Do you often find yourself awake in the middle of the night? Have you wondered why you have trouble going right back to sleep? This could be happening because you are among God's chosen.
Watch this video till the end, and I will tell you why God keeps tapping you between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. You will also discover what to do and how to take advantage of this special season daily. C.
S. Lewis once wrote, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world. " Perhaps these nighttime awakenings are his way of rousing you to something profound.
If this is your first time on this channel, please subscribe. It’s not a coincidence if you keep waking at certain hours every night, especially between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. You might think you are suffering from insomnia.
No, you probably do not have a sleeping problem; instead, something spiritual is taking place. God is trying to reach out to you as one of his chosen ones. So, instead of panicking about your loss of sleep, listen to God's reason for keeping your eyes wide open at this time of night.
As C. S. Lewis insightfully noted, "God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself because it is not there; there is no such thing.
" These moments might be his invitation for you to find that peace in him. There are several watch hours, including the 3:00 a. m.
to 5:00 a. m. watch.
It is the fourth and final watch hour, significant because it is an hour of visitation. This is when God visits his chosen with angelic ministrations. At this fourth watch, you can experience encounters that will change your life and future generations.
You can see this in the Bible; Genesis 32:26 says, "Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak. ' But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me. '" Jacob's visitation transformed his life forever.
In Mark 6:48, the Lord Jesus Christ walked on water to meet his disciples as they struggled against a storm. Again, at the fourth watch, the strategic events of God's blessing and intervention often occurred. God wants to visit you just like he visited Jacob and the disciples, his chosen ones.
Now that you see the importance of this watch hour, what does God want you to do? You are not supposed to force yourself back to sleep. God wants you to maximize this moment of encounter because he is about to do great works in your life.
Here are three things God wants you to do when you are awake between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. First, pray fervently against the enemy. The devil is known to pervert every good thing God does.
Just as God uses the fourth watch to visit his people, the devil and his agents also work at this hour to destroy what God is doing in your life. This hour is also known for demonic activities; the 3:00 a. m.
time is called the evil hour. Sometimes, when everything seems to go wrong in your day, it stems from the evil seeds the enemy sowed at such an hour. Jesus confirmed this in Matthew 13:25: "But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.
" God keeps waking you up to keep you alert and defend your territory against the enemy. Remember, the weapons of your warfare are not carnal; they are mighty enough to pull down strongholds. But if you have a good weapon and refuse to use it, does it have any significance?
One of the weapons of your warfare is midnight prayers. God wakes you up so you can wield it before the enemy. God chose you to be a watchman, not just for yourself but for your loved ones.
Ezekiel 33:6 says, "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people, and the sword comes and takes someone's life, that person's life will be taken because of their sin. But I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood. " If God prompts you to be awake at the fourth watch hour, you must respond because the lives of others are at stake.
You are in charge of guarding others, so you cannot sleep. Moreover, the devil opposes you receiving God's blessings and actively seeks to destroy any good things that God has in store for you, often when you are most vulnerable, such as during sleep. To combat this, you must pray fervently and engage in spiritual warfare.
Be proactive in resisting any attempts to derail you from God's purpose. It is also important to remember your dreams before you wake up because God wants you to pray with focus. He wants you to pray in line with his will.
Recalling your last dream will give you an idea of what to speak to God about. Also, develop the habit of appreciation—thank God for a new day and his promises over your life. Thank him for choosing you to be a watchman and giving you authority over the devil's works.
Spend time with God. If you are awake from 3:00 a. m.
to 5:00 a. m. , use this time to fellowship with God.
Remember, you are on a watch. This watch hour is a time when your spirit is most active because your atmosphere is cool and silent, and God likes to speak at such times. This does not mean he doesn't talk at other times; God is always speaking.
But when he speaks at these watch hours, he delivers specific instructions. Job 33:14-15 says, "For God does speak, now one way, now another, though no one perceives it—in a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls on people. " They slumber in their beds.
