okay so I just got this question with my students for what is probably the 100th time 200th time like thousandth time and so that's on me and I'm going to clarify that and basically this is what we're talking about I teach and really like I've done this myself and see every person around me who's successful that you need to have one product to and scale that one product to a million dollars so if you have multiple offers and you're making less than a million dollars a year you're doing doing it wrong and so the stages
go um you are going to if you're making less than a million dollars you're going to sell one product or one offer once you cross over the seven figure Mark so you're making more than a million dollars a year then you can sell multiple products and so I have taught this for a very long time I lived this I've all my successful students are pitching just one product I also have a ton of students who hear this advice and choose to not implement it and that's like on you guys like the the honest truth is
that if you're going to choose to reinvent the wheel then like go out and reinvent the wheel and I know that sounds harsh but the honest truth is like if you are going to choose to not follow what it's not just me it's every colleague of mine everybody says is successful then just now you at least know that you're breaking the rules and you can at least go in with both eyes open that's totally fine you're the captain of your ship it's your business um I actually always honor you listening to your own gut instinct
because I did things that were different than my mentor said and it turned out to be amazing for me so just at least now you know that you're breaking the rules and you're doing it with intentionality rather than just accidentally blundering around trying to Market and sell multiple products all at the same time when you're making less than a million dollars a year so having said all that the question that I get all the time is okay well I want to do a low ticket so like a $10 product or a $30 product or $100
product it's going to take me forever to get that one product to let me just put my phone to do not disturb it's going to take me forever to get my one product million how in the world do I do that and another question they ask is does my they ask like okay I have like I want to do upsell so I have a little low ticket thing but I also want to have upsells how does that work and so what I want to do is definitively explain to you how you going to scale one
product to turn my iPad on one product to a million dollars with the different kinds of ways that you're going to do that and the different kind of like situations that up so um let me get my iPad going and we're just going to I'm just going to Forever answer this question so if you got dropped if I just sent you a link to this video just know that it's because you asked that question because I honestly think I answered that question in my coaching group like two or three times a day honestly so we're
going to let this thing I'm just going to like refresh this and then um yeah it's a good question I mean because if you are trying to sell something that's like $10 I get why you would be like what is how how am I supposed to do this how is this supposed to work so I get that I'm just going to here we go I'm going to pause this till it um goes but okay so let's answer this question how does Maria's rule of the five ones so in case you don't know I'll link to
that video but the rule of five ones is you're going to have um one target market one specific offer solving one hypers specific problem marketed on one platform for one year the minute I started doing that and started following the rule of the five ones I hit a million dollars in something like 7 months so I found out about the rule of the five ones in November and I hit seven figures by May and so when I tell you like this rule of the five ones it's what everybody it's what everybody teaches if you read
Michael Master since book ready fire aim he teaches something very similar so it's not like I'm pulling this and making this up this is the rules of success so to answer your question how does this how does this play into it how does my low ticket offers play into to Maria's rule of the 5 ones and also how do I scale my one product to a million dollar so I'll give you two examples both from my own business okay so not made up real examples the first product that I scaled to a million dollar was
a 997 offer so about $1,000 and I basically sold 80 to 100 of those a month if you do the math on that that's a million-dollar business in case you don't know what the name of the program was it was called the get clients now program and I sold this exact program over and over and over and over and over again for like five years I didn't sell anything else for five years like I just took this one product and sold just this one product for five years people didn't get bored of it people didn't
get fatigued I just got better and better and better at selling it and just kept making more and more money so that's the first way you can do it is with a higher ticket offer if I had done you know if I had charged $2,000 would have had to do 40 to 50 a month I sold it super easily I feel like $1,000 was pretty easy to do like on repeat um my customers loved it I got really good at selling it I got really good at delivering it like it was pretty foolproof so that's
the more High ticket way and you can just keep doing the math on this right if you wanted to do like a $4,000 offer then you just need to do like 20 to 30 I think if is the math on that a month right so that's that's the one way to scale it to a million dollars it can feel easier the second way and the way that most people who are probably watching this video because I probably linked you this video is if you sell something like a a $10 thing you want to do low
ticket sales you want like hands off courses how do you scale a like $10 product to a million dollars so let me just show you what this is going to look like okay so you're going to have a $10 offer which you're going to have one funnel so you're going to have an entire product funnel now there's a couple things I want to show you to be very clear because I want to answer this question and just I'm tired of teaching this frankly I just want to teach it and be done so we're going to
just make sure we get this from all the different angles and answer any questions I can think that you guys are going to have and then this video will forever be a resource for everybody okay so first thing that we're going to answer is that you only going to be pitching this first product so when you are on Instagram talking about how you can help people you're not going to be talking about this $27 product this $97 upsell this $297 upsell right you're only going to be pitching and talking about this one product okay now
when you send people through this $10 product funnel they're going to be offered the option to buy the $27 thing the $97 thing or the $297 thing and by the way these are just example prices I have a course on how to do UPS sales I'll link that in the description these are just example prices you got to figure out like what your prices or I'll show you in the course but either way you got to determine what your um proper upsell prices are so don't think this is the gospel prices of upsells um and
you also probably want to have like one or two more upsells for a total of like four or five upsells just but this is just the example um and so um when you're pitching stuff on social media you never talk about this product and you never talk about this product and you never talk about this product you're only ever pitching and talking about and selling this one product but what's going to happen is you're going to have a ton of people if you do it right and you do what I teach you're going to have
