The Death Podcast - Afterlife Concept in Hindus, 14 Lokas & More With Bhavesh B. | TRS 431

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if someone has done suicide and all then there's a possibility that they are hovering for 90 days what happens to a soul after suicide if there is a rebirth then why are the souls in the ancestral plane anyway the Gan that the entire process of death is given next time when you see someone dying very close to you you try to touch their feet if their feet is getting cold that means in next 7 to 8 hours they're going to leave if you have seen the dead no first especially when you see they tie the
toe they put cotton in the mouth they cover and they tie the face because when the Atman leaves the soul leaves it leaves from the nine orifice when an enlightened being leaves it leaves from the crown at the absolute end of one Soul's sadna do all the deities become the same you will be just [Music] Consciousness there are two sadas in this one is with the head one is without the head now it is said even after death when the sadak is doing sadna the body starts moving what is contained in lower Locus from the
muladar and ab there are locals where you can get lower entities to get their job done like you can tune the radio within your own chakas to access those and people have that paal problem narad Muni has given beautiful example of patal Lo he says that it is darkness and there are no lights but everything is there shining like gold uh is swl also the place you go to if you have led a good life yeah it is true what is beyond swago after the less I say about this podcast the better because bavesh B
Returns on TRS with a deep dive into spirituality and more importantly a deep dive into death we've approached the subject of death from every single angle in this particular episode you're going to enjoy this one it's another special when B by meets rir B on [Music] TRS welcome back baves B thank you arai I was not prepared for you the last time was going through too much in life and post a 2 or three hour sit down conversation you sat me down in my own studio and gave me a lot of spiritual advice and life
advice that I needed so much at that point because I was so deeply heartbroken about multiple things wasn't just a broken relationship there was a lot going on and uh I know that when I meet people like you and there's a turning point post meeting people like you that uh our parts have been intertwined for a reason uh and the podcast is just a bonus yeah this time when I see you you are much more stable much more aware and there is something grounding but exploding also yeah it's all the Om I'm so glad that
bab Baba made me an instrument oh my God and I'm very glad that D also played the role and very stable by D I mean rajash rajash uh last time when I met him he was talking that finally ramir is doing it I like there's a lot more to do uh yeah go on I think Shakti will come it is coming your way like Davi Davi yeah okay in your sadna so everything will beautifully unfold but you are much stable and I think there is grounding is there but explosion is also there yeah y I'm
very happy you know you just mentioned that you don't love coming to Mumbai because there can I say yeah yeah of course yeah yeah there's a little more jealousy in the air than in rishikesh you feel this in big cities I feel it I feel it and I think the higher you climb people just want to push you down but at the same time B is holding you so yeah I've been feeling it a lot more lately you know just I was discussing it with Aur also who's not just my producer at this point he's
like a brother only because I think when you do this kind of a craft your teammates truly become so they know you emotionally as well uh and I was just telling that dude you know why is so much negativity directed my negativity I don't mean the memes it's all the stuff that people actually don't see on social media the stuff that happens in the background someone bitching about you somewhere someone saying something negative you know um what I'm realizing in your case you went to everything which is very very good at the same time you're
doing sadna also so if anyone or anything is trying to push you down that D will look after you but the effect will come but and you know the beauty is at times if you meet that person also you will come to know indication will be but yes people are jealous what is jealousy from a human perspective you know why why does it even exist as an emotion that's something I've always wondered you know the problem is uh in human birth jealousy is one of the biggest downfall jealousy lust anger and everything but that is
the root cause of jealousy we can't see others growing in life and the problem is you know what we do if I can't see you growing I will see to it that I will talk about you just to pacify my ego just to work on my ego so it's a shield that we come across but uh the best solution is you don't put any energy there or just avoid it and stick to your sadna because that is where the Dy plays the role yeah yeah I mean um people call it luck but I would like
to call it something a little more elaborate I do believe Providence is an actual thing where God just has a hand in your life see there are two two important things the fact that you know I was thinking about it while while coming that you have a very powerful Karma the fact is that you are associated with spiritual people with the other industry with news with this with everything with everything that is your karma meeting them individually at the same time when you're doing sadna Grace is always there the entire concept of Kashmir shiaism or
you talk about Shaka tradition without Leela there is nothing so that hand is always there and the more you attune that hand will hold you completely what is Leela Leela in English we call it Grace uh but Leela actually we call it the Divine Play you know in shaki sadna we call it Leela so she just plays with you she'll put you in situation but you are in that state of conscious that you understand that you're just an instrument so karma falling down jealousy is all taken care by her so Leela is a Divine Play
of creation which takes you inward but nowadays in English we translate Grace Grace is a small aspect of it but we call it the Davi Lea sh Lea all leelas are all the Dy that you worship they are blessings on you so it's always there at the absolute end of one Soul's sadna at the absolute end do all the deities become the same you know I'll talk from the Dy point of view and I talk from a sadak point of view sure from the Dy point of view you might be worshiping any Dy might be
ugrai might be see in Tantra there are three types of diis I'm sure you might be knowing verra and and V pasu and Diva all deities come to one point and that is self-realization that means the higher you go on the path the Dy and you will become one identification will get over and you will be just Consciousness what are the three types the three types of so I'm talking from a tantric point of view the first is Diva now um I'll give you my yours and sorry what's your name a example okay ARA you're
very satwik you're clean your mentality is uplifting others being kind to others I am very Ric my mind is always running around always in movement always in competition always wants to be known andara is very lazy laric so in Tantra there are three types of sadak and for them special sadna is given so that you evolve on the path so our goal is to come in satwa to be like you so our da also that we worship is very different but at the end there is no Dy when you real I higher States so if
I am so I'm sure you heard about the five elements the Pancham makaras so when we take wine in Tantra actual wine in the text or when you meet great tantrics they used to ferment their own wine there was an entire process where Roots fruits and Stems were used and underground they used to ferment it for 5 days 3 days 11 days and that is known as aadii that aidi used to give feeling of iosa or feeling of fasy then they used to see daies but never harm the body so alcohol was very different now
we take alcohol depending upon what Saka so even when we talk about sex sex is not literal sex but the Awakening of the Kini even in Aur when we talk about sex I've never mentioned this but when we talk about sex there is a shiv Lata mudra in which the male and the female are sitting opposite each other they are naked they are using their Mala they are coming in touch with each other but there is no release because complete identification with the D happens that is the reason after everything we say that the guru
is very important nowadays we just read and we want to experience and that is a problem but you won't like it because you are Diva for you might be awaking of the Kini just doing sadna feeling loved by your daty but if I'm woring with Kal if I that behavior my sadna will change so it's different for different individuals okay uh I want to ask you about this one specific ritual you just spoke about yes Dad uh again I'm assuming that this is at a much higher stage of your own practice of One's Own practice