God will speak to you and seal deep instructions in your spirit. You cannot decode these instructions unless you engage in meditation. To meditate, give full focus.
You don't have to get out of bed; lie still or sit up and acknowledge God's presence. It's not the time to juggle other activities while you talk to Him. As you ponder, ask God to speak to you, to tell you specific things He needs you to do.
You will start to sense things and hear God speak. He could even instruct you on your business, finances, and loved ones. He can inform you about future happenings in your country or community.
As you sit in silence, you will begin to understand what's going on in the spirit realm and sense the things happening around you. You will distinctly understand the instructions from His voice as your spirit fellowships with God. You will get interpretations of the dreams you had and how to act on them.
Another thing God can gift you in this hour is new ideas; He will give solutions to longstanding issues you have been trying to solve. This is when divine inspiration comes for your business. You can't afford to miss all of this.
Mark 1:35 testified of Jesus waking up early in the morning when it was dark. The Bible says that He looked for a secluded place to pray. Jesus did this to reconnect with God and receive new insights on what to do that day.
He was always busy during the day but talked to God in the night or early hours of the morning. No wonder He was never short of ideas and power throughout His time on Earth. If you also emulate this, God will keep refreshing you.
The Fourth Watch hour is also a time for spiritual awakening in your walk with God. As you stay awake to commune with God daily, you will experience an open heaven in your relationship. However, as you meditate, you must document everything God says, including your thoughts.
You can also ask Him questions about your concerns and wait patiently for His response. C. S.
Lewis wisely observed, "We are what we believe we are. " By believing you are chosen for this special time, you align yourself with God's plan for your life. Speak to your day; there's power in your tongue.
The Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. You can declare life upon yourself and death upon the things bothering your heart. Unfortunately, many Christians don't use this power; they let it slip away, giving the devil a chance to afflict them.
You shouldn't let that happen to you. Engage the power of your tongue to speak into and reshape your day, and the best time to do this is between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. After you revert the bad seeds the enemy sowed while you slept, begin to plant new seeds of blessings with your words.
Speak God's word over your day's activities by making prophetic declarations. Proclaim victory over every enchantment and divination of the devil. Through your words, you can command the elements of the earth to work for your good.
In Joshua 10:12-13, Joshua spoke to the sun and moon to stand still when the Israelites fought against the Amorites. These elements obeyed; the sun remained still almost the whole day and only went down when they had won over their enemies. Have you ever planned many tasks and the rain unexpectedly stopped all your work?
It doesn't have to be your experience anymore. The Fourth Watch hour is also a time to reconstruct the events of your day. You can hold off the rain like Elijah did for three years and six months.
Your declarations are that powerful because God honors the words you speak. Now that you understand your place as a child of God and how to maximize this special time with Him, you must also know how to sustain this moment of encounter. Live a life that honors God; you magnify your flesh's activities whenever you sin, and your spirit man loses its power.
When your spirit is dead, it can no longer understand God's promptings. You must consciously live in the spirit and separate yourself from what tempers your relationship with God. One way to build your spirit is by praying in the Holy Ghost; it activates your spirit and keeps it highly sensitive to whatever God says in every season.
You can also feed your spirit by listening to worship songs. Play these songs on a low volume all day as you go about your activities, whether in the car, on your way to the grocery store in the morning, or at the café. It helps create a balance in the attention you give toward developing your walk with God.
As C. S. Lewis wrote, "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
" Use this time to set spiritual goals and dream new dreams aligned with God's purpose for you. As you stay awake, ask God to open your ears to know His voice. God may be speaking, but you cannot hear Him.
God needs to see your desire for fellowship with Him before He can expressly talk to you. While you sit and expect to hear His voice, ensure that other thoughts do not fill your mind. Learn the art of concentration.
If your mind becomes clouded with other concerns, you might not be able to pick the voice of God. God was trying to speak to Samuel in the book of 1 Samuel 3:9-11, but he couldn't tell it was God. He kept going to meet Eli.
