Change Your Life in 2025 with This 1 SIMPLE DAILY Habit

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Tony Robbins
Join Time To Rise Summit 2025: | Start your new year with wisdom and inspir...
Video Transcript:
look you're about to enter a new year new life opportunity right it's it's a kind of a reset a refresh if you will and what maybe the first thing we to refresh is the pattern of our Focus because I always tell people we don't experience life we experience the life we focus on if you focus on what's difficult or terrible in your life your life feels terrible a moment later you focus on something beautiful in your life and your life is beautiful so having that pattern and one pattern we teach as you know is priming like having a daily practice that puts you in that place but that most of you know if you're not familiar with priming you can go to tonyrobbins. com priming and we have a video there it's a 10-minute process you can do every day it literally wires your brain to find the good in things not some positive thinking BS but literally changes your biochemistry but one of things we started doing recently you want to share like the 60 seconds of Grace just a quick reset yes well I love this practice I call it 60 seconds of Grace and at any point in the time of the day or you can time it you know on every hour but it doesn't have to be you can just pause close your eyes and tune into your own breath tune in to the moment and fill up you know tune into our nature tune into the sensations and tune into life and on the other side of these 60 seconds open your eyes what do you notice and it's amazing when we tune into our own breath and connect to feel present with life uh it's so beautiful and so I look forward to hearing from you what you notice because it only through noticing in our awareness it makes life that much more beautiful and you can just stop even to like what's one thing you're grateful for two things you're grateful for for 60 seconds and the focus on gratitude like where you don't just think about it over there like you're going to a moment you feel grateful for like we do in priming like later on in the day for a minute kind of reset your biochemistry now we also do this on a yearly basis and this is one of the things we want to invite you to do every year we want to capture the magic of that year the lessons of that year the accomplishments the magic moments so we encourage you to gather with each other within your family your chosen family we have some chosen family we come together with and Mary and some of you know Billy our trainer and we all come together we bring our pictures in the year because we travel and live life together and then we go through each month and you know most people's phones and computers now do this for you and we pick our very best ones and we build a slideshow out of it we play great music but then we sit and we write for that month what were the accomplishments also secondly what were the magic moments you know some examples is like you know our daughter the other day was coming up to us and she turns to me and she says daddy you know I'm really looking forward to having a baby she's three and a half you know it's like and she's telling me about this she told me in detail so I wrote down all the moments of what was on her face and how it felt and what it was you know want to get some examples of some magic moments oh my gosh just so many uh breaking bread together laughing you know just laughter listen to my Mama's sweet voice last night and my dad in the background they were teasing and laughing like it's all the beauty that life is mirroring to us all around us and we can forget we can forget all the blessedness and so this practice of coming together and looking at the calendar there's so many things you forget yes there's just so many things that you know when we do this I'm like oh my gosh I forgot we even did that that felt like forever ago so it's a remembrance and a fill yeah and it reignites you like it's not just what you achieved or accomplished but all these little moments of life for the ones that really matter most so the ones that make you smile or laugh or maybe have you know Tears of Joy or sometimes tears of some Grace Tears like just real realizing how far you've come there's great contrast that comes from that so we do four things we make a little slideshow we add music to it but we do it together and then we share all the accomplishments that was number one all the more magic moments and we do it month by month and then the third thing we do is it's like what did we learn you know if we didn't achieve something or we did what did we learn so that we carry that over and then the final one is okay what are we committed to achieving next year what are our big goals the Big Drams the big things we're committed to for our family our friends our bodies Our emotions and also we talk about the process of what we going to let go of right what let go of because you know there has to be space for the new and so what do you let go of what lessons through a painful circumstance are not even painful just through life uh have you recognized it's just no longer serving and blessed I went through it I learned the lessons and no more it's like that's the yeah no more going back to it that's the gift of evolution and so we'll write those those lessons those truths those understandings what we're you know thanking blessing and letting go of and we'll write it on a piece of paper and we all actually go put it in the fireplace which is really and it's intentional it's thoughtful it can be prayerful and thanking life for the gifts and for the for the growth and any limiting beliefs or any limiting emotions it's time to let go if just do that so it's just just kind of locks you in so the four pieces are month like what did you accomplish what are some magic moments what did you learn and then at the end of all this for the year what are you really committed to achieving next year what are some experiences you're looking forward to sharing together what are the things you want to let go of because you