survived by luck and asked JY if he was being conceited because he had overtaken the twins runcha exhaled heavily then she told jyn to go to his father who was in his office rancha then took out her sword and held it to Luna's throat she said that from now on the first standard Bearer should lower his sword this is the
head's order he told the reserve standard Bearer to go back without the support group Luna gritted her teeth in Anger she was Furious and asked what would happen if she didn't mind then the standard bearers surrounded her standing in a fighting stance and ready rancha said that this is the last chance for Luna because this is the head's order rancha ordered them to lay down their weapons if Luna refuses she will be killed jyn told big sister Luna not to worry as a member of the rank candle family as a son of his father he
must report and he said that nothing bad would happen everyone was shocked and Vigo was even more convinced that Jen was crazy now Jean is walking through the castle thinking that her siblings don't know her father very well although it's against the rules for a reserve flag bearer to return home however the head is not one of those who care about these rules if he gives jyn a chance to explain like the last time jyn explained about his shadow energy then there should be no problems jyn was a little worried and let out of breath
then raised his hand and knocked on the door and suddenly the door was smashed to splinters by the impact it seems that jyn's expectations were too high shyon said that he was sure that he had given jyn 5 years he asked why jyn had returned jyn meanwhile was thinking about what he had heard that his father's sword energy completely destroyed enemies he also uses an aura sword and it should be a demonstration jyn was surprised that shyon was weaker than jyn had imagined shyon said he wouldn't repeat the question twice JY asked if there should
be a reason for his son to visit his father while also thinking that there would be no AP ology even if shyon smeared him right now jyn knew he needed to be confident but not arrogant jyn said he came because he was bored shyon continued to stare at the book but he was amused by jyn's words and wondered if he had ever heard anything like this from his children shyon said it was inappropriate and asked if jyn had become soft after contact with the outside world jyn replied that it was nothing to do with the
outside world because he had always liked his father hearing this shyon looked up from his book and closed his eyes jyn suddenly became alert and was almost Blown Away by a red Aura it was a bloodthirsty intent jyn couldn't tell if he'd said the wrong thing shyon almost laughed at jyn's Words which was why he reacted like this shyon said that he didn't expect this from jyn and then he asked me to stop talking nonsense and get down to business and asked him what jyn brought jyn started talking about the deputy head of the Zippel
who insulted shyon at the banquet Jean said Andre zipple was dead shyon asked if jyn had killed him JY replied that it was Luna's older sister but he put Andre in that position in addition there are a couple more details he asked shon's permission to report on what had happened after closing the book shyon said it was impertinent but still allowed JY to report back he told jyn to sit down so that shyon could listen so after jyn had told him everything shyon said that from Arin to bement jyn had done a lot of things
in such a short time shyon understood that jyn's reason for returning was to tell his father about the changes in the zipple family due to the death of their second in command Jean said Andre wasn't a full-time Deputy the older sister was strong but for the deputy head of the only family that could stand up to the rang andal he was too weak it's just jyn's feeling though shyon said that jyn was right Andre was just a figure you can't call him a real Vice head according to shyon there is clearly someone behind kellar in
any case shyon can't share everything with jyn jyn thanked shy for confirming his suspicions JY then said that there was something else he hadn't mentioned they use a strange artifact Jean said that Andre called this artifact the devil's Stone after Gathering the information jyn discovered that it was an imitation of the origin Stone that the gods had created a long time ago shyon thought for a moment then asked if miren had filled jyn in on the details jyn was surprised and asked if shyon knew my father replied that this wasn't the only thing he knew
he also knew that jyn could use Mana shyon asked if jyn thought he could hide this fact jyn replied that of course he knew that his father would find out but he doubted that he knew about Meen shyon laughed out loud and said that he only suspected mureen and jyn confirmed it himself shyon was amused that jyn had belittled the great black dragon to a stray cat calling it moth run candle jyn was embarrassed that shyon was having fun with all of this shyon said that it was a good thing that jyn had obtained important
information about the origin Stone imitation and that he needed to talk to Luna shyon didn't know how far the zipple family had come in creating the artifact but this power is dangerous he wondered if the kings of the black SE knew about this a fragment of the stone of origin not without reason they lost something and shyon decided that it was worth visiting the Black Sea shyon said that he would turn a blind eye to his blatant violation of the rules but shyon also asked JY to tell him what he wanted JY requested that shyon
not allow other members of the rank candle family to visit the independent city of ticken for a while shyon said that this is the place where jyn secretly settled down my father agreed but he has a test for jyn shyon ordered jyn to make a hidden master of ticken Kashmir make one of his men and bring proof If jyn succeeds shyon will not allow any of the rankle family members to set foot and Ticking without his permission shyon gave Jen a year he said that he wanted to see if if Jin could prove that he
was capable of getting this arrogant man who had turned down the rank candle teacher position and then we see Casmir standing in front of shyon jyn was pleased with himself and Kashmir was terrified of standing in front of shyon shyon frowned and understood the situation Kashmir was nervous and thought about who was standing in front of him the world's strongest sword shyon rank candle cashmir wondered if shyon could be called the most worthy person kmir gets indigestion just looking at it cashmir tried to pull himself together because he was a guest of young Master Jin
so there was no need to be afraid of Sir shyon shyon turned to Kashmir but Kashmir bowed down and asked him to remove the part with the noble sword from circulation and simply call it Kashmir he's embarrassed to be called by his full nickname jyn turned to shyon the hero said that his relationship with sir Kashmir is like a common fate jyn had proven their friendship so it was time to keep Shy's promise Kashmir immediately imagined what jyn was saying about the common fate he imagined shyon thinking that ticken and Runkle could unite Kashmir was
concerned that Tick's Independence was in danger shyon said that jyn was cunning and confident even after tricking his father jyn said he wasn't cheating he was just lucky shyon said that jyn had passed the test and from now on no rank candle would set foot on Tick's land without his permission Kashmir was surprised and thought that if so then he was ready to share fate forever shyon said that if jyn didn't have anything else to say then he could go jeene told Kashmir that he would talk to him again JY said he'd wait outside for
Kashmir then Kashmir was very nervous when he was alone with shyon shyn said that they finally met and offered to talk jyn was walking through the castle and the twins came running to meet him they asked if he was okay Hatton asked jyn what the fuss was about it looked like the Twins were hiding while the atmosphere was tense he asked them if they would listen to his request jyn said it was about the cadets of his group jyn asked the twins to take care of them until he got back aona said it was more
important if jyn was okay but jyn only asked about when they were worried about him the twins commented that jyn is acting as usual so relaxed after meeting his father just as haon expected jyn is intimidating jyn then went back to the entrance and told Luna that her father was waiting for her jyn told Luna that shyon wanted to ask her about that day Mau shouted something at jyn but he apologized and said that this was not information that he could spread right and left Mau was angry with jyn for his arrogance then Kashmir came
back and jyn asked him about his conversation with shyon Kashmir looked exhausted but said everything went well much to his relief Mayu started to get hysterical and asked Kashmir what the stranger was doing in the rang gandle Garden but rancha stopped her rancha said that it looked like the head had finished his business so they were free JY thanked Luna and said that he owed her but she said that a simple thank you would be enough Luna asked JY if he was leaving to which he replied that he wanted to fully devote himself to training
for a while so they parted and Luna asked him to take care of himself as JY left he told his older sisters and brothers that they would see each other again after these events a month has passed jyn is in the underground training ground in the Kashmir mansion in the 30th sparring match between JY and Alex cadger jyn suffered his 30th defeat but jyn wasn't going to stop and even though he was exhausted he asked for one more sparring session then we flash back to 1795 at the beginning of August the zipple family officially announced
the demise of Andre and bulette the cause of death was not named which is why a lot of rumors began to spread some claim that the two were victims of internal strife others that they were killed in a fight by competitors there were even rumors that the men had incurred the wrath of Emperor B however the most reliable assumption was that they had died fighting the Run candle family there were terrified predictions that a war would break out between the Zippel and the ran candle and people began to wonder who would win sword or magic
but the answer to this is simple the one who turns away from the current neutral power will lose we then see the butler inform shyon that the prince of the shuran Kingdom along with five secondary mercenary groups has requested support and sent gifts shyon ordered the gifts to be sent back and accepted the request shyon ordered the shuran kingdom to find a worthy sword and make sure that he would take the throne LAN the butler understood and said that he would send an eight ranked guard shyon said that all this was the result of the
commotion that Junior caused on one of the bement islands according to shyon jyn is an impudent person who already controls the family shyon then turned to him shyon said he wanted to visit the Black Sea and he told Han that if Kashmir sent a letter he would deliver it to shyn shyon said that Han is personally responsible for this then we're transported back to JY he was tired but he kept swinging his sword in his opinion even for the 10,000th time the swing should feel like the first but JY knew that he still wasn't that
good and he didn't have the strength to do it he was thinking that if Sister Luna hadn't come he would have been dead by now 15 years since his rebirth he had reached rank five in both swordsmanship and Magic but even the fifth level of Shadow energy wasn't enough considering what the future held jyn told himself that he needed to get stronger he wants to surpass all his brothers and sisters in the 5 years that his father gave him then cashmir stepped in and asked jyn to take a break cashmir said that if jyn exhausted
himself every day even with the rank kendle family's gifted physique he would be left with nothing then inia exclaimed in concern she ran up to him took his hands and told him that his palms were all wiped off tajmir said he understood jyn's impatience although there are no peers who can compare to jyn the Future enemies won't be ordinary people either however Kashmir warned that haste is the most dangerous poison sooner or later it will take its toll meanwhile inia healed jyn's Palms with magic jyn said it's really embarrassing and he knows it too but
it's hard to fight Kashmir said that there is no need to be ashamed jyn tolerates such an amount of training that no one can complete in a day which according to Kashmir is amazing Kashmir then suggested giving priority to calming exercises Kashmir said he was referring to sparring with someone much stronger than jyn jyn asked if Kashmir was talking about itself drawing his sword from its Scabbard Kashmir said that he understood that he was only showing JY a weak side then he executed some strange attack that hit the area behind JY even though he was
standing in front of him Kashmir said that it wasn't called called the noble sword because of its pretty eyes he offered to fight when jyn learned how to deflect such an attack instead he suggested training with Tick's strongest guardian and Alica intervened in the conversation with Julia in her arms and said that she had not seen her husband's sword for a long time Kashmir said it was 6 months during which time he asked jyn to beat his wife he said that swordsmanship magic Shadow energy jyn can use everything he has Julia asked her mother if
she was going to fight her brother Jean to which Alica replied that they were not fighting but strengthening their friendship Julia said that she didn't like fights and Alica asked who Julia would support if her mother and brother Jean really had to fight Julia said that of course she would be rooting for little brother Jean Alica found herself in an awkward situation and said that Julia should always be on the side of her mother JY who was standing off to the side was thinking that if you took out alica's outstanding muscles she didn't look that
strong then Julia explained that she was for Jin because he was weak according to her her mother told her that Julia should always be on the side of the weak and try harder Al laughed and asked jyn not to be offended and said that her daughter could not lie jyn smiled awkwardly and said it was fine and so Alica got down to business she said that they would train after the end of her Working Day and dinner every day for 6 months jyn said that it was inconvenient for him to take up so much of
her time but Alica chuckled and told the young Master not to worry after all they will finish quickly and so two days have passed since these events ala and JY are already standing with swords and ready to spar wrapping bandages around her fists Alica said that she wanted to warn JY about something before she started she used to work in B's special Affairs Department according to her after such an experience you stop holding yourself back so if jyn loses then don't let him get upset jyn got into a fighting stance and realized why exactly 6
months he knew better than to relax and Alica quickly approached jyn and already hit him but then we see jyn's helmet activate and he blocks alica's attack with his sword she retreated as she was surprised that jyn was able to block the attack JY then began to draw the Braton from its scab which alerted Alica he blinded her with his magic but she could still see him he lunged but Al ducked under the sword and then she swung a powerful uppercut when he saw that she was about to hit him he asked if she would
call a doctor she responded positively and hit him the blow landed on jyn's stomach the blow was so strong that jyn flew away then we see the Mansion Alica told jyn that she was surprised she didn't think that he would be able to attack twice on the first day she said that jyn didn't put much effort into the first attack and she asked him if he tried to weaken his position before sparring jyn said she understood after all aler replied that it was an interesting move and she guessed at the end then she asked him
what kind of light appeared while they were fighting she had never seen such magic jyn said it was an ancient spell the veil of flashes he covered his sword with it before starting but even that didn't work he said it didn't look like such tricks would work Alica asked him what he meant by tricks because it is usually called a strategy at the same time Alo was thinking that jyn's ability to defeat much stronger opponents wasn't just due to luck it's all about opportunities and changes created with detailed calculations and forecasts she might have admired
that sparring technique but if it was a real fight she thought she could only imagine the faces of his Rivals jyn thought about how this was the first time he had been completely defeated after using every possible tactic and he wondered if it was because she was from B's special Affairs department but jyn was not discouraged because he still has six months to defeat her he will have to fight her for 6 months he just knew that it would be fun then we see Casmir stand standing behind the open door of the room that Jen
and Alica were in he was eavesdropping and taking notes then we Flash Forward a month to September 22nd 1795 to the unprotected territory in the east of the continent also known as the Black Sea we see how someone has just defeated a giant worm then we see Han make his way through the Mob Of Monsters to report Something To The Head shyon motioned Han over Han handed him the letter from Kashmir that had arrived 10 days ago shyon opened the email and saw the text of the email Kashmir wrote that he this hum night from
a small humble Town dares to write to shyn he regrets that he can't express How Deeply moved and indebted he is to shyon it is night in the ticken and the Stars wrapped in a dark soft velvety night shine as if they sing to him about the greatness of sir shyn then shyon squeezed the hand that held the letter he was angry because he had told Kashmir to report on Junior and Kashmir was obviously a very sensitive person shyon said he would ask Kashmir to drop the pleasantries and as he read he thought about when
Kashmir would get down to business then suddenly shy laughed shyon said that he was wondering what the younger was doing on the isolated island and all the time he was being teased by kashmir's wife the first sparring session ended in three Strokes the second in five and the seventh in 10 the 20th at 25 on the 30th jyn passed 40 a letter from the 40th sparring session H said that JY had a lot of losses but at the same time he wondered if shyon was really amused by the young Master's failures KH was then shocked
when he heard that kashmir's wife worked in the second special Affairs Department of B hand said that the second division wasn't something that a young Master could handle just by hoping for good luck and then congratulated the Headmaster but shyn continued to read the letter and said that wasn't all in the 40th training session Malo withstood more than 120 blows jyn had passed his limit shyon said that if jyn was the firstborn he would have given the family to him without the slightest regret but still shyon is sorry that this is not the case Han
was greatly shocked by the head's words the head mentioned the identity of the heir for the first time previously he observed but but never mentioned anyone in particular ever since Luna gave up her claim to the leadership position Joshua has been in limbo since the head did not appoint him personally Han said it was still too difficult H said that even though jyn's height is amazing he is fit now but that doesn't mean that he will continue to be so shyn asked Han what he was talking about Han said jyn wasn't coldblooded on the contrary
the young Master is good-natured he has a gentle character shyon said that Han was right and that was why jyn was different from Joshua KH said that when necessary you you need to be able to renounce your family shyon replied that it was true that was the nature of the rank handle shyon said that he understood and ordered the con to return before Han left shyon asked him why the letter arrived so late Han apologized and said that he was in a hurry with all his might but because of the excessive number of monsters he
was delayed shyon took out his sword from his Aura and slashed at The Rock he said that he thought it would help and ordered to be sure to arrive earlier next time Han looked at the result of the strike and saw that the impact had created a safe path then were transported to JY Alica said that today was the 93rd day she said JY was amazing to think that jyn was already able to push her back jyn chuckled and said that he would have to work hard to get it done she asked him about dessert
and said she'd heard about ladder making ice cream jyn said he'd pass because he had something to do she asked him if he was going to do it again today he said he had a long way to go then he took the sword in his hands and continued to repeat swing after swing Alica watched from the sidelines and thought that every time she sparred she felt how abnormal master jy's growth was this is probably because his Aura and magic power are growing at the same time and this process is made possible by the black Aura
which connects the aura and magical flows alaka marveled at the power gained through a contract with God but even so it only makes sense because of his tenacity a genius who works hard jyn can forget about 6 months at this rate she smiled and said that she thought he would beat her tomorrow and then we're transported to the next day we see jyn and Alica sparring ala made a dash for jyn jyn swung at her and she decided that it would be obvious to deflect the attack so that's what she wanted to do but suddenly
JY was behind Alica and they looked at each other and then blood gushed out of alica's shoulder which she clearly didn't expect blood spurted from her shoulder and she clutched it jyn asked her if she was okay she said it was all right but she hadn't felt that way in a while and jyn said he'd call Miss Anna Ania healed alica's wound with healing magic jyn was thinking that Alica might have dodged it and he was just lucky Alica reflected on her incredible carelessness when the shadow energy blocked her view she thought Jen would be
moving as usual so she didn't calculate her next move she blamed herself for losing her grip on her retirement it was very unpleasant for her Alica said that to think that she had lost before the end of the 6 months she had promised Jen he asked her not to worry because it's better to call it a draw because he can't accept such a victory Alica knew jyn would say that she said that she was sorry for being so careless and disrespectful to Jim but they can't ignore the obvious she asked if this had happened 3
months ago even if she had been careless it would have turned out like this she said that jyn had grown up but at the same time she thought that unwavering ambition fighting spirit and talent were a killer mix jyn will soon reach rank six in both magic and Aura then it will be visible to everyone we flash forward to the 1st of December 1795 on the street we see a snow covered City and miren is walking along it carrying some boxes and Jinn jyn asked miren why he bought so much fruit ice in such a
cold day miren said that cold dishes tasted better on cold days and strawberry pie said she wanted ice cream jyn asked muren if he planned to turn Gilly's acorns into ice as they walked they met Kashmir and Julia who was wearing a little yellow dragon costume cashmir asked JY if he had a moment to talk about work cashmir began the story of Vishal iano kmir said Vishal was the interim head of iano the only talent in a family that was losing ground due to a lack of capable people Kashmir said this because JY was asking
for information about him Kashmir asked JY if he knew about Kelo before he started clarify jyn revealed that he came across them during a mission when he was a Cadet Kashmir said he wasn't sure but it was possible that bishal was a member of them he visits the principality of Kiran once a week and every time he looks for a workshop with the strange name explosion is an art the owner of the workshop is listed as bowar Gaston from what Kashmir has learned he also directs Canelo Kashmir said that it turns out that they have
a close relationship at the moment there is a possibility but since they know that Vishal carries food there Kashmir thinks buar is in a higher position jyn understood why Vishal had gotten involved in their fight with Gaston during the banquet jyn just thought the kelos were just an extremist group but if the eight ranked Knight was involved and given what all these people did in their past lives jyn can understand they couldn't fool around with the randles the Zippel or bement all the time they were walking Julia was arguing with muren she wanted to walk
beside jyn mcken told Julia that jyn was still busy but while he was talking he didn't notice the icicle and hit it muren got angry and took a piece of ice in his hand then he threw it hitting Kashmir squarely in the back of the head Julia called muren a bad cat because he throws himself at dad jyn then asked Kashmir for information about the spider armed Allah Kashmir said he had more secrets than he expected although the elite units of the seven colors work hard there is no trace of how luck became the head
of the testing Department it was as if someone had deliberately erased information about him jyn thought that maybe he shouldn't have killed him JY thanked Kashmir for his hard work Kashmir said that the informants are really trying and Kashmir himself will continue to dig under Kelo and report if he receives additional information about aluha as well Jean said he owed Kashmir a favor Kashmir just smiled and said it wasn't worth it then he asked Jee to play with Julia jyn replied that he could do it without any problems but that it would be difficult today
just in time for sparring jyn asked Kashmir if he would join them Kashmir said it sounded great and he was interested to see Master jyn's hike JY asked Kashmir to drop by because JY had recently started to realize something and now we are trans ported to the sparring ground Alo was surprised to see Kashmir and asked him why he was here Kashmir replied by asking if he could be there and then said that a young Master had invited him she said she didn't mind just that she didn't want Casmir to see her fail then Alica
turned to jyn and said that she thought today was their last training session Alica said it would be great if jyn remembered her as a good training partner he asked her what she meant and then he said that he would remember her as a great teacher and friend cashmir was shocked by what was happening and couldn't understand what they were talking about at all Paul after a little more than 3 months had passed he couldn't believe that Alica was already talking about defeat so they started sparring jyn stood there holding onto his sword then used
summoning and a large amount of blue aura appeared around him cashmir was shocked by what he saw jyn made a phoenix summon then we see what this technique is all about at the sixth rank Mages get the opportunity to sign contracts with assistant but no one knows who exactly they will meet since Mages can only open the spatial gate to the world of fire the choice fell on this bird that's why Mages are desperate to be chosen by a special Phoenix and the rarest of them is the one that summons the blue flame that's why
Kashmir was so surprised he asked if Jean had made a contract with Tess those who managed to summon Tess became the greatest Mages of their time Al and JY got into a fighting stance and started the fight Alica ran at Jin but Tess stopped her with her fire Alica realized that this was rank Five magic in addition the flame has a strange feature if you touch it the body becomes heavier Alica jumped over the fire and realized that it was a force pulling down because of it the amount of stamina that ala loses increases dramatically
so you need to finish quickly jyn attacked Alica but he will be able to support Tess for another 3 minutes he thought he'd make it with this blow he wounded ala in the shoulder and then suddenly struck with a sword and a blow flew at Al but she managed to dodge At first she thought it was a sword attack but then she realized that it was wind magic JY had reflected during the fight that although Miss ala uses different variations of moves they all have one thing in common namely dominance she needs to dominate her
opponent no matter what jyn knew that she was probably trying to regain her Advantage right now jyn decided to take advantage of this to strike he swung his sword at bradamante but ala managed to dodge however jyn wasn't going to stop he continued to hit punch after punch in the end he used Fire magic he wanted to hit Fire magic directly at Alica but she managed to dodge the test was right behind them attacking with her blue flame Alica turned and saw jyn running at her from the front swinging his sword she was standing in
the center and couldn't figure out if she should Dodge then she rejected the idea because if she did she would have to continue defending against Master Jin's attacks useless she thought and smiled she broke down and asked jinang if he was trying to show her that he was a magician and a sword master all rolled into one jyn hit her with his sword but she caught it with her hand as for the blue flame she didn't dodge and kept holding jyn's sword and when Tess stopped attacking Alica braced herself for the blow and exclaimed that
she had finally caught it she was so engrossed that she didn't even notice how she was holding the Sword and the genie in front of her was gone she couldn't believe it because she was sure it was jyn's sword she realized that there was a flame on the hilt of the sword which was creating pressure she turned around and saw JY clearly not happy to see jyn behind her again jyn used wind magic to strengthen his punch and hit Alica so hard that she coughed up blood she said that she admits defeat and that the
victory belongs to the young Master she fell to the ground and jyn was surprised by that JY started calling Ania then asked cashmir to call Ania where transported back to the mansion mirak and Pier for Kashmir to repeat Kashmir said that young Master Jinn defeated ala in a fight mirak and and quick anel were shocked cashmir said that he knew they would be surprised to defeat a fighter from B's special unit in just 3 months but miren interrupted him and said that it didn't matter he started shaking kashmir's shoulders in a rage and asked about
