7 Clear Signs God Doesn't Want You With Someone - C.S. Lewis Message

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C.S. Lewis Message
7 Clear Signs God Doesn't Want You With Someone - C.S. Lewis Message Inspired by C.S. Lewis - Discov...
Video Transcript:
relationships may seem like blessings yes they can bring joy love and connection into our lives but don't be fooled God's will Reigns Supreme and sometimes he has other plans for you that you dare not ignore you may be clinging to a relationship investing your heart soul and every ounce of your strength into someone but if that relationship is not in line with God's divine plan he will make it known as CS Lewis once said when we lose one blessing another is often most unexpectedly given in its place you must trust that God knows what is
best for you even when it's hard to understand in the moment he will send signs so clear you cannot deny them yet some of you in your stubbornness refuse to heed his voice let me tell you this and let it burn into your mind when God shows you that it's time to let go go you do not hesitate you do not ignore the almighty it's not about your comfort your feelings or your emotional Investments it's about surrendering to his will and trusting that he knows what is best for your soul in today's message I will
deliver to you seven signs yes seven signs that God does not want you in that relationship but before we dive into the truth I ask you to take one moment moment click that like button subscribe and type Amen in the comments this is not just about spreading God's word it's about bringing his power his judgment and his light to every corner of this world now buckle up because we're starting with sign one and it's time to wake up God allows them to hurt you and you better believe there's a reason for it listen closely life
isn't just sunshine and roses and sometimes the very people you trust those you've given your heart to turn around and wound you deeply you've been kind you've been loyal yet in return they serve you nothing but bitterness disrespect and unkindness but don't be naive nothing happens by accident under God's watchful eye God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way says CS Lewis there's a purpose behind every betrayal every sting every heartbreak sometimes God allows your enemies to strike to jolt
you awake to warn you about the dangerous path you're walking and the poisonous people you're surrounding yourself with let me paint you a picture imagine you're a master Potter shaping a beautiful vase working with all your skill and care but suddenly you discover hidden cracks in the clay cracks that will shatter everything if ignored that's exactly what God does when he lets people wound you he exposes the cracks in your relationships the hidden flaws that threaten to ruin your life God isn't cruel he's making you see that not everyone is worthy of your trust your
love or your energy as Lewis insightfully said experience that most brutal of teachers but you learn my god do you learn and oh how many times you ask why God why must I suffer so hear me now it's because he's preparing you he's stripping away the fake the weak and the Unworthy so you can be ready for something far greater a love built on Truth strength and loyalty those who truly love you will never intentionally wound you they will stand beside you in every storm just as Joseph stood firm in the tri of his life
look at Joseph the man was blessed with Divine Visions his father's beloved Son yet his brothers his own flesh and blood betrayed him out of envy and spite they sold him into slavery casting him into darkness did God stop it no God allowed Joseph's suffering not to destroy him but to prepare him for a higher purpose those chains that false accusation the Prison Walls they were part of God's divine plan to shape Joseph into the leader he was destined to become without those trials Joseph would never have risen to save his family and an entire
nation during famine the Betrayal it was necessary the pain it was preparation God allowed it all to show Joseph which relationships were worth keeping and which were poisoned to his Destiny just as CS Lewis wrote the pain I feel now is the happiness I had before that's the deal so you yes you when you're hurting when the Betrayal stings when the emotional wounds are deep don't wallow in despair see the bigger picture those who hurt you may be the very instruments God uses to refine you to sharpen you to toughen your spirit so you can
see the truth emotional wounds they're Tools in God's hands helping you understand what really matters showing you the True Values in life now hear this God never lets You Suffer Without purpose every tear every trial every heartbreak he uses it all for your good God Whispers to us in our Pleasures speaks in our conscience but shouts in our pains it is his megaphone to Rouse a deaf World Lewis reminded us he is clearing your path shining a light on what's broken so you can walk towards a light life built on strength truth and unshakable faith
God has a plan for you a good plan but sometimes he has to tear down the Illusions rip away the toxic to show you the Solid Ground where you can build your future which brings us to sign two your life begins to collapse pay attention when your life starts falling apart your emotions your finances your mental health it's not just bad luck it's God flashing a red light shaking you by the shoulders saying wake up your house is crumbling because the foundation is rotten the relationship you're clinging to is pulling you into ruin and God
in his Mercy is letting it collapse so you can escape before it completely destroys you Lewis wrote we are not metaphorically but in very truth a Divine work of art something that God is making and sometimes that making involves the breaking down of all that is unworthy in your life including relationships like a house built on shifting sand cracks begin to appear your peace is gone your spirit is drained your finances suffer and your hope Fades this is God's way of telling you that the foundation of your relationship is faulty that it cannot stand he's
