hey up everybody my name is josharon director Johnny mozes our lessons and confidence today I want to talk to you a little bit about advertising and how advertising can have quite a profound impact on your mind now we all kind of know that you know you see a Coca-Cola advert they're not trying to make you think oh Coca-Cola I'll buy one of those they're they're not trying to do that what they're trying to do is they're trying to subconsciously Implement implant uh Coca-Cola into your mind so that the next time you might see Coca-Cola in
a shop you might pick it over the Pepsi because you've remembered that Coca-Cola advert but you don't even necessarily really remember the advert right you don't remember the specific I Mar Santa whatever whatever Coca-Cola's got going on for them at the moment you remember just Coca-Cola and you remember that you have seen Coca-Cola before and that's why you go and buy it that's why you know brands that you already know will go out to advertise things because you have this uh familiarity with them that is being built this Rapport that's being built but it's a
one-sided rapport they're building with you essentially where they're trying to make you feel comfortable and accepted within that Brand's presence and that's kind of the idea of of advertising now it's different for uh someone that's maybe like your size if you're like a Creator whatever and you're trying to get out there and try and get your name out there you need to approach things in a different way it's not good enough to just get your name out there because random Youtube and number 658 DB doesn't mean anything to you know any of the people that
walk past or anyone that's like in in you know in the comment section of this there's it doesn't mean anything to them yet because you haven't built that Rapport now how do you build that Rapport well first off think about it like this say you say you meet someone who's really nice right and like I don't know you've got a crush on them and you kind of want to spend a lot of time with them how would you get them to sort of be close with you and become like your partner what's the steps that
you would take towards that well first off you need to talk to them right you need to go up to them and have some kind of conversation so that have some kind of impression that they can have of you for when they go off and sort of think oh that guy was kind of nice it's the same way with advertising you need to have something that will make some kind of impact because you know what the advert that you probably saw before this is probably not for anything of any worth probably wasn't anything very interesting
I probably shouldn't say that you know the advert you just watched is worthless don't bother with it you know but at the end of the day you don't really remember you you probably just watched it and then like the second or skip ad button came up you skipped it right and I don't blame you cuz I do the exact same thing we all do the exact same thing because we don't want to see advertising we are put we are being put in in a situation where we don't want to be in because we don't want
to be [ __ ] force-fed some garbage about a product we don't care about the product right so how do you make someone care about the product that's a good question and it's a tough question because you know every different brand has a different way of doing it you know an insurance company is going to advertise to you different than uh soft drink and that's going to advertise to you different and like the new movie that comes out all of these things will advertised to you in different ways so say a a movie for instance
what might you recognize about a movie the actors right a movie stars Brad Pit or or Tom Cruz or whatever so now you have a familiarity because you've seen Tom Cruz and Brad Pitt and things before you've heard other people talk about them they are known as like the famous actors in in the cultural Z guys they are like the top of the food chain right and uh you know you've seen them in something and you kind of think yeah Brad Pit's quite good Tom Cruz is quite good in in certain roles I liked him
in um uh I like Tom Cruz in war the worlds so say another alien movie comes out and it's got Tom Cruz in it I might think well he was good in more the worlds so I might watch this or what they might do is they might do directed by whoever right say it's directed by Steven Spielberg right well I've seen plenty of Steven Spielberg movies and I think that he's a good director so I'm more likely to watch it because I now have familiarity with this thing because I have seen things that are similar
to it in the past now if you're making movies or you're making music you don't quite have that luxury so you need to find another approach so horror movies are a very good example because horror movies are a very big cult sort of thing and people will watch horror movies that are made by nobody's that are made for very little money and that's why you get so many Indie filmmakers that go out and make horror movies because they see them as a good marketing sort of thing because they have a built-in audience right so because
they have a built-in audience that means that you're able to get something out of it because you know the there's people that will come and watch it there's horror fans out there there's people that go nuts for horror movies right so why wouldn't you make a horror movie over say I don't know a drama because what's a drama drama is the most vague term out there it means nothing because all it means is it's not a comedy I guess that could mean anything like Schindler's List is a drama uh train spotting is a drama they're