who jyn had summoned cashmir said that jyn had summoned Tessa's Phoenix at this quick anle fell to her knees she didn't want to believe it and was scared of something and then she screamed so hard that even JY from the dungeon could hear it then we see jyn and Alica discussing sparring she said that she overdid it and used the aura Shield to win but at backfired she was defeated by a double attack from the back she asked him when he had planned this jyn replied that he planned it after the first match jyn was
embarrassed and asked if it sounded arrogant to which Alica replied with a grin that if it was young Master jyn then yes jyn thanked her for everything she had done Alica said that she had fun too and that Jin couldn't imagine how proud she was of him she asked Jean to share what it was like to put a special Branch employee of bement on his back at the age of 15 but suddenly miraca and K vicle burst in jyn started to say something but Moren just shouted Tess's name he asked Jee to call Tess immediately
so Jee summoned Tess quickle immediately bowed and greeted the flame master mirakin was embarrassed and scratched his head saying that they had not seen each other for a long time Tess started pecking at mirin's forehead he tried to fight back and said that he could talk normally miren apologized and said he was sorry at this moment Kashmir felt a refreshing sensation quickle was still lying there in awe of Tess and mirakin was asking if Tess had anything to say and that he could tell her everything word for word and he asked her to stop mirakin
told jyn to quickly recall this senior so when jyn called Tess away mirakin scratched his head and wondered why Tess had pecked him murin then said that JY probably wants to know why the great muren is to the bird mirakin said that this is not Tess's real form the real one can only be seen in the realm of fire jyn asked about the realm of fire he asked if it was the Phoenix World jyn knew about the existence of other worlds but this is the first time he's actually heard about this one mureen said that
of course it was since only the gods and the dragon called him that they came up with it for convenience but even the highest ranking gods don't know the real name of this place jyn asked if it was possible that it was beyond the power of the Gods nuren replied that it was true that the flame God Shinu himself could not use the Flames of the fire realm nuren then got to the point he said that several Gods had left the realm of fire in the past including dragons like quick anle and himself but some
of the gods were getting on Tess's nerves on this day they saw his true power enraged Tess burned five gods and a couple of dragons on the spot jyn wondered how strong he would need to be to show that power but mirakin said that it was impossible because no matter how strong jyn was he wouldn't be able to summon all of jyn's energy no one is able to fully use someone else's magic From Another World this is something of a penalty which is why the gods who came to this world were powerless and Tess himself
can't use all the power here jyn wanted to say something but miren interrupted him with the words that jyn would just burn alive the dangerous old man began to fight right after the summoning miren said that if Tess got angry she would burn jyn then he calmed down and said that if Tess was going to make a roast out of jyn he wouldn't have chosen it nuren relayed what Tess had said about how much he liked jyn jeene started to think that Tess was better than he' thought in addition Shinu the god of fire controls
all the fire in the world so against his contractor kellar and the dragon ordinary Flames will not work but now Jee has Tess in the battle of the run indles and Zippel his blue flame is very welcome Jin thought then we flash forward to the second of January 1796 we see shyon reading kashmir's latest letter shyon said it was very interesting that Gina chose Tess but shyon wasn't interested in the phoenixes all that Kashmir has written about jyn's swordsmanship is that jyn's swordsmanship has grown tremendously and that JY is growing stronger at an astonishing rate
shyon crumpled up the letter and said that he had allowed JY to use Shadow Magic and energy but he's still Ranch endle shyon then turned to Han and said that he knew about Ron Aaron's grandson Han said that he did receive some information about the Aaron family's grandson a couple of days ago Han said it was about the request of the space competition to remove the pirate involved in the list of participants Dante Heron is registered under a pseudonym shyon said that as far as he could remember the space competition was organized by Pirates and
10 years ago Mary won second place this was the first defeat of the young Miss and 2 months later she took Revenge sh IR ordered the younger one to be sent as well with so many eyes on him he wouldn't be able to use Shadow Magic and energy therefore you will have to rely on the sword to win in a match with a genius polishing swordsmanship Junior will understand something shyon said in shon's opinion as a rank handle jyn needs to prove himself with a sword then we flash to jyn and see Kashmir calling out
to him cashmir holding a piece of paper asked jyn to look at it this is an application to participate in the competition of the order Kashmir said that jyn had been working hard hard lately so he prepared entertainment for him according to seven colors data Dante of the Aaron family will be there cashmir said that jyn must have heard of his grandfather the current head of the family Ron Aaron he was on an equal footing with sir shyon before becoming the head and Dante Aaron is his favorite grandson Kashmir asked jyn if he wasn't curious
about how strong Dante was jyn thought for a moment then made Kashmir nervous by asking if he really needed to participate cashmir got nervous and started trying to talk JY out of it by telling him to think hard because he wouldn't get another chance to cross swords with Dante jyn didn't hesitate to say that since sir Kashmir was so insistent jyn had no choice but to participate jyn had guessed and now it was clear to him shyon wanted to talk to Sir Casmir in private for a reason jyn wondered if shyon had instructed Casmir to
do something behind jyn's back jyn realized that since shyon had forced him to fight against the Heron family's grandson then swordsmanship was a priority jyn realized that Kashmir was bound hand and foot Kashmir said that he would have to leave tomorrow because the deadline is a little tight then Kashmir ran away wishing him a pleasant ride and now we see that jyn is already in the bolat Empire which occupies an island in the south for the first time since his trip to Mammoth he was on his own however in jyn's opinion it's even more disgusting
than the city of criminals he didn't like the fact that the Battle Competition would be held in such a place space competition simple rivalry but there are no restrictions in weapons you can also kill or poison your opponent before and during sparring to think that the grandson of the head of the Aaron family was going to show off in such a hole jyn wondered if the head of the Aaron family was crazy too JY decided that it didn't matter because getting together with Dante for once would be a good experience then we see veridin who
is smiling as usual he exclaimed that it was time to have fun meanwhile the rumors spread and the participants began to discuss that the rang gandal standard bearer was here one of the men said that he just heard them when they were drinking with him yesterday the man said that there was a strong guy among the participants and if the rumors are true he is from the rank kendle family the man laughed and said that then it could be Daytona Hatton or Jee rankle according to him if the latter then in general fly away because
jyn is so young and with the fifth rank jyn wondered if any of the brothers were here too everyone knows jyn's name but it's strange that they also know the ton twins jyn decided it was a good time to find out the aliases of his relatives if they were involved at all jyn wanted to find them and make them keep a night watch suddenly a salute rang out the space pirate king began his speech by asking the guests if they were dead from WI waiting everyone started cheering on the name of Cosmos he exclaimed that
such a crowd had come to fill his pockets he announced that they had 14 members in the group 13 groups with 182 sword Masters are already ready then he started announcing the heroes of the match the first person he announced was the Sharks cutie mes and his opponent a firsttime rookie named Paul Meek jyn was surprised that there was a child here even though jyn had heard that there were a lot of young guys this time but this one was too small Jin guessed Paul was 13 or 14 and thought it was crazy to force
the kids to participate then JY realized that Paul was a young guy and seemed to Guess that this was Dante jyn remembered the man telling him that there was another one who had beaten up the captain and so the battle began they both reached for their weapons but Dante immediately cut off M's head all the spectators were shocked men's Head flew off and he fell to his knees then fell to the floor everyone in the audience started discussing what had just happened Cosmos just said that shark showoffs are very annoying jyn realized that Dante had
decapitated his opponent with the sword energy in an instant from this jyn realized that this young man was the same Dante Aaron suddenly veridin started shouting that the match was over before it started and the winner was Paul Meek veridin was sitting in the stands not far from jyn veridin was happy and shouted about the fact that here it is finally a normal fight vedan shouted that he was betting everything on him jyn was surprised to see vedan zipple here he wondered why the devil was here veridin was so elated that even his guards decided
to bet on Dante veridin said that even if they had to R roll out all their savings they should bet immediately jyn assumed that baradin was on a mission even though he was enjoying it too much if jyn gets caught he'll be in big trouble jyn was about to pretend but veridin noticed something at the same time veridin started shouting and asking what he was doing here Dante wondered who was shouting like that he knew it was veridin zipple Dante had only seen him once at the zipple family banquet and was surprised at how openly
veridin greeted him in a strange Place Dante waved back at verin and thought that he was glad to see him two while ver in and Dante were enjoying themselves jyn was in an awkward position Cosmos offered to listen to what the winner would say before the next match started and asked Paul how he felt Dante looked thoughtful and then he said that he was happy to get rid of one of the world's villains Dante said that he hoped that the opponent would not become a pirate again in the next life Cosmos laughed and said that
children are not recommended to become Pirates then he asked if Dante had upset everyone here Cosmos said that Dante was a funny kid and that the Pirates would be happy to talk to him with their fists he threw his hat in the air and said they were starting the next match JY watched the rest of the sparring sessions but apart from Paul Meek there was no one else to catch his attention jyn is sure it's Dante Aaron he looks young but after judging the skill of his sword jyn was sure that there could be no
mistake at that moment jyn wondered if he could win he evaluated his skills and reason that using magic and Shadow energy yes he could win but only swordsmanship would not be enough but he decided it was too early to say anything they said that tomorrow there will be several groups so it would be jyn's turn in 4 days and until then jyn needs to get through these nights then we see a dark shape walking along this dungeon it was Dante looking tired and exhausted then we are transported to another location and see the following picture
veridin is twirling some kind of golden amulet in his hands zipple who was in the room with veridin said that even the deputy head only comes to him when very necessary and asked him to be careful veridin told the older man that he felt more confident with it the senior said that the south island of the bolat Empire has a martial arts event every year the Elder asked veridin if he knew about the space competition veridin became nervous and began to deny what he knew about the tournament and say that this was the first time
he had ever heard about it the older man realized that vedin was missing from the competition every time the senior said that Dante Aaron was at last year's banquet and this time he is participating the senior had ordered them to go there to see how strong their future opponent was to take the chance to see for themselves that's what veridin was ordered to do which is why he's here but now he has some pocket money however veran was dissatisfied with the fact that they had not played a single normal match in the last two days
veridan found it interesting to watch Dante's skills but everyone else is dead and this year is just awful in his opinion veridan looked at the tournament grid and wondered where all the cool guys were he saw a familiar name there JY was written as Jean Gray vadin was glad that jyn wasn't just a spectator here he was overjoyed and couldn't wait for JY and Dante to fight then we flash to JY and see that he has stuck his sword in the ground and is crouching down against the wall next to him he was EX exhausted
147 contestants left 35 dropped out five died in double matches the rest out of the Arena the members from the other group would be attacking soon so jyn couldn't let down his guard an inch he knew that if he fell asleep Anything Could Happen jyn may have trained without proper sleep during his Cadet years but this is the first time he stays up for 4 days suddenly JY heard footsteps and became alert the man didn't even hide his presence jyn thought that it looked like someone was being overconfident that someone opened the cage door and
asked jyn to stop it was Dante Aaron who apologized for such a first meeting and asked for a minute of jyn's time jyn was stunned that Dante would show up in such a state Dante asked jyn to let him get some sleep and said that if jyn would help he would pay him back jyn asked what Dante was talking about he replied that he had been watching jyn since yesterday and I must say that jyn is a true swordsman Dante asked for more sleep then collapsed on the spot Dante was asleep in an instant JY
hadn't expected this and wondered if they'd trained Dante to function without sleep jyn smelled a strong smell of blood and assumed that he was being suppressed by the amount jyn made up his mind and picked up his sword meanwhile the participants were already standing around the corner and preparing to attack on command but suddenly suddenly for the participants jyn came around the corner jyn was angry and he knocked out one of the contestants with a sword strike JY asked them if they had heard the warning and then he said that everyone who enters this room
leaves it without a head one of the attackers said that he knew Jean Gray because he killed the whole group he wanted to Cal JY down and said that they weren't here to attack him he asked jyn to just give them Paul meanwhile one of the people standing behind shot jyn with a crossbow but jyn caught the arrow with just his hand he chuckled when he saw that the tip was smeared with poison jyn said they went so far as to kill a child he said he didn't know who was behind it but they would
only walk over his dead body then we see that Dante has woken up he saw something and was startled but then he calmed down when he saw jyn standing in front of him Jean said that the guys who are chasing Dante are under the command of a pirate named ccps Joe he' learned that from the last month before she died they planned to catch the rang gandle guy and get the reward Dante happily exclaimed that Jenn had protected him and thanked him for such kindness to a stranger Dante asked Jee if he really believed that
Dante was one of those imputs Dante said he thought Jean might be wondering what he was doing here he said they were following him because he was from a noble family not a rank candle but a bement noble if you will Dante apologized for not being able to give details D thanked him for his understanding and said that he was in jyn's death Dante started shouting eye for an eye and Life For Life catchphrases which didn't really impress JY Dante said that whenever jyn's life was in danger he would also put his own on the
line to protect him and then Dante swore on his honor jyn tossed the sword to Dante and told him to do whatever he wanted but he needed to sleep and was relying on Dante before falling asleep jyn asked to be woken up before the match of the 13th group Dante assured gin that everything would be fine because he had promised to protect him Dante realized that jyn was cold on the outside but he was fighting for Dante whom he saw for the first time Dante decided that he must have found a good friend then we
flash back and see Dante being attacked by a big muscular man with brass knuckles on his hands but Dante easily defeated the opponent and won this duel Paul Meek again defeated his opponent with just one punch everyone cheered on his name then we see Jen who has been named as another bright young man everyone was also cheering on jyn's name Dante watching him from the stands thought that this guy was amazing the audience discussed that JY might even be stronger than Paul but the other man with the blindfold said that wasn't the case jyn was
still no match for the rang gandal Reserve standard Bearer Dante clearly didn't like being considered a rung kendle then we are transported to another location and see two men they say that this year's finalists were two children and because of these small ones it is completely boring then someone chimed in with a question about whether they were going to sit out their pants any longer the bearded man with his hands wrapped around him said that they were capable but they were still just ordinary kids if these men gathered the guys and pinned down the upstarts
before the final fight but suddenly another one intervened and interrupted him he said they couldn't handle the newcomers Jean Gray's nickname is the god of death and he didn't get it for his pretty eyes they also share the same room the man said he cautioned them because they were quite popular and it would be a Pity if they died before the match started the man in the red armman said that although it was unpleasant to admit that the man who had just passed was right they would have to back down they decided that it would
be best to just leave and then they just wouldn't run into any newcomers they don't want to die in this hole they agreed that everything would be between them so Cosmos would never know but that man in the red vest overheard all this then we are transported to the bar and see that the evil Cosmos has hit the table with a mug the drunk Cosmos was angry that they had decided to manipulate the winner behind his back the man who reported this asked him what he was going to do because the competition would be boring
and the audience would also notice Cosmos said it was for the best then he sent the program to hell he said that if Jean Gray and Pa Meek made it to the final the cheaters and the rest of of them would fall victim to the kids Cosmos has ordered an increase in the dividend rate for all but these two to the point where the audience won't be able to sleep if they don't bet Cosmos was happy with its decision because it is a lightning fast transition from the Winner's match to the final he planned to
make a lot of money out of it we can see that the competition continues and the audience is fiercely rooting for the favorites then we see veridin he commented on what is happening one became Supernova shakuru from the first match and the other was the god of death who even before the start Rak of blood veridin asked his guards how they thought who would win the guards agreed that Paul Meek would win as his swordsmanship was more refined the guard asked veridin if he was betting on Paul however Baran said that he had placed 100,000
gold coins on Jean Gray the guards were shocked one of them said that Jean Gray's dividend is multiplied by three even if he wins will the Pirates pay out 300,000 Baran said that space is quite popular he has a couple of islands so if he sells them then everything can be Cosmos entered the battlefield and shouted that he had kept the audience waiting but the audience got angry and started throwing themselves at him they said they didn't care and wanted to see the beginning and Paul Mick as soon as possible the rich viewers also asked
for Jean Gray the reaper of the 13th group Cosmos decided to skip the chatter and call out the heroes he stretched out his fist and shouted Paul's name everyone still held their hand up and started cheering Paul's name then out came Paul Meek whose real name is Dante Cosmos introduced Dante's opponent the death Reaper of the 13th group an unknown young Swordsman and then jyn came out and somewhere in the distance I could hear veridin shouting that he had put everything he had on Jin jyn only felt shame for veridin Jean and Dante met face
to face Cosmos exclaimed that there was no need to wait any longer he shouted that the match was starting and the heroes grabbed their swords they were in no hurry they started walking around each other they watched each other closely and at one point Dante took off his cloak and disappeared from sight and then we see that his sword is already in the face of jyn who didn't really have time to react but jyn still blocked Dante's attack then he parried it Knocking Dante back Dante exclaimed that he knew this trick wouldn't work against Jin
then Dante decided to use all his strength and a sphere began to form at the end of his sword jyn decided to keep up and used his Aura then shouted at Dante that he could do whatever he wanted they were serious about winning and then their swords collided and a cloud of dust Rose from it now the two swords finally clashed in battle such a huge charge of sand rose up in the air that nothing could be seen the people who were standing around couldn't believe their eyes they gaped as if they had seen a
miracle the pirate hat man opening his mouth wide to show off his golden teeth to everyone who liked the sight by this point the two balls that had an incredible Aura were making more and more contact with the blades both opponents liked to fight against each other they showed incredible movements our hero is sure of something he understood that Dante's first attack was the fastest now we can say for sure that his opponent retains stamina and increases speed only when it is vitally necessary our protagonist realized that only in this case he should push himself
a little harder now mon noticing this also smiled widely he realized that his opponent and finally began to fight in Earnest a huge smile appeared on the street his white teeth as well as a bright look made it clear that his Pace would remain the same until the very end both characters raced across the field like some kind of energy boost everyone in the audience thought it was just crazy that it was incredible to have the Good Fortune to watch a professional fight in such a hole all the people on stage wanted to make this
fight last as long as possible because they would definitely never see the same fight live again many onlookers thought that this was some Childish Babble can't two people fight to the death the guy standing next to him who had white hair with him folded his hands he was clearly stressed because he couldn't figure out who would actually be able to win would be able to withstand first in this battle Dante who was completely absorbed in saying that gray was actually holding up well that he hadn't even expected this result from him but even if he
was hiding something at the moment it was better to show him now our main protagonist at first didn't understand why you were here recently but then he heard that Dante was going to speed up meanwhile the main characters were shocked by this apparently the same second noticed that Dante was right behind him and so it turned out Dante did his own attack and was already behind our main character there was a swing so fast that all the dust rose up into the air again the main character thanks to his luck as well as his skills
was able to turn around and then turn around with the same speed and try to strike but this time he could not hit his opponent it was Dante who was able to deliver a blow this time which fell directly on the head of our surmount blood came out of our main character's mouth which clearly indicated that he was overexerting himself too much the two opponents continued fighting they didn't want to stop there and the audience tried to support the opponents more and more as well as the people who were fighting in the arena Dante who
finally came face to face with our main protagonist understood what his strength was he understood that he is a master who has a devastating sword skill and a beautiful physique that allows him to develop a thousand times faster than other people excellent endurance which is also the basis of physical fitness our protagonist deliberately delayed the process so is expected but he also uses a pseudonym or rather Gene ran candle that our character is actually trying very hard in this battle he is trying that Dante's sword could not hit him but Dante who finally gathered all
his strength into his fist decided that if this is all we have for the protagonist then he probably made a huge mistake by accepting his offer of battle Dante who swung his sword but was already too late you could see that the eyes of our protagonist were filled with Incredible rage incredible danger because of which Dante had to jump to the side he realized that his attack simply could not pass through him all the people watching couldn't understand what going on whiteon had jumped out of the way because he was winning yes who was standing
in a defensive stance also couldn't understand what it was if he attacked he would definitely be flattened why so many terrible feelings he has on his soul now that Our Hero's outline was right in his opponent's head he noticed that our protagonist exuded an incredibly sweeter Aura an aura of danger that had never been seen before our protagonist who slapped him himself on the shoulder realized that he almost summoned the energy of the Shadows that Dante was so badly beaten that he almost had to use his trump card our main character who breathed a sigh
of relief asked if it was really his turn now Dante couldn't understand what he was talking about but at the same time AR main character charged his sword with aura and then began to strain Dante with his heavy blow Dante who decided to defend himself from this blow I think that nothing will happen to him but it was at this moment that he realized that so our character became several times stronger every everyone understood that these are not just blows because all attacks have the same power as the first swing who also very much overexerted
himself began to cough up blood he understood that his opponent never missed that now he is under an incredible onslaught of many blows Dante wasn't sure if he should have gone all out in the first place but after a moment's thought he realized he shouldn't have he watched as our protagonist already raised his sword and headed straight for his face our character's Eyes giving off an incredible glow second by second this time passed on the battlefield a huge point of dust rose up no one saw what was happening there but our main character who finally
turned his attention to Dent asked him why he was shaking so much because he was a genie so don't embarrass this guy with your behavior in the eyes of our protagonist it was considered anger aggression or resentment his whole gaze was directed at his opponent or rather Dante who was clearly frightened by this whole situation after a few seconds Dante finally became more serious he smiled and pointed his sword at our hero he saw his serious face he knew that this was what he would do Dante decided to apologize to our hero then said that
he actually showed himself not to listen to Strange so does our protagonist want to fight him again Dante as well as our main character resurrected their swords but it is clear to everyone that in order to continue it was at this moment that having gathered all his strength into a fist he decided to take a foothold as best as possible because now not only Dante who remained more focused than then but also our hero wanted to take a real fight a few seconds later both enemies were heading at each other their balls flooded each of
them trying to do their best 100% all people so that the audience looking at it could notice that the blades were flying no one could notice a single clear movement everyone did not understand what was happening as well as our character entered their own when their sensitivity Rises to a new level our hero was still able to beat off Dante's sword Dante who hadn't expected this turn of events started to watch his sword fly up into the sky he knew there was nothing he could do right now our protagonist who opened his mouth wide and
also shouted loudly emptied his sword with such speed that only dust rose up again Dante realizing that if he stopped fighting now he would definitely be defeated Dante had no choice but to try to Counterattack well this time he did not succeed the whole sword was again repulsed so the character who was even more upset about this understood that most likely the enemy had already reached the limit so why is he still moving now why exactly Dante or rather the genius that emerged in this Century the talent blessed by the gods still stands however it
was Dante who was born with a fragile and weak body which simp turned out not to be the right vessel for such strength our main character in turn went through hell because of a damn curse so he understands the person in front of him very well that's why he sees it that his lonely suffering is endless Darkness or rather despair when he looked at his bony body when he behaved to the point of death to become who he is now they did not stop for a second fought against our main character he understood that in
front of him is truly powerful and talented but why does he feel despair from him why are they both so unhappy do is it really rage because there is a younger one here because nothing will inherit do well know actually the reason was something else that such nonsense had nothing to do with it after all they only saw one thing they just wanted to become the strongest just for the sake of this they must continue to fight and for a second lowers their sword to the ground how long do they even have to endure now
