How to Sell Better than 99% Of People (4 HOUR ULTIMATE GUIDE)

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Alex Hormozi
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this is all my best presentations and videos on sales you could call it my Ultimate Guide enjoy selling with logic to make lots of money and so this will either be the best presentation on sales you've ever heard the worst presentation on sales you've ever heard or somewhere in between that is a promise all right and so I thought it would make sense to start with this we have a high this is Charlie Monger who's probably like my number one hero in this season of My Life um we have a high moral responsibility to be
rational and I think that getting someone to rationally decide is important because emotional buyers often times get excited they'll buy and then who's had somebody who calls him two days later it's like I don't know why anybody raise your hand just so you know you're not alone okay and what happens is it's just like dating I think Lea talked about it yesterday if you have a rational foundation for a relationship or a decision when the emotions fade the logic will continue and so it's good to to answer both sides of the decision-making process the short-term
side is the emotion that gets you to decrease your astion threshold and take a step right but the logic is what makes it stick and actually makes a great customer all right and so for me and I think that the further along you get in business and the higher up you get in business the more you'll see people who tend to make more logical decisions more logic first decisions and fewer and fewer emotional decisions all right so what does being a rational sorry what does rational logical have to do with selling well you have logical
buyers and you have emotional buyers in general right most people sit on this Continuum one way or the other and emotionally people want to believe you people want to buy you must help their logical brains justify to decision that they already want to make think about it that way they want to buy from you you have to help them all right so who here identifies actually I'll skip through this emotional logical you're probably in between anybody in between these two anyone all right then you'll love this so before we get started I thought I would
give you a few beliefs about selling that have served me very well throughout the years number one people want to believe you they want to buy you must help their logical Brains Brains justify the decision two selling happens before you ask for the sale closing happens after so you're selling for a lot longer period of time but the moment you kind of like take your pants yourself and you're like this is what it is that's when you're closing right you have now solicited now you close three it's easier to handle obstacles than objections I'll get
to what the difference between those are in a second that being said expect and plan for no it is not failure it is expected so stop being surprised it's one of the first things we talk new sales guys into is expect no that's not like that's a part of this if they already were going to say yes then you are not necessary no is the job right if they could make the decision on their own they would just send you the money right the reason they're struggling is because they can't and they need your help
which is why sales is actually the first step in coaching and I see sales as power if you can have the ability to direct or influence others that is power and I feel like it should be made much cooler than I feel like it is five if you didn't get a gasp from a price tag you didn't go high enough this is another belief so for those of you who are afraid to raise your price if you're not getting gasps you're not going high enough straight up and when you do it that way you can
always walk down and have a beautiful price anchor right when you say $100,000 first a grand feels like a rounding error it's true but when I say $10 first like I'm saying right now $10 and I say a thousand sounds way [ __ ] bigger doesn't it so you got to get the gasp and you got to train your guys if you have a team they have to be comfortable with the no and they have to be comfortable with the gasp they got to go for the gasp be like dude you should have heard the
gasp on this one right there we go seven selling properly is the first step becoming a coach right your first impressions the expectations you set dictate the relationship how you sell the fact that you use logic in the sale will set you up for success and your client for success in the long run eight selling is helping prospects make decisions to help themselves like you are helping them help themselves that's where the power comes from you are not helping them you're helping them help them see the difference it's nuan but it's real nine keep the
prospect not the sale as the priority it's not about us the more you can vanish in the sale and and magnify them the better your selling conversations will go because it's not about us they don't care about you they only care about them and they will talk about themselves as long as they'll let them this is a really important one especially when you starts to getting into closing seek to understand not to argue and the way that I train our sales teams around this is childlike curiosity so when someone says when someone objects to something
it's like ha that's so weird I wouldn't have thought that tell me more about that right and you get to be able to maintain that childlike curiosity the same way they train fighters to not breathe too much during a fight through exposure the more more times you get into these uncomfortable high stakes closing scenarios the less weird and high stakes they become because they become what you do every day and the good thing is you get to have this conversation hundreds and thousands of times and they only get to have it once so you [
__ ] better be better at it than them closing is a dance not a fight it's seduction not rape I mean I'm being super serious about this the goal is not to beat them into submission the goal is to sell from your back foot it's like I'm good I want to help you help you and if that means not doing this then I [ __ ] love it I'm with you I'm on your team and I'll give you a bullet around that in a second selling is a transference of belief over a bridge of trust
therefore there are two things that are required You Must Believe so that you can transfer it and you must have trust to make the transfer because if you truly believe and a lot of times you anyone been on a hot streak when they're selling anyone anyone who just had their hand up ever been on a cold streak most times you go from hot to cold not because you forgot how to sell because you stop believing in why you're selling you have the same skills as you did the day before but sometimes you get a text
you get an email get a pain in the ass customer you ask for a refund whatever the hell it is right and then you question yourself and so that bridge might have been created but there was nothing to walk across it because your cup wasn't full and so that's why especially it's you in the beginning but your teams over time the process of filling conviction is one of the easiest and best ways to increase someone's closing percentage better than any of the training in the world if you get someone to believe they will sell the
right way because they're doing it not to make the deal because they want to help the other person 16 you can only build trust if you genuinely want to help and humans are exceptionally good at sniffing out intention is a survival mechanism you have to know if someone's trying to double cross you we're very good at smelling it out and the reason a lot of you guys can't close is because you only care about closing belief and Trust are a Continuum not binaries so it's not you believe or don't believe it's not they trust you
or don't trust you but how much do they trust you how much do you believe how deeply do you believe because anyone ever been around somebody who just believes balls to Bones something that you think's batshit crazy like I mean all the way so much so that you start to question what you believe that's what real conviction does 18 closers ask hard questions and it's because you genuinely care that's why you do it it's why we're here who here wants to impact thousands of lives and help people then you got to [ __ ] ask
hard questions because it's the only thing that's going to actually Pierce someone's hard and actually get the transformation to happen if you can't make if you cannot have transformational conversations you cannot coach and this is the first step the person who cares the most about the prospect wins the sale that includes them so if you care more about their well-being than they do you will win and if you are more convicted they will question their own excuses because you are so certain little TI Little Nugget for you record all your sales by the way because
when you do get on that hot streak right when you get on that hot streak and then you get cold again watch your hot streak see where you pause what jokes you made when you asked for the sale when you didn't how you overcame it and it'll get you back in the flow much faster than trying to question yourself what do I do what do I do always record all your sales it's also the easiest way to train new people and then lastly 21 power is the ability to direct or influence people if you want
to be powerful you must understand this skill and that's what we're going to talk about cool awesome when does selling happen does it happen when they're a lead does it happen when we're qualifying them does it happen when we solicit the sale does it happen when we close the sale when does the selling happen all the time the entire time selling is happening but what are we going to talk about today just this just closing everything you have to do after asking someone to buy why are we doing that rather than the entire process beyond
the fact that we'd be here all day the other reason and I love this is that closing has one of the highest predictors of success in business and here's an analogy for it everyone familiar with the NFL yeah great so here's an insane statistic the top five Red Zone offenses in the league now last five years made the playoffs 90% of the time here's why this is interesting and crazy there's a million other stats they could have horrible defenses they could have terrible coaching they could have a terrible whatever it is right they could have
all these things that are wrong with their they could have Terrible Special Teams whatever but just this one set if they're in the Red Zone they [ __ ] close and I can tell you if you have this ability if you have this skill it will make up for a tremendous amount of deficiencies in other areas of your life and business and it will buy you time to learn those but if you can't close it's very difficult to grow in business especially in the beginning because it's probably you that's why we're talking about closing why
is this important from Money Getting perspective well first off if you have 100 people walking the door 10% are never going to buy just accept that right problem is you don't know which 10% it is but 10% are ever going to buy 10% are always going to buy you just got to not [ __ ] it up and most of you guys these are the only sales you're getting they're like well I already I'm already here my friend told me about you I have my credit card out and some of you like well you know
let's make sure you're like just shut the [ __ ] just take the card you know what I mean like shut up right that's like hey my friend's so awesome you got to meet him and she's like oh my God he's great and then the guy starts talking and she's like oh just kidding you know like terrible right but this is what we fight for this is what we train and if you want to make a big impact that's what we're fighting for it's the middle 80 why this presentation will make you money if after
this presentation you just have one more bullet one more play In Your Arsenal to close where I get you one more deal a month I'll feel like my job was done all right and hopefully if you just do that it'll pay for your entire weekend all right that's my goal for the presentation that everything that you guys have done for this whole weekend is paid for is that cool Fair outcome all right so this is one of my favorite sayings you're only one decision away from changing your life forever and whenever I feel overwhelmed or
I feel like I'm decreasing like I feel powerless or I feel like I have less power than I want to have I always say this to myself because it's like I can take one decision and change [ __ ] everything you know what I mean like I can I can drink a bottle of Jack get the car I can change everything with one decision right I can make a step to to invest in something I can buy something I can invest in myself I can I can have a terrible conversation with Laya or I can
have amazing conversation with Lea but just one decision and that's always given me power but the thing is is that instead of changing our lives we blame when I say blame I want you to think give power to sources outside of our control and this is what you and this is what your prospects and your customers are doing and this is why so many people are Weak and Powerless and so we're going to do a fun activity today because I want you to be involved so you can learn it and we're going to do this
so that one you can help decisions to help yourself with whatever decisions you're facing two you can use these Frameworks to help prospects help themselves and then three become more powerful so but rather than keep this hypothetical I need you to visualize the decision that you need to make all right can you do that for me fantastic and this is why I want you to actually think through a decision together because this is a statement from confusious I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand so my goal here
isn't for you to take screenshots of every picture of every slide that's not my point here because the thing is is when you do that and you kind of I mean this is why I do it I take pictures so that I don't have to remember it but I don't want you to remember it I want you to understand it if you understand it you won't have to go back to your notes because let's be real half the time you're not even going to open these notes up again you're here now with me try and
understand if you do that it can change your life because what we're going to do is not going to be some scripts that you have to understand but the logic behind the arguments that people will give you as to why they are not choosing to become more powerful and if you can unlock that you people will feel more powerful talking to you and they will want to buy from you because of the feeling they have does that make sense and so that's when you're using logic to create an emotion so you here here's an easy
one for it anyone here presented with the decision last 24 hours yes great fantastic so who thinks the a decision could change your life for the better great for the worse knows all right let's go so here's my goal I want to show you as though you were Prospect how to think through a decision and help others using these Frameworks right what you want what you don't want maximize the left minimize the right so here's what this is translated to if you decide to buy the offer you feel more certain about your decision if you
decided not to buy the offer you feel [ __ ] certain about the decision and if you're undecided you make a [ __ ] decision all right and you feel good that it's the one that has the highest likelihood of you getting you close to where you want to go and this is what we have to walk through with with our prospects when you're looking at them you have to be like I don't want you to buy I want you to decide for you not for me I'll be the same either way right you're like
I'm going to be ripped and in shape it's not going to change me right like that's not going to change but like it will change for you right so quick note on sales ethics and then we'll dive in helping someone make a decision to help themselves does not mean buy from you that's a reiteration you have to keep their goals at the center of the decision and you should be happy I mean this because if you can shift this truly if you can be happy when someone decides to own the power and not work with
you then the pressure around sales disappears it evaporates there's no stake the stake is did I help them does that make sense and that means that you can win every sale because you change the metric you're measuring Yourself by that's the superpower like and that's where you do make the most sales because you don't care about the sale because you care about the person and the people pay the people who pay the most attention so what I call it paying attention they pay for it they pay for you to pay attention rather than talking about
yourself right CU they don't care about you cuz they're thinking about 100 other things and this is why most importantly make high stakes decisions to help your prospects in order to best serve them okay so I told you earlier I was going to talk about the difference between obstacles and objections couple of you guys raised your hands about the differences I'm not going to ask I'll tell you what it is obstacle is a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress when you disagree with them that is an obstacle this happens before you
solicit the sale someone says some [ __ ] before you even get to the sale that's an obstacle a simple example I hear all the time hey why'd you hop on the call today hey why'd you walk in the gym today whatever it is right them I just wanted to find out a little bit more about the program first 10 seconds obstacle you're not here to find out more about the program I'm here cuz you're fat but they got to say it so you're like oh so you finding out like do you do this all
the time do you go to lots of different programs it's find out information or is there a problem you're trying to solve they're like oh well you know I'm trying to lose weight like oh got it so you're not just hopping on 100 calls a day cuz I was like that would be a very weird existence right you just hop on for information all day ha great fantastic I've had this conversation before right so that's an obstacle right and the thing is it's easy to confront and Destroy obstacles before you ask for the sale once
you've asked for the sale you switch to objections objections is when they disagree with you do so it's much easier to be on the other side disagreeing and helping them break their beliefs before the stake has been presented after after the after you're in the Red Zone it's all closing it's all objection overcomes right example that like I don't want to buy right now and you're like totally understand what are the main criteria you're thinking through which is always funny because people are like I need to think about I've never had someone like leave because
they need to think about it I'm like cool what are you thinking about and they're like oh I'm still here right like so learning how to talk through these high stakes decisions with yourself or others is the purpose of presentation and as a result you'll become more powerful okay so before I dive into these AR each of these arguments I have to make this one statement is that the person must really want the goal and believe three things one which you'll get to it there we go the product will get them the goal comma the
way they want to get there and I learned that second half the hard way because we found out in gym launch that people would say no sometimes to buying memberships right or buying challenges or whatever but when we offered them the ability to come back the next day help them for free we'd sell them $400 of supplements and they just said no to a $100 down service thing I'm like what the [ __ ] it's because they want to lose weight but they want to lose weight their way and so that's when I started learning
like oh not only do we have to make sure that they want the goal and they believe that the product's going to get them there it has to get them there the way they want to get there this gives you ammo for the questions that you're going to ask does this make sense okay the second thing is that you and others will support them like are you telling me the truth is this really what's going to happen will other people around me support this decision and the third is that it will work for them and
not just everyone else sure I've seen the people who step on the stage but they're different than me I'm a snowflake I have metabolic thyroid keto osis right whatever I have zero influence oler whatever you know what I mean like I have no following is itis right whatever it is right whatever [ __ ] you tell yourself and what you have to do in this situation you have to Pride proof so that it'd be more unreasonable not to believe than to believe and this is a logical close this is not a this is not an
emotional close this is when you look at someone and say how many people would you need to see for it to be more unreasonable for you not to believe than to believe at what point is it 10 is it 50 here's a thousand tell me when to stop okay okay okay great so that's not the real reason and then you can confront the real [ __ ] all right so otherwise if they're not sure of those things if they don't actually want to lose weight if you don't actually want to make money doing online fitness
then it doesn't matter what Jason says you don't want to make money doing online fitness then you're not going to buy right if you do want to make money doing online fitness then you go down you go down the Train the train tracks that make sense okay again this is why you expect no at first because if people could make the decision they would have already made it all right out of the main course Richard feeman besides Charlie one of my favorite thinkers of all time he was like the second guy on uh the atom
bomb sounds negative brilliant teacher he's known for this understand don't memorize learn principles not formulas and that's what the rest of this presentation is about is the principles behind overcoming these distortions that people have and so this is me asking you for your own sake don't take pictures of the slides it's because all the stuff's going to be in the recordings but you are here now so be here now so you can understand it okay so there are three sources this is a huge breakthrough for me so I'm going to share it with you this
first time try share to life there are three sources that we cast our power to okay and it took me a very long time to get through this because I looked at Grant and he had his you know you got stall decision maker money then you talk to Barry who owns Sage she's like you got time fit uh money fear shame right those are hers and then Jordan Belford's got his and so everybody's got like these are the only overcomes right I was like there has to be an actual truth here like there has to
be something that's true that's uned and so trying to figure this out I actually went back to Dr Albert Ellis anybody who know who he is no one great um who here knows what cognitive behavioral therapy is CBT he invented it smart dude and so what he noticed is that he originally had 11 distortions of reality then he dropped it to nine then to seven and then he came to three and the three stuck and the three are what I'm about to share with you you're like why is he talking about this about sales because
the objections that people offer you where they cast their power to are distortions of reality they are the things we use to upset ourselves these are the three circumstances and this is the irrational statement that people make I must get what I want when I want it I must not get what I don't want if I don't get what I want I can't stand it that's when people blame their emotional disturbances on emotional disturbances on circumstances two others other people must treat me fairly and kindly and if I if they don't they are no good
and deserve to be condemned and punished it's like your animal brain right three self I must do well or else I am no good these are the three core distortions that upset people this is like mental illness right and so I'm not saying anyone has mental illness if they don't agree with you it's more so that these are distortions that are not real and if you can understand not memorize if you can understand this then you can have these high stakes conversations understanding exactly which Distortion they're suffering from and I'll show you how to overcome
them okay and so I like to consider like the onion of blame people this is like one of the bigger breakthroughs I had they start with the outside they blame circumstances time money other [ __ ] and then the step next to that they start to blame other people my spouse my kids my employees and then finally they say like it's me it's my fault and so you might have to overcome multiple layers as you peel back and based on the objection they give you you can know where you're at you can know how close
you are if someone just says I have to think about you're like great I'm talking to the person who's in power and the decision maker and I just need to get them to say yes if they're like I don't have they're casting the power away and some of you guys are probably casting your power away on decisions you need to make which is why I'm making this presentation even though that these are the things that distort people's realities cuz you're like no one's ever said circumstances are getting in my way right like no says that
right they manifest in five ways that I want to equip you to deal with all right for yourself and others so these are the five most common excuses scapegoats that people use for circum and if you find other ones these are the biggest buckets because I didn't want to have a hundred things here but the big three buckets are circumstances others and self right but they manifest with time in multiple ways and I'll show you how value price money Etc fit I'm a special snowflake others which is I don't have the authority to make the
decision and then finally self which is what if I just don't make the decision let some let life make it for me right avoidance stall you go from surface level to core and as a side note you should never get stuck on the stuff near the top and ideally you really never get stuck anywhere on this equation if the person wants what you have and you truly believe in what you have to help them and I mean that like if you understand this thoroughly you can walk someone towards helping themselves okay okay this is what
they look like or this is what they sound like in reality not a good not a good time right now I'm really busy right that's time can't afford it too expensive fit not sure if it's for me I hate broccoli I can't do a plan with broccoli right can't do a plan where I have to DM people every day it's against my brand I'm poor but it's against my brand right Authority have to talk to my partner spouse I have to talk to somebody who has more power than me it's funny because when you start
thinking this way it sounds silly and then avoidance I need to think about it clearly let's think about it now all right and so I told you I want you to think about the principles Behind these things not memorize you've got circumstances you got other people and you have yourself and we drill down so quick test who here is physically in the room raise your wonderful arms are working we're rocking so here's my ask raise your hand if you or your prospects present with this Distortion so who here is a Time person I'm busy it's
not a good time maybe in the future anyone deal with these sometimes it's yourself totally so I'm also going to tell you a secret about this I think the reason I got pretty decent at logical arguments is because I am inherently skeptical and I will paralyze myself from not doing anything unless I have really sound reasons to do it and I realized that I couldn't move forward to make any progress in my life until I had these Frameworks to think through these hard decisions through so I could start taking steps to where I where I
wanted to go it took me years to get there and so so hopefully I can give you some keys that help me unlock my own head to get out of my own [ __ ] way so that you can too and help your clients all right so the way I think about time and there's a lot of overcomes for all of these things what I tried to do is Bunch the three biggest ones that I like to use most frequently and if I uh Veer from like the the bullets on the screen it's because I'm
riffing with you and I'd rather just kind of stay in the flow is that cool okay fantastic so when you're overcoming this one each of these is kind of a specific angle that you're attacking it from so macro is like I'm this is a busy season for me got lots of stuff going on right micro is like I don't have any time in my day so you're one person is saying I've got lots of [ __ ] going on one person's like I can't find the time it's different sounds subtle but it's both about time
but in different ways all right and then the the last one is well when when I have time I'll start right everyone know this [ __ ] horeshit but whatever okay so as always we never disagree with prospects because you're not in a fight totally get it totally understand do you think like do you want this to be something that lasts for the long term right it's a question you're like yeah do you think that you're going to be busy again in the future well yeah so you want this to last in the long run
and you do think you're going to be busy again in the future well then don't you think it'd be best to start now when you are busy because if you learn how to do it when you're busy you'll be able to do it forever if you can only learn it during a perfect circumstance then you're going to fall off when it gets busy again and isn't that the time you'd want to have the most support goes for you guys too that's just number one we got so many lore right and so when you knock that
out the goal is that the person says well [ __ ] that's not a good reason and you take one step towards the truth so when you're thinking about it's not like oh I've got to overcome this one thing and then they'll buy you got to keep peeling and if you have this framework you understand the direction you're going in and you can start listening for the oh they're talking about themselves now I've gotten two layers deeper right so that's seasonal micro you can't tell someone in a sale hey take out your phone take out
your hours by week pull it up oh look 22 hours on social media this week you've got time so you say it differently you say you know what I had the same issue and I used to complain all the time about like how I didn't have time to to be successful and do things I needed to do and my wife got so sick and tired of me saying this she pulled my phone out and she was like look I guess I just found your time didn't I I was like ah [ __ ] and you
can say it that way and then a prospect feels better does anybody here feel like they don't have time right and the first thing that any program is going to do if it's a good program is going to cut out the 90% of the [ __ ] that you are doing which is causing you to feel overwhelmed which is probably the real reason you feel like you don't have time Jeff basil got the same time you do right it's just what are the things that you're doing that he's not it's not about adding [ __
] to your plate it's about removing the stuff that's not working because clearly everything you're doing that's filling your time is not making you more money so you're doing the wrong [ __ ] so there's going to be plenty of time because all the stuff you're doing now is not working right not simple but that's the reason right so we went mael when then hey in the future when I've got time I'll totally sign up for your program right anyone heard this one anyone say this one right and again you want to you want to
empathize you don't say like Ah that's [ __ ] you say totally understand that's I was stuck like this for years if you can step in their shoes you're not attacking them you actually go from the inside out you step into their self and then you walk them through the Epiphany that you experienced and it doesn't feel judgmental it feels helpful that make sense I used to feel the same way right and I found this out actually from Jason Flatley and he was the one who told me this it's a it's a logical fallacy it's
called the when then fallacy which is why that's how I remember it and the onein fallacy simply States when I have X then I will do y but it flips sequence so it's like when I get better I will go to the hospital sorry there's just so many like hilarious ones about like money and stuff like I start saving money once I'm rich like all right but the thing is is that we do this right we do this I'll pay for the program that'll make me more money when I have more money that's the point
of the program I'll pay for the program that'll help me get a sixpack once I have a six-pack once I have more time which the program is going to help me have you know what I'm saying like it's just it doesn't make it's a fallacy and so what that means is it's a distortion it's not real and so the goal of having these high stakes conversations is simply showing people we're not attacking we're just walking them through it and be like do you realize that this is holding you back and I know this better than
anyone because I'm a skeptical [ __ ] the reason I can do all these logical things is because I'm the first person I'd overcome right and you might be too so once we attack time from these three angles it depends which one they present with if they present with one and then move to the next you can knock all three out you'll probably find some that that make the most sense to you but the thing here is it's not about memorization you just got to get it macro you're always going to be busy once you
want the most help when you are busy so that it can stick forever yes time my wife showed me my phone turns out I got [ __ ] time but the reality is it's not about what I am doing it's about the stuff I got to stop doing and that's what I'm going help you with right this isn't scripting this is just understanding it right and then when then it's a fallacy it's a distortion it's not real and then just use two crazy examples like once I have money then or I'll save money when I'm
rich right it's just like ridiculous okay so what do we do one reason down and we're getting closer to the core right right so who here is somebody who's like I can't afford it it's too expensive or has heard this from a prospect I like I better see everybody's hand especially if you're selling High ticket which hopefully you get a gasp so these are the four Frameworks that I think through there's a million like money closes but these are the ones that I like the most and that that to me resonate the best right and
so why a lot is good is kind of like my my my first one here and so the reason that if someone gasps or think that this is a lot of money you just ask them is this a lot of money to you and they're going to say yeah if they say no then you're like awesome buy it and if they say yes right and if they say yes then you're like that's the exact reason how you're going to be successful because there's other people who buy this thing and you know what they're not all
in on it but the question is do you want to draw the line in the sand and go all in do you want to step over the line and be the person you want to be because I can tell you that this is not about what whether this works or not I've already proven that the question is whether you work or not and so if you put more on the line then you have a higher likelihood of being successful so you should be the last person to be worried about this I'm more excited because the
best stories are always coming from people like you in your exact situation so don't let that be a reason not to do it that should be the reason to do it so the next one is like why is this not a lot so first is the fact that it's a lot for you is good it means you're going to try hard the second one is like well it's a lot in terms of absolute amount but relative amount very little right because if all this does is ADD $10,000 a month to your income is it worth
it if all this does is get you into a bikini is it worth it yeah and so then what happens and the reason that this is a stepping process right is that we're we're just taking these objections out of the way so we can get the person to confront reality not a distortion they've created because the reality is the thing they're afraid of and so what happens is when they say yeah if it did that it would be worth it right the problem is they don't believe you right and so it's like great then it's
not about the price it's about whether you believe me so you can sidestep it does that make sense we're taking a step closer and then obviously you can use a comparison you know depending on what you're selling if you can price anchor with like well here they don't have a four-year degree for doing online fitness that's why the alternative education industry exists and it's because the formal education has failed most of us right anybody graduate with here with a 4-year degree anyone immediately be able to use that for degree to get leads make sales no
me neither right and what's crazy is that some of these degrees are 501 $200,000 and take four years when you've got something that can help you make make that entire amount of money in half the time right for a tenth of the price when you think about it like that frame it's actually a great deal does that make sense so you just frame it you have to give context all right so number one is the fact that it's a lot for you is good means you're actually going to try number two is if it does
what we say it's it's going to do the value is there so that's not actually what you're opposed to which then we can take the next step all right number three is what's money good for anyways this is actually one of my favorite lines of reasoning for a variety of reasons and I'll get to it when you're looking at a prospect or looking at yourself you're going to spend this money either way over the next 12 months you're going to spend it right and in fact not only you're going to spend it you're going to
buy the program the question is whether you're going to pay for it in money or pay for it in time and so like you can learn every single lesson that's in this program whether it's losing weight you know uh getting leads selling online whatever it is right you're going to learn these lessons but do you want it to take 12 weeks or 12 years and the question is are you going to be able to live a thousand lifetimes because of the thousand people that we've helped just like you and gathered all those lessons and put
them together so you don't have to do the trial and error for that entire period of time so the question is not whether you're going to buy it or not it's just how do you want to pay and so for me this is a personal note and I I'll probably say it at the end but like the reason we've been don't move quickly through life is that I will buy other people's mistakes because it's just it's the only way you can buy time in this life is to buy the knowledge to take less time from
other people who have taken their time and like if you think about human civilization in general Edis took however long to make a light bulb and then we just bought the lesson from him and now we have light bulbs right and the next guy figures out the next thing and then we just buy the lesson from him and that's how we have to move faster so you're going to spend the money either way question is 12 months from now is it going to be on [ __ ] that didn't get you anymore or stuff that
is going to get you somewhere and no matter what you're buying you're buying the program just going to pay time or you're going to pay with money and if you're being real you've probably been paying for time the last six years how's that working for you do you want to do more of that this is also this is a this is a classic one it's very easy one to remember but like who here knows the difference between a self-made billionaire when they had nothing and where you're at right now if you have nothing zero they
both you're both broke they were broke you're broke whatever it is if that's where you're at right now the only difference is that that proves that if they were successful it wasn't about the resources they had is about how resourceful they were so I'll tell you a quick story about this so anyone here read uh shoe dog right story of Nike so in the story he talks about how he was about to lose everything multiple times it's a crazy story and this time it was like it was it was going to go down like it