uh I'm also assuming that the couple has to be under the same guru's tutelage the couple has to be under the same Guru the couple has to be at the same state of consciousness the couple should be worshiping bav and bavi the there is no actual sex sex in literal terms which is wrongly taken but in that state you become one with shiv shaki so you go inward completely and I think very rarely people follow that Tradition now it has just become so diluted and Tantra has become that is the reason every time when I
get a chance to talk I say that please just don't read text because Tantra is not sex not alcohol when they talk about mudras it is not just having grains or taking certain mudras it is Awakening by taking bandas doing PR I am cleaning the body so these that is the guru is very otherwise if you're doing it at the same time you will be Su completely into external senses and then rebirth is going to happen because you're building a lot of Karma and if something goes wrong then there's a lot of problem also um
can I break this Chain of Thought and ask you to say a mantra out loud before we move into the rest of the podcast there is one of the Mantra which was very close to me it's from the upanishad I always chant it I always start anything with that and that is the P mad manra it is the termination of Tantra our termination of any sad that you're doing and that is om [Music] om Shanty Shanty [Music] shant the meaning of the Mantra is very profound paa is something which is complete so I'll break it
down in simple language paa means that is full and this is full fullness can come only from full so if you remove full from fullness fullness shall always remain that means the concept of half glass never exists at the end of your sadna the glass is empty which is full this is half glass is also full and with water is also full and you are that full so I think the termination of any sadna maybe Tantra maybe vanta maybe Gan Raj it will lead you to fullness and that fullness is a state where a truly
enlightened being operates and his full potential and that time there is no action there is only presence and such Saints are like Raman marishi ADI Shankar aara they're great all these people you named what was their sad at the start of their own Journeys very interesting here um I will talk about adish shankara's param Guru Gap know he was the master of mercury I in Tantra it comes just sharing because generally Mercury is found approximately 25,000 ft that is the birth of scandan all but I won't go there Mercury you know it's taken in Tantra
again there's a lot of misconception when we talk about Mercury because uh people do use mercury but it is not the right way mercury the metal the metal which is poisonous very very poisonous they use Mic also but Mercury is often mentioned so Mercury is ultra poisonous and we can't use it like this so what is um there's a text Shri sukam suktam SRI suktam it is mentioned that mercury is boiled liquid for years and years they keep keep it they test it and then powder when the powder is done they add gold dust or
silver dust to it and then only at the tip of the needle that amount is taken swallowed swallowed by the sadak and ADI Shankar the great his Guru he had mastered this now two things are going to happen you know alemy that siddi comes to you Sidi is UL but your Sidi means perfection so in that state even metal can be rock can be converted to Gold Al secondly these great SAS had the power to keep the body Immortal I don't know if it's true or no but s Kabir had an experience where no one
found his body they were only fls so they had gone to the process so Mercury is widely used not now but in the text that is adish shankara the great I'm talking about him his sadna I personally believe that he was a tantric vedantic because he has written beautiful things about Ma at the same time he has given vanta which people don't understand what it is in fact people are very scared of vedanta because they don't want to accept that something like this is existing what is vanta one of my favorite topics I'm glad you're
talking about it vedanta is something which is the goal of human birth and it is not going to happen when you die it is going to happen when you start understanding now with that understanding it will give you the experience that at the end this is my journey because I'm not this body not this mind not this intellect philosophy philosophy and experiential both and sadna also so what is the experiential in sadna about so when I talk about now I'm talking about ad shankara then we'll come to par rishan G and then we'll come to
sure sure so ADI Shankar aara the great he he got something very important that is known as that was already existing but he got it out what he said in simple language that I'm putting in my words of course because nothing is constant in your life nothing is constant and if you think that everything is constant name it for example AR I'm asking you what is constant in your life tell me one thing that has been constant my mother but eventually yeah yeah yeah my mother's going to die die your mother's going to die that
emotion will also change with time about mother which you have been experiencing if your body is constant we know the body is constantly changing then what is constant God but have we seen God so very practically we'll talk there's only one thing constant that is your Atma you called it soul soul is a wrong term in English because when we use the term Soul it means multiple Soul we call it the Brahman that is only constant Consciousness Consciousness you can call it in fact they call it saatanan that is consciousness from this Consciousness the daes
have come everything has come from this Consciousness the same life force that flows through me and you perfect okay that that is what our end goal of life is to realize that and practically how to apply it I personally applied it has worked WS in is given called ni Niti means whenever I'm entangled in a situation I tell myself I'm not this situation I'm not this passing emotion I'm not running away from the situation but I'm being aware through my intellect that even if I'm very happy today after char g I'll be very very sad
and I'm very very sad it won't last forever because next morning I'll be happy what should I do I should be in between that is the first step of s this is for people like us who are very very practical oh I can't do job or I can't do pranayam but this this is s when you suppose I had to fight with you very bad I don't want to fight okay ARA is angry I'm not this after half an a I'll talk to you but this coming to this emotion and actually experiencing it I need
to do n I'm not this I'm not that then who are you you are pure Consciousness that is actually even in Tantra when that shy meets shiv that shiv is pure Consciousness when carber will take you in your journey in word through all the shakras or he'll give you his Glimpse the main R you will realize that it is bliss and that state is profound love and unconditional love we are all condition lovers all all of us I always assumed that vedanta is the learnings from The Vedas so um very interesting a talking about W
no um how do I start you want me to go all out about V you want me to come back to vanta because we are opening Dimensions which are it's two different things no actually when we talk about weade Wade has four parts rade yaj s and they all play different different roles after the W there are four part samitas brahmanas aranas upanishad upanishad is the part where we talk about the self the Atma so the entire teaching of The Vedas when you come to the final conclusion is I am pure Consciousness that means when
you evolve on the path you know ramanam marishi the great used to just he never gave Mantra he gave Mantra to few people that is a mystery but used to uplift people just through eyes and his presence and anyone would come with any agne pain suffering in his presence because he tuned to that Consciousness so that are the teachings of vedanta in simple it's the highest there is no uh talk required there is no nothing required in fact in Tantra there are higher gurus who can come to your dreams or who can communicate you and
give you something so that your job is done that can also happen coming back to vedanta let me put it in simple language uh as you mentioned the Sun the water this Scandal you me that is one energy which is looking after everything the moment you let go of your mind the moment you let go of this identity and the moment you let go of this binding and bonding to material things what will remain is just presence and that is the teaching of vanta uh that is very amazing no that is we call it the
Frog op so there are three states that we have which everyone knows about it the awake state that I'm talking to you the dream state even in dream there are multiple states there are five to six kinds of dreams that we go through and there is a deep sleep State okay now if ARA you're telling me that I am this body or I am this but you're not constant you're changing suppose if I'm going in other states also even that is changing but there is one state which governs everything if you are in that state
