I'm a God of Miracles | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message Now | God Say

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God's Message Now
I'm a God of Miracles | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message Now | God Say ...
Video Transcript:
my beloved child do not lose heart for I am about to deliver something extraordinary into your life in these moments when your soul is weeping and your heart is aching Let My Embrace of Love comfort and hope surround you never think for a moment that you are alone or forgotten I have always been right beside you even when the darkness seemed unending today cherished one IM NSE yourself in my overwhelming love and grace I am holding the miracle you have been dreaming of in my hands lies a blessing so powerful it will renew your strength
bring Health to your body and Usher Prosperity into your life this is the miracle you have eagerly anticipated fervently prayed for and deeply desired through all your trials and tribulations your faith never wavered my child I understand that throughout your life you faced many challenges that have tested your spirit and left marks on your soul you've endured illness pain sadness and despair yet through all these trials your faith has remained strong you held on believing firmly that I would hear your prayers that's why I want you to remember that my love for you has never
waned even in the hardest times I was right there with you you are my beloved child and my greatest wish is to see you healed thriving and successful in every aspect of your life do not give up my child never allow yourself to be disheartened or let difficult situations cause you to lose sight of my words I know the burden can sometimes feel unbearable as if the whole world is against you as if your strength is slipping away but I assure you in your darkest moments when it seems all hope is lost I am even
closer to you than you might think I am holding your hand and leading you through the storm life brings many challenges and trials but each one is an opportunity to grow and learn in my hands even your toughest experiences can become valuable lessons that will strengthen you just maintain faith and patience beloved child because sometimes the most profound blessings are hidden behind the toughest trials so press on my child remember you have a purpose in this life and it is far greater than you might realize greater than any illness or hardship on this Earth therefore
when you feel overwhelmed and unable to see the bigger picture hold fast to me speak my words in me you will gain a wider perspective for I am intricately weaving every detail of your life into a magnificent and unique tapestry that will turn all things to your advantage do not fear what tomorrow holds dear child nor worry about the judgments of others for in my hands your future is secure in my hands all things are possible you might not fully grasp the plan I have for you right now but I promise you it's a plan
filled with love and hope I am quietly working behind the scenes orchestrating miracles in your life when the time is right you'll witness the fruits of my love and care all I ask is that you trust in me and I assure you that everything you ask for with faith will come to pass remember you possess the power of faith faith is that Divine spark that lets you see beyond your current circumstances beyond your immediate reality your faith in me is what fuels your belief that something wonderful is on its way your faith is the bridge
between your prayers and my responses and it is through this faith that a great and powerful Miracle will unfold in your life keep the flame of Hope burning bright in your heart maintain your fervent Faith even though storms may swirl around you do not let them snuff out your inner light that light is my presence within you and it will continue to Glow even in the deepest Darkness never forget that you are deeply loved my love for you is boundless it is unconditional and enduring no matter how many mistakes you've made or how often you've
stumbled my love for you remains constant my arms are always open to you offering love and compassion remember I am here to listen to you no matter what you're facing come to me in prayer always know that no detail is too small for me nor is any burden too heavy that I cannot bear with me by your side you can surmount any challenge trust that the miracle you're waiting for is in my hands I will deliver it to you I will place it directly into your hands just be patient it will arrive in the perfect
Manner and at the perfect moment so don't lose heart or become discouraged hold on to your faith because in my hands your future is filled with beautiful and wonderful blessings Rejoice for a great miracle is on its way to your life each tear you have shed is precious to me none have escaped my notice every prayer every sigh every cry in the night has been heard by me I am here now ready to wipe away your tears and heal your deepest wounds in this moment as your paths seem to stray from mine M I yearn
to connect directly with your soul allow me to drench you in my love enveloping you in words of Hope and renewal though you may feel distant from me never doubt that my love for you is genuine and everlasting my love for you will never fade even if you've been swept up in the currents of this world indulging in wrongdoing losing peace and hope my heart still beats with infinite love for you longing for you to return to me and discover the true life that only I can provide beloved even though you may stray I am