wasn't going to happen and he needed a tremendous amount of money and he just didn't have it he' extended all his credit lines the banks wouldn't do it and the next lenders said they they canceled on him and the company was going to fold because it was growing too fast at that point he could have just given up and said there's nothing I can do I maxed out all my cards I maxed out all my Banks there's literally nothing I can do and his people had already worked for free they were like we can't do
this anymore he went to his vendors and said you need need to pay my payroll for me he went to his vendors anybody use like landing page software anyone or anyone use something from a vendor right it's like going to that guy like going to your videographer and be like listen you got to pay payroll for me this uh this month because otherwise I'm not going to be able to keep doing business with you because I'll be out of business resourceful not resources and the reason this is so important is because when you have nothing
it's the easiest excuse to give yourself is you're like well I have nothing that's why I can't it's like of course but every self made millionaire and every self-made millionaire was self-made and they started with nothing which puts them in the exact same seat you are so the question is do you want to have power or do you want to not have power you want to have power you're resourceful not resources right and so if we want to make these decisions that are going to help ourselves we need to step into that and so when
you're talking to your prospects it's the same thing right does that make sense okay rocking I mean and you can drill deeper into this as like do you think there's anyone else who's been in your situ situation who's achieved this or maybe worse than your situation the answer is yes and if they can why can't you right so we're taking steps closer is are you guys digging this okay cool oh thanks thanks I wasn't sure if it was WRA attention or sheer boredom so we're not you feel you feel we're progress are making like the
person presents this say I don't have time shit's busy blah blah and you're like nope Noe we're going to take one step Clos they like you know what but I I don't have the money or it's too expensive you're like well if you don't have the money you're going to be successful it's worth it right yes I understand why it's worth it well you don't need money to begin with right you got to be resourceful and you can find the money cuz I'll ask you this is a fun one for business owners who here has
had an unexpected bill ever come up taxes right yeah and then all okay so everyone here is still alive who raised their hands who here was able to magically pull money out of their ass and figure out a way to do it raise your hand here's what's crazy you have the ability to be resourceful when it's for someone else and not for you it's because you choose to be powerful when someone else needs it but not for yourself [ __ ] up right so stop doing that if you function like you you have to make
payroll tomorrow and like you you're back on rent you're going to get kicked out you think differently and if instead of paying your landlord you're paying you because that's what you want to do it shifts internally because everyone here just Prov the fact that you can be resourceful when you choose to be so just choose to be so number three is it's not not sure it's a fit for me so be besides the obvious ones which is like I don't want to work out broccoli sucks I I can't do a program where where I I
can't do cardio whatever the [ __ ] right um like I said I don't want to do DMs I don't want to post on Instagram I don't want to have a Facebook group whatever right whatever the [ __ ] is all right I'm not sure if the vehicle is a fit for me so usually you can overcome the easy ones but if someone is just really sticking hard these are the three that I use to to shift perspective okay so this one is new identity new priorities so it's good to have cues for these things
which is like we vote with our dollars about the things that we care about and if you show me what someone is spending their money and their time on I can tell you what their future is and I'll tell you an interesting story so um I had somebody who was just like you who was like you know what I don't want to do this either and I told her this story can I tell you it yes and this is what you'd say to the prospect right so I was with Lea and we went to Sephora
which is a makeup store and and I show up like this um I feel welcomed and so we're we're standing there she's doing something and I usually stand in the corner like this um and I saw these two little girls it might have been like I don't know girl age so like 12 to 15 this like this this and they were like giggly and so excited and they had like the girl with the smok came over was like helping her out helping them out and she was like okay this is like eyeliner and this is
lipstick and this is whatever blush um I'm just like using words I've heard uh this is how you paint your face and the thing is the girls were like so excited and then they were like right before they left she was like girls she's like you have to remember like now that you're getting older and you're becoming a woman you need to start budging for this stuff all right so you're going to start buying this every month all right so like remember you got to save some money for this so you can have it and
the girls were so excited that they were like yes like we're becoming women now and these are the things that women do it's because when you have new identity you have new priorities and so you've had priorities that are aligned with your old identity right there's the you that goes out the you that drinks the you that does the BL blah blah blah blah spends money on [ __ ] you shouldn't do spends time on [ __ ] you shouldn't be spending time on and there's the you that you want to be and so right
now we can draw the line in the sand and be like do you want to keep walking down the road that you have been walking and if you don't then you have to step into a new identity and with that new identity comes new priorities because people who want to be rich spend money on themselves they spend money on education they invest in their skill sets because I want to align my identity with the identity of those who came before me who've done the things I want to do right and just like those little girls
stepping into that identity we too must step into the identity we want to be does that make sense and so when you're talking to somebody who's trying to lose weight and they're like I can't afford a gym membership and you're like girl you're spending 200 bucks on your nails and you've got a $1,000 outfit on do you think another $1,000 outfit would make you look better or your high school weight right do you think another ,000 outfit would make you look better or being rich as [ __ ] and I say that for those of
you who are thinking about on the money side right like who waste like some of you guys have bigger shoe collections than like it's like Fitness like Fitness people and shoes it's like the weird like and Lululemon and the you know spandex it's like a hundreds piece of SP anyways so it's like your whole wardrobe could be Consolidated into a skill that could buy you as many wardrobes as you want if you chose to right okay rocket I don't like this certain aspect this is one of my favorite easiest ones to hit which is like
you got to change the change right what you have been doing it's been getting what you've been getting and you got to change the change cuz like I remember I would go through meal plans with people and they'd be like well can we change this because this is what I eat for breakfast can we tell can we make that the breakfast and I'm like that breakfast makes you look like you that way you spend your first four hours of the day makes your bank account looks like what it does look like ooh right right taking
steps right we're getting closer to the truth and so the thing is is that it's going to hurt to change because change hurts and you've heard this one probably from Tony Robinson if you haven't the question is whether the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change and that's we just ask someone and this is in the help part if someone's like the pain of staying the same is not worse than this Chang it's like then girlfriend like gain 50 more pounds and come back you know what I mean like get
there you I mean hit rock bottom this isn't it for you I'm being real some people Rock Bottom is 12% body fat some people it's 500 lb but everyone's got one you just got to know where yours is and all you really got to do is just move what rock bottom is for you which is kind of interesting because you start making a change here which is kind of like interesting as a thought but are you in enough pain is the question you ask the person so for those of you who are unwilling to make
a change because it feels contrary to like I don't want to do I don't want to seem salesy I don't want to I don't want to help people like whatever right like is your current situation more painful then the change that you'll have to go through or experience to get to where you want to go and so the last one is hypothetical I actually really love this this is a great framework overall for overcoming lots of different obstacles um or objections that present themselves but the hypothetical and there's lots of ways of phrasing this which
is like you've probably heard the Unicorn clothes you probably heard like if this were perfect would you do it on want a scare from 1 to 10 where would this program be if 10 was amazing one was terrible you know where is this they say a number and you say cool what would make it a 10 why isn't a one like you guys heard this scripting before so you guys are like no please talk slower um the reason I said we have to learn the principles behind it rather than memorizing the script is that it
all is based on one thing which is hypothetical which is if this were perfect would you do it because you get a hypothetical agreement and they say yes if it were per the thing is that if you're like if this were perfect would you do it if someone says no then you're like girl okay like let's take five steps back this my breath smell because the thing is they've actually told you a lot there it's like it has nothing to do with the stuff you're talking about they don't trust you and now we can talk
about that right so it's a great question to frame like where are we and so it's like if this were perfect would you do it sometimes they'll laugh if you ever poor they'll laugh they'll say yes right and so then you get to flip it and say then what's difference between Perfection and what we've got and the thing is is that people are very hard they don't actually know how to generate making a program cuz they're not going to like know all the things you can deliver on the spot right and and so they're like
most of the time they'll be like I don't know you're like right well because it sounds like it's nothing to do with the program it's all about to do with you so let's talk about that right and then all of a sudden boom one step closer to the truth does that make sense yeah all right and that's why we do hypotheticals so if it were perfect what's missing and then if you can if it's if they do give you an answer and they're like I just don't want to do broccoli and you're like I do
green beans would you do it they're like yeah you're like great green beans it is sign here right like some you would be [ __ ] amazed how many times [ __ ] like that happens it's like one crazy thing it's like well if we didn't have that would you do it like oh yeah sure where were you 10 minutes ago right and that's how you do hypothetical okay we're making we're making progress you still with me still digging okay cool Authority all right this is one of my favorite F and so this one instead
of having three I really just have like one very good statement of reasoning that you should understand okay this is real [ __ ] so this is more of a process than it is anything else but the spouse or decision maker is not there right now note for you guys a lot of you guys have had the opportunity to go talk to a spouse but a lot of you guys don't have that in your business right like spouse ain't there and they leave they're not coming back right or they are but very small percentage don't
wait for it okay so what we have to do is try and sidestep it by isolating the objection and casting aside the partner because the partner is not there so how could they object anything they don't even [ __ ] know who you are right and so the idea is and again this is assuming if you have a really long-term thing then you want the partner to be there right like ideally that's what you have but if you don't have the opportunity then you got to go through the next step all right which is what
do you think they wouldn't like and then they will tell you and then you just overcome the thing which has nothing to do with the spouse because spouse isn't there right very easy s side step does that make sense this works really well it's like why wouldn't they It's like because they don't want me to fail o they don't want you to fail let's talk about you and so this is the process that I walk through do they approve of your current struggle they happy that you're struggling no okay then why would they not approve
of something that's going to fix something they already don't approve of right they're not happy with how you're currently doing why would they be against something that's already making them unhappy right right well let me ask you this and they pause like if the rules were reversed and your husband needed this to make what he wants his dreams happen or your wife needed this program to make her dreams happen would you support her then why wouldn't you support you right right and I think the real problem that we're dealing with here and this is the
kicker this for everybody is that you're asking for permission instead of support because it is your life not theirs and what happens is if you give that power to them and then two years from now you're still fat you're still poor whatever it is who are you going to blame them and so that's when you have a resentful marriage because you didn't own your [ __ ] and so I'm not saying you shouldn't like explain the decision to them but the way you explain it to them is what I just said which is if I
don't do this for me I'm going to end up resenting you and I don't want that and instead of me bitching to you every day about how we don't have money or about how I don't like my body I'm now doing this and I'm joining a group of support of community of people just like me and crazy enough for some reason doctors go to college right right that makes sense they go to medical school lawyers go to law school but where do entrepreneurs go there's no entrepreneur school no one teaches the stuff but it turns
out there are people who teach it just for this specific industry and I can take failures of a thousand people in pack into a year and it's one10 the price of a 4-year degree right and so instead of whining to you what I commit to is I'm going to show up and be a better husband a better wife a better partner I'm not going to [ __ ] to you about this the stuff because I'm going to take this seriously I'm going to go all and I'm not asking your permission I'm just asking for your
support all right that's how you can overcome it because I'm going be real with you it is about them and you have to believe that like you can't say this unless you believe it because like you will you save marriages by showing people that they are the ones in control because if they keep saying my husband's not going to let me buy a weight loss program what do you think she's secretly saying can't believe you won't let me do it right if that's real if she's using it as a foil you sidestep you get yourself
right but that might be the real thing and if that is the thing then you have to let them step into that and that's where you know having that's where like having a three-day no sweat guarantee or something like that is also helpful it's like hey sign up and I use I use a lot of aapor and humor in my selling and so I'd be like hey Cindy if you sign up and you tell your husband and he's upset you have and and when he sees you he's like girl I don't want you to get
in shape I want you to stay overweight I want you to put those sweatpants on I want you sit on that couch reach your hand a bag of Cheetos put the the Cheetos fingers on there I want you to create generational unhealth I want you to live 10 years less long I want you to see our grandkids I don't want that right I want to marry a younger better you sooner because you're going to have a heart attack if he says that to you you have him call me and then they're like cracking up and
you're like okay okay listen sign up three-day no sweat like if he if he does tell you that he just wants you to be out of shape and never leave him because uh because he doesn't want you to get you hot cuz he's insecure if he says that um yeah just let me know all right so like the whole time you're just joking and stuff but the 3day guarantee helps like nudge a lot of these people over is that cool you guys get that one okay sweet and so that goes for you right like it's
it's about support not permission that's the bottom line right support not permission because otherwise you're going to blame them for your lack of Dreams being realized rather than blaming the person that should which is you all right so this is avoidance now we're getting to the core we've gotten rid of time we know that you've got time and the best time to do it is today because you're going to be busy forever right value we know that you can't afford it if you can't afford it you'll buy it if you can't afford it it's a
great great reason to do it and if the value is there then there's no reason not to do it because it'll pay for itself right what's money good for anyways you're going to pay for the program regardless you want to pay him less time or more time value is not a problem fit you got to step into new identity right you've got to be willing to change and the question is just whether the pain that you're experiencing is less than the pain of the change that it takes to experience the next thing right if they
step into that they're good because it's not about resources it's about resourcefulness so the fit's not an issue Authority they have to own it it's about support not permission we all here do you feel like we've peeled the layers back on your prospects and they're just laid bare naked there just you've solicited the sale now you got to close all right avoidance so now they're like wait wait I need to think about it so now that we've exhausted I'm putting this as emphasis we've exhausted all outside reasons now we are finally talking to someone in
power and that is what a good coach does we don't make decisions for people we help them make decisions so here's I have to think about it not sure give me a hand who's dealt with somebody who say thinks that way all right at least one person here no I'm kidding all you guys that you guys are great so this is how I divide this up past present future and so hopefully this should already before I I dive into these give you simple Frameworks to work through time you've got macro micro when then right you've
got you got value you're thinking about it's not a lot of money even if if it were a lot of money it's not a lot of money you're going to pay for it either way like you have the simple Frameworks that you can walk through you might just hit them with one and if they hit it with again you hit them with the other angle because they're logical Frameworks they're not scripts that's why I made them bubbles you don't have to memorize it just got to understand it past so like I need to think about
it and so the thing is is and this the first bubble there is if someone's like I feel like this is happening so fast any we get that one like I just I just got on the phone with you I don't really know who you are and you're like hey this is not a fast decision right you've been making this decision for the last 6 years you continually make the decision we're doing to say is deciding you're actually going to do something about it right how long you wanted to lose weight a long time so
this is not a fast decision at all but the thing is is that and this is where you go sunk cost so if I were talking to you guys I would say you you know you bought tickets cuz you saw some ad you registered there you got your flights you got a hotel you blocked the time you flew here you listen to this whole thing you're 6 in from gold this isn't a fast decision at all you did all these to get here because it's important to you so don't let that Distortion stop you from
getting what you want right it's fear right let's face that what are you afraid of having happen which by the way I took the slide out but my two favorite questions to ask in a in a sale that I feel like are the fastest to cut through is what are you most afraid of having happen if you buy what are you most afraid of what's the worst thing that you envision in your mind and if they're not sure I just fill in the blanks I'm like I take your credit card I swipe over as as
much as I possibly can I go to Vegas I put it all on black and then I go to Monaco where they can't extradite me fair enough and they're like I was not thinking that and you're like right so what's the worst you know like what's what's the real thing they're like and then they're like you know I just hav bought so many programs before you're like right let's talk about that right and so I'm going to skip one forward and then I'm going to go back to it this is one of my favorite obstacle
or objection overcomes it's I call it don't let it burn you twice and this you can see the date it happened yesterday this girl texted me or me April 6th she said it's crazy to think that I had a sales call with you 6 years ago and I'm kicking myself in the butt for not jumping on this is yesterday right like I don't even own the company anymore and I said you let a bad decision burn you twice once when you made your poor investment but a second time when you let that bad investment stop
you from a good investment it would be like anybody ever have a boyfriend or girlfriend in middle school or high school that they're not currently married to anyone just like just come on help me out here okay it would be like having a bad eighth grade boyfriend or girlfriend and being like you know what men aren't for me all coaches suck right there's good coaches there's bad coaches there's crazy ass [ __ ] and there's crazy ass dudes you know what I mean like there's also good ones and so the things is if you stop
if you let the bad one prevent you from the good one you get burned by being with the bad one and because you let the bad one control your next decision right and so when someone has had a bad experience with do doing keto or whatever the [ __ ] right or you had a bad experience with some program that you did or did not do or they didn't fulfill whatever either way don't let that burn you twice because no matter what you're going to have to do you're going to have to do these actions
whether you're part of the program or not you're got to do these workouts where you're part of the program or not doesn't matter you're going to have to do it so you might as well do it but somebody's going get you there faster right let me go back one real quick so it's not a fast decision and this is another one that I love which is do you think that you're maybe in this position because you have struggled to make a decision in the past you have waffled when it came time to make to make
the hard call have you been in this conversation and said no before yeah do you think that's why you're here yeah do you think that might be the reason you should change that yeah okay let's change it one decision change your life and the last one is like are you tired of another year of almost right tired another year of almost hitting your goals of almost getting to 10K a month of of almost you know Hing the team that you wanted of almost retiring your your wife or husband or almost moving into the neighborhood that
you wanted to move into or almost being able to pay for your kids Recreational Sports rather than not being able to because you can't afford it you're tired of another year of almost well if you're tired of another year almost then we can't do what we're doing to get here for another year because we're going to get another year almost and so the question isn't what it cost you but how much has it cost you to not decide up to this point right the cost of inaction and I think that when we think about our
lives in Reverse we never never regret the things that we did we regret the things we didn't do the opportunities that we let pass by and I think that if you can let that person step into that power they will make the decision to help themselves like this person did not all right present so depends on who you're talking to someone's talking about past stuff then you do with the past stuff the second frame for avoidance is present which is they just don't know how to make a [ __ ] decision right and so you
have to help them make a decision and so this one the rocking chair is one that I just for some reason have used a tremendous amount of time especially when I was selling weight loss is to be like I just really really need to think about it like totally understand well let's walk through like what that looks like you're not going to like go home sit in the rocking chair you know smoke a cigarette because of course you're not healthy yet right you'll quit when you're healthy right you're smoking your cigarette and you're like H
am I going to do this weight loss program right you're just sit there and stare into the clouds like I wonder no of course now you're get in your car and you're going to realize you got to pick up Timmy from soccer practice you got to get groceries you got to cook you got to clean you got to pick you know go do the laundry got to do all these things right and then 3 four 5 days from now you're going to put on that pair of jeans and it's not going to fit you be
like [ __ ] and just there you'll have made the decision you'll keep living your life and so let's just make it now because the reality is that it doesn't take information to make decisions sorry it doesn't take time to make decisions takes information and I'm the only source of information you got so let's talk I'm here I'm here for you let's do it right because that's the fallacy is that people think they need more time to make decisions because they assume they will get more information in that time but if you are the source
of the information then time does not help them and so let's confront it now and let me answer the questions you have to make the decision one way or another does that make sense yeah all right and so then they're like well then [ __ ] how do I make a decision you're like glad you asked so there's three things that we got to understand do you believe that this product or service is going to help you achieve what you want yes or no they're going to say yes right and if they don't you can
confront it note all of these are confronting decisions so we've moved all the way down the onion right we're at truth now and all like the theme of the of the last bullet is confrontation we have to confront the decision we got to peel it back and be like are we going to do this or not right because we already got out the time we got out the fit we got out the SP we got everything out of the way it's just you do you think that this is going to help you get closer to
your goals yes or no two do you trust me to fill to fulfill my word that I said I'm going to help you I'm going to do these calls I'm going to do these workouts I'm going to do whatever right three this is the mo probably the most important one do you think it'll work for you and if they say no you say why not and then they have to defend why not and then it's very easy at that point it's a 6inch putt right and once they say yes to all three which is usually
what'll happen be like cool we'll make the decision together do you know how to make the decision they'll say no you go through the three and the last question is they said yes yes yes it's just do you have or have access to the amount of money to get started do you have the MX do you want me to help you enroll in an MX cuz I want to I want to help you I'm good either way but if you believe that this is going to help you get closer you believe that what I'm saying
is true and you believe that you can be successful it's my moral obligation to get you going and do everything in my power to help you get the money or get access to it because the real R is if I was giving you a Ferrari right now for $5,000 you'd find the money if your landlord needed you to come up with $10,000 because you had background and payroll you'd find the money so find the money let's do it right three who wants to make informed decisions yes how can you make an informed decision if you
haven't even tried it huh so this is when you have some element of trial in the program or some sort of guarantee which is why I'm a big fan of guarantees it's like well you can't make the decision to buy that's informed until you're on the inside so I'm not even asking you to make a decision right now I'm just asking you make an informed decision which you can only do on the inside and if after 30 days I'm not what I said this product doesn't do what I told you I didn't fulfill my promise
and you don't think it's going to work for you you let me I'll give you the money back low pressure you get someone to decide by not deciding even easier does that make sense think that'll help you close yeah all right and then uh this one is it depends on who you're selling to but sometimes if you a logical person it's like do you know what deciding even means like where the atmology of the work comes from it's dcad which is Latin which means to cut off to kill off and so the question is which
future are we killing off today are we killing off the future of the dreams that you want are we killing off the future sorry are we killing off the future of of not doing anything and the life that you've lived up to this point because indecision is a decision inaction is an active decision right and so it's just which one are we killing today we killing your dreams or we killing your past second and last one future so we talked about past so if they're thinking about the past the things that hurt them don't let
it burn you twice Etc right they don't know how to make a decision rocking chair this is how you make a decision three things you have access to money great let's get going you want to kill your past you want to kill your future right awesome we're talking about the future this is actually magnifying pain which is cool you got here it's been 5 years you've been struggling how's another five years sound what if we just keep doing let's go with indecision let's look at it what does five years of you doing what you've been
doing look like and is that a place you want to be no you got to change the change let's do it right and then you go right into let's consider the options which is like like this is logic right so let's consider the options option one you do the thing get the result life is awesome option two you don't do the thing you don't get the result because you didn't do the thing option three you do the thing but then you don't get the result all these are the options I can happen in front of
you because we have a guarantee they're all risk-free except for one of them only one of them has a true guarantee of not getting you where you want which is walking out the door so which risk-free option do you want the one that's risk-free that guarantees that you're not going to get there or the one that's risk-free and has the potential to get you where you want to go right that's not an emotional close it's logic and if you have an offer that's set up that way you should be able to close most people as
long as they don't think you're an [ __ ] right okay this is one that's more around urgency because again this is avoidance if someone says I I'm still not sure I want to think about it more whatever you say well you're not going to struggle forever right like you don't want to struggle forever you're going to do something about this whether it's weight loss business whatever they're going to say yes you're like well if you're going to fix your business eventually you might as well start fixing it now so you can start enjoying the
fruits of that labor sooner would you prefer making more money faster or slower what's your preference great so if you're going to do it eventually you might as well do it now does that make sense it's a little nudge this is a final one that I just really like from a framing perspective which is instead of a like this has to be my savior this program has to get me to an ifbb Pro bikini body and I'm 100 pounds overweight probably not realistic right reframe the question is do you think that making the decision is
going to be help you get closer or further from your goal that's it because if we keep making decisions that keep getting us closer we will get there eventually but if we make decisions that get us further away we will not get there and so do you think that this is going to get you closer to your goal than what you're currently doing yes what are we waiting for we don't need to be snipers we need to be directionally right we do that long enough we'll get there does that make sense that helps you too
because we have this fear of perfectionism is this going to be the one probably not but it will get you [ __ ] way closer right because I can tell you there's no one program that changed my life but the the decision to buy education changed my life forever does that make sense yeah all right boom and so let me let me look at the top we have no reasons left not to own the power that you have it's just you all right and here's bonus number six and you can use this as one of
like there's some closes that you use all the time you always go back to right the reason you are telling yourself not to do this is the reason you to do it how long do you want I can't afford this to be on your list of problems in life the fact that you don't have time is the very reason you need to do this the fact that you're so dependent on your spouse is the reason you need to take this decision and own it right the fact that you're not sure about the person that you
want to be is the very reason that we're going to help you get it in this program so whatever the reason is is usually the biggest chain that you're holding on to is the thing that you're enslaving yourself to is the thing that you're casting your power to if you break that chain power comes back to you and so the very reason that you're holding yourself back is typically the very reason that you need to do it so hopefully this helps you realize that you and your clients are always in complete power did I accomplish
that awesome thank you and like I promised at the beginning My Hope Is that you become more powerful by making decisions rather than letting life make them for you all right so here's a few final thoughts fortunes are created by taking a lot of risk with a little bit of money fortunes are maintained by taking a little bit of risk with a lot of money and every one of those people that was self-made takes a lot of risk with a little bit of money and sometimes you need to take that step because it's the only
way to build the fortune all right and if everything that I've ever made in my life all right sorry everything that I've made in my life is a result of investing in my own education it has gotten me far higher returns than any stock any real estate any crypto right any whatever buy a mile and people say like it's all about investing yourself like I just I think it sounds a morphus it's like Buy experience and skills because no government can take that from you no divorce can take that from you nothing can take that
from you and I come from a family where so we're Persian and so my my parents had to flee Iran During the Revolution and so they had land and houses and other stuff right and my uncle was uh the brother to a guy who started the lottery in Iran he owned the lottery because you can do that there right very rich rich and so my dad and him he went to London my dad went to the US he had no skills and he was able to just forge enough money to buy a print shop and
he lives above the print shop in London and still to this day that's what he does and went to visit him it was incredibly sad seeing just like well once once incred and his wife my dad gave her a scarf and it was like a nice scarf apparently and she just baled she's like I used to have rooms of these and now I have nothing and blah blah blah blah right my dad came to the United States with $1,000 but because he had skills he built it all from scratch and so I mean he was
a doctor as all Middle Eastern and Indians are um right doctor lawyer accountant engineer anyways um the only four approved paths but when we say invest in that we come from a place where like it was literally all taken the government was like that's our house now that's our land now that bank account is our bank account now and so that was why it was so and like that might be a benefit for me I had somebody who was always like it's the only thing no one can take from you and so why would you
not invest in the one thing that can never be stolen can never be taken and compounds with time and it increases your capacity to make money increases your capacity to live and so I like to think of the Investments that I've made in myself as bricks on a bridge and so if I'm on the bottom left here and where I want to be is the top right is right looking like The Nightmare Before Christmas now um you're going like there are many skills that it takes to cross the bridge right and just like you have
an arithmetic teacher in high school once you learn calculus you're not like that guy was a load of [ __ ] calculus is what no you have to learn things in sequence right and so the thing is is that when we build this bridge it's one brick at a time and I always come back to the same question which is is this going to get me closer to where I want to go I don't need it to get me there I just need to get closer and if I get better I'll get there eventually right
as long as I don't stop moving and so that's why that's that what I've dedicated my life to education my mission is to document and share the best practice building world class companies because when you realize that you are the source you realize that Superman is not coming it's just you and every decision that you make is a vote towards or against the person that we want to be and so the question for you is that are your decisions voting towards the person that you want to become or just more of what you already have
and so people ask me all the time how do you move so quickly and the answer is I know how to buy time and the follow question is how do you buy time you buy Time by buying the time took other people to make mistakes that taught them the lessons that's how you do it right that's that's the heck and so right now the ignorance of not knowing how to create a million dollars a year is costing you a million dollars a year the fact that you don't know how to make a million dollar a
year is costing you a million dollars a year think about it right and so therefore you should always be willing to invest money to increase the capacity for your income because once you have it that capacity pays you forever you're increasing your ability does that make sense we're widening the pipe and so when I thought about this I just added zeros to it and I was like it's [ __ ] costing me a billion dollars a year not knowing how to make a billion dollars God right but it's true because the thing the number one
tax that no one appreciates or no one respects is not the tax of the government it's not capital gains not income tax it's the time tax of ignorance someone asked Lela yesterday what's the number one thing that people from 0 to 10K are messing up you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing that's what's messing you up you're ignorant you have no idea you're eating an orange like an apple no clue right and it's not because you don't have the processing power it's not because you don't have the ability to reason it's because
