to be an enemy of the US is dangerous but to be a friend is fatal this famous quote from hener Kissinger is now unfolding in real time as Europe's biggest economy by far its industrial Powerhouse Germany is now collapsing and yet the Western media has hidden the true cause just last month Germany's economic Minister Robert habc said in a speech that the German economy is performing the quote dramatically bad when even a German uses such strong language you know the situation is is really bad last year Germany posted the worst performance across all major Global
economies with its economy being the only one to actually shrink by 0.3% even worse this Bleak situation shows no signs of improving there were high hopes that 20124 would turn things around and be a comeback year for Germany and until recently the German government projected a growth rate of 1.3% however shockingly they've now been forced to slash this forecast to a mere Z 0.2% the scariest part is that most economists and Business Leaders agree this isn't some temporary recession but a deeper structural problem of the German economic model if you think this is an exaggeration
understand that by now an astonishing two and three German companies have left Germany or at least partially relocated abroad with most sighting the Skyhigh Energy prices inflation overregulation and endless political debates as their reasons for leaving what or or who is causing this catastrophic collapse of Germany's long-standing economic and Industrial prowess the truth is frankly far scarier than what mainstream media has been telling us and in today's video I'm going to reveal it to you make sure you watch until the end where I'll reveal the shocking truth of how Germany was played by the United
States and continue to score own goals in tackling this economic crisis Germany's dire situation is being caused by three main reasons number one the country's Skyhigh Energy prices number two its reduced exports to China and number three its increases in military expenditure what's most incredible about these three things is that they in fact all have one main culprit and that is actually the United States but this simply isn't an America bashing video instead I'm going to break down each of these three reasons with cold hard facts and reveal just how large a role the United
States has played in Germany's stunning decline let's start with Germany's reduced exports to China until recently Germany was the world's export Powerhouse with its main exports of Motor Vehicles machinery and chemical products being the lifeblood of its economy crucially China has been Germany's main trading partner every single year for the past eight years including being an essential and massive export market for German Goods simply put China's Market is indispensable to Germany's economy however this vital relationship is currently under attack by the United States consider the companies Volkswagen and BASF two of Germany's largest compan companies
by annual revenue and thus two key contributors to the German economy only last month they were coerced by the US government into shutting down their factories in China specifically in the western province of Shang it's here that for many years the US government and military industrial complex have pushed the narrative that China has Enslaved the local Muslim weager population and subjected them to ethnic cleansing and forced labor despite overwhelming evidence that clearly shows this is not true true if you've come to believe this narrative make sure you watch to the end of today's video and
I'll share a link to another video that breaks down the shocking Discovery from two famous German sinologists professors who share the real truth of what's actually happening in shinjang today but first let me show you how the US government's coercion works first BASF was threatened by The interparliamentary Alliance on China it's ipac an international group of Western politicians founded by anti-china hawks such as Senator Marco Rubio and whose purpose is essentially to pressure governments into containing China note that ipac is funded by The NED a CIA front which finances regime change operations in countries deemed
to be hostile to the United States it's also funded by George Soros open Society whose stated purpose is to help counter the threat China's growing influence poses to the rules-based order the threat Bas received read The credibility and integrity of your company are at stake and we believe it is crucial for you to take Swift and decisive action in addressing this matter I don't think I need to elaborate on what happens when a country or company doesn't comply with the US government or the cia's wishes unsurprisingly ipac bases its ultimatum to BASF to pull out
of syang on a new report from the infamous Adrien Zen a well-known anti-china Hawk an evangelic born again Christian who has said I feel very clearly led by God against Beijing his report asserts without any evidence that BASF appears to be implicated in Gross abuses of the weager to a shocking degree working for the victims of Communism Memorial Foundation an anti-communist propaganda shop founded by the US Congress Zen has consistently produced Highly Questionable research on singon that has not withstood basic scrutiny but unsurprisingly this hasn't prevented Western media and governments from frequently citing it as
established fact BASF has always conducted regular due diligence measures ever since open factories in shinjang including internal and external Audits and has not once found any evidence of any human right violations BASF CEO Martin bruda said these audits did not reveal any wrongdoings or something that would compromise our standards of course ipac didn't care and maintain maximum pressure on BASF until they caved and pulled the plug on their operations what's crazy is that the US is currently executing this exact same Playbook with Germany's largest company Volkswagen in a coordinated attack shortly after the victims of
Communism Memorial foundation and Adrien Zen produced their allegations against BASF ipac followed up by threatening and coercing them into closing shop and now the victims of Communism Memorial Foundation have just brought literally exactly the same allegations against Volkswagen it doesn't take a genius to figure out on what's really happening this isn't the first time that Volkswagen has been basicly accused of employing or being complicit in slave labor in shinga over the years Volkswagen never cave to the pressure and like BASF conducted numerous audits that once again never found any forced labor however this time it's