fully aware of everything you're going through I understand your struggles and temptations for I once walked as flesh in this corrupt world that tempts you but remember there is a better path a path filled with light and love waiting for you no matter how many times you've Fallen no matter how distant you feel I am always here ready to welcome you with open arms to forgive you and Lead You towards a life of Peace abundance and purpose take a moment to reflect on the path you're on think about your choices and Choose Wisely for the
path of wrongdoing only leads to destruction and pain it may seem to offer happiness but it only leads to an empty life filled with shallow and fleeting emotions however my desire for you my beloved child is for you to live a full joyful and Abundant Life brimming with love peace and hope I am ready to help you to release you from the chains that bind you and heal your broken Spirit remember you are my beloved child created in my image with a special purpose in this world a purpose that transcends what this world tells you
or offer offers that's why I want you to know that despite the enemy's attempts to persuade you otherwise I will always be here waiting for you to return to me so I can guide your steps on Paths of love peace and abundance I urge you to listen to my voice which Whispers to you in moments of quiet and touches your heart I speak to you through my word which is a lamp to guide your feet and a light for your path don't ignore it instead seek refuge in it meditate on it and you will find
answers to your questions and comfort in times of need my love for you is so profound that I yearn to see you live fully to experience the genuine peace and joy that only I can provide I know the world might seem appealing and tempting but I assure you that what it offers is superficial and fleeting the world's Promises of satisfaction and happiness are temporary and will only lead you into a continuous cycle of disappointment and sorrow but my wish for you is to find peace in your heart a peace that goes beyond any external situation
a piece that surpasses all human understanding I want to give you hope my son a solid and unwavering hope my daughter even amidst life storms beloved it's time for you to turn away from the evils this world offers Step Back From the Path you are on and return to me remember my love for you is unconditional but it is also a love that calls you to make wise and just choices understand that following the ways of this world will not bring anything good into your life my beloved Son my beloved daughter come back to me
return with all your heart for I am the way the truth and the life only I can provide the true peace and joy you are seeking what happened yesterday is in the past I do not hold it against you on the contrary my love and grace are ready to transform your life to give you a new purpose and meaning I encourage you to seek my direction through prayer and reading my word let me speak to your heart and show you the true path the one that will lead you to a life filled with purpose and
fulfillment I will not fail you I will be with you at every step As you move towards me remember you are always enveloped in my love and mercy no matter how many times you fall I will always be there to lift you up and give you the strength to press on my desire is for you to find true peace enduring hope and everlasting Joy I am waiting for you with open arms filled with pure and steadfast love be still do not worry or despair you will come out Victorious from this situation for in me you
are more than a conqueror beloved in this world there will always be difficult and challenging circumstances that you cannot always control there may even be times when You Face tragic situations that test your faith and character situations that may try to shake you but be still and trust in me I assure you that everything will be all right because I have overcome the world and in me you are more than a conqueror it's important for you to understand that life is a journey filled with challenges tests and tribulations you will often face situations that seem
insurmountable with storms that threaten to overwhelm you with uncertainty and pain however I want to remind you that amidst all these challenges storms and tempests you have a firm anchor Anor a safe Refuge your faith in me so do not cease to believe cling to my promises with certainty and allow me to work in you I know that there are moments when you feel overwhelmed by circumstances and doubts may arise but it's in these moments of weakness that you need to recall my words do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed
for I have overcome the world these words are not empty they carry an eternal truth that you should embrace fully realize that my victory over the world isn't just a saying it's a reality a truth established through the sacrifice of my son Jesus on the cross out of love for you so when you encounter difficult situations face them not with fear but with the assurance that I am with you and that I have already conquered all adversities making you more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus hear me out for today I offer you my grace
and forgiveness gifts that you don't deserve but I give freely because of my love for you no matter how many mistakes you've made you can always come back to me and find Mercy and renewal there is no sin too great for my pure powerful and unconditional love I encourage you to reflect and seek my presence open your heart to my word and let me free you from all bonds of wrongdoing Remember You are not alone in this fight I am with you and I will surround you with people who are ready to support and encourage