you just don't know and so the goal is to pay down the time tax of ignorance fast as humanly possible and the only way you do that is by educating and investing yourself right specifically investing in experiences that build skills so make the decisions that to help yourself Implement like crazy take ownership because we just discover that all the other [ __ ] is not real is literally a distortion of reality that anything that you give your power to that's not you is fake you're making it a false god in your life and your prospects
are too and you now you know how to confront those when your mind tries to play tricks on you and realize that there are no silver bullets no program is going to save your life all right but some things can move you close to your goals and when those rare opportunities present themselves take them all right because either you win or you learn and both of those get you closer to wherever you want to go all right and so a wrap up with this 10 years ago I had to that was me a Swanky uh
you know when I was a consultant looking cool was actually after I don't even have a good picture when I was a consultant but there's me in a suit um and I I knew I hated the job that I had um I made okay money but I just like I just really wasn't happy um and I emailed 40 gym owners and I was like hey I think I want to get in Fitness can somebody like help me out one guy was like sure you can work for free I was like awesome uh that guy was
standing back to y and anybody know who Sam backr is raise hand jeez okay well seven figure Sam is what he used to be known as he actually died during Co um which is really sad for me because I really looked up to Sam and the thing is is that when I got to his office I literally drove across the country from Baltimore to LA or Chino Hills which is where he was and I showed up without notice and he was like you're a psychopath I just met you from the internet and I was like
I'm here I'm ready to learn he was like I'm going to lunch and um but right after he came back from lunch uh he was like all right so you should join my my Mastermind and I was like I don't have a gym he's like that's okay it was a gym Mastermind um and I didn't I mean like I was 22 like I did not have a lot of money um and he was like well it's 10 grand and I was like I I don't know and he's like you need a [ __ ] commit
man he's like you've been waffling back and forth I had had multiple phone calls with him before left um he's like I think you need to draw a line in the sand and thank you God you know thank God he did cuz I did take a step over I had no idea what the [ __ ] I was doing but I was trying to start paying down the time tax of ignorance and I got around a whole bunch of other Fitness professionals and I learned way more from all of them than I ever learned from
Sam but because of that my belief started to change the ways I saw the world Chang the traits I started to embody change and started taking steps The Mastermind I got from Sam is not what made me $100 million but it got me on the right path towards making it over the years of having hundreds of salespeople work for me I've seen these nine things that the best sales people do differently than everyone else and so if you boil it down a salesperson has three jobs to do they have to maximize the number of opportunities
they have they have to convert the highest percentage of those opportunities and and this is the important part they have to do it consistently for a very long period of time and so the nine things they do differently will fall elegantly into each of these three buckets let's start with the first one which is maximizing lead needs or maximize the number of opportunities that a salesman has so right off the top I've never seen a salesperson who does the most in a company have the lowest amount of hours worked I've yet to have it you
know what maybe there's a special snowflake out there but every company that I've owned and every company that I've looked at the guy who works the most hours is the one who sells the most deals and so maximizing opportunities comes in a number of different forms so number one is that they have the total most hours available per day because you should be available when the prospect is available and that means sometimes working long hours it sometimes mean working weekends and yes businesses also pay rent on Sundays and so you can make sales on Sundays
so my software company Allen scheduled 4,000 plus appointments per day across a number of different Industries and so we got to see all the way from click to close which companies were selling the most people and we looked at all the different data so times of day number of days per week you know speed between text responses number of characters and text response all these different variables CU I had two data analysts that looked at this to figure out how could he maximize throughput for any business and obviously sales a big component of that and
the single greatest lever on throughput across all companies was the number of total available time slots which means availability was the strongest predictor of total sales and let me give you a tactical example of this when Leila and I were traveling the other day we went to a different city and she wanted to get her nails done or something and so she she just pulled up Yelp and looked at the one that had the top reviews called them up and they said oh I'm sorry we don't do same day appointments and they're like we can
book you in for 2 days from now and she was like yep don't care called the next one same thing called the third one and then they were like yeah we can take you right now and boom she went in and the thing is is that both those other business owners the first two business owners that said no lost money and the next time she comes to that place she'll probably go back to the one that she went to as long as they did a good job and so trying to be egotistical about it rather
than accommodate customers it's like well we're so great you just lose money now if we maximize the total number of time that's available for the salesperson to sell then the next part of maximizing their opportunities is getting as much of their day as humanly possible filled with the best opportunities and so the second subunit of this is they will pull up calls and so the first thing is if you see a call that gets booked or you book a call that's on Thursday and today's Monday if you have a time slot that's open you grab
your Thursday appointment you drag it into today because today appointments always have higher show up rates and if you pull it up then they're even more interested and you can close even higher and you can have two or three calls by that same Thursday time so you increase your sales velocity now a correlator to that is if you look at your calendar and you've reached out to a prospect and that person has not responded back and now it's the same day and they're coming up in a few hours well what do you do well the
best salespeople pull that time slot and say hey sorry I didn't see that you confirmed why don't we do the same thing for tomorrow you can push it out one and then try and fill that time slot with somebody who is responsive even if they're later in the week and that increases your total number of calls per day and so fundamentally the perfect day for a salesperson is that they have call back to back to back to back to back with the best possible leads that are the hottest that day I learned that little tactic
about pulling up because we had one of our companies uh was in solar sales and they had one rep that massively outperformed everyone else and I was like what is this guy doing and so what he was doing was he would whenever a new appointment would book he would immediately called the appointment to qualify the lead cuz that checks two boxes one is he says okay is this person qualified to buy if the person was he had two decision paths if they had the time right then he would just go straight into closing because he
was in offthe call sop and then by getting in contact with the lead became on the call in terms of his sop and if they said they had time right now he just went for the sale that maximizes his time on call if they said no then the reason for his call was that he had an opening later that day that he was trying to fill up and so he either takes the moment now that he's working the lead and turns it into into a sales call or he fills another slot later in the day
and turns that into a sales call both of those things maximize the number of sales that guy was having and this guy was selling like four times more units than the second best guy on the team and then they obviously saw this and then adopted it companywide and then of course I saw it and adopted it across all my entire portfolio and let me double down to why that's so powerful because not only does the salesman have two opportunities to sell now or later that day he also opens up the slot later in the week
for availability for another customer that can't make it today to to book that time then because what I have found and we saw this with the software was if you have fewer time slots people may still book with you but they are not booking at the most convenient time for them you'll see schedule rates but then show rates will drop because it's not the time that works for them ideally and so you want to make it the most accommodating so it's not just are is it convenient or inconvenient it's how convenient is it if I
have a a tight deadline and a hard stop and I've got something that I'm stressed about afterwards I might be able to schedule a call then but I might not be in a in the mood to buy high but if I say you know what Sunday afternoon I'm free I'll have all the time in my world I'm going to have zero urgency to get off the call I'll listen to you and I'll be in a completely different Zone and that might be when I'm in receiving hands in terms of prospect brain mode for buying and
so one of the things that the best sales people have and this is something that companies should provide but often don't is that you have two Sops meaning standard operating procedures you have an on thee call sop which is what you say when you're talking to prospects and you have an offthe call sop which is what do in between the vast majority of companies don't have an offthe call sop and they're losing tons and tons of money because they just say yeah just work the leads in the meantime when the total amount of output that
a salesman has is so correlated with the amount of opportunities they have and they get those opportunities by the time they have when they're not on the call and so they should have two separate checklists if they don't have them in front of them and this is what the best sales people do is this is what I'm doing when I'm on and this is what I'm doing when I'm off and you can just switch hats as soon as you're off you start at the top and you're like I'm following with this person I'm following with
this person I'm dragging this person forward I'm canceling this appointment and they have high Activity one of the things that we do across all our companies and I learned This Acronym from my friend shiron bamfam which is book a meeting from a meeting which is that the best salespeople never finish a call with a prospect not knowing when the next time they're going to talk to the prospect so that Prospect should never fall into no l they should never fall between the cracks where they're like I don't know and so if you get to the
end of the call and they're like yeah let's uh connect offline we'll you know we'll Circle back up and we'll find another time no you have to address it at that time because if for whatever reason like a Time obstacle is still an obstacle and you can resolve it right then you both have your calendars up you can both make the decision if someone's like well I'm not sure then you actually address the concern like isn't this a problem for you how much you losing every day not implementing this solution in your business how much
like how much of a problem is this in your life and why isn't it this something that we'd be doing sooner right and so you want to address those things because that is these are obstacles and so if you just get off the call Jolly then you actually lose more sales so you always book a meeting from the meeting here's three more things that the best salese will do number one is that they don't take rejection personally because they're going to reach out in more volume than the mediocre salespeople and so you can see on
a CRM how many Outreach attempts and how many follow-up attempts that A salesperson is having between calls and it correlates with the number of calls that they take and so they work their leads harder and that's because if someone before they've scheduled a call you know say has something mean they're not like oh my gosh I can't believe this or if someone no shows they're not like well I'm not going to work the rest of my leads no one really cares about me like wo is me it's no they know it's a numbers game and
they just keep plowing something that I've noticed the best salespeople do is they have something called a kill list and so those are those prospects that you're like this is a whale or this is a really good Prospect and they they sure they have in the CRM sure they have them in the place that they're supposed to have them but they also have it somewhere else that's visible so they can always think about it and like that's like an everyday list it's like I got to get back to these two guys I got to make
sure that these ones I'm going to put extra attention to because they're high value deals now the last element of what the best salese do for increasing their number of leads is that they create their own opportunities so sure they're going to get the inbound leads from marketing they're going to get the people you know the leads that are handed to them but the best salese know the value of referrals and so the way they do that is at the end of the call or at the time that it makes sense they say hey do
you know anybody else or my favorite way of asking is who do you know because it forces the prospect to answer the question with a not yes no but with a name you say who do you know who is as awesome as you now it's a compliment who would also benefit from this so now I'm giving them a compliment by by by asking them for the referral so I kind of like have a like a nice guy sandwich there so like you're amazing who else do you know who's like you who would love to do
this with you or with us who could benefit from XYZ right now sometimes if they say no one then sometimes like this is where Rapport is important but you could say say something like why do you hate me so much and they're like what do you mean it's like well I only can assume that you hate us because you don't want anybody else to know about this amazing thing and you probably hate your friends because you want them to suffer as well right and if it's because you don't believe me then let's talk about that
but otherwise like why are we not getting your friends in here because I can promise you you'll be far more successful if you have more people you know who are in it so in the spirit of bamfam book a meeting from a meeting if we consider this to be a meeting if you would like us to help you more with your sales process acquisition. just started a workshop division where my sales director my team will talk to you specifically about your sales your process your scripting so we can Implement some of the things that we
know work in our portfolio into your business ASAP we do other stuff at the workshop but we also talk about sales if that's at all interesting you can book your next meeting by going to clicking the scale button and following the steps and if you're qualified my guys will reach out when I had a team in a different portfolio company we had one guy who was outperforming everyone else by a huge margin this one wasn't as big as the pull-up thing that was massive this was was about 50% higher than the number number two
guy and we were like what is this guy doing he was brand new and that was what was interesting is like brand new going to the top leaderboard is not very common because that means that they're doing a different process right and so he was following the script and we listened to the calls like this is the same call and so when we called him up we said what are you doing differently and the thing is he was multiplying his leads and so what he did was at the end of the calls he was just
asking who they knew who would also benefit from this thing and I think they were they were selling um some sort of uh tickets of some sort and so he was saying who else wants to come with you who else would you like to bring and it's just a simple little thing that he was doing but by doing that he was increasing his sales by 50% because the referrals even though only one out of three or one out of four people would refer the referral close ratees like 80 or 90% And so if you think
okay I take you know four calls and I close one and I ask for referrals in all all four and only one of them gives me referral but then that referral then closes then I take my one sale out of four and turn it to two out of five if you're a business owner thinking about how valuable just implementing that is consistently is that your cost to acquire a customer you just you cut in half by taking one customer and getting a referral from that customer and if one out of three customers refer someone then
you cut your cost to Aire customer by a third and this is the type of stuff is advertising becomes more expensive because it always will become more expensive that the businesses that do this the salesmen that do this will be the ones that win in the future so now we have a Salesman who has the max maximum number of hours the maximum number of days they're pulling up appointments so that their time on call closing with the best people is maximized they're following up before they're following up after they're doing personalized reach outs and saying
like hey voice memo hey video hey I've got this thing for you that I've got set up for the call um what size shirt do you want I've set aside uh thing here was one of the things we did at the gym hey what color shirt do you want hey what boxing gloves hey what you do a tiny little thing hey I've got three gift cards here I got one for Amazon one for Starbucks and one for whatever which one would you prefer right you ask a preference question prior to the call and more people
show because the thing is is you're like well shoot this guy's doing this thing the least I can do is show up and so they're maximizing the number of scheduled appointments they're maximizing the number of shows they're maximizing the number of opportunities they're getting from those opportunities and now we get to the call so now we got to close them understand the value of preparation you would be amazed at how much of a genius you sound like if you just do 5 minutes of research before a call and so my rule of thumb for research
is that if it's something that you do all the time it's about 10% of the time that you're going to be on a call or meeting that you can do in prep so if you have a 2-hour call then you've got 12 minutes of prep if you've got a 60-minute call then you do six minutes of prep now this is something that if you do it all the time if this is like I'm doing a quarterly meeting then it reverses it's like 6 hours of prep for 1 hour of presentation if it's something that you
don't do often and so sales people do the same call over and over again but the thing that's different the tiny bit of difference is the prospect they're speaking with and so like this applies to everything like if you're picking a girl up at her house if you do 5 Seconds of research in the car before you go in and you look at what her dad does and look at the company of the of the father and say hey so Mr so and so really nice to meet you so I see you work at you
know whatever engineering like do you like that stuff I see that they just had a a press lease coming out do you have any involvement in that this guy would immediately see you no matter how you're dressed what you look like as it's a it's a check they're like whoo like I will respect this person because he did me the honor of actually taking some time to look me up and figure out more about my business he didn't show up like everybody else does not knowing which way is Sunday trying to figure things out as
they go I'm telling you the best salespeople take those five minutes they do that tiny bit of research and the amount of Rapport that you build in that first one minute from having those Secrets the person is then like oh wow they know about me think about what it takes to close someone no like and Trust well all of a sudden you feel known because they did it you like people who know more about you and what else do you do you trust people who know more about you because you approximate friendship you approximate a
relationship and you do and you get to do a ton of that at the first second of the call rather than taking the five first minutes the call to show that you don't know what you're doing right as I started selling gym owners rather than weight loss when I was selling my turnaround business I started getting leads but I didn't have any like methodology so like I had a webinar it didn't work and so I just started finding people on Google using their emails and so I'd find their social profiles and I'd liter have to
piece together like a profile of who this person was cuz the only thing I was collecting was an email for this webinar and so I'd find like three or four social profiles and then I would connect with them and I would do some research so that I could make my reach out not look sketchy as hell and so when I would do my reach out that I would have all this data that I put as almost like a little profile together um about them and so when I hopped on the phone they were like whoa
like you know a lot about my gym and I was like well yeah and I saw that because I look at the images like so I saw your square footage layout I think if you move this here this might actually be able to allow you to double the amount of usable square footage that you have for the sessions and that would help me sell more people into your gym so I don't know if you're open to something like that but now I'm coming with like I see the problem I also have the solution cuz I
thought about it before we got on the phone cuz I don't want to waste your time trying to figure things out now I want to figure them out beforeand come with you with Solutions and this is when I was starting out so I didn't have a reputation yet so I had to build the reputation by showing up and providing more value than other people were ahead of time and this is where like if you're new and you're coming into a space you win through prep like the big guys have the reputation the small guys went
through preparation the best sales people take notes this is one of those things that is just like prep but it preps you for the next call and so you do your public preparation with what you can find and observe you do your second call preparation with what you find out on the phone and I'm telling you if you hop on the phone and say oh yeah so you've got your daughter Sarah and Jessica and they're at you know Colorado and they're finishing up and you've got X Y and Z happening in the business is that
correct okay cool just making sure just reading over some of the past Nots got on the call they're like oh wow I don't have to resay my whole life story again this guy now when this guy makes recommendations I assume he does it within the cont context of my business because one of the big things when you are selling something is that people want to make sure that it not only that it works but it's going to work for them and so you can address that concern before it ever comes up by proving that your
recommendations are contextual this is also what switches you from being a Salesman to a consultant this is what switches you from somebody who's just trying to close to somebody who's trying to help the most brilliant salespeople listen more than they talk and this is one that people get wrong all the time is that they see super talkative people I mean moms in high school are like you should get into sales cuz you don't shut up uh no that's not not always the case that's what that's what bad salesp people look like uh and unfortunately the
thing is is the best salesp people don't come off as salespeople they just close and so people don't feel sold they feel like they bought and so everybody buys stuff every day all the time and they're buying from companies that have salespeople and they don't know it so when you go to a restaurant and they ask you if you want dessert that's a sale they get commissions on those things and if they do it in a weird way you're like uh I don't want to be sold if they do in a great way you're like
oh I'm so glad that person made that recommendation and so you never felt like you got sold you felt like you bought and so the problem is that the reputation of salese is terrible because you only remember the bad ones we actually did this big study because we have a huge amount of sales calls that we can look at across the whole portfolio and we use software that analyzes the calls with AI and all that stuff we can see what's talk time versus listen time and the best best salespeople listen twice as much as they
talk and so the little isms that I have for this is that the person who's answering the questions is the one getting interrogated you don't want to be the one getting interrogated and whenever you answer questions you give the other person something to attack and so you want them to be answering so that you have things that you can pick apart and move around if you're the one answering questions then you're the one who's getting picked apart and has things that they can disagree with I want to be like smoke right they can't they can't
catch anything that I say and so if someone says you know hey well tell me tell me what makes you better than your competition I'd be like well what things you're looking for right back to them right it's like it's like hot potato it's like right back to you well I would want this this and this and this I'm like why are those things important to you right back to you right like I I can do this all day right like I I cannot answer because the thing is is that they believe nothing that you
say they believe everything that they say and so I need them to say that it's a good idea not me when I started selling weight loss I realized really quickly that I had an agenda of what I wanted to tell people they needed to do and I realized that I didn't have time in 15 minutes to re-educate someone their last 10 years of life of all the experiences good and bad that they had prior to me what I needed to do in that moment was get them to buy and then I could spend the rest
of my time trying to do the real education stuff and so I wanted to Simply align with where they were coming from to get them to make the sale and so that was why I started asking what have you done before for what did you like what did you not like rather than picking apart the things they did and then they like I actually really like that about that other thing lost the sale only takes a few times of doing that to be like I'm going to shut the [ __ ] up and just let
them tell me what they liked and then I'll say we're like that and not like that and so the whole concept here is you want to educate the prospect so that they can come to their own conclusion and so the only gaps that you're filling is is hard information and I only give that information after I already know it's the right answer and so just like lawyers don't ask questions when they're on the stand that they don't already know the answers to should never ask for the sale unless you already know they're going to buy
and so there are times and this is where pattern recognition is helpful for salese this is what the brilliant salese do is that if they're like I don't think he's ready there I don't think he's ready yet and it's like you don't you don't go for the kill you just ask more questions like I feel some hesitation like what are your main concerns right now like I'm feeling some hesitation around price talk to me about that there's two ways by the way if you're weirded out about asking questions is that you can both give commands
or ask questions and so you can change the the Cadence up in the script by saying so instead of saying for example hey how's it going it's an easy first thing a lot of people say on the first thing of the call but if I say tell me about your day it's a very different thing because it it people have automatic responses to questions they hear all the time and so if you want to break a pattern with somebody and then get them more present you say tell me about your T and then like oh
uh I mean it it was good I had a couple calls before this and you're like oh that's fantastic was that related to this thing cuz I looked looked you up online totally different perspective on that salesperson the first 30 seconds right so they listen more than they talk they are like smoke you only answer questions with questions unless you already know that the statement that you're going to say is in alignment with what you know the person wants and so if they're like tell me why you're different then I'd be like well what have
you done in the past because then it'll give me more context so I can help explain it now they're going to say all these things I'll be like what did you like about that what did you not like about that and so when I get to the point where I actually have to say what what are things about I'm going to highlight all the things they liked about the other stuff and I'm going to not highlight the things they didn't like about the other stuff and all of a sudden they be like this is perfect
i' be like what do you know I just asked you the question of the things you wanted and as long as they are the things that we can actually provide I highlighted those features about our thing because I already knew which piano keys to play cuz you told me they breathe the script and so the reason I use that is because that is the best description I can give is that they can they can say it without thinking just like you breathe without thinking they can say the script without thinking because you can't listen to
a prospect if you're waiting to talk because you're trying to remember what you're going to say next you need to know all of the script like the Bible or like something that you've memorized in the past so that you can be 100% present with the Prospect and listening and so my favorite ISM around this is again and the first time I learned this was I saw an exceptional sales trainer training a rep and he was just drilling them on the opening 30 seconds of the script and so they did the script and I heard and
I and I was watching him listen to them while giving them visual cues and so this is this was a huge advancement in terms of my understanding of selling happened because before this I knew how a sell but I couldn't transfer the skill but this guy was sitting there and he was like yep yep yep pause harder on this word do it again nice do it again nice one more time nice keep going and so he would get them to drill it three times in a row the right way after making the correction and then
he would keep going in the script and so the point was is that if you're a salesperson you need to be able to do it again and again and again because the word concision matters a lot you don't want to be one of these salespeople that takes a hundred words to say something you could say in five it'll also make your sales way longer so again the best salesperson can take more calls because they shorten the call required a medoc salesperson will do the script in the beginning and it'll close and they will have coughed
right before they asked for the close and then the person closes and so they get reinforcement for coughing and so the next sales call they take they add a cough in and whether that person closes or not they're like well it worked on that other one and so all of a sudden they add coughing in right before they close now the next time on the time that they close let's say on their fourth call after this they also added a second question in before the close so they add the second question in and then you
see where this happens is that they cough and add a second question to every single call that they do and by doing this over time the length of the script and the length of the things that salespeople do continues to expand because they get positive reinforcement but the reality is that that person might have just been willing to buy no matter what and so the script gets longer and longer even though it might not have nothing to do with what was required to close and so you want to be as concise as humanly possible and
this is with the best sales people do in order to close the most sales per day per unit of time because the less time you're on the phone after make the sale the more time you have to fill your calendar back up and close more deals and so the three tactics this is the sales managers is that you rehearse the script every morning they do role plays meaning let's pretend like I'm a prospect like you got to you got to get over whatever your weirdness is with role playing like I don't know what it is
but so many managers like don't want to role play like Get over yourself you have to role play in order for them to get good and when you do the role playing you work on one specific part of the script because if you're doing every morning you're going to be able to work through things pretty quickly but you're like today we're just going to focus on the intro today we're just going to focus on the close today I just want you to focus on how we're overcoming spouse overcomes I want you to overcome I have
to think about it issues I want you to give me two or three bangs in a row to overcome that obstacle because you seem to be struggling with it right and so by and you just keep hitting it again and again and again so that when it comes up they just breathe it out rather than thinking about it also because no one can improve multiple things at the same time so when you say hey there's nine things you did wrong one it's a incredibly discouraging second they can't improve any of them and so if you
look at any good skills coach whether it's a basketball coach or it's a painting coach or a sales coach they work they might see you have a hundred things wrong with your game they're just going to focus on one at a time until they clean them all up and then all of a sudden you become an exceptional sales person so I said I had nine but I have way more than nine so enjoy so here's number 10 they kill zombies up front now that's the term that we use internally you can say diffuse the bomb
which is one that I did earlier in my career is what I used to say but I'm Middle Eastern so you know we had to change that the formal definition that I use is you've got obstacles and you've got objections an obstacle occurs before you've mentioned the price and so if someone says for example um you know I have a special snowflake thyroid issue right and you're trying to say like you need to do this thing to lose weight you know that that's going to blow up on you in the sale see we're doing bomb
references so you have to address it up front and it's much easier to address things before you ask for money than after if you do it after it's called an objection all right so I say obstacles are up front you want to avoid them you want to move around them right I mean you have to Crush through them realistically but you get through those and then objections you have to handle but now the the time is ticking on the bomb like now you have a short period of time before it blows up on you right
uh or the zombie is about to bite you whatever analogy you want spouse for example or decision maker or I'm not going to have time to do this thing or there's elements of this you know program or implementation that aren't a fit for me you want to address all that stuff up front so that you've handled everything before the stakes get lifted When you mention price and then you go for for the close and the obstacles and objections that you handle are always the same and so they're going to Bubble up to three main things
one is going to be circumstances so circumstances is going to be time it's going to be money it's going to be things about this specific program or implementation those are all circumstances those are outside the next is going to be other people it's going to be my wife my employees my kid my some my business partner somebody else has decision-making Authority and the third is going to be myself somebody who themselves doubts that they can do it or that they will be successful or that it's the way they want it to be done the good
news is that most of the time when you're diffusing these bombs they start with the outside because time money fit is what I like to call it are things that are really easy to cast blame to and it's and it's almost a it's a it's a response right it's like they don't have to think about like I don't have time I don't have the money I don't have I don't have the card I want like I don't have the you know whatever if they talk about an authority figure then it means that like I would
do it but this person's in the way and so now you're one step closer to the decision maker once you handle that if you have somebody who says I need to think about it that's actually great cuz it means you're already two layers of the onion deeper to just like you're talking to somebody who's in power who can make the decision great now you just have to help help them make the decision and so you should know all of the key fundamentals of how to overcome these now you can memorize each of them which I
highly recommend but I think it's also good to understand the fundamentals and so this is what the best salespeople do is that they have key stories or metaphors to break the belief that the person has around that obstacle so for example if someone says hey um I can't decide today because you know my husband and I make all of our decisions together right now this depends on the nature of your sale if you're in a transactional sale and I would say like a consumer based sale that's under 1,000 bucks maybe 2,000 bucks usually you have
to do that right there if you have like a B2B sale that's going to be a multi you know multi call sale then you might have to bring in stakeholders and so this is one of the nuances that depends on the thing you're selling in the price point but the way that the best sales people do this is that you play out something in the past and you play it out in the future okay so with a decision maker you'd say hey so let me tell you about this girl Susan she was just like you
and um she actually had the same issue come up where she was like I don't do anything without the consent of my husband and you know what happened she walked out her husband said I don't want you to spend the money I actually saw her a few years later and when I talked to her I said hey so how's how's things going with the you know the fitness stuff she was like oh they're they're not and I was like oh why she was like well my husband never lets me do anything and I was like
oh geez um that's got to be kind of rough and she's like yeah it sucks and so the thing is is that if you play it out into the future like you're going to end up resenting that person because they're not letting you do what you want and so I think what you're asking for is permission when you really need support that's how you how you like you go from past to Future right and so then you can play it out with this person so so let's play it out five years so over the last
five years you've gained 5 pounds a year so you're 25 pounds heavier so 5 years from now if you're 25 pounds heavier than you are right now they're like oh my God if I'm 25 pounds heavier than I am but that's just the track you're on and so let's play it out it like what if they say no and so sometimes they're like well then I would do it anyways then you're like awesome let's sign you up now one out of three times that's actually what happened which is crazy I still am blown away by
