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If any man be in Christ he is a new creation when you were born again you received a new nature a supernatural nature you were born again of the spirit now I want to reveal from the scripture the truth about how you interact with the spiritual realm I'm explaining the differences between Spirit soul and body and this will help to bring a lot of clarity not just concerning your own identity but also how you interact with the spiritual realm why you feel certain things at certain times certain times you don't but first I want you
to comment in the comment section right now let this be your public prayer of faith write these three simple words take me deeper because I believe you're going to deeper depths in the spirit as you hear the word of God now the Holy Spirit has much to offer the believer there is power untapped lying dormant within you that you might not be using every believer has the Holy Spirit when we are born again we don't get a new convert Holy Spirit we don't get a baby Holy Spirit we don't get just a portion of the
Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you in the fullness of his presence and power you get all of the Holy Spirit the very moment you're born again sadly many times we think about the Holy Spirit as if he's a reward for good behavior but truly the Holy Spirit was deposited in you as a guarantee as a mark of God's Divine favor and blessing of upon your life he seals that salvation that God has gifted to you when you believe now that power rests in you now all that God has for you has
already been deposited it's just a matter of walking in that power so this really is the secret to unleashing the power and the ministry of the Holy Spirit within your life because everything that he has and all that he is has already been deposited in you now I know it may not feel like that sometimes times I know at times you might feel like you lack power or you lack peace or you lack Joy or you lack love or you lack Revelation or maybe you lack Holiness or Grace or Compassion maybe you lack the boldness
that you need to step into the call of God maybe that's how you feel but I promise you you lack nothing in Christ so to understand how all of this works to understand how you interact with the spiritual realm how the spiritual realm affects you and how the Earthly realm affects you you first need to understand that man has three components to his nature now you are not a trinity you're not three persons one human you are a human with three aspects or three parts of your nature and that is your spirit your soul and
your body you are a spirit who has a soul that lives in a body I want to say that again get this in your mind you are a spirit who has a soul that lives in a body your true identity is ultimately the spirit your true identity is ultimately that part of you that connects with God that already is connected with God and so as we begin to understand these three different aspects of our nature a lot of things begin to make sense prayer makes sense Ministry makes sense uh your relationship with God at least
your interaction with the Lord begins to make sense why you feel certain things as I mentioned a moment ago why you feel certain things at certain times and you don't feel certain things at certain other times all of that's going to make sense as you begin to understand these different components of your nature 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says this now may the God of Peace make you holy in every way and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again so here we see in Scripture that there's
a distinguishing line between body and Soul and Spirit now let me be very careful about the way I say this because I don't want to cause a misunderstanding when it comes to your spirit and your soul though these are two different aspects of your nature that line of Distinction is not as bold as some of us have been led to believe like for example maybe you've seen the U the illustrations where there's a body a soul and a spirit like three sections and they're very clearly walled off from one another now I think those illustrations
are helpful I myself use those illustrations I think I used those illustrations in one or two of my books so they're helpful to a degree but they don't necessarily give us the whole picture especially when it pertains to the soul and the spirit because there is a little bit more crossover between Soul and Spirit than we realize again it's not this very clear distinct line that creates these compartments though again visualizing it that way can help you understand certain things but we can't forget about the Nuance because the scripture does describe this mingling of the
Soul and Spirit that they're not exactly separate especially in Old Testament perspective we don't have time to get into that but especially in the Old Testament perspective it was understood that the soul and the spirit had more of a connection than we realize uh for the most part and how we talk about it today so let me just create these distinctions using the scripture or I should say highlight these distinctions using the scripture but all the while keep in the back of your mind that Soul and Spirit aren't exactly compartmentalized to the point where they're
absolutely distinct from one another I think this maybe just be describing um different functions of The Human Experience so first we have body now your body is your Earth suit this is how you communicate and interact with the physical world around you these are your senses what you see what you hear uh what you feel your body is how you are Tethered to the Earthly realm now we understand that when the body is broken to a certain point there's a disconnect from this realm and you are completely and totally only connected to the spirit realm
