I am Rafael, psychologist. And yes, THERE ARE LONE EXTROVERTS. Today is the day to reflect on one of the MOST CHARISMATIC protagonists of anime: YUJI ITADORI.
There are spoilers from the anime, not from the manga. Come on! THE GREATEST HERO of the series has the GREATEST VILLAIN within him.
Not in the sense that ITADORI is a BAD person, but rather that SUKUNA, theoretically THE STRONGEST CURSE OF THE SERIES, is WITHIN Itadori. ITADORI is another PROTAGONIST who talks a lot about the SENSE OF EMPATHY and SACRIFICE for others, but in his case it is a little different, it is not quite an ASSERTIVE EMPATHY. Was there bad EMPATHY?
YES, when it is in EXCESS. EMPATHY WEAR SYNDROME, a term coined by psychologist CHARLES FIGLEY, is exactly when someone has an EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION precisely because of the EXCESS OF EMPATHY that can sometimes cause feelings of SELF-BLAME for always feeling bad when they CANNOT HELP SOMEONE, for example , to the point of having a WEAR and that's what could be happening with today's character. Things including that NANAMI is running away, as I said in his video.
Okay, but let's think about its context, look, ITADORI has to get all the parts of SUKUNA, with that SUKUNA will be COMPLETE and then ITADORI will end up being SACRIFIED because he will DIE along with SUKUNA. And in this period of time ITADORI will TRY TO SAVE AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE and then, AT THE END, he will be SACRIFIED. But it wasn't like that before.
ITADORI, at first, was someone who had NO power, but he had many qualities of an athlete: STRENGTH, SPEED. He's almost SUPER HUMAN, like Captain America. And on top of that, HE IS VERY GOOD at SOCIAL MATTERS.
The guy just makes FRIENDS in a VERY EASY way, and like SATORU GOJO he is extremely EXTROVERT, in other words, THE OPPOSITE OF INTROVERSION. ITADORI can talk to anyone, ask him out, regardless of how long he has known that individual. IT DOES SO MUCH.
THE MOTHER OF THE JUNPEI he had just met calls him to LUNCH at home and he simply ACCEPTS. Well, when I went to a friend's house, when I was hungry I pretended I wasn't, said I ate little, I didn't want to repeat it (even if I wanted to). NOBARA says something interesting about him: “Itadori is that person who brings his own chair and sits down.
” You know that person who comes into your life and when you realize you are already their FRIEND? Many studies suggest that EXTROVERTED PEOPLE ARE HAPPIER, MORE ACTIVE, ASSERTIVE, while INTROVERTED PEOPLE are described as more CALM, PASSIVE and less SOCIABLE. One hypothesis for this is that EXTROVERTED TRENDS, like showing GREAT ENERGY, COMMUNICATING VERY WELL, as is the case with Yudi — these characteristics are highly VALUED in many societies and what many studies suggest is that EXTROVERTS ARE HAPPY because they live in CULTURES that REWARD THEIR BEHAVIOR.
We just have to think quickly, looking, it seems that GOJO and ITADORI are HAPPIER than NANAMI and MEGUMI, for example, but the issue of ITADORI is a little or much DEEPER than that, because, as he defines himself , HE IS SOMEONE ALONE. He defines himself as a LONE WOLF, someone who doesn't open up much and who, despite SPEAKING WELL and MAKING A LOT OF FRIENDS, he expresses little ABOUT HIMSELF, so much so that we don't know anything about HIS PAST. Even MEGUMI has already shown a FLASHBACK, not his .
But two events happen in his life and are EXTREMELY IMPACTING, in fact it would be impactful for ANYONE who is THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE and a DRASTICAL CHANGE in their own ESSENCE. ITADORI LOSES HIS GRANDFATHER. As he himself says, it was like he was a FATHER to him.
The DEATH of someone marks us and DEPENDING on the person marks it DEEPLY and DEPENDING on the way it happens, that can CHANGE your perception FOR A LONG TIME. For ITADORI, THE DEATH OF HIS GRANDFATHER also meant a LACK OF PURPOSE and with those LAST WORDS OF HIS GRANDFATHER he tries to create A NEW MEANING for his life. His GRANDFATHER had died SAD that NO ONE was there by his side.
He died kind of ALONE and he alerts ITADORI about it. Grieving is a common feature in the lives of many young people. A study has shown that ABOUT 92% OF YOUNG PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED BY SIGNIFICANT BEING UNTIL THE AGE OF 16.
Significant grief is classified as a CLOSE LOSS that ranges from the death of a PET, which is the first contact with the death that a child usually has, to the loss of a PARENTAL FIGURE. But all this happens in a FAST way for him, both the loss of his GRANDPA and knowing a new world, THE WORLD OF WIZARDS, where he has a new vision of what REALITY is because it's kind of like the common people in anime kind of DON'T KNOW the truth of the world. He literally leaves the MATRIX.
So much so that it doesn't even give ITADORI the right time to go through MOURNING. The impression he gives is that this phase of him is being embedded in some other moments of greater REFLECTION. So ITADORI quickly decides to live to PROTECT people.
His GRANDFATHER tells him before he dies that he should do this because he's STRONG and this is the TRIGGER for him, at the beginning, SACRIFICE HIMSELF TRYING TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS and he ends up there EATING ONE OF SUKUNA'S CURSED FINGER and then, how I said, this being starts to LIVE WITHIN HIM. The point is that the GUILT, a feeling that is linked to EMPATHY and that the CURSE that is within him does not have an ounce —NOTHING, ZERO—, HAS INTENSIFIED IN HIM due to his new PURPOSE OF LIFE of wanting to give at least a Dignified DEATH for all. ITADORI decides to digest a part of SUKUNA, largely influenced by his NEW WAY OF LIFE, which is to put other people above himself.
