🍓 Pinterest Decides what I Crochet ✸ Strawberry Shortcake Vibes 🍓

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Video Transcript:
hi guys welcome to this new fun video in this video I will make Pinterest decide what I crochet I've seen a lot of videos like this on YouTube and I think they are so fun so I wanted to do one as well by the way I am wearing this dress that I got from my colleague she gives me a clothes like all the time because she doesn't wear them anymore and that's how ideal because I almost only shop secondhand I'm going to look on Pinterest and then the first few things that pop up that I
can crochet I will save CU I could see something I'm just going to um I have a few ideas of items that I really really want to crochet for example a romper but I think that would take even more than two weeks to work on so I don't know if that would be appropriate for this specific video I also really want to do I love tapestry design stuff and I also really want to work with filet crochet especially a lace skirt I really want to make a lace skirt so these are a few things that
I actually really want to make and I will probably make if it's not for this video so I'm going to take my phone and I'm going to start recording okay so it's recording now so I'm going to go to Pinterest oh no okay there are a few items popping up um first this one I'm not sure yet if I would work with patterns for this specific video but I'm going to I'm going to screenshot it I also really like this obviously because I was just talking about wanting to do a romper I don't know if
I would do with gam though because I have done so many stuff with gam already okay this is also super cute but I don't think I would have enough time to crochet this for just this video there's a super cute skirt I'm going to screenshot it as well it's not specifically what I would like to crochet for a skirt but it's still nice this Patchwork skirt is also really cute I'm going to screenshot it as well although I don't think I will be able to crochet it but it's still very cute okay just one more
item I want to screenshot and then we're going to oh my God this necklace is super cute this is also very cute I actually also really love this maybe I could combine this with the Romper that I saw but I don't know if I'm going to do gingham just because I've I've just done a project with gingham and but I really like the the Roses on like the front so maybe I could make a romper with that this afternoon I'll look into my yarn stash to see which yarn I could potentially use or which yarn
I still need to buy I I'm going to leave it at that you guys I'm going to stop this the screen recording okay I'm very excited because I really really wanted to do a romper I didn't do like the first thing that popped up on my feet because you know uh I kind of still want a little bit of freedom for this challenge since it's going to take me two to three weeks maybe to make uh I I'm guessing two weeks so let's get started with this project well first I want to organize all my
yarn I have yarn laying around everywhere so this afternoon I want to organize everything and sort it by a material and a yarn size so that's what we're going to do in the next clip but I want to use a similar yarn that I used for a project I'm actually currently working on and I also want to use kind of the pattern for it but adjust it a little bit um it's this outfit that I made if it's already online on my YouTube channel um so I want to use the same type of yarn guys
I try to organize my stash but I have so many items and I don't know how to categorize them I think I will one day sort them by color because I have so many different types of Yarns different colors different sizes um these are some Works in progress I don't have that many whips which which I'm I'm very happy about these are like special types of yarn acrylic here are the Yarns that I usually use the most don't mind my short that's on the ground and I also found this white I think this is the
yarn that I was going to order online and then this color as well so I don't need to order as much as I was thinking and then I might be able to use this red for the rose although it is a different type of yarn it's a little bit more polyester like a little bit more stretchy I feel like she just went into my process bin with like all my project and now she's playing with the stuff inside oh my God all my videos are like mainly Mona doing crazy weird stuff I'm watching a little
simsy video and I already started with the front panel because I have the yarn for that and I think it looks very good so far the only thing like the leaf kind of looks like the end of the flower which wasn't on purpose but I I guess it's fine and I'm also using this green which is my favorite type of green baby are you a pizza delivery I've just spent an hour over an hour setting up my Romper because I had so much problems with the pattern itself and now I'm thinking it's kind of insane
to crochet a whole Romper with a 3 and 1/2 mm hook this will be the hell I don't know how long this will take me probably I'm now guessing 40 to 50 hours like all of my projects do lately so let's see how long it will actually take me I'm filming on my potato laptop camera you can see why is it turning pink I basically measured my butts and then I made a graph for it and then I also measured my waist and my bust I used those two measurements for the whole rumper I'm going
to try to explain a little bit how I'm doing this so I have this gingham pattern but the darker part has five stitches and then when I come to my waist it turns into four stitches so that's kind of how I am trying to adjust the pattern as I go upwards and I started at my crutch area kind of and then when the whole this whole piece of the Romper is done I still need to do the leg part so that's my little explanation of how I'm trying to make this Romper fit my body I
think it's so cute already I think I will need another few rows in the middle just because it's going to be very tight on my crutch area this is going somewhere and I have been working on this for over 15 hours now maybe already 16 um but I'll be happy when the bottom part is done and then we can work on the sides and then eventually we can do the legs I already noticed that I will definitely need to order more yarn eventually I started crochet staying on one of the sides now and I'm thinking