but again this is how you interact with the world around you it's how you interact with other people for the most part because the conversations you have um are communicated in the Physical Realm when you see one another that's done in the Physical Realm so we interact with those uh who are also here upon the Earth using our physical bodies now the body is not inherently evil because I think that we get this picture in our mind concerning the body and we imagine that the physical body is in and of itself a sinful thing part
of this misunderstanding comes from the fact that sometimes in the New Testament when you see the word flesh That Word Flesh is describing the physical being and other times when you see the word flesh that word is describing uh the sin nature or the Cravings of the of of the of the sin nature and so sometimes the word flesh means body other times the word flesh means sin nature and because of that Crossover with the terminology we just get it in our minds that the body is outright Wicked evil demonic all unto itself uh but
really your body can be used as an inst strument of Disobedience but it can also be used as an instrument of obedience in fact the scripture says in 1 Corinthians chapter 6: 19 what know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and ye are not your own so we see that the physical body is actually the dwelling place of the holy spirit's presence in them in in a physical way so your body is your Earth suit your body can be used for
good or for evil but you are not your body you are a spirit who has a soul that lives in a body the body is just a tool the body is just a vehicle that carries the rest of the aspects of who you are now this is not where you find your identity when you look in the mirror and you see your reflection you're see seeing the reflection of your body but you're not seeing the reflection of your identity you can see your face but you're not looking at your spirit you can see your features
but you're not looking at the soul instead you are looking at the physical vehicle that you are using to experience the world around you and when you begin to think about it this way it helps you to be more Heavenly minded it helps you to be more aware of the supernatural when you recognize that this physical body is just the con connection between you and the Earthly realm but again you are not your body your body can be used for good or for evil so that's number one that's your body and then we look at
the soul now the soul is the realm of decision your mind your will your emotions your personality you might have heard that but why do we say that why do we say that the soul consists of the Mind the will and the emotions I'll give you one example Psalm 42:1 why art thou downcast oh my soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God so the psalmist here is describing this sense of depression this emotion of sadness
and dismay now where does that emotion Express itself where is that emotion felt why so downcast oh my soul so the soul is definitely one of the places where emotions Express themselves now the definition of Soul according to the Strong's Interlinear reference uh for this particular portion of scripture Psalm 4211 we take that word Soul here and the definition is a soul living being life self person desire passion appetite emotion so it's your mind it's what you think your will what you desire your emotions what you feel your personality how you express those different aspects
of the soul and also we know that the soul is the realm of the Mind the will the emotions and the personality because the scripture makes a distinction between Body Soul and Spirit and then goes on to clearly describe what the body and the spirit are and therefore by simple deductive reasoning we are left with the rest of the aspects and expressions of the human nature and therefore what's left over and not described as Soul or excuse me not described as spirit and body are by deductive reasoning seen to be the soul but again as
it pertains to the Soul and Spirit remember there is still so cross over there for example like this this strange uh doctrine that that gained some popularity in 2020 or so but thankfully is now becoming uh Fringe again uh this doctrine that Christians can have demons the idea they would say things like well you know the demon can't dwell in the body because the holy spirit's in the body it can't dwell in the spirit because the holy spirit's there oh but it can dwell in the soul all the while people who say that don't realize
there's actually a lot more crossover between Soul and Spirit but that's just one example of how um making that line of Distinction too bold can lead to a misunderstanding of your own nature U whatever whatever the holy spirit is doing in your spirit definitely affects the soul so this is the neutral ground this is the place of decision this is where you exercise your free will now if you try to encounter God using the body that's religion if you try to encounter God using the soul that's emotionalism true encounters with God originate from the spirit
true encounters with God are inspired by the spirit now if the holy spirit moves you if the Holy Spirit begins to affect your life if the Holy Spirit should reveal the Lord Jesus to you in some way then naturally you may react to that encounter with emotion you may react to that encounter with some celebratory expression in the physical body for example praising dancing shouting clapping these are expressions of Praise that come from that revelation of the spirit however you cannot clap sing jump or shout your way into an encounter with God nor can you
feel your way into an encounter with God and I want to be very careful about how I say this because I want to make sure we see that very subtle distinction can an encounter with God cause you to shout and dance and sing and jump and praise absolutely can an encounter with God cause you to feel emotions absolutely can an encounter with God cause you to physically feel his power on your physical being absolutely but a true encounter with God begins from the inside and then goes outward man's attempt at connecting with God begins outward