He starts to feel TOO RESPONSIBLE for other people and with that he starts to HIDE in some moments what, in fact, he is FEELING. It's like he wants NO ONE TO WORRY about him, in fact. You know that person who DOESN'T LIKE to worry anyone?
"It is not alright. No worries”, but deep down is SUFFERING? THIS IS THE ITADORI.
And hiding AUTHENTIC FEELINGS can lead us to a kind of EMOTIONAL DISSON NCE that arises in situations that create INCONSISTENCE between SELF- CONCEPT and BEHAVIOR, that is, when the person REPEATEDLY EXPRESSES EMOTIONS THAT DON'T MATCH WHAT SHE IS FEELING. ITADORI tries to CHALLENGE the people around it. THINK ABOUT OTHERS MORE THAN YOURSELF.
He always tries to make OTHERS happy with his astral and tries not to show that MORE DEPRESSED side of him, not to show that he is SUFFERING. People often HIDE THEIR EMOTIONS for various reasons. Sometimes we do it for SOCIAL ISSUES like “I don't want to look weak, no one will understand me anyway”, like these thoughts.
The BENEFITS of HIDING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS or PRETENDING POSITIVE EMOTIONS may be based on the assumption that people who express MORE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS are seen as LESS PLEASANT, LESS FRIENDLY and LESS POPULAR than those who hide these emotions or fake POSITIVE EMOTIONS. Psychologists RICHARDS and GROSS completed two studies investigating the effects of SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS on cognitive functioning. People who tend to keep THOUGHTS REPRESSED and FEELINGS BOTTLED or BLOCKED are MORE LIKELY to develop health problems such as EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION, LOW IMMUNITY and DEPRESSION.
ITADORI kind of wants to show there an image of someone HAPPY, that everything is fine, but deep down it seems that IT IS NOT. He asks GOJO if a lot of people disappear because of the CURSES and he ends up finding out that it was worse, that these people had HORRIBLE DEATHS for them and that for him would make even more sense for his purpose. More than that, in his mind it becomes an OBLIGATION.
This sense of PROTECTING him makes NANAMI be surprised, so much so that NANAMI looks at ITADORI and thinks: “It's always the others first”. But his development process is very broad because he starts to BLAME a lot for everyone that he CANNOT SAVE. He thinks "I am the one, the main key to sealing SUKUNA".
And while this issue gave him a PURPOSE greater choice, after all now he DOESN'T need to CHOOSE, he already has a FIXED PURPOSE for him, but at the same time it gave him a very great sense of RESPONSIBILITY and it ended up coming with that FEELING OF GUILT. People with major DEPRESSIVE DISORDER are more likely to experience MORAL EMOTIONS related to SELF-BLAME, and yes, JOYFUL people who are happy can be DEPRESSED. THIS IS NOT THE CASE OF ITADORI.
There's a term called SMILING DEPRESSION. The person demonstrates JOY, HAPPINESS, at a given moment, but then RETURNS to that ORIGINAL STATE. SMILING DEPRESSION enters the DSM-5 there as ANOTHER SPECIFIED DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.
It is an atypical form of DEPRESSION, it would be the person who is in a DEPRESSIVE STATE, but appears to be HAPPY, she HIDE anguishing symptoms such as a HIGH SELF DEVALUATION, low SELF-ESTEEM and DEPRESSION that are not socially perceived. In the saddest moment, in this first part of the anime, ITADORI confronts his lack of OMNIPOTENCE as he fails to give someone a dignified death. And that person was someone close to him.
JUNPEI was someone he had just met. WHICH DOESN'T MEAN MUCH TO ITADORI. And I believe that it was ONE OF THE MOST HONEST MOMENTS OF ITADORI.
MAHITO is precisely the personification of someone who does n't care about Itadori's GOOD DEATH concept. And besides, there's SUKUNA's presence inside him laughing at that situation too, along with MAHITO. "The next words spilling from my lips came so deep into my gut that it almost made every thing I've ever said feel like a lie.
" ITADORI speaks this phrase, and I found it magical because it expresses precisely there THE FEELINGS ITADORI HAD INSIDE HIM, which he was HIDING and one of those feelings was RAGE. Psychologist JERRY DEFFENBACHER says that RAGE is the combination of a TRIGGER event —in ITADORI's case the death of his friend by a curse—, also because of the CHARACTERISTICS of an individual, that is, if these characteristics make people more prone to EXPERIENCE ANGER, such as LOW TOLERANCE TO FRUSTRATION and also when people are TIRED, ANXIOUS or already STRESSED PREVIOUSLY and the last factor is the COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT. We get ANGER when we assess a situation as GUILTY, UNJUSTIFIED, PUNISHABLE and all of this led ITADORI to act and get into a state of FURY.
It's curious because ITADORI learns from MEGUMI that he has to have a PRIORITY in who he is going to SAVE. Then he learns from GOJO that FORCE would be an AUTONOMY for him to be able to save MORE PEOPLE and then he learns from NANAMI that he has no control over some things and that he WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE EVERYONE and that there are things that simply are beyond his control. And when ITADORI realizes this, NANAMI says that now he had become a JUJUTSU SORCERER.
ITADORI is one of the protagonists that made a big impression on me because I've already lost people who were happy on the outside, but who suffered a lot inside and I ended up, in a way, seeing these people in ITADORI. Helping others is AMAZING, fundamental. EMPATHY IS AMAZING, but think of YOU first.
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