it's actually nice that I'm working on something I might be able to wear outside because I have been working on so many projects lately that are kind of like cosplay is which I still really like and they are one of my favorite projects to work on but I'm happy I might be able to wear this like casually maybe today I just edited my video for the week and now I'm going to go to the park to crochet in the park and I I bought this little picnic blanket a while ago and I have never used
it and it's the end of August so it's really time for me to start using it so I'm going to sit in the park and crochet on my Romper and everything I have with me is green which is very cute so let's go to the park [Music] I didn't do this on purpose you guys but everything seemed to be green and match together that afternoon even my crochet hook and everything and my drink which is very [Music] funny we're in my bathroom now because if is gaming so he's talking a lot so I can't record
myself talking so I Fleet to my bathroom we actually have a lot of difficulties I was not expecting this I was expecting to finish this Romper this week but there are a lot of things I have to change I don't know how I'll show you this but somehow this is way too small I thought I did the same amount of stitches but apparently I did didn't and it's also way smaller because it's single crochet compared to double crochet so I have to completely redo this panel but I'm kind of okay with it because this one
leaf really annoyed me and it looked like the end of this little stem so I have to I'll completely redo this part but now I was also focusing on the legs and although this fits oh kind of all right it is kind of restricted and very tight so I might undo all of this and just give it a little bit more wiggle room I'm working on the front panel again that I needed to do over again and I hope this time it that's monar food I hope this time it will be better better fitting also
I wanted to note if you're also making an item like this I I'm doing my tension very very very Loosely so that it can still stretch quite a bit I think that's important to note because if you don't do your floats on the back very very Loosely it will just not stretch so I wanted to say that in this video if you're doing this as well um So currently I'm waiting for more yarn to arrive and a funny thing happened this week I was like I'm going to order the day before because I'm very sure
that my yarn will arrive the day after like it did the last time although I selected another day and you you'll never guess what happened it actually didn't arrive on the next day so now it's 2 day f 2 days after and it normally will arrive today but we actually had plans for this afternoon so we postponed those plans more towards the evening so we're going to wait until the yarn arrives first and then we're going to go to IKEA which is very hectic because that made me also need to postpone a live stream this
evening that I was going to do and I already postponed that live stream four times not even a joke but just so many things happened that I had to postpone it each time and I want to talk about something else because I thought I could do a third item for this challenge I'm kind of scared that this video will be way more packed compared than my other videos because I was thinking to split this up into two videos but I actually think people don't like that as much I think people want to see everything in
one video um so that might also be the ca of me missing an a week an upload week maybe in the future I know I'm very much rambling in this clip I'm so sorry about that I still hope you really enjoy this video I'm so happy you are watching this video I can't say how thankful I am for random people to just be interested in my videos that's so amazing but then another thing I wanted to make I was scrolling on Pinterest again because obviously this is a Pinterest decides what I make Challenge and I
found this picture of this really really cute cardigan I also really love pink and red obviously so I decided I also want to make this cardigan for this video I hope I have enough time probably not um but I want to change it up a little bit just because I think this might be an original design of someone and they are also selling this cardigan on their Etsy so I'll link that in the description if you're interested but I wanted to change it up a little bit it's obviously a hexagon cardigan which I have never
done before so I'll definitely need to look up tutorials and then they used granny squares at the end um of the cardigan and also the sleeves but I think I will do um fruit step so I will change it up just a little bit just not to completely copy that person because somehow that feels very very wrong to me so I'll use like apples and cherries and maybe strawberries just let me know if you're interested in full videos like this maybe they are a little bit long though or if you prefer or if you wouldn't
mind them being chopped up into two parts because I really think in the long run if I want to do more videos like like this with three projects into one video compared to when I usually do one project in one video or even split up one project into two or three videos let me know in the comments what you prefer um because I'm still figuring it out and I think in the long run if I want to do more content in one video I'll definitely not be able to upload weekly so let me know what
you prefer weekly uploads or more packed Danse content videos um so let's keep going with the project I'll first finish off the Romper and then I'll start with the cardigan that I want to do I'll I'll have to look up a tutorial for the hexagon cardigan and then kind of just design it myself a little bit based on the picture I found on Pinterest but again I don't feel very comfortable copying them completely and if you're interested you can also buy that person's cardigan I'll link it in the description it looks so cute to be
honest I'm so happy with how it's turning out of course it still needs the straps because it needs a little bit of support right here but I don't even need a zipper wow like I can just put it on like this wow I changed up this part a little bit it's a little bit more squished and a lot wider so it doesn't look exactly like the reference picture anymore I might also add like heart shape fake bags not actual bags on the sides by the way I think I work very very slow when it comes
to crochet because when I see other crocheters they work so much faster than me so I might have not picked out the best hobby when it comes to efficiency but you guys this is so cute I'm so excited about it [Music] I just started working on this hexagon sweater cardigan and it's going so much faster because the yarn doesn't split compared to the other yarn I've used and doing the granny square stitch also goes so quickly okay right when I'm filming this I'm like stuttering am I crocheting but it goes so much faster so I