you don't need sadna you have become sadna so like adish shankara when he reached His Highest or even Raman marishi they did know sadna their presence was sadna is this t it is tya it is tya in fact um so there is a state where suppose AR you are and this is tya in that you will go to multiple States different dvas or God Consciousness or maybe lower Dy Consciousness or maybe Cosmic Consciousness or maybe nature Consciousness till you reach TOA if you have reached TOA then has takur G said no one can stay in
the body for more than 21 days after reaching dya after reaching because even the satwa is over finished there will be all the karmas will be in fact vedanta says that there are Jan mtas even after attaining that state you can operate in this world uplift others but taku G said that if I in his personal experience when Shard was asking him that you know there a very amazing story taku a love food you know I don't know if you know much about him but uh he was a great tantric in fact he was a
great aura aore aor is something which means pure gentle Gore is terrible he was aor so one day in his sadna he was so tempted because he was craving for air and he was very very tempted then he realized again Duality came he realized that you know what this will again bind me how do I balance it he started eating FAL matter because he was in that state where everything was one after eating that he realized that even this is temporary and this is temporary and again he went into another state which is tya and
in that state the body just stops and he used to go so much In Tua that he used to salvate and used to dance my point again is Going In Tua and he told Shard Shard what is your craving for food all the time then he told her the day I stop eating food I will leave the body and after a few months there was an incident where she got his favorite food he just didn't see anything after four five days so in that state there is you become masters of the body is this beyond
what people understand as Mo or Enlightenment or is it the same see when we call Mo Enlightenment I've been seeing people Define it very very differently but um when we talk mooch normally who completely new Mo for us is a state where you are in a state where you're unaffected by anything you are judgment free you're hassle and you experiencing unconditional love that means even for the small dog there to the greatest Saint here everyone is equal now when we talk Mo from these great Saints point of view they were living Gods on Earth walking
gods they had the power to uplift others you know in Tantra there are different dikas given the first diksha that we start is Mantra which we all are doing the highest di is the P abishek where you have become one with the guru you have become one with the dity and you have only one agenda is to uplift others so your presence will talk that Moka is where we terminate but for beginers like us when I say you know I'm in a state of bliss or I'm in a state of nons suffering you are initially
moving towards M what did goam Bud reach goam bud you know goam bud um he is the one who got aimsa out haa was always there he got the one I think gamut was a great when Buddha was there he wanted nothing he expected nothing and he was a great being and a state of being but when he talks about Moos he talks about shunia now this is where bhagwat Gita and uh Buddhism is very different when we from tantric point of view also from bhagat Gita from the Vic point of view talk about Moos
it is not empty it is an experience where you're full of Everything full of compassion Full Of Love full one with the mountains trees everything but when goam budha spoke about M he said it is shunia which means empty there are controversies but I think he had experienced and also in Buddhism they believe that uh there are two types of Buddhas one who get Mo will never come back and other they will come back to uplift others so philosophy but I think goam Buddha he had experienced The Pinacle okay coming back to what we were
talking about originally yes you said I can't remember who you named but you said someone used to follow vidanta as well as Tantra uh Shar great ADI Shankar Shankar so I understand that Tantra contains practices and uh disciplines definitely right when you're saying that vidanta is also part of it are there different disciplines added in different routines different practi yes yes yes yes so when I talk about Tantra see now vant doesn't believe in D vanta believes that everything is one you are one I am one this mic is one this mic is is coming
from the same Source but now the problem is I can't comprehend this this is too much for me how can this be one and if you slap me I'll feel pain how can this be one for people like us we need a form that we can hold on and that form interacts with you so the more you start you know have you realize the moment we stop worshiping daes also daes will vanish there'll be no one to worship so it is that connection so you're worshiping Dy the D also communicates but when you actually you
start worshiping the Dy that D will take you to formless so vant comes in every this is the difference between sanatan Dharma religion sanatan DHS gives you tools methods everything to reach the highest religion you know how it works there is only one God follow that God that is a problem so biti done with ignorance is a problem and vanta goes into different states also for example vanta says if you go in deep Sleep suppose arba has gone to Deep Sleep completely where is ARA there is no existence there is no identity there is no
name no surname nothing but when you come back again you know that okay you know what I have to take a podcast have to travel have to again there is work what is that Gap so they make you question intellectually what is changing what is not changing that is the sadan intellectually cut you but you're very highly emotional then hold on to a d but in suppose at Cas he just loves working so they have given karma yog in which it is trained that do every job by seeing the Divine but vanta is the Crux
any sad how do you practice vanta practicing vanta is very difficult because uh whenever we talk about vant people are just confused they saying the basic s Crux of vanta is just watching everything just watching and not reacting so someone is dying watch it if you're being very happy today watch it if you're being very very sad watch it that watching of that emotion will help you to realize that nothing is permanent okay practical okay I'm going to combine the knowledge I've gained from a past episode with ganga Das pru uh he spoke about 14
Locas yeah where right in the Middle Earth bhulo sentor to suffer and sentor to possibly progress F spiritually yep fair fair it is that opportunity given where we can work on a karmas but there are seven worlds above and seven worlds below six worlds yeah 7 7 14 there are more but 14 14 is there are more there are more experiences that people have but 14 are mentioned in all the text but I believe there are more many things that we have not decoded yet okay yeah atoa talks about these Locas in detail like what
says that U during sadna a person has the possibility in this awake state to experience different states like um there are people that I know they are at times doing sadna and they are thrown in vikun that is where Vishnu is sleeping on the snake so it is not Maya it is not imagination it is not the Locas that they have been thrown for temporary but if I tell you they'll call you they'll call me mad but again that is not constant because it is changing so the knowledge of vanta is very important okay to
just be non-reactive yeah just be non-reactive but not going in tamas there a big difference between non-reactive and actually suking and non-reacting a person who now you abuse me and I'm not reacting I'm quiet I'm aware but my internal journey is that I'm not going to get affected I'm not going to get angry because if I get angry I've fallen down on my spiritual path but at the same time if you are shouting and abusing I am non-reactive but internally I've abused you internally I've thrown a tantrum inside I'm a failure if by this attitude
you can just unlock your karma you know it is so powerful vanta will give you direct result but it is very difficult to maintain that state all the time that is why we need asan and pranayam that is why we need the knowledge of panchak koshas that is why we need the knowledge of being aware in the moment and every moment yeah um in those 14 Locas or 14 Worlds the highest one is the one that contains parab the highest is the parab below the parab is all the higher daes shiv Vishnu they are direct
so if you go down I will share something we know something someone not know someone but we are aware about them there are people that [Music] from from the muladar and above there are locals where you can get lower entities to get their job done what do you mean from the mul so when you talk about locals or when you Chan the actual gatri Mantra there we take few tapa Gana and all and all I will not take that okay but yeah tapa Gana we take mudas and we chant as in you're saying there's a
correct way to CH chant the G yes though there are many gri mantras the that has this and we take mudas taking the name of the Locas so you getting access that is the reason gri manra the most powerful mantras because while chanting also BH you're talking about three loas bhh that is and you talk about more also we take certain mudas and we CH so each mudra is located with the each chakra and each chakra has look access to those words those words like you can tune the radio within your own chakras to access