not punishing you he's rescuing you he's letting the walls crumble so you can get out before it's too late listen closely because this is the truth that too many of you are afraid to face God always wants the best for us make no mistake about that he doesn't want you trapped in relationships that drain your spirit that drag you down that leave your life in chaos no God wants to lift you up but sometimes he allows challenges yes difficulty ities trials pain not to crush you but to open your eyes to make you see the
toxic path you're on and to force you to change direction before it's too late don't be blind when your life is spiraling downward when everything seems to be falling apart stop reflect pray ask yourself is this relationship the source of my misery is this the reason my life feels like it's crumbling and be ready to hear the hard truth even if it shatters your heart because God God in all his wisdom and love has a better plan for you but you'll never reach it if you stay chained to something that's destroying you stepping away from
a relationship that's tearing you apart may be the first step towards walking into a life filled with his blessings Lewis emphasized this truth when he said you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending now some of you are caught in a whirlwind of emotions fighting tooth and nail to make it work you're bending over backward pouring yourself out trying to hold it together but guess what when difficulties persist when your life gets worse with every passing day it's time to stop stop pretending stop fighting
a losing battle and reassess the situation you can't fix what's broken Beyond repair do not I repeat do not be afraid to let go of an unhealthy relationship open your ears listen to God and follow his lead trust him and you will see that after the storm there is a life waiting for you A life filled with blessings peace and joy but you won't get there until you let go now let's talk about sign three and this one is crucial lack of the fear of God pay attention one of the clearest most glaring signs that
God does not want you to be with someone is when they lack the fear of God this isn't just about faith this is about respect restraint and morality when a person does not fear God they lack the foundation for any meaningful relationship imagine it like a car without brakes rolling down a hill out of control with no way to stop that's exactly what a relationship is like when one or both people lack the fear of God it's dangerous chaotic and bound to end in disaster without the fear of God there's no restraint no discipline no
respect and let me tell you without those things your relationship will crumble God is warning you he's showing you that a relationship without the fear of him at the center is a ticking Time Bomb the fear of God is the foundation for true love and respect it's the glue that holds relationships together in the toughest of times if someone doesn't fear God how can they love and respect you the way they're supposed to how can they be responsible committed or honorable they can't and without that you're risking not only your relationship but your peace your
happiness your soul if someone openly tells you they don't fear God don't brush it aside that's a blaring red flag a warning that the relationship is heading straight into chaos without the fear of God there's no respect for boundaries no self-control and no moral compass pray for guidance ask God to show you which relationships are worth fighting for and which are pulling you into destruction now sign four constant struggles and conflicts oh this is one too many of you are ignoring when your relationship is plagued by by endless arguments bickering over the smallest things misunderstandings
that pile up like mountains and a never ending tension this is not just a rough patch this is God screaming at you that this relationship is not in line with his will you think you can fix it by trying Harder by enduring more by fighting through it but let me tell you something when those struggles are constant when the battles never end it's time to wake up imagine a ship trying to sail forward but every time it moves it's slammed by waves and winds unable to make progress that's what your relationship is like when it's
full of conflict it's stuck going nowhere because God never intended for it to succeed God is not a god of chaos he is a God of Peace Harmony and purpose he may allow these conflicts these constant struggles not to punish you but to open your eyes he's showing you that this is not where he wants you to be a relationship that's always in turmoil can't grow can't Thrive and will never lead you to the peace and joy he has for you stop fighting the waves step back let go and let God lead you to the
calm to the solid ground to the life he has waiting for you when you find yourself in the midst of constant conflict don't sit there in confusion take action seek God's guidance and don't you dare stop until you hear his voice God is never silent and he will guide you if you have the courage to ask and the faith to listen trust in his plan even when you don't understand it because his wisdom is far beyond your comprehension you may be in the middle of a storm but he knows the way out sit still open
your heart and listen in those Quiet Moments God will show you the truth even if it's a truth that cuts deep do not fear walking away from a relationship that is dragging you down you think you'll be lost without it wrong God will never let you stray if you trust in him his plan is perfect and if you follow he'll lead you to something far greater now hear me on sign five they only take advantage of you without reciprocating your care let's get real some people are parasites they'll take and take but when you're the
one in need they vanish like smoke this is a flashing neon sign from God telling you this relationship is not right imagine yourself as a shining candle pouring out warmth and light yet if someone only comes to you when they need your light and leaves you cold and alone in the dark they are nothing but users and God God almighty does not want you in a relationship like that God may let you experience rejection and yes it hurts like fire but understand this it's not to punish you it's to protect you that heartbreak it's God's
way of pulling you away from a relationship that would ultimately destroy you he's telling you you deserve better look to the story of David and Saul Saul used David envied him and cast him aside but that rejection was part of God's plan David endured suffering yes but he rose to greatness God will do the same for you he will guide you out of a one-sided toxic relationship and into one filled with genuine love and respect just as Lewis remarked we are mirrors whose brightness is wholly derived from the Sun that shines upon us if you're