know I'm I have the privilege in a few months here and how many days here I'll be 65 which blows my mind because I was the youngest person in the room and so hopefully with that comes a little bit of wisdom thank you sweetheart but like you start seeing patterns and if you've been to our seminars you know that one of the first things I start with is if you want your life to change you have to see patterns you're fearful when things look random and think oh my God this is happening to me but after a while you see that you don't get angry all the time you don't overeat all the time there's certain things that trigger you you're bored or you're overwhelmed or you're stressed and you learn how to change those patterns well Humanity was changed by understanding a pattern called Seasons yes you know we were living in fear all the time because we had to figure out we were going to survive or not so we were hunter gatherers going for from place to place until we realize wow there's this thing called Seasons that means if we do the right thing at the right time if we plant in the spring not the winter not the summer not the fall if we plant it the springtime and we take care of it through the summer all the way through fall and then reap in the fall and save some for winter we can stay in one place and have this great life yes well there's Seasons to our lives there certainly is Seasons to our lives and the seasons bring out different qualities and different life experience and different opportunities for growth and they usually all have their gift and maybe not blind spot but opportunity challenges yeah real it's real life uh and it's you don't know what you don't know until you're in it and that's the gift of life and its stages and its wisdom so think of it just for a second here and we're almost done and this little gift to you is like think of 0 to 21 is like springtime like how hard is it to grow in springtime Everything grows in springtime it's an optimistic time um at that stage of our life even if you had to go to work to support your family at seven or eight or N9 or 10 years old someone has to do that but overall you're kind of taken care of there's a war you're not going to war someone's looking out for you right someone people are feeding you they're feeding you information you're in a learning mode and just like a a business is easy to grow in the springtime economy right when everybody's optimistic Everything grows like crazy you think you're a genius it's just Springtime so 0 to 21 and some people you know are they they finish this sooner this season some a little later but 0 to 21 is that protected time 22 to 42 is the summer yes and the summer is what tests you okay now it's not so easy now it's hot sticky and difficult and like it doesn't look how it's going to work and that's 22 to 42 and that's where you're the soldier of society where literally if we go to war 22 to 42 are the people that go to war to give you an idea in business you know you're now going to go to work and what happens is you know when you're in springtime you think you're Invincible you think you know you're 20 years old 19 years old 2020 one it's like okay I'm going to be president the United States I'm a multi-billionaire I'm going to have 100 relationships simultaneously and everyone's going to be happy by the time you're 35 you're like I can't handle on one relationship what's going on here you know I'm not president or hey you eat gluten every day and sugar and somehow it flies when you're yeah when you're 21 when you're 4 42 it's a little different right so so what what I want you to know is in that Season 22 to 42 that is usually the most stressful season for most people of their life it's the area where they feel the most unhappy CU they're trying to prove themselves to themselves and maybe to other people as well you're also learning and you there's a lot of learning is painful some of it's trial and air I met you in that season you were 26 years old right and I was 39 but now the next season is the fall that's the reaping season so if you worked hard in spring and summer you know 43 to 63 is like where all the rewards come and again certainly in the middle of that season and towards the end of that is where the rewards really build me meaning you can do more with your fingertip now than working 20 hours a day you know the right people you know how things work you have certain skills you have insights what's the difference for you between uh let's say when I met you in you know your early summer and now to this point where you're 52 so you're in the middle of that third season the fall reaping season well I'm a mother I became a mother at this stage and season of our of my life uh as well I just feel like you know you go through Heaven and Hell in this life experience there's a lot of learned wisdom so I'd say wisdom at this stage greater understanding greater compassion for self and compassion for others uh and more Discerning uh more faithful if I really think about it and I think the real gift if I'm looking is the um chosen family when I say that just really established a meaningful relationships in all directions just really uh goodness of of cultivating that through friendship and through Fellowship differently than even younger at a younger age and then the final season 63 to 83 or 103 or 120 the oldest living humans3 the winter time that is at that point your wisdom hopefully if you've worked hard in the spring and the summer you reap in the fall you don't weep in the fall right but if you didn't and and if you didn't take care of your health then that final season could be difficult but if you took care of your health and you grew and expanded you know I'm in that season now basically 64 to 84 104 120 whatever the real number would be and time is more precious than ever before because you know the racetrack of life is not unlimited you know you finally there's a stage in all of our lives where one day you realize there may be no more days behind me than ahead of me and boy it makes them even more precious but also hopefully you have more wisdom and that's