to be in the same holy place where they are now both people couldn't remember how much they had sunk in without starting how many times they had been discouraged how many times they had pulled themselves together they simply couldn't count the number of times but still Dante or rather his body couldn't hold back such an onslaught of power the pupil shrank enormously sweat broke out on Dan's face and blood flowed from his mouth our protagonist just couldn't bear to look at it is Dante's body breaking he could see right through him see how his veins
and arteries just burst how his bones couldn't hold up how his muscles were torn apart by his incredible size AR pris no wanted to stop everything but it would just be an insult to his opponent to pull his sword away because of this so our main character continued he threw him away with his sword he did not finish him off flying ahead he could no longer see anything his hair covered his eyes there was no fear on his face they were one emotion just an open mouth our main character in turn asked him to understand
asked him to forgive him because he has no choice but to win the sword stopped at one point and then you just smiled making it clear that he was actually having fun our main character looking at this could not understand what he feels here but after these words Dante just fell to the floor our protagonist who noticed all this just asked for a Healer at the same second the the same man with white hair drove he touched Dante directly checking him out he said or what what he did is really bad that everything is worse
than he expected but the Healer only said that our protagonist should not worry because it was the man with white hair who made sure that Dante survived it was at this moment that the man with glowing purple eyes began to use a certain circle of magic he began to shout that he would succeed our hero who saw that vadin was next to him could not understand what he was doing here but veridin with an incredible amount of sweat on his forehead said that you just need to calm L look and stand that a real professional
is doing the job our character understood that the person promised him that everything would be fine but it was already too late because the line was crossed that should not have been crossed but it was already too late there was no time when this disease could be cured with magic alone not only ctia but everything that was inside this body just started to melt besides the aura the recovery magic in this state will only increase the pain there is only one way to save him life at this point our protagonist was approached asked to listen
carefully and the person who conceived the plan who took out his own said that it was better to leave everything between them baradan continued to sit on the floor but another man in a uniform asked veridin to stop that it was impossible to use that item in this way Don naight was clearly not happy with this he asked to stop as quickly as possible but Verdan only showed his hand to the side he told the Knight to slam it and also come right up to him to cover them the Knight unquestioningly decided to go straight
to them he spread out his cloak with him to cover the eyes of their men so that they would be behind them people who were standing on the sides began to notice a certain coat of arms on the square of this night they saw that it was the coat of arms of zipple himself zipa but what were they doing there anyway had they come to kill Paul when they knew he was rank candle they knew that if they smeared themselves they would definitely die but the man in the pirate hat only said that you need
to close your eyes and ears he asked everyone around to close it many people who were sitting in the stands also did what we asked veridin om manuu said that the cosmos actually caught the atmosphere he liked it all and our character could not believe it because because really veridin the same item veridin holding the amulet said that it was just so that he recently received something as a gift from the clan or rather the blood of numerous he asked if our protagonist had heard about it of course our main character has heard this name
because just before the foundation of the Holy state of vanela the god of Hope or rather numerous who is known to have been destroyed in one event Left Behind eight rubber bands and a 100 drops of blood tears revived the dead and blood healed any diseases or injuries in an instant of course then everyone wanted to pay a p of the given God no one even dared to estimate the cost a large faction like the Zippel were desperately searching for them everywhere but now the God's Legacy was only a legend our protagonist couldn't believe it
because is the person in front of him really going to use this for real bared in replied that this was all true but he had one condition veridan without turning his head to our main character asked him to keep it all a secret but why is it doing this isn't the relationship between these fam's tents why did the person in front of him even take out this pill why is he sacrificing The Relic but veridin still without turning his head asked if his man understood what was behind him because losing an equal is like losing
a friend it was at this moment that vered in place the pill in Dante's mouth JY who was watching only started to see a light that enveloped not only him but everyone else standing around everyone was happy but our hero was only shocked he saw when he opened his eyes but he didn't understand anything but vered and I told veridin that fortunately there are no side effects at all couldn't believe what a man like that was doing next to him what is zipple man was doing next to him our characters still couldn't believe that the
blood of the same God had revived the almost dead Dante in an instant that the man in front of him had resorted to such a thing for such a reason veridin on the other hand turned and asked if they both knew that the price of numerous blood was huge but verin's face showed an incredibly intimidating smile and Dante who heard about this for the first time became even more shocked because really this Blood was used on him Dante began to ask how he can even repay for all this dark character knew that now everything was
actually more more likely to be true that zipple was in front of him zipple that he could demand anything but at the same time veran pointed his finger and said slightly hesitating in response he said that jyn should buy them drinks when they were done and there was a clear smile on jyn's face and also said that he didn't accept rejection our main character who was still in shock looked at vadin who was clearly a little out of his mind Vern said that when he saw him somewhere he shouldn't act like he was seeing him
for the first time did the person in front of him understand everything about it our main character just bent a little and started laughing he thought that vered and zipple are real but it turned out that he was just a cool and both characters immediately slapped each other with their hands which seemed like an incredibly friendly gesture which is repeated by anyone who has known the other for many years in front of us is the Coliseum it is already evening on the street many lanterns are shining and a couple is beginning to open up now
the three characters are already sitting together bared and listens to all the stories that are told to him he can't believe that such an incredible person is sitting in front of him because they told him to choose one of the prizes for winning but how late will it take to win both at once now we see that our character was able to take as many as two prizes a bag of gold and also a certain box that contained something that we don't know about veridin went on to say that a person sitting with a beer
in front of him just doesn't have the nerve to hire of course our protagonist understood that he almost died in this dump do they really want him to choose one thing jyn said that there was a limit to all patients that this time it was like this veran laughed out loud knowing that JY was right that the two people sitting at the table with him had actually almost died that's what our character wanted to talk about and he started moving the bag of gold right toward Dante's side of the table and he said he didn't
need all of it so while we're talking about it it's worth sharing Dante said that there was enough money in his family but he would still take it as a Keepsake even keep it in a frame baradan who was shocked by such a gift asked for something for himself he was clearly a little interested in it then it was clear that our protagonist opened the box and with an incredibly distant face he took out a certain map vering realized that it was probably the same treasure map that he had heard in the Legends so would
the person in front of him give him such a valuable item in our opinion the character only threw this box in the direction of veridin he said the short but clear word no making it clear that vered and veridin would get nothing but the box but as soon as veridin got his box he was incredibly pleased our protagonist was obviously shocked by this reaction but decided to ask Dante a question anyway Dante turned to him and made it clear that he was willing to listen so our main character asked him why he didn't use the
secret technique even though our main character asked him not to give in but Dante replied that the same question applies to him because he is the same person he doesn't know what our character is hiding but he definitely has aces up his sleeve as expected but Lan knew exactly what was wrong clearly Dante had an incredible intuition but Jen only said that he didn't understand what he was talking about Dante who had a clear smile on his face said that he was always ready to fight an opponent like jyn if he asked but now without
any giveaways verid in immediately said that he supported this idea because soon the day will come when they will all fight each other leading their Clans veridan waited impatiently veridan took a mug of beer in his hands and after drinking it he cheered up of course he said it was true but in fact they really should have stayed friends our protagonist who just couldn't miss his chance started telling veridan that the future head of zipple says something so sweet that he didn't expect it veridan immediately blushed he started to feel embarrassed he started making excuses
saying that he was just saying words that one wrong move and it would all be over but then veran stopped making excuses he just took the beer again and asked everyone to have fun because he was very thirsty and so it happened Dante also took a beer in his hands he also laughed at the jokes of his new friend our protagonist understood that even if they were sitting at the back table and making toasts it was their Destiny to turn their swords against each other when the time came enemy but friend friend but enemy it
was these thoughts that swirled in the mind of our protagonist the end of this contradictory relationship I wonder what it will be like in general but at the same moment something occurred to veridin so he remembered something he asked if they had ever heard of such a term as pseudo veridin our main character was clearly interested in this because he was a little unable to properly drink a sip of his beer a few drops began to drip directly on his clothes Dante couldn't believe it because how could this even happen could a copicat have appeared
could he be impersonating verin in the zipple family's territory who had the audacity but he was even admired verin sighing that I made it clear that he was already tired of this topic said that because of what happened with Uncle Andre the honor of their family was greatly damaged do of course he is not trying to attach Jen the rumor that the culprit from the rank kendle family was not confirmed do our characters see what he clearly is I was to blame for this decided to have a little drink I don't pay attention to anything
and then he asked so what would the person in front of him have to do as an impostor baradan clearly replied that he needed to be caught first he was thinking of hiring a high ranking Mage to find the fake well at the same time John replied that this was not a good idea at all because in the place of the impostor he asked for the floor to confuse people if he says that we'll have to look for zipple on Earth zipa then we'll have to wait for sidelong glances veridin is only making a fool
of himself so it's better to tackle the copicat later veridin having accepted if he thinks so then she is the main character where you will be right so he decided to return to the impostor on his return home the character getting up from the table asked if I should get ready for them we definitely wanted to sit a little longer but our prota did not say that a little more and get it attached to such skinny people unlike them he has too much to do baradan also wanted to sit down but he asked if his
friend was really that worried about being a reserve standard Bearer our hero replied that this was exactly the case so at the same time they decided to say goodbye as soon as jyn reached the door verin called him buddy at first our character didn't expect this but then he smiled it could be seen that the three people were clearly happy with their shared company there was a certain person in front of us he noticed that a letter from cashmir himself fell into his hands that there was was a report also a note about what happened
at the Battle itself but was this how he reacted to the request to write in essence it was the patriarch who was being asked did something really happen to Young Master but the patriarch only replied that there was nothing wrong that Jin had defeated Aaron's grandson and that obtain the sixth rank it seems that his friend is definitely not wasting his time in vain the patriarch then squeezed his hand filled him with an aura and asked him to tell Kashmir that he would like to have a drink with him if he could remind him of
himself while the patriarch was walking around around that person's body started to emit an incredibly intimidating Aura which scared his subordinate the subordinate was already in the room next to the fireplace he was trying to figure out what he had drunk for no reason at all no one could understand why it was cold to drink a meter by the fireplace whether I was Ill at that hour but only came to the conclusion that most likely it was necessary to take as many medications as possible by that time both people had moved on to talking about
the map itself should they show it to each other and he said that it was a little shabby but do you know what the person in front of him is depicted on it the person began to look at this map he understood that you are seeing this for the first time so it is unlikely that you will be able to recognize the place simply from the map but the person is distracted he was turned on by a girl who is with a cat she started shouting and then that she wants to find treasure looking at
the map she clearly noticed something everyone also noticed it asked if she sees something unusual on it Julia said there was something very important and dangerous there for her she said there were people guarding this place she also started to cry an incredible sadness appearing on her face she burst into tears and turned so pale that people began to worry about her they all started asking what was going on with her but all the girl could do was scream for the map to be removed there was a man who said that the gift to a
girl drives her crazy the man immediately started shouting that it was necessary to summon a contractor Dragon to calm the girl down everyone started saying that you shouldn't stand around like germs you should call latry the person who was clearly very surprised by this situation as well as completely shocked immediately said that it was necessary to act as quickly as possible at the same moment a certain man with a green hairstyle came to them he was very concerned about the girl's condition at the same moment as soon as he entered the door he was told
that the girl saw something and started screaming so you need to try very hard to bring her to her senses most likely the right person approached the girl and began to say that Julia should take a deep breath to make everything go well because he was there some kind of blue strange glow appeared around the man told Julia not to be afraid because he was close he began to say that everything would be fine fine another man who had a scar on his face also went to the door and started asking why Julia was crying
at all but the same person believes him or that you need to be as quiet as possible and when they looked away they didn't notice that Julia fell asleep in the arms of the same guy the girl was handed over to him and then they praised the same guy for his work the person who watched said that he didn't have time to say hello to sir but now everything is fine nen had just said that there was no need to worry about it but what did the girl see could it really be the future but
the guy didn't say that it was was just the opposite that she had seen the past nuren wondered if this was some kind of curse or something latry replied that it was just like that that when a person who has signed a contract with asme Rita he sees something connected with something in a certain way this time the girl saw something related to the map minutes later something irreparable would happen already blood in her veins latry was asked to tell them everything the girl had seen or if he knew lry concentrating and also covering his
eye with one hand said that he was seeing an image of the Primeval lands in front of him the population of this place worshiped their gods and was completely cut off from civilization alarm does not know the zro defended the world and existence until one day they appeared people in some masks the aliens turned out to be poppies came supposedly to study the culture of the earth however immediately after their appearance they began excavations in search of an unknown object underground and residents asked for strange Services as a result they didn't just kill the child
decided to be Petty got rid of all the residents who posed a threat trying to get something everyone listened to this story very carefully they started saying that these very people were looking for some sacred religion that the locals worshiped our main character could not believe really worshiped a sacred religion jyn immediately asked latry to draw an image of the thing latry agreed to do it he said it looked like a normal silver mirror but it was emitting a strange color our main character looking at it all realized that this is a fountain of Mana
a plentiful source of magic or rather a fountain of Mana before the rebirth he knew that from the materials of a brave reporter made public the atrocities of the zipple family zipple after discovering the Runes of Colin the zipple family she exploited the locals so during one of the missions he saw for himself everything that the freaks were doing there all the people were strangely exhausted they were being experimented on they were all begging for de it turns out that this map shows the mirror's location at that moment a man with white hair appeared in
front of us clearly one of the zipple clan zipple he was sitting somewhere in the middle of nowhere drinking alcohol he right an incredibly huge sip said that a little more and he would get attached to them but finally for once the people who were under him finally fell silent for such a swill that was in his hands it was worth dying at all and then there was another woman who had her eyes closed she thought it was time to meet the guest that it was her time our protagonists who were still thinking about the
Fountain of Mana just couldn't believe that the treasure map could mean the location of this artifact that the key to the oldest artifact is located there more asked what jyn was thinking anyway JY on the other hand knew that it was impossible to show that he knew anything so he decided to say that he just had a bad feeling and then turned to Kashmir told him that he was very sorry because Julia had experienced such a horror in fact Julia was not in very good condition her voices were red and there were tears in them
but then they realized that there was nothing wrong with this because those who made contact with God could not see an easy path in life everyone knew what it was going to do boy mea don't worry because he is always there whatever happens to Julia he will help Kashmir expressed a huge thank you to latry and then said that first he needed to find someone who could decipher the symbol on the map because since they found out that the map was not simple then they could start on their way tajmir only asked you to rely
on seven colors and wait he smiled and also said that he was counting for all of them of course he said it all but it certainly wasn't that simple because a few hundred years ago the zipple family he destroyed the people that is the city itself and the survivors were waiting for an unenviable fate be trapped in a fertile City for the rest of your life and also if you didn't know that you could find the mirror before the Zippel February 17th 17 1996 it was deep in the night outside there was even a drunkard
in front of us who was obviously drunk the whole world was spinning around him he was fine until he stumbled most likely even sprained his leg falling to the ground he began to peer at the moon but our character approached him who said that the person in front of him actually looks tired does he really not want to share the company with the same lost comrade the drunkard asked who was in front of him but our protagonist taking out another bottle of alcohol said that it wasn't all that important so the drunk immediately cheered up
and said that nothing really mattered but if there was something to eat did he really meet an angel but JY only said that he just really likes helping people so he picked up the man under his side and carried him forward the drunk even said that since he was helping him so much he should introduce him to his sister our main character turned to him said that the person in front of him has a rather interesting skin tone of course the man replied that everyone told him so but the main thing is that all of
his tribe has such a shade she even asked me what those words meant about the tribe but the guy said that his homeland is very far away from from here but he still doesn't want to talk about it of course our hero understood that this conversation would be just about this so he put his hand in his pocket and said that he had something from this place but he did not understand what was written there jyn took out a card and then handed it to the Man asking him to transfer it the guy immediately threw
the bottle to the side he clearly recognized this map but then he noticed that all the sides to The Retreat were blocked he began to ask who was in front of him how does he know that he is a Colin but our protagonist just smiled and said that he was a freeloader the captain of the guards and the sweet couple in front of them were dragons everyone wasn't quite sure what our main character said about it but our character replied that it was nothing wrong that the person in front of them asked him to tell
them they thought they needed to be careful about it all but jyn said it was fine colinet looking at all this realized that these were not people from the zipple family ziplo well how did they find him at all then our Jin only told him that he had stumbled upon this map by chance a couple of days ago so that green-haired boy the dragon of asila had helped him face the bitter history of his people how his people were in and used only trying to find someone who could tell them about the map all in
vain until suddenly they met him here in ticken they assured the person that it was a pure coincidence but the person was clearly not happy with this he became incredibly serious and replied that I should not hang noodles on his ears but only go after him the man immediately said that they should meet his little sister after a while our protagonists finally came they went to a certain building where this very woman we saw earlier is sitting her eyes were closed she said that she was waiting for the people who came to her she addressed
them as the Valiant man of ticken the same man bowed at her feet saying that he had brought guests without her permission but the lady replied that everything was fine calling the person in front of her pan of course the dragons were also a little surprised because what did her words mean that she was waiting for them was this really something new on the part of people new to them our character also confirmed that he also thinks it's all strange because something extraterrestrial he would say just felt here you'd never expect to find something like
this in a shack like this but this was definitely an unusual girl even more likely from some Noble family or chosen by the god her people worshiped but the girl only looked through her stre eyes and said that before her stood a man born in the land of Swords chosen by the Shadow the last shadow dragon and the junior Dragon guardian of the Treasures of asila the girl asked not to be surprised because it was her difficult gift our hero who was still in a State of Shock realized that the same otherworldly aura that he
felt from a woman was definitely familiar to him he definitely meant something similar at the same time he asked her if she was a goddess but the girl only replied smiling at the same time that it was only a receptacle she presented her hand to her chest and said that if you were a goddess you wouldn't be forced to hide away from your native lands the dragons realized that this was most likely the astral body of an ancient god that she had an outstanding Insight skill but most likely not for long that she would soon
lose it as well the woman had asked him not to rub salt in her wounds but the black dragon hadn't expected to meet the ancient god Colin there but what is she god of the girl said that even if she said it she still wouldn't understand no one understood what she was talking about again but she just asked for a map she wanted to look at it the people who reached out to it asked what it said the girl immediately began to say that the same nonsense is in the heart of Colin who reads these
lines asks not to leave you need to come to the rescue and Shout that they are only a modest people they all want to live that even though God has placed difficult tests on them he did not let them cope with them it was all incredible the girl laughing at this card in her hand replied that it was the handiwork of a long dead grandfather that the card had two Destinies become a doom or bring on clothes or rather a genie that daily her prayers were answered the black dragon immediately wanted to make the assumption
that they had lost all their remaining strength at 5 minutes that it was appropriate to ask for help in this situation that they were actually going to go to Colin anyway that they should ask the girl to help them the woman in her hand to face that it was quite kind-hearted however she didn't believe in help from the heart or compassion while turning to JY she said that it had been a long time time since she had heard solder's voice soldera incredibly shocked by what he heard or rather the name of solder it his eyes
bulged and the girl said that she as a reward can use all the remaining powers that she has left from her former body she can use them to call out to the very deity that jyn has not heard for a long time now we were looking at the astral body of the ancient god and contractor as Mill who just do not meet these days the black dragon asked what our main character will do our protagonist exhaling with an incredible heaviness said that all he could do was go to that very place but do they understand
that they can't guarantee the safety of a woman and a man but the girl only replied that she understood everything by herself that she would report everything she knew about the internal State of Affairs in Colin nothing would be Superfluous of course our main character was very grateful for this information and then they decided to hit the road when they set out they didn't notice that it wasn't a good sign but rather the coat of arms of zipple it said there was no passage way that it was private property or a historic Camp everyone was
scratching their heads they didn't think they should have sent all the flowers to investigate but the black dragon insisted that if they hadn't sent their subordinates the situation would definitely have been much more dangerous our protagonist who did not participate in the arguments only thought that before rebirth these lands were open which is similar but his training as a weapon has already had an effect because the weapon is 11 years old but in this scenario it may not happen at all but there was nothing to do one of the people asked what they would do
now because if there was a normal magic polygon they would definitely enter without difficulty I went the other way the man couldn't believe where jyn was going where Sarah was going he also went with people because didn't it confuse people that there was only one warning sign in the entire area that there were no guards no restrictive magic nothing at all they can't be Zippel you're also in a safe place but if you think about it are they sure they found the artifact the man immediately became shocked by his own opinion but our main character
said that he could but after hundreds of years of digging nothing was found the black dragon also began to Armor All the Zippel saying that they were traveling here as as if to a resort but at the same time he began to feel something strange he asked everyone to hide and then I move he noticed that there were locals right in front of them hauling huge loads carrying pickaxes working tirelessly but what did she draw gray hair could it be that the pure blood zipple was in front of them judging from the way white days
erase hums it was true it was Miron zipple himself zipple this was known as the seventh Tower psycho instead of being famous as the sixth son he is popularly known as an eccentric spellcaster which earned me my nickname our protag replied that it was actually a pure bird zipple without any escort Odin also told you that the person in front of him was actually a seventh Tower master rank eight so he probably has a bunch of artifacts on him if he were in his place he would also take care of the guards the black dragon
who was already ready to tear the person in front of them said that they would first tear off his head and then bring out the people it was for this reason that they were brought there but our protagonist cut off his happiness which made the black dragon very upset our main protagonist said that their enemy is not made with a finger so after killing Andre they will not get away with another gray-haired man our main character used to say that they needed a good reason so that killing the person in front of them wouldn't cause