that but then the two out of three times then I go you want permission not support now if you're looking at time or money for example then you say hey we need uh we need resourcefulness not resources so it's like you have your little isms that you can remember if it's time then it's well is it a seasonal thing because if it's a seasonal thing means you're busy right now uh and you might be you know less busy later that assumes that you'll never be busy again and so do you want this thing to be
long lasting this implementation or do you want it to be just like only for the time that you're not busy and then you'll fall off again when when you get busy well shoot I want it to last forever it's like okay well then you should probably start when you're busy cuz that's what I'm going to be giving you the most support is now so that when you get to the the free time it'll be easy coasting and when you get busy again you know how to stick with it because you had the support right and
so again it's like you have to be able to dismantle these things because you understand all of these there's a fundamental underlying fallacy of giving away power to something else because people don't want to make mistakes they don't want to fail and so they come up with all of these excuses they come up with time they say like that's the seasonal thing you can have time in terms of the money micro which is I don't have time in my day I'm like well you're here so when were you imagining this is why you do this
up front when were you imagining how much time can you dedicate to this implementation to this SEO agency to this weight loss program whatever it is right if you ask that up front then if they say oh I don't have time with it then you can say well what changed between then and now just so I have understanding did I ask the question in a weird way that made you like not understand it um and again this is where tone matters a lot cuz now you're in the red zone right now it's like the bomb's
way more sensitive cuz the the the the time ticker is going and so we want to be extra this is where Rapport is so important in the beginning because I I'll add this in this is a bonus one I call it the ghetto tone okay and I learned this from Sam back so he had a personal training business and that's why I I shadowed underneath when I got into fitness he let me just work for him for minimum wage uh and so I learned how the gym business worked but anyways I saw him have this
you know rich white lady doesn't put her weights back right and he was still training at the time like he was training sessions a little bit um and so he was like girl he's like I know you ain't about to leave my gym without putting your weights back and he's a Persian dude right but he would get into this kind of like ghetto like whatever you want to call it way of talking and she'd be like fine I'll go put him back and I thought about that and I was like man if I had just
been like hey Susan can you put your weights back like she's like I pay for personal training you can put my weights back like that could get really bad really fast but when you say it like that all of a sudden it's like I'm communicating the same thing and I get the desired result and they think it's fun and light-hearted and so in the same sense when you're in the clothes I use a ton of humor and that tonality to diffuse hard conversations so I say like girl I was like five minutes ago I like
you had four hours a week I was like what happened to my four hours if I say that no one's going be upset with me they' be like ah well I mean I didn't know that it was going to be X Y and Z and I'll be like fine I know like and then then then tone switch and you're like what's really going on and then you get the real stuff because guess what closers ask hard questions right and they're the questions it's the place where you don't want to go versus where you need to
go which is you want them to diffuse the bomb in front of you not when they get home right and so you don't want them to sit with the decision you want them to confront it's like you might be wondering this is a lot of money let's talk about it right you might be wondering if your husband's going to be against it well let's talk about some reasons that he might not be against it let's talk about uh what your business partner will say if you buy this without their permission let's talk about that right
and so you want to confront those ugly things you don't want to cuz like you're not like if I if you take anything from this the best salespeople want to confront it because they're better at selling them than they are at selling themselves so you want them to confront the obstacle in front of you so that you can help them through it so don't wait for like you're not going to avoid it I promise you you think you're avoiding the landmine but like CU sometimes you hear that thing in the beginning of the call and
you're like that's a bit I don't know if I want to blow the CL dude it's going to blow up in the close if you can't even can't even confront it before you've mentioned price it's definitely coming up after you mentioned price so like confront it now so one of my favorite ways to get to the hard question is asking what are you afraid of happening and then I follow that with let's just play it out a lot of times it's like people don't even want to look at what's going to happen it's like no
let's play it out right like I remember I had this this sale that happened where I had a lady who was like I follow Dave Ramsey and I have envelopes of cash and if I give you this envelope that's my grocery money for the week uh if I do this program and I was like okay well what are you afraid of and she like paused and I was like is it that you won't be able to afford food I was like would you be afraid of that and she was like well yeah cuz she thought
she was going to win the sale day but it was a trap um and I was like but you're trying to lose weight I was like worst case scenario don't afford food you lose some weight I was like when win now I did that with a good tone so she got a laugh out of it right and I was like but let's be real I was like have you ever bought anything in the past that you weren't sure you could afford I was like and where are you now you still survived you're not on the
couch right I was like we always make it work in the end right if and you have to you cut somewhere else I was like this is something that's going to last with you forever like you have all these clothes I was like you want to make all of them look better in 6 weeks I was like just lose 20 lbs what are you afraid of let's play it out best case worst case when you do that you can basically take away the emotion from the decision and say okay worst case scenario you're on your
friend's couch and you know what you were poor before this and you were happy then too so worst case scenario is you're in the same position you've been in before and it was fine best case scenario you change your life forever so does that feel like a bet you're willing to take right and so if you if you just you want to confront it and then walk into what they're afraid of and just say let's play it out so this happens here this happens here best case worst case and I can tell you like I've
probably closed more sales on best case worst case than any other close I have ask for the sale again and so this is a big one if you do not ask for the sale you will not get it that is a promise once you ask if you ask again you'll increase the likelihood that they buy now there's a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this if you just ask again when someone says no bad look if someone says no and you ask why and then you resolve the why then you
ask again and that makes sense says hey I can't make Tuesdays and you say no worries if we're able to do it on Thursday would that work for you and they say yes they say awesome so you want to move forward you ask again right so all you're doing is resolving the concern there's terms in the industry called looping or you know uh obstacle overcomes whatever whatever wording you want to use is that you resolve the concern and you ask again and you can do this literally unlimited times as long as you resolve the concern
and then you ask again I mean Lila will tell you that like if it was either a Sunday sale cuz I usually had way less calls on Sundays um or it was the last appointment of the day for me she just knew that I would always close that sale because I would just have unlimited time because I was like I will just keep going and so I ask again and again and again and I had um I had a partner back in the day I don't know if I like the visual but he's like he's
like you're like a pit pull on someone's ankle he's like you just will not [ __ ] let them leave and I was like it's cuz I think I think that they need it they came in cuz they're trying to lose weight we sell weight loss what's the problem like we just have to figure it out and usually it's just like it's mounds of stuff you have to UNP of all these excuses of all the times that they've been unsuccessful in their lives it's like they came in because they want to solve the problem and
when then they get confronted with the decision they get freaked out again because they reli this past traumas of the things they've tried and then feeling like a failure and then they associate that failure with you in the moment you're like hey Susan calm down we're just going to have you eat some [ __ ] chicken and walk a little bit it's going to be okay and so the best closers come from the frame of helping the Prospect and so I will tell you this right now the best salespeople care more about the prospect than
they do so whoever cares the most about the prospect wins the sale and so if they care more about themselves then they will win now you're like well of course they're going to care more about themselves ah if you have more context than they do which you should because you know more about the product than they do you should be able to have the best perspective to say no I'm not going to let this guy's limiting beliefs get in the way cuz I really want to help him or really want to help her and I
can see that today it feels safe to retreat back to not taking action on this huge pain that they have but I can see how this is going to play out cuz I've seen a hundred other people just like them walk out the door and I see them you know a year later and they're the exact same position or worse and I don't want that for them and so if you keep the human at the Forefront of your mind when you're making the sale you'll never come across pushy because you they can hear the intention
they can hear the tonality in your voice about you actually just trying to help them so when you ask for the sale again having key stories and metaphors that you can use to break beliefs is what allows you to then ask again and you can do that literally unlimited times as long as they have time and you have time and you address the problem now if you don't address the problem and ask in they go annoy so you just want to make sure that you have an answer and you should have an answer because you've
had this conversation before there's nothing they should be able to tell you that should surprise you if we zoom out we have a salesperson who has maximum hours maximum days they have as many time slots per day filled up with the best Prospect effect CU they work them well they have a plan before and after to come prepared to the call and take notes and follow up with them bam famam the whole thing and when they're on the call they're completely present they breathe the script they know how to handle obstacles they have they have
analogies and stories and metaphors memorized so they can help people overcome their issues they stick to the script they don't add to the script they keep their word concision as tight as humanly possible so they can maximize the number of sales they have per day and maximize the conversion rate of those sales fundamentally sales by the way I should have defined this earlier is increasing the likely that the prospect buys that's all it is so everything that has to do with sales like if you had the perfect sales process it means you would account for
every single variable that could ever happen to any human and you would get 100% of people who go through this process to buy that's what a perfect sales process would be and so it's a percentage conversion that's all it is and so with that we have maximum opportunities maximum percentage conversion we have an amazing sales rep but what if they can only do it for a day that gets into the third bucket which is what I would consider meta skills which is traits of the best salespeople the things that most sales people struggle with are
trait issues meaning they are on and then they're off again they're on and they're off they get motivated they get demotivated motivated demotivated if you feel like this then it's a skilled deficiency you just don't know how to sustain performance for a long period of time and I promise you the difference between Champions and everyone else is they can sustain performance it's not like I don't know if sales is for me um I don't know if I'm growing enough in my dude here's the cleared deficiencies you can't stay consistent there's some growth that you can
tackle right now being consistent another kind of meta skill around this is enthusiasm like they're enthusiastic one week they're not enthusiastic the next week being able to sustain and maintain a high level of enthusiasm for with the role and when you're on the call is a skill it's a skill you whistle while you work you got to learn how to do it you got to learn to like the stuff you don't love so you can do the thing you really love which is sales the best salespeople kill for sport so let me tell you this
a little analogy huh notice a little iies so I heard this from uh Mike Ary and I just love this he said there's three types of sales people there's dogs horses and tigers he like dogs you got to feed them and if you don't feed them they starve to death and you got to you got to give them all this attention you got to rub their belly every day and the moment you stop they die horses they will Gallop as long as you keep whipping them but the moment you stop Galloping they just go down
to a trot he's like but Tigers he said a tiger can eat a full meal but then if a bunny walks across his line of vision we'll kill the bunny for sport he's like you want tigers and I love that little analogy because the best sales people that I've ever met in my life they love sales they love the thrill of the clothes of the hunt when I was selling weight loss I would sometimes have homeless people and things like that that would come in who would respond to my ads it would happen right I
had two ways to take it I could try and not take it seriously try and just like basically just get through the sale so I could move on with my life or I could see it as free practice and what's crazy is the amount of times where I judge someone as poor and turned out that they just dress different I don't know anything about that was more times than I can count and a lot of them were like hey I appreciate you're just like you know Trea me well I was like of course I was
like this is a business your money spends the same and so you either practice the skill or you close either way you win it's a lot like lifting weights where if you have your warm-up reps and they look different than your heavy reps you're actually not practicing at all so you're wasting all these opportunities that you could be practic practicing your skill sharpening the sword which is what we call it in the sales world you could be sharpening your sword but you're actually making it duller CU you're practicing the wrong way you're learning bad habits
by not taking the sale seriously so the best sales people kill for sport and so I had uh I'll tell you a Jacob story which is my my young my young you know started with me at like 15 and now he's been with me however many years seven he started as a low man on the totem pole and so when we would have lesser qualified leads they handed all of them to Jacob he's like I'll be the garbage man he's like take anybody's leads he's like I just want to get good I just want to
practice and so he's trying to take as many reps as he possibly could and guess what happened he started taking more reps than everyone else did and guess what happened after that he got better than other people did cuz he took more reps and he took every one of these as a [ __ ] gift which is what it is is that someone's going to give you the time to learn the skill of sales the business paid for that lead maybe it's less qualified they paid for it just the same and you have the benefit
of learning the amount of people who want to learn how to sell better and are unwilling to take quote unqualified leads is ridiculous to me it's free practice with stakes and you still have the possibility of winning and closing a deal track data the best salespeople track data and so they're meticulous about the data they track and so let me explain this so you can judge and I've just seen this across my portfolio the skill of any person in any Endeavor that they practice by the quantity and quality of the metrics they track and so
if someone says oh I'm good at sales i' be like cool tell me about the metrics you track now if if they're like ah just you know close rate it's like well there's so many other metrics that you could track to understand how good you are at sales because the close rate is really just an outcome it gives you no leading indicators it tells you nothing else right I want to know what percentage of leads you're booking I want to know what percentage of of scheduled things are showing I want to know of show rate
what percentage are you offering of offer how many of you're closing how many how many what's your average call to close are you doing one call two call 1.2 like what's your what's your average number what's your average number of cash collected like there's so many other metrics that you can track to know how well you're doing as a salesperson and yes for everybody like shout this from the rooftops if you can get their schedule rate up by 20% it's just as good as getting their close rate up by 20% and so there's so many
other things in the funnel that the best sales people know about closing about how to increase the total number of sales they get by controlling all of the other variables that are under their control now the bad guys the dogs are like I only want these times and I want them to be spoonfed to me and if I don't get them fed there and you don't pat me on the head I'm going to starve to death and die right that's what the dogs do and if you've got sales people like that they're dogs I don't
care how many how much experience they have they're dogs right tigers are like I want to be available to kill whenever because I just love the hunt I would do this for free I'm just happy I get paid to do it pro tip if you are somebody who's running a sales team if you want to increase the close rates across the entire team even more give the best closers the best leads and the way you do that is that you have to start by scoring your leads first which means you actually have to track data
so you can say these people have the highest likelihood of closing when they have these three characteristics they close at a way higher percentage and then you give those leads to the best guys so fundamentally you'd want the worst leads to go to the worst guy the best leads to go to the best guy and everyone in between and so by doing that you actually match the org and so I actually had a Salesman that I knew who was the top sales rep for a time share business and it's exactly what you think it was
so it's a billion dollar plus company this guy was making 3 million a year in commission selling time shares and I had with him and I was like what do you do you know differently and he said well I won the sales competition and so I got one hour with the CEO and on that one hour with the CEO which is the prize for winning the sales competition it was 3,000 sales people it was number one he said I just said if you give me the best leads instead of wasting them on these guys who
are new he's like I will make you so much money and so the guy experimented with his little Division and he 5x his income as the sales guy and then they took it and they rolled it out Nationwide and they 5X the business and so there's a huge opportunity in every business to give the best closers the best leads because you make more money and what happens is is that the best guys will actually make more and more and more money which then creates a survivorship bias for new guys coming in and so if you
know that best guy used to make 200,000 a year as the top closer but now can make 800,000 a year the amount of sales people that you will attract your opportunity will 10x now even though the entry level guys now make less than they did before the opportunity just like the lottery the same reason people buy tickets is they assume that they're going to get there and so by having it this way you'll have people come in willing to make less because they know that if they if they perform well they'll go to the big
leagues now the other benefit of this is that you train your new guys on the worst leads so you lose the least money as a business but they also develop their skills because they've got to learn how to Big borrowed steel and squeeze blood from the stones from the least qualified customers and so when they get to somebody who's got a 700 credit score and actually has intent to buy they're like oh my God this is amazing because they practiced on somebody who's like missing an arm and missing seven credit cards and they are in
bankruptcy and they're actually in the middle of a divorce and the real name isn't Al it's actually Larry and you know it's complicated I'm a little liquid right now I'm between thing you know whatever right and they're closing those people for lunch money uh and so when you learn how to do that when you get to like qualified prospects you're like oh my God this amazing but at that point the business doesn't bear the cost the salesperson does so that they can develop their skills cuz just being real you're still paying them to learn and
I'd rather pay as little as I can so I can allocate the resources the best way possible in the business my biggest pet peeve and the reverse of that is my favorite thing about the best salespeople is they never blame circumstances so whenever I have a salesperson is like the leads are bad or you know uh these These people aren't a good fit or just like whatever BS that they can come up with or like I don't like the commission structure we should change like just focus on the things you can control right and the
guys that I love the most never complain they pick up the extra shifts they call the leads the most they work them the most they're like these leads are amazing I'm so grateful to have these and be able to practice and get paid to do it and there's a time and a place for giving feedback on stuff group calls not one of them if you are one of these salese you give it oneone with the manager say hey by the way I've noticed like some people get on the phone just objectively like their credit scores
are just consistently lower than they were a couple months ago I don't know if we've changed anything on the marketing side I'm going to approach the leads the same I love The Practice just thought might be you know useful data for marketing right that's very different than like dude these leads are [ __ ] I'm I'm not taking these calls right that's just a primadonna and I hate that and so again the worse the leads the better you get the flex your skill and the best sales people take 100% of the control and the best
marketers take 100% of the control too and so if everybody is taking absolute blame for every outcome guess what you win we doubled one of our portfolio company sales by tweaking several tiny things in the sales process and you can use all the same tactics in your business too enjoy three young Founders who are all sad because they were not making the amount of money that they wanted to make so before I show you the data let me explain what each of these terms actually mean so show rate is the percentage of people who have
an appointment who show up for their appointment so in any business if if you deal with people you will have sessions or appointments you have a time slot that someone says they're going to show up right if it's a sales consult then they are a prospect and they're going to show up to get sold so if I have 100 people have an appointment and 70 show up that would be a 70% show rate the second one here is offer rate which we forgot to put in the rate so let me just put that in for
you there you go offer rate which is the percentage of people that we actually make an offer to you might be like well why would I not offer everybody well not everyone's qualified and so for example if I work with only gym owners and somebody comes on it's like Oh I'm a personal trainer well you shouldn't be here we had all these other things that said don't be here but you still came why are you here that means that you don't offer them anything and that's it now if 100% of people who showed up show
right you are able to offer to then that means that your offer rate would be 100% And that is an indicator of the quality of the lead flow that you have the third is close rate this depends on how you can track this all right so you can either do it based on percentage of people who show or you can do it on percentage of people who are offered what I normally do is I'll just track both I'm going to guess that this one is off of offer rate because it's what we have here it's
good to have both stats here because let's say a Sal man wants to artificially increase his close rate well then he will just say well I'm not going to offer anyone unless I know they're going to say yes and so then their close rate is high and then they'll show that there's a really low quality score but if that salesman this is why having team stats is so important and individually is because if the team is all saying that they're offer rate 70 and one guy saying his offer rate's 30 but he has 100% close
rate and they all have 30% close rates we know where the data went and this is why having high quality data allows you to see what the problems are if I didn't have this percentage then I wouldn't know it's because we have low quality leads or because my salesman suck this data allows me to identify the problem and then fix it so the fourth set here is percentage of cash collected up front meaning if we're selling $1,000 widgets and the average cash we collect today is $500 because people do payment plans then we would know
our cash collected percentage would be 50% if I have a low close rate but High cash collected percentage that would tell me a different story than a really high close rate and really low cash collected percentage i' be like oh so they're just getting anyone to say yes and taking $10 down if they can versus somebody saying we have a hard line and so it's really trying to find the magic between these two and saying how can I get as many people to say yes and get as much cash collected up front the final one
here is just unit sold and this is really just the output of these four well if we multiply these things together how many do we end up closing and that's the result so beforehand damn we had a 49% show rate so let's say we have 100 appointments now we have 49 who actually show up for their appointment and then of the 49 we're able to offer 83% of them beforehand so 80% of that is 40 40 people now are getting offered out of our original 100 appointments of the people who get offered 27% of them
which is 10 people roughly are actually buying in that closing percentage and then our cash collected from those 10 people is we're getting a little less than half of the cash that we closed down now I gave you 100 as a number but the actual number of units sold for this business in the prior month was 56 units all right so this is current state if you don't know these numbers in your business you should so that you can improve them let's say I invested in your business today the first thing we want to do
is get the data so that so we can see what Baseline is so we can see where the discrepancies are and where we think the biggest opportunities for improvement are and you're going to have to wait till the end of the video I'm going to show you what happened after so let's start with problem number one or opportunity for improvement number one we had a low show rate as in based on our benchmarks of 70% for any kind of appointment type business we think that we should have at least 70 there Allen which was a
company that I had all we did was show rates we were doing 4,000 appointments a day we experimented we had a machine learning team to think like what was the number of communications that we had to have with a prospect what was the delay between responses that got the most people what were the total number of exchanges how far apart were the exchanges there is lots of data that we were able to collect so their number was 49% of appointments were showing up what we wanted them to be at was 70% this is our Benchmark
where we'd say okay this isn't a problem anymore now do we want to improve things absolutely but where are we going to allocate our effort at the constraint this was a constraint now to give context here this Delta is a 40% difference 40% is a lot think about the S&P 500 they're like we trying grow 9% a year it's like boom I unlock that I get 40% growth I don't have to do anything else for like 4 years in the S&P big wins that's what we look for lots of things can affect show rate by
the way the number one one that affects show rate is number of total time side sa available take that to the bank but one of the other ones is the targeting and the offer itself so targeting is who's actually seeing this promotion if I'm targeting teeny boppers for example I might get people to schedule but then realize that they're not here for a laser hair removal appointment so the targeting there would be off and and so that would affect our show rate and that has nothing to do with our lead nurture sequence or our salesman
or anything like that it's just the wrong people were seeing it so that was issue number one for context for us just imagine that's underneath it was 25 to 35y olds who were gainfully employed and love their job and this when we came in to look at it was actually targeting 18 to 24y olds the reason that this was far off for us is that the ad objective now I'm going to get a little bit tactical with you ad at hold Co we have media buyers we have Pros who do this for a living
and so when they zoomed in on how their Med a buyer was optimizing the traffic they were optimizing against what a lot of people would initially think they should do which is optimizing for the lowest cost leads and the lowest cost appointments what we had to do we switch to optimize around cost per sale if we can optimize around who we actually sell to we will shift where the sales come from and just to give you how big of a problem this was they had to cancel 75% of their appointments before the 49% show rate
the sales guys are spending most of their time just looking at their appointment looking up the person cancelling to get their 49% show rate and that's about the closest thing to literally burning money so second big problem was multitasking and this really goes for any role but especially like sales-driven roles they had a setting team and a closing team and the Setters were both trying to call leads to get appointments and then also nurturing and doing the follow-up to remind them of the appointment and it's similar as that may sound in your mind it's two
completely different activities you're banging phones calling people up you're in that flow and then you're like oh wait Sarah has an appointment today let me go REM mind Sarah does Sarah going to interrup it and you're like wait I'm calling and then you start like and it's you go back and forth right so they had three big issues number number one is that they weren't double dialing right which is one of the most common things that you can do by the way if you're doing phone calls because a lot of initial screens will stop the
first call but if you dial twice you'll get through number two is that the time to contact was too slow so lead would come in and they would just like sit there for 30 minutes 60 minutes an hour 2 hours 3 hours right and they weren't getting contacted it's like what did this person do they're like oh I'd like to find out more information nothing and the third thing is that they didn't have the right times to set appointments and they weren't nurturing correctly so we go same day next day I'm just giving you some
secrets and they didn't have morning of nurture meaning if you have an appointment today and you booked this appointment 3 days ago if I don't remind you that day that you have an appointment the likely that you show is lower and so these are the problems that they have no double dial slow speed to contact and they didn't have any mning of nurture but wait there's more the second problem they had or opportunity for improvement was that they had a low close rate and this is based on our Benchmark I would normally give you a
kpi but it has so many different variables in terms of what percentage close rate is cuz if you're selling in person for example for a low ticket thing you might be able to sell 80% plus of people walking the door on the flip side if you're selling an investment opportunity over the phone on you know a first or second contact you might sell 5% but for this particular type of sale that they had which was a two call close for like I would say a mid-priced consumer service in my opinion they should have been about
40% so 40% is what I wanted them to be at and then current was 27% so this is where they were this is where we wanted them to be and again for context here this is about a 50% Improvement so problem number one is that they had service level Discovery if you're not familiar with that terminology in a sales script there's different kind of phases that you go through in a conversation and the opening part is often a little bit of Rapport and then right after that you get into Discovery and Discovery is where you're
discovering what the problems that the person's going through you're trying to understand why they are where they are why they're on the phone with you why they decided to take time out of their day why this problem is important to them what they've tried in the past etc etc right this is the Discovery this gives you all the ammunition that you're going to use at the end of the sale to close it so the way that they were doing was simply saying how much money do you want to make just asking the one question which
is the big obvious question it's surface level but the big thing that you always want to ask when you're selling is intention why do they want this like what changes as a result of this how will your life look different what can you not do now that you would be able to do as a result of this change who else in that in your life would that affect why does that matter to you right and so these are all why questions and it's to to dig up their intentions because if you can understand why someone's
there it's much easier to get them to agree to getting them there right but if you don't know that someone's trying to let's say replace their income versus quit their job versus just have side hustle money those are very different intentions if I want to talk to side hustle money I'm probably not going to be like this is going to take a ton of time on the flip side if someone's like I hate my job I just want to do something that's not this then I might talk about what the day-to-day looks like in this
scenario and ask them if that sounds better to them so if you think about sales process what they were doing is they were asking questions that were here surface level but this is where all the meat is and that's where all the money is is the questions that are below the surface is understanding why someone's even doing this to begin with look at that Iceberg killer Iceberg and so the second issue is that they had a lot of objections coming up on the call I'll say objections but I also mean obstacles for those of you
who are sales sales senses objections happen after you talk about the number obstacles happen before you talk about the number if you come on the phone and I say hey why are you here and you're like I just want to find more information that's actually an obstacle like you already have to confront that cuz like no you're not hopping on phone calls all day trying to find information what problem you trying to solve and then they're like well and then you get into it right but if you don't address that up front it'll blow up
on you in the clothes so objections and obstacles is what they were encountering a lot of and part of that is because they Discovery was wrong right they were talking to service levels so then lots of [ __ ] was blowing up on them in the close common objections that happen after you present price is uh this is too much I need to think about it I have to talk to my spouse I'm not sure if this is for me I'd like to get more data can you send me a brochure like these are all
just the make believe things that people will say in order to not buy from you interestingly a lot of times if you stay in the surface level they'll even give you what we call Smoke screens but basically like they'll just come up with uh a reason that they're not going to do it and it's not even the reason they just throw a smoke bomb up and they're like I don't like English you know walk away right has nothing to do with it they just want to get off the phone so those are the two issues
that we had on the sales and that was getting us to this 27% close rate and what this looks like is lots of argumentation and like hard closing and it's because the sale isn't positioned properly and they were basically talking at people and not listening if the salesperson is talking more than the prospect in your sales like these are likely issues that are coming up I'm going to give you two examples real quick to show you how important delivery of a messages so if I say I have to think about it and I say oh
like what are your main concerns or what are the main like what are the main variables that you're considering you're not thinking wow this guy's a douchebag I sound like I just genuinely want to know I call it childlike curiosity I always cue it by tilting my head I'm like huh what are the main things and I would increase my voice at the end there an improperly trained salesp person might be like well what are the main concerns you have and all of a sudden that sounds like a very different thing so they're saying the
script but they're not but the prospect isn't hearing the same message and these are little details that actually can make a huge difference in ultimately how you close there's a lot of things in tone but I'll just say one is how you raise or lower your voice and the second is where you choose to emphasize if I say I didn't say he hit his wife if I say like that I have neutral Tone If I say I didn't say he hit his wife then it's like I'm not saying that I didn't say he hit his
wife is now saying that like those weren't my words I didn't say he hit his wife he's the one to question I didn't say he hit his wife means like he might have done something else but he did something to his wife I didn't say he hit his wife it could have been somebody else's I didn't say he hit his wife it might have been his kid right and so it's the same sentence but simply emphasizing different parts of it communicate different things and so the tone and emphasis create a altogether package of how we
communicate and for them their tonality was way off as a team because they were missing the first five minutes of discovering and setting the frame properly and so I'll give you the last set of problems opportunities for improvement and then we'll dive into what we did to solve them and what happened sales problem three opportunity for improvement people in orc structure issues so issue number one is that CEO was the sales manager and that was because he was the best closer he had a significantly higher close rate than the rest of the team but he
wasn't a very good sales manager even though he was a good Closer by the way that's one of the main issues that a lot of sales teams have they promote their best closer as a sales manager and often times those are two very different skills and we could see this because the churn on their sales team was through the roof just to be clear like they were a group of young Founders it's not uncommon it's actually probably very common because usually when you start a business learning how to promote and sell the product is usually
