Mac vs Windows - Which one is Better?

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in this video I will answer a question that probably crossed the minds of some of you after the laptop video I uploaded earlier Windows or Mac this question has likely occurred to those who are about to buy a computer for the first time and the opinions of users on both sides may have left them feeling confused that's why I think this video will be very helpful for those who want to buy a new laptop both platforms fall a bit short in some areas compared to their competitors therefore you need to know the commonalities and differences
between the two sides even if only a little if you're ready let's get started without knowing what makes both Windows and Mac devices good for a specific task you'll probably end up not being very satisfied with the computer you buy for example why shouldn't you buy a Mac for 3D modeling and rendering or if battery life and portability are important to you why shouldn't you prefer Windows which one is the best option for coding and application development which one provides the highest performance in the low butd budget range which platform is better for photo editing
and video editing your experience in these matters will be influenced by factors such as performance design and ecosystem so if you're ready let's start with performance one performance in this section we'll mostly evaluate Performance Based on 3D modeling gaming and 4K video editing because these usage areas are the most demanding tasks for a computer additionally we'll touch on web design coding and application development because certain details in these areas are more important than the performance of laptops both platforms have sufficient features for tasks like application development and coding and the best choice for you in
these areas depends on the language of the application you're developing and the platform used by your colleagues if applicable because even though both platforms are good enough contributing to a windows-based project with a Mac or contributing to a mac-based project with a Windows device can bring some challenges along with it regardless of your preferences consider consider using the platform that your colleagues are working with because in group projects your results will get affected by the consistency of your contributions to the task on the other hand in terms of web design Mac OS is a better
option because web design is based on Unix which Mac OS is built upon and MacBook provides the best compatibility in this area now let's get to the most challenging topic 3D modeling but before we move on to 3D modeling I want to talk about partition Master by EA partition Master is a partition management software that allows you to perform various tasks related to hard drive partitions some of its key features include one partition resizing you can resize partitions by extending or shrinking them without data loss two partition creation and deletion you can create new partitions
on your hard drives or delete existing ones three partition conversion it allows for converting between different partition formats such as converting between fat 32 and NTFS four partition merge and split you can merge adjacent partitions into a single partition or split a large partition into smaller ones five partition cloning it offers you the ability to clone partitions or entire hard drives useful for backup or migration purposes this allows you to copy the dis on which the operating system is installed to another dis this way you don't need to reinstall your programs six partition recovery partition
Master includes features for recovering lost or deleted partitions and data you can use the link in the description to check out the partition Master's all features and the first 100 people who use the license key that we have provided will have access to the professional version of partition master so hurry up before it's too late now let's move on to 3D modeling in 3D modeling the three-dimensional representation of an object is first designed within various parameter ranges in 2D and then created by rendering according to variables such as material texture and light to obtain the
visual output of a 3D model we need render engines in the past render engines used to rely solely on the computer's processor but nowadays they can utilize external graphics cards to render a faster rate so if we're going to render 3D images the performance of the graphics card is crucial for us this is because graphics cards contain a larger number of cores that work in parallel and have faster RAM memory modules than the ones that processors use this allows a graphics card to process the project data faster than CPUs if you compare the render times
of gpus in Max with those on the window side you'll understand why I don't recommend Macs for 3D rendering the primary reason MacBooks lag behind in this area compared to Windows is that currently they do not support dedicated external graphics cards both in terms of platform and design instead of dedicated graphics cards MacBooks rely on integrated graphics cards in their CPU which offers slightly inferior performance performance compared to Dedicated external graphics cards in Windows laptops due to design limitations another reason for Mac's lagging behind is the difference in architecture between Apple's M series processors and
those in Windows laptops rendering engines are optimized for x86 architecture which supports external graphics cards and has no power limitations you might be curious about the x86 architecture and I would love to explain this in future but for now just know this Apple's M series processors operate on arm architecture and rendering engines haven't been adequately optimized for this architecture yet so they can't deliver the necessary performance even if their integrated graphics cards are capable enough the same reasons apply to gaming as well even though M series processors can technically support mid-range games the lack of