you on your journey back to me in me you will find the peace that the world cannot provide you will discover hope that the world cannot offer my love is unending and my grace is all you need trust in me my beloved Son believe in me my beloved daughter and witness the transformation that only I can bring into your life turn away from wickedness and choose life in me for I always desire the best for you my child remember that the enemy will always try to plant doubt and fear in your heart but don't worry
for I have given you the sword of the spirit which is my word with it you can stand against the enemy attacks and fight the good fight of Faith it's crucial that you keep your heart and mind focused on my word so you aren't distracted by the enemy's schemes stand firm in my truth and you will find the guidance and wisdom you need to conquer any challenge understand that life in this world means facing difficulties but in those challenges you can be confident that I am with you and that my love and power are greater
than any obstacle walk knowing that I will never leave you or forsake you when you need me I am always beside you supporting you guiding you and giving you the strength you need even if your path seems dark my light will shine through the darkness and show you the way to Victory don't grow weary of doing good no matter how tough your circumstances may be continue to be a beacon of love hope and compassion in a world that often feels dark remember your faith in me empowers you to be a light in the darkness your
acts of love and kindness will bless those around you this world is full of challenges but always remember that I have overcome the world with this truth in your heart rise each day with courage and confidence I promise you will Triumph and live a life that is prosperous Victorious and blessed there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you or walk away from you come home my beloved Son my beloved daughter I wish to speak directly to your heart despite your distance I am fully aware of everything you're going through I understand
your struggles Temptations and weaknesses for I too have lived as flesh in this enticing World however I urge you to remember that there is a better way a path of light and love awaits you no matter how far you fallen no matter how distant you feel I'm always here ready to welcome you with open arms to forgive you and guide you to a life filled with peace abundance and purpose reflect on the path you're taking consider your choices carefully for the path of wickedness leads only to destruction and sorrow it might seem to offer happiness
but it only results in an empty life filled with shallow and fleeing emotions but my desire for you my child is for you to live a full life abundant in happiness filled with love peace and hope I am ready to help you break free from the chains that bind you and heal your broken Spirit never forget that you are my beloved loved child created in my image with a special purpose that transcends what this world offers even though the enemy might try to convince you otherwise know that I am always with you waiting for you
to turn back to me please listen to my voice which Whispers to you in The Quiet Moments and touches your heart I am speaking to you through my word which serves as a lamp for your feet and a light on your path today I'm here to offer you my grace and forgiveness which are gifts you don't deserve but I give them to you freely it doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made in the past or how far you think you've strayed you can always come back to me and find love compassion and renewal no sin
is too great for my pure and unconditional love I urge you to reflect and seek my presence open your heart to my word and allow me the chance to free you from all bonds of wickedness you don't have to face this battle alone trust in me and I assure you that I will restore you lift you up and make everything all right remember in me you will find the peace that the world cannot give you you will find the hope that the world cannot offer my love is endless and my grace is all you need
Trust trust in me my beloved child and experience the transformation that only I can bring to your life turn away from wickedness and choose life with me for I always want the best for you my love for you is so profound that I yearn to see you live fully and experience the true peace and happiness that only I can provide I know that the world may seem appealing and tempting but I assure you that what it offers is superficial and short lived the promises of satisfaction and happiness it provides are temporary and will lead you
into a continuous cycle of disappointment and sorrow but my desire is for you to find peace in your heart a peace that goes beyond external conditions a peace that exceeds all human understanding I want to give you hope my child a strong and steadfast hope even in the midst of Life storms it is time for you to turn away from all the evil this world offers turn away from the path you are on and come back to me remember that my love for you is unconditional but it also calls you to make wise and just
decisions understand that following the ways of this world will not bring you any good it will only distance you from the lasting peace your heart seeks come back to me return with all your heart for I am the way the truth and the life only I can provide the true peace and happiness you are looking for what happened yesterday is gone stop judging yourself for I do not judge you instead my love and grace are ready to transform your life to give you a new purpose and meaning today I encourage you to lift your head