problems with their Guild now our character noticed that there was another person in the nearby bushes this person was wearing a kind of cap glasses were on his face our main character got better to him pestered his throat with a dagger and asked who was in front of him the blade that our character was holding immediately began to touch the other person's throat a little pinkening a little blood our protocol officer said that he wouldn't repeat it but the man confessed that he was Dino jagon or just a reporter our main character heard this name
touched something the same journalist who told the world of Colin that his materials were only supposed to be published in 10 years how did he redo this time so much a fragile body what was in front of him at all is it really the same Brave journalist our Genie asked him to turn around is it really this case that will start a war with the Zipp of course this was commendable so our main character had no choice but to ask him a question did he really come in search of another sens what was he sniffing
around here at all now for our main character began to appear in other characters or rather the dragon the reporter asked where the people in front of him came from where they came from our protagonist replied that the reporter should not work because they were just nearby that one and his friend from cheap places ask for help but since there is a reporter in front of him then their goal May coincide the reporter was very surprised because do the people in front of him know about the situation of the inhabitants of these places the black
dragon asked if they could really tell all this information to the person in front of them but they stopped the black dragon saying that it was all for the good of the mission the black dragon didn't understand what they were saying so the man had to tell them that the reporter must have come to write an article about those hated Zippel that the young Master wants to negotiate a cooperation agreement so that he can set no precedent for attacking a family member And the reporter should already have some information about the situation the reporter or
rather her facial expression gave him away that he actually has all the information or the reporter after a bit of hesitation also reached out for his briefcase his fingers falling on a certain red book rather shabby there were a lot of bookmarks in it our character having looked at it at the request of Dino himself the reporter told him that it was a diary about the tribulations of the natives in this book an incredible number of dates were written the 3rd of January three people disappeared the 5ifth of January local residents who were in contact
with him also went missing it was written about how the inhabitants of this area actually live even the main character after reading this all said that every everything he just saw he is incredibly thorough who understands whether the brave reporters that stood in front of him about what would happen if this magazine became public does the journalist know that someone will say poor people who read this does he know how much the whole society will be alarmed does he know how the Zippel will react and try to occupy the tracks but the journalist only replied
that he understood everything he even talked to Miran himself zipple while he continued to knock out his drinks Dino said that the last few days he does not dry out that he constantly wants to drink throws everything in a row and also attacks all sorts of songs after a couple of words from the journalist he is sure that mirin is not waiting for trouble that he is completely sure of his immunity here the reporter said that the black dragon the person next to him and also our main character simply do not need to torture him
or interrogate him because now he was able to tell everything that he knows our main character realized that the reporter wasn't lying so when they approached him he handed him his own book and said that she really wanted to ask him a favor an incredibly strange smile appeared on the face of our main character night has fallen outside we see Miran again who was sitting on his favorite belt and drinking the same wine there were workers next to him he was only thinking that in order for this old man in front of me to just
be us he will continue in this place he will continue to drink all the wine that people bring him while was he even sent to this place for just the slightest prank in the first place Nong was so angry that he hit the person in front of him repeatedly knocking him down until the person flew to the side all the bottles of wine that the old man was carrying with you rolled on the floor but mirang immediately noticed that a certain person was addressing him he sees that the same reporter who asked to accompany such
a great person appeared in front of him because most likely mirang could not have a good rest for quite a long time he has been very stressed for a long time mirang recognized the reporter he called him a favorite drinking buddy he saw that the reporter was carrying some alcohol with him mirang even said that he thought that the reporter had died somewhere along the way that he had been dealt with by a tree or eaten by a beast Mong even immediately started complaining about not being able to talk to The Blockheads that Li right
in his area he started waving his hands repeatedly with his hands making it clear that he was very much expecting the reporter and then immediately strained his eyes noticing that other people or rather our dragons were coming out of the bushes that it wasn't a big deal these people that they were only Wanderers and Bs behind him so the reporter thought that Miran would be very happy I'm glad he brought in new faces the reporter running up to Miron himself immediately began scratching his head saying that he was very sorry because he translated strangers but
mirang immediately started waving his hand making it clear that it wasn't a big deal but still where did the reporter find all these people the reporter started saying that he found everyone in the Kingdom that was not far away when he was buying medicinal herbs there so he asked all the people to introduce themselves our main character took off his cloak said that it was an honor to meet a person more precisely nuron zipple nuron who seemed to recognize the person in front of him started to smile wildly as if he was in ecstasy his
smile never left his face brother mirang is just a dis trusting person the man said that the deceased Uncle Andre was not a gift but even he was far from mam the white-haired man sighed with an incredible heaviness as he finally placed the mug on the table he said that when he remembered what he had done he would wake up in a cold sweat from even the sweetest dream in fact this character's face showed his complete despair he even had no idea what the Elder of the Mage Tower had done to make his familiar Master
Dante had said that smoking like that about his own brother was rather vulgar but what kind of person was he that even his new friend was talking about his young younger brother like that the same man said that he was a real monster from a place so dark that no innocent mind would ever imagine no one would be able to imagine what that same person was doing at the same time he turned to our Jin he said that his family as well as the family of our main character will definitely clash in battle in the
future so if in case they stumble upon his little brother then there's no way you should Retreat to a fight with him for the face of a new friend of our protagonist it was a very strange expression it was not at all clear what he was thinking why despair sadness and pain were red in his eyes why did he say that our main character will face the horror described by her but just in time for them to notice their little brother's face again he asked them to tell Bucky about all their travels he was actually
already pretty drunk because he had a bright red blush on his face that of course he would tell them everything they could see but really Mr the reporter didn't say they were Travelers nuron said that it was true that he actually saw that the people in front of him had seen a lot Miron he said that there wasn't as much of him as a high ranking member of the zipple family zipple nuron Q after all if they met for a week ago then he was very interested in it you just had to figure out that
some reporter had stumbled into the most dangerous Wilderness on the closed territory of a family that is famous for its wealth as well as terrible experiences nuron was thinking now he asked who is a reporter anyway the reporters immediately started to apologize but mirang immediately picked him up or rather just wrapped her arms around his neck and said that it wasn't really a threat he just decided to think out loud for a bit but still decided to ask after all why does the reporter communicate with the locals a maniacal smile appeared on miron's face or
rather his expression he clearly wanted to intimidate the reporter with his behavior the dragon was watching everything as well as our character they definitely didn't like this picture but they just couldn't get into a fight the unir on a lot of people showed up and he said that every time he left the reporter was poking his nose into other people's business and he didn't understand how he was messing with those with whom the reporter was in contact or the partner could not understand what the person in front of him was talking about but Miron only
said everything in just he said that the person in front of him was actually a pseudo intellectual but did it reach such an intelligent interlocutor why did people or rather citizens of this place go missing in fact he did not guess anything mirang smiled once again and then started laughing he started calling all the people around him ordinary insects that constantly crawled under his feet he couldn't understand if they really thought it was appropriate to treat him as an equal or even what they thought of him mirang started laughing so loudly that he couldn't keep
all his feelings to himself he drank one bottle of alcohol which immediately fell into the bonfire a huge flame appeared from the fire and the Lord of this territory began to talk about how he simply couldn't understand how the people around him had so much confidence why they were so confident they actually dared to come out so close to him but even so the gentleman realized that the reporter despite his frail appearance as well as his inability to resist anything also has a Steely Spirit the reporter started asking after all what exactly does sir want
to do but mirang only started Ed laughing again also making his maniacal smile he only said one word sword Garden he said that he knew who these Travelers really were that they were behind the reporter our hero as well as the dragon lowered their gaze as if to indicate that they didn't understand that Miran had guessed them in one second the black dragon took the reporter by the Scruff of the neck it all happened so fast that the reporter couldn't even expect such a turn of events he started shouting while everyone else started to pull
their hands straight towards their swords they immediately headed towards their opponent who at that moment was magic Al declared a flame our clan has never seen such a thing because muron could really activate a kind of Shield but how is this even possible because our main character did not feel the magic that was able to erect such a large barrier at all but was it really hidden when the alcohol got into this bonfire even if we assume this version of the event it was still not clear why our protagonist did not feel anything how did
neuron manage to pull this off in the first place the black dragon immediately asked his fellow not to yawn because you can tell the presence of magic but not its effect black dragon could definitely see that their opponent wasn't that weak after all only a psychopath could make such a flame or else the true genius that Mong was he certainly looked like he had aces up his sleeve Nang actually understood who was in front of him he knew that it was the same Jin who most likely came at the request of the girl with the
blindfold our character asked how does this person know him at all how does he have access to such secret information JY knew that mirang wouldn't give him any information just like that so he knew that it was time to come up with another plan a more violent one and jyn took out his sword letting him know that the battle was about to begin neuron looking at our main character said that if he thinks so then in front of him is an ordinary spare standard Bearer how did he even come to the girl will our protagonist
tell him this secret but JY only replied that his opponent was talking too much at this moment talking so much that he wanted to stop his mouth with his sword as quickly as possible annoyed by his faint hysteria neuron realizing that they didn't want to appreciate his acting realized that it was time to get down to business he immediately formed a kind of ice sphere in the the air realize that you need to finish get down to business now we could see that the enemy had surrounded himself with a fire barrier and formed some kind
of ice sphere around him as if to attack and so a few seconds later two orbs immediately rushed into our character not allowing him to concentrate not allowing him to think through a plan of action so jyn just decided to dodge and then find a convenient moment to Counterattack the black dragon And the reporter were already flying away the black dragon wanted to carry the reporter as far as possible but notice that the remaining sphere that did not hit our character flew to the inhabitants of this region the black dragon had no choice but to
throw the reporter and also use its Dragon power to erect an earth wall so that the ice spheres hit it exactly the black dragon who erected this wall asked the reporters to stay out of the way then lead the locals away the reporter who was also involved in this action immediately obeyed and asked all the residents to come to him however as soon as he approached the residents he noticed that none of them could speak they were all disfigured for some reason they were holding their necks the reporter was put down he could not believe
leave his eyes he immediately started shouting that mirang was just an unscrupulous brat our protagonist who noticed this cry and came back he noticed how the reporter screams with all his might and asks but how could you do this to people how did you even dare why did every person who was in the neighborhood have a strange of relationship that he did but mirang just reveled in the sight his eyes were filled with pleasure real ecstasy he said that he had been waiting for such an expression on the reporter's face for a long time waiting
for him to finally be noticed it was just delicious our protagonist who had sunk his gaze and started peering at the floor realized what he was really doing badly while mirang was talking about the reporter not knowing his place a curious Barbarian who had long since had time to tear everything down so does he really think that if he behaves more pathetically than he does eat then earn mercy of course mirang was just sneering he asked the reporter to look at what he was seeing as carefully as possible he blamed the reporters that everyone who
was there was just the result of the reporter's actions well while I was telling you this while the reporters were crying not trying to hold back their tears a Blow from our main character flew right into miron's face mirang didn't expect this so he flew to the side crashing into a rock in the process our protagonist asked him to stop all these conversations because it was already enough that the villain saw neuron K in turn did not receive any special injuries he was able to defend himself with one of the barriers but then he looked
forward and noticed that our main character took the form of a shadow he asked his opponent because another person from the zipple family zipple did not have very long to live our main character radiated incredibly and intimidating Aura the aura of someone who is about to avenge those who died the death of the Brave the dragons behind them couldn't believe what they were seeing so much destruction even though they had attacked when that Lord had let his guard down what kind of Shadow power was in front of them now mam who was clearly a little
dissatisfied with everything that had happened looked at how the magic circle was dissipating while releasing some tongues of Shadow it was all infuriating because why is it like this not magic but not Aura draining energy like the most infusion it was only at this moment that on realized that JY might possess a shadow that he had broken his vow so in fact it was our protagonist with his Sinister face looking at his opponent a ghost flew behind him and our hero himself wearing his sword went straight to his enemy but as soon as he recovered
a little he looked up and noticed a strange thing he noticed a lot of stars in the sky or rather ice fragments flying at him the black dragon understood that this magic just like that time was not felt so is mirang really that strong and a genius magician our character responded that their opponent is hiding Mona flows so it will be much easier to fight with the expectation that they are constantly worth something mirang from the side said that he was quite quick and quickly identified what their opponent knew even though it took Miron quite
a long time to prepare the Spells but M and did not despair he again got up from his favorite log and pointed his finger in the direction of our main characters he said that no one would be able to defeat him anyway save all the Cockroaches it was at this moment that the black dragon as well as our main character did their trick which they repeated several times to get closer to the Target it was noticeable how the black dragon with the help of his hand and the strength of our main character was allowed to
go forward Nong didn't expect such an action he didn't think that he would be approached so quickly so he immediately began to change his position started to jump back but it was too late the Shadow or rather the trace of the shadow of our main protagonist was already making its way right through its icy thickets neuron it is clear that the matter is bad decided to take his staff and start activating another magic he began to combine the three elements Earth Fire and Ice JY noticing all this decided to concentrate on everything as much as
possible but after a second we could see an incredibly large explosion mirang shouted that for our character's sake he would spare nothing that he would use all of his Mana to keep up what he didn't know for sure was that our character was already right behind him that he was wearing a shadow mask on his face Miron who felt a strange energy behind him decided to go back it was there that he noticed our main character sitting on a certain structure mang realized that it was actually something knew so he immediately decided to do something
about it he decided to create another ice barrier to block the attack our character but it was fair jyn was able to easily cut through this barrier only now did mirang realize that no matter what he used the opponent would be able to absorb all the magic was this really the energy of solder Shadow soldera mirang opening his mouth in Surprise decided to say a certain word but then the face of a Madman appeared on his face again he said that it was actually close to his defeat even the main character realized that something was
wrong and then looking under his feet noticed a certain seal he realized that his foot was right on the seal pay attention to your opponent it was clear that there are some chains coming from Miron that want to invite our main character mirang was incredibly happy about this he thought that Jen was finally able to get caught in his net but our main character immediately decided to cut his chains with his sword after a few swings the chains were destroyed and our protagonist returned to his original position crouching down or rather landing on one of
his knees he began to look at Miron who was clearly clearly happy about this battle only now he was able to feel all the Ecstasy as well as New Sensations from it even it was not for nothing that he was imprisoned for several weeks in this remote place in fact the enemy was amused by all this throwing so it would be great to send our main character to the next World and thanks to him this skillful place will finally play with new colors it could be seen that mirang had gone mad as there were even
more no seal circles around him our protagonist was just shocked by the number of traps but did all these spells really trap him our protagonist will not be able to pull a frontal wheel like this so you definitely need to dodge a group of dragons immediately asked for help they immediately began to make their way directly to the residence but why is the reporter now standing like a pillar why does he not lead anyone out of the circle of magic why can't he help any Prisoners the reporter immediately replied that of course he would start
helping but there was also another exclamation from Miron which made it clear that everything was useless Miron laughed as he talked about how everything around him was magic circles that would reach everywhere his eyes went he said that these circles will get to almost anywhere without exception at that moment a reporter was shouting at the other prisoners pointing out the way they should go the black dragon putting on his shoulders absolutely all the prisoners that he could hook with him began to run away but Miran who had really already entered made a face that no
one had ever seen in person before because this face was a real Maniac who was kicked out of his own Clan he addressed to our wife I asked him to have fun so that later there would be nothing to regret after a few seconds huge explosions began to be heard in the area Stones flew huge Flames Rose into the air to such an extent that it was difficult to dodge them the entire landscape that was around our protagonist changed with Incredible speed Jin despite the sudden change in the landscape he was still able to handle
everything until he noticed a huge charge that appeared right in front of his face he couldn't believe what he was seeing right now was the torn Earth that cut through the Earth door it was necessary to touch it it could mean that there was only one way to go forward and so it happened our character immediately raised his sword and tried to pierce that very tongue of flame so that no one else would have any question s however as soon as he tried to cut it down he realized that something was going wrong he looked
to the side and realized that the eighth rank simply couldn't be affected by such spells did mirang use some sort of artifact with it right in front of you or is he still using it at all but mirang who was standing at the side was clearly already tired it could be seen from his expression but he no longer had the same ecstasy that he felt at the very beginning of his battle he realized that his opponent actually knew magic but was it really that good how in general could such a person evade a pillar of
of fire also did not leave the torn ground how in general is it possible for an ordinary person without any artifacts is it possible that there was some master or disciple of the most brilliant Bloodlines in front of him as in general these fire pillars of CH ma not versed in Magic would definitely not have done so mirang couldn't help but ask is this a swordsman Mage our main character who definitely didn't want to answer his questions just looked at him with that same look full of hatred and indifference but his opponent clearly wanted to
know the answer he understood that most likely the answer in his question is hidden in the eyes of our protagonist nuron thought that everything he had assumed was actually true that it was because he was casting magic himself that he was acting like this so he was sure that he couldn't have screwed up now Nong began to take out some strange items in his bags he said that if there was a magician in front of him then he would definitely be able to defeat him with a spell much tougher than any that our main character
has most likely he took out the current Mana or rather the most dangerous flying symptom for the Mana owner people who are exposed to this become dis similar to themselves manifesting a variety of card explosions that accompany damage to organs in the body blood begins to flow from the eyes ears mouth my eyes pop out of their sockets and my body starts to ache like a skating rink Mages lose to the one who has little less and therefore who is more likely to face the countercurrent a fairly simple but effective way to rank among Mages
but rank andle still hadn't used any Mana so it was possible to understand that the counterflow was impossible which was not the case with his companions neuron who had directed his attacks said that if one is in a person then there is nothing to waste time on Nong immediately made a jump towards our main character and caught him off guard at first you might have thought distance but in fact it was predictable for our main character but it was expected because jyn prepared a gift for his opponent a certain dark sphere our main character asked
us to look at this area as carefully as possible as soon as his opponent did this an incredibly bright energy shot out from the sphere which hit absolutely the entire Forest no one expected such a response to mang's attack yurong after Anna's attack couldn't understand what had happened could it be the light or the power of the Shadow why he can no longer feel anything around him as if he is in a completely different space as if he was in Sophia on another world of course he could see some light far ahead but what was
it that it was a light of course there was a blinding flash of light right in front of his eyes so it didn't mean that the next attack would be either final or decisive neong having identified the problem immediately decided to hide he jumped to the side but at the same time lost his arm mang certainly could never have expected that an opponent who understood Ancient Light Magic would appear in front of him it was so unexpected that mang himself could admit it mirang taking out his staff was still wondering what combining light and dark
magic meant if anything that most likely the person in front of him was just replacing himself with the main character of the novel our Jin who was watching his enemy's claims from the side realized that the dark energy was almost gone from his wound and the reaction was more like that of a can't do anything Beast although miron's magic wasn't nearly as good as Andre but it was still very unpleasant to fight a duel against him mirang didn't ask so what will they do how will they solve this issue are they really going to fight
again now of course the face of experience and it's not just knowledge of the countercurrent but mirang knew for sure mirang who was already sitting on the stove turned back and immediately started laughing at AR Jin's questions he couldn't understand why mirang was laughing at all but mirang only said that it was most likely that mirang was some kind of madman and that there was nothing in common between them but she actually wasn't true he thought that they were berries of the same field our main character I will exhale pleasantly asked if his opponent really
didn't have time but with cliche phrases because if this is all then this is rather not cool Miron who heard this immediately started laughing after all does our main character think that he can kill him right now of course mirang did not believe in this on his face even appeared a maniacal characteristic expression he asked our main character not to forget that the local scum are protecting him and also look at one two or three things already our main characters first smiling while despite the fingers of miron's hands asked him with a sharp change in
his face what is he clowning about why is that clown but mirang did not immediately reveal all his cards he asked if our main character was interested because people like them with him do everything to achieve their goal did he notice that his magic is easily beyond the eighth rank if it comes to that mirang will do his best for now just like that mirang stretched out his hand to the side and shot out a certain AA from it he asked me to take a good look at these cockroaches which the journalists so desperately valued
that's why he uses highlevel magic these dead people are his weapons the embodiment of Mana have you notied that even the most burned ones are still moving at this point our main character began to understand what was going on while mran shouted that he just wouldn't let him die because they are his source of M so what is gin worth then whether he then wants to kill his opponent with the first one or get rid of the Cockroaches that were there in the area neuron wanted to assure our protagonist that they are the same that
nothing hinders them from achieving their own goals Miran was he asked to get rid of this Rabel as soon as possible and also light the last fireworks but then the woman who was in the area started shouting that mirang was lying that everything they said to jyn was a mean lie because they were not the source of his Mana because when he tried to take it he found out about the Divine Relic mirang didn't expect this woman to appear he thought that all the bystanders had run off to the side so it was obvious from
his face that he was actually worried now and what kind of Fountain is this because is it really about the very fountain that he himself is looking for mang who clearly lost his temper our main character asked him what he was doing but the girl only began to say that all the people who were on the verge of death her dear tribesmen they all served as victims for the sake of the cruel plans of their ruler nuron asked her to be quiet but the girl only replied that they were all dead horror appeared on her
face she could not hold back her tears she did not stop sobbing also screaming Nong realizing that the girl wouldn't and yell at her first had a mad maniacal look on his face she began to talk only about how her entire lab rat Nation had been squeezed out by a heartless parody of a human a pretense of sadistic Tendencies nuron was clearly not very happy he knew that he was not in a very favorable position right now because clearly the evidence was right next to our protagonist the girl said that he was trying to deceive