the job of the founders like how do I get people to want to buy the thing and so they end up getting the most reps early on and also understanding the prospect better than just about anyone and so one of the big things you guys were in a little mini sales last I is that companies will over educate on the product and under educate on the prospect the person that you should be educating your sales stuff on is who we're talking to more than what we're selling cuz for me if I know someone deep in
their core what their intentions are I can tell them anything I know someone inside and out and then someone says sell this thing and I know nothing about it I could probably get them to buy on the flip side I know everything about this thing and I don't know who I'm talking to talking to a child a man a woman old young different language and so a lot of people talk like hey sell me this pen when in reality what we want to do is like talk to John the majority of good sales trainers who
try to do that gimmick what they want the person to do is ask them a question it actually has nothing to do with the pen and so if they say sell me this pen what you do is you take the pen and you put it in your pocket and you say how's it going what brought you in today right cuz I got to go from where they're at to wanting a pen I'm not going to just be like hey buy this pen give me money like it doesn't work that way but bad salesmen do so
the second issue was the setting team expectations one of the benefits of working with someone who has more experience is that we know what the Benchmark should be and so a lot of times we can reset some 's minimum standard and they're like well they're setting two a day and we're like they should all be minimum setting three and that sounds tiny but again 2 to three is a 50% increase in sets and that's across a whole team so that means a lot of productivity but if you set the bar low people just naturally shrink
down to that level all right so you understand the problems and here is the data this is before they had a low rate issue they had low close rate and multiple issues around that and they had people in organizational issues I want you to pause real quick in the video in the comments to be like what would you do how would you attack these issue if this was your business and then I'll tell you what we did now there's two elements of solutions element one is what would you do to attempt to solve the problem
and the second is which one do we do in what order the third problem that was actually the first thing we decided to fix was so we hired a sales director the reason for that was because the CEO was overly involved he was micromanaging he wasn't a good manager and he also wasn't doing CEO stuff and so we had to hire an experienced sales director who in this instance had been a sales trainer for a similar type of sale in a consumer good this guy ended up being exceptional and being able to implement the rest
of the changes that we outlined so this was in terms of order of importance I think if we hadn't done this and had tried to do the rest of them it would have fallen flat this is like one of the most common errors that business owners and Founders make is that they see the what and not the who or they focus on the how and not The Who and if you have the same problem that has recurred multiple quarters in a row in the same Department underneath of the same who it might not be a
what issue it might be a who issue one of the reasons having experience is help is because you know what it looks like when it's right some of the biggest costs in the business are hiring incorrectly you waste the time trying to find them you waste the time onboarding them and training them and then you waste the time of all the time it takes you to figure out that they're not the right fit and all the loss growth that you would have had to then start that process over again that's tough but a lot of
businesses have to deal with that which is why picking Personnel is so important with this instance we looked at culture fit which is like do we think that this guy will fit in which we usually the founders pick that part out like hey does this guy fit in cool and then we're going to hardcore drill on usually experience and tactical knowledge and so we have subject matter experts at holdco media buying cro experts sales experts Finance expert whatever and we will then do tactical interviews we talked about earlier you can know that someone is good
based on the quality and quantity of the data that they collect I would ask somebody what data do you plan on collecting and how would you plan on fixing those things based on how vague they are and how high level they go in terms of their Solutions it'll tell you how nuan they can be in their thinking and ultimately executing Solutions sales directors specifically in my experience when I have guys who are like I just want to build up people I want to give these guys skills and they marry that with like and these are
the metrics that I track to know X Y and Z that's a good sales director the next thing we decided to solve boom was fixing the ad targeting and the reason we did the sales director first was because we're like well how do we know if anything else is going to happen afterwards if we fix this so what we ended up doing here it turns out is that we also had another Personnel issue the media buyer was asleep at the wheel they were optimizing around the wrong stuff they were trying to split their attention and
start their own side hustle it was clear that they were negligent they actually were doing the right thing and then they stopped doing the right thing and it was clear that that type of behavior the founders felt was not going to correct itself so they let go of that person hired a new person and boom fixed the ad targeting problem we were back to 25 to 35y old people who love their job what did we fix next boom We reduced the sales team what and we reset expectations for the setting team what we looked at
is sales team utilization if we know that guys can take 10 sales a day and they're actually only taking four then we have too many sales people in this instance it gives you an opportunity to to cut the fat for lack of better term and reward the people who are actually doing their jobs and closing well if you cut the lowest percentage of the team and you have utilization like you have space you lose the lowest closing percentage people and you gain more closes just by Shifting the closing rate overall of the team when you
make those changes in my experience sales people get into a rhythm if you don't take enough sales calls you're too desperate to close the deal and then you start being too hard and not listening enough cuz it's about you not them when sales people have more and more consults they sell from the back of their heel they're open-minded they're asking questions they're feeling good and they get in a rhythm the setting team we both downsized and increased expectations how did all these sales increase by having fewer people we had better people that's how and that
also helps recreate the culture of the team so that we can have a new standard set of high performers because there's nothing that demotivates a high performer like a low performer who's still on the team and so we went from two to four in terms of our expectation per day for the team in terms of sets sales fix numero qu I'm messing all my columns up now just going to have to deal with it we promoted one Setter to lead nurture specialist I was saying earlier that they were multitasking right so they're doing some setting
and they're doing some lead nurture and that gets really hard for a team of six guys to split those things we took one of the Setters who was really good and made that person the lead nurture specialist who basically acted as the bridge for both the setting team and the closing team to basically coordinate and remind the people of their appointments and we equipped that lead nurture specialist with one of our checklists for what that role needs to do to get the most people to show up and I'm not going to give you all because
of the long checklist I'll give you two quick examples one of them is doing a three-way intro once you have the set appointment between the setter and the closer and doing it via iPhone if you can because now you have a known person and an unknown person and a person that Bridges the two they might know show on Johnny over here but not on the guy that they just spoke with and so the idea is how can I bridge that Gap and kind of make the association for them add some trust the other thing is
that the closers mning of would remind them with either a voice memo or a video text personalized to them being like hey John really excited for our apointment today I saw your profile XYZ personalized to you really pumped for you I think we might help you out so that's just a couple of the things that we have on that list that we had them Implement and all do consistently and sales team fix number five boom is we optimize the sales scripts I said earlier that the discovery was to surface level so we rescripted the discovery
made sure we were asking deeper more meaningful questions and a part of that is also bringing some of the objections to the front it's much easier and this is the this is the terminology that our team uses which is killing zombies right it's a lot easier to kill a zombies when it's far away than when it's on top of you if somebody's trying to bring up a zombie in the clothes another way of saying it is like you want to diffuse the bomb before it goes off in the clothes in your face so we solve
the problem before we bring it up now this is actually something that we added to this part of the script which is prior to the appointment we say hey is there anyone else who'd be required to make a decision about this thing if they say yes then you say cool well let's push back the appointment and let's get that person on that way you have all the decision makers present so these are just little things but like little 1% improvements over and over over again is what yield these 50% boosts and the third main change
we did was that we drilled the team on looping and looping is just a sales terminology for basically when you encounter an objection handling the objection and then asking again handle the objection ask again right because a lot of sales people are afraid to ask if someone says no and they don't want to ask again right and I can tell you this is that the number of sales you make is direct proportional to how many times you ask there's ways to do it wrong and there's ways to do it right the idea is that you
should be able to resolve the concern right so if someone says I need to think about it and you say well what are you your main concerns and they say well it seems really complicated you say oh what part specifically feels more complicated they're like it's the whole Tech thing and we're like oh we also have a vendor that can actually fill that in I think it's a couple bucks extra but like we can just handle that for you does that solve the problem and they're like oh okay so you guys will you guys will
just handed that one part of it like yeah we'll handed that part of it for you cool now this is where the salesman says great you want to move forward you have your idea on you hey what C you like you can just make the ask right after that and so then at that point you might say ready to move forward then and they might say this feels like a fast decision it's like oh well what makes it fast how long you been thinking about this they're like well I mean I just met you and
you say well how long have you wanted to solve this problem and then they would say well I mean a long time it's like well that doesn't sound like a fast decision at all it sounds like you've already made the decision a long time ago that you wanted to change now we're just acting on it so now do you want to move forward right keep looping and continuing to resolve the concern ask again resolve the concern ask again drum roll please what happened in the real world so let's go to the data all right so
in our first column we had 49% show rates after we implemented sales fix 2 fixing the ad targeting sales Fix 4 promoted one lead Setter to lead nurture specialist and sales fix 3 reduced the team size and reset expectations survey says we had a 70% boost which is almost exactly the kpi and that's because when you do things that work they work so that was a 40% Improvement in sales and to be clear this was just over 2 months all right so some of these changes going to happen real quick if you know what you're
doing the second change we have is our offer rate and so here's what happened so survey says 80% we actually offered just about the same amount of people realistically what they were doing is offering people who weren't qualified cuz the sales team wanted to eat and I get that like there's a human component here they were offering people were not qualified the deal cuz they needed commissions right which is what we were trying to fix with the targeting close rates we went from 27% and 60 days later we were at 41% so 1% above our
Benchmark all right this is a 50% Improvement in sales so 40 and 50 Kazam next up we have percentage of cash collected a really good metric for knowing how strong the sales team in is and this is especially important for that early Discovery portion and how good they are at looping and closing because the deeper you get the discovery the the more convicted the buyer will be about the solution and the more likely they are to pay up FR as a measure of their conviction in the solution the survey says we went from 47 to
82% so we almost doubled the amount of cash that we were collecting up front per sale in 60 days we had a 40% Improvement and we had a 50% Improv and we had a almost doubling of cash collected so if we almost doubled the amount of sales that happened and we almost doubled the cash upfront collected what did we do to the cash FL the business Forex ah much more enticing after we added all these four changes together and we waited 60 days what happened survey says we went from 56 to 93 sales a month
and that was just from a few of these fixes on one particular part of the organization I taught 116 sales Prof professionals my closing framework and after implementing it they increased how much they closed enjoy um Alex Becker who's the who's the founder of that uh clued me in recently to something he's like dude your your your rowes is insane because he can see everyone's revenue and their ad Spin and I was like what do you mean he's like you have the highest return on ad spend of everyone in the entire platform by like a
mile and I didn't really ever think about it but our lifetime return on Advertising is 36 to1 so to do over you know hund now you know five or 10 million whatever we're at now um we've spent just under $3 million in advertising and so there's a lot of other pieces to you know making more but just for everyone on this call we're talking specifically about sales correct yes yeah so so Alex yeah yeah 99% of these guys are are closers and they're getting closing positions a couple people are sorting like a closer agency where
they partner up with a guy like you and they're like hey let's do like a little JB deal I slam your deals okay sweet well then why don't I so what I'm going to do is because I do have a presentation um which is just how I think about sales um and I have the the third part of the presentation about scaling sales teams does anyone here have multiple closers who work for them or is is most people just closing on your own right now you guys got to talk with Alex he don't bite I
also can't see I can't see the chat I can't see the chat we're working towards that Alex okay so how about this I'll give you the things that so um Russell when I first met him was like dude how did you learn how to sell so well and it was because I looked at my CRM and I'd done 4,000 sales one-on-one uh in Fitness and so that's a lot of reps you know I was taking 20 consults a day for like four years and so that's in person face to face my team would double or
triple book me every 30 minutes and I just sold the same thing over and over again and because I was really good at sales I ended up not hiring a ton of salespeople and I would actually have my manager set appointments for me all at one location so I had six gyms and so I would go there they'd stack up an entire day I'd mow down a whole day go to a different gym and they'd been stacking all the appointments and I'd mow down and so usually I do 20 to 25 consults a day and
you just get you you know you just get these reps in of reading people gauging tonality and seeing where you need to lean in and where you need to lean back and so um you know over time I've then started training sales people and sales managers I had a remote sales team we F we'd fly out and do turnarounds um like in person so I had eight guys we'd fly out to eight facilities every month and we turn these facilities around because I know Mike you were in the Fitness World before this um that's right
and then I brought that sales team in-house and they started doing phone sales for high ticket so I've had um I've had in-person phone High ticket low ticket we've kind of done a lot of those things I trained mortgage leads teams um so kind of the whole Gambit and there's definitely some things that I've seen you know I've bought every sales product on the market I bought Grant stuff bought bford stuff um and I think there's a lot of Merit and there's a lot of good stuff out there but in my experience uh Simplicity is
what scales and so I'll give you if you're okay with it I'll give you the few things that I have implemented consistently within my companies that have generated outsize returns is that cool all right awesome what I'm Gonna Roll let get all right full Jam so as I said Simplicity right I'm a the world's best graphic designer uh as you can see here so I'm trying to uh show the the real Keys of the Kingdom so everybody here everybody here selling expensive stuff is that most people on this call yes everything's High take Alex fantastic
all right everyone still see me and the screen yep all right Rock and Roll All right so I'm guessing this guys isn't your first rodeo um not your first presentation with the sexy headliner big promise and so if you have failed for you guys to uh grow your thing in the past I promise you it's not your fault lots of information very confusing um and you can sometimes be inundated with lots of different sales people's information you've got Mike here who's a who's a gem and knows his [ __ ] and you guys are lucky
to have him um but in hopefully in this presentation I will put some of those fears to rest of like what if I'm never what if I never make it what if I never turn this corner um and become the salesp person I want what if I never hit the 100 100 Grand a year what if I never hit the 100 Grand a month or whatever don't hit the million a month goal that I have and then what does that what does that mean about me right if you've ever thought those things um like I
can tell you I did two um right after the instance that I had uh mic with that individual um and that individual drained my entire bank account and then sent it to their girlfriend in Sweden and then filed bankruptcy after that happened I had $1,200 because I had sold all my gyms and put my money into that account so I started at zero which I'm very grateful for because it gave me the experience that I have now and so what I'm going to show you is that you can have a simple sales process that can
yield outsid returns a lot of people like to make this fancy because it makes it easier to sell stuff to people about selling but these are the things that I have seen that have unlocked the growth for us because I don't think I'm the best marketer out there I think we've simply attached a phone to a funnel um and we've been very efficient at it and so as a result of that I've always been able to make more per customer than anyone else because of how efficient we are at the conversion process all right and
so that's what we're here for so I want to show you exactly step by step our process for selling all right and so there should be two types of people here some of you guys who are under $100,000 a month and I'll show you how to never compete on price again all right and if you guys are over $100,000 a month I'll show you exactly what we did to scale a team to get to a million a month and Beyond is that cool because if you're under a 100 it's just you right if you're over
a 100 you need people all right so it's gonna kind of be like the actual sing itself and then the scaling of the sales all right so that's kind of the goal for the 60 minutes I'll probably be able to get it done in 40ish I'll talk fast so we can have some time all right everyone can just listen fast is that all right all right I'm it so I've been really fortunate um yeah now we're at 105 or 110 or whatever it is um in in selling stuff which has been cool what's been coolers
we've been able to donate to causes you guys don't know my story but um I had a I had a gym teacher after school who stayed with me he didn't have to he didn't know me from anybody and he worked out with me for an entire year and taught me how to work out because I was like a really insecure kid and as a result of that I got into fitness and so I feel like it's all of our opportunity because you guys are on here like we're already in the top 1% in the world
you know what I mean like we're bitching about not making 100 Grand a month like [ __ ] you you know what I mean like really and so um it's been a great privilege to be able to give back you we've donated 1.4 million just in the last three years actually 1.7 now I have to update that um but anyways just the causes that we that we care about and so for us it's it's kids being able to have the opportunity that we had all right and uh if you guys are in the fitness industry
Arnold was my hero is the reason I quit my job um and I've been able to you know grow a friendship with him which is been awesome um and we've had you know over a thousand clients hit $100,000 a year using the sales framework I'm going to show you all right so like you can imagine that these people are not maybe as good as you are you can imagine that somebody in that thousand is probably not as naturally talented right so the process works okay and we've got a lot of people over seven figures now
um but it wasn't that way right so this is me when I started my first gym I slept on the floor I had $5,000 total my rent was $5,000 um and so I had one month that I had to learn how to make money and uh I built a funnel because I learned this from the internet and I was actually I sent this picture to my dad because I was so excited I was so proud of this picture because I sold that many people in the first in the first two weeks uh for free um
and things started to grow right I my that was my one of my gyms I had nine employees I felt like a badass you know my dad finally told me he thought I you know wasn't a schmuck for you know being an idiot and getting into fitness so I thought I felt like I was figuring things out and then all of a sudden Facebook slap happened this is years ago and there's been many slaps Facebook just kind of kind of has its it its [ __ ] hand proverbially swinging back and forth but um you
know we got slapped and overnight my my lead cost went up 5x right and so my my money my moneymaking rain turned into a desert and the thing was my marketing was losing money every day and all I could think about was letting my dad down and more realistically having my dad be right I'm gonna I'm gonna all right cool um and so the question that I asked myself was like how can I afford to get more leads right and so I called on my friends up and he had a he was a brick and
mortar gym owner and he told me that things were going great for him and I was like what the hell dude what are you what are you doing he was like dude we just we just attached the phone to the funnel and I was like no [ __ ] he's like we're selling expensive stuff on the front end now instead of selling trials I was like well that's cool I'll do that and so we went from losing two and a half two to one to making 10 to one return on the front end right and
what that meant for my business is I went from being able to break even at $10 a lead to being able to spend up A1 $100 a lead and still make money which is crazy right and so then things started to grow again for me and then we you know open location after location and things grow and I met this guy and uh I was I was I met I joined his Mastermind I was trying to I told him I wanted to create a nationwide gym gym chain and he said uh you should teach other
people how you do what you do and not grow that chain and I was like well you make more money than me so okay I'll listen and so then I started making uh our doing our Marketing System Mike this is by the way at that guy's gym um did 191 signups in 19 days and that was the stack of contracts um some of you guys may have seen this it was like the most run ad for like a year and a half um but we did I know $100,000 in in 19 days in sales like
in the ghetto all right so these are the three Frameworks sorry I sped through that because we already covered a little bit of my story early so I wanted to get through it um and these are the free Frameworks that I kind of discovered um to scale High ticket all right and it'll take if you if you're if you're partnering some with someone then it'll help take their losing funnels and turn them into into cash machines and I mean that genuinely all right so the free three Frameworks that I do is one is the closure
framework all right these are the questions that get prospects to say yes all right and so adding this to any kind of any funnel process is going to instantly make it more profitable all right and I'm going to walk through the questions that we ask and specifically what only three things that you can say on a sales call period it's the number one mistake that all the sales guys that even my guys make and I have to remind them up all right the second thing is the conviction framework so anyone who believes can outperform a
seasoned sales rep by simply learning control their tone all right so some of you guys right now can I get a hand um I'm gonna unshare my screen real quick can I get hands on the screen of who here is newer to this newer to high ticket sales okay great great perfect then this is for you I'm going to show you how you can beat the best sales reps all right and this is how I never ever hire seasoned closers just FYI no no mik we're goodna TR trading sales people I don't um but I'm
gonna show you how you can beat seasoned prep seasoned Pros all right which if I can find my presentation there we go um by learning control your tone and the last one is scaling so for all you guys who are over $100,000 a month and need to scale a team I'm going to show you how to duplicate the skill in other people all right because it's one level of the skill is learning to sell another level of the skill is teaching to sell and it's a more valuable skill so if you can duplicate your skill
in someone else that is how you can make 10 times 100 times more money because it's no longer you're no longer constrained by your time all right so let's rock and roll close your framework so after pouring over like hundreds of scripts like I mean it hundreds of scripts um I realized that there was always like these minor in wording but if I hit these kind of main Milestones along the way I ended up closing the sale right and the nice thing is that this process works for B Toc and B2B so I don't know
what stuff you're selling but it works for both and it worked for $500 tickets as much as $100,000 tickets the process is the same right and the way I teach my sales teams and now thousands of clients is This Acronym right and like even when I'm thinking through sales calls we use we like closer C right l so the C is clarify why the person is on the phone with you right that's the the objective why are you here why' you take the time to take the call what's the problem right what are we trying
to solve here after that then we're like got it so what I'm hearing is you're struggling with this does that sound about right I'm going to label you with a problem after that we overview their past pain it's like okay so you have this problem I can't be the first person you've talked to about this tell me a little bit about what you've done so far to try to try and get past this right tell me more about that how'd that work out for you okay understood after that it's like okay so hearing all these
things this is why you're here this is what you're trying to get this is what you've tried and hasn't worked okay well can I tell you about how I think we might be able to solve your problem this is where we sell the vacation right and then finally or step before finally we explain away their concerned so this is where we tell them about the program and then we're like do you want to do it they say yes or no if they say no then we explain away their concerns so they say yes and then
once they say yes we reinforce the decision and this last R here is a point that I added years later because we realize that the sale the sale just continues throughout the entire customer relationship right and so for you guys if you're dealing with clients uh who you're selling for you have to also sell them on continuously selling right you might have closed the card or closed the first payment but they're onboarding experience they got to close them again and then after that when they have their first week check-in call they got to get closed
again because we have to consistently sell them on why they should do anything why should they not just watch Netflix why should they why should they take action why should they have the discomfort of getting you know smacked on the phone by a stranger right why should they why should they feel the The Sting of failure we have to sell them consistently to help them overcome their pains right and so I'll show you each some of these more closely so clarifying why they're there right it's like what made you come in today what made you
reach out what's your goal right now why is that important to you right okay helping me understand what what you what are we doing here right this is one where someone in the beginning like you have to hit this because if someone says like you I just wanted to find out more information you're like cool but why like what did you want the information to solve what was the like I'm sure you don't just go around collecting information all day right like there's something you're trying to get out of this what's the problem and then
and then you get what you need you're like got it okay so just so I'm hearing you right it sounds like this is your goal correct then they acknowledge they have a problem this is important because they have to say it they have to own it I can't cure cancer until you admit that you have it right we got to give it to you before we can cure it after that we overview the past right so it's like what have you tried so far to accomplish this how long did you do it for how long
long ago how did that work for you what else have you tried we call this the pain cycle right we consistently do this over and over again so we've exhausted all options right at that point we have tons of ammo that we can use later in the clo which I'm sure you're aware of right and the big piece here is we explain how it's not their fault because if they had this missing piece or two of the equation they were halfway there they were three4 the way there they were just missing this one piece which
we're going to provide for them right and the nice thing is is for most of you hopefully you're selling a a holistic solution right so for example I'm G to use a fitness example because Mike's from from that background too if someone came in and said they tried workouts in the past I'm be like I'm not telling you don't that you don't need to workout it's great but you also need the nutrition and the accountability right you need nutrition to make sure they stop eating [ __ ] because if you just start working out eating
Donuts it's not going to work right of course now if I make you the best plan in the world but you don't follow it's not going to work either that's why you need the accountability and that's what I'm here for and so from that point that's kind of how you can naturally transition so it's like I'm hearing these things this is what you're missing well do you want to hear how the program works because I think we might be able to solve that for you they'll say yes all so what we've seen is that there's
three things that make clients successful right and at this point this is my belief is that three things has been you know unequivocal and most pitches is that I think it's human brain is that you can't take more than three but typically it's like three pillars to the to the stool or three you know finish and accountability if I was selling leads I'd want them to be you know timely uh you know qualified and you know uh exclusive right there'll be three elements to make what makes a good lead right there's there's always three that
you can usually find when you're selling a solution and most times not most times every time if you're on the phone with the prospect you always have the upper hand because they have admitted at the beginning of this phone call that they have a problem they have not solved it and so inherently they're going to be missing one of the keys they cannot have them all or they would not be on the phone so you have a you you you are in in an unlosable situation unless you choose to lose it right unless you choose
to lose the frame and so in this instance it has been my experience that we use stories short short anecdotal stories to to to break the belief of the prospect around a topic what's important here is that we don't get into uh jargon right we don't get into technobabble and talking about the program and the modules and the the things they're going to do because all of that sounds like work and that's not what they're there for they're there for a result right and so instead I would say something like with the Fitness Nutrition accountability
like I said earlier so if I was trying to explain accountability be like listen you don't have accountability when you were a kid you ever like have your parents tell you to brush your teeth they were like yeah like you know how you're like I don't want to I don't want to and they would tell you oh no you got to go brush your teeth and and you go and you brush your teeth and you sulk back to bed and next night you do the same thing they tell you brush your teeth you go brush
your teeth go back to bed but you're an adult now right you brush your teeth they're like yeah and that's because you had external accountability that turned into an internal habit right and that's what we're going to do for you here right so I didn't tell them about [ __ ] the coaching call that they're going to have and the post that they're going to have and the blah blah blah we told them as the result of that we gave them an anecdotal story that made sense to them for that's probably a really key point
I just want to drive home ear out when you have your pitch part it shouldn't be longer than three minutes like tops because no one really gives a [ __ ] and at the end of the day the reason they're going to buy is going to be because of how understood they feel so how much when you went through that overview of the pain you were able to restate back to them accurately exactly how they felt felt and the struggles they are experiencing which is why you need to shut the [ __ ] up when
they're talking right and so there's only three things that are ever said on a sales call do you guys know what they are there's only three things that ever come out of your mouth questions restatements and anecdotal stories which is the story that I just referenced the three stories that you will use to break a belief that's it so this so that's how you sell them the vacation you have these little sound bites right I'll give you another example so if I was doing um if I was doing food right I'm like listen uh three
parts of the program Fitness accountability so nutrition wise you've got to eat stuff that's going to make you lose weight can we agree on that yes okay cool but the problem is you don't want to do that right that's where we're here right right okay so let me ask you a question when uh do you feel like what's your favorite TV show they're going to be like uh whatever Game of Thrones you're like okay Game of Thrones do you feel like you need to get like motivated to watch came through like man I was trying
to watch it tonight but I just couldn't you know I just I just I got really busy and I just couldn't sit down on the couch and turn the TV on I couldn't do it right of course not because you look forward to it because you wanted to do it and the key that we're going to do here is we're going to get you to look forward to the foods that you're eating because if you look forward to it you don't need to be motivated because you do it on your own because you like it
does that make sense right so what I didn't talk about the macros and the carb cycling and the intermittent fasting and the calorie counting and the blah blah blah blah blah because the end of the day that does not matter what they want is for them to solve the problem and have it be painfree right and that's what we're explaining to them so that's selling the vacation right and this is a saying that I've used for a long time which is sell the vacation not the plane fright right and so this is what everyone else
talks about they're like sir for us to get you these results you're going to have to take your pants off you're goingon to have to jump through this Loop you're gonna have to go through the TSA the airport lines pack your suitcases take your shoes off do the layovers connect your flights uh have a person farting next to you don't worry they don't have covid you'll have turbulence probably on the plane then as soon as you're out you think you're done you still have to wait a baggage CLA they probably lost your bag right and
in our world it's your modules your MPL your Macros your workouts your support team your URLs your domains your funnels your targeting your ads and the other [ __ ] that doesn't matter right but instead what they want is you sell Maui Final Destination and you always sell the same thing because the difference is only the level of service and how they want to get there right if you have multiple levels of service so do they want to swim to Maui to where they're trying to go there's sharks and you could drown or get robbed
right this chick crazy uh do they want to take a boat to Maui it'll take a little longer but there's no shark attacks but there's still no Wi-Fi and you're kind of you know in the sun uh do you want to take a normal flight to Maui get there a little faster still smells bad has security bad food but you're going to get there or do you want to take a private jet to Maui right direct non-stop champagne on the plane suitcase is packed when you arrive right and so that's the selling piece e is
explaining way they concerns and so these are the questions that sound like um so there's I'm sure Mike has already taught you a lot of the uh the obstacle overcome Concepts right so fundamentally there's there's three big ones right price and rather than teach you like the uh the the the drilling of the obstacles I told you there's two things you need to memorize one of them are the stories the second are the obstacle overcomes all right because those are the things that you're in the Red Zone like that's not where you start thinking about
what you're going to say all right so the two things that you need to memorize as a salesperson are the stories about what you sell and the obstacles that you're going to encounter when you're in the red zone the questions on the front end you need to know the Milestones you need to hit in order to move forward and this is one of the big mistakes I'm sure Mike talks about a lot which is you need to sit in the pain if someone does not clarify why they need a solution you do not ask for