those yeah yeah yeah the chakras you can in simple language you can tap into that State of Consciousness okay while you sit in bhulok yeah because the mind has the power but again this is all Maya because the highest L is the top where you become one with everything I've seen people getting entangled in lower Locas and then ego is very dangerous what is contained in lower Locas lower Locas have deities through which you can get work done job done which will give you name Fame material but you're binding yourself to Karma in fact even
after death depending upon the quality of life that you have led before getting a human birth you stay in the Locust for a while and then come back also because you have some association with them and people have that problem we are burning ourselves we are dying no no no no narad Muni has given beautiful example of paal he says that it is dark Ness and there are no lights but everything is there shining like gold so that is also a temporary stay and again you come back in the human birth again you're given a
chance to reach the highest crown and that is the we call the Vicious Cycle of birth and death but there's something that could possibly happen between birth and death a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things see you know AR I'll tell you your case very practically now you are living a material life and we very grateful you're living a spiritual life also a lot of things are happening now spiritually you're growing up up up up up now you're doing good amount of sadna fabulous you're getting experiences
and you're being aware and maturity is coming at the same time ego rise again now so sadna will stop and this will grow you will get this also but again you'll build Karma so future Destiny there are possibilities that is another topic but what you're doing now is impacting your entire being but spiritually if you start looking things then you will get everything you know what I've realized the more evolved you're on your path of evolution your material needs emotional needs spiritual needs everything is taken care everything the Dy will see to it that you
will get it but if you're demanding too much the D will give you also but personally I think it is wrong because when we worship our Dy we don't ask we are just grateful that he is that's it uh coming back to the Locust the highest one is the one that contains all pervading yeah Brahman Brahman the teachings of vant in that state there is the body will not last it is just an experience we call it the Nala samadi I would love to go on the topic of samadhi because people are scared talking about
it they don't know even in samadhi there are different states of sadii till you reach NPA what is sadii samadi I'll just start with something very basic samadi is a state where you have become a perfect human being with no flaws samadi is a state where you have experienced your true essense of life and samadi is a state where I'll talk from the first state of samadi that is the moment you have learned how to respond and not react you have climbed the first St of samadi then it goes up up up till you become
a living God so there are many states of some it can be a killer topic yes okay we'll address it perhaps in this conversation itself uh so you're saying that nirvikalpa samadhi which is the highest form of samadhi gets you the consciousness of that highest loc can I break it for you sure in simple language so that we'll understand I'm quoting patanjali mahishi because when I read this it just blew me up with the understanding of samadi around 5 6,000 years ago he spoke about the mind which every is talking about mental health and he
has beautifully given mental health and this is the way I have taken it he says there are five states of mind so arai has a mind and he has five states Bish has a mind he has five states the first St State of Mind Is Not ship the monkey mind I call it the monkey mind which means you're sitting here but you're all over the place that means I'm sitting here but thinking well no what I'm going to eat for lunch then then have to go for a drive running around generally People Like Us the
second state of mind is ship viip very interesting in which AR you are talking to me 2 seconds K you completely aware then on the third second you're gone somewhere else then again you come back to me again you're gone somewhere else it switches and you aware about it I call it the butterfly M have you seen a butterfly it will beautifully sit then again it will ponder again it will come back the third mind is very dangerous more donkey muda you're very stubborn very laric you don't want to do anything and even you're like
this that means you know but you don't want to do constantly we are going in three states all the time all of us but Mahar is saying by doing sadna and he has given some very practical sadna for people like us who are completely new for doing sadna you have the power to go to other two states of mind and that is eaga and N eaga means you are like a laser your sad that you're doing is giving you one-pointed awareness to do every job everything maybe cooking maybe talking to me know you're aware you're
into it and you're observing at the same time and you're evolving state of flow is achieved much faster much faster because all the Clutter all the nonsense is gone and you become one-pointed and you know in that state I can see it that you know a person who's doing sadna will see that he's progressing and you will also continue progressing and in the last state he says you are n that means your body will just fall because all the Karma is over everything is over you have reached The Pinacle of human consciousness n n it
means stopping all the trionas but now what happens this is not patanjali saying this is what Tantra says there is something known as jar samadi suppose you're doing some tantric practices all of a sudden you'll faint all of a sudden you'll leave all of a sudden some experience happen and later you'll come back again that Jud samadi is a problem it should happen from aagra to Nira that is the reason Guru is important I'm trying to break it down so that that we understand what actual sad happens because people think but at the back end
this five is constantly happening in every s so there are many states between aagra and N also so from aagra you have started samadi till you reach neroda and if you reach neroda then there are great sidas like Baka um ADI Shankar they could materialize they could do anything name Kili Baba they were Beyond you become a God you become a sidha you become a god like you can achieve it and there are I don't know why people don't believe the problem now that we are facing that when we talk about such thing they like
but my point is practice the more you practice you will not need anything yeah I think uh there is an entire section of human society which is deeply dismissive yes without having experienced anything yes based on the education system that they were put through and the society that conditioned them yes yes and that they have been tamed to be like this it's it's almost looked down upon uh to listen to these topics also to speak about these topics but the mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation yeah true I think it's a quote by
Bruce Lee yeah and I'm 100% sure that Bruce Lee had some knowledge about these things Bruce Lee was very evolved very evolving and you know you know he was I believe he was an nagra always always and you watch his movies you look at his interviews you look at his action everything is Flawless but it is so Conant he was in aagra I give that example at times when we talk about aagra Leon Messi definitely definitely see you come to know they are focused now whatever the goal is eventually they will evolve depending on their
karma but spiritual people are aagra and they want to reach the highest they want to EXP the inner dimensions and you know what Tantra believes I'm putting Tantra again because I love this concept without bti there is no MTI that means without experience there is no salvation or no reaching M this so every experience is important only after tasting salt I know salt but it also says getting attached to the experience is the biggest downfall yeah um anyone who understands football even a little bit knows that there's something different about Leonel Messi and I'm a
massive Cristiano Ronaldo fan I follow yeah I noticed yeah okay between the two at pick Cristiano Ronaldo because that's the human being this one's a God but you know have you realized I don't know how they are offg ground but whenever they are on the ground there is another energy that takes over yeah they can read it they sad has become that I also would argue that Leonel Messi could very well be a very evolved soul that just wanted material success as an experience and then was born into that body and mind I do believe