her in order to bend his will so the girl who grabbed her breasts or rather clothes if it could be called that started shouting to our protagonist to get him to deal with the freak that was next to her nuron could no longer contain himself he lost his teeth veins appeared on his neck he immediately turned his gaze to the girl a certain Radiance like stars sha in his eyes he said that most likely the girl forgot her place he immediately activated a certain spell on her asking her to die as quickly as possible one
moment later a certain charge of flame descended on the girl she was engulfed in this fire and so reveled in his revenge he continued even after her death to tell her that she had no right to spoil all his hangings that our hero had to scream to drink this knowledge that blood is on his hands broke through this empty one that it would be the highlight of today's performance the four of course it was dangerous but now it must only die at the same time the reporter who was sitting in the bushes began to call
Jen he started talking about the girl being saved he said that this is the head of the tribe whose name is Tikka this was the only local leader so this girl couldn't be allowed to die our main character looking at the whole situation with horror did not utter a single word he understood that now in front of him was the secret magic of the guilt head it was called from the eye of the Azure flame so our main protagonist doesn't seem to have heard of it before at the same time we are again trans reported
to the past when our main character wanted to teach Azure flame our character didn't know it so we were told that the Azure flame evil eye is a special secret zipple technique only such a Rabel Destroyer to use something so disgusting causes tetanus from just looking and it is simply impossible to extinguish it if you try to turn it off you'll catch fire yourself our main character asked but how to resist him so his teacher replied that this flame needs to lie down that a wedge is kicked out with a wedge so there was nothing
else for jyn to do but use his own flame to enter someone El's flame as soon as he got there he was just shocked he couldn't believe that our main character was coming out of this flame calmly that the flame didn't even cause him a bit of pain it was noticeable that the girl was already in perfect order and during the day I could believe my eyes why does the flame not touch at all he could only see that the person chosen by Tess would become the strongest mage of the new generation but this gift
was obtained by some pathetic swordsman so still from another clan the man was just shocked he was crawling how did the person in front of him dare to trample all his plans now to have something that he could not even dream of but our character just smiled while holding the girl in his arms after a few seconds and the girl opened her eyes she noticed that she was in the hands of our hero but why was she not hot because she is sure that the body and I are on fire but the skin is not
a speck of burns as if the fire protected her they burned our character who also noticed that the girl woke up told me that I was very grateful to her because if it wasn't for her he would definitely fall for his head so now the girl cannot worry herself the girl who understood the whole point of what was happening couldn't believe it because how could she not worry at all because mirang uses a source of Mana although she didn't finish it but she definitely owned it she said that you can use the words keys that
she found relevant but the artifact itself kept disappearing nearby she could it be that a person came to them at the request of the princess could it really be like that there were tears on the girl's face she said that if she holds up our gin then she will gladly tell us where the religion is kept she put them together as if begging for mercy for salvation she only said stop the pain that the same person is causing to be in front of him now everyone could see that mirang zipple true face had finally come
out it was finally possible to see that mirang was just disappointed also angered by all the situations our main character in turn said that most likely he was surprised that it was she who chose him because the magic of it trapped is it really all the aces up his opponent's sleeve our character asked to finish everything at once because the games are over our main character stepped forward pulling out his sharp sword and also asking neon to go to quickly as possible neuron in turn opened his mouth and could not believe because really here he
was asking to go to hell why such an arrogant brute that was in front of him to change his name he lover witches to healers how can this indicate something to some little people in the media because he drank from the same cup with the kings of the Black Sea what is happening in general mirang immediately flattened out in the air a certain Radiance enveloped him from all sides a certain black hole was formed Mong definitely lost his temper so many veins appeared on his face his eyes were so red saliva Rose in his mouth
he couldn't believe that our main character would be able to send him hell because if that was the case then mirang himself would now show our main character hell mirang put his hand forward as if to indicate the direction for his attack he decided to launch it directly in the direction of our character he thought that he would succeed but as soon as he tried to miss his swimming Straight Ahead he was caught by another Flame the flame of our main character it wasn't easy it was condensed much more concentrated than mir's flame Tess immediately
went ahead but the character couldn't believe it because was it really angry angry because of the spell as soon as our main character turned around he noticed that something strange was happening right behind him there was a black dragon that was clearly very much preoccupied with something he was asked if everything was fine but the black dragon also told everyone that all the locals were safe that they were being distracted from their goal that he had just cast an obsession spell on organ The Demon King it was about Miron the black dragon asked not to
click and Beak and stop it as soon as possible it was necessary to collect all its new energy and throw as much as it could into the sword at the same time all the shadow that was in the black dragon's hands was gathered in his right hand and then sent flying towards mam the black dragon only asked our main character to run through the Shadows which is exactly what he will be able to use to cut through the space with you portal so it actually happened JY just started to follow the black dragon's instructions taking
the black ball in his hands but the tension was so great how much he overdid it that blood flowed from his mouth he clutched his stomach bent over his body just could not stand it as if he caught the counterflow of Mana I couldn't keep up my spirits any longer but Miron was happy about it he noticed that our character was already having problems but his face was incredibly happy he showed his white sharp teeth that everything happened just in time JY I don't understand what he's talking about looked ahead or rather went up into
the Gap he noticed that Miron who had already received quite a lot of power from the portal started saying that he would become the chosen one of hel's dagger that he ended up living at the peak of his Fame High while creating a huge portal that was getting bigger and bigger mirang shouted to lot that he would get a blessing in hell and then to the great one of his kind our character just couldn't believe the words his teeth gathered his strength and then jumped so high that Miron just couldn't expect it Miron watched as
our protagonist flew straight at him with his sword no matter how many times our hero swings the outcome will always be the same putting aside doubts and already playing the blade it was possible to finish everything in one blow Miron could see the sword actually flying at him the fullness that it was coming to an end that our protagonist was already preparing to deliver the final blow and so it turned out a few seconds later Miran was injured she was the main character was right above him watched as his enemy with complete Despair and elgibility
in his face stands begging for help the portal was closed all the energy began to gather back like crystals that were destroyed in an instant as if the life of another star was cut off mirang held out his hand he couldn't understand what had just happened after all did he really lose what would happen next to him although the outcome was obvious Tess decided to punish him or rather burn him in an instant as as soon as the Flames of teso killed the villain your body turned into a corpse or something that looked like a
person earlier mirang who didn't immediately die felt all the pain whether he was still alive or dead no one could know for sure but it was definitely noticeable that he would no longer be able to become as happy as he did before she's the main character despite all this or rather on how you don't fall off with his ball finally able to rest this was the first time he had felt such a feeling but was this the response of the sword heart why is it that when looking at the body in front of him he
feels something else why does the staff light up with some green Hue why does mir's remaining body continue to move sure enough it was all hands but it was in vain now mir's body was falling apart in pieces like ashes jyn could no longer stand on his feet he was too tired at one point he could only watch Miran disintegrate into millions of particles the black dragon as well as the ruler of these lands saw that as our character fell to the ground some veins of a strange color were scattered over his body as someone
passed out both of them immediately ran towards him shouting that he needed help we understand that the magic staffs of the zipple family magicians there is a special ability that has a rune inscribed on the chatter box but what is it it was clear to everyone that when it was activated by the owner it exactly sends a distress signal to the Tower of magicians that is it was too early to relax the roles our main character needed to wake up he was asked to get up as soon as our main character opened his eyes he
saw in front of him just a black dragon which was holding a certain Leaf in his hand the black dragon also noticed that our protagonist was able to wake up so since that was the casee he immediately put some mixture in his mouth he shouted what it was but it was too late the gunpowder was in his mouth he swallowed it it was strange and incomprehensible that we had to spit out a little but as soon as he looked at his lesson he noticed that it was something similar to a Shadow the black dragon replied
that our main character almost threw his skates out of the countercurrent so he swallowed a unicorn horn which is a great medicine in such cases jyn despite his country realized that he actually felt much better the flow of Mana was calmed down which cannot be said about the energy of the Shadows of AA another kid also ran over who was very happy that jyn was fine but when did Kashmir come to this place in the first place kashiro in turn replied that it was not his fault that it was the people who were in The
Village who gave the rock the reporter came up with the girl the reporter replied that he recognized Rocky during one of the drunks with Miron that somehow he mentioned that the unicorn horn was hiding in the family house and the girl who was standing next to him found him at the same time the girl who had an eye tide said that she really wanted to introduce herself as befits a powerful woman she said that her name was laica mamua she is a novice of misls she also began to cry unable to make tears began to
bow at her feet saying that all the actions of the people who were near her at this moment will never be forgotten that the saint probably asked to save them but did not mean literally but to help restore Her Sacred Relic Jin Sama Saint asked them to repair is it really broken but the black dragon who started to climb up to his place asked for some attention because he is a dragon who has seen 3,000 years in his life so he never heard of any Relic in these parts he generally thought it was just a
bluff but the magic power of the blonde freak was just incredible right what do they really want to say that it was all the fault of The Relic that was located near this area what God do the people who are there worship anyway the girl immediately confessed that the God's name was CLA the black dragon has never heard of eods from what generation at all but Kashmir said that if that was true at all I should stay too long because they were in the middle of nowhere but still in the territory of those unfortunate Zippel
it is not even known how quickly they will react to what has happened what means they will use to catch up or just catch up with our main characters the girl who was standing nearby said that if they started talking about it then there is a small problem because in order to own the Relic it needs to be restored and to do this you need to break the seal with the help of the sun's Rays the black dragon couldn't believe it because how do you need the Sun for The Relic it was midnight outside they
can't get the sun in any way but the girl said that they just can't give up everything so much that they just have to wait until noon and then just perform the ritual with the tribe members so they just need to return the city the girl was incredibly concerned about all this she thought that finally the guests or rather the saviors of the tribe would be able to help them once again the black dragon started to turn his head now thinking that everything was just incredibly difficult and complicated he knew that we had to hurry
before the friendly relatives from the cliff came right to their place they immediately began to move because they could not stand in a pillar but our protagonist who had dried blood all over his body and bears under his eyes from fatigue said that if you connect all the terms or rather that very Clan religion and the midday Sun then there was definitely something wrong so something was definitely missing something extremely important Miron was no longer a tenant of course but rather a Backwater that even the Zippel had abandoned and the signal mck that Miron had
sent out must have meant something our main character came up with only one thing or rather the word tower Tower of magicians neuron zipple is the master of their family's Mage Tower black dragon couldn't understand what our protagonist was talking about at all because it was an zombie is fact but porridge World understood exactly what jyn was talking about jyn just picked up the same staff said that they didn't have time because soon the same Squad from the Tower or rather the squad of midor eler himself would come to them Deputy head of the Mage
family's Tower in front of us appeared a really huge Squad which consisted of six people flying on all sorts of creatures in front of the driver was a bespectacled man who clearly had a strong Aura around him cashmir who still noticed said that judging everything about the Rune on the staff there was no doubt that it was the master of the Mage Tower the black dragon clearly didn't understand what was going on so he was angry because he couldn't understand why they were scared about this master why they were so scared to meet him but
then it was explained to the black dragon that if they didn't discuss this fact then masters with such staffs were told that they could summon all the lower ones magicians that his power is so great that he can do anything the entire Tower was at his disposal the black dragon was clearly shocked by this information he couldn't understand how little knew about it how anyone here understands such bosses the the girl also didn't understand what was going on but he understood that he was doing badly our protagonists explained that the zipple are developing rapidly that
he's not entirely sure if this is the case but he's heard it all from the sisters of the Moon he knew that thanks to the teachers words that were spoken during the coma he wouldn't be caught off guard Kashmir closed his eyes and began to ponder then realized that the Mage Tower had at least hundreds of members most of them seventh and eighth rank moreover it was necessary to protect the civilian population which only meant that half a hundred Mages would be very difficult the girl who was standing nearby was silent her hands clasped together
clearly nervous our main character asked Lucas shenka how long it would take for those people to get here cashmir who had done some calculations in his head realized that the seventh Tower was located in the extreme north of the continent so even with the help of a teleport people would reach there in at most 2 hours but definitely not less JY offering his hand to his chin understood that if you really need two whole hours then you can ask Kashmir for one favor Kashmir noticing the aircraft of our main character looked at him and then
listened to what was being asked but Jin Kashmir who had heard the whole plan couldn't figure out if they would succeed at all the black dragon also ruffled its head clearly analyzing the plan in detail and our protagonist only remained silent while standing motionless of course Kashmir was not happy with such a plan this was understandable for the reaction because if she delayed for a second then everyone here including them would die that this plan was incredibly dangerous especially when it came to them he understood that he would probably refuse refuse them but our main
character asked for Kashmir calm down because there was no need to worry about it because the consent was already there time so it was necessary to solve as quickly as possible our character only turned to Kashmir they say that all the hope of their plan is in his hands Kashmir who was clearly still dissatisfied with the plan but out of desperation I agreed he said that he would cope with all the tasks that they would give him no matter what it took Kashmir put his hand on the shoulder of our protagonist said that the main
thing is to wait until he can fulfill his plan that it doesn't work work any other way so Kashira went to carry out the plan while our Squad made its way further you girl finally LED them all to the burial site itself she showed them a certain box and then looking at the black dragon told them that the ceremony to restore The Relic could begin a lot of people gathered around the black dragon looking at all this thought that the idea was not very good and our protagonist started coughing he knew that he had gone
a little overboard because he was starting to bleed the black dragon noticing this confirmed all his guesses he said that dementia is courage that barely one blonde was bent and he also wanted his sixes it was necessary to learn to accept defeat black dragon Boon landed his elbow directly on our protagonist but JY only replied that they would be helped by Sister Luna also Kashmir who went for help in the form of one person black dragon after listening to this said that everything is clear because after all they are trying to save the world but
will Kashmir have time to go to them she also told the main character that if you use the teleport then everyone will have time or otherwise they will have to overcome it was about the very Squad that that was getting close to our heroes the people that were in the squad while on the Flying Dragon said that they had almost arrived at the excavation site and the person that was sitting right on the edge of the Dragon using about a spell by which his eyes filled with green color I started the person could use these
eyes directly as binoculars he said that the local was performing some kind of ritual and there were two Unknown People next to them it was impossible to see the master or rather the part-time head in the tower immediately began to get angry he was tried because perhaps their head was being held hostage by the head only said that if something happened to his older brother then every hour he would beg for death quickly clearly given the move of the head was not very happy in this outcome of events the black dragon which also possessed good
eyesight looked up into the sky and saw that about six Dragons Were approaching them as well as about 30 Mages if things go really bad then he's figuring with them but then you'll have to wait for the full force of zipple he only asked our main character to finish the case as soon as possible the black dragon knew that if it had its previous power it would have dealt with all the dragons as soon as possible but the very wound that was inflicted on its heart definitely affected its Effectiveness after a few seconds the dragons
finally arrived the black dragon was asked if he recognized the dragons that were in front of him could it be the fire dragons could it be the young ones the black dragon only replied that they weren't fire dragons just red ones it was a somewhat ranked type of fire dragon that was subordinate to humans immediately the person who was wearing glasses or rather the deputies of the seventh Tower introduced himself he asked where was Miram he said said he didn't know because they hadn't met him of course he had heard the name of this Deputy
in his previous life the second in command was clearly on edge he didn't know what was done to his older brother because his character was easy to make enemies but were the dogs from the rank kendle family really in front of him she's the main character said that it didn't make any difference that doing it wouldn't help but the only thing that worried the same person was the information about whether his brother was still alive because if the people who were in front of him also had families if they told him the truth he wouldn't
lay a finger on their loved ones he begged them to tell him everything but she is the main character only replied that it is very funny to hear such information from her lips something about communication JY asked the second in command immediately lost his temper started shouting again and then looking right behind his older brother he realized that they were too late that they had been tricked so he asked his entire Squad to prepare for the attack many magicians took out their stripes circles in the air he said that no one here deserved to die
quickly so he asked all his people to make them pray for Mercy our main character OD that it was bad because all the people who were around were of the eighth rank a lot of projectiles flew straight at our main character until all the Spells were cancelled by a certain woman she said that she did not like the Heat and also came to see who her daughter gave the flower to and also seemed to be late for the banquet a rather large snowstorm of huge size immediately rang out across the entire Square all the characters
looked at it with surprise they couldn't figure out who came to them but the girl standing on her heels who gave off a chill only continued to walk forward she couldn't understand if her daughter had given flowers to someone because if so then most likely she was on time we could see Taris and dormu the master of the Ice Palace as well as her daughter she looked quite graceful everyone judging by their faces knew who she was it was able to instantly freeze the magic of the eighth level as well as caused the air itself
to crystallize just by its appearance it mesmerized absolutely everyone who was in the area the old man who was standing behind everyone immediately started shouting he said that this was actually the master of the Ice Palace the same Tois and Dorma the deputy head was also shocked while the woman let everyone know that she would now handle the situation our main character who was looking at the black dragon was surprised it seemed that Kashmir had apparently succeeded and the black dragon pulling an incredibly wide smile on his face replied that he was wondering who was
now taking the place of the Ice Palace Master he said that it is believed that the ice toad that was behind the woman is served only to the chosen ones I don't know that I didn't think that there are people capable of such a thing in fact there was a huge toad standing behind theall woman with an incredibly long beard like snow this toad immediately uttered some sound but the woman only said that while the toad should not do anything it can rest at the same time the toad just disappeared into the air and the
woman threw her eyes at the whole crowd said that since it appeared it's time to start working business with a small step of her foot ice crystals began to form under her foot a huge wall or else a sphere formed right around everyone a woman approached our main character asking him after all did her daughter present the bouquet to him jyn replied that it was true that he was a member of the rank kendle Clan the woman replied that she had heard about him but how did he stand up here at all what was wrong
with his appearance of course there were bruises but inside there were all lacerations torn organs but our character despite all the fatigue despite all the pain in his body said that this is not a problem because he is still able to speak but the woman just held out her fan to him and asked him to answer one question because did he really kill her toy do they even remember such a person with the name Al Caro at the same time our main characters flashed back to the same person shards of ice appeared on his face
he understood that it was that old assignment and a student couple so most likely siries did not hold her tongue the girl at this moment clearly did not want to show her face to anyone so she immediately turned away from our main character The Woman made it clear that this is exactly the case but not that she blamed our main character just wanted to put all the points to solve everything completely She also asked for one more thing she asked to be introduced to everyone who was around as soon as it was over especially this
completely unsuspec big guy or rather the black dragon the black dragon appreciated the joke saying that most likely the women actually had sharp eyes that she noticed everything and the woman only gave hints that she might even talk him into goals to talk more the woman turning to her daughter asked her to take care of her boy while she was busy the girl immediately began to feel embarrassed because she had already said many times that there was nothing between her and Jen but my mother just turned around and started asking him why she was giving
him flowers the girl turning again in her Direction replied that so that no one would kill him before it was with him but the mother continued to confuse her so that the girl became very unpleasant but the woman as soon as she went a little further away and turned back to our main character saying at the same time that he should present her because if it weren't for her she wouldn't be here now and then immediately left our protagonist left together with the black dragon also a girl began to breathe heavily his strength left him
he immediately fell but the girl picked him up the main character understood that he finally did everything but the girl took him in her arms and said that thought that the next time they met they would fight again and most likely our Jin didn't waste any time just like that closing his eyes our protagonist replied that this is all just cell but the one who brought flowers is really called Kashmir she said it looked like his own life depended on it we saw the same picture of how Kashmir came to their palace he came with
a bouquet of flowers saying that the life of the one that her daughter gave this bouquet to might be about to perish he was saying that the ice palace Master must help the girl was shocked because such a person even managed to wake her mother from sleep it was just just incredible probably the comrade was faithful he's the main character so with all his strength he was able to open his eye he said that this is all really true that everyone around him is so kind that it's hard to believe that he doesn't even deserve
this and then he let out his last breath before passing out the girl also closed her eyes and replied that they were not worth thanking her because it was unpleasant for her to see someone other than her kick his neck well as soon as she looked at him she noticed that he was coughing up black blood nav shouted she didn't know what it was because really fought in this state J apologized for bringing himself to this point but the girl just yelled at him from the end telling him to just keep quiet and not say
anything more she took out a certain container which she immediately presented to his mouth she couldn't believe that a man lying right in her lap could exhaust himself to the point where she didn't like it but from the look on her face it was clear that she was enjoying this moment that the black dragon was seeing it all from the outside by the time the ice sphere opened its Gates the woman came out of them she approached the very people who came to the dragons she asked them if they weren't pure or if they were
in front of her but the deputy head who was clearly scared judging by his sweat on his face understood that he knew that it would not be easy that he at least managed to notify the family before leaving but immediately decided understood that if he even gains time the main forces will arrive that there is nothing to be afraid of so full of confidence did he immediately start shouting that he was midor eler or rather the deputy head of the Tower of seven magicians so he decided to find out why the other Tower was interfering
with the zipple family zipl on their private property the woman in front of of him realized that this was actually zipple territory zipple she immediately stretched and said that she hadn't been warming up for quite a long time but she asked me to think twice about saying something people started to object but the old man just pointed at the woman saying that at the moment he was only willing to close his eyes if the woman left immediately he called her a master or a new Creator and said that she had no right to threaten the
rightful owner of this land but the woman only asked do they really think that they are actually the rightful owners the old man was shocked by this information and the woman continued saying that in his opinion this is an excuse to talk to her in such a tone an incredibly intimidating Aura immediately began to emanate from the woman like a snake like a killer hiding in the grass she said that the person in front of her should only choke on his own rudess as soon as she said that the old man's eyes immediately rolled down