the sale if they're if we just say hey you know what what brought you to here today I just want to find out more information Okay cool so you know let me tell you about the program like that's not we didn't get the [ __ ] like we don't know why they're there we don't know what their goals are like one of the things drives me nuts about my team sometimes is I'm like dude we're eight minutes in the conversation I was like I don't know how many clients they have I don't know what their
revenue is I don't know what their profit is I don't know what their biggest pain and struggle was right now I'm like what are you doing I'm like you just told them they're like oh Jim is $100 million doll company I'm like they don't give a [ __ ] but they do my sales guys because they get their OS puffed up right but it has nothing to do with the prospect they do not care right they only care about them so right that's right yeah that's the issue right everyone talks way too much about the
product and so when you're training sales people you don't train them on the product you train them on the prospect the product doesn't matter I mean it matters obviously from like how you're going to make money because you have to do a good job because I'm going to get that in the second point but in terms of when you are selling and training someone if you guys know someone or know a specific Niche really well then you will know their pains and if you have a new salesperson you hear them say [ __ ] and
you're like that's not what he thinks what is's he doing he might know the product perfectly but he just said that the guy's problem was not the problem and so then it doesn't matter what the product is because he doesn't feel like it's for him even though it's totally for him but you just misarticulated the problem that's where the clarity has to happen if you nail that the rest of the pitch is easy all right and so the key here is relying on past agreements that have already been made so this person with their partner
with their spouse with their B you know whatever has that person knows that there's a problem and they also don't approve of that problem and so why would they be in any way against remedying a problem that they already don't approve of right and then finally we always tack on sometimes it's better ask for forgiveness than permission right ha depends on the ticket sale right but you can get those in right and then obviously last last case here is you just do a delayed close and say let's get your car down we can put it
down payment we can pay the rest on Friday and if between now and then you know your partner comes back and says no man I want to be poor I want to keep struggling and like I want to never make money and like continue to do this for the rest of our lives and I'll absolutely tear up the contract don't worry about it right finally you've got stalls right I need to think about it so these are because people don't people are afraid of making mistakes right people are afraid of making mistakes and because of
that they don't like making decisions because it's easier to let life make the decision for you and so they like doing it that way because then they feel like it's not their fault right and so I mean a great obstacle over for this is what's your main concern which is usually my number one thing I go to when someone's like I need to think about it it's like totally what's your main concern right let's think about it together right and so fundamentally these are the things that they need to know do you feel like what
we're doing can meet your needs and solve the problem yes or no yes do you want to work with us as a company do you like our values do you like what we stand for do you believe what we believe about the world yes do you have access to funds or know someone who does yes well then let's rock and roll because those are the only things we know to me the B decision right do you like the product do you like us and do you have the money to do it that's it simple as
that right and so when we walk through those if you encounter these situations obviously there's you know if you're going to do it now sooner or later you might as well like there's plenty of things to say but I think it's more important to understand the theory behind why someone has this objection right they have an objection around price because they don't see the value because you didn't articulate it they have an objection around decision maker usually because you [ __ ] something up earlier in the sale but at this point you're in the red
zone so you got to deal with it so you rely on pasted agreements if they come with a stall then you help them confront a decision and make a logical choice and teach them how to make a decision that in that moment you say what are you most afraid of happening I'm afraid of you just you're afraid of me taking the money right just taking your money and you getting nothing right again well let me tell you how that's not going to happen right you can bring their concerns all right and then finally they say
yes and you're like awesome and this is where if you're selling for someone else get them to send a personalized video like hey Johnny saw you just signed up with us today super pumped to have you uh you're going to be meeting with Heather tomorrow she's going to get you kicked off um you should in the mail get a special gift so keep lookout for that and then uh you know send a handwritten card if someone just bought a really expensive thing people are making their decision about whether they believe in you as a company
within the first 48 hours after the sale they make a decision of whether or not they're going to be with you in the long term and how they are treated in the first 48 hours after they give you money so it's critical and it's usually in that point that people [ __ ] up and just ignore them framework two and you know Mike I can stop I'll just do framework two and then we can do the Q&A because if I don't have time to scale the sales teams I can hit on the points later um
so this is a big one for everyone who is who's newer to sales all right if you believe you can outperform to season sales rep by learning control your tone all right and so I reworked all of our scripts into the closer framework and the thing is is immediately some people were crushing it right While others were still not selling [ __ ] and I was like what the [ __ ] right and so I talked to my friends and they were like dude you should read this book by Jordan buffer and the big biggest
thing that I got from the book was just he was very specific about tonality and that was a big shift for me in just learning to teach how to ask the question not just asking the question right and so in the book he talks about having the same issue that I had with scaling sales it's like I give the script to two guys some guy crushes some guy doesn't I'm like what the [ __ ] right and the thing is there's a hidden dialogue that the sales team does not know that they are talking in
right and so the words are not going to be enough all right they're just literally 10% so the words that you have it might be the most tested script in the world it's still only 10% 90% is how you say the words right because how you say what you say is tonality like right now I could give everyone here you know Jerry Seinfeld standup script you could read it it wouldn't be funny right because it's not just that you had the script it's how you deliver it right and that takes time to develop right and
that's kind of unconscious Mastery and so there's two ways to do this all right that I have found you can either trick yourself into it or you can train yourself to do it all right and since we don't have enough time to uh to train on the influence of tonalities here's the trick that I teach all right conviction will correct your tone conviction made real so um let me tell you this story so I was I was brought in to do a day of Consulting for this mortgage leads company to train their sales team and
the first half of the day I reworked the whole script I put the closure framework made it a question based um sale and then I came in and they were expecting me to like rain you know fire and brimstone on these guys and so I sat down I was like who's the guy having the most trouble it was this guy John so I was like John and they were still on the leads I was like John how good are the leads he was like well you know and I was like we're good thanks and I
was like let me show you how you would answer it if you actually believed that the leads were good I was like you say like dude these leads are [ __ ] unbelievable right now I'm studying for my real estate exam so I can get in on these leads my aunt is her and she has more business she can handle and I'm sending her traffic I'm trying to get my my my brother to do it with me I'm not sure how long I'm in a worker because these leads are killing it for us right if
you believe in the product you don't need to have all the sales skills you'll do it the right way because you'll actually want to help the person so that's why the most important part of the sale is the product Because unless you're a malicious person like most people here was everyone here have some level of ethics on some level like no near just wants to like take someone's last dollar right so then the only way to sell hard because if you're going to close you got to sell hard the only way to sell hard is
to believe through and through balls to bones when you look at yourself in the mirror at night this is what I talked about when Mike said at the very beginning like what happens when people start hating on you the only way that I've been able to stay where we're at in the gym industry Mike knows the amount of hate that I get right the only way we've been able to do that is that I read the testimonials the thousand of them that I have of Jim who have gone to six figures of the hundred gyms
we've taken to seven figures right like I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our product works I also know that if you sign up for a gym not everyone loses weight and I'm willing to deal with that I I'm willing to give everyone the opportunity to change their life so here's the tactics around this reread testimonials out loud daily in front of your sales team all right and if the business that you're working for doesn't have testimonials find another business all right I'm serious you're not going to be able to close unless you're
like literally unless you're unethical you're not going to be able to close so go find something that is a good product because there's plenty of them out there all right find a good product that you believe in you just see tons of testimonials and then read those every day in front of the team all right second well this is for the business owners but fix everything you possibly can about the product all right and never blame a customer for lack of success so as much as there are people who have not been successful who've used
gym launch I still take the fact that they were not successful and I think what could I have done that would have made the next person like them successful and you plug the hole right if you do that over and over and over and over again you know truly at the end of the day when you look at yourself in the mirror when no one else is watching whether or not you truly put the effort forth that merits the price that you are charging right and only you can know that and the thing is is
like the reason salese get beat up is because they don't put the work in and then it grates on their soul and then eventually they burn out they burn out not because they can't handle no but because they can't handle how they feel about themselves right and so you have to put the work in to have the conviction because that's what's going to get you through it if you've ever met someone who's a born again Christian all right they are convicted they do not care how many people tell them to shove it because they are
trying to save people's Souls it's real like if you let that hit you it's real you know what I mean and if you can be a disciple of whatever the product you have an evangelist in the truest terms then all the scripting stuff it won't matter why are some of the best sales people clients who had success because they believe in it that's it and the most convicted person will always win the fight right they'll always lead the dance because they have conviction in their skepticism you have conviction in your product and one of you
is going to win out right and it's the question is whose belief is stronger because belief isn't binary it's not do I believe or do I not believe it's how much do I believe to what extent do I believe would I bet $1,000 on this product would I bet $10,000 on this product would I sell my mother this product think about it if you would sell your mother this product how convicted are you probably very and you will have no problem closing deals and notice that I have a lower tone right now so that you
listen to the words that I'm saying so you think that they're important in terms of uh the training schedule 60 minutes a day 5 days a week my guys do world class sales training they text me in the morning before they wake up they text me once they're done uh they do the first 25 minutes they read the script out loud five minutes they drill obstacles I need to think about it I need to talk to my partner um this is expensive and then they talk they they drill the second half right as a closer
you got to talk you got to listen you got to train both skills right the talking is the tone and saying the words the right way in the right sequence without having to think about it the listening is going over recording and figure out what went right what went wrong and what we're going to do next time and saying it drilling it as a team marking it and moving to the next one that's the short answer we 10x the recurring Revenue in one of my portfolio companies by using what we call the diagnostic sale there
are seven steps that you can use to follow the script and apply it to your business enjoy I cross $100 million in net worth by age 32 I sold my first big company for 46.2 million and the reason we're able to do that is because we know how to grow companies and so now I buy companies at a lower price I grow them and then we sell them and so I want to talk to you about one of the companies we just bought uh we bought them a year and a half ago I think or
a year ago uh they had 14 locations so it was a chain of brick and mortar and since then we've gone from 14 to 32 locations and the reason we're able to do that is because we focused on the sales process and through a process that I want to walk you through something that I call the diagnostic sale we're able to 10x the recurring revenue of the business across all the locations so before we get into the nitty-gritty of the story let me just walk you through the steps in the diagnostic process first is we
like to have some sort of pre-sale questionnaire which the purpose of that is to get get more information that arms the salesperson so they know who they're talking to what their pains are but from the sales perspective for them they also increase their awareness of the problem second is we get their information in their credit card which is key and I'll explain why it later uh third is we want to understand what their current situation is where are you at today then we have your desired state so where would you like to be at and
then what's the obstacle why aren't you there and then finally once we have these big three we present the desired State and our vehicle to overcome the obstacle and we tie our price to the way we're going to get them there and then finally we give them an incentive to prepay so here's the five steps that we follow to actually get this done so number one is that we secret shopped the business so we actually looked into it we went there by the way you should secret shop your own business highly recommend doing it you'll
be horrified by what you hear your sales guys say you're like I thought we had a script what are you even doing number two is from there this is basically information gathering we figure out what the constraint is okay where do we think there's big opportunities in the business now you should think about yourself as your own business consultant if you could buy your business today and look at your business what would be the no duh thing that you would do now for this particular business we thought that they had an offer constraint which really
came down to packaging we had offer slash packaging because fundamentally we're not going to change the core of the business we're not going to all of a sudden start selling soap when you sell HVAC like that's not going to happen right so the core of the business can remain unchanged it's how we're going to package the services we deliver or that the services we sell to a customer how are we're goingon to get them to perceive what we're selling we gathered the data we figured out the constraint was that they should get way more re-bookings
which I thought was an offer and packaging issue which is we need to sell the solution sell the goal and so number four is okay if we assume that we're going to make this new transition to this new new offer new packaging we have to anticipate so you we call it killing zombies uh which is one way of putting it you anticipate the obstacles or objections that people are going to throw at you ahead of time write this in neon marker above your sales team which is it's way harder to get someone to buy buy
after you presented the price because now they're like he's trying to sell me so we have to counter that before we become salespeople in their mind we are a trusted expert ideally if we're positioned well and you should be that way if you know what you're talking about and I like to use the frame of childlike curiosity I always tilt my head I probably even did it subconsciously just now you tilt your head when you ask the question because it's non-threatening you're like huh that's weird what changed between then and now just so I understand
then they can tell you rather than be like you said that your husband said supports you you can't say that now you have to buy doesn't work that way if you win the argument in a sale you lose the sale the only way that you win the sale is being willing to lose being right and so the fifth step and this is the ongoing step is that you implement the diagnostic sales process so it's implementation so now that I just outlined the five steps let me deep dive into the implementation into the actual business and
how it did this with this particular business when we bought them I spent 4 hours with our director of sales and we outlined the new sales process we wanted to implement and as soon as we implemented that sales process we 4X LTV progression meaning how much people paid us it went from 200 to 800 so really big jump and we the crazy thing about this is that we didn't change what we delivered we only changed how we presented it and so this is the key of how we create value how we scale companies how we
grow companies and many companies keep these things as Secrets uh as their special sauce and I just fundamentally believe that that the more we put out the more we get back and so that's why I operate this way all right so I will hold nothing back and this is something I call the diagnostic sales process now to be very clear the diagnostic sales process is one of two different sales or maybe three different sales processes big picture that you can have in a business one is a transactional sale all the way on this extreme so
on one side you've got transactional sales and on this side you've got Enterprise sales which is like uh relational sales like if you think about like you're selling some big Fortune 500 company you have to get stakeholders involved get budget approval there's all that stuff and on transactional side you've got like High Velocity sales we're talking 20 30 minute sales a guy who stands in of the car wash sells Car Wash somebody sells gym memberships transactional and then you've kind of got like this Middle where you might sell something that's a little bit higher ticket
but it's a little bit more custom all right now what we did was I took their sale from here a purely transactional sale and moved it towards custom all right now in a transactional sale you typically fit the customer to the product and so let's say that I sell pens all right so I sell pens if somebody comes in I'm going to basically spend all my effort listening to what they say they want and then telling them how this pen fits their needs or I have to basically say your needs are wrong let me educate
you more and this actually solves all your problems right and so those are pretty much the only two approaches you can take in a transactional sale now the advantages of having this type of sale is that it's really fast uh they tend to be lower ticket in general uh and from an operational perspective in the business you don't need to personalize anything and so you get the sales team and the sales process to basically Orient everyone like a funnel down to one solution and then you just make a ton of these Solutions and you get
lots of efficiencies because you only have to produce one thing this the custom sale is a harder sale sry easier sale to do but harder on the operational side and so the magic happens when you can actually Bridge the product component of transactional which you say okay we only sell these types of widgets this is the only thing we deliver but I can do it in a way that feels custom feels personalized all right so I'm going to give you two examples and I'll explain this one in a second this chart that I have here
which if you could take your recurring revenue from that to that just by changing how you sell if you'd want to do that hang tight we're going to break that the process so if I had cuz I did this in the gym in the gym world too which is part of why our gyms make more money so a traditional sale look something like this someone comes in so this is traditional and you say we have a membership that's you know whatever $99 per month all right that's your membership and you say our membership has this
this this and this and you want that right because it's going to help you accomplish all your dreams okay sometimes you get people sometimes you don't what I do we do something called a diagnostic and so the first thing is that when the person walks in the door we get them to fill out a pre-sale questionnaire and so that's like an application in a digital process but an inperson process it follows the same logic which by the way internet businesses follow local businesses local businesses can also model internet businesses when you find out something works
in one place which I think has been one of the big advantage of I've had in business is I try and put it in a completely different place and it often works too if you understand the concept and so we fill out a pre-sale questionnaire now the pre-sale questionnaire simply walks them through all the reasons they walked in today and it ask them the same question in multiple different ways so it's like hey like what brought you in today what's the current problem you're dealing with how long you've been dealing with it if you had
to quantify how much this has cost you financially what would it be uh if it continued for 5 years how much worse would the situation be and so the whole point is we're trying to agitate tame we're trying to bring attention to this problem and Elevate its importance so that's what the pre-sale questionnaire does now the second thing is we get info and this is very key so when someone comes in after that we say hey I want to I want to set up your account profile and so when you do that you collect their
information and this is the key part you get their credit card now you're like wait a second I'm getting a credit card but I haven't sold anything exactly and you do that so that when you do sell something later you don't have to ask for it now you get the pre-sale they're like wow I really do need this thing you say hey let me complete your customer profile just standard procedure no big deal all right then you get their info now if they're like well I don't want to give you my credit card you're just
like it's just how the system works it's how we complete profiles and then they'll give it to you all right so from there this is the this is where the special the special magic that's unique to each individual business happens so in the weight loss business I want to understand where their goal at so we say what's current and then four what's desired where are you now where would you like to be and then this one you ask them say what's the obstacle what's in between these two things is the obstacle right current I've got
an obstacle getting in the way of my desired that's all we're asking in the process now in weight loss and in most businesses the thing the person thinks is in the way is often not the real thing in the way and that's because they've never had this conversation before they clearly haven't solved the solution and that's why they're coming to you and so you want to just get their word words more so so that you can explain it back to them using the language they gave you all right and so in the weight loss world
for example instead of selling a membership I would say okay well it sounds like you need these three things Fitness distri accountability Fitness wise you need to work out X days a week nutrition-wise you need to eat this food at this time and we can help you meal prep the stuff so you got when you go to restaurants you can still stick on it and you need accountability because if you don't if you do if if I give you the best fitness plan and the best nutrition plan but you don't show up doesn't matter right
account is what makes the whole thing work great finished nutrition accountability easy three-step framework fantastic now this is where it becomes diagnostic now most customers and this is why this is where the magic happens is that even if you still deliver the same thing so fundamentally when I switch the sales process the gyms remain the same they still have workouts they still have nutrition help they still have accountability nothing changed but how we presented changes and so rather than saying hey I'm going to sell a four-week thing or a six week thing I say hey
you're currently 200 lb Okay now what's your high school weight she says I want to I want to get to 140 you say okay cool you want to get to 140 this is your desired okay so you have a 60 pound difference now what we found is that we don't want people to lose more than pound and a half to two pounds a week all right so let's just be conservative and call it one and a half so then I take out my calculator and I say what's one and a half time 60 which would
be other way around it' be 60 divid by 1 and a half which is 45 okay so 45 weeks is how long it's going to take us to take you from 200 to 140 so you lose a pound and a half a week it's going to take 45 weeks and so six present price in relation to goal so you say awesome so we currently charge 99 bucks a week we can get you there in 45 weeks which means it's $500 and that means and for us I added a a guarantee on the back end which
which said hey if you show up to the workouts for next 45 weeks and you log your food and you don't lose the weight I'll keep working with you for free until you do so that means this is the translation this is the key part in the script so that means when you pay this $4,500 it means that you can count that weight for good you can put it out of your mind you pay me this money we're going to get there one way or another As Long as You Follow the steps you're going to
follow the steps right great and so here you're trying to sell 99 bucks a month or or whatever this would be 99 bucks a week if if I was doing equivalent pricing all right so this would be like a semi-private program but by positioning it this way I'm not selling a membership anymore I'm selling exactly what they want and putting a price tag on it and saying you want to get to 140 it's going to take this long and I'll guarantee that you that you'll get there provided you follow these steps and then they say
wow that's awesome you say well if you want I can can save you a little bit of money you want to save a little bit of money and they're like yeah I want to save a little bit of money well if you prepay you can save 10% a day so I can save you 450 bucks you want to do that that's what most people do great you want to you want to use the card you have in file done so that's that's the process now I took this process and applied it to a completely different
service business that we own that's a chain that this is a little bit more Medical but the concept still applied which is and this is the key part is you have to figure out for whatever it is that you sell what the current is versus what the desired is so if I were uh a painter all right and I was painting houses sounds crazy right say hey so you currently have this thing you want a completely painted house and so the like now for them this is like more us do it for you rather than
uh self-service like I'm going to have to like they you're not painting your house and them helping you so they're actually going to paint the house so then we just try and think how can we how can we how can we sell to goal and break it into a price that we tie to that and so it' be like okay so we're going to need four coats of paint and inste to take this period of time and then at that point your your whole house is going to be weatherproofed and so that means that when
you pay this price that's what you're going to get by this state and if we don't get it done by that date I'm going to give you this and that way we can relieve their risk that it's not going to happen happen and we tie the purchase to the outcome so this particular business when I bought it or bought into it um it was a business that they had really good lead gen and they have a good product but they didn't have good packaging and I saw the opportunity because I knew that if I installed
my sales process into their business I could make it make a lot more money and so if you have the opportunity to like 4X a business without opening new locations you do that and so that's more or less what we did so I actually wrote down the new sales process took me four hours so I wrote down the new sales process and then I presented to the management team and they were like wow this is the most valuable thing we've ever had happen to our business and I said great so let me know when you
do it across all the locations and let's keep buying and opening new ones and so 18 months later we have 32 locations and the recurring Revenue in that time period has gone up and the average revenue per customer went from $200 to $800 from this one process and that was because before this they were selling one-off transactions they were saying hey we'll do this service for you so think of it like botox or we're going to do filler or we're going to do something this one time and so rather than just say sure give us
a call when you want it again which is pretty much what the process was before this I say hey you want to look a certain way you're not here because you want filler you're here because you want to look a certain way so if I show this chart to you of faces and filler densities where where do you see yourself on here currently now you let them self-identify you can't be like look VI you're ugly can't say that so you got to say where are you on this chart and then they say this now in
the weight loss sale I got them to step on the scale the scale called you fat not me all right so maybe just point to the third party not me so so so you get them to pick how ugly they are all right and then you say how pretty do you want to be now everyone's going to say I want to be super pretty but here's the beautiful thing when they pick how pretty they want to be they're the one who set the goal and that means The price came from them and you know where
I picked this up was yogurt stores so one of the things I thought was genius about like Yogurt Land and things like that was if if you go to a store and then they fill up your stuff behind the counter and then they say hey it's eight bucks you're like man what the hell this place is so expensive but if they give you the cup and you fill it up and you put it on the scale you're like man I'm a fat ass same pricing but because I had control over what I picked I'm the
one who's responsible for the decision and so by saying where are you on this chart and again this is where the magic happens I say current desired that's where the thinking behind how I'm going to structure a sale is where like that's where the that's where the experience that's where the expertise that's where it comes in this is the process and hopefully you guys can take this for your business and think like okay what's current what do they really want they're not buying lip filler they're not buying a painted house they're buying an image in
their mind of what they want that house to signify or what it means to them and this lady is not buying filler she's trying to buy a certain look she wants people to think about her a certain way that she want when people walk when she walks in the room she wants guys to turn their heads though cuz she's probably getting a little older they're not turning their heads as much and she still misses that and she pay anything to get that so say you're ugly now how pretty do you want to be we say
cool so for us to get you from here to here it's going to take us 45 weeks it's going to take us Botox filler and you know plastic surgery whatever we're going to have to hit you with a pretty shovel and bring you back to life all right we're going to have to do this and it's going to take this many weeks for us to reverse this level of Aging or at least take these cow feed out or whatever it is and so we tie where you're at to where you want to go and then
our solution is only the vehicle that delivers this outcome and so that is the moment that you present the price because they picked where they were where they want to go and then you as the expert explain the path to getting there so they pick the before and after and you just use your expertise of this is what we found best to get people to hear Who start where you're at and so we found out that this opportunity existed within this particular business because I had my sales director your secret shop them so mind you
this is Brick and mor chain we have a lot of locations so we could sneak our way in it's harder if you have like a you know four sales guys who do all the sales they'll just tell the owner right so we wanted a secret shop before we actually completed the investment and so uh when he went in he was I asked him so I went through this checklist I was like okay so did they give you some sort of pre-sale question he was like no I was like okay great I like did you did
they ask you for your credit card or did they ask you for your information or anything before you got the service and he was like No And I was like fantastic what else what else El did they do it's like did they have you set you know pick uh where you're at and where what your goal is he said yeah they did have me uh pick where I was at but not where I wanted to go so they just had him pick okay how ugly are you and he's like okay now again not completely flawed
I want to be really clear here like this is a at 14 locations they're not they're not idiots they had the pain we agitated the pain they said listen this is how ugly you are on this scale that we invented and you're here you're a seven ugly great so he checked this but he didn't get to say where he wanted to be so then from there he just went right into the service and then when he came out he just gave them the card to pay for the service and that was it and he just
walked out the door and I was like wait so they didn't they didn't actually like ask you to buy a package or get into some membership or anything and he's like well they tried to upsell me this one product at one point but this was the price point and the price point was like 20 bucks or something and I knew what the average customer's worth which was like 200 at the time I was like that's like by the way if you're going to do upsell you want the price point to usually be usually be five
times more than the current price because if you get 20% of people so customers are fractal so we're going to go into a little side quest here but it'll be worth it for you since we're talking about sales so you've heard of 8020 right so You' got a 100 people right the top 20% you've got the 80 underneath right these are the people 8020 have five times the spending power of these people and so because of that if you get 20% of people to buy something that's five times as expensive so let's say my current
thing is $11,000 if I'm going to have an upsell I want my upsell to be $5,000 because if 20% take it then it's 20% time 5,000 which means I add $1,000 to my average ticket so I go from $2,000 or sry $1,000 per customer to $2,000 per customer and so when I heard that their upso was 10% it'd be like having a up be like my upsell is 100 bucks okay fine maybe 20% take that so I I go from a th000 to 1,020 who cares like what's like why bother right and fundamentally again smart
business owners and they were upselling product which means there's no real delivery in a brick and mor service business so they could just hand the product make the money and I think they were using it more for commissions for their staff to increase the average pay which a different objective entirely and totally fine but I was only looking at this from how do I take customers who are worth $200 and make them my goal is to get them worth a th000 currently it's $800 I'm going to keep getting there until we get to 1,000 but
I think that we can get it to a thousand and so we secret shop them number one which by the way if you have a team of people who are currently selling your stuff secret shop them and then be horrified by what you listen to on the phone or what you see in person because you have this beautiful idea of what you think your sales process is and it's a night nightmare it's an absolute nightmare if they remember half of it you'll be stoked and so if you run in an environment especially in a in
a lower wage environment so if you're brick and mortar you have a chain of of locations and you have to take low skill labor and teach them a sales process you've like the the expertise in sales comes down to how easy and simple you can make the process and so that comes down to like can I automate parts of the p uh the point of sale so that they can't move forward without doing this checkbox right and by doing this checkbox they have to ask the question so it forces script adherence now training sales not
into this video but you want to basically repeat the process over and over and over until they're sick of it until they say like yes Mom would you like to have do you have your credit you want to use the credit card on on file like until they're saying it like they could they can breathe it they can think they can say without thinking about it that's when you've maybe just started to have a a team that's that's well trained now that we finished these seven uh pieces of the diagnostic I want to add one
more bonus because you're like wait a second so where's the where's the recurring Revenue great observation Andrew okay so so number eight is transition to recurring all right I remember this I'll give you two separate stories that'll drive this home so A friend of mine has a a recurring membership that he sells and he sells it at uh I think he was sell at 300 bucks a month and he couldn't get people stick past three months and so he tried all these different gimmicks and things and he just couldn't crack three months of LTV now
that could have been a pricing issue whatever so this is what he did he stops selling it at $300 a month month to month and started selling as a $10,000 program with 36 Monon of Interest refinancing and so when people bought they were buying a $10,000 price point but they got an amazing payment plan and so he didn't change anything about what he sold but that took his average customer from 3 months to eight months so we're talking about a $900 so three times 300 to 8 * 300 2,400 that kind of change in a
business life-changing in terms of how much money you can make the second one was I had a different friend who had a continuity program uh he was an uh agency and what he did was he realized he had churn in his business and so he said you know people are way less likely to turn out of a payment plan same as the other one than they are out of a monthly recurring Revenue strain and so what you call it to the customer can affect the likelihood that they pay but as far as the business is