software optimization prevents them from delivering the required performance in these two aspects the difference between Windows and Mac goes beyond the operating system difference Windows us utilizes the x86 architecture which performs higher level tasks that require processing a large amount of data when there's no power limit this architecture handles complex tasks by Distributing them between the processor and graphics card it can use external graphics cards or multiple Ram slots for performance uplift on the other hand Macintosh transitioned to the arm architecture focusing on low power consumption starting from 2020 arm architecture emphasizes software that processes
tasks rather than relying on the processor and graphics card for a specific task by breaking down tasks into smaller parts it consumes less energy providing more efficient performance in portable form factors like the smartphone that you're probably using right now however arm doesn't support options like external graphics cards or additional RAM slots arm processors are designed with predefined specific memory and storage modules according to the software that it's going to work with and there's no room for upgrades hence in devices like new MacBooks with arm processor you can't upgrade ram or similar components the reason
rendering engines perform better on Windows is also related to how software is optimized for x86 architecture which Windows is mostly based on these programs can technically run on the arm architecture used by the Mac OS operating system but due to optimization issues they don't provide the necessary processing power compared to Windows it's worth noting that this situation is valid for now in the near future if modeling programs get gets optimized for the arm architecture the situation could change in favor of MacBooks 4K video editing is an area where both platforms are good options what you
need for this task is a fast CPU a fast GPU High Ram capacity and well optimized software technically it's similar to 3D modeling but you might have noticed that you don't necessarily need the power of x86 architecture for video clips audio and music arm and Mac perform just as well as Windows in this Regard in fact in some areas they might even perform slightly better Mac's efficiency focused architecture can provide you with the necessary power since you don't need as much processing power additionally Macs come with advantages like long battery life and a lighter form
factor in this area both platforms will provide you with a good experience however remember this if you're on a tight budget or if you don't use the softwares like Final Cut Pro which only works on Apple devices then a Windows device might be a better choice for you Windows devices support the majority of video editing programs and also offer features like extra Ram slots to enhance the speed of your computer however one of the most obvious advantages of MacBook in this regard as mentioned earlier is that relatively lightweight tasks can be performed as quickly by
M series processors as by those on the Windows side this makes MacBooks more liberating if you travel frequently or if your work requires Mobility MacBooks allow you to achieve high performance without being test gaed to a power outlet Additionally the same situation applies to most photo editing and digital drawing programs programs like Photoshop Lightroom and after effects can be used on both platforms but on Max you can experience advantages like lightweight operation without experiencing performance losses on the other hand if you're interested in music production programs like FL Studio or logic pro you need a
powerful processor and a good battery life this makes MacBook a good choice in this area additionally there's another aspect where MacBooks Excel but I'd like to delve into it more extensively under the design section two design if you've paid attention to MacBooks around in stores or online you've probably noticed that they generally have a more stylish and premium design apple prioritizes design as much as performance in its products and you can see this across all price ranges while this is technically part of Apple's marketing and brand strategy it also brings along some sign ific advantages
Apple products always come with well-calibrated screens and speakers which make your work easier especially in areas like photo and video editing where Apple has an edge in summary having highscreen color gamut values makes MacBooks a better option for all visually based applications while having good speaker quality makes them preferable for all sound-based applications moreover their portability provides a significant advantage while not requiring additional Hardware to be carried along adds considerable convenience however one disadvantage of Apple in this regard is that they generally come with a higher price tag compared to their competitors in the market
while this alone may not be a problem the inability to upgrade components like RAM and SSD afterwards can prevent them from being used to their full potential in various workloads if you're not well informed about this you could be negatively affected for example if you purchase a MacBook Pro with 8 GB of RAM for mid to high level editing you will likely encounter issues ues during editing or rendering the performance of your device may not be sufficient to improve performance you would need to upgrade the RAM of your device but this is impossible because as
mentioned earlier MacBook RAM cannot be upgraded to solve this you would need to buy a MacBook with 16 GB or more of ram but the price increase of the higher storage and memory options is also higher than the competition keep this in mind on the other hand most Windows laptops may not attract as much attention in terms of design as MacBooks but this is not because they are inherently inferior in the windows ecosystem since multiple manufacturers compete directly with each other their primary goal is usually to achieve the highest performance values at the lowest price