because um another point is that you know all these people who have touched Heights in their own field that is you or that is these players or whoever talking about you have they have done sadna at a certain level but now again they contribution is taking them to other level at this point of time either it will take them high or take them down as is where human birth comes into consideration okay so when you are gifted this uh opportunity and hour Lo called the Boo there's a very big possibility that you could slip and
fall away definitely that is the reason no um satsung is very important having likeminded conversations or company of people is very very important because a downfall doesn't happen overnight yeah and the thing is you know what suppose now arba you have good amount of uh M Points Plus points in your account all your past sadas whatever now you're living through it enjoying through it at the same time you're doing negative on the spot downfall will start because nature will see to it that whatever you are enjoying must be paid also so it will make you
pay then again plus again minus who's a yogi who has realized that I want to be over this game I'm just in surrender um coming back to the Locust I'm ready what is the second highest Loca the one you said where see this first is where humans are there second are ancestors third are lower Dees then there are rishes then there are higher dates and then there is Brahman okay yeah can we break down each of these higher LS a little bit so um I will start from the heart chakra I'll just talk lower chakra
higher chakra of course below the reproductive organ there are the seven lower chakras I'm not talking about talal Talala I'm not talking about that really so there are more chakras than just the seven we know of yeah so when we talk when we CH the gatri Mantra we talk about the seven mantras the seven Locas and the mantras is going up below that also are seven Locas where the nagas are there where all the lower see whatever you do after your death there will be a time where the transit peder is given and that happens
in the Locas now something very interesting that is the reason I insist people do their sadna guran says that if you're doing sadna at the time of death no one will come to save you but your dity will be there protecting you in any of the Locas so the transit may also Kalima Kal all will be there you will be Conn they will see you till the next birth that hand is there what you're talking about but if you're living a life which is full of treacherous thoughts and murderers then you will be paid for
now coming back to Locas again form the heart chakra to above these are Locas where you get U you know have you heard people that oh I was sleeping and Raman marishi came in my dreams or you know shiv Baba came in my dreams or K Bar came in my dreams you have tapped into this Loca in your sleep and from this Loca above there rishis there are the I don't know the four sons of Brahma they can travel anytime so they are operating in this Loca then Brahma Vishnu mahesha operating in this Loca and
I think if you touch the crown then I Ram Maharishi the great had that experience in his sleep he went into a state where he awakened and he experienced death not death of being scared but death in going to the journey and reaching satchan so there are Locas you spoke about one of the Locas containing your ancestors uh that is the reason we do Pak now this is something I've always wondered about ancestors okay lost my granddad a year and a half ago what is the duration that one spends between two births because if there
is a rebirth which is definitely there then why are there souls in the ancestral plane anyway because this ancestors being behind you is a part of many cultures siki Native American shamanism sanatan very strongly but okay I'm definitely praying to my ancestors during Shad I'm asking for Their Blessings but for all you know my great-grandfather might be a 5-year-old kid going to St Mary's High School 100% you from Mary's no yeah uh let me um something very interesting and this is what um people don't accept you know if suppose uh someone dies in the hospital
the doctor will consider them that this person is katam he'll not come back but the guran or when you pick up the parts of way that is said the entire process of death is given it is fabulous if you have realized next time when you see someone dying very close to you you try to touch their feet if their feet is getting cold that means in next 7 to 8 hours they're going to leave this has been given in the text very clearly and I have experienced when someone very close was dying the lower chakra
stop work and there are five wus they leave the body accordingly so even at times if you have seen a dead body after a while they start urinating you'll start see them moving The Prana is leaving now when the entire process is happening it's a very beautiful process I don't know why people are scared of that in fact we die every night but the text is saying when everything is done I'm calling it The Soul the Atma but who was around in this this Lo for 13 days that is the reason if someone very close
to you is dying they will communicate with you in their dreams it is also said that suppose if Tom is going to die and Tom is very attached to his children he will try to sit there or he will try to they try to communicate we are not aware now death has happened there is a very beautiful process where the astral process is happening causal body is happening fabulous it is nothing to fear about there's a process called the cooling time in that cooling time we go to different Locas depending upon a Karma so there
is a stay there that is burnt out again we are given a human body like death is one of the favorite topics because the more I'm understanding it in sad also glimpses are given about it that is the reason it is said that the most sadna you'll do the greatest Fe of Life Death will be taken away because you'll start experiencing and go beyond that so there's that cooling time where they who around and you're true when that is done our grandfather has been taken another birth on the 14th day itself no that also depends
in fact if someone has done suicide and all then there's a possibility that they are hovering for 90 days and we think suicide is the easy way out but you have gone against nature at a very other level of course Karma also comes but the repercussion has to be paid like you've taken a panga with Mother Nature yeah and mother nature won't let you that is the reason whenever suicide and all comes they think that you know I'm ending this now Family three no no no no family Karma what we are doing to them that
is a lot of Karma and you are going something which is very against nature nature will see to that you will suffer for it so the cycle goes what happens to a soul very after that after suicide after suicide you know how do I put it in simple words because the process of death has happened which is beautiful and after it after suicide no it just Hoovers and that is a time where all these low energies and all they get get hold and whatnot but it Hoovers it is struggling but at the same time again
people don't know but in way that is clearly mentioned there's gravitational force and electromagnetic force which is constantly working the electromagnetic force pulls that socalled wasana and over and push it into another Bo but when it comes in another Bo it has to pay for the so it's a very beautiful cycle I would assume that even during those 90 days there's a lot of more suffering than someone who's gone through a natural death yeah uh and then in that no uh when the so-called Soul leaves the body it takes away few sun it takes away
all the sanskar and vasas but it loses identity also that is the reason the body should be burned ASAP because it tries entering the body again if you have seen the dead no first thing especially when you see they tie the toe they tie the toe they put cotton in the mouth they cover and they tie the face because when the Atman leaves the soul leaves it leaves from the nine orifice when an enlightened being leaves it leaves on the crown so and it is said now Locas coming back very good when suppose I lived
a very miserable life and then I've done sad and my life has changed that is okay but if you are living a very Tom is living a very miserable life he will leave the body from the lower orice from the ANL from the reproductive organs and that time human birth will be difficult and there are few people who leave the body from the high orifice it is said when you leave from the high orifice you will be given a human birth again so that you can walk on the path again that is how reincarnation comes
why animal made plant animals where Cy okay um can you speak about a natural death you spoke about how for 13 days according to sanatan DH you stay around the body MH but what happens on the 14 day do you go to yaml in fact yaml is not that bad you know yum yum is dharmaraj he's not that bad how he's portrayed but uh yeah so normal I'll talk about three people how we die normal person when he dies he goes to the entire process of the puncha leaving the astral cord that is something very
amazing you know these great Saints like adish shankara and all um they used to do astral travel like means being in the body they used to travel everywhere there's an astral cord you know when a baby is born the mother the doctor cuts the AST the umbilical cord from the mother and the baby when we die the astral cord is cut and once the astral C is cut from the will we can never come back in the body and the dead Journey starts when a normal person is dying he will die the when we do
