25 Things You Didn't Know ChatGPT Could Do

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Jono Catliff
📝 AUTOMATE YOUR BUSINESS: https://automatable.co 📚 SUMMARY In this video we'll go over 25 of my f...
Video Transcript:
what is going on guys it's jonno today we're talking about 25 things that you may not even realize you can do using chap gbt let's dive into it right now so number one is search GPT there's a lot of cool things about it but one of the best use cases is is it kind of replaces search in a way right you can find realtime data so for example if I want to search for um let's say some festivals in San Diego I can just type that in it's going to give me live up to date results I want to know about uh some festivals next month in San Diego and this is actually going to provide me with you know live answers right in the past Chad gbt only uh had data based on records in the past but now that it's changed with search GPT so you can get live up toate result in a conversation like format this is super cool I highly recommend you checking this out number two is that chat GPT actually has their own store of custom customized chat GPT or customized gpts that you can just plug and play and use things like Whimsical diagrams things like canva um these are super cool to use so for example if you go ahead and install Whimsical diagrams right into Chad GPT and get started you could create a diagram right from chpt so let's say um I want to create a um automation plan for my business right type that in this is going to take that simple prompt and it's going to create an entire flowchart for us um immediately so I'm just going to click allow here it's going to automatically generate that give me a link and here we go right I can click into this view it directly in Whimsical and within a matter of seconds I have this beautiful mind map of how I can start automating a business from marketing the sales customer service and operations so that's really really cool right another one that you can do here as well is and I'm just going to kind of brush over this quickly I'm not going to type out the prompts because it does take a bit longer but you can create a video with something called Ved right so I said hey create me a video it gives me some prompts uh some Fallout questions on what I want to include in that video I say you know this is a coffee ad for a local coffee shop targeting coffee drinkers it should be about 30 seconds long and it's a commercial Right add a couple more things based on some questions that it asked and then it generated this beautiful um short 30second clip for me using AI there's nothing quite like starting your day in a place that feels like home at your coffee Shop's name the aroma freshly coffee welcomes you into a cozy atmosphere where you can truly unwind our signature latte made with Rich locally roasted beans and silky smooth milk is crafted to perfection in every cup ready to take a moment for yourself come on in and enjoy 10% off your next visit because at your coffee Shop's name coffee isn't just a drink it's an experience so that's pretty cool for something that was generated in literally a matter of a few seconds obviously you just change out at your coffee shop name and put in whatever name you have but that is another example of a custom plugin that you can use in Chachi BT to generate something right I could even go into canva here as the final example I'm going to give for this if you just download canva into chat gbt and say I want to create a beautiful uh beautiful thumbnail around uh for my YouTube video on chat GPT chat gbt features and it's actually going to generate that thumbnail Straight From Within canva through uh chat gbt which is also really cool I mean I could pretty much use this for this video I probably won't but um who knows you know it's just a it's a great way to mock up designs and get something out the door really quickly especially to right because I find that one of the biggest things is just overcoming that writer block of having to come up with cool ideas um okay so that is clearly not we what we oh okay I see I clicked on the wrong link there sweet and this is just um you know a design that you can mock up really quickly you can give it some more context obviously to get what you're looking for I don't really like this that much but just the idea that you can generate a thumbnail that quickly and over time this is this technology is only going to get better like this is the worst it's ever going to be um in the history of you know chat gbt and AI so the next thing that we can do is we can actually create our own custom GPT so instead of using something from this plug-in store you can go ahead and you can actually create your own by going into explore GB and click create now you can go in name it add a description instructions and then add a schema down below um for the purposes of this tutorial I'm not actually going to go into building this but what I do want to show you guys is what that kind of looks like so I built out a custom GPT that allows me to integrate my chat GPT account into make. com so that not only can I use AI to automate tasks that I could do and obviously chbt but literally across the web in tens of thousands of other applications so for example let's say that I have a receipt that I want to upload into chat gbt right and I say hey please process this um this and I want to push this into maybe a Google spreadsheet it's going to start an action because I created this custom GPT and what this is going to do is it's going to push this data into make. com it's going to receive the data here and then send it into Google Sheets and we can actually just see this line item that was just created right here it process the total the tax the quantity description title the invoice number the date that it was Pro uh created as well so that's really really cool right there's endless possibilities of things that you can automate and the thing about make.
com if you guys don't know it is it allows you to automate tens of thousands of different applications together without knowing a line of code so that's absolutely awesome the next tip here which is tip number four uh is that you can actually just use chat GPT within make. com so for example instead of actually using the chat GPT interface like you probably are used to using it you can put it on steroids because the thing is is like with this chat gbt Bas right here you have to come in here every single time and use it right you're the one who's writing the prompts you're getting somebody else in your team to do it but ultimately speaking what happens if you want these prompts to run while you sleep what happens if you know you're you're going for coffee with your friends you're sleeping you're cooking dinner maybe you want to have progress happening even while you're not present at that point of transaction right and you can do that using make. com so for example in a workflow like this what we're doing is is we're automatically generating a blog post right so we're creating an outline using chat gbt and then once the outline is created we're building a blog post based on that outline then we're optimizing this third step for SEO and then after that we are uh changing the tone of voice to make it more funny and then we're pushing it out into a Google doc right um and that's four steps in chat gbt that is happening automatically and then in a click of a button we can take that blog post that we just generated maybe we push it up to our website right and uh in this next step we automatically generate an image and a title and we reformat or repurpose that blog post to create a Facebook post right and an Instagram post you create a Twitter post you could create a Pinterest uh post or pin you know all of this kind of stuff can be fully automated and you can use chat gbt without knowing a freaking line of code in make.