behind their lids and foam began to form from his mouth the deputy head who was standing nearby couldn't understand what had happened to the third Elder he immediately ordered his Squad to raise the barrier and then make sure that the ice does not penetrate inside many Mages began to erect a huge barrier so serious that most likely not even one Mage could hit it the dragons began to collect their fire breathing plans in their mouths and shoved it all right into the woman the woman who gave no sign of her fear no sign of her
excitement also waved her fan turning this fire that was rushing at her into another ice she asked if the person in front of her already wanted to continue and she was clearly pleased with the result the deputy head in turn became very angry he started saying that even if they died there at least the world would forget about her Palace but not about the family he serves he also grabbed his staff and then started charging one of his attacks the woman who didn't understand anything was only looking into the distance not noticing a certain Mark
right next to her shoulder but as soon as she noticed it was too late because a beam of incredible size was heard in the area the deputy had asked to feel all the power over the Flames that the patriarch had given him that even such a woman that was in front of him could not return from him but she surprised him directly the woman said that she was not afraid at all that his master taught him how to blow up space space so it was very cute pathetic really told me about the ice palace the
woman took out her sword or rather created it out of ice while asking the deputy had to get ready because she will now correct what the person in front of her does not know the truth she wanted to teach him the first lesson called ice she thrust her sword straight towards her opponent the deputy head was shocked he was scared he didn't know what to do it seemed to him that the icy gusts were no longer like ice but rather like wind as soon as Tac stopped he started looking around because he thought that nothing
had happened to him so what happened but when he looked back he noticed that he was very surprised because all his people who were in the area were frozen all their bodies turned to ice or simply put just dead while he was looking at the result that the woman had achieved the woman herself appeared right in front of him letting him know that it seemed like he didn't have any strength left but why was he so surprised then the deputy head who looked at the woman with frightened eyes simply could not believe this result and
the women were asked is he really so scared because his incredible trap disappeared in one moment just because the pen also ran away at this moment the deputy heads noticed that his right hand also turned to ice he didn't even notice it he couldn't feel the pain but the woman started to scold him further she came right up to him and started whispering that this is the trouble with magicians because someone is watching when his enemy right in front of him are the posted chapter is so or else too bold of course there was no
way he would be killed like this by the second in command or fall to the ground I think because how could their strength be so different he thought it was his fault to hell with trying to buy time and even if the main forces arrived they were were finished all he could see now was certain death all gone then a magic circle lit up right under his body he couldn't understand what it was and the woman was surprised a huge light erupted right in front of her striking directly at that magic circle the deputy head
had disappeared but what had happened only later when she looked up did the woman realize that they were probably using a Teleport so it actually happened we could see all the surviving Mages from that very tower on the ship the head did not understand what was going on he immediately appeared in front of him all the other ministers who praised him they told him that from now on the Intruder will be white KN apparently it was the elite composition of the zipple family zipple the girl as well as our main character who were in The
Circle noticed that the sphere began melting point as soon as the sphere was placed the girl noticed that the mother was incredible she rushed to look straight into the sky the girl also looked up and noticed a huge flying ship she knew that it was kak a huge ship that soared into the sky with the coat of arms of the Zippel themselves ziplo black dragon looking at it just gapes aass he knew that this was the that the Zippel used in Wars but was it really that big of a deal our hero who tried to
say that Andre because of the recent death of the Deputy head of the family decided not to be Petty our protocol says that this ship is definitely not a problem but the people who control it were white Knights people selected magic that made up the strongest Squad from that very family of course our character knew that he would be a burden in a fight but then he looked at the woman who said that she was leaving because she didn't want to fight them in this hole but the woman told him that she would take all
the people to a safe place while our character prepared and JY replied that he couldn't leave until the ceremony was over the woman was incredibly angry because did he really think that she was asking because she didn't care about his whining our main character who was clearly trembling said that if they do not finish the ceremony now then the Zippel in the future simply cannot be stopped and the number of victims will continue to grow daily our character started to get up despite his pain and fatigue and also begging the woman to help so that
the tragedy of this place would not be repeated anywhere else the woman who actually listened to him in immediately turned around and said that they had everything for a whole hour but no more she also said that she would have a few words with his parents later by that time you could see that all the residents who used to live in this Village were praying to their God but their prayers were prevented by our main character saying that the ceremony should be accelerated because the Zippel went on a full-fledged attack the girl only replied that
our main character should leave she knew what that thing was in the sky so they didn't have the right to put people in such danger for saving them the girl said not to worry about them they wouldn't let it know the relics anyway and they wouldn't give up until then this was the first person who had dared to help them in a long time and she wanted to say that she was grateful for that too but jyn only took her by the shoulders telling her that he had come to me to throw and he looked
straight into her eyes asking her over and over again if they could speed up the ceremony the girl immediately had doubts in her eyes she began to worry saying that the princess was here then most likely they would have succeeded but now there is simply no such possibility the girl who was standing nearby asked if the princess was dead or not she was told that she was actually alive that she was in a city called ticken the girl smirked saying that if that was the case it would all be easy to solve she summoned a
huge toad asking our main character to climb on it and as long as the princess is alive she will get it out of the ground the girl was laughing and the woman who was looking at the ship understood that her daughter had finally grown up that she was using the toad without asking because if so then she should really have fun the woman didn't know what her daughter was up to but since the woman promised she would have to hold out for another hour and also put up against the strongest troops the black dragon that
started to straighten its arms immediately started to approach the woman and say that the kid wasn't likely to stay for long so it also decided to help the woman the woman asked did the dragon decide to help her on black only said that his essence of fighting wouldn't help much because he couldn't use Authority the woman took out her dagger and asked since that's the case can she borrow its legs the black dragon here just grinned indicating that he agreed at the same time messages started coming from the ship saying that they were the white
nights of the zipple family zipple that they wouldn't stall for time while addressing the ice palace Master they only asked to leave while making a certain sign with their fingers causing a huge jolt of energy to reverberate through the ground they said that if you gave them Miran zipple killer ziplo they would turn a blind eye to The Invasion both characters looked at them with an incredibly Sinister face full of aggression the woman asked if they wanted to negotiate because if they didn't they would fight but if they wanted to negotiate they would have to
lead the Celiac the woman thought that it would probably be impossible to to negotiate because she noticed that the knights who were on the ship began to activate a huge fire spell while using many Magic circles the man who was standing right on the corner of the ship folded his hands into a seal using a single spell called splitting an incredibly huge meteor immediately began rushing towards our main characters but this charge of the black dragon was only able to be neutralized with a single blow while the masters of the new Palace sent their ice
waves directly into the ship absolutely the entire ship including our main characters used all their abilities constantly using magic circles judging by the manner of communication that now rained on the ship it was clear that the ship was not ready for such an explosive wave they asked each other to keep the formation the people on the ship couldn't figure out who was with the ice Master because they didn't know anyone who could deflect their magic with their bare hands without having an aura they realized that they should underestimate their enemies this person immediately asked to
contact the main house because they will use the Canon of War it's probably some kind of weapon used by the zipple family against strong opponents at this moment our main character who knocked on one of the doors noticed the same person that he met earlier she is our main character only opening the door began to ask the master the servant the attendant who was standing behind said that she was waiting for him Jean in turn said that now was not the time to explain anything that you need to move out but as soon as he
tried to finish his sentence the attendant said that she knew everything in advance that it was actually time for them to move out by the time the people on the master continued their attacks she was collecting a lot of ice grains around her and sending them straight straight into the ship the ship in turn collected magic circles that allowed my attacks to pass directly through their structure the black dragon was also having fun repelling everyone's magic attacks to neutralize them after fending off a few attacks he realized that there was actually a strong opponent in
front of them but he still liked it but at this moment he felt a strange sensation on his hands looking over he saw that they were covered in ice he asked what it was but the woman only replied that it was a gift from the queen because most likely it would be much better than waving with her bare hands the black dragon who went down in a rage said that he really likes it because he can't feel these gloves but still feels an incredible energy he immediately took a rock to put under it and as
directly into the ship while the woman looked at the whole situation from an objective point of view he understood that they were still being deprived of them that our main character himself said that the Zippel needed these lands so it was unlikely that they would resort to the cannon of War otherwise there would be no loss on both sides time was on their side but the people who were on the ship thought that the woman would think so because if he didn't have to wait for permission to shoot then some local performing a ritual and
the couple suddenly disappearing is unknown if you wait a long time when the enemy is up to something the man was approached by his other assistant and told that they had received a message from the main house they were sent a message that they were allowed complete destruction the black dragon that was standing right above the ship noticed that the ship was sent to attack what's going on everyone abruptly fell silent did they really give up but the woman who noticed some Sparks that were at the height just bulged her eyes she couldn't believe what
the Zippel were saying they resorted to destruction people who were on the ship turning to the woman asking if she understands what this all means because it is actually permission the man immediately said that he warns for the first and last time that he counts to three and then you need to give up the Killer and leave otherwise no one will be Left Alive the woman looking at all this could not understand what she should do she was incredibly angry at the people who were on the ship well right behind her back an ice portal
immediately opened then her daughter do looked out just started to drive her away it it was clear that now people were counting to three and then a huge charge of energy sat right in the ground the woman who stood right in front of her men decided to focus she took out her sword and immediately decided to build a huge wall so huge that she even tried to cut the best one now the charge of energy and the beam collided fragments began to form from this beam which began to collapse everyone couldn't believe what was happening
but the girl who started to lead our people away said that it was all because of her mother's special ice that everything that touches her blade inevitably freezes our protagonist pulled on his mask asking the saint to duck down and not move because now he is also using his powers and at the same moment our main character took out his sword reading with which he also began to help destroy those fragments that are in them three energies were now in the area the girl noticing that I have now succeeded turned to our hero saying that
he had become much stronger she did not even expect that he would keep up with her movements in such a raincoat state but she is the main character only replied that they have no choice but to wait at the end of the ritual our main characters could not believe that the very vessel that flew directly above them is not inferior in strength to her mother zipley clearly compensates for something but the Zippel themselves zipley who were on top were simply shocked because how could my son kak be stopped by some simple person the Zippel immediately
started shouting that this was just another final warning that if they didn't agree to work on their terms they would destroy all the guests including Colin but now the woman was sure of herself she just started laughing and saying that it was all incredibly funny because really everyone is talking about killing her the woman with complete ecstasy in her face started shouting that she was the master of the Ice Palace that you need to bring the entire Army here but they definitely won't be able to kill her so you should calm down and immediately get
out the Zippel who were on the ship confirmed her words said that the woman was not really possible to kill but did she really think that she could protect everyone around her from being bombarded by a cannon the woman didn't know what they were talking about but the Zippel they only said that they would easily survive the shame but women would have to accept the loss of a client the woman began to address her daughter asking after all the woman they brought most likely it is her who is missing at the ceremony so she needs
to be taken to the others somehow JY looking at the woman said that if all this works out then their Victory will be in the Hat then they won't need to worry about all this the woman taking her sword much more firmly in her hands answered her daughter to listen carefully the woman said that she would be able to repel all the attacks but their goal would be to lead the woman safely to the altar because either the ice palace or the Zippel today someone will definitely say goodbye to Pride the Zippel who understood this
as a sign of humiliation immediately began to prepare their Cannon while saying that today they will definitely destroy Colin from the face of the Earth our protagonist in turn turned to the lady told her to protect the saint while holding out a sword in her hands the girl asked but what will happen to our main character but JY only said that he would clear a path there the girl was shocked because really someone wants to do it all alone did someone not see how many explosions and fragments fly she started shouting that he would die
but our hero said that he lived to see this day thanks to the efforts of many people and it is not in his right to deprive someone of the same opportunity at this moment he only spoke to a saint who remembered people shouting and telling them to run away she remembered that she was asked to get as far away as possible because if the Zippel find out the treasures they will definitely decide to do something with the saint point if the saint dies that is the holy Mission will simply fail Point people asked not to
worry about it if they can definitely cope on their own and also asked to find the savior of the don't forget about them of course at this point it was clear that as soon soon as the saint left zipple himself came directly to their Village who began to torture everyone around asking for their location holy this was probably the best option but in the end running away and abandoning everyone was not successful it was her decision to hide on the island and slowly lose her divine power and then without an answer to pray to the
gods waiting for the Savior it was all her decision but at this point our protagonist came right up to her pulling her out of the state asking if she really should reach her people even if they died point he asked her to do everything possible I because now everyone was counting on her Point who immediately wiped the tears from her face said that she understood everything and there was a sense of determination about her that she had never been able to give her people of course the second charge of the gun was approaching the beginning
the Zipp were shouting for everyone to open fire while our main character was clearing the way and the girl who covered the saint with her body also decided to close it as best as possible as soon as The Shard started flying jyn started assuring you not to think about anything that you only need to focus on one thing at this moment so that each next one was no worse than the previous one and you could also see determination in your eyes now in Dar blow after blow was carried directly to the battlefield our main character
said that not a girl not a saint should not stop because it will reflect the fragments it was at this point that several pieces of Glass appeared right behind our character of course he couldn't beat them off in time so a black dragon appeared his appearance was not expected so our main character was very surprised but the black dragon asked him not to stop because now a few more fragments will fly directly into them by the time the battle between the two masters continued another incredible beam shot straight at the ground and the dragon asked
no one to stand shouting for them to finally start running away now it was clear that the girl Saint was running straight on the ground while an incredible number of dagger swings were passing right above them everything could have been perfect at one point one of the fragments almost hit the girl but now the black dragons and our main character were able to repel it together the black dragon rejoiced at this turn of events he thought that they would succeed incredibly easily but there was no limit to his Joy until the black dragon noticed that
our protagonist was hit by one of the fragments piercing his stomach through the girl as well as the black dragon were very scared now I was thinking about the very words when our character said that he lived to see this day thanks to the efforts of many people that now it is wrong to deprive someone of this opportunity the saint who was now on the girl's shoulder immediately rushed forward the girl was so angry that she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was working so hard to be injured right now one of
the shards now flew straight at the girl so that the girl fell to the floor dropping the Saint the girl who lost her arm told the saint not to stop because you can't let their efforts just go down the drain the girl ordered the saint to run and yet not to stop the saint who did not want to repeat the mistakes of the past decided to continue to push forward she will no longer wait for a human response for too long she could not understand that prayers and nothing can be changed now she made the
decision herself without the intervention of God our protagonist who has sunk into the shadow of his subconscious has only heard the words that he should wake up he needs to wake up and get up his name is repeatedly pronounced by his subconscious now he saw an incredibly scary picture in front of him he saw that the woman and her daughter were surrounded by Zipp but what is it that is happening is this really the present time is this really the future why now he will answer that the dragon definitely not the black dragon is now
lying in the Dead behind him why was the huge Guardian dragon in front of him right now had he screwed up again he was looking at his body but then he started to wonder or did something start start to ask questions because was he wondering what had gone wrong maybe you should have stopped after miran's death run away and gather the locals with you and maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved in this whole topic are these doubts gwing at Jin himself but our hero or what squeezed his hands saying that this is all wrong that
there would be such a choice he does not even regret he is only angry that he is not strong enough that because of his infirmity his death did not give anything that everything was just because of him because of for his stupidity but at the same time the voice answered or rather asked me to remember this feeling he snapped his fingers after which our character found himself in a strange place and the voice replied that he was CLA imprisoned in the mirror with the help of a solder now in fact a goddess appeared in front
of our main character saying that she was waiting for him solder's chosen toy soldera in general it was for a place what is this supposed to mean but God replied that the contractor was 1,000 years old so he should have already realized that his path was thorny full of hard trials as well as politic whom he could not save she is the main character said while already a fist that this is all nonsense that there was no difference in doing anything that everything was over she said there was always a place to go so it
could have been discussed elsewhere as soon as the goddess said this phrase our character immediately jumped up holding his head how many times had he woken up like this but looking straight ahead he noticed a girl who was whole she said that he should have seen himself from the outside that he probably didn't even expect to come back to life he came up to our protagonist slapped him on the back and said that he should not have been lying around so long that he already thought that he had thrown his skates away our character looking
at the black dragon could not understand why it was alive did not the same Dragon named Ken kill him the black dragon only said that he couldn't believe that his friend decided to mention this scumbag who else would kill someone because he would die just from the sight of the black dragon the woman who now stood right behind our main characters also noticed that jyn had come to his senses that she didn't even understand why the young man was doing all this and certainly didn't count on God's condescension jyn didn't understand what the woman was
talking about about what kind of God was she talking about but the black dragon said didn't you see anything here when you lean back the black dragon said that a goddess descended into the body of the saint and it did not hit but such that it instantly destroyed the ship that was directly above them the point does not know how but the vaunted Caps could not oppose anything to me they were infected with Mana in addition she has boundless magic power and a barrier this is not an ordinary God comma in my life have never
met such a thing at the same time people approached the saint saying that our main character was able to wake up does she now want to tell her about her plans Jin meet the saint decided to call her by name but then realized that it wasn't her point at the same moment the saint or rather clom began to speak she was able to step on the ground thanks to the sacrifice of this child that was standing straight a few hours earlier in this place Point she immediately turned to JY having said that the pain of
death that he felt today should be remembered as the main instruction to who is at work what he has to do she is the main character looking at it all realized that everything that he recently saw most likely was not a hallucination the the black dragon who was clearly not happy with this situation started to address the goddess saying that most likely there was a guy standing next to him who got into his head maybe you shouldn't pull the cat's tail now and then get down to business the black dragon immediately asked her what she
wanted from them and from the little one in particular but the saintess only stretched out her hand and took out a certain item saying that it was waiting for the owner our protagonist immediately recognized it he found out that it was a mirror the saint replied that she was the Infinite Source and creator of magical power power however in the past she almost destroyed this world unable to cope with her own power it was then that solder had helped her the woman clearly understood who this person was and the saint continued saying that her powers
and personality were sealed in this in the mirror the black dragon couldn't believe it because this was the first time he had ever heard of the goddess of magic power the saint at the same time realizing that she was not trusted asked them to pay attention to what she would show them now she created the Seal of solder by wrapping it around the mirror the black dragon noticed that the mirror was not weak enough so is it really necessary to have someone who can maintain the seal the saint only said that the mirror contained infinite
magical power its Essence so if it was summoned the world would be erased by the infinitely expanding magic which is why she asked solder to seal it and Colin keep the children of Colin out of sight the black dragon was clearly not happy with all this information he started shouting at her to ask if she knew how much they had given their lives to protect this mirror that it was impossible to leave someone stronger than the peasants on guard she said it wasn't her fault that Colin had been so different in those days that no
one would have dared to compare with his strength but after the goddess's imprisonment her blessing was lost children which led to the consequences that they saw at that moment she didn't say what exactly had happened to the children because it was already clear to everyone what was happening to them all this time and then said that thanks to the people who helped save her land she would now be able to put an end to it at least for a while she only turned to our main character saying that he was the person to whom solder
it spoke solder it many people were surprised that there was a contractor in front of them and the woman in general was incredibly glad that she could see the one who signed a contract with solder it himself solder in her eyes were filled with interest while at this moment the saint held out a mirror asked Gina to take it she said that he now has the primordial power of the world or rather the power of solder it our protagonist after looking in this mirror noticed that there was a violent flow of energy in it which
entered directly into his body from just one touch but at the same time the seal also weakens so it means that zipli Zippel used to chase this artifact thoughtlessly in their previous life our character has sunk because really now the seal is paid to protect it and not the inhabitants of these lands the Saints said that it was true that only he could contain its power but she asked not only to monitor the state of the seal because it is a kind of gift from solder it to him even the main character was shocked by
this information well of course everything was not so simple we can pay attention to the fact that in front of them was the Seal of solder it himself soldera or rather his gift the goddess said that the real work of art that was created by him at his peak of power that it it was not just a concentration of Aura you could even say that they were holding particles of soldate itself solder our main character thought about it he understood that it was probably great that everything was in this Spirit but most likely there were
no other things that we would like to know our character said that the saint claimed that she would call him however at the same time he replied that the child had given him a false promise that he would cheat he wouldn't come even if the dark dragon was calling him even if the girl's words were a lie our hero at the same time despite the Saints said that everything is fine because the Saints intentions were good so it's not very important the saint remained silent while realizing that it was necessary to forgive her consistency because
it was not a matter of knowing that she was most likely living a second life and how someone got her the main character who was holding the same artifact and then on her hand noticed that her powers were starting to run out that she had now said everything she wanted and then asked for forgiveness and said that her decision was up to them that they were now freed from the curse she turned to our main character saying that he is actually the savior of their lands the woman who was standing behind only said that she
needed to make as much sense as possible of what she was seeing live said the age of learning the goddess blessed a mortal it was quite rare however by that time she had asked if everyone was ready to leave because the Zippel who were in the sky whose ship was now Gore completely on fire they would just make themselves wait that they needed to get out as quickly as possible backup could be here any minute even the main character immediately looked at everyone and said that he was seeing them off and then asked them to