really hope I can finish this cardigan in like a week or a week and a half [Music] maybe I tried the one part on because I reached the same amount as the reference image but I think I need to do one more round to make it fit more oversized it made me sad though because I was kind of on a time [Music] crunch let's try it all now okay it looks nice seems like it would fit in the front and I can add some squares here I don't in the reference picture it was way oversized
it came to like here the sleeve and I thought that looked so pretty but at the same time do I really want that I kind of want like a functional cardigan maybe so I would like the sleeve to maybe come to here so I'm going to measure how long the square should be and then I'm going to make a Swatch to see how much I know you can't see my whole head by the way way my framing is so bad um I need to order some more yarn because this is the only light pink yarn
I have left it's also not really light pink I wanted it to be light pink but it's more like a beigy color which I don't like at all but but it's fine I need to order more yarn so I need to make a Swatch and then I know how many squares I need to add to the cardigan here and at the bottom and then I can order more yarn because then I know how much yarn I still need so yeah let's measure everything and make a Swatch and then I can do my purchase I'll probably
also need to pay for 5 shipping so I think I would prefer to order more yarn than I need compared to if I would need to order again because I need to pay5 shipping almost each time unless I can order for multiple project thear is actually so expensive for if you want to make like a full cardigan well it's probably like an okay price but it's the brand that I usually buy drops which is very cheap but I ordered more yarn for this cardigan and I didn't even need to pay for shipping so this whole
cardigan will be so expensive because I need so much more yarn so I hope it turns out nice otherwise I have spent so much money on this I think I'm like at €70 now for this whole cardigan I'm so happy my next project will be like the dollar star challenge which will be a lot cheaper I haven't spent this much money on a project in a very long time probably because it was summer but now colder days are arriving and I really want to make it oversized okay this is turning out so cute um I'll
have to do 26 of these oh my god um I made some graphs on Stitch fiddle and I'm doing a half double crochet and I think it looks very cute so a little update on the hexagon cardigan I'm making I need to make about 26 small squares so I'm going to show you the design that I've made so far I have a strawberry here I have an apple I have a cherry and then I also designed a grab for a watermelon so I hope it will turn out looking very cute because I feel like this
color I'm using I wanted it to be like pastel thing but it's more like my skin tone which is really dist disturbing and I wish I could change it but I'm already so far in the project and I have so much of this old rose color that's what it's called at least old old pink old roast I don't know what it's called in English uh tomorrow and the day after I'm going to enter a little Creator a little Makers Market so I'm going to have a lot of time to crochet the other part of my
hexagon cardigan so those are my plans for the next two days and then hopefully I can finish it next week in time for this video I'll really have to see when I upload this video because I have no idea when I'm going to be done with these projects I completely woven in all the ends this is what it looks like inside out beautiful [Music] okay guys are you ready for the reveal so first I'm going to show you my Romper I love it so much it's perfect to me besides a few things by the way
it's kind of gloomy outside so we don't have a lot of natur natural lighting for this reveal yeah I love it so much I think it turned out almost perfect but the only thing like um the straps they are kind of like not coming loose because I attached it but you can see here that it's kind of like tucking a bit too hard and then I also had to like sew it so that the streps are a little bit shorter because it's very stretchy my strep stretch so much so I actually had to sew a
few pieces together and you can kind of see it um I should probably just redo the straps but let's be honest I'm never going to have the energy for that I always finish my projects and then never go back to them to adjust stuff oh there's a little bit of sunlight right now by the way and it also fits so form fitting I don't even need a zipper I feel like it looks so good and and then next is my cardigan I haven't woven in the ends yet um but it's so cute I think EV
it says I look like strawberry short cake and with the green gingham it almost makes it more Strawberry Shortcake but there are a few things that I dislike about it though but they are very minor so on the bottom I did the ribbing on the wrong side so you can see like this weird stitching going on I should have done the ribbing with the good sides in front but I didn't um and then also the buttons don't hold that well maybe I should put them in another hole of the ribbing um and then maybe it's
better um yeah I'm going to close the Gigan you see the buttons don't really hold that well in the intended hole I made for it I think the buttons are a bit too small but they are strawberries by the way I don't know if you've noticed but this is what it looks like closed I feel so cute the flesh toned color like my skin tone doesn't bother me as much as I would thought as I thought it would do um yeah one of my buttons already popped out but I do have smaller holes in this
ribbing so maybe I can just invent a new hole through my ripping and maybe then the buttons will hold these are the buttons by the way they are meant for children according to the website um but yeah I'm going to end the video here please let me know oh I'm also wearing my scrunchie that I made myself and my cherry earrings that I crocheted myself um let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video um please check out my other videos as well because I do a lot of crochet content and then also
other crafty type of content and I do drawing live streams sometimes thank you so much for watching the whole video I'm so thankful for everyone who supports me and I'll see you in next week's video I hope you have a good day or night bye-bye [Music]
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