what is the best way to articulate a response when you ask a question in a meeting conversation or an interview well to understand this we need to understand one of the most articulate speakers of our time Priyanka Chopra and I was surprised when researching for this video how many comments on YouTube are praising her communication skills so after scouring through ours of her footage we're going to understand what makes pranka Chopra such an article at speaker when she responds to questions a bulletproof framework you can apply to structure your responses and learning linguistic tools from
her to sound more articulate but before we get into it if you're new over here my name is radep from frantically speaking if you like Communications oriented content you can hit subscribe because we release content all the time on how to better your communication skills and if you want to take these skills to the next level you can book a free consultation call with us the link is in the description to see if we can work together let's get started one of the best things that makes Priyanka Chopra an articulate Communicator is that when she
communicates a point she doesn't just leave that point in the air itself and risk it to sound generic instead she makes the point memorable by using the power of anecdotes anecdotes are simply short stories which have to convey a particular Point by utilizing a memorable incident that happened to you or somebody you know for example in this interview with Anup Chopra she goes on to talk about how her parents always took her opinion even when she was a little kid and that made her understand The Importance of Being valued of getting everybody involved no matter
no matter how young or old that person might be no matter if what their sex is and it it's just about the feeling of inclusion without being sarcastic about it now watch how she communicates that point from I was 4 years old my father encouraged opinions I used to sit with you know my parents friends and my dad comes from a you know middle class background so does my mom Amala conservative background but he always asked for my opinion and not in a flippant way let's see what a four-year-old has to say but in a
serious way and that always made me feel like I'm important and that's it she talks about how her dad made her feel included without being flippant but that can be forgotten in any moment instead she supports that point by using this anecdote and I told this story actually I think I told it in my book but it was really interesting um you know in military houses they have um name plates outside your barracks where it says who's staying here so my father was a major back then her mother was a captain so the name plate
said major Ashok Kumar Chopra and the captain Madu Chopra so I looked at it when it was being installed and it was hammered into our house and I asked my father I must have been in kindergarten I think that time so kg I asked my father I said hm do I live in this house and he said yes you do so I said then why is my name not up there and my dad changed the name plate and it said yeah it said Priyanka Mimi Chopra KGB which was kindergarten be now automatically the point becomes
so much more memorable I don't think I will forget that when I think of Priyanka choa and whenever we communicate a point by supporting it with an anecdote helps us to make the point a lot more memorable we don't need to use it all the time because we might risk rambling instead to use it on fairly important points itself can help those points stand out and become a lot more memorable a great way to practice this is in low pressure environment especially when you talk to friends and family I clearly remember this one time when
my friend who a fitness freak was trying to tell all of us who are not so much into fitness the importance of working out and he would keep on telling us different different things and the benefits of it and everything nobody took him seriously but this one time his gym buddy came with us to hang out and instead of just telling us about the advantages of Fitness he spoke about how him and his family were morbidly obese and how reducing weight not only enabled them to avoid any severe diseases but just made their life socially
so much more attractive that anecdote is something I still remember and whether the rest of us started going to the gym from then on or not the anecdote had a much higher chance of convincing us than a list of logical reasons ever would so try to speak more in anecdotes to make certain points stand out although what's important to know is it's not only about anecdotes it's also about understanding how to structure your thoughts so that you can put across your points in a more effective fashion that's why Frameworks become really important framework based thinking
goes under the philosophy that communication doesn't start in the mouth it starts even before you begin thinking of what to say and Priyanka Chopra uses sentence structuring very effectively to respond and sound articulate and we found an instance where she uses a very fundamental framework called as Prep Prep stands for Point reason example and Point again it means you when you are asked a question you start by just answering the main point you support it with a logical reason you provide your example for it and then conclude with the point again Watch how she does
this in this clip what advice do you give them when they're advocating for themselves to get the good stuff in life that's so hard because you're women in general we're made to feel like we shouldn't ask for things cuz you know we're so lucky um you already have this you're so lucky you have that asking for things makes you selfish or Desiring or coveting something or being ambitious is like oh my gosh she's so ambitious like for women somehow for a long time it was seen as you know not positive and I think advocating for
yourself is very important but coming from a level-headed place is also important if you're advocating for yourself know what you're advocating about women have to prove ourselves twice as hard for most jobs um so if you're advocating for yourself do your homework make sure you research enough to know what you're talking about so whoever you're advocating to does not have anything that they can say except yes yes you have to get that because you know so that's the way we can help ourselves of course you know there are some times you don't have the luxury
of being able to you know do research and come with you know coherent solution forward and you have to just advocate for yourself and you have to scream really hard and that's it's okay too I think it's okay as long as you're advocating for yourself um because that's extremely crucial for young girls to do my parents taught me how to do that when I was 2 years old ask for what you want you may or may not get it but ask open your mouth and ask now prep is just one framework which you can use
to structure your thinking there are more to utilize for different situations the more you practice Frameworks the more organized your thinking will become more on this later and the third and final thing is to utilize linguistic tools to sound more articulate and y Chopra is a master of doing this she uses a lot of rhetorical devices like a lot of metaphors and personification to put her points across in a very beautiful manner in fact watch this clip of how she uses personification to talk about grief after my dad passed I came to a slow but
steady conclusion that that kind of pain will never go away M it's your companion so when you're thinking about when people say like you know I can't I'm waiting for the day it stops hurting less I'm waiting for the day it doesn't affect me anymore I need it to be over I need to get over it you're never getting over it it becomes a companion there are days it'll come out in a biggish kind of way and want to stay for dinner or maybe a week and there are some days you don't even remember it
till you see a photo and you're just like so any form of grief will have a duration in which it'll be your companion yeah and you've got to let it and on the other hand she uses a metaphor for to talk about why we need to cut off people who are not really serving us well what would you like to change about this whole journey till this point is there anything you'd like to do differently I used to have a lot of anxiety around losing my job losing my position losing time that's no because that's
a very common thing now with teenagers with college everyone's afraid that they're getting too old when they're 18 I mean I'm Not Afraid at 40 of getting too old yet I feel aging feels really nice like it it makes you feel very chill why are we putting so much equity on Aging you're going to get older what is my best opportunity at 18 at 25 at 35 at 60 who is it that you want to be it's also the people around other people telling them that they're getting too old so then don't keep those people
around you break up with them bye peace out but I don't sit in the you can sit in the and then you start smelling of it and then you don't even know you're smelling of it because you've got so used to it there are many people that'll want to pull you down focus on the light little sliver of light that you might see do you have that inside of you or are you going to wait for somebody else to do it the more rhetorical devices like this we can use the more memorable our points sound
and it helps us to sound less generic when we speak and become a lot more articulate but earlier in the video I told you it's not just about using anecdotes linguistic tools or anything it's about understanding how to organize our thinking and like prep we've created a video of five different Frameworks that you can learn and understand you can go in depth into that by clicking right here