being used if your love is not returned if you're always giving and getting nothing back don't sit there and let it happen step out trust God to guide you to peace God is not the author of confusion he's The Giver of clarity and if you ask him he'll show you what relationships are worth keeping and which ones are a trap rejection may hurt but it's a part of God's Grand Design to lead you into the life he has planned for you don't hold on to relationships that drain you release them and step into the blessings
that God has waiting for you and now sign six they lead you away from God pay attention to this when you start to feel yourself drifting away from God when your connection with him Fades that's a massive warning sign there are people in your life who won't just drag you down they'll drag you away from God himself they'll lure you with Temptations worldly desires and before you know it you're abandoning your prayer life neglecting the word and sinking into darkness picture this your life is a path lit by God's glorious light but these people they're
dimming that light they're the strong winds trying to blow out your flame pulling you away from everything sacred God always sends warnings Before Destruction when you feel that unease when life starts to spiral that's God telling you to wake up these people don't have good intentions they're leading you into the Shadows pulling you away from his presence don't make the mistake of thinking you can stay on the right path while clinging to people who reject God's values you can't walk with the immoral and soon enough you'll be stumbling into the same Darkness they dwell in
they'll make you forget to pray make you neglect fasting and weaken your spirit until you don't recognize yourself anymore God's light is your source of strength but these people will blow and blow until your flame is gone look at the great men and women of faith in the Bible none of them allowed Temptations or toxic relationships to drag them away from God they kept their eyes on him no matter the storm and that's what you must do if someone is pulling you away from God you have no business being around them let them go and
watch God restore your peace your faith and your life to walk out of God's will is to step into nowhere Lewis wrote a clear reminder that without God's guidance we are lost remember the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den he was surrounded by danger threatened with death yet what did he do did he cower did he run no he stood firm in his faith and because of that unwavering trust in God those Lions couldn't touch him God protected him because Daniel refused to let fear or wicked men pull him away from the Lord the
message is clear God will always be with you but you must keep your faith strong you must not allow the deceitful and untrustworthy people in your life to drag you away from his protection and now pay attention to sign seven through dreams and Visions God doesn't just speak through the wind or thunder he speaks to you directly in your dreams dreams when your heart is clouded by selfish desires and passions that blind you God will step in quietly but powerfully he'll send warnings through Visions guiding you away from destruction do you remember the story of
aimc he was about to make a grave Mistake by taking Sarah Abraham's wife but God appeared to him in a dream and stopped him dead in his tracks through that divine intervention God spared aimc from catastrophe this is what God does he steps in and warns you protects you from harmful relationships from those who will wreck your soul if you let them but hear this God respects your free will he doesn't Force you he provides you with wisdom shows you the way gives you the signs but you must have the strength and courage to follow
them he is like a loving father always guiding but never dragging you down the path so when you receive a dream or a vision take it seriously pray reflect ask God what he's trying to tell you because through those images he's speaking directly to you warning you of things you can't see with your eyes those dreams aren't punishments they're gifts God is protecting you he doesn't want you stumbling in the dark lost in in a relationship that will destroy you from the inside out these dreams and Visions are his way of pulling you back before
you walk off the cliff when you treasure these moments as the precious gifts they are you'll realize that God is always watching Always guiding you toward a life filled with peace and blessings now let me wrap this up we've taken a deep dive into the powerful signs God sends to pull us away from destructive relationships but listen carefully life is not a straight easy Road it's full of twists turns and battles but it's in those battles where you will find your greatest treasures your growth your faith your true path in God picture yourself walking on
a path lined with flowers each one represents a sign from God a reminder of his presence his love and his protection Over You Don't Fear the act of Letting Go Walk with courage walk knowing that God has prepared something far greater for you on the other side you can't control everything in this life but you can control one thing how you react will you choose Faith over fear will you choose truth over lies will you choose to trust in God's plan or cling to the very thing pulling you away from him let God's teachings penetrate
your soul let them guide your every decision every action if this message has shaken something inside you if it has brought you Clarity and inspiration please click like subscribe and comment amen right now help us spread this message far and wide together we can ignite this world with God's love and light life is a beautiful Journey but it only becomes meaningful when you walk it with God Walk in his protection live in his love and I promise you you'll see life unfold in ways more wonderful than you can imagine thank you for joining us today
stay strong in the Lord and until next time may your days be filled with blessings drenched in God's light go forward with faith and we'll see you on the next inspiring Journey God bless you all
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