concerned you just want payments that are regular and all you do to take a program and take it from from a payment plan to to recurring in terms of what how it actually looks and feels is you just put an automatic recurring at the end of the program and so when someone buys this big thing and you make a payment plan and then it recurs into the exact same price as the payment plan you just move the pieces around but the likely they stick is way higher and so that's exactly what we did as the
last step in the diagnostic sales process and I wanted to highlight this point for you because I've done it in every business and so we give someone the option to prepay you can give if you want a little bit more aggressive you get 20% off if they prepaid today if you want to have one step down below that which is what I like to do you give them 10% off if they do half down and then make the rest his payments and if they still can't do that then I take the whole thing and I
spread it over let's say our 45 weeks and so I'd say okay it's 99 bucks a week 99 a week and there you go now they go from 99 a week to 80 bucks a week if they prepay the whole thing and they go from 99 bucks a week to 90 a week if they prepay half and here's the key part is that when we present the price you present it at the highest rate so you present it at the payment plan let me walk I'll walk you through this CU I think it's important well
I'm going to put it here and so I don't have to flip screens for you all right so you have your full boat I'll say full interest price so for us in our example is 4500 bucks all right 45 weeks time 99 roughly all right so this is our full boat price we have our prepayment discount in full which is- % all right so for us it's going to be minus what is that 900 yeah 900 from there so that's 5600 sorry other way uh 3600 3600 if they do half down you say I'll let
you save uh 450 bucks so 10% so 40 five Z all right so this is 10% minus 10% that's- 20% now the reason this is so important is think about the alternative think about and this is what most people do so listen to me Andrew most people do this they present the price is $3,600 and then they say oh well we have payment plans that we have interest on and so we do we do have 10% interest if you can put half down and we have 20% interest if you put uh nothing down and you
just go onto a straight payment plan well which one would you rather buy if on one hand you have a $4,500 price tank which anchors you high and you say or you can get a benefit for prepaying today rather than you think about 3600 you're considering it and then they say oh it's even more even though you're just considering this Peg guess what you have to pay way more now be because you can't afford it you have to pay more Banks do it all the time and guess what everyone hates Banks so if banks want
to fix their process Mr Bank maybe this will work who knows anyway point is is that this is how you present the price because you get the benefit of a price anchor and you get to be the good guy for getting them to pay upfront rather than the bad guy for them not being able to so we're going to we're going to go through step eight in uh in the more transition uh process for the sale and so I want to just walk you through step downs and so this is super important to understand from
a sales perspective so we'll call this sales step downs and uh this is by the way a preview for my next book coming out $100 million yeah anyways so so sales step Downs is one of the things that we have so obviously the first thing we're going to present is a prepayment all right which is painful today prepay yay by the way you've probably noticed from any of my content I don't say paidon fools and that's because that's a that's a Salesman term not a customer benefit if you prepaid you get a benefit whereas paidon
full is like I got all the cash to front good for me and so I have trained myself because I used to say paidon fools pipis P you know whatevers pifs like all of that stuff I used to do as a sales team sales leader and then I also heard my team saying that to customers like hey if you want to pay in full today like it's just like kind of gross and so I prefer to say like hey we have a prepayment discount and so training that just little Pro tip for you so number
one is prepay number two is we do discount uh with partial so this is the half down oops half down here you can also do in-house well this is whatever sorry this is credit card or third party so if you have like most most businesses that sell legitimate Services have third-party financing solution that already exist and so I promise you there is a banker somewhere who started a business to service this Emerging Market of whatever it is that you do who says I'll bet you I can help Finance transactions now the prices they charge for
that financing will differ based on how risky your businesses and so like there's financing for casinos like if you want to get if you want to get a loan to go gamble more like there's financing for that but they will charge you a lot of money right and so like that being the extreme on the other hand if you want to finance a house there's obviously huge mortgage industry and so from every step in between there are Partners who will step in as third party and take on that risk for you for a price and
so I prefer can I get the prepayment because it's easiest and fastest if not I usually have a third party that I set up so that my customers can get financing if we don't move past either of these two things then I try to go with a partial with some level of discount not as much as here but a little bit and if they still say no then I go for continuity which is why don't we just make a payment plan on the thing and in this particular business because what they were doing before was
simply rebooking people for another session of service we just had this be the automatic like everyone gets rebooked and that would became that became an internal saying like I like having mantras uh within sales teams which is like everyone buys something like everyone buys something there's no reason someone should not buy something and so sure we'll get them a prepay maybe a partial okay fine we'll do a payment plan that's whatever call it you know 250 uh times four great that's our th000 that's our th000 plan that we're getting people to buy and you pay
250 today and then three more times and you can do it every other month if it's a more uh intermittent service whatever just match the payments to when they get delivery and then finally if they're like well I can't do any of those things and like cool let's just let's just book the next time you want to come in that's it and so this is the final of the process in terms of in terms of the step Downs that we might offer someone we just walk through this whole process and you're like wow maybe that's
a l lot of work I have to use my brain power but welcome to business but let me tell you why it's worth it so these are the actual stats and I put the numbers without the names to keep it nice open loop for you so number one is that they had 9% of Revenue uh that was recurring within this product line all right so they 9% that was occurring after we implemented this process 60% they took this 9% to 60% of this product line within the company so awesome number two they had basically no
membership at all because they just weren't it wasn't even an option not really and we were to push that to 30 that's a 30 30% into memberships this included payment plans this is just memberships and then we went from getting one additional extra visit on average per person meaning two to getting 4 to six visits per customer by introducing this sales process from a money perspective we went from $20,000 when we uh bought the business so mind you this business made a lot more money than this single product line or this service line but this
is where I wanted to invest my time because I thought there was a huge opportunity here because I saw from the secret shopper from the constraints I thought this was a big area of attack and so they only do 20,000 a month which business de sizes not a lot and then however many have been dots this later over 250,000 per month in in added and it continues to grow and this compounds and that's the that's the beauty of this type of sales process and repackaging of what someone already sells and so we went from 9
to 60 0 to 30% on memberships from one visit to four to six visits and from 20 to 250,000 so we more than 10x the recurring revenue of this business by following a diagnostic process rather than just selling some traditional one-off thing the first thing you have to learn how to do is how to sell the second thing you have to learn how to do is get someone else to sell for you and so in this video I break down how he scaled a new sales department from 0 to 40 sales reps doing 5 million
plus per month in sales within 90 days but before I explain the $21.6 million increase let me kind of give you some context on this business and where it was in the life cycle we brought in Mercenaries so when I say mercenaries I mean an outsourced sales team the founder of the business had never been in sales at all he'd never got on the phone he' never done door Todo he never done anything related to getting a stranger to give him money one-on-one I thought it was too risky to try and have somebody who's completely
new to it try and start from scratch and so I called somebody in my network and I said hey do you want to make a bunch of money and he said yes can you round up some of your guys and start taking college for this company that I have and so they started taking sales and we started making more money we have a w money up W fantastic and in a second I'll walk you through all the statistics of what the mercenaries and the ouse team did which then led us to a fully in-house team
now as you can imagine imagine going from zero sales guys to 40 sales guys in a fresh company is hard but let me explain some of the problems with the mercenaries and then I'll walk you through the actual stats so there were three main problems with the mercenaries all right problem number one is that we were giving them 20% of the revenue all right now this is something that I was vehemently against to be very honest with you in this particular company I was in a minority position I said it's ultimately your call I was
like but I would not do it at this percentage they decided to move forward with it anyways and hey we made money there was a w there but it was a problem 20% of Revenue coming in is a big [ __ ] check the sales team company was arguing we can't get the top guys to sell unless we give them a really big rip that's sales slang big commission so we had to give them 20% of the revenue that they collected as commission to The Mercenaries team the ouse sales team the second problem that came
up is related to Performance they were getting less than 30% of people to ascend meaning people who buy the first thing to buy the next thing and we wanted it to be higher than that or I believe that it should be higher than that we're paying a lot and we're not getting as much out as we want the third problem with the ouse sales team and this is one that I think more long-term about because I'm investor in the business is is the sellability and Enterprise value of the business meaning in the future we'd like
to sell the company at some point probably and even if you don't want to sell a business creating a sellable business still makes the business more valuable and so if you can make a business more Val Val to a stranger it also becomes more valuable to you if you have a outsourced sales team something that exists outside of the business that's responsible for 203 40% of the revenue in the business then that could be a material issue that's why we decided to look at these three things and say all right let's see if we can
move this in house I'm going to walk you through first the funnel kind of before and after and then I'll walk you through the process that we did to fix it or swap it over that resulted in the $21.6 million increase in profit not Revenue profit the way that this process was structured is we had a two call set up we've got a percentage of people who schedule a call a percentage of people who show to the call and then schedule the next thing then they have to show to the next thing and they go
to the next call and then do they buy so let me walk you through the stats here because everyone who bought the product had a first call that they wanted to attend 100% of people were scheduled to show up for this call with the Outsource sales team we had 74% of people are actually showing for the call once they got on the call we're able to get 53% to schedule the follow-up call and so some people call this a qualification call which is if you're going to sell something else you want to make sure the
person actually fits for the thing you sell makes sense right you want to make sure they have the problem to solve and the money to spend with the 53% the Outsource team wanted to only give their closers because he's trying to optimize for his dollars per hour for his team only the easiest closes so they weren't willing to take call they weren't already sure were going to close all right so because of that they're only passing 53% or almost half to the next call now again this is just scheduling now from here we had 63%
showing up to call two so this is call one this is call two now this is the close call this is the set call this is the close so I'll just put set this is close so the last box we got to fill in here is how many people were they actually selling all right and they were getting 80% of people who show go to the second call the closed call to buy all right and so that is where money came out the other side hooray so let's walk through the math as if a 100
people bought the product so if 100 people bought the product then it means that we'd have 74 74% of 100 74 people who would show up to this first call now of the 74 people 53% so about 37 of them would then schedule for the second call of the 37 people who scheduled for the second call we're going to have 22 so 63% 22 of them are actually going to show up to this close call now 80% of these 22 are going to close which means we'd have about 20 sales or 20% of that front
end that ascends now remember I said at the very beginning one of the problems is that we wanted it to be closer to 30 this is the issue and so I want to be very clear a big part of this was was the price point we were selling at and the fact that we were selling people who are already customers we're not selling cold traffic here we're selling people who already bought this already demonstrated an interest and we're saying do you want more help with that thing so we thought it should be much higher so
there's five steps that we broke down that we had to do to go from out ofh housee team mercenaries to in-house sales team and the first one started with hiring a director now right off the BET let me explain our thinking process before I explain who we were looking for and how we found them cuz listen you don't want to hire 40 people people right you were thinking okay I want to hire one person who can then hire 40 people times a lot more circles right it's even long to write it out all right it's
an old investor saying which is hire one to hire 10 we're going to hire the one person not the 40 that's the main decision after that what we're looking for is who who are we looking for what do they look like and then how are we going to find them okay now from a who perspective we wanted someone who had been there done that which means specifically somebody who sold this type of product in this type of industry and ideally scaled a big team and knows how to coach up new salespeople so that's what been
there means for us for this particular role the next thing is you want the person to be metric driven so one of the easiest ways that you can measure someone's Proficiency in any skills this little Pro tip the quality and quantity of metrics that someone explains about how they do their job is directly correlated with how good they are at the job and so if someone's like hey I'm an amazing HR person and I say cool what metrics do you track and they're like well the happiness of the team and I'd be like what else
do you track how many complaints I get on payroll I'd be like okay what else do you track the order that they tell me the metrics they're looking at and what they track is going to tell me what they care about what they pay attention to and their level of expertise now on the flip side if someone says hey I like to take companies from on average a 45-day time to fill to 20-day time to fill because we know that every day that company doesn't have something they need they're losing money there's opportunity cost of
Revenue they should be making by not having them this is really interesting because they're connecting their metrics to the company's revenue and so how people talk about the metrics and which metc they track and how they connect those with how it makes the company more money will show you how good they are what they do the third one is just kind of the I would say demeanor now I've hired a lot of sales people and sales directors in my life and the personality of a sales leader is usually not the same as the personality of
a sales killer now there are some superstars who can do both but it's rarer often times the demeanor of sales directors is a little bit more even killed usually more humble very servant oriented they have to be people people they have to be the type of person who wants to pour into the team and loves watching someone improve their skill set and can repeat the same directions over and over and over again without losing enthusiasm that's who you want you want somebody who's like a Energizer Bunny of of Positive Vibes because for the most part
sales director is just Performance Management they manage the culture of the team like the output of the entire team is the direct function of the sales director and so if you think about this like on a on a football team or something you can switch the coaches and all of a sudden the whole team does way better it's because the coach drives the culture in the team that drives the performance and the output and so that is what they are responsible for and so if they don't have values everything else that comes from the team
is going to be a diluted version of them now we go to the how you're like okay well that sounds like an amazing unicorn Alex how do you find that person who's going to replace this well I personally have a relatively large network of salespeople and so one of the big things here is that you can either this is the core 4 by the way you can do Outreach which means you reach out to strangers who you think might fit the role you can run ads so you run ads to go get more people content
you can also do recruiter I've used all of these all right so there there's pros and cons to each of them but what I will do is I'm going to cross out two of these early for most of you most people think that you can run ads for these types of roles the reality is usually no the higher the role is the better the person is the less likely they're going to respond to an ad cuz think about it an amazing sales director is always going to have a job and always going to be making
good money now they might not like their job as much as they they they could but they're going to keep making money and sales directors tend to be money oriented in general and so they're going to keep making money so ads is probably not the way to get them content unless you have a salesperson audience probably not going to be the way you can always try it it's free give it a shot but I wouldn't say I'm going to bet the farm on this so it's probably not going to be content and so usually you're
going to do one of these two which is you're going to get a recruiter to do it or you do it yourself but guess what a recruiter does they do Outreach too I know this is going to sound crazy you message them and you say hey I've got this role and it looks like you're perfect for it could I tell you about it or if you want to be a little less direct you can say you're an amazing person who' be a fit for this role do you do you know anybody else like you they're
going to be like screw everybody else talk to me Alex how many people do I reach out to five five no one's even going to read it if you message five people 10 no one's going to read it if you message 10 people reach out to 100 to 1,000 people and if you get to that 1% on the 100 and you haven't found it then you might have to go 1% on a th000 and that's okay cuz remember would you rather have a top 1% sales director I sure this [ __ ] would so it's
okay to turn down the first you talk to just cuz he has a pulse and has one of these things it's like okay this guy talked about metrics but he was a dick and he actually doesn't have the experience that I'm looking for well then don't hire him the thing is is it's tough to do that when you're an entrepreneur because you're like I'm bleeding every day the house is on fire I need this roll but I promise you it's way more painful to hire the person on board them spend 2 months run getting them
up then they start hiring [ __ ] because they're a [ __ ] and then all of a sudden you're like oh my my God I HTE this whole team and so even if you do get rid of the top you then have all the stuff they brought in underneath and so you have to clean house and it's really really painful and so as much as you hire one to hire 10 if you fire one sometimes you have to fire 10 and that sucks and so getting this higher right is super important but it's also
why we spend more time on it so now that we hired our in-house sales director we want to rebuild the compensation structure right because remember the 20% wasn't going to fly because if we just flipped it to 20 we might as well just save the effort right so we had to rebuild the incentive structure the problem that we had right now if you remember was that we had the pro I think it was problem one or problem two whatever problem one problem two whatever it was 20% of Revenue was going to the Outsource sales team
so we wanted to make sure we were less than that our Target was sub 10% and that's usually around what I like to be in now I want to be very clear here there are things that this depends on so if you're in a business where the salesman does self gen meaning they generate their own lead so if you're if you're going out Bend and you're cold calling or you're door knocking then these percentages will be shifted because you technically are a cost of acquisition you're both marketing and sales you're getting the leads and closing
the leads if you're handing salese leads if you're running ads you have a media team that then generates leads or prospects for a sales team then you basically have to split that cost between the marketing team and the sales guys and so given that let me explain how I actually think about this what skills do I need how rare are those skills so if I'm feeding softballs to somebody then I don't need need Ken griffy to hit it out of the park all right for jiny uh mookie bets all right I don't need mookie bets
to knock it out of the park uh because I'm soft tossing right anybody can probably rock it out of the park that's double AER up because at that level because it's so much easier if you have crazy expectations it's rarer and they have more skills so you got to pay more if it's something that's not a lot of skills and more common you can pay less and so I just think how much would I need to pay to attract the level of salesperson I need our goal is to take from 20% to around 10% or
less and rebuild the complaint you can think about compensation in two columns all right you've got money and not money all right this very complicated system I don't want to get into the specific a lot of physics behind this all right so you've got the money you give them for closing deals and then you've got other [ __ ] and so that's recognition praise attention approval perk status if you publicly recognize them if you have a leaderboard if you give them more attention you get you actually train them more you give them more skills you
say hey out a boy awesome job great day today you say hey the guy who closes the most gets to park in the nice parking lot and then status like maybe when they close a 100 sales they get a hat with a stripe on it when they close a th sales they get two stripes and so forth so when you guys come on the team they're like [ __ ] I want one of those hats right sales team six let's go there's all these things that you can do to increase the value of of the
job outside of money and as much as people sales guys include will be like that doesn't motivate me sure as [ __ ] does all right it totally does cuz it makes your life better on the money side there's a couple ways to do this all right and so I'm going to explain how we did it i' we've we've made a lot of different compensation structures a lot of it depends on again the business that's involved now one of the big decisions we made up front was that we were going to comp Setters and closers
now why is that so important the funnel is through if I can increase my show up rate by 20% it's just as good as increasing my closure by 20% it makes no difference the business they were just as equally weighted in terms of their value but again how rare are the skills and what skills are required it's easier to set than it is to close just as important but easier Setters and closers equally important but rarer to find a skill from closers so they got paid a little bit more but Setter still got commissions as
well to incentivize the fact that they would get people to sh cool so the way that I prefer to set up compensation structures the idea that I like to have is that I like ww at the top which means winners win all right which also means losers lose that's fine there's more fewer winners than there are losers what that means is you can have ratchets for compensation meaning if you close 50% of the people I'm just using arbitrary number you get to keep your job if you close 60% you get adab boys if you close
70% your commission goes from 10% to 15% ah 50% increase not bad if you close above 80% you get 25% whoa right and so it ramps and so it allows the people who are absolute Killers to crush and then the people who are not guess what happens down here turn but this is structural turn this is expected turn this is part of the game with this type of role like if you require work ethic you require practice require people show up early work late work weekends take calls it requires a certain type of person and
a lot of people aren't cut out for it which is also why most people don't make multiple six figures a year selling we fixed the compensation structure we comped Setters and closers we ramped it so that the best guys would get more than 10% but we knew that as a team we averaged around if you want to know the actual number was we got the overall everything Allin fully baked in including the sales director for 9% we are feeding them qualified prospects they're not even prospects they're customers we already have their [ __ ] credit
card like we just had to say want more of the thing you just bought want more help with that thing so you can get the outcome you just said you wanted like these are not hard sales and by doing this we got to move on to step three now that we rebuilt the incentive and comp to get the types of sales guys that we want on the team then we had to rebuild the process so I'm going to walk through what we do to improve each of these numbers one by one because as you're thinking
about your business there is no Silver Bullet there's no one thing you're going to do that change this entire process it's 100 golden BBS and this is how we approach everything in business and business is a pipeline like this and so I'm going to show you what we did and we did improve every one of these numbers except for one but it was okay and I'll show you why but remember 100% of people are automatically booked for this next appointment all right and so we wanted to improve this show up rate and so we improved
it to 91% woo ooh 74 9991 more money good that's a 211% increase meaning if we did nothing else we did nothing else in this entire process everything willse stay the same we would have a 20% increase in sales and most of that would disproportionately drop to the bottom line cuz we already acquired the customer so all this additional sales money goes to profit big deal so we did three things the first is that the mercenary team is way too aggressive in their copy false urgency false scarcity people kind of see through it um so
that was number one that they did that we fixed number two is they were giving people way too much time time to book out I'd say hey when do you want to show up for your next call people would be like oh how's 2 weeks from now and they were like sure our big rule of thumb despite the fact them trying to push out five plus days for appointments is we try to go for same day next day and that's because in our history more people show up the same to next day appointments than 5
days plus from now and so by just simply making the messaging less aggressive shortening the time when they can book their next call and number three setting reminders that were actually personalized so rather than just Robo texts they're the green ones that everyone [ __ ] hates right we'd have the sales guy do a three-way connection with the setter and say hey my name's John it's nice to meet you Sarah looks like you've got X Y andz that I can reach from your account really excited to talk to you tomorrow I think I can help
you with X Y and Z very simple but it's a video or a voice memo and they see it from a real person all right and they can take a picture whatever and those three things together 91% which is a 21% improvement so now that we got people to show for that first call how many of them did we get to schedule the next call which is basically the close of the set call you're going to see some magic happen right here we had a major Improvement I'm not going to tell you what I'll tell
you how much we improved this one in a second but we did two things to improve the percentage of people who showed up to set calls who decided to schedule close calls all right so the number one mistake that they were making in this particular business is that again this was an outsourc closing team and so they were trying to minimize how much unqualified work their closers would get because they so carefully wanted to make sure their closes were happy because they were all mercenaries they all had to pay them a ton just to show
up to work every day point being one the incentives were misaligned and so Setters remember we added our Setters had a compensation to get people to set they didn't have that we did add that and so what do you know our Setters got more people to schedule wild I know the second thing was that they were deqing people on the set call uh in my opinion too early and so they wouldn't really go through a sale they would just say hey here's the price are you down to pay that if yes I'll book you a
call with John but by doing that they were basically not selling they were just taking orders which if I just tell you the price and you buy I don't need you you're not selling at all you're just a checkout page that's inefficient that takes 20% we corrected number one we we we align the incentives of the Setters with the overall business not the closer we align the setting incentive with the business throughput which got rid of the dqs that were overly deqing people and we made sure that when they were talking about the product we
were just more trying to qualify the prospect to make sure they had the problem to solve and the money to spend not telling them the price of what they would ultimately buy cuz we haven't sold them yet we just want to make sure that this is a big enough problem for them and that they seem reasonably able to pay if we present it to them our schedule percentage went from survey says 53% to 94% % for those keeping track at home that's a 77% increase so forgetting this one if we kept everything else the same
and we only did this we would have increased sales by 77% assuming everything else stayed the same but everything else didn't stay the same so let me show you the next thing we did which is we had people show up for the first call we got 94% to schedule the next call and now we have what perc of these 94 actually showing cuz hey maybe you just get everyone to say yes so they get off the phone but are they actually showing believe it or not this is going to sound crazy the show rate that
we had here was actually the same process that we had here because believe it or not if people have good experience and it's personalized to them they're more likely to show and so rather than explain literally repeat myself I'm going to say how we actually got the team to do it so we did four things number one is we started implementing daily training which means that every day the team would get together and they would roleplay the scripting to make sure their tone was right that they were coming off the right way that they're hitting
the main points Mak sure that they were framing things properly adding curiosity hitting the main pain points that the prospect was going to have so they could set up the next call number two is that we do gam tape reviews which is uh very simple but you just watch gam tape with the team and you have the person who is in the call critique themselves so rather than have everybody jump on them cuz no one likes that it's horrible you just have them say what are all the things you could have done differently and then
the team says all the things they did well cuz remember there's always something someone did well you play the tape they say all the things they would have done differently and most people do know when they watch it which is one of the best ways to learn and then everyone else says hey I think you did a great job here I think you did a great job here Bravo next one up the third thing is this is why the sales director was so key and why they were the first hir was is doing one on
ones and 101's you role play like I you role play till you're sick in the face you have to learn how to train people how to speak like that's what the job of the sales manager is besides managing the culture of the team is if John's Rapport building sucks guess what sales manager does every time they have a one with John they practice Rapport building all right which means you follow the script no say it again y say it again try like this huh like there you go change your tongue there it is like we're
talking 10 20 30 reps on one or two phrases in the script so they get it down if your salesman is not talking back to you in the script on your one-on ones you were literally wasting time the fourth thing was just end of day reports which is you just want to make sure that they know you're tracking what matters and if there's no tracking throughout the week no one feels held accountable it also doesn't give you the opportunity to praise and give out of voice all right and so every day the stats are get
tracked in real time and daily leaders daily winners all right so those are the four things we did from here to drive our show rate to woo 87% that's a 40% increase so if we did nothing else but we just had this one Improvement in this process and everything else stayed the same we would have increased sales by 40% not too shabby if you're following at home which you should be we should at this point have a ton more volume that is coming to these closers massive improvements cuz remember these are customers this is why
we felt like we could do a lot better now hitting the close call so in order to improve this number to the best degree possible because we never we're going to have more disqualified people here remember we we told the Setters send anybody you can because we wanted to get more at bats okay so one we also added in a vssl so video sales letter between call one and call two so people got to have some social proof they got to see some results they got to have a better understanding because in my personal opinion
I don't like sales people repeating a pitch I'd rather have someone understand the benefits and then have salesmen resolve concerns and personalize solutions to customers rather than have them say the same 15minute pitch CU it then it sounds robotic and they zone out and so does the prospect so I like to say here's all the info watch that and then we'll talk about it okay so number one is we added that piece in number two we role played a lot on the common objections and we like to do that before the call the video sales
letter covered some of these common concerns in the video so that the sales guys had a little bit more of Advantage going into the call and then also in the scripting we front-loaded the obstacles before you mention the price you overcome obstacles after it's objections all right so if I say hey do you think your husband supports you in doing this new thing before I say the price then I've overcome an obstacle if I say the price and I didn't overcome it it becomes an objection which is way harder to close we call it killing
zombies right you want to kill the Zombies you want to defuse the bombs before you talk about money and so we front loaded the script to accom those issues that people were losing in the sales and we focused the script far more on what they were going to experience afterwards rather than the features within the service because at the end of the day they don't care about the features of service they care about where they're going to go what life's going to be like afterwards so sell the vacation not the plane flight so we made
those changes and we got the close rate if you're like wait 42 is lower than 80 sure as hell is great math if we're doing the percentages here and we have a 21% increase here and a 77% increase here and we have a 40% increase here so that's 1.2 + 1.77 + 1.4 we have far more than a double in terms of how much volume was going there in fact we had three and 1 half times more volume but we cut the Clos rate in half but 3 1/2 * .5 is more than 1 meaning
we increased the total throughput of this system and so the end result of this entire process is we went from closing 20% of that 100 people that buy the product to 32 for a net Savings of going from 20% of Revenue to 9% so we paid less than half to get 60% more sales and as you recall all additional sales dropped to the bottom line because we'd already acquired the customers so now that we had ear in house director we rebuilt the incentive and comp plant and we rebuilt the sales process now we wanted to
scale so we had to go from zero to 40 reps and we had to do it in record time all right so number one is that to go get all those people we went everywhere all right so we actually did all the things that outlined but we also hired five to six recruiters right off the bat we did a ton of up on ourselves we hit our whole email list up we did everything cuz we had to hire 40 guys we had to do it in 12 weeks all right so number one is we did
everywhere so plus ads well actually didn't do ads there's more uh content and outbound all right so recruiters content and outbound is what we did to get all the people in the door now once we had people in the door we didn't have the sales director interview all these candidates because he just wouldn't literally have the time he did a final check off once the team planned on hiring them and so we had the manager for the Setters do do several of the talks with the leads and we also had the recruiters do a lot
of the screening as well so that the sales director could save his time and still keep managing the actual team and training the people who are on the floor making money for the company all right so saved directors time the next thing is okay great so we got a lot of people we got them hired but how do we make sure that they're actually good so we automated the sales training to the greatest degree possible now what does that really mean it means we made a course that was an internal course on how to sell
this thing and so the nice thing with internal courses if you don't have them high recommend it because the most expensive thing a business can do is train salespeople reason why is because when you take a salesperson and you train them on live prospects all of the money they don't close is money you lose and you lose all like you lose the money that you could have made and you lose the money that you spent to get them there very expensive all right especially when and this happens a lot too you do all of that