a ton of people go through and buy the $10 product and you're going to start to have I mean if we just do the simple math on this let's say that a customer chooses to buy all of them just for the sake of this example so that's going to be a $431 um we'll just say $430 but like a $431 total order right so that customer went from a $10 order which oh my God that's going to take forever to get to a million dollars to oh okay I can actually see a path to scaling
with a $430 offer now you will not have this this is how it's going to work if you think of like I'm going to pretend this is a balance right um you will not have every $10 order won't upsell right so maybe you have 30% will buy everything and 70% will buy something okay besides that so you'll have something like 30% it's a 4 31 and then maybe like another a 70% will at least do the the $27 minimum um and then like 30% will do nothing right so we'll do zero so 30% of your
orders might literally just be $10 just for this example okay but you're basically going to have a wide range of potential order totals where like they might choose this one and this one and then another person might choose this one and this one and then a third person might just choose that one so you're going to have a lot of different um totals when you properly build your upsell funnel but again the thing that I want to emphasize is that before your customer checks out right here buying the $10 thing they have no effing clue
that these products exist because you are freaking hyperfocused on only pitching this one product and you're not talking about this and you're not talking about this and you're not talking about that and so you are following the rule of the five ones because you're only pitching and marketing and promoting this one product but we're capturing a lot more profit out the backend and that's I think what people miss when they see me say oh low ticket I want you to only teach sell one product but they're like my gosh like how long is it going
to take me to scale a $10 product to a million dollars it's a fair question um and that's why I spent a lot of time answering it and that's why I'm like let's just make this video and be done with it so um that was the first thing that I wanted to tell you was that um you are only going to be marketing this one product and that creates Simplicity now I think that again if we're talking about this like low ticket how to scale a low ticket product to a million dollars um you have
to have the right product and so I just released a course on um creating a product that goes viral um I'm going to share my screen and just kind of like show you what I teach you in here because I feel like it all of this is for not if we can't actually properly create a product that's going to go viral because it's so much I don't want to use the word work cuz I think that's the wrong way to say it but like it is a lot of intentionality in order to promote one low
ticket thing so if we're going to be sending all this traffic to it we want to make sure we're actually sending traffic to a product that's poised to go viral and so this was a popular um course that was requested for a very very long time and I put a somebody said I outdid myself and that compliment meant a lot because I actually really tried to outdo myself um and so essentially in this course how to create a bio digital product I teach you how to create a low ticket product that will actually go viral
and so there's three there's three things that you want to keep in mind that every product has to have every product that goes viral has to have these three things and the other thing that I always talk about is that is the pricing of that initial offer so if we think about that iPad with that one product if you're going to do the low ticket model your pricing will either accelerate it going viral or throttle the virality process and so we don't want you to price your low ticket product at a point that's going to
cause people to say oh my gosh well that looked good but it's too expensive or it's too cheap we want to say oh my gosh and that's what she's charging this is even better now I'm going to send it to a friend that's one of the many things we talk about in this course and so basically the long story short is I give you step-by-step tutorials on how to create a viral course or PDF bundle like if you don't want to show your face you can um do a PDF bundle or an audio bundle I
teach you how to do this without having to pay for additional equipment or software best practices how to properly structure your digital product because again you know everything we talked about about marketing and and and doing that upsell funnel and all of that it requires I'm going to just pull the iPad back up because I think it's important I want it I want it next to me so you can see this again this part here this one product thing here requires a product that's actually going to sell because otherwise you're trying to do all this
stuff over here to the right and all this like fancy collecting profit footwork but if you don't have the foundational thing which is a that you can actually take and scale to a million dollars you're out of luck excuse my language but you're out of luck and so I took for granted that people like knew how to do this I just for some reason I thought that people knew how to make a product go viral I thought that this was basic foundational stuff but I had so many people for literally years for like three or
four years people have asked me how to create a product to sell um and this is what this course is all about one of the things that I'm including now for free is this flop to viral scale um which is how to actually like a test to make sure your product is going to go viral but B name a product that's so compelling your dream people have to buy so um I will link to this course in the description if you feel like you have a product that you're confident in you're confident in the pricing
you feel very like okay no my product is is good I'm just not clear on how to scale it then that's where this stuff in the iPad comes in where you're only I want to definitively answer this from now until the end of time you are only um you're only ever pitching this product nobody knows I'm just going to draw red X's the only time people know about this these products is when they've actually gone through the checkout process here and so your audience your Instagram your um Tik Tok wherever you're selling your email what
your Facebook whatever might be they only know about this product this is the only product you pitch um and then all of this other additional stuff again mind you you should have like four or five upsells um all of this additional stuff here on the right is done almost like privately in the background because again if we go back to the rule of the 5 ones I don't believe you can scale a business of seven figures or I haven't seen it myself personally and hang out with a lot of seven and eight figure and nine
figure company owners and the only thing they ever talk about what they did at the beginning was take one target audience solve one problem for that target audience hypers specific problem selling one product on one platform so you're not going to be posting on Facebook and Instagram and your email list and YouTube you're only going to be doing one of those for one year the thing that keeps so many entrepreneurs stuck at six figures and below is their lack of focus and the fact that they have shining object syndrome so hopefully that answered that question
again if you want me to show you how to make a product this first one here that's going to go viral that's going to scale to a million dollars I'm happy to help if you feel confident in your product and you just need the like answer to the question the answer is yeah you're only selling one product and you're doing it over and over again but your profit and all that extra dollar amount is happening behind the scenes with the upsell stuff which I will link to in the description as well thank you so much
for watching I'll see you in the next video