two totally different films but they're both dramas right so you need to make something uh if you're trying to advertise to someone that someone might actually want now how do you do that again it's through the familiarity because you know say with um Prime I just saw a prime advert go past on the bus right I know Prime because I've used Amazon before I've I've thought that Amazon delivered quite well quite fast and that there the they have quite a big range on their thing I'm not advertising Amazon right now by the way just to
make it clear I'm just using them as an example right of a product uh feature service that you are familiar with right and because you are familiar with it that means that you're going to be more likely to accept it because it's built a trust with you compared to say um some random site that no one's ever heard of this is why Teemu for instance puts so much money into advertising constantly constantly constantly and they do these quite big bombastic very loud adverts because they want to build a brand recognition they want to be known
as the company that sells stuff for 5 Pence they want to be known as the company that has things really really cheap right and now they have built that rapport I see people in my real life that have used Teemu and I've noticed that everyone that I've known that has used teu has had a negative experience from it so again not advertising I'm not advertising teu teu or however the hell you pronounce it right I'm not advertising any of these products I talk about however it feels like it's hard to talk about advertising without inherently
advertising just because I have to use examples because I need to name a product that you already know a service that you already know and you need to have some kind of understanding for it and because I have told you about that product it's reminded you this is why companies love word of mouth so much this is why uh The Blair Witch Project uh started off by uh spreading the rumor from me you know all across America about the Blair Witch so that when they made the film people knew what the Blair Witch was and
that's part of why the Blair Witch was such a successful film because it built a familiarity because they fought outside the box and how to make a familiarity uh you know almost a parasocial relationship the same way that you know audience has with the Creator it's the same way that you know a Target demographic or or or a market base would have towards a product or a service you know like say I don't know TI massages for instance right someone I know recently had a tie massage and they said it was brilliant right that means
I am more likely to get a timee massage right or I might just say if someone else is thinking about getting a tie massage I might say oh someone I know just had a Time massage and they said it was great right and that might be the thing that pushes that person that was going to get a Time massage over the edge to actually go and do it because we all like to talk we all like to talk about how we're going to get this or we're going to do that but it's only through the
actual push that we actually do do these things right so how can you as someone who is trying to make a product or make a service or make something that can be advertised to someone uh how can you make it actually so that person will actually go for it so I'll I'll give you an example of um times when advertising has worked on me because advertising doesn't work on me vast vastly like I did business studies at GCSE I'm not saying that as a brag but I'm just saying it like you know I've used I
I understand vague amounts of how how the the marketing advertising thing sort of works and you know that it's not a completely innocent thing obviously and that even talking about these products I was very tempted to make this video without referring to any products but I thought it was just kind of impossible and I also kind of wanted to make the video as a point that no matter what you discuss if you name the thing you will advertise it there have been times an advert has really annoyed me right an advert has just pissed me
off right and I've wanted to talk about that I remember like when I used to use Facebook like 8 years ago if an advert really annoyed me I would screenshot like a bit of the advert and I would post it to Facebook and I would talk about how [ __ ] much the advert annoyed me right I'm doing exactly what they want they want me to be annoyed at it because me being annoyed at it means I'm going to talk to other people about how annoying the advert was but they haven't seen the advert so
they don't know the annoying bit so the fact that it was annoying is just going to melt away out of their uh brain and what's going to be replaced is the product the thing right I remember um the uh Cadbury's gorilla drumming thing right I [ __ ] hated that advert it really annoyed me right and um you know what I remember cuz I was quite Young when it came out and I remember just telling everyone how much this advert hated me I was doing exactly what Cadbury's wanted me to do okay I was talking
about them that's it that's all this is this is why people will go out and do rage bait this is why you have like um you know YouTube pranksters or whatever the new thing is you know like people that just really like miserable nasty annoying people the reason they are like that is because it gains attraction because what happens is one person sees it and they think God this is [ __ ] annoying how could anyone like this they that's person a person a speaks to person B and goes God have you seen this thing
it's so [ __ ] annoying person B goes oh I've not seen it no right person B then goes off and has a nice day right and they forget about this conversation right and then say they get back a couple days later right and they're sat down in front of their phone and they're just scrolling through and they see that same uh YouTube prankster whatever the per thing that person ASA was right and they go oh I I recognize that where do I recognize that from and they won't remember the specific interaction with person a