when you really get to be a leader because you're no longer caring what other people think so much you know like everybody cares to some extent but it's like you know who you are you're not trying to prove it to anybody if they don't understand it's okay you're not here for everything and everyone but you're here to serve because you realize just how precious life is and all the pain that I know that I've ever gone through in my life it's like my whole life has been if I can figure out how to solve this I can help so many other people go through this as well and at this stage of life I really experienced that immensely so every season has challenges um you know you're now in you know that that fall season um but we have your parents are now momy and Daddy are in winter yeah the later later Seasons the winter so there's predict challenges and opportunities in each of these pieces just preciousness I think in Winter life becomes even that much more pressure really it should be all along but I think you know we're just awake and aware as the chapters or the seasons come later in life yeah you don't you want to take advantage of every moment you let everything be precious so I I tell you all that because where are you what season are you in yeah and how are you going to take advantage of it and what what can you anticipate will happen in that season what kind of challenges like it's obvious 22 to 42 you're going to probably have some casual problems or maybe you have some relationship issues cuz you're learning right or or career issues you know if you really grown 43 to 63 you'll start having less of that but maybe you have some friends or family that start to pass away that are older and so you have to deal with that aspect you know when you're in the winter season it's a whole different set of pieces but there's one other season that really matters that's a shorter term it's called a year and here we are you know about to enter a new year 2025 and you know there's something about a new year that gives you a chance to have a fresh start it's totally made up in our heads but we might as well make take use of it because it creates momentum it's like new year new life new opportunity and so we want to give you a really cool gift then when Co started years ago and all of a sudden you know we're used to doing stadiums full of 15 20,000 people all over the Earth they shut down every Stadium during covid and so we had to figure out how to adapt and at one point you know a lot of people said we'll just pause until this is over and I said people are at home and they're suffering we got to find a way to help them so we built this studio and we decided to do something I said let's help people where they are all over the Earth they're stuck at home what would keep them from participating is money and a lot of time and a lot of travel well let's eliminate all the above and so for four years in a row and this will be our last year we're going to do it now this year one last time we've done a one-time free event for three days it's just three hours a day and it's called the time to rise Summit and what we're doing for those three days is three hours a day it's like um total immersion it's not some 1 hour little pump up it's like giving you the skills to say how are you going to make this year your best year ever you can't just set some you know resolutions they don't work they're gone by February 1st right so instead what are we going to do to increase your energy because after Co people don't realize how much their energy has dropped so that you have the energy to follow through for the passion in your relationship for your kids for your family what are we going to do to help you really have the most emotionally fulfilling year where you feel a sense of Mastery over your life a Mastery over your time so you don't feel stressed out about all the time what are we going to do to help you with your career your finances what are you going to do to make your relationship better and it's it's basically three days it'll change your life and it's absolutely free it's not partially free and you can attend from your home or your office and you can bring your family or your friends or your co-workers and attend so it's coming up January 30th through February 1st January 30th 31st February 1st and you just go to time toise summit. com time toise summit.
com yes and what's so powerful and beautiful about it is we all have this as a human being to navigate the Labyrinth of mind and the power of just connecting tuning into yourself blessing your life for those three hours a day for those three days to come together in a group Collective of people like this Tony mentioned from all around the world there's a a beauty to it there's a reflectiveness to it there's a transformation to it and it's extraordinary it's uh it's a gift and we look forward to seeing you there as Tony mentioned it's time time tovis summit. com and it's January 30th through February 2nd oh February 1st oh my word what am I saying don't listen to me listen three days but I will tell you is it's an experience we're so proud of because people have come out I can tell you story after Story people a guy that was over 700 lbs couldn't out of bed and watched us been in bed for six years watched us on the screen on a computer there and tended the whole thing and then got himself eventually out of bed lost over 200 lb completely 250b I think changes life a woman you know you you become part of a community community the first year we did we had 300,000 people next year 800,000 last year we had 1. 1 million people from every country that the UN recognizes 193 countries in the world participated and then you're part of that community and the only investment you make is each night I ask you to do a little assignment and then post it and so you get to have all these people from all over the Earth who are behind you and helping you to achieve what you want to achieve for your life as opposed to let just set goals so if that appeals to you come join us again go to time toise summit.
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