get out of this place as quickly as possible by that time the saint who was in The Very space where her goddess lived had raised why she wasn't responding but would she continue to exist inside the mirror the goddess said that she was very sorry but she could only save everyone by borrowing her body the sacrifice had not been in vain or not only she but all of Colin's children would have been dead it would have been truly unbearable it would only have put an unbearable burden on her shoulders however St Paul only took her
knees she said that she was grateful that the goddess had heard her prayers that everyone had responded and saved them the girl only asked the god not to apologize because there is no one to blame at the same time the goddess was distracted she is even more grateful for this because it was thanks to the saint that everything turned out this way the saint in turn said that it was only in this life that she wanted the lives of their people not to be full of Sorrow the goddess looking up at the sky understood that
this was just the case that in JY lies an unshakable determination the goddess sincerely wished that this created a world that would be free of more innocence at the same time residents all over the region the head of the village turned to our main character and told him that for the last 10,000 years her people lost the race of superiority but after a long time of stagnation they degraded into a weak nation became so if only they got the mirror their sacrifices would be in vain the girl started to cry but our main character interrupted
her said that if it wasn't for her people he would never have got here of course he knew that if he failed the war of the Mages would start and bring about the destruction of the world and then he turned to them and told them that he would find a place in the alliance of course PR said that most likely the rang gandle reservation wasn't sponsored from the base that he didn't have to do anything in response our character just handed the reporter a piece of paper that the letter to Lady Luna should be handed
over personally as soon as he arrived at the scene the reporter thanked him our Genie just turned around and said that if you wanted to Express gratitude then you need to pour Zipp in my opinion in all the newspapers the reporter could not think because really these will remain on the sidelines because censorship will increase even if she writes an article but our main character only said that they are not the only ones who hate their family that now the reporter needs to set the trigger that will rally all the detractors of the zipple family
zipple in a single shot you need to become the best of the journalistic fraternity that you need to believe in yourself the reporter was simply amazed he could not believe these words until our main character was finally able to approach the very Lady of the Ice Palace the woman said that she wasn't so stressed out that she asked not to worry that now Celiac would think twice before poking around them of course no one was waiting for The Descent of the ancient God let them think that he is our Ally but the woman certainly didn't
help him for nothing so don't thank her the woman started laughing and said that she really wanted to ask the demon swordsman contractor sold her it for something however as soon as our main character was thinking thinking about what he would be asked the woman laughed and said that this time at the expense of the institution while asking my return is it really enough the woman and the girl also decided that they should leave and the girl said that at the next meetings they should determine the winner because since they no longer have any arguments
in front of each other they need to decide everything as quickly as possible the woman who was standing on the side said that he was very disappointed that her daughter still can't talk to boys and so on so both of them left at this point we can see the woman who came to visit our protagonist's father instead of meeting one woman just said that now you need to say without further Ado ask if jyn wants to marry his daughter by that time the whole rank kendle family rankel was on the alert because their youngest son
had caused a lot of noise this letter was finally brought by a reporter and the sister asked how her brother was doing first of all she asked what the the girl can do what is in front of her because she can't just let you eat and spend the night even though they are not refugees the girl only asked to find a job and then ask what the Citizens need they will also need to help the girl was very happy with this offer and then the girl turned to the reporter she also told him to contact
him if there he did not understand what to achieve but in return you need to achieve what her younger brother instructed him to do the reporter who in turn at first hesitated but then straightened up and said that he would meet all the expectations of the young Master a month after the incident the whole world is talking about the genocide of the population as well as how unknown Travelers punish the zipple family zipple for inhumane behavior and attitude towards other people among the zipple wellwishers the news spread like hot cakes although the article only mentioned
miron's actions independently of the family the wreckage of AIC was found at the scene proving the involvement of the head of the Zippel Union Hester I was beside myself while the Mage Federation was trying to figure out what had happened the emperor personally declared them guilty of the family which greatly cooled the agitated people the family of our protagonist who was exposed by the family earned a good reputation and the Zippel who Enlisted the support of the emperor became quieter than water lower than grass losing their honor and dignity I haven't heard from them for
a long time and it's clear because the loss of one of the commanders and the backbone of the military force is quite a blow to the legal capacity the reporter wrote a message to the young Master saying that at first he thought they only had a battle in mind but he was wrong at the same time a lot of messages fell out directly to them the girl said that it was all a letter of support and some even with financial assistance she was glad that there were so many caring people who wanted to help because
from now on their prayers were directed to master jyn they were the old goddess he prayed for the very hope that the world would know that he was among the unknown Travelers so that one day the master becomes the Vanguard elevates the family for the rest of the time and then finally buries the very place of zipple by that time many people were hoping that kazmir's skills had improved a lot one of the commanders was watching this and then noticed the incredible appearance of ice where does Ice come from in their region of course it
was the woman who said that the hand was accidentally trembling so why did he make such a sour face the father of our main character told Taris to stop talking nonsense and answer because did she really interrupt his meditation for the wedding is this a new way of thinking the woman said that this time she will not joke while immediately Trophies the attack that one of the people made on her she said they hadn't seen each other in quite some time Chiron immediately asked for this letter and saw a message saying that JY had beheaded
Miron the man immediately started started talking about the fact that his son's group had support from the other side that the seventh Tower Master had died as a result of the scuffle of course the father realized that his son was not strong enough to defeat kak he realized that it was most likely the case of the woman in front of him the woman in turn asked her not to look at her like that because she did not hide anything of course they had a bit of a fight that it wasn't a good idea to praise
Kashmir just for being loyal even if not to him but to Jen the man thought for a moment then said that it was all obvious because he had put Junior in a dangerous position so Taris might consider him in debt the woman also said that his youngest is also her debtor but now she said everything she just asked to think about her offer because judging by her opinion their children are wonderfully suitable for each other JY at this moment woke up in a cold sweat as if a chill ran down his back many people began
to talk about how the residents return anxious did they really get so badly injured of course thanks to the mirror our main character's magic powers should have increased so the body wasn't used to it yet but our main character only realized that he had learned a lot from Colin that level six ball possession skill level five Shadow energy and level seven magic power such a sharp increase from the mirror alone but do not explode otherwise you risk breaking the seal they immediately came to Casmir and told him that Casmir claimed to have conducted intelligence for
him Kashmir told the man to come up with an excuse because he didn't really want to meet people but the man said he knew the exact location of one of the seven flowers secret bases of course they could not think who it was but they went to the window and did not notice a very funny picture that it was a jet then we see Jee talking about being Jets informant a lying man who framed Jee more than once when Jin thinks about it his fists itched to fill his face jyn only let him live because
he has a son jyn saw the nervous Jet and thought that something serious must have happened Kashmir said he had no idea who it was and then ordered jet to tell him how he knew about the headquarters jet said he was an informant from Arin Kashmir asked him if he was involved with tessing and Jet got nervous and said he'd given away information about them then he started shouting that he had destroyed them from within in the name of Arin and freedom but cashmir knew that Master jyn had actually done it before coming here jyn
who was standing to the side smiled Kashmir ordered jet to tell him how he knew about the location of the base because his fate would depend on it jet who was on his knees said that security is the main guarantee of an informant jet he says can't share anything until Kashmir accepts him as his own cashmir got angry and started yelling at jet about who gave him the right to set conditions because one condition of Kashmir and then Jet not see the light of day then Jet shouted out that it wasn't all he said he
knew about the man the seven flowers were looking for the spider armed a luck cashmir was surprised and said it was interesting then cashmir said that it is difficult to argue with this and turn to the young Master jet turned around wondering who this young master was since the Lord of ticken was Kashmir jet wondered who Kashmir was talking to and then he saw jyn jyn said they hadn't seen each other in a while and asked jet what he'd done with the gift jet was scared at first then called Gan a liar and started crying
jet began to whine and convince Kashmir that Jee was a fraud because he was the one posing as verit in a zipple jet shouted at Kashmir not to trust Jin or else ticken would suffer tessing fate Kashmir lost his temper and had already drawn his sword but suddenly mirakin came into the room calling Kashmir nuren asked Kashmir in a raised tone how long he could wait and asked him to bring ice cream already Kashmir said there was a survey going on muren then recognized Jet and asked if it was the same jet that tried to
poison muren jet was scared and thought that mirakin was the same Thug jet wondered what mirakin was doing here judging by the way mirakin spoke to Kashmir in such a tone and remembered the events in Arin jet assumed but could not believe that maakan obeyed JY jet realized that jyn was the most senior officer here jet then suddenly slammed his forehead on the floor calling JY master and honorable sir judging by his actions jyn knew it was definitely jet jyn ordered us to get down to the Spider-Man case jet said that spider hand's real name
was tag and Marius a former rank kendle Cadet the name name Marius was familiar to Jean then jilie turned to Jee and whispered that Tim and Marius was the young lady's first Nanny Jin was surprised to hear this spider armed Al originally from the kingdom of delki in the Hester Alliance joined the rank kle Service as a Cadet jet then exclaimed that alak's real name was tag and Marius and it had been erased from the annals of History jyn started to say something to Jilly but she immediately replied that his guess was correct Manny timun
is also from Dela and jyn became angry when he realized this jyn asked jet when tag in took the exam jet said it was in 1776 exactly 20 years ago cashmir holding a sword to Jet's throat said that there was a civil war going on in dely at the time Kashmir said that they were supposed to be sent to the front lines and asked how a commoner could pass the exam then Jilly said that if that was the case tagen must have been helped by someone in the family jyn reflected that the only people who
had the authority to do this were the pure Bloods and the nanis who helped them in the rank handle couple nanis don't just raise children depending on the status of the assigned pure blood their authority and authority May expand and 20 years ago when the moon rankle was considered the temporary head and the older sister's Nanny had almost unlimited power jyn suggested that if tagen and timan were really related then the one who cursed jyn in a previous life might be Luna but he decided that timman might have acted on her own but he still
couldn't figure out why jyn asked jet if the source of the information was reliable jet swore on his life and said that he personally visited dely and made sure jyn said that in that case jet should lead them but jet didn't understand then Jean said briefly that they were going to dely Jin decided that Tim and Marius and a luck spider hand would personally bring them to life and now we are transported to the kingdom of delki then we see a man hitting another man this man says that he warned that there will be a
delay in the debt the man who was beaten said that he had nothing to feed his daughter and if they did not leave him alone he would inform the authorities this only angered the man he said that he was protected by the great Rank and delas then a girl with long pink hair told him to slow down she said that if he continued no harm would come of it and called him Garber the man was scared and nervous he asked her what she had left here the Man's eyes bled and his veins filled with it
then the man began to vomit blood the bald man was horrified by what he saw blood splattering in all directions then a gray-haired masked man appears he called him a for living like a cockroach running errands for Bandits and being a mother the bald man begged for mercy he said he would give everything he needed and not tell anyone he begged for mercy because he said his daughter was waiting for him but the gray-haired man in the askk was not happy and called it all a then he said they didn't need the money the man
started shouting and asking what they needed them but the gray-haired guy immediately cut off the man's head the pink-haired Girl pulled Mana over the gray-haired man didn't take the murder seriously he said it wasn't personal after all she should get everything then we see Casmir saying that Marius is a fairly common surname it can be found in any part of the continent but only special organizations are allowed to take this name in delki then we learn about the moon sacrifice orphanage from the outside it looks like an ordinary orphanage but in reality it is a
school for murderers and spies who are unconditionally loyal to delki they say orphans were allowed to form friendships and then they were forced to kill each other for children this is a great shock those who survived this horror became murderers later the shop was closed down as the prince won the upper hand in the Civil War Kashmir said that a dozen Wards held at that time were released into the people ALU died and the remaining children are still alive Kashmir gave a stack of documents to jyn and said that all the addresses were there jyn
understood and said that they were going to dely jyn thought that this might be a link to the blades illusion and the person who cursed jyn jyn was determined to find out who had cursed him then we see JY go through the teleport gate in delk's Kingdom jet looked at the lists and said there was a man named Garber Marius who lived the closest jet suspects that he is running errands for the nelter local Bandits jet said that the search would take a long time and suggested that we consider a place to stay for the
night jyn said it was too early so they would go to the western region where three other people lied and that's where JY plans to find a place to spend the night jet knocked on the door of the house he called out to see if anyone was there jet scratched his head and asked where everyone was but jyn noticed something he saw four people three men and one woman looking down at something jyn walked over to them and looked down he saw two dead men one of whom had been decapitated and the other was Garber
only after seeing this did Jen realize that poison and wind magic were used to kill him a magical crime in Hester which means that criminals have a lot of Courage one of the shouted that it was all bloody Garber who was always pretending to be a Highwayman and that's why he played it off JY asked the man to repeat the name again the man asked if they knew Garber but jyn said he didn't know him and was just wondering whose body it was then the man said that Garber often hung around here drunk until dawn
but yesterday the man heard a scream and then saw it the man said that the one who lies next to him is probably someone's deor jyn realized that judging from the fact that the poison was used Garber was the Target and the other person was eliminated as a witness JY found it odd that if the killers had decided to poison them they would have waited until the target was alone then he began to think that there was a rush suddenly he was in shock he immediately turned to Jet he asked who was next on the
list jet replied that the next one was Marius weatherway a 2-hour walk away jyn had a bad feeling about this and said he was going to speed up and try to get there in an hour then we are transported to another location and see a man with a bear torso and many scars Jet and Jee came in and saw it JY looked at the dead man and realized that it was the same poison again JY analyzed that the man died recently the skin color and complexion did not change the poison was homemade Jean said the
killer was the same jyn said that someone is cleaning up the survivors of sacrifice of the Moon and is doing it right now so they decided that they would rather hurry for the next one they came to the next one but it was already dead he was in a pool of blood then Jet and JY hurried on to the next one they arrived at the scene and saw more corpses JY examined the surroundings and realized that these Cuts were made by the highest level magic hell wind the concentration of magic in the air is incredible
jet said they were only too short and at this rate they would be left with nothing if they weren't the main suspects jet asked if he should report it to the authorities but jyn said they shouldn't or they'll be questioned and there's no time for that jyn might be a backup standard bear but he was furious at how they dared to create such a mess in the land of the rank kandle he decided that he would find the culprits no matter what then we're transported to another house and the girl looks at the list the
same pink-haired girl who killed all these people with her partner there was only one one person left on her list Den Marius she said she just got a taste for it barice asked her partner how it was that they were all trained the same way but the others were so worthless my partner said that training alone is not enough in the end they chose these two the partner said it was obvious that the others were too weak and now they've reached the last one they were standing right in front of the door of the house
very smiled and said it was time to get this over with varies hacked the door open and the door shattered they went in but something was wrong the house was empty and all the furniture had been knocked over my partner said he didn't expect this we see that at this moment jyn Jet and a third man apparently Den are running away from this house while they were running the guy asked if all the natives of the victim of the moon were dead jyn said you could say that someone was one step ahead of jyn and
killed the survivors hearing this the guy was scared jyn said that they killed an order of distance from the space gate so he and jaet couldn't keep up according to JY the guy with his daughter was saved only because they live farthest away then Marius said he was sorry but jyn's efforts might be in vain jyn asked why and den said that even though enough time had passed they had endured an inhuman amount of stress only two are able to easily get rid of the natives of the victim of the Moon namely Varys and cjan
according to den they were just incredible jyn asked if there were 10 survivors left but Den said that wasn't the case Den said there were a dozen of their victims of the Moon out there and the two chasing them were monsters raised by him personally but then there's an explosion behind den and he doesn't have time to talk about who ver is and cuan were personally raised by Den fell off his feet Barry said as she approached that she already thought they'd lost him she called him little brother and asked him who had told him
about their visit which made Den's heels twinkle lying on the floor Den asked varice and cjin why they were doing this cjan apologized and said there was no time to explain they've been on their feet since Dawn but suddenly Varys and cjin were struck by lightning from above but the villains managed to jump away they were nervous and couldn't figure out where the lightning had come from jyn stood in front of the Fallen den and said that he had been thinking about who was messing up the cards but it turned out to be him and
cjan jyn said it would take some time to get them to tell them who they were killing on the Run candle land jyn realized that the villains weren't even trying to hide they didn't look even 30 in jy's opinion he started analyzing and guessed that the woman was probably a mage around level eight jyn knew she wasn't one of the Zippel but he couldn't guess where she'd come from Barry said it looked like Den had a body guard and asked cjin how Den knew but cjin said there was no way Den could have found out
Den's defense attorney on the other hand clearly knows something she said they'd make a chop out of den interrogate The Bodyguard and rip off a couple of extra limbs hugen told her not to speed up because Jinn doesn't look like a mattress varice replied that cuin was as cautious as ever she said that was why no one was giving it to him and then she attacked jyn with wind magic but jyn was able to block it varice was surprised and couldn't believe what JY had blocked she thought she was exhausted for the day jyn didn't
relax according to his calculations it was a level four magic wind blade he decided that since varus had been fighting since morning as she had said she was trying to conserve mama hugen was more concerned about Jen because he uses poisons jyn saw that cjin had a sword but he was a little surprised because he thought cuin was an assassin but it turned out that he was a Swordsmen who only used poison hugin's sword gave off a dark green aura jyn called out to Jet and told him to take den and get out jet was
nervous and said he couldn't do it couldn't leave Gan but suddenly cuin attacked but Jin managed to block the attack at that moment when their swords collided jyn realized that hjin was at least level eight but jyn was clearly not happy about it hjin realized that jyn was a swordsman maage and told him that jyn's life must be more valuable than the small fry he was guarding he offered to give Den to them and leave however jyn said that he might be more valuable but he was quite attached and then pushed cjin away JY ordered
jet not to snap his beak and run but jet said he would rather die so JY shouted at jet to stop talking jet immediately grabbed den and started running away with him jet said they'd see each other again if Jean survived varice had her sights set on den and didn't plan on letting them go she yelled at cuin to hold Jin while she swatted down the sweet couple jyn made a lunge yanking off his cloak as he prepared to Blind them he asked her where she was going without a parting gift I and cjan looked
at this ball and then there was a very bright flash hin couldn't see anything because he was blinded and jyn took advantage of this to throw a punch and severely injur cuan jyn saw cjin want to attack and manage to jump back in time thereby dodging the blow there is stood rubbing her eyes and asked what it was she told cuan that she couldn't see anything and asked him where he was she was angry but even though her eyes were watery and red she could see something she saw that cuin had a huge wound on
his chest that was bleeding profusely when she saw this she was enraged and a lot of mono was released from her she was thinking about how jyn dared to hurt cuin VAR shouted that she would kill jyn then cjin shouted at Varys and she settled down a little he said that he would take care of himself and asked not to make a big deal out of it hugen said very had already overdone it he asked her not to lose control because otherwise she would suffer due to the strong counter flow of Mana jyn was a
little upset that they didn't fall for it but still jyn was initially aware of it hugen took a test tube out of his pocket he opened the stopper and there was a green liquid in the test tube jyn was surprised because he didn't know what cuin had gotten it was a terrible energy jyn couldn't tell if it was energy at all hjin drank what was in that test tube and then his wounds quickly healed Jen had never heard of anyone using poison resistance for Recovery before hugin threw away the test tube and thought that even
though it shortened his life he could still use this power hugin called Jen a magic swordsman who uses magic as well and then said that jyn was more annoying than he thought hugin said that he had never seen a swordsman use magic as well light source although hjin is curious the mission is more important to him hjin said he had changed his mind about taking Jin alive and then he took off incredibly fast so fast that even varice and jyn were shocked in an instant cuin was in the air behind Jin jyn quickly turned around
and saw cjin already flying at him with a sword jyn had some difficulty but he was still able to block the attack he sense something was wrong and jumped out of the way a ray of wind magic flew into the place where Jen was standing various continued to attack Jen but this time with even more projectiles jyn dodged all the Rays as he ran around the battlefield but suddenly something else unexpected happened jyn was once again attacked by kjun but the hero was able to block the attack kjun was a little annoyed by this and
couldn't figure out who he was fighting since Jinn zorao was ranked six and his movements were even better hin was sure that wasn't all jyn then smiled and said that he would deal with the Mage first and blue flames started to appear around him bars was shocked by the blue flame and exclaimed that it was impossible because Tess had blue flames at that moment a stream of blue flames reached her and she screamed in pain as she stayed in it hugin was afraid for his partner and turned in her Direction distracted from the fight jyn
was surprised that cuin looked away from him and told him that kjin and varies had a strong friendship then all the Shadows started to flock towards jyn everything went dark hugen was shocked that it was Pitch Black and couldn't understand what was going on then in an instant Jin severely injured cjan kjin fell to his knees and the wounds on his chest were bleeding profusely hjin realized that it wasn't magic or Aura but some dark energy that he had never seen before hugin was desperate and couldn't figure out if it was the blue Phoenix First
and that was probably shadow energy hugen realized that he had met a very strange opponent hugen told Jen that he was curious hugin asked if his poison would work on someone like jyn and we can see that there's a small scratch on jyn's side jyn was shocked by this Blood was coming out of his mouth and the veins on his face were swollen and his face turned a pinkish Hue jyn fell at the same time then we see what happened to Varys she got a lot of Burns and was lying unconscious fugen and jyn were
lying on the ground jyn was in a lot of pain but he knew that he had to hold on or he wouldn't survive he crawled to his sword and picked it up using it as a support jyn was able to get up Kajun was also exhausted but he managed to get to his feet and so they both stood with their swords in their hands suddenly someone shouted from afar that they had finally found them he shouted to the prince that he had found something there were many archers standing there and their leader ordered them to
stand at the ready he ordered the knights to follow him the leader shouted that he was the third Prince of the deli Kingdom Leake a delki and then he ordered them to lay down their weapons immediately Jin assumed jet had called them hugin took vers in his arms and told jyn to remember he said he'd still find jyn I warned him not to relax then cjan rode away and the prince shouted to his subordinates not to miss them the knights set out in pursuit of cjin and bares to capture them the prince then pointed a
finger at JY and asked him who he was the prince came up behind JY and put a hand on his shoulder asking if he was in League with cjin and Beres but jyn was so weak that he couldn't keep from sitting down the prince grabbed jyn and started shouting to the Healer that jyn needed help urgently jyn was lying on the ground thinking that he shouldn't lose Consciousness now but suddenly his eyes closed then he suddenly woke up terrified he was lying on the bed sweating profusely and the prince was sitting across from him saying
that jyn had finally woken up the prince said that jyn is in his manner as they haven't established the hero's identity so he's here jyn asked how much time had passed and the prince replied that it had been 3 hours the prince said that the good thing was that JY didn't die the poison in his body could kill even a rank eight martial artist but when it comes to the rang gandal that's a different story altogether judging by jyn's reaction the prince realized that the hero in front of him was indeed jyn rankle the prince