and we think it'll affect us inwardly so when you view worship as a performance to gain God's approval and acceptance then you begin to forget about the work of the Cross then you begin to forget about the fact that you are already connected to the holy spirit that he already dwells in you but when you recognize that you have this relationship with the holy spirit that you have God's approval that you are his child that he already loves you it is out of that relationship that you begin to express thanks unto God through things like
worship and praise and so our encounters with him can certainly cause us to express emotion and express physical celebration but physical celebration and emotion cannot take you into an encounter with God when you try to encounter God through physical actions alone that is religion that is legalism when you try to encounter God through the use of emotion and intellect that is emotionalism and my friend that is humanism I'm cutting to the root of where new agism and humanism come from even to to some degree paganism because it's it's to try to treat the spiritual realm
as if it's transactional as if I can do something in my own power and strength to cause the spirit to move upon me now you obey him and he'll do what he does but you can't force the Holy Spirit to do anything and so we recognize the place of the body it can be used as an expression of what is happening in the spirit but it can never cause something to happen in the spirit the same is true of the mind and the emotions and so I like to say you can sing without a revelation
you can dance without a revelation you can shout and clap without a revelation but you can't worship without a revelation for all true worship comes from first the spirit so just to recap before we start talking about the spirit we saw that the body is like unto an earth suit it's how you interact with the world around you it's not inherently evil unto itself um and also it's what keeps you Tethered to this realm but if you try to seek God from the body alone that's religion then we saw the soul it's the realm of
decision the mind will emotions and personality we concluded that based upon the definition of Soul uh from Strong's inter linear um this was an Old Testament reference so that would be Hebrew that's Psalm 4211 we did a a word definition search over there from that scripture and then also by deductive reasoning we saw what was left over what is described as the body is one thing what is described as the spirit is another and the body and the soul and the spirit Spirit biblically speaking are different from one another and so by deductive reasoning we
we see what aspects are left um to be expressed in the soul now I'm going to read something interesting to you it's found in Matthew 10:28 Don't Be Afraid Of Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and Body in hell you notice what's missing here what's missing here is the spirit because those who are born again of the spirit do not experience the torments of hell now the spirit is your connection with God before you were saved you were dead in your
trespasses you were dead in sin when you are born again you become alive unto Christ you're bornn again of the spirit I'll read a portion of scripture here found in John chapter 3 I'll read verses 5 and onward Jesus answered verily I tell you no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit flesh gives birth to flesh but the spirit gives birth to Spirit you should not be surprised at my saying You must be born again the wind blows wherever it pleases you hear it you hear it
sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going so it is with everyone born of the spirit so when your mother gave birth to you you were born into this world with a physical body physical body has the senses if you're healthy all of them you can see you can hear you can touch you can taste you can smell and you exist here physically in this world Jesus is saying that when you are born again you are born again of the spirit now you're born again with spiritual sight and spiritual
hearing and spiritual sense you're you're alive now unto that realm before you were born again you were dead to that realm you you were not aware of that realm you you had no sense of that realm your spirit is who you are if you're a born- again believer your spirit is the source of your identity this is the very depth of your being remember what Jesus said Jesus said out of your innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water think about that your innermost being the body is the outermost the soul is the middle ground
the spirit is the innermost being so think about yourself in layers remember though that each layer touches the other so again there's not necessarily this distinct line between them so the influence of the Holy Spirit to some degree affects every aspect of your life and that degree of influence depends upon the degree of Your Surrender so your spirit is the very depth of who you are very depth of your being and this is actually where fellowship with the Holy Spirit takes place first Corinthians chapter 2 verses 9 and onward one of my favorite portions of
scripture right here no I has seen no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him but it was to us that God revealed these things by his spirit for his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep Secrets no one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit and no one can know God's thoughts except God's Own spirit and we have received God's spirit not the world spirit so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us when when we tell you
these things we do not use words that come from Human wisdom instead we speak words given to us by the spirit using the spirit's words to explain spiritual truths but people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's spirit it all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it for only those who are spiritual can understand what the spirit means those who are spiritual can evaluate all things but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others four who can know the Lord's thoughts who knows enough to teach him but we understand these things for