only to have them get fired or leave or burn out or whatever all right and so we want them to take as many reps ass soonly possible in a fashion where there's no risk to the company which is why we have them watch tons of gam tape footage they tend all the meetings they listen to tons of live calls they go through the course and then they roleplay there's one takeaway from this [ __ ] video it's that you roleplay with your team and that you get really really narrow on the things you want them
to improve and you keep nailing that thing until it's perfect and then you move to the next thing there's no point in trying to tell someone to improve six things doesn't work I promise you it doesn't work I spent too long doing this doesn't work you say let's work on the first sentence of the [ __ ] script keep doing it again try it again try it again try it again one more time say it lighter say it faster Loop to this one got it second question right that's how you work through a script until
they will they will be able to breathe it in their sleep then they can actually be present for the sales call cuz they don't have to think about the scripting cuz they already know it so we recruited the people we saved the director's time we automated the internal onboarding I'm going to give you a pro tip from me which is that if someone seems like a dad within 14 days let them go some people think I'm heartless how could I be so heartless because I have other families I have to look out for too and
if we don't keep the sales team profitable the whole business doesn't work we give people a shot we get to all this stuff we give them a ton of free training all right they actually technically get paid to get trained and if they don't if they're not up to chops we got to let them go but we set that expectation up front and one more thing and this is a a little Pro tip for me I don't know how to spell that but no padas all right so no special snowflakes because the thing is is
even if you have one killer on the team and they don't follow the process they undermine the entirety of the process and they also kill the culture and so if one guy does double the sales of everybody else or triple the sales of everyone else I can almost guarantee nine times out of 10 in my experience they actually take those sales out of the organization overall so one guy does triple and everyone's like oh we should be like him but the you if you have like a 20 person team and everyone goes down by 10%
because of this guy because the cancer spreads not worth it just cut it out keep the system and now that we had the in-house director we rebuilt the incentive and comp plan we rebuilt the sales process we scaled the sales team and we stabilized it so that we were consistently beating the other team and doing it for less then we're able to move on to step five which is get rid of outsourced team so with the ouse team we did $7 million in cash collected in q1 the commission on that was 1. $4 million remember
20% so the company got to profit 5.6 I'm saying profit Loosely 5.6 the company got to keep after paying the sale the out Outsource sales team this 7% with the in-house sales team became $12 million the next quarter the commission because instead of 20% we went to 9% so the commission went from 1.4 million on 7 to 1.08 million for 12 net change here was 12 minus 1 10.92 million which created the difference between these two was 5.4 million and that was just in that quarter times four for the year and you get 21.6 million
this is one of my favorite sales presentations I've ever given and it covers three things one how to ask the right questions two how to ask them the right way and three how to duplicate those words in that tone across a team of people if you're building your first sales script if you're scaling a sales team and you want to make sure that you can onboard new people and get them selling at the same percentage or better than you are right now which for many people is biggest bottleneck especially when you're coming to for your
first million or first 3 million per year scaling the sales team is one of the most difficult tasks and so I've broken this down into three Frameworks that I've used very successfully to scale lots of different sales teams I say that the the company I'm referencing in this video has 14 that one company already now has almost 30 sales guys so this process continued to work past when I made this presentation so if you're trying to scale sales you want to close a higher percentage you want to get more guys closing at that same percentage
or better than yours and if you don't know who I am my name is alosi I acquisition. comom with a portfolio at this moment of six companies to do $85 million a year keep being awesome love you and enjoy the video what I'm going to be breaking down today is the scripting process that we've applied for calls right and so as the world's worst marketer I set my first email this year I was very excited about it we've been in business for 10 years uh pretty big stuff and it was because I couldn't get webinars
I couldn't get vsls I couldn't get all the fancy stuff that you guys get to work um and so I went back in time and just was like if I can just get him to give my phone number I'll be able to get him to you like buy [ __ ] from me and so I went and called back all these webinar leads that never showed up or never bought or whatever and then doing like 100,000 in sales in a day and I was like wow this is so much easier and so over time I've
consulted with sales teams I've uh trained and owned four high ticket uh performance teams uh I think we have 12 or 14 sales guys now it kind of rotates and so what I want to do is kind of show you what we've done to consistently replicate the skill of sales another human being would that be cool all right so if I can add like 10% to your conversion rate in terms of how you attract better closers how you script the process out and how you should close more deals and scale them to incentivize them would
that be valuable for you guys all right sweet so these are the three Frameworks that transform losing funnels in cash machines that was my real life that was a picture of my actual first funnel and that's what it became and so these are the three fail uh the Frameworks number one closure framework how to ask questions that prospects to say yes adding this to a funnel instantly can make it profitable right this is my personal experience number two is conviction framework all right how anyone who believes can outperform a seasoned sales rep by simply learning
control control their tone really important this is one of the biggest things that most sales people Miss number three the scaling framework how to easily duplicate this process across sales people in any niche in seven days or less so seven days from now we can do this would that be cool all right let's rock so number one the closure framework after going through hundreds of scripts I've bought Grant stuff I bought the Wolf of Wall Street stuff I bought all that stuff and going through my own sales processes I learned that the the scripting process
even was simpler I think than it's portrayed and it's not that it's something to be sold against but um every sales script that has been absolute Gang Busters has been a question-based framework that is based on this process all right and this works for B Toc sales it works for B Tob uh B2B sales it works for $500 tickets it works for $100,000 tickets the process is the same and so this is the acronym closure framework as I said world's dumbest marketer so I made it nice and easy to remember all right so C clarify
why they are there when I look at creating a script the first thing we ask is like why the hell are you here what mean you reach out to us today what was the thing what is the goal you're trying to accomplish right two label them with a problem we can't cure cancer unless they admit that they have it right has anyone had a situation where like I just want to find out more information you ever had that right well it's like well I'm assuming you're not hopping on sales calls all day just trying to
find information is there a problem you're trying to solve oh you're fat got it all right boom so that's a problem we can solve it after that I'm I'm assuming I'm not the first guy you've ever dated right so is there anything else that you've had happen in the past that got you here that didn't work I'd love to know more about it s once we've gone through the pain we sell on the vacation right there's a process that I'll walk through e we explain away their concerns cuz obviously samean people don't make decisions on
the first call unless you're a closer in which case they do which I'll talk about and then finally and this is something that we actually added in my original flamework for my first couple years was close and then we added the r uh because when you do this it actually transitions into the onboarding process that will get higher LTV per customer lower churn lower refunds lower charge backs which sales guys and you will be happy about cool all right let's rock so we'll examine each one more closely clarify why they're there these are the questions
that sounds like what made you come in today what made you reach out what's your goal right now why is that important to you why that number specifically what does it what does it resonate for you right why why is that real L the questions that we're looking is like okay so what I'm hearing is XYZ us your goal does that sound about right right really simple but very important it's a milestone that has to be hit in the process all right then we overview all right this is where we're Gathering all the inel and
for some of you guys my goal is that you can take this to your sales team your sales director and run your script through this framework and then see where you can plug in you probably have some of it but if you're missing one or two of these questions and Milestones you're losing conversions on the call like you're closing people who already had those obstacles covered but everyone who didn't have two of these questions covered you lose them and you don't know why you watch the sales call you're like what the hell happened here right
so what have you tried so far to accomplish that how this is what we call the pain cycle it's a four-step process what have you tried so far to accomplish this how long did you do that for how long ago how did that work for you what else have you tried right so we just do that cycle until they're like well yeah that's it now that you think about it I've tried everything under the sun like I can't imagine what that's felt like wow right it's not your fault you're so close you're 6 Ines away
right and I think you you said this one thing which I'm about to show you in a second we could be able to help you want to hear about the program fantastic that's when we transition to the sale right right so sell them a vacation the number one thing that people mess up our sales pitch on the call is under 3 minutes 3 minutes 180 seconds when we talk about um I think someone was asking about what are the bullets on the page we don't say anything about that because what we're trying to do is
get them to understand what they're going to experience not how they're going to experience it right and so when we have a sales pitch just about every time we sell three things right and it doesn't matter what industry you're in I was training mortgage leads team and they were selling leads right and it was like uh the leads are exclusive they're timely and they're qualified right and so we talked about hey you've had leads in the past ah well the Zillow leads my real estate people right the Zillow leads are not they are timely but
they're definitely not exclusive and these are people just window shopping right our leads are different three things you can always find them your s fitness your own Fitness Nutrition accountability right and so what we do is when we say the three bullets get them to understand yes that takes 5 Seconds cool fitness-wise we get the commitment this is what I need you to do fair enough be like I need you to work out three days a week can you do that awesome if we see any hesitation you have a 30second story that's memorized most of
this script and this is what makes it scalable is a question-based framework which means if you get lost you can find your way back again if anybody here have scripts that are like paragraphs and stuff anyone okay like no no one has a script that's paragraphs and Pages please we all know um but if you have those things it'll totally mess it up because then the the sales guy gets lost and then he's just freeballing and he has no idea where he is hot doging a hallway no idea what's going on right and so the
point is here little visual anyways is that when we're telling the story like with the fitness example I would say hey when you failed in the past like right now do you have a do you have a favorite TV show Game of Thrones that's awesome do you feel like like you got to get motivated to watch Game of Thrones you're like oh man I've been wanting to watch it but I just can't get up the motivation to watch TV they're like well no I don't have that it's like right and so that's exactly how we're
going to make your fitness program so if you look forward to you don't need the motivation The Willpower because that's why you fail in the past they're like oh I didn't talk about the workouts the heart rate and the calories they're going to burn and they're going to sweat cuz all that [ __ ] sounds like work right but what they do get is exactly what they want which is wait so you're telling me that if I actually like something I'm not going to even have to try and it's going to feel like watching TV
cuz I look forward to it it's exactly what I'm saying and if you can deliver you make tons of money and that's the point so each of those points your sales guy should know what that anecdotal story is right if I was selling accountability anyone have kids anyone here tell their kids to brush their teeth and we have their kids to brush their teeth say they don't want to brush their teeth anyone tell their kids even though they want to brush their teeth to brush their teeth anyways and now you're an adult did your parents
did that to you do you brush your teeth that's an example of external accountability turning into an internal habit it's exactly what the accountability we're going to do in this program indust does that make sense great done next bullet that's how you transition in the pitch right so if you think about this process why are you here I have cancer I think we might be able to help you out but I don't want to get into that because I don't know about you like I don't know what your situation is tell me what you've done
ah that sounds that sounds great that makes sense okay I think we might be able to help see a little bit about that all I did is I tell three stories that make complete sense to everything you just told me and then we transition and so um I pretty much just covered this um but we we call it sell on the vacation not the plane flight right and so we're not selling TSA we're not selling your modules your me plant your macr workout your sport team your URLs your whatever right we're selling Maui we're selling
the Final Destination and it doesn't matter what level of service you are selling you're always selling the same thing it's always Maui it's just how do you want to get there you want to swim to Maui right do you want to take a boat to Maui do you want to take a normal flight or do you want to take a private jet to Maui right it's your call you're getting to Mau either way because we're a man of our word and I'm not going to sell you something that's not going to deliver right but it's
going to be a little different it's a little bit rock here but we're going to get you there all right so everyone gets the Maui the variables are the the speed and the quality of the journey all right the likelihood of arrival is assumed so since it's always the same thing you probably have multiple levels of business um but it's always the same process right and so once we have that they're like got it then we just make the ask all right from this point going forward it's explaining way their concerns like any human being
would normally do I could drill price over comes with you but I think it's more valuable to explain the thought process behind price stall and decision maker um objections all right so the first and obvious one is I can't afford it anyone to get this one right couple people two people of God in the you guys have the best leads give me your leads um and so the easy question that I use to explain to our sales team because it's really about breaking their Le beliefs is if we were giving away Ferraris right now for
five grand do you think they'd find a way to get the money yes so that simply they do not understand the value we're trying to provide and if you can get your team to believe that then they understand that it is always their fault if someone cannot afford the program does that make sense fantastic second decisionmaker clothes one of the hardest things to overcome right I got to have my business partner I got to have my husband my spouse my whatever right so we have a specific process that we go about this and so what
we do is in the very beginning we just say we circumvent then we go over past agreements and then we ask for forgiveness all right this is the best way that I've seen to overcome this so the first thing we say is well what if they say no one out of three times they'll be like I'd probably do it anyways and we're like let's get started boom it's done you'd be amazed how many times that actually works it's hilarious if they say well then I wouldn't do it then we divert we say well what do
you think their biggest objection would be about it because now they're just using a foil even the person's not there and has no idea what the program is cuz they're not involved with call right they're like well I think this and at this point we can attack the actual obstacle even though the decision maker isn't there now if they still if we still can't overcome it then we go to P agreements we say well does your business partner know you guys are struggling on sales well yeah does he approve of that well no then why
would he be against something that he already doesn't approve of that doesn't make any sense why would he be against a business partner solving a problem is know what you do well that's great you're being a great partner let's go right and so we try and rely on past agreements that are obvious and use those to Pro into the present right and then finally you know sometimes it's better ask for uh forgiveness and permission right and so we'll tack that on to the end you can put that at the end of any of the closes
and so when we're dealing with this with price it's value with decision maker we go on past agreements and with stalls we just teach people to make decisions people are just so afraid of making the wrong decision they're petrified and so what we do is we literally teach them on the call here's how we make a decision these are the the variables you should be considering X Y and Z right can the product meet your needs do you think that if you work with us you have a greater or lower likelihood of losing weight greater
fantastic I think we're halfway there do you want to work with us do you think it'd be fun to hang out and see me every day because believe me this stash I had to I had to work 12 months to get my wife to say yes to that so I understand if you're hesitant does that make sense would you be willing to do that all right let's rock right and then do you have access to funds or know someone who does right because it's not just about you because if it's something that's amazing we can
find other ways to finance this so do you have access or know someone who does yes well then great let's get started and if for some reason we haven't closed them at this point we say how about this let's take a card down we'll delay the payment to Friday you go to your husband you go to your business partner right you go to your I love this one you go to your husband right and he says baby I want you to live a shorter life I want you to I want you to be a terrible
example to our kids I want you to not have generational Health in our family to be down I want you to sit in that corner I want you to pull those sweatpants up take up a bag of Cheetos rub your fingers on there right and just get comfortable with the fact that you're never going to look better than you are right now I like if your husband says that to you you call me back and I will tear this contract up fair enough right you close them all right so we explain where their concerns and
then finally we get the yes we reinforce the decision this is stuff that we started doing and it helped a lot so personalized video from the CEO hey welcome aboard so happy to have you thank you for trusting us with your business hey we're so happy to have you you thank you for trust me with your your weight loss Journey know personalized this is we want to do everything in our power to absolutely Amaze you right little things like that because the customer is usually deciding whether or not they like your business in the first
48 hours after the sale I learned this later so how you hand off from sale to customer experience and activation is where this all happens does that make sense is that cool was that nice love framework to work through okay so that's the disclosure framework that is the first thing that's what you can run your script through all right how to ask the questions to get the prospects to say yes check one down two to go you with me you still good all right let's rock so conviction framework number two how anyone who believes can
outperform a season sales rep by simply learning to control their tone all right so um after I reworked all of our scripts using the closure framework um some of my guys were really successful but other ones still blew and I was like well this sucks right I was really excited I had a little acronym and everything I was like that took me a long time to come with the acronym right and I was like what gives and so I talked to some my friends um and they recommended this book which was awesome and the biggest
takeaway from this book is the is the concept of tone and this was something that really helped take us and give an extra Edge for our sales training ourselves process and the coaching that we give people right and so in the book he talked about the hidden dialogue um which I just love and I just I just never want to take credit for an idea because I got it from him um but there's two dialogues that are happening right um because the words or the logic right what you're actually saying is talking to The Logical
brain how you say it is talking to the emotional brain right that's the one's making decision that's the one running the shop all right and so how you say what you say is what you say so here's an example that's my wife she's going to be here with me soon but if she were here if she said Alex right or Alex right or Alex very different meanings very different afternoon for me in each of these scenarios right based on how she said it because there's so much communicated and that's just one word imagine a 30
minute dialogue where each word can be chosen to have packed with the meaning that you need them to feel does that make sense okay so we need the words for The Logical influence we need the tone for the emotional influence we need both okay and so once you become a more seasoned like sales crap you can learn to control your tone on purpose right you can raise your voice at the end of the statement to make it into a question right it's a question this is John right I didn't need to ask him I'm saying
you know to answer that as a question I didn't ask you that but you know that based on the tone right or I could lower my voice right now so you know that what I'm saying extremely important right tone matters and so it takes time to develop this level of unconscious Mastery so there's two ways to develop this and I believe that you can either trick yourself into it or you can train yourself into it and since I don't have enough time in 30 minutes to train on the influence of tonalities here's the trick is
that all right I'll just give you the hack conviction will correct your tone if you believe in what you sell you will say it the right way and that's why some of you guys have a sales rep it comes on crushes it and then tanks because they did believe and then they saw your reviews or they got customer support feedback someone called them up after buying it was like [ __ ] you I can't believe you did that and they're done and then all their tones off because they feel like out of Ethics right and
so I'm lowering my tone right now so you know that this is really important right and so I'll go upbeat kiss the boooo bring us back up all right and so real estate sales team Consulting this is a great story so I was flown out paid way more money than I should have been paid um to fly out and consult with the sales team all right they were selling mortgage leads example I was giving earlier and they were really excited and they wanted me to give this ABC always be closing chat like this huge PumpUp
chat and so I spent the first half of the day on the script and the second half of the day we're supposed to be drilling the sales team right so I get on the sales team they got I think had a nine person sales floor and uh they're like we're having some problems with this guy John I was like all cool so I was like John how good are the leads he was like well you know there's kind of and I was like I'm good thank you and I was like because if you [ __
] thought the leads were were good you would say dude they're unreal I can't believe it right now I'm getting my mom to pass her real estate certification so I can start sending her leads I'm studying for mine I'm a couple months behind but I'm telling you as soon as I [ __ ] get this thing pass I'm out of here I'm G to start buying these leads myself because I make more than I make right now as a sales guy that's what you'd say if you believed right the way you say and what you'd
say would be entirely different and so one of the hacks on this by the way has anyone ever gotten hot or has a sales guy who got hot starts just closing closing closing closing anyone that becomes a sales training for that person because the way they asked the question at what point how they closed that's how it's perfect and so they should study the best game footage when they're on a streak and that's when you can replicate it much more easily because it's like in the wild you'll witness it and that's when they're Masters right
in those moments all right and so these are the actions that we do so I'm transitioning into tactic for you guys who have teams all right reread the testimonials out loud daily in front of your sales team if you got fresh ones which you should read them makes their day makes them feel like they're making an impact right they're getting the [ __ ] kicked out of them every single day getting hung up on getting cussed at getting told a [ __ ] off every day right and like the best thing you can do is
give them a cup of coffee and says hey man you're [ __ ] doing good in the world right that's what they need so do it every day number two fix everything you can about the product this is obvious but I want to say it directly like don't blame the customer for a lack of success because it doesn't help anyone right doesn't help them doesn't help us if we can take ownership then we can fix the product right three never stop improving it so you always know it's up to date and this is a good
one for the sales team if you're sales dip take your head of customer support bring them to the sales meeting and say Erica tell these guys what you do for our customers they're like oh well the first day what we do is we send them this text and we send them this letter and then we give them swag and then we follow up with them and then we like write them a handwritten card and we give them a back massage and a foot massage and then we find a wife for them it's unbelievable you know
what I mean and then the sales guys are like God this is [ __ ] awesome I'm like I know let's go sell it right and so these are the actions that you can do on a daily basis to get your team to be excellent all right and so that's how you can hack conviction and get your team's tone unconsciously correct by just truly believing in the product is that cool you think you'd sell more if you did that hell yeah sweet thank you all right conviction framework number two check all right number three scaling
framework how to easily duplicate this process across sales people in any niche in seven days or less all right so we've talked about closure framework we talked about conviction framework and this is the oops I think I going to skip one oh no where you are back so when I showed my sales team this stuff they didn't do it every time all right because you're probably going to come back from here all gung-ho you might show them this video and they're like yeah and they go raw ra for two to three days and then it's
like back to normal right no one wants that so piece by piece we implemented processes to get the same outcome over and over and over again because of the $10 million we've sold which is crazy it's been 100% over the phone no one over the age of 20 no we got one guy who's 40 but Bey besides him everyone's younger than $27 $27 27 years old all right like these aren't like crazy you know what I mean like crazy veterans right they just do this process over again you get the right thing as a total
aside find people and educate them about your prospect not your product that's a big [ __ ] up because like they shouldn't even be talking that much about the product they should be knowing everything about the Prospect and so right now if your sales training is focused on your product Doing It Wrong these are the six C's that I use to scale teams from little guy to lots of guys all right so this still a you know we Ed this to build a 3,000 person affiliate base in our physical Products Company it added 35 million
in sales which is cool which is awesome and so I will show you how this works all right and so um we've used these sales teams and this is how we've kind of these were all multi-figure teams and I'll show you what we did all right so closure sequence is the first C which we went over earlier the second C is consistent daily training and conviction and I'll show you how to do each of these call recordings you got to record them communication Cycles cuts and competition those are the six C's all right so number
one make sure you have a question based framework that follows those steps in the script it should just be questions it's so much easier to just follow questions because if someone's out and you know out in left field you know wandering on like onto the highway you're like whoa hey come back over here this is the next question in this process so thank you so much for sharing that that must have been so hard for you so what do you think that brought right you go right into the next question the sale all right number
two uh consistent daily training this is the number one thing if you take one thing away from this besides conviction because that'll do more for yourselves than anything this is the second biggest thing all right is that daily training our team trains 60 minutes a day five days a week we actually do twice a day stuff but that's okay anyways for right now if you just do this you'll already be way better than everyone else in your in your Market all right so we do talking and listening because a salesperson needs to know how to
speak the right tone you know how to listen right and so we drill both scales we're talking we have them read the script out loud and the questions with the correct tonality for 25 minutes and if they [ __ ] up they start again simple five minutes we drill obstacle overcomes I need to think about it I'm not sure I don't have the money can't afford that right now I got to talk to my partner right I know what's going to work in my market or whatever your specific obstacles are because those when they're in
the Red Zone they shouldn't have to think about those so the only two things that someone will ever truly memorize will be those 30 second anecdotal stories I mentioned earlier and your obstacle overcomes it makes it much easier to get new people on the team listening so every day we listen to a 30 minute recording and we'll go with what went right in this call what went wrong what are you going to do next time very simple right you play the call everyone watches it's game tape review we're like man you got kicked in the
balls on this one right but you had great report in the first 5 minutes right um you're like what went wrong and that was about it um and what you going to do next time I'm going to transition from the report of the question asking without sounding like a douchebag fantastic all right next day and you continue to improve I know this sounds crazy simple but it's so simple no one will do it so number three C's is call recordings if you don't call like record your calls one you're not compliant but two like how
are you going to study game film you know what I mean everybody's got all their data and you've got your mouse tracking on all the pages I'm like how where's the mouse tracking on the calls right that's where that's where you're going to train your team this is like every NBA team they play game and they watch the game footage right why are we not doing that with the sales team and so you have to record it if you use zoom gong is absolutely the best highly recommend it it's been awesome we us this for
two years they'll tell you exactly how many minutes people are talking versus someone else they'll tell you who's talking the most where how many questions were asked if the AI they have there is unbelievable um it's expensive but it's worth it four com cycles and feedback um I don't know if you guys have heard the story but if I were trying to uh fix your golf swing right and I said okay so I take a swing looking like I do like a like an idiot right he's like all right man well first off lose 40
lbs so you can rotate all right after you do that uh change your wrist by two degrees turn your other hand over put your thumb underneath I need you to take your first foot put it forward and then point it the other way and then put this foot back and try again I'm [ __ ] no chance of swinging right but if he just said hey take another 20 swins and just put one thumb under the other one I'd have one thing to work on I could probably get better and so when you're training and
this is for the sales directors if you're helping them out with that call what went right what went wrong the what am I going to do about it is the one thing do that makees sense and so in terms of communication Cycles we do weekly with the team we've got daily training we've got daily wrapup at the end which is really just to pump up and kiss them on the forehead good night to make sure they feel okay right because they do get punched in the face all day so it's it's worth being like hey
you see Derrick's overcome this morning it's [ __ ] awesome he killed it let's watch that as like highlight footage like watch him say he's going to have to talk to wife Bo overcome right and then and then they're like dude you killed it and then it just makes them feel like they're part of the team right and so that's where we do the feedback and the communication cycles and then we do once a once a week if they're new we'll do one of ones if they're a little bit older we'll do once every other
week does that make sense can you use this right now what I'm giving you for your sales teams okay sweet number five cut the fat cut it fast um Randy probably knows this better than anyone when you hire sales people at least in my experience like it's Sinker swim like if a guys if guys can't close in the first week to two weeks unless it's some sort of crazy complex thing they ain't closing right and then I've got somebody who now came in neutral now they feel like they suck right they're actually worse than someone
who's new because now I got to overcome all your beliefs and then bring you back up and so in my experience it's been much easier to take a six and get him to a nine than try and take than try and take a two and get him to a five it's more work and it's not good for me or him right does that make sense so in most cases does anyone have a salesperson that you've been waiting for them to turn the corner for the last like six months they're not going to turn the corner
unless they have like a come to Jesus moment which does happen but it doesn't need to happen on my team you can do that and come back right all right number six competition and career path all right A big one so salespeople are competitive right as they should be right they are hunters and they should go hunt and so having competition on a regular basis what we have found is that sixe Cycles tends to work best it is long enough that believe they can accomplish something but short enough they believe it's going to happen soon
and so we run our competitions on six we Cycles um for us I think what you said uh whatever Ryan said about the percentages 10 to 15% actually works pretty well as like a group goal um when we have those as like top salesperson we like we did like weekend to Vegas so we'll split all the guys up we like four teams of four you know what I mean and they're all comp so it's like you get the the competitiveness but you still get the camaraderie CU if it's just one you know one versus everyone
sometimes they can get um a little bit too you know teethy uh so having like little mini teams helps too because then you can you can kind of like make it an adjusted draft you can put the best guy with the worst guy and then he helps him out and he speeds him up does that make sense and then career path this is one that I probably learned later but it's really good is that you can have minor Minor Road uh Milestones like 50 deals closed 100 deals closed 150 deals closed right and they just
get a little just a little you know they go from 500 a deal to 525 a deal right they go from 525 a deal to 550 a deal just the fact fact that there's this this road map of where they're going and there's actual progress because sales is one of the most repetitive positions in the world just the fact that they're doing this and they something is changing on the outside I think just helps relieve anxiety and help the guys Focus so that is one of the things that I would recommend doing um with the
career path and then obviously if you have roles like depending how big your team is manager Etc and you can move up um something that I don't have on here that I will add is that um this seems to be common practice but remember dumbest marketer on Earth um outbound and inbound uh keep them separated we also have Setters and closers for both of those teams so outbound sets are different than inbound sets which go to different in closers on either side right because the prospects are a little bit different right and so if you
if you have lots of different types of leads going to the same person you're probably losing a lot of efficiency and if you don't have that much lead flow that's another issue but it's it's as soon as you can separating them out will get you a lot a lot higher conversion rates all right so I'll recap this this six for scale in our closure sequence make sure that's it's in a question based framework daily trainings and conviction so you're reading the testimonies every day you're training them every morning on talking listing the most valuable skills
that a Salesman can have call recordings to make sure that they're actually doing you have game tap footage to actually look at communication Cycles to actually improve on their skills based on the game footage that we just had you cut the bottom people who are just dragging the team down that probably just don't have the makeup for this and then you keep it competitive and you give them a career past so they have something to look forward to in the future all right and so uh now you can understand how anyone can sell expensive flx
paper Pro even if you don't think you're any good which is completely normal yeah that's sales
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