and seek my guidance through prayer let me lead you down the true path one filled with purpose and fulfillment I promise not to let you down I will be with you at every step you will never feel alone again keep moving forward walk towards me and I assure you that you will discover true peace Lasting Hope and the Eternal Joy of living in my presence I am waiting for you with open arms fill f with pure and genuine love no Miracle is too great for me I will heal the pain in your heart beloved be
patient your Miracle will come at the right time this miracle will be a testament to my love for you the evil one may try to convince you that I cannot bless you that you are Unworthy of my blessings but he is wrong I love those who love me and protect those who trust in me when everyone turned their backs on you I was there with you when you were silent towards me I was still looking after you when sickness visited you I was your healer now I urge you not to heed the words of the
envious or listen to the Liars they want to see you fall but I plan to reveal my glory in you my presence will show through every Act of love you extend to others you will be a Divine proof of of my existence beware of those who come to you with deceptive words trying to shake your faith turn away from them and keep praying for I am listening pay attention to my message right now as you listen I am right beside you showering you with both spiritual and material blessings blessings are pouring down on you and
your loved ones now it's up to you to decide whether to believe my words to accept or reject my message choose whether to believe the lies of the evil one or to live a supernatural life do not trip over the same obstacles walk holding my hand take a step forward in faith take hold of my word and by faith embrace my promises share with others let them know there is a loving God waiting for them with open arms Proclaim to the world that I am a god of forgiveness and miracles and in me they will
find what they are searching for out there are people who have everything but live empty lives without Direction without me talk to them about your heavenly father The God Who rescued you from Darkness who saved you from Peril remember I am searching for my lost sheep those who need my love and care I will use you as a vessel of blessing to reach those who are suffering uffing to preach my word with love and power you will accomplish what you thought was impossible with your hands you will heal the sick and with your words you
will rebuke the evil one I will work through you in Supernatural ways do not be afraid for I am with you on this path of blessing do not let fear overwhelm you just believe that I am about to do a mighty work in you if your finances are struggling trust that I will provide if there's no bread on your table I will bless you I've already told you that I am your father and I respond to my children's needs if you lack anything kneel and talk to me I will show you ways I will give
you ideas to meet your needs I am a god of Miracles and often use the unexpected to deliver my blessings my ways are not like the ways of the world I tell you now to have faith because my blessings can come from people or places you wouldn't even think of do not criticize do not condemn keep your lips from speaking ill of your brother I seek in my sons and daughters hearts that are simple willing to serve me who love me and believe in my words today I see these qualities in you open every part
of your being to me and let me reside in you you can truly trust in me I know all your secrets and desires I know what you hold deep in your heart because nothing is hidden from me I understand your intentions and see in you a pure and clean heart I have forgiven your faults forget your past and leave behind the life of sin in me everything becomes new and transformed I purify everything from the root in me everything is Sanctified do not blame me yourself for past mistakes for they have been forgiven do not
bring your past into your present because your blessing is on its way the world may judge you for what you did but you are forgiven you are no longer the same your heart has changed now walk with a smile on your face accept what has happened and move past it on this journey you will face trials storms will come but you will overcome them all with my my help with my power I will sustain you and no harm will touch you or your loved ones remember what is written in my word you dwell under my
wings and there you are safe do not fear anymore do not hide because I have great things in store for you draw near to me let me take on your burdens and worries you are carrying too much weight on your shoulders you don't have to continue bearing it all I am here waiting waiting for you to come to me and hand over all that troubles you I am here with you ready to assist you with everything you need no matter how big your problems or how tough the situation might seem I can offer you Solutions
and lighten your burden you don't need to worry about the future or things beyond your control trust in me and let me lead your life let me take charge of your Affairs for I have seen your struggles and your worries I have seen how they overwhelm and wear you down that is why I want you to know that you are not alone I am with you at every moment of your life nothing can separate you from my love or protection because no matter how daunting your problems may seem remember nothing is impossible for me I