com so this is super powerful if you want to turn your chat gbt skills onto steroids get the maximum utility out of it possible you're not going to be able to beat something like this or obviously by coding it as well but th that's how you can get the maximum results from chat gbt um the next one is is that you can actually speak with chat GPT right so instead of typing out you can just have a conversation so I actually have my phone right here and I'm just going to create a conversation with Chad gbt here now there is this little icon here where there's like a headphone I'm just going to click that it's going to connect us into a conversation here hey can you hear me there's a bit of a latency here sounds good what kind of vibe are you going for tonight something light and funny or maybe something a bit more intense so I gave it context and I wanted to watch Netflix earlier and I didn't shut it off but hey I'd like to watch something a bit more intense on Netflix can you give me your favorite recommendation of something I can watch right now if you're in the mood for something intense you might enjoy mind Hunter it's a gripping series that delves into the early days of the FBI's criminal psychology and criminal profiling division the show is well-crafted with strong performances and really Dives deep into the minds of serial killers it's both thrilling so that how you can have a full-on conversation with chat GPT forget about just typing it out and literally going back and forth with what you're uh with with what you're typing you can just have a full-on conversation that is so freaking cool um so that's just one other feature that you know you can you can use using chat gbt the next one is is that you can actually change the format of the output in chat gbt so let's say I create another chat gbt here and I said say um I want something in a table or maybe I want something in a list I can go ahead and I can do that very easily so for example maybe I want uh a list of the biggest Trends in 2024 and it's going to give me a list format right so instead of just being like hey here's a paragraph or an essay or whatever we can generate it using a list which is pretty common right you've probably seen this many times before but let's say please structure this as a table right now it's going to take that same data and it's going to structure it as a table which is also awesome but it doesn't just have to be a table of course if you're a programmer you can say please structure this as Json data and it will structure the same thing using Json data as well and the cool thing about this is that you can create mock data right so a lot of the times maybe you just want to have sample data to play around with maybe you're a web developer or designer or whatever and you just want some sample data to play around with this is a great way to automatically load that sample data up and use it for whatever purpose you're looking for the next one is is that you can actually generate pictures straight through chat GPT so let's say I wanted to create a dog for me I can say please create an image of a dog and it's just going to go ahead and generate an image of that dog now we can go back and forth and modify this dog over time so for example I want the dog to look uh let's just say um even I want the dog to look 10 times happier and let's see what it comes up with this time I don't know how you can make a dog 10 times happier than that I mean that looks like a pretty freaking happy dog to me but uh okay sounds good now let's say for example you want to take it one step further and make this same dog a thousand times happier you can keep going down that Spectrum to see exactly just to The Logical conclusion you can take it to obviously this is a joke but you can modify the picture over time to get the exact result that you're looking for okay so I'm not sure if that's a thousand times happier but it definitely does look it definitely does look happier awesome now the next thing is is that instead of actually creating an image you can upload an image and process that and same goes for files as well so let's say I want to upload a uh let's just say I have this contract here right somebody sends over a contract let's say it's 30 pages and you don't want to read the whole thing because you're like why would I read the whole thing when I could get jbd to summarize it for me unless it's important and you definitely should read it and maybe consult the lawyer as well but just uh in case you just want to take a document and you want to you know summarize it you can ask uh Chach BT what is this right so uh what is this about and it's going to tell you exactly what that document is about it's going to give you um a nice overview right similarly I could upload not just a PDF but I could upload this picture of a house I don't know if you guys can see that but this is a picture of a house I'm going to ask what is this picture so it can actually handle multiple file formats right jpeg PNG PDF all of that kind of stuff it can do right so it's saying this image shows a brick house with a pitched roof covered in reddish brown shingles right so that is really really cool now let's take it one step further here and say that we actually have an entire spreadsheet you maybe you have just thousands and thousands of results right so I'm going to load in data here sample data on I think it's clients right so we can ask can you tell me what this data is and can you tell me the what is this data and we'll go ahead and analyze this data it's going to pull in that Excel spreadsheet quickly analyze it and let you know everything you need to know about it so employee ID name Department position salary higher date you can go ahead and ask follow-up questions right so what is the most common position and it's going to analyze that data one more time and then it's going to give you the answer that you're looking for so this is really cool to be able to take out um get answers from chat GT analyzing custom data sets that you upload straight through chat GPT so that's really really cool now the next thing is is that chat GPT is a wizard at all things technical I find obviously there's limitations here for everyone out there who codes right it's not going to do like the most complex functions but a lot of the times I will just get chat gbt I kid you not just to code um front ENT application for me it does almost all of the coding now I just instruct it how to code and I just sit back I just relax and it does in 10 minutes would probably take me like 30 