we have the mind of Christ this is by the way where I get the title one of the titles for the Holy Spirit as the mind of Christ because it's the Holy Spirit who searches the Deep things of God so no one knows you like your spirit knows you your innermost being and no one know go knows God Spirit like the Holy Spirit knows or no one knows God like the Holy Spirit knows he searches the mind of God he understands the will of God the ways of God the nature of God the power of
God the plans of God the complexities of God he understands all of it and he takes these these these wonderful Treasures of Revelation concerning God and he shares them with you where does this take place this takes place in the spirit so this is why at times you may wonder why you feel God in some seasons and why you don't feel him in others why you feel like praying in some seasons and why why you don't feel like praying in others where you have kind of this EB and flow now I'm going to show you
something here you can choose to to to live either from the exterior or from the interior what do I mean by that well imagine that there are three individuals standing before you shoulder-to-shoulder all facing the same way and the one in the middle can either face the one on the left or the one on the right so three people standing in front of you they're all facing you and the one in the middle turns to one or the other what what are those one or the other on the sides that's the body and that's the
spirit now most Christians sadly live their lives facing exterior they're looking Prim primarily Through The Eyes of the physical body now remember the eyes of the physical body are not necessarily evil however if you see from this perspective only all you're going to be receiving are the things of the world even the Revelation you receive of God will come from the exterior you're you're receiving teaching and preaching and sermons and content nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with having an experience as a human being in the Earthly Realm that's where God put us
that's he designed this world it's his world by the way but when we when we when we Face outwardly then the circumstances that occur around us affect the emotions and the thoughts within us please hear this I know this is for someone watching right now or some or someone listening if you're listening to the audio this could be for you too the Holy Spirit lives within you yes he also dwells in the physical body but but but that influence can either come from within to without or from without to within now when you're facing the
exterior everything around you is Shifting constantly up and down back and forth on some days good things are happening on other days bad things are happening on some days the finances look great other days not so much on some days you feel connected with others on other days you feel completely disconnected from everyone on some days you feel physically refreshed on other days you're just physically drinked and sometimes if you hit one of those weeks it all hits at once and and you have a choice now do I face the exterior and have everything within
me unstable or do I face the other way because you know oh this this is going to challenge you right here you know you're an outward facing Christian if your emotions are constantly up and down you know you're an outward-facing Christian if your thought are constantly chaotic and confusing why because I'm I'm facing outward but there's a shift that you can make and and here's the problem Christians think that their breakthrough is going to come through some dramatic change of exterior circumstances and by the way many Christians use that word breakthrough as code for the
day I never have to struggle again in my life I can't wait for my breakthrough and in the back of their minds they think breakthrough is the day that everything works out perfectly all the time for it if you think breakthrough means that you'll never have any troubles and everything will work out exactly as you want it to work out breakthrough is never coming but if you see breakthrough as a shift internally that allows you to live and think victoriously even in life's most challenging circumstances then that's the right definition for breakthrough because breakthrough doesn't
always mean a change in circumstance sometimes breakthrough isn't a major change in circumstance most of the time breakthrough is a small shift in in in in internal perspective just just a slight variation within instead of staring outward you now shift to Inward and when I say inward I'm not saying look unto self I'm saying that self now begins to look unto the spirit 1 Corinthians 6:17 tells us that the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him Psalm 427 says deep calleth unto deep the noise of thy wat spouts at the
noise of thy water spouts and thy waves and thy Billows are gone over me this is talking about that inner Fellowship that inner knowing that inner stability to face inward is to face the spirit to live in that way let me tell you something that maybe you don't believe but is true you have the mind of Christ you already know God you already have power you already have Revelation in the spirit you're already one with God what does the Bible say he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him period are you
joined to the Lord You're not two Spirits you're one spirit with God he's already joined with you and that's the deposit that's the guarantee so all that God has for you is already yours you don't need more love you don't need more peace you don't need more power you just need to make use of that which God has already placed in you so when you pray are you praying from the outer shells if I Pace enough if I shout enough God will hear me if I cry enough if I feel enough God will hear me
or the spirit I know I'm already connected when you read the word are you reading from just the outer shell just the intellect or are you reading the word with the help of the Holy Spirit within you when you worship are you just giving outer expression for something you don't really sense in the spirit or are you allowing what you know in the spirit to bring forth true spirit-led worship when you serve in the church and you serve in the ministry are are you doing this from an outer sense of obligation or an inner stirring