looking like the German automaker will no longer be able to withstand the pressure and be forced to shut down its operations as well even crazier other German automakers have been targeted as well as the US recently impounded thousands of Porsche Audi and Bentley cars merely because they were suspected of containing parts from western China shockingly these examples are far from isolated incidents since deciding that China needs to be contained and decoupled from the United States has pressured everyone from companies to countries to fall in line and do the same even if it will destroy their
economy if you refuse or show reluctance the US government employs threats coercion and even sanctions for example in 2022 the US government banned the sale of advanced microchips to China in an effort to China's growing microchip industry it then coerced chip makers across the world to comply one of the most notable examples being Dutch Semiconductor Company asml this has hurt chipmakers significantly including American ones such as Nvidia as China has typically been their biggest customer and represents a huge portion of their revenue it also must be pointed out that for companies coerced into pulling out
a shinjang including Volkswagen and BASF this has led to major job losses in the region and thus ironically it actually hurts local workers the most including Wagers because they now have lost their livelihoods as much as the US is to blame here astonishingly almost all of Germany's political Elite mainstream media and general population have eagerly obeyed America's wishes to demonize and decouple from China this is absolutely bizarre and frankly foolish because numerous experts and German Business Leaders have repeatedly warned that decoupling would destroy the German economy the sad truth is that much of Germany especially
its political and media establishment have a long history of blindly taking US foreign policy narratives at face value even when they themselves are the ones getting screwed the best recent example of this is the bombing of the nordstream pipeline whose sole purpose was to transport natural gas from Russia to Germany and the rest of Western Europe while the culprit has yet to be ascertained it's highly likely that it was the United States for a number of reasons first US President Joe Biden literally said they would right before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 Biden asserted
if Russia invades there will be no more nordstream we will put an end to the project I promise we will be able to do it second the severing of Germany's energy dependence on Russia has been a long-standing openly stated American objective third last year famous and award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hirsch published a bombshell report in which he meticulously describes how the bombing was planned prepared and executed by none other than and the United States you'd think this would have dominated German news but shockingly in the aftermath of the bombing this received virtually zero air time
instead German media uncritically repeated US Government denials and focused on destroying hs's reputation sadly most Germans naively believe that Western countries are just not capable of such agraria acts much less war crimes simply because they are democratic and have Western values in short Western nations are the good guys and would never do such a thing and that leads us to the second Point Skyhigh Energy prices Germany's skyrocketing Energy prices have also played a tremendous role in the country's dramatic decline after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 Germany and the EU introduc sanctions against
Russia while Russia responded by sharply decreasing its delivery of natural gas to Europe This skyrocketed Germany's Energy prices and severely damaged its economy this is because before The Invasion Germany imported a whopping 55% of their gas from Russia and it's precisely this cheap Russian gas that has been so important in enabling Germany to become an economic and Industrial Powerhouse of course sanctioning your main energy supplier was never the smartest choice to begin with the Fallout cannot be understated in the same year the war started the market price for natural gas has increased more than 10
fold while households and smaller businesses were somewhat protected from this massive Spike through policy measures such as the and famous gas price break household gas prices still tripled at the worst point of the energy crisis in 2022 and even though gas prices have since come down they're still around double of what they were before the war and shockingly it's estimated that this will remain the new normal for the foreseeable future incredibly Germany's price of electricity much of which is produced in gas power plants has fared even worse in fact the price has been spiking ever
since the war broke out and this trend hasn't slowed let alone revers by now Germans pay some of the highest electricity prices worldwide altogether this has caused countless German citizens to struggle to make ends meat and even stay warm enough in the winter but it's not just ordinary Germans who suffered remember an astonishing two in three German businesses have left the country to some extent it's worst in the country's mechanical engineering industrial goods and automative sectors where an astonishing 70% of companies have relocated abroad to a moderate or very large extent it's not hard to
see why Germany's economic and Industrial power has collapsed so rapidly what's more since Germany is the biggest economy in Europe When It suffers the EU does as well and the damage is Rippling through the entire continent Ludovic viot the confederal Secretary of the European trade Union Confederation sums up the dire situation well we are facing a very worrying situation the lack of investment we are seeing today is already having dramatic implications for the working communities factories are closing and jobs are being cut in the very sectors that lifted Europe to where it is today needless