hours to do so it's absolutely amazing so for example let's say I want to uh write a function I can go ahead and do that maybe um you don't know how to code you're thinking why are you talking about this right well the thing is is maybe you encounter a problem where you see code maybe you're like a you're web designer or you do you do work online and you come across a problem and you see code you're like like I don't know anything about this like I'm not a coder I don't know how to do this um you can come into chat gbt and you can just give it the code and you can say with natural language hey I don't know what's going on here but I need this to change to make something happen right and it will actually read your response and it'll change the code to correct it for you and it's going to work shockingly well this has gone me through so many issues that I couldn't solve on my own so for example um let's say I want to create JavaScript code to capitalize the um name of a customer right please create this for me and it's just going to go ahead and it's going to create that for me now you might be looking at this being like what the hell does that even mean but this function here should work to capitalize John do so you have the customer's name John Doe when you run this script it's going to turn it into the output here which is John Doe with a capital J and a capital D as well let's say we bring it back to something that most people will be familiar with which is these chat GPT receipts that we're logging right so let's say we want to grab the average of column F if the um title in column e is SEO now this is a relatively it's not like a it's a relatively complex formula in in in uh Google Sheets and maybe you don't know it right and could struggle and try and figure it out and take a long time or you could come in to chat GPT and ask that exact question here so in this case I want to say please generate a Google Sheets formula to get the average number in column F if um column uh column B is equal to SEO and I'm still having spelling mistakes and all that kind of stuff and here we go it's generated the formula all we have to do is pop it in here and now we can see the average is500 if the title contains SEO so that's pretty cool that's an easy way you can generate really complicated formulas code whatever using Chad gbt this is my best friend it saves me so much time I use this all the time so this is a this is a massive game changer for me at least now the next thing is is that you can generate follow up questions using chat GPT so let's say I create a new um oops I create a new chat GPT here and I ask it to please create me I always say please because I'm Canadian I'm way too poite to chbt but please create me a um business plan to get to um $50,000 per month on my SEO agency that I want to start um I want to accomplish this in 6 months from now let's just say something like that and it's going to give us a business plan right so to reach $50,000 per month in revenue for your SEO agency within six months the business plan needs to be this okay so we have this business plan right and I'm just going to go ahead and stop this um and then maybe want to ask a follow-up question can you give me actionable steps for the first month and it will go ahead and it's going to create actionable steps for the first month right and we can keep drilling down until we really understand how to move forward so this is a great way to not only ask your questions but then have follow questions I mean this is just you know gamechanging and it's it's it's really nice to be able to do this because it's going to really increase the ability for you to learn um by asking followup questions so tip number 12 in Chad gbt is to assign roles so let's say that you want to send over a message to your friends and congratulate them on getting a new job right let's go ahead and let's create a prompt that says just that so uh please congratulate my friend Agnes I'm just going to use the the name Agnes because it's so uncommon um for no other reason than that but uh please congratulate my friend Agnes on her new job and it's going to generate us uh you know a script here right so congratulations Agnus on your new job wishing you great success and growth in this exciting chapter of your career you're doing amazing things um please and then we're going to add an actor to this so instead of using um just the prompt here we're going to say please uh talk like you're uh in Lord of the Rings so we want to add context like hey you're in Lord of the Rings this is the kind of character you are and now it's going to completely change the output here ah dest agist hearken now to the words of well-deserved praise and joyous Tidings for low a grand new chapter hath unfolded before thee much like the dawning of a golden day over the hills of the Shire New Path is set and a noble Endeavor awakes that's so funny I just love reading with old like English like this this is absolutely hilarious so changing the role or assigning role rather is a great way to get a completely different uh uh different output depending on the style that you're looking for the next thing in this which is number 13 is to create context for your prompts so let's say that you create a prompt and you say hey I need to reschedule a meeting with Agnes because I missed it so you could just type that in I need to email Agnes to reschedule um a meeting we had right and it's just going to generate a generic email right it's going to say hey Agnes I hope you're doing well want to reach out and just let you know that unfortunately there's conflicting schedules right but you could go ahead and add way more context to this and the more context you obviously provide the more um or the better the result is going to be so for example you could go ahead and say um I have an opening tomorrow between 2 to 5: p. m. um I had an emergency uh come up that I had to attend to and and we could also say here too that um this is a marketing client it's our second meeting um discussing the proposal uh mention that I have some key points that I'd like to discuss from our takeaway right you get the point um but just giving additional context is going to be able to restructure that email to make it so much more personalized and on point to exactly how you want to commute to this client uh communicate to this client Agnes so I hope you're doing well unfortunately an emergency account that I had to attend to I have a meeting or an opening between 2 and 5: p.
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