can turn the impossible into possible overcoming even the greatest challenges so let go of your dis spare and place your trust in me let me take on the heavy burdens and the pain that weigh you down you don't need to Bear it all by yourself I am here to share the load I don't ever want you to abandon your dreams or forfeit your goals because of the hardships that burden you don't be anxious about anything for I am with you I will support you and I promise you're not alone on this journey I will stay
right by your side ready to assist you whenever you call helping you to surmount any barrier my love and mercy are ever present available to you at all times remember you are my beloved child precious and cherished deeply please never feel too embarrassed or fearful to approach me with your troubles I'm always here eager to listen and ready to help you no matter if the problem seems minor or ins surmountable rest assured that I will Aid you in every possible way know that I am your Fortress and your strength trust in me constantly I will
guide you on the right path and provide the strength you need to overcome any obstacle beloved you must understand that life in this world will not always be easy there will be times when you feel the weight of problems but remember in the midst of the storm I am your safe haven my loving arms are always open to embrace you to comfort you in times of need also be aware of the treacherous and deceitful traps that the enemy sets before you he will try to drown you in the illusions of this world vain riches power
and Earthly Pleasures his deceptive voice will make these things seem appealing but they are transient and can lead to the loss and destruction of your soul instead be wise and prudent build your life on the solid rock that is Christ Jesus stand firm in him so that when Trials come you will not falter but you will stand secure and confident despite the storms keep in mind that the Allure of the world may seem tempting but its beauty is fleeting and its promise of satisfaction is misleading in my love and in my word you will find
a lasting refuge and an inexhaustible source of peace and joy do not be swept away by The Superficial currents of this world but anchor yourself in me and you will discover a peace that surpasses all understanding my child please don't give up trust in me and my love for you I promise that if you do you will find rest joy peace and tranquility I will be there to ease your worries I will never leave you I will pick you up every time you fall because my love for you is boundless and everlasting now is the
time to hand over all your burdens and worries to me let my hands support you let my love surround you and bring you the peace you deeply need don't fret over how I will resolve your problems because I have everything planned out and within these plans there is well-being blessing and prosperity for you all you need to do is trust me and follow my lead I will guide you along the right path and bring you to where you need to be just believe in my love my child trust in my strength because that is all
you need to find happiness I promise that I will never leave you and that I will always be with you cradling you in my arms and shielding you from anything that might harm you once again I tell you my child hand over all your concerns to me let me take the load off your shoulders I assure you that if you do this now you will not regret it I will do something great and wonderful in your life because I love you and you are the most precious thing to me remember I love you my child
I love you and I will always be here for you believe and accept these words I bring you with love for my Divine promise will be fulfilled in your life this is a journey of surrender a pathway of transformation and prosperity look closely at what lies ahead you will not stumble you will not fall into the evil one's traps I'm infusing you with my Supernatural power lift your eyes go and break down the barriers you will conquer the evil one tell me you believe in what I tell you write it down commit to doing everything
I instruct I assure you nothing will defeat you the challenges that come may make you feel trapped and alone as if I have abandoned you but these are lies from the evil one my spirit is with you these are moments of surrender and purification times when you will see my hand actively at work in your life you have endured enough weathered many storms but now is the time to reap what you have sown you have produced fruit you are my blessed one I have brought you to this moment to hear my comforting voice and to
reassure you that I am attentive to your needs I deeply care about what happens in your life I know negativity is threatening you but you have managed well it is no coincidence that the envious rise against you the evil one uses his schemes to try and make you fall but do not yield do not engage in the world's Games stand firm in your faith steadfast in my word only then will you overcome and realize the dreams I have planted in your heart let me reassure you once more do not be afraid you are strong you
are courageous the challenges you face may be significant but I am greater you will find peace do not let anything disturb your calm some people might try to manipulate or use you but remember you are a vessel of blessing a message to the Nations I have empowered you to drive away the forces of evil do not think that you are alone or that I have abandoned you because that is simply not true start nourishing your soul with my words immerse yourself in my Holy Scripture for within them you will find truth life and peace if