of the Holy Ghost and this is why many Believers are tired because they're giving from the wrong Source they're giving from the physical they're giving from the soul rather than giving from the spirit deep within because when you give from the spirit it keeps flowing it's a river that never runs dry you can give and give and give and give and and you never grow tired why because you're giving from the spirit so it's not a matter of you getting more of the holy spirit it's a matter of the Holy Spirit getting more of you
it's a matter of learning to face inwardly so that you allow that peace to affect you and when you're facing inwardly the Holy Spirit does not change the Holy Spirit does not shift up and down like your circumstances do and so w with with that focus on the holy spirit with the focus on Jesus now nothing can change you in in a bad way nothing can move you from off of your commitment nothing nothing can trip you up why because no matter what's going on around me I have that Fellowship within me no matter what's
going on around me somewhere even if even if I can't please hear this even if I can't understand it in my mind and even if I can't feel it in my emotions peace is in my spirit so then spiritual growth isn't really your spirit growing it's your spirit gaining influence over the rest of who you are Revelation isn't really me getting new knowledge Revelation is when that which I already know in my spirit actually begins to affect the outer shells of who I am that's what it means to live in the spirit so you talk
about what does it mean to live in the spirit we live in the influence of the spirit with the guidance of the holy spirit in obedience to the Holy Spirit trusting the Holy Spirit to face Inward and that's the place of retreat because when there's nowhere else to go I mean when when things are upside down there upside down there's nowhere to turn you you turn to to to people that people people fail you you turn maybe to finances maybe you're struggling there maybe you have an issue in your health you turn and and from
the outer shells there's pain there's there's disconnect there's sorrow there's trouble in those seasons and in every season you can Retreat to the inner place what do I mean by that I simply when I say inner place place I just mean turn your focus to Jesus and out of your innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water father I pray right now that your people would be refreshed by your holy spirit let those rivers of living water flow from deep within affecting and changing the outer shells of who they are touch their lives in a
fresh way Lord even now it's the presence of the Lord touching your life in a fresh way remind them Lord to retreat the secret place to live in the secret place to face the secret place remind them they are not their body they are not their soul but that their identity is found in you in Jesus name we pray I want you to say it because you believe it say Amen if this message blessed you you think others need to hear it don't forget to leave a like and let's stay connected subscribe to the channel
right now so that you can continue to receive my teachings on the Holy Spirit prayer and spiritual warfare click that notification Bell when you do subscribe and now I want to invite you to participate with what God is doing through this ministry I know that right now it's tempting to start looking for other things to click on maybe there's another video somewhere you want to watch and that's perfectly fine but I'm asking you to just give me a couple more minutes of your time and I really want to challenge you to to step into involvement
with this ministry we as a Ministry and it really is the Lord's Ministry we're stewards of it we're seeing people saved healed delivered empowered refreshed and to Jesus belongs all the glory maybe your life was even blessed by this ministry in some way a book a video a live stream an event how did that happen that happened because someone else gave now the gospel is free we preach for free we give for free but the means to deliver this message on a mass scale that takes resources now look I know that for many this is
a season of great financial struggle I understand that and I know that for many this is a season where they're worried about the future Matthew 6:33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness above all else then all these things what things material things shall be added unto your material needs God understands and so I want to challenge you to step out of fear and step into faith think about what can be sacrificed think about what you can do to get involved this is an army of God's Remnant and we are seeing
the gospel spread around the world in these last days I can tell you this you'll never regret what you gave for the advancement of the Gospel you'll never regret what you sacrificed for the sake of others this is a matter of Eternity this is a matter of souls this is a matter of the gospel so I'm asking you right now to consider signing up to becoming a monthly Ministry partner you can sign up for our automatic giving plan at David hernandes ministries.com partner consider right now signing up to become a $10 a month partner a
$25 a month partner some can do a $50 a month a $100 a month whatever it is I'm challenging you now to sign up to become a monthly Ministry supporter those monthly uh gifts really help us to plan for the future too and they enable us to see and strategize so that we can use the resources most efficiently you can do that again by going to David hernandes ministries.com partner you can also give a single gift by going to David Hernandez ministries.com donate whatever you do I want you to know we appreciate your giving and
we know that it'll be used for the advancement of God's kingdom well I love you I appreciate you I pray for you and until next time remember nothing is impossible with God
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