but they'll sit there and go oh what what was that what was that I can't remember and then they might click it just to even remind themselves of what it was and now that they've done that the advertising has worked the the marketing word of mouth has occurred and the product itself is a load of [ __ ] right because what happens is we all like to get annoyed about stuff and we all like to talk about stuff that's irritating because it can be fun because we can be a bit animated about it and there's
so many fun negative words out there to describe things right this is why in 2016 like the YouTube hre ha3 ubbs and all that sort of stuff why they were so negative and they were reacting to negative stuff because they they were in a way giving those people exactly what they wanted because they were giving them attention they were giving them the uh potential for a new audience right I remember colossal is crazy was a YouTuber like uh he had a very Posh voice and he did a video on this guy called fzy tube right
and fzy Tube is this right like knobbed right and um he did this 45 minute like quite funny documentary like expose thing on him right just talking about how was in general right and I remember I went to see a friend and my friend really liked fzy tube and so what I did was I bit bit nasty in retrospect as I just put the [ __ ] 45-minute documentary on oh you like this thing well here's a video about how much it's [ __ ] you know I have then given both colossal as crazy and
fuzzy tube what they want because he probably wasn't that bothered about fuz tube in that exact moment yeah he really liked him but he might not have you know gone out of his way to watch him now that it's been drilled into his mind about fuzzy tube he's going to go and see more fzy tube stuff and because fzy tube has like appeared in his algorithm because I've searched for it on his computer it's now going to appear more because the YouTube algorithm will think oh he likes fuzzy tube let's give him some more fuzzy
tube stuff let's give him some more of this let's give him some more that sort of thing that he doesn't like that's why your algorithm is so full of [ __ ] that's why I I hate the YouTube short sort of thing because it gets me uh down a really dark Rabbit Hole of just negative content because I end up sticking around for longer on the stuff that just pisses me off like I end up watching the Andrew Tate thing a lot longer and some a lot nicer because I'm sitting there going God what an
disgusting [ __ ] person that is and I'm giving him more uh of my time and because I'm giving him more of my time the YouTube algorithm thinks oh there's something I'm going to give him more of that's how stuff like Andrew Tate and like all this like like all these political figures that everyone thinks how can anyone like them that's how they're able to spread because they are able to harness the power of the negative impression and the power of word of mouth because these two things that come together mean that word of mouth
means that you say it to someone else and that person doesn't have the negative impact that that you've had from previously seeing it so they go and see it they might get the same negative impression they go out and speak to it say person B saw that thing that was on the YouTube that person a told them about and they also really hate it what they do is then they go and tell person C about how [ __ ] this thing is and then person C does the exact same thing and then same thing happens
again and again and again and again until until you get to person Zed right and then in all of those people one of them didn't think it was a load of [ __ ] one of them thought it was really nice right look at JLS does anyone like JLS someone must because they they toured all over the place they were huge right look at um One Direction do people like really like that yes they did but just because we all talk about this stuff about how [ __ ] it is and how could anyone like
it there are people out there that do like it and the fact that we talk about how [ __ ] this thing is means that we are exposing that thing that is [ __ ] to a potential audience of people who will disagree with us right that's the power of advertising advertising is extremely important tool in your repertoire and I don't mean this to just say go and be a knobbed and you'll get instant success because it's a tried and tested formula and you need to be really good at it in order to make it
work it's not like a guaranteed thing right and it's the same way like if Coca-Cola tried that to just be as big of an [ __ ] as possible it wouldn't quite work for them right I think the kned approach works for like upand comers but if you're already established all you need to do is just make people remember your name and if you're new you need to make sure that people know your name and know who you are and know what you are most importantly right so um yeah I think that's going to be
the video I hope you managed to get something out of this I know it a little bit all over the place but I hope you did manage to get something out of it all the same thank you so much for watching it here's an advert I don't if you can see it uh there's the advert there OES I've never heard of otes in my in my bloody life don't know what it is I don't plan on using it anytime soon but take care everybody bye-bye and uh don't engage with that advert engage with another advert
and if you're trying to become some kind of Advertiser if you have a product to advertise just remember that it's important to get your name out there as as much as humanly possible because the more negative Impressions you make the more cuz like it's a percentage say you make 90% negative Impressions and you make a million impressions that's 10,000 Impressions that were positive from people who would like you okay so thank you very much for watching this take care love you all and uh yeah see you all very soon hope you had a good Christmas
as well