When Eli observed that it was God speaking to him, he told Samuel to lie down, and when next he heard the voice of God, he should answer and tell God to speak. To him, when God called, Samuel answered, and God told him about the mighty Revival He would bring to Israel. God can talk to you about any information He needs to pass across.
You have to learn to acquaint yourself with God's voice, how He tries to talk with you, and pay attention to them whenever you meditate. You have to take time to study the word of God in this watch hour. As you stay focused on Him, listen for scripture verses He might call to your attention.
Open your Bible and meditate on it. Ask God questions from the scripture about something you are not clear about. If, during your meditation, you remember any dream you had or a vision God showed you, journal it.
The purpose of journaling is to preserve God's instructions and to always go back to check whenever you forget something He asked you to do. It can also stand as proof that God keeps His word when He delivers the promises He made to you in your journal. This can also serve as a source of encouragement that God will not fail you in the future.
When trials come to test your faith, remember, as C. S. Lewis said, "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
" You should ask how long you are to stay awake and pray. As you pray, the Holy Spirit will give you a conviction in your spirit that an answer has come to the request you made. This means you must keep praying until you are sure of your answers.
You might not have to pray for long; God can give you a response in 10 or 30 minutes. When you hear your answers, you can go back to sleep or prepare for your daily activities. If God tells you something about others, maybe a loved one, pray and intercede on their behalf if it is God's instruction for them.
Ask the Holy Spirit how you will deliver the message. Some instructions are very delicate, so ensure you do not instill fear in people by telling them what God is saying concerning them. How can you ensure you do not fall back to sleep when God prompts you to pray?
It's simple: have the determination to obey God. You won't reject His promptings or succumb to sleep if you respect God. You can be tired after work, but your reverence for Him will make you rise when He needs you.
Remember, you are God's coworker; He partners with you to do His will on Earth. But when you don't answer Him, He feels sad because your negligence can have grave consequences. You have to be intentional about creating time for God in the morning.
You cannot fully know the voice of God until you consistently spend time with Him. You must genuinely yearn for a relationship with God. Most times, when He urges you to be awake, don't just ask Him for your needs; seek to know Him personally and open your heart to Him so your spirit can communicate with Him.
So when God wakes you up again next time, do not go back to sleep. Let us pray: Father, I come before You today, and I thank You for caring for me the way You do. I am not sufficient without You; You are my helper and the one who sustains me.
Thank You for the words I have received today. Thank You for revealing Your will for my life. I am grateful for how You have carried me in Your arms till now.
I am humbled by Your goodness toward me; it has been overwhelming, and I will always adore You. Lord, I ask You to search my heart and see if anything I do does not please You. Have mercy on me.
I repent of every way You do not like and receive Your strength through the Holy Spirit to always live according to Your dictates and whatever plans You have for me. Holy Spirit, I ask for Your help, for I cannot carry out any assignment You have given me. Help me understand the lessons You taught me today about the Fourth Watch hour.
I do not know how to maximize this season on my own. I need You to make me conscious of when You wake me up. As I sit with You in meditation, give me the grace to be sensitive to Your instructions.
Oh Lord, I ask You to strengthen me not to go back to sleep as You commune with me. Jesus, I hand over my life to You; please help me avoid everything that keeps Your presence far from me. Teach me to live in Your presence consciously, and open my heart to the things that will build my relationship with You daily.
Abba, I ask You to help me fellowship with You; give me the grace to intercede in line with Your will for me. I do not want to pray amiss; I ask for the grace to wait in prayer until my manifestation comes. Lord, as Your divine grace comes on me, I decree that I gain the strength to pray against the plans of the enemy.
I uproot every work of the devil against my career and finances. I pray that my family and loved ones come under the protective cover of the Holy Spirit henceforth. I become sensitive to the voice of God.
I receive God's help through the Holy Spirit. In Jesus's name, amen. If this video has blessed you, do not forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already.
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