all the Puja and all the P for 11 days it is pulled into higher Locas higher Locas then the stay is there and when they die there is no God sitting up telling you do this a blueprint is created according to your karma and next bir is given it is said that when a baby is born for the first 40 days it remembers everything from the past Saras then it eventually forgets when another set of karma comes in when a sadak is dying who has done good sadna the D will help him with everything there's
no worry when you do suicide then there's a lot of struggle in your next birth and the hovering time is also a lot so the process is delayed and the next birth there will be a lot of issues that you'll go through throughout life not to a certain span of time again nature will give you chance that is the beauty of human birth that is when don't waste human birth it is is very precious very very precious do what with it be a perfect human being perfect evolve evolve in fact human birth is given only
to evolve I'm not saying leave your family don't do enjoy everything but remember that in very simple language for people like us any attachment is going to give you pain do it everything because you know that one day you're not going to take anything but whatever you're doing enjoy it who's in The ancestral plane Our Generations are there our lineage is there but haven't but not for a long time because that also process is happening at the same time their own rebirth their own process because everyone is coming with their own Karma but I would
assume that even my great grandfather or grandmother has now taken a rebirth therefore they are not in that plane anymore yeah that is very true but another the concept of time changes in Locas ah okay completely there's a change of time there's a change of space time and space only comes in the living body once you go into higher Dimensions concept of Space and Time Has Changed there is no concept so in human days maybe only one day has passed between definitely your birth one and birth two but in that realm it's probably thousands of
years it is brahma's 51st to 55th uh yeah of the day that is going on and it is said in the puran he's scared that even his end is going to come are you talking about the ancestral no no I'm talking about Brahma I'm talking about higher local okay but even that ancestral plane will have a different yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah time changes time changes why in this world time changes these are the conversations I live for yeah the alteration of what time feels simple no everyone whenever I talk about this people say I
have a simple question when you go in deep Sleep where is time what is time what is time you don't even realize that oh the next day evening has happened I was sleeping for two days or sleeping for one day or when if you're getting very bored with me with me now at the moment one minute is like oh when will this guy go home where is the concept of time it is in your mind it's like you're very tired you've had an exhausting day you've exercised you lie down on your bed after a shower
at night and you blink open up your eyes you're fresh in the morning it's a new day it's a new day and you know we talking about time I was so impressed when in rigd they have given time in such a complex manner in which I'll try to put in simple language there's a body where there are seven Locas there are seven strands going like this x axis Y axis Z axis and in each strand the horse is running like this circular so in sanatan D time is circular the hor means ashwa as ashwa means
a horse but literally when you transfer as aswa a means no Anda means time so there is no time going around the seven chakras is the seven chakras the more you lift your Consciousness in higher States the more time will become you'll move away from space and time that is the meaning and time is not running in One Direction time is not leaning according to Western subash sham samam no time is circular it goes round how will I answer this very simple 7 days a week 1 minute 60 seconds every year 31st week round round
round how to break it sad get out of this cage tra so the perception of time and space that we have is a cage yeah I'll give you a very simple example for a small kid if you tell time very slow but now when we are growing old we are going to die something that comes the concept of time has again come that is the most sadna you do all these questions will be answered because it's an experiential process throughout my late 20s I was so concerned about marriage and finding a romantic partner and as
my 30s have begun and are progressing I want to chase this I think you know at this point of time uh about marriage and about you I think you need a partner who is also evolved because um this is for arai as far as I know him behind when we talk he is very different now he's of course he's he's like this only but the knowledge that he's holding so I think you need a partner who's holding that knowledge otherwise if you have the right spiritual partner see the process of spiritual growth also I would
like to believe unlock certain functions in the mind definitely shaki is very Ed um my question is if you have the right spiritual partner then this whole process of evolution through life and the right kind of Death Becomes a higher probability because that becomes your suut yeah so you know if you I always uh believe and say that if you are spiritually working and your partner is spiritually aligned go for it because that support system is very important and and you know at times when you will be needing that shy will hold you but if
you are like this and your partner like this then you yourself will take a step back so there is no harm in marriage or that but you should be aware what you want okay and the beauty is with time you will also evolve more so the partner should also evolve that is also your responsibility if you go to the ancestral plane now who will you meet there um sharing something very personal I had some glimpses of my grand grandmother okay that happened a while back but it happened here she's still in that no not for
a few phase after that no but for a few phase yes okay yeah so I think that was over whatever where do you think this whole crows angle comes from related to crows are very very Ultra Ultra smart secondly I don't know there's one of the dasam M Vias Duma yeah she's amazing she is the one who handles all the crows so crows are messengers I am sharing a personal incident on pupak on the last day we offer rise balls on that day Crow will never come very difficult and first I think I used to
imagine but every are being aware about it the crows are portals and they communicate with the especially with the ancestors that is a fact that is a fact in fact even if you're aware at time someone is dying a raven will be around at times if you're very a especially a raven so they are portal and every animal has a certain signature with nature there's something about crows though something about crows they are very and you know crows are Ultra smart Ultra smart beings and they hold a lot of specific energy in them specific energy
in them in duma's case know she she communicates through Crow at times I was once walking in jaur in the Royal Palace which is accessible to tourists uh and I was with a couple of friends of mine a crow very violently attacked the guy walking in front of me you know uh crws are very very smart they hold gages also and they have some connection with ancestors of K also especially with that person I also had an experience someone was walking next to me and a very big Raven especially on the head yeah pulled a
very badly yeah didn't look at me or my other friend it was just that gu yeah some indication some indication of what but because he was also from a spiritual family so I'm not I don't understand so um I I personally had two experiences with someone happened one of my very close friends he had this uh incident and later in the evening when we were talking he didn't do his final rights properly so I assume that is an indication that do the final rights properly this is what I experienced so I took it that way
but very strange because uh he was going to talk to me in the evening about it that you know I have not done the rights properly and I hold that feeling I have to do it something is missing but the crow hitting I took it as an education that is my personal experience I feel that there are certain species of animals around us that contain more in their mind than we assume definitely definitely crows snakes crows snakes dogs dogs uh you know it especially said whenever you are doing your sadna please don't let animals come
next to you now there are two things if you are doing your sadna you will see all the animals will come to you even the cat who doesn't like you will come because the energy that you're using all the obs so it is said during sadna especially when we do sadna we don't let our dogs come in we see to it or cats they for what they absorve it they also processes on whever there is energy they get attracted and that time you also rather than rising up it goes someone had once told me that