tag naturally this approach where function and performance are preferred over design and form is the main reason why most Windows laptop models lack the design consistency of MacBooks in terms of design and components the most advantageous aspect of Windows laptops in this regard is that they can achieve similar performance values at a lower price however while reaching these values they may lag behind in other areas that affect the user experience such as screen and speaker quality apart from that another advantage of Windows laptops is their flexibility in design as mentioned earlier if you buy a
Macbook you need to determine the memory and storage options before purchase because the design of MacBooks does not support Hardware upgrades in Windows laptops however you have the advantage of adding additional RAM and SSD to a laptop with low RAM and SSD capacity later on like you would with a desktop system and this could be better for you depending on your budget or expected product lifespan because Windows laptops can be repaired much more easily than MacBooks but if you're going to build a desktop system Windows is a much better option than mac because the x86
architecture that Windows operates on is much more advantageous on desktops arm architecture that MacBooks and iMacs are using doesn't really leverage the desktop form factor when it comes to screen and sound quality you need to know the exact specifications retina displays on MacBooks typically have color gamut values of at least 80% in color spaces such as Adobe RGB dcp3 and ntsc these values mean that the colors on the screen will be Vivid and accurate however a Windows laptop with the same values will serve you as well as a Macbook problem with the Windows laptops is
they might not always equipped with the same highquality display panels that they are advertising IED with this is a result of efforts of Manufacturers to meet different user demands with lower price tags a Windows laptop could come with two variations one with the highest refresh rate for better gaming and another with a very high resolution and well-calibrated display for better content creation but I should note that there has been significant progress in this Regard in Windows laptops released in the last 3 years nowadays the display options are more uniform than ever similarly MacBook speakers deliver
approximately the full range of frequencies between 20 HZ and 20 khz at roughly the same level the most important factor in sound quality is that the frequency response is as flat as possible as long as the speaker sound measurements are close to those of a Macbook you can achieve the same performance from Windows laptops as well and the good news is as of 2024 manufacturers have also begun to show the same attention to detail in sound as they do for screens as of now other manufacturers have started using speakers with a flat frequency response in
models directly competing with MacBooks this development will enable Windows laptops to perform on par with MacBooks in many areas especially in music production the fact that Windows laptops are closing the Gap with MacBooks in both screen and sound quality represents a significant advancement as you can imagine three ecosystem integration by ecosystem we mean your laptop actively communicating with another laptop your tablet your smartphone your Smartwatch your sound system and other devices you have making your usage easier additionally this includes applications developed for these devices working in integration with applications on other devices allowing access to
saved data from one device to another and being able to control other devices among other features the only platform that embodies these features is Apple's products since integration across the Apple products is a part of Apple's business strategy this incentives Apple to offer very helpful features like handoff which allows you to start an activity on one device and continue on another seamlessly airdrop a feature that allows you to send a file to one of your own or a nearby Apple device without changing another setting iCloud synchronization for photos documents notes and other data across devices
features like these are also available on Microsoft Office programs in both mobile and on Windows versions but other features such as universal clipboard which allows you to copy content on one device and pasted on another is currently available only on Apple devices there are more features like continuity camera apple carplay and sidecar but I won't go into detail about them in this video but I could simply describe the Apple's ecosystem as a swarm of devices that work pretty well on their own but offer more options and features when they are paired with more Apple devices
be it your own or another person's in the past Microsoft has also offered similar features as I've just mentioned like optimization of your photos documents files and settings via Microsoft One Drive which came out along with the airdrop and iCloud but Microsoft's mobile platform Windows Phone couldn't gather enough user base due to Microsoft's business strategy and lack of developer support that users were relying upon however in recent years collaboration between Microsoft and Android device manufacturers like Samsung has been increasing both Microsoft and Google are working on an ecosystem integration that is similar to Windows 8.1
and Windows phone 8.1 so there is a possibility that we may see ecosystem features similar to Apples on the Windows side in the near future all right let's finish the video slowly if you like the video don't forget to hit the like button if not feel free to dislike stay mysterious until the next video take care and [Music] bye [Music]
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