you choose the ways of the world you will push me away I want to stay close to you because you are my child my most wonderful creation I have equipped you with courage and talents I've given you a spirit to overcome the tactics of the evil one no matter what happens I will be with you but only if you choose it I can't make decisions for you I've given you the freedom to choose the freedom to decide which path to follow I can show you the way and teach you the path but the decision to
walk it is yours the world may tempt you corrupting your mind into believing that success lies in money fame or power but remember I am the master of all these things I am the creator of the universe with my own hands I formed the Earth created nature and everything you see around you I crafted you with the ability to discern between good and evil you know what's best for you at this moment tell me you will believe that you won't give up that despite the Temptations you will stand firm in your faith be like a
soldier in battle for your fight is not of this world but is spiritual each day you face trials but remember I'm always with you never forget even if you find it hard to believe I am with you you can sense me in the morning Breeze in acts of kindness towards others in the assistance you provide to your neighbor I am present in the small acts of generosity you witness I am involved in everything that occurs believe in this and engrave it into your very being in the name of my beloved Son Jesus I will raise
you up and give you strength like the eagles beloved why do you doubt I have demonstrated the greatness of my power many times do not doubt me I've told you repeatedly that doubt distances you from me and blocks my blessings from reaching your life do not let your path be diverted the enemy will try to make you fail he will try to confuse you that's why I urge you do not doubt keep praying persist in my ways only then will you achieve your Victory I rejuvenate everything within you I grant you new strength and am
your support and timely help when you feel weary I lift you up when you feel defeated all you need to do is seek me and you will find me for everyone who asks receives whoever seeks finds and to those who knock the door will be opened I accompany you wherever you go if you find yourself in trouble just trust in me do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God who strengthens you I will always help you I will always support you with my righteous right hand when
doubts try to torment you rebuke them with my power never cease to seek me in prayer always meditate on my word hold these words close to your heart beloved child believe in what I say to you it's time to rise to put aside excuses and all that burdens your soul and heart you have been strong I have witnessed all that you have endured but now it's time to move forward do not heed those who criticize you steer clear of the path of the wicked they aim to see you fall but they do not realize that
I am the one who lifts you up they do not know that my spirit is with you I have assigned a legion of angels to defend you they will protect you and shield you from all harm I have laid out a path for you a path filled with Miracles and blessings that bear your name do not stray from my ways do not choose the easy route the broad path is tempting but its end is not good if you follow my principles everything will become easier for you I know the Christian path is challenging but in
the end you will claim your Victory you will see that those who criticized your decisions will be silenced they will realize that you were right all along just be patient beloved child think things through calmly everything will be revealed in due time your eyes will behold all that I have prepared for you my glory will be evident in your life a shower of blessings is ready to pour over you open your arms and accept my promises into your life open the door of your heart for me to reside within my presence will be with you
at every moment in every situation whether times are good or bad I will be there providing you strength you will soar like eagles your enemies won't see you fall you will rise with all your strength towards your goals and dreams and I will be guiding and accompanying you on your journey remember it's important to always make a little time for me in your life talk to me about about how things are going share your problems and tell me about your needs I will provide for what you lack I will still the storm in your trials
I will bring you peace and calm amid the Tempest do not let your heart be troubled in dark times you are not alone in your days of trial I am with you feel my presence feel how I strengthen your spirit how I lift you up and give you strength like the eagles you will not grow tired you will advance with your head held high armed with a mindset of Victory your destiny is Success it is written in my word that you were born to succeed you will overcome this trial you will emerge triumphantly from Every
Storm believe in what I tell you beloved child trust in my promises you will see that your blessings will arrive in my timing just keep trusting keep praying wholeheartedly stay vigilant the enemy seeks to bring you down he will try to make you stumble he will use distractions to Veer you off your path he will place obstacles in your way to make you trip but you must be wise be prudent in your decisions consider things carefully take deep breaths and proceed calmly do not rush what is coming to you is worth the wait with this
my beloved child I encourage you to persevere with these words I urge you to rise do not think you are alone in this trial You Are Not Alone on your path beloved child you will Triumph you will achieve your Victory just keep believing keep praying with all your heart tell me that you will do it amen
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