the point of lighting a J in front of you a Dia while you do your sadna is to actually ward of other bad energies as well yeah now is this Superstition is there fact behind it no there are two things there's a mantra sham there's a mantra when we chant a whenever we chant a there are two things first light removes Darkness secondly is to remove your ignorance shat budhi Vay and of course whenever we are doing we specifically take a th oil walk in the light because that removes negativity for shid also we do
it because that removes negativity so copper oil then put then that actually will become like a Kaba for the room for the room it removes negativity of okay hypothetically speaking could you be doing your sadna in a space say a hotel room which is not free of negative energies which is so-called haunted or which contains some other lower beings as well yeah while you're doing your sadna could a low being also join the session and take it away the way the animals took it um so I will tell you what we do whenever we travel
or go to a place or whenever we do a sadna we see to it that we first sit and do one job of of our D anything is that will go and we lighted the wherever we go one job and one the one job and one the we do it wherever we and we C the sad that we are doing we carry a we have a ritual we have to do it so we do it then only so we do it we set we do we light the do a job and we chant aam we
chant especially of that you have Vishnu s is one of the most powerful SAS in that in the end one Shand anything in the room Vishnu himself holding it so that chakra and Gad will come and save me we chanted three times and we have experienced we have done sadna of course I'm not talking about smashan sadna smashan sad you have to go with your Guru otherwi you'll be destroyed but if you go to a place nothing will touch you why will you be destroyed because in smashan sadna when you go the guru has to
come in the beginning for two days because you are new you have just started your Pur just started your journey they will eat you because they're going in their house but a hotel and all it's okay I was in vandaan not too long ago and I found out that on the other side of the river yeah is a smashan and my first thought was hey I really want to go there so I asked my cousin I asked my friend neither of them wanted to yeah uh but I wonder why I had this urge to go
there so what is Inner smashan Man uh in smashan there are many things happening but um there's a very important sadna that what do specifically what is a smashan okay smashan is home if you're going to ask me personally it is home where there is peace but for me very subjective and for the rest of the world it is a place where we fear to go it's where human bodies are where human bodies are crated burnt or it is a place where the tamas is high and it is a place where specific UGA DEA deas
or D Davies are staying because that is home for them that's just the nature of that's just the nature of sadak so the pashu the you know there are three sadak so these aoris and I talk about um for them it is home in fact an actual agori will never come out you will not see him walking out in there they travel in the night from one home to another home that is one smash on to another smash they don't walk because when it is um day for us it is night for them when it
is night for us it is day for them so that means when everyone is sleeping they travel and smashan is something I'll shasana there is something very interesting where I don't know how much we we can talk but I'm just giving you some idea it is done on a specifically and that is the time if you want to go that is the time you will see what sadna happens they sit on a dead body and they make mandalas and yantas and um there are two sadas in this one is with the head one is without
the head the body the body I'm just giving you little little so that you can understand they sit on the body now it is said even after death when the sadak is doing sadna the body starts moving is it hallucination or is it actually moving or what is happening these all but uh the greatest aore the teachings what I've understood a is to overcome fear and the greatest fears we have is darkness and that is a smash so and you know anod are very fabulous we call them the lights in the smashan because they remove
everything away random quick question your body is going to be burnt one day yes my body is going to be burnt one day when our bodies are burning will our souls be feeling anything no nothing once the astral cord is cut finish this is just five elements what is running the show is that that will move on it has nothing to do okay uh what was the plane after the ancestral plane uhh uh sorry BH is BH swar is all lower Gods Indra and all these Gods you see the the gods fighting those are the
Gods vun vun and all those other gods who create problems and they go to shiv they go to Brahma they go to shaki those are those other gods so the in esoteric terms that is the mind the Manus positive and negative but in Loca they operate but what what are they doing they are working at Cosmic level at a lower level of Cosmos they are operating and there are also um people who worship them to get benefits like there are Indra sadas there are Indra sadas but I never recommend such sadas or they are lower
sadas the highest sadna should be piercing the crown and being one because these sadas in fact to be very practical if you have the right knowledge Indra sadna can take you to the highest if you have the right knowledge what about kamd sna kamd is very interesting whatever I've understood from shuran and all um in fact even under Chinas Chin's feet he is there but um I do believe that once you get entangled in such sadas know the tendency to the low emotion is very rise and shine so you need someone to guide you to
take you there you'll become almost more human more lower chakras more first three lower chakras and which is a problem and you're trying to break away from the concept of Being Human so now the question comes but even in Tantra you talk about four points that is sex food sleep and fear also you're doing lower chakras no in Tantra we address sex food sleep and fear but we are worshiping the highest daes who can take us from this not push it in this but if you have a good Guru a guru can do wonders can
you name some more of the lower DS I would not but recently you know in Kerala I heard I came across also I saw the temple also there's a lower D which you worship and you get on the spot on the spot benefits it is very famous there like material needs are satisfied on the spot but I heard from people also that they you know for 12 days I'll worship you and they did that to that D they woried her and after that that D started destroying their house these all lower dates there's a tradeoff
when you ask for gifts from lower dats yeah there's every there's a price to pay for everything that is the reason the more sadna you'll do you will there's nothing to ask h nothing to us everything is given to you automatically and given to the right time right time then that is how your faith and surrender comes and you know you're always protected even at times know when you're in the fearful situation or something is not going right you will automatically get that confidence you will realize that everything is taken care so I believe that
the most sadna you will do you should just pray that you become a perfect instrument that but Maharishi patanjali has given something very fabulous for beginner sadna this is what we were coming for the end point now for sadna just follow yam andam and trust me I have seen people changing with that nonviolence cleanliness doing jaob on time four or five things and Magic will happen Okay uh is swl also the place you go to if you have led a good life yeah it is true you go to swar also you stay there for a
Time and when the time done is allotted you are again pushed into a human bir so everyone is going through the process of birth and death few people are here few people are here but few people here also may fall down because of ego so that s but until you have understood in this birth that this is it I'm just going to be an instrument I'm going to do whatever turns up I'm going to play my role and then knowledge Brahma Vidya comes to you then okay you're highest what is beyond swl after SW is
the Lo of Ries these are the Ries who are helping us all the time blessing us that is the reason um generally when people ask me I don't have a guru what to do what is happening just pray because these great Saints who operating now will definitely help you like one of the great Saints who's operating even now is ramanam marishi if you just pray to him no he will give many such great Saints they are still operating that is the Loca where blessings come and there are many Saints who are still operating nimari Babi
Baba and they are above Indra they above yeah they above they above they above and they were with us in bhulok not too long ago not too long ago they have reached that state and they are why they operating there they don't have any Karma just out of compassion for Humanity perhaps that's the goal post you should have in this life as well yeah because you become a Jan MTA vanta says a Jan mukta is a person who has become free of Karma and is operating in this reality just as an instrument so they are