saw jyn at the banquet jyn asked about what had happened to the other two the prince said that although cjin was seriously wounded in the chest they managed to escape from the knights the prince then asked jyn about how he was lucky enough to suffer at the hands of this monster the prince was sure that jyn was ranked five when they first met even if jyn grew up he should be ranked six so the prince knew that jyn was definitely helped by someone jyn said that he wanted to thank the prince first the prince replied
that it was fine since it was only natural to rescue a member of the Run kandle family in hu Fester even if jyn was a reserve Captain JY asked him if he had informed the main manner the prince said he would have died by now if he had done that as soon as he brought the young Master here very strong people started making trouble in delki jyn was surprised and thought that they might be allies from ticken jyn apologized for causing so much trouble the prince laughed and said that there was nothing wrong with it
but nevertheless asked jyn for a favor jyn asked Prince Leica about what he wanted Leica asked jyn that when jyn became the head of the family he would send more protective Knights to the dely kingdom and the share of the gold mines of the dely Kingdom that the rank kandle family owns Leica would like to return some of it jyn said that Lea seems to have a rather low opinion of jyn's Life jyn said that he would double the number of knights and return all the proceeds from the mines hearing this Leo was shocked he
asked if it was even possible because this is a lot JY asked him not to worry and said that in the future he would be able to do anything in hu Fester Leica couldn't understand what this meant even though jyn was a reserve Captain he couldn't have such power unless he was going to become the head of the family then we see the clock tower Jilly and miren yelling at jyn Jilly said jyn was making her worry again after the events at Colin nen was angry and asked JY if he was fighting a Mage and
an eighth rank Knight at the same time because why would he do that if he didn't want to die jyn apologized to everyone and said that it wouldn't happen again while jyn also thought that it was no wonder now that Prince dely didn't report to the main house there was also cashmir and quick anle jyn thought that the good thing was that the kingdom was fine jet came running toward jyn crying nose bleeding and glasses smashed jyn asked him what had happened to him jet said he reported the situation but miren didn't believe him and
dismissed him then Jean asked Kashmir if he knew what had happened to Dan Marius cashmir said that no matter how much they questioned him Dan refused to say anything until jyn returned so jyn decided to talk to Dan himself so they started talking jyn said he risked his life for Dan and his daughter so he wouldn't beat around the bush jyn asked Dan about who taught them all including cuin and Bar Paris Dan shivered and said that it was the first captain of the rank Kendall family lunar rank Kendall's Nanny tamon Marius JY was very
shocked when he heard this Dan called out that she was their mother we then see T and shame cuan and Baris for worshiping her she said that not only did they fail the mission but they also revealed their identities to the magic swordsman she said they both definitely wanted to die she told them to get out of her sight from this day forward their relationship is over I asked Miss ton what that meant if ton was just going to get rid of them ton said it was true the mistake they had made was too big
but varus didn't want to believe it and she denied it she threw herself at Ton's feet in tears and begged them not to throw them away she admitted that a mistake was made but promised that it would not happen again but ton kicked various away ton turned around and told them not to look for her anymore she looked at them and said that she hoped they would stay in good health at this point even cuan let out a tear ton wasn't too happy about this decision then she walked out of the wooden house ton realized
that the magic swordsman was definitely young Master jyn also the black or Shadow energy that that person informed her about ton knew that jyn had probably already found some clues that pointed to her and soon he and the young lady will start looking for tamon tamon was sure that even if they found out the truth the young lady wouldn't be able to kill her what's more important now is information about young Master jyn tamon thought jyn has Shadow energy and even uses magic about this he probably does not know hugan and Varys were not entirely
useless we flash back to Jean and den he asked jyn if he had crossed paths with tagen jyn asked Dan if he meant a la jyn said he killed him which surprised Dan jyn revealed that tagen was at the head of a criminal gang and before jyn killed him tagen mentioned the man who ordered jyn's murder jyn decided to make sure and ask Dan if tagen had talked about tamon Dan got nervous Shook and began to tell the story tagen said something when he left delki 15 years ago tamon Mama made a deal with someone
from the rank kandle family with a lot of power and if things don't go according to plan their brothers and sisters will be in danger so you need to be careful jyn asked if tagen had talked about the details of the deal JY thought about rank kandle who was higher than tamon then jyn said he had to go Kashmir asked jyn where he was going jyn replied that he wanted to meet Luna we are transported to see Luna drinking tea and talking to the servants the servants said that everything was fine thanks to Lady Luna
everyone had recently found a job so now they were starting to live a normal life Luna said that the youngest would be happy if he found out about this suddenly Luna sensed something she realized that jyn was standing at the gate so JY is sitting in front of Luna who is laughing at the top of her voice Luna laughed at the fact that tamon raised murderers out of Orphans and even ordered them to put a curse on jyn Luna asked why tmon would do this to jyn Luna chuckled and said that it looked like jyn
had been misinformed she said that the babysitter is on vacation right now so jyn can come back later jyn turned to his sister and apologized with a ruul look suddenly Luna slammed her fist down on the table and told him not to apologize or act like it was true but suddenly when she looked at JY her anger disappeared she saw jy's regretful and serious look Luna didn't want to admit it and said that tamon must have been framed and the survivors of the shelter that jyn interviewed might just be lying Luna then said that if
Nanny was really involved with something like this there must be some reason suddenly an idea came to her and she said that you can't sit idly by you need to go and check it out she told Jean they were going to the babysitters after that we see tamun sitting in a chair and thinking about something she thinks that since Varys and cjan have already revealed themselves he will deal with them ton thought that everything was fine because they were just hunting dogs and she could raise new ones she couldn't understand how the young Master knew
about this she assumed that the Mage had made a mistake but if not she doesn't know how suddenly she heard a knock on the door the door opened and she saw Jen and Luna Luna said she would get straight to the point and asked if tmon knew var's Marius and kjan Marius tun's face didn't twitch at all she replied with a straight face that she knew them Luna asked ton why she was secretly raising assassin and why they were targeting Jin ton asked the young lady to listen ton said that she wasn't the one who
gave the order she was just dumbfounded that her hunting dogs had run into young Master Jinn according to her that's why she was waiting for the Moon Luna was angry and she asked tmon if she made up such excuses in hopes of being forgiven for raising murderers in secret from Luna Luna's eyes were filled with tears tmon asked Luna to send her to the family court because there as she said she will explain everything in detail Luna asked the nanny about how she could try to escape Luna said that ton seemed so unfamiliar to her
right now Luna just can't understand Ton's actions Luna asked why the nanny can't just explain tun apologized for hiding it but the reason she raised them was to survive ton asked Luna if she had forgotten how many enemies she had in her family ton said that as a result they face daily dangers Luna asked what tamon was talking about how anyone could dare to attack her people tmon said that Luna didn't know anything the nanny said that employees in the residence usually change over the course of the year The Nanny asked if Luna knew why
cman said that apart from them the protector Knights and other vassals all of them only last for a year and sometimes no more than a month tamun asked if Luna had ever wondered why this was happening the nurse exclaimed that they had all been killed they were killed by Luna's brothers and sisters whom she loves so much Luna told Nanny not to lie because if it was true then why didn't tmon tell the young lady the nanny said that she just couldn't because she knows very well what kind of person she is the nanny asked
Luna if she could kill her siblings if Moon told or at least punish them the nanny asked if Luna didn't give up the right to inherit just because she didn't want to then we flash back and see Luna talking about how she doesn't want to do this anymore doesn't want to fight for the position of head of the rank candle family nanny said that once Luna gave up on this Obsession all of Luna's people inevitably became victims then we flash back 35 years ton felt absolute power for the first time in this squalled shelter tamon
was destined to become a noble dog but the rankle family recognized her skills and hired her as was a nanny she began to live as a human being not a scum The Nanny wasn't jealous on the contrary she was grateful the one who gave her this power was this small warm gift Shy's firstborn Luna rank candle the other ran candle children who were born year after year became Luna's Rivals but that wasn't a problem because the head said that lady Luna had inherited all the talent even when they were young Luna had won against the
entry-level Cadets and she had also defeated Joshua and rancha who had tried to defeat her together but couldn't The Nanny then praised Luna and told her to keep up the good work Luna said that even though she won she doesn't like fighting because she's just good at it although Nanny was worried about Luna's naivity she was immediately convinced that it was groundless we see a flashback in which Luna told Joshua not to show his face to her otherwise she would kill him next time she also spilled soup on rancha and was generally violent she was
stronger than all her brothers and sisters and as time passed she turned 13 and there was nothing left of the naive Moon the Moon has gained credibility then even more time passed it was raining and Luna and tonon were standing outside Luna said she was tired of everything and just wanted it to stop she said that she didn't want to become the head of the family by such methods but then the nanny tried to change Luna's mind because there is no other choice if she wants to become the head Luna said that since that was
the case she didn't want it Luna said that killing siblings for the sake of the family is not an option for the sake of her family Luna wants to achieve something knew she said that she would become a sword that she would be protected at 19 her long transition period was was finally over and the nanny's Revenge came to not ton said that the shelter and all the suffering she had experienced in those 20 years the nanny was going to make Luna the head of the family to use for her revenge but the moon was
the huge white whale of myth tmon was just a stickman circling around her and that day the nurse got down on one knee and said that she would follow her mistress Luna on that day Luna found a new dream and Ton's dream was shattered soon after the moon siblings realized that the young lady had changed and started a hunt what they had achieved with their Madness and Obsession was unbearable for the nanny despite the fact that she was involved in murder then tamon decided that the lady should not know about this because she would probably
start blaming herself and tamon how her nanny should stand it she decided that she should raise her own chain dogs as before it is worth selecting useful orphans but eventually everything changed we see the nanny tied up and kneeling with one of the flag bears in front of her he told her that he needed her skills and loyalty and if she granted his request he would give her what she wanted but the nanny asked me to just kill her rank Kendall told her to finish listening the standard Bearer said that tun always smiles but he
knows what lies behind this fake he asked her if she wanted to be free and if she despised a princess who knew nothing the black-haired standard bear invited her to join him because he gives her real freedom on that day a stickman circling a white whale heard the voice of Her savior during this time tamon thought about what would happen if young lady Luna found out about this what kind of expression her face would take tmon apologized to Luna as we were transported back to reality she said that she hoped that she would take this
secret to the Grave the nanny said that the reason didn't matter because the fact was that she was training the soldiers and allowed them to point their swords at Young Master Jin nanny said that even though she didn't give a direct order it was the worst of all deadly sins ton said that she had to pay for what she had done just as the soldiers entered the room the nanny has already reported her actions to the main manner jyn was surprised by the arrival of the family's execution or Knights he realized that tamon was one
step ahead Taman went down to the knights and followed them jyn told her that she seemed to trust someone implicitly jyn said he didn't know who was supporting her but there weren't many people with the power to save the nanny from the family court feon said that Jen was saying incoherent things because she only had lady Moon The Nanny started to say that even if they wanted to execute her she would be humble but jyn interrupted her and said that it was unfortunate after all for someone who is already ready to die she talks too
much JY asked her for someone connected to that person if she thought they would get into a situation just because ton did whatever they were told The Nanny was surprised and said that if JY had nothing more to say she would go just as ton thought jyn wasn't just lucky enough to get this far she knew that jyn was right that maybe that person had really left her but she has information about young Master jyn ton hoped that this information would save her if she uses it to make a deal but suddenly a knight interrupted
her and told her that that person had delivered the message well done the Executioner said and Drew his sword he was about to attack the nanny but suddenly the moon intervened and prevented him the exec ution or Knights were surprised Luna asked about how an ordinary hangman Knight who was supposed to accompany the defendant dared to try to kill her nanny she was Furious and said that the executioners must have forgotten who was in front of them the Executioner Knights felt the incredible pressure and Aura of the Moon jyn realized that it had happened after
all the Executioner Knights couldn't handle tamon even though she had cut off her Tails they won't let up just like that because their hounds the Executioner Knights charged at the nanny jyn realized that they would pursue her even if they had to die Jin also intervened and killed one of the Executioner Knights then he killed the second one but at that moment two executioners broke through and JY wouldn't have had time to stop them suddenly Luna threw her sword at the executioners and cut them in two but suddenly the nurse was afraid because she was
attacked by the Executioner who almost hit her but Luna grabbed his head and so hit him on the floor the Executioner decided to quietly attack the Moon with his small dagger but the moon broke the blade of that dagger the Executioner was shocked by this Luna broke his arm and he screamed in pain the nanny who was standing to the side was trembling jyn and Luna dealt with all but one of the executioners jyn said he was right he told the nanny that her master wasn't going to save her meanwhile Luna decided to question the
Executioner and said that if he wanted a peaceful death he must answer her questions clearly but suddenly Luna was horrified by something she removed The Executioner's mask and his face was terrible his mouth was bleeding jyn said that the Executioner took poison so they couldn't interrogate him jyn told the nanny that he didn't think she would ignore the circumstances he told tamon to tell them everything but she was very nervous and sweating profusely Luna asked the nanny about how even when Luna asked her to find out which of their relatives was targeting Jin The Nanny
just lied Luna tearfully asked her how she could do this to her Kon laughed and then said that she knew this would happen but she seems to have aged too much the nanny's mouth was bleeding a little and the nanny was holding her shoulder ton fell under such a simple attack at that moment Luna understood and became very worried she to the nurse who was too weak The Nanny started to say something but immediately started coughing up blood Luna told the nanny not to tell because the poison would spread tamon said cuan gave her the
poison which she found ironic the nanny said it was too late to try to save her at the same time she was thinking that this was probably called karma Luna sobbed and screamed that she didn't want to do this tmon was lying on Luna's lap who was screaming that she didn't want this ton thought about how she didn't want to die a want to beg for forgiveness from Lady Luna so that can survive Nanny wanted to stay with Luna as long as possible she wondered at what point everything had gone wrong she remembered being offered
her freedom and realized that that was when everything went wrong at a time when her priority was Revenge not lady Luna that's when it all started she decided that at least in her last moments for Luna's sake then she spoke up and asked young master jyn and young mistress to listen carefully the nanny said she wouldn't pay for her sins even if she told them everything but she wanted them to know the Mage who cursed JY 15 years ago was catar Hall she said that many people knew about him so JY would find him quickly
she also said that the person she ordered to make a deal with was him the one she ordered to kill the young master was Joshua ran candle the second captain jyn was Furious when he heard this ton said that Joshua knows about jyn's power in the contract then she coughed violently again tmon once again apologized to Lady moon for letting her down because she should have told Luna earlier Nanny realized that to say that she had given up all this for the sake of the Moon would be a mistake she held out her trembling hand
to the moon and asked she began to remember all the moments in her life how she had been praised for winning battles and how she had raised Luna when she was still a baby ton placed her hand on Luna's face and asked her not to carry the memory of the Fallen man for too long her hand slowly left Luna's face but Luna managed to catch the nanny's falling hand Luna gave the now dead Nanny a final hug and continued to cry then we are transported to the castle we see Joshua put out his cigarette he
thought about tamon Marius and said that she should have died a decent death then his subordinates reported that taman's subordinates had come to meet him Joshua ordered them in the two of them being cjan and Baris after entering the office I andan knelt down on one knee Joshua said that according to tamon she gave up on the two of them he asked why they were here VAR said they would do anything the screamed and begged them to change her mind because they couldn't work without her hugen asked her to stop but she kept asking Mr
Joshua she screamed that she would do anything to get Joshua to help them Joshua stood up in silence and continued to stare at them he began to approach them and address them by name he put his hand on varus's hair and knelt down saying that he was sorry to be unable to comply with their request he said they didn't seem to have heard about it yet he said that ton drove them away rather suddenly she didn't do it out of hatred but to save them Joshua then said that tamun was killed by a magical swordsman
whose identity Joshua doesn't know Joshua blatantly lied about tamun saying she was in danger and asking for help Joshua assured them that he had dispatched five executioner Knights and all of them including tamon were killed hearing this cuan and barus were filled with anger and hatred hjan asked Joshua about who the magic swordsman was meanwhile varice was filled with hatred and only thought that she wanted to kill the magic swordsman Joshua said that this swordsman was known to be a solder at contractor there is no other information about it yet Joshua said he didn't know
where he was from or who he was connected to hugin shouted that he would find him and avenge his mother Joshua said that he understood how they were feeling right now but this wasn't the time for that Joshua said that one day the Swordsmen would come to Nim and before that they would have to wait Joshua asked if they could trust him and be patient because Joshua also had to get even with the swordsman they thanked Mr Joshua and asked him to let them handle it Joshua himself reflected that it was a erand to avenge
his father her mother but still Joshua admitted that she raised beautiful dogs and the youngest helped getting rid of tamon in advance he was glad because there was no better gift for him suddenly someone was knocking on the door and asked for permission to enter saying that it was urgent the Knight whispered something in Joshua's ear hjan asked him what had happened and Joshua apologized he said they had to go back today Joshua promised to prepare a place for them and ordered them to stay there and wait for him to contact them they wanted to
offer help but he immediately declined the offer he said it was a matter of seven Rank and delas meanwhile the moon was furiously smashing everything in its path the Knight asked her what she was trying to achieve she sh and told him that she would ask the questions here she asked where Joshua was he asked her to stop because she violates the family Rules she took him by the neck and then she said that he didn't even dare to talk about the rules in front of her Luna called out that as the first Captain she
was ordering them to do what they were supposed to do and she would do what she had come to do but the knights did not agree with this and ran at her she Drew her sword and knocked down the knights with just her Aura her eyes glowing pink she asked if that was all she told them to get out of here before her patience ran out then Joshua said that this is where big sister is Joshua came out and asked what was the reason for this visit and without a single warning he said she didn't
look well Joshua was surrounded by a large number of Black Knights she said he was just worthless he is afraid of the Moon which is why he stands behind the Black Knights she asked him why if he really thought she was here to kill him Joshua laughed and said that there was no need to talk about such terrible things meanwhile it began to rain Joshua said something unpleasant seemed to have happened and asked her to tell him what had happened if she was okay he said they were family after all and he would listen to
her she was beside her self with hatred this was exactly what Joshua wanted he was thinking about the fact that one of her younger brothers that she wanted to kill was right in front of her he wanted her to break free and use her sword he was sure that his family would be on his side but Lona exhaled heavily and put the sword back down she told her Junior that she was sorry but she wouldn't kill him today she'd just come to warn him because she was still a little worried about Joshua she said that
when that kid came back Joshua wouldn't be able to handle him so she said that if Joshua was planning to keep hiding like he did today he'd better think about running away otherwise he will regret not dying today Joshua said it was very unfortunate because she used to be the pride of the family but now she's talking some nonsense Luna said it was a Pity that Joshua really hadn't changed a bit since he was a kid and so the doors closed and the moon went out in the rain Joshua watched her go hoping that she
would continue to stand on the sidelines Joshua thought about leaving her now because of the zipple family but when it was all over and rank candle was his she would be the first person he would get rid of then we see Jen meet Luna and ask if she was injured she said she wasn't hurt and everything was fine she thanked Jen because it was thanks to him that she was able to restrain herself jyn said that Joshua wanted to use the moon just like jyn said Joshua was provoking Luna and hiding behind the Black Knights
jyn was a little surprised by the Black Knights after all among the numerous Knights of the family the top 10 are selected for this squad they only report to their father and mother so jyn wondered what they were doing at Joshua's jyn doesn't know how Joshua convinced them but the fact remains as Luna walked she came to a small cross that sticks out of the ground jyn said it was a terrible poison that destroys even a corpse Luna said she couldn't bury the nanny properly Luna imagined the poison being used on her people but she
didn't want to believe it Luna said that if ton found the people who held her dear and betrayed them Luna would understand her a little but then she immediately said that it was wrong and that it was her fault Luna said that she should have helped the nanny because in her opinion then nothing would have happened jyn just looked at it with annoyance and thought that even though Nanny had betrayed Luna tamon was Luna's real family and her brother Joshua had become her sworn enemy jyn wondered who could help Luna now suddenly Luna started talking
about her youth she said she didn't like competing with her siblings then she said that she was afraid because the hostility between pure Bloods goes back a long way Luna was afraid to repeat the fate of her ancestors jyn said that's why Luna became the protector of the family because none of them died yet Luna said that she was able to achieve this but now she realized that she just ran away out of fear according to her now she is paying the price for her cowardice she then stated that there would be no more sword
protecting the family JY was surprised to hear this Luna took out her sword and slammed it into the ground she said that if anyone was against JY she would kill them she would destroy everything that threatened him from now on her sword belongs to Jin she got down on one knee in front of Jinn at the same time she thought that it was all her fault she thinks she could have prevented what happened between the nanny and Joshua she decided that she would help JY even if she had to turn her back on everyone else
Luna said that was was the price for her cowardice JY also stuck his sword in the ground and said that he would be with Luna Stop Those Who threaten her if necessary he is ready to kill other brothers he asked her if she remembered and then said that no matter what she did or who she became jyn would always support her Luna almost burst into tears when she heard this she remembered those words words she had said to him a long time ago JY hugged Luna and said that when he became the standard Bearer he
would protect her after all they are a family Luna burst into tears and thought about how her little brother was her family she is ready to give him everything and make him the next head then we see mirac and fuming after learning that they used a magician and cast a curse Jilly wanted to argue but she stopped herself in time and apologized but then miren told her to repeat after him and taught her Jil asked why Joshua wanted to hurt jyn jyn replied that there were many reasons but more importantly he was not doing anything
even though he knew about jyn's contract with sold Jill said that Joshua had violated the ban and tried to harm jyn and Storm Castle but he didn't act in the main manner jyn said that they should find out the reason together at the same time jyn suggested that Joshua needed jyn's contract considering what happened with anyia Zippel can steal contracts with the gods but even Joshua wouldn't mess with them this means that there may still be ways to steal contracts Kashmir came into the room and said that he had found what jyn had asked him
for jyn wasn't pleasantly surprised that Kashmir did it so quickly cashmir said that the person in the photo is quite a famous magician he is now in melador in the east of the continent he opened an academy for for magicians and started using the suit onim aile Kashmir said that the man seemed to be studying some type of magic right now after reading the report jyn turned to Kashmir Gilly and Muran and said that he had a request for them he asked me not to look for him for about 3 months then we are transported
to a certain bar in this bar there was a man wearing a white cloak and carrying a staff who was most likely the Mage Kashmir and jyn were talking about we also see a man in a raincoat enter the bar he was carrying a staff and wearing a hooded Cape he went up to the wizard excused himself and asked if he was Sir Amil Emil asked the guy in the raincoat who he was the guy replied that his name was huel and he was an ambitious magician huel said that he was on his way to
the melador academy but found out that Emil was here and wanted to meet meanwhile everyone in the establishment was looking at the two of them Emil slammed his fist down on the table then yelled at all the customers for staring calling them insects he revealed that he was going to use magic as well and told them all to disappear before he crippled them everyone immediately left the place Amil asked huel who he was huel replied that it was as he had said but Emil interrupted him Amil said stop Amil said that hu's body has handled
a sword all his life but he has a rank seven magic Amil chuckled and said that huel seemed to have underestimated him Amil scowled and told huel to answer or else the man would never be able to use magic again huel realized that the jokes were bad and decided to introduce himself again he took off his hood and revealed his bright orange hair he said his name was hu fiser and he was the last surv survivor of the Hiser family that's how this video ends if you have sat through to the end please don't forget
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