Ervin Laszlo - Awakening to Humanity's Sacred Mission

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The Laszlo Institute
The Laszlo Institute researches, develops and communicates the essential aspects of the new way of t...
Video Transcript:
I'm Irvin llo and I want to talk to you about the sacred mission of humanity why do I want to talk about this because I think it's the most important thing that we can talk about today first of all just to remark I mean sacred I don't mean religiously sacred I mean sacred in the sense and we talk about it's a thought it's an idea it's it's a value that I hold sacred I hold very important that's what I mean by it very very important not subject to negotiation a sacred Mission we all know what
a mission is something that we need to fulfill a sacred mission is something very important that we need to fulfill why is that and what is it and what can we do about it let me say a few words about this first of all think dear viewer think of the planet as you comes to us through the Apollo pictures a blue green Planet swimming in space There Are No Boundaries on it everything is one system one flowering system it's all coming together it's a seamless and V and flowering hole a hole in the best sense
of the world this system is the harbor is the home of humanity Humanity does not behave anymore as though it would belong to this flowering whole system in space it behaves as if it was something separate something that is not subject to the constraints but also not benefiting from the possibilities of this whole system which is a one flowering ho we are behaving as if this planet would be an infinite sink for our Wast if it would be an infinite resource for everything that we want to use we use it we throw it away we
discard it and we gradually explore and exploit and overe exploit this beautiful finely tuned flowering parette this has its price the price is that we are now despoiling we are now overusing damaging this system we are no longer a part of it we behave as if it were not a part of it but we are a part of it and the great Mission the sacred mission is to become a part of it again let me say a few words about that who can do this who can fulfill this Mission we talk about Humanity's Mission sure
individual have to act but it's a mission is that of humanity because it calls for everybody's cooperation it calls for a change a founding foundational change in the way we behave in the way we act on this Earth the way we relate to each other above all the way we relate to the world around us we are divorced from the world we are separate but as Einstein said separateness is an illusion in ecology in The Sciences of life and of of evolution there are there is no separateness all things work together and if they don't
then that particular system is damaged and that system can become a cancer if it if it no longer adjust itself no longer comes into the harmony of the whole the harmony of the whole is what we have to readjust to what we have to recover rebuild it's a task for Humanity it's a sacred mission for Humanity what can we do about that after Humanity consists of people and people have to change if humanity is to change but don't forget individual change is connected with the change in the whole everyone part of this secret whole system
is connected with every other part and if one part begins to change that change reverberates all through the system don't worry about not being able to change the system of planet of of the planet Earth we can change it we can change it already by the way we behave the way we act to each other and to the rest of the world this sacred whole system is our home we have to keep it as a sacred hole how do we do this what is helping us to do this nothing less than the force of life
life is not something passive life is something that emerges in the universe whever physical conditions are suitable for it it emerges in the edge of volcano in the deep seas even in deep deep space macro molecules cells emerge and primitive organism emerge and they combined and they form multicellular organisms and life is comes about whever possible on this planet we have every reason to believe that it will come about wherever possible in on other planets as well Myriad planets capable of harboring life life is a force and this force is not something outside of it
it's not something that pushes or pulls it's something that is in us that orients us this is the GPS built into us into our Consciousness the life force says that we are here to join together to create larger systems which are integrated and together act and join still produce still larger systems all together this is an architecture of systems within systems and buil toward a wholeness and our Consciousness is there to develop to flourish as the system builds up to understand what is going on to feel what is going on to build life to allow
the development of Consciousness is our mission but we can't fulfill this mission unless we rejoin life on the planet so the great mission that AVS us to become one again one with each other one with the with life on earth look into yourself in you is this impetus this fantastic attraction for wholeness for interconnection for moving together which really is best described in that famous four-letter word which is love love that we feel love that people feel for each other love that they feel for nature is the force that we rejoin Humanity to the Earth
to the to the system of life on Earth we have to recover that we have to bring it up in ourselves now we look for love in ourselves because it is us it is in US us Mother Love for a child always yes the love for for lovers for each other it's there of course but the love for a citizen to the community in which he or she lives that's also there and the love that you begin now more and more feel for the planet for Humanity on this planet that sensitive people are beginning to
feel more and more this is the great upshift that I've been talking about Way Forward is through us intrinsic not extrinsic inherent not outside this is the way forward and the great sacred mission is to recover this Oneness because when we do that we create critical masses many small critical masses that spread and they create a larger critical mass this this will shift thinking on Earth it's not enough to shift in such a way that you say I recognize I should use less energy fine important I recognize that you should be careful not to Deforest
the planet also important all of these matters are tremendously important but alone they are not sufficient we have to recognize that we are dealing with emission we are dealing with putting things right that our immediate forefathers have made wrong you have to redo the harm that has been done it's not enough to do less bad it's enough only if you do good and the good is to begin to think to feel to int it as one with the whole as one with the planet that's the mission that's the mission and individuals have an obligation and
a duty toward helping the humanity to fulfill this Mission we can help it by changing ourselves by becoming the changes can't said that we want to say see in the world the change we want to see is a master change is a change of all things all things joining together and creating a system of life in which everything and everybody has its place together we will create a flowering Planet a planet in which we can live and strive it is possible and is now we are mov moving in that direction despite of the war despite
of the violence despite of the of the of the degradation of the environment there is a mission and there's a tremendous wave surfacing people joining together asking what can we do we cannot go on as we were we have to move forward and forward is to recover what has been that is in nature but that is in the universe Harmony wholeness we can recover it and that is our duty our duty to help the planet to create a movement toward a mission a mission that is secret because it's the most important mission that we can
Undertake and it's a mission to create life on Earth as a place where we can all live where we can all flower and we can all become what we are meant to become a sphere of wholeness Oneness and evolution on this corner of the universe is a privilege to be here let's live up to that privilege
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