living walking Gods you know I'm I'm not just saying this for comedic relief yeah but uh this thing I said about not getting married yeah one aspect of inspiration behind that thought has been studying rishis and the Rishi and sages like I am I I won't say considering SAS because that's too heavy a statement but that thought has crossed my mind I've spoken to my nana and Nani about it my nana understood my Nani was like no get married I want great grand kid you know something very fabulous even a are married so so even
are married and you know the term R she's is that Cosmic sound and she is the one who can hear the sound so they are Ries even in rishis there are three kinds of Ries Brahma Ries Dave da Ries and Raj rishis the Brahma rishis are living God they were born in the cosmic Consciousness like walking gods are not then they were Raj Ries they were Ries but yet operating in this world married and all and all and there were there's only one D Rishi that is narad monei so marriage is not a problem because
you have to get married if your karma is there rajar Rishi Raj like chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj he was something he he was it's why one is remembered as a God yes yes yes yes and sadna was he's this is why we pray to him he is uh the more I talk the more I get G because he was a warrior with the knowledge and with DH who else would you put in this category out of Indian historical figures janak janaka in modern times you know it is very difficult uh to understand or pinpoint because in
aore there is something very amazing I met a very great agur now uh very amazing he was like a normal very normal but later I got to know that he is the guru's direct disciple normally do normally talk and he told me something very very important that why I'm telling this because I come back to Rich again very normal very normal spoken English and he said that you know oh have you heard about the hams hakali hamali very laughingly talking like this I said yes she's the one who smiles and he said do she sits
at the heart then later I realized that he was married also he was a guru also he was okay also so in this generation to point out is very different so I'm sure there might be some great operating beings even now you people are probably very wealthy from a material perspective but uh at the same time very tuned very yes yes and perhaps after they pass away they will be going to the rishil Lo definitely rishil Lo is um rishil Lo is very uh difficult to go because um rishi's like ramanam marishi if I take
his example he was a Jan MTA he finished everything here he uplifted so many people he played his role and even out of compassion he's that time there's a choice given I believe m like budha do you want to come back do you want to stay in budhism they say no if there's a choice given so I think that Jan MTA is that choice given so that is a Rish Lo by create RIS are still operating that is so the higher loc is where there is complete Union above Rishi above r that is where form
name identity everything dissolves that sh and shaki has become one and in that the human body can't sustain too much power too much no it is there is no others there is nothing there is this is D Lo no D Lo D Lo is where higher gods are there Rishi Lo D Lo and then highest what is then they Brahma Vishnu mahes all these higher khima all these higher daes they are direct uh reflections of the pure Consciousness direct Reflections so when you pray to them they will take you to higher Consciousness they are pick
they are in front of dtas we are nothing they are there and that look kalal Baba is now full it's his kalal baba is yes uh people say that kalar Baba is not a higher L people say that ganapati Ganesh Ganesh bhagan was from a lower L hanumanji was former lower L but they have access they are there now but they have come to that even Gods evolve Gods you know the more you worship they exist and they evolve no when pray will come the actual end will come everything will be sucked in that pure
Consciousness they don't evolve they are they are and uh it's amazing how they operate it is amazing how rishis have got Gods out they have tapped into that frequency and realized that there are great energies working gave them form so that we could apply so gods are like tools Mantra is a tool God is a tool yantra is is a tool mandala is a tool use the tool to reach the nameless informs okay if you are killed through murder or you are killed before your time because of whatever reason an illness you were not meant
to have I don't even know if that's a possibility actually Destiny wise do you become what one refers to as a bhha or a ghost see uh according to to um my understanding there is no BH or how we see in movies ghost and all there entities are existing we call them bhha they're low entities middle entities High entities Tantra also says low entities are all with satisfy your lower demands middle entities are all where there's a possibility where you can fall low and also go high and there higher tities so these energies are there
if you die for certain time you will be in that lo you will operate but you will be given a chance and you're a middle entity depends upon your life depends upon your sadna depends upon everything so if you are a murderer and a criminal and you die you're probably a lower entity in that you will you will have to go through that phase where you'll be hovering around it's very subjective very very subjective I've always wondered about what is the price that one pays for murder and then what is the price one pays for
causing mass murder because because the some of the top political figures in our world are paying a price as we speak so what's going to happen to them see from a karmic point of view this is something very interesting if this a is going to murder B There is some karmic connection either we can casually say that or there is something which is on and that chapter is over now this a is doing some mass murder imagine that mass people having some association with this and this man also this is in this reality now after
death whatever Karma they have Associated and whatever Karma this a has taken Mother Nature will see toward that next birth may it has to it is that process that goes on because killing at that moment is personally in this man's hand so if he's killing he's building more karma if he's becoming conscious that no this is not dharmic whatever happened his past he will move towards higher States Of Consciousness very very subjective that is the reason we call it the Vicious Cycle of birth and death we are completely entangled in Maya okay the goal is
to focus on your sadna on your sadna on sadna is very very important only that will save you and don't you think your sadna is holding you don't you think there's a change in your sadna with time that is something very very important in fact I also believe that I have recognized after while sadna becomes monotonous if that is becoming there's a problem you're losing awareness secondly it's time to upgrade so that time you go ask your Guru what to do next that is again the guru is very very important and I personally believe when
whenever you're doing sadna that job that one Mantra should be done with so much awareness don't run behind the number of job run behind how with love awareness you're doing it because you don't know at the end of the Mantra you will be another state of consciousness that should be done with very awareness even if you're doing one Mala or doing 11 times or doing five times but with that love you will change that was the end of our first episode called understanding death yeah this is this whole episode became death only life and death
life and death only but there there's a lot more to speak to you about yeah yeah I'm just flowing I'm just okay all random topics are coming to me I mean we'll we'll keep talking right now in this this reality and this version of time but the audience will see the second episode Done in a few years maybe so bah by thank you thank you so much AR we'll be back uh in 2 minutes in our reality in a few weeks in their reality see you guys thank you that was the episode for today baves
B is an absolute all TRS tell me what you thought of this episode tell me what you'd like us to discuss the next time around I think baves B is one of the most important people in the rerise of spirituality in India the way his short content the way his long content is making changes in the world of urban Indian culture this kind of a change this kind of an impact doesn't happen overnight we know he's a special Soul all I want to do through TRS is support his journey please tell me what you'd like
us to talk about the next time and tell me how we you and me the podcaster and The Listener can support bavesh B even better we really need to celebrate more people like this I'm also looking for guest suggestions from you guys when it comes to this particular endless topic called spirituality TRS will be back soon renir and the team will also be back soon har omat [Music] a [Music]
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