to say Germany and the EU were forced to find alternative and frankly far more expensive sources one of those sources was in fact the United States who sold it to them at astronomical prices leading Germany and other nations to complain and accuse the US of profiting off the war and make Europe dependent on its gas however the US role in Germany's energy crisis is much bigger than just ripping off the Germans not only did the US openly wish to wipe out Germany's energy relationship with Russia but the US shares significant blame for causing this war
which led to Germany's crisis in the first place allow me to explain whether or not you believe Russia's Invasion into Ukraine was justified it's undeniable that it was sparked to a significant degree by NATO's decades long expansion eastwards in particular its potential expansion into Ukraine this is because it's widely understood that Russia perceives NATO's Eastward expansion as an existential threat to his existence and the Kremlin has been very clear that expanding all the way to the Russian borders such as in the case of Ukraine is a red line that cannot be crossed despite this the
US and its allies have always welcomed and even encouraged its expansion in what is commonly referred to as NATO's open door policy ever since the Soviet Union collapsed NATO's borders have steadily crept closer and closer to Russia's borders despite strong and repeated objections from Russia the examples are L such as in 1997 when Russian president Boris yelson tried to secure a guarantee from US President Clinton that NATO wouldn't add any former Soviet republics Clinton of course refused there's also NATO's for Secretary General Lord Hastings Isme who famously said that the purpose of NATO is to
keep the Americans in the Germans down and the Russians out Russia's General sentiment towards NATO and its expansion was perhaps best captured by Russian President Vladimir Putin who last December stated at a news conference you promised us in the 1990s that NATO would not move an inch to the east you cheated us shamelessly however once again Germany shares the blame here in fact once again Germany's establishment in Virtual lock step with the United States has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for severing its energy ties with Russia and once again even though numerous experts have
advised against this warning it would lead to the utter demise of the German economy and Industry Germany passionately declared it should only do business with countries that are democracies and share our Superior Democratic Values unlike those evil authoritarian dictators the German government then continued to score one goal after another after sanctioning Russia which led to the loss of its main energy Supply German lawmakers proudly decided to shut down the country's last three nuclear power plants as well and not because they weren't working but rather due to a long-standing hatred of nuclear energy this of course
exasperated the energy crisis even more more in the end Germany was all but begging other nations for natural gas and now pays a much higher price for it it's simply bizarre that Germany would needlessly sanction and aggravate its main energy supplier who supplies 55% of its gas while at the same time clinging to ideology so unwaveringly that you prioritize doing business with like-minded Nations over keeping your own citizens from freezing to death in the winter you seriously can't make this stuff up even worse it's unlikely the German government will change course and come up with
real solutions to this tremendous energy crisis sigre rusam head of the BDI the umbrella organization of the German industry said that the German government argues endlessly and almost dogmatically about problems instead of coming to Solutions together and a discourse of factual arguments this has led to uncertainty among companies and citizens alike lastly Germany's increased military expenditures are accelerating its decline as well over the past decade Germany has has increased its military spending by 42% according to a new report commissioned by Greenpeace but given its New Economic dilemma and Industrial collapse Germany frankly can't afford to
continue throwing money at its military because the money is desperately needed elsewhere in fact the Greenpeace report highlights that spending it almost anywhere else yields a better Roi in terms of economic growth and job creation to name a few and once again the US is squarely to blame here a key driver of Germany's increased military expenditures has been the war in Ukraine which as I explained the US shares considerable blame for but it's also been driven by the US's recent erratic policies towards NATO during the Trump Administration president Trump repeatedly threatened to withdraw from the
treaty and at NATO's 2018 Summit in Brussels he actually very nearly did this Trump has always viewed NATO as a drain on American Resources by European freeloaders and just last month he even stated he would encourage Russia to attack European allies if they don't meet their military spending Target stipulated by NATO Germany has persistently fell short of this Target and has now essentially been scared into increasing its military spending because Germany and the EU fear the US can no longer be dependent on in the long run for its protection everyone it's abundantly clear that the
US has directly contributed to Germany's shocking economic and Industrial decline Germany must wise up to this reality and stop letting ideological bias and the supposed morale superiority of the West get in the way of this especially special thanks to aroa vron on Twitter whose recent tweets about this dire situation were the inspiration for today's video These are insights which Western media will never divulge but yet are so crucial to understanding the complex geopolitical situation that is happening around the world everyone you could have been anywhere in the world but you chose to spend it with
me here on YouTube I'm grateful for your support let me know what you think about Germany's economic collapse and how the United States is playing a very large role in that drop me a comment down below let me know what you think I can't wait to see you all in our next video soon