IS THE CANADIAN DREAM DEAD? | 10 Reasons I'm Leaving Canada

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Alina Mcleod
Canada used to have a PRISTINE reputation (in comparison to most countries) of giving its citizens a...
Video Transcript:
well hello friends welcome back to my channel I am coming to you from Toronto and this is a continuation of the video that I did last week where I talked about the top 10 things that I will certainly miss about Canada as I now plan to move to Bulgaria today's video is going to be all about the top 10 things that I know I won't miss about Canada now please keep in mind these things are not exclusive to Canada there are plenty of other countries in the world that deal with these problems I'm sure Bulgaria
will have these problems to a certain extent as well but I feel like this is an important topic to kind of touch on CU I feel like for the longest time Canada has had this sort of you know squeaky clean sort of reputation that is just this you know perfect country to live in and it's substantially better than you know any other country in the world obviously with all of these factors will really depend on which part of the country you live in what your socioeconomic status is and just your personal situation so let's begin
with the first and most obvious point of uh you know what I certainly won't miss about Canada and that is the cost of living where I am right now is unfortunately very suited to talking about this topic I am actually in a park that's very close to where I'm staying in Little Italy area technically you know a very nice area of the city and behind me you maybe can't see right now but just all behind me there is at least like 30 or 40 tents you know a t City you could say here in the
park of people who obviously are not able to find housing are probably struggling in you know many other regards so on the topic of cost of living it is just such a crazy thing to see that in a first world country you know where we do have so much purchasing power internationally and you know in a way Canadians have a pretty high quality of life compared to other places but at the same time there's people living in like you know freaking tents in you know parks where families go to and it's just it's just extremely
sad and primarily it is sad for younger people like people even younger than myself at 33 it is extremely difficult to find a job that's going to meet even all of your basic expenses that would allow you to live alone you know save for retirement afford a vacation you know once a year like it's exceedingly difficult to not go into severe debt to achieve that kind of lifestyle and almost always you have to pair up with other people whether it's a partner or friends I know very few people who earn the average wage which is
around $6,000 here in Canada and are able to afford a nice one one bedroom apartment by themselves it's also extremely sad that more people than ever are turning to food banks for their basic sort of necessities and I have heard that you know a lot of them just don't have the funding um for the demand that is you know currently being asked I think the Crux of the issue really is the fact that wages have become so stagnant when the cost of living especially real estate here in Canada has just gone up a absolutely insane
amount so as someone in their 30s who you know technically you could say is in a really good position where I make above the average Canadian wage I don't have any debt I have you know pretty good savings like yes I could actually afford to live in Canada and get my own place maybe not as nice as I would like here in Toronto or Vancouver but like I could do it like I could technically afford to live here but I choose not to at this point in time because I just don't feel like what I'm
getting for that money is necessarily worth it now Point number two on my list will also probably come as no surprise which is high taxes for subpar Social Services now it was not always this way like I remember when I was a kid and even a teenager I was able to you know get a new family doctor whenever I wanted I was able to get in with my family doctor whenever I needed to everything was just so much more streamlined and easy even just being in any of the major cities I feel like the environment
was just better taken care of it was cleaner it felt safer so even though Canada is still technically you know doing quite well um in Social Services in comparison to certain other countries especially if you are a lwi income earner cuz in a lot of other countries honestly if you don't make money like the government is not going to give you anything you really are on your own where here in Canada you know they do put quite a bit of funding to people who are you know really down on their luck everybody has Universal Health
Care and there are just a lot more safety nets um for the people that are more vulnerable but on the other end of the spectrum um you know the really high earners for them especially I would really question you know why they would choose Canada unless you know they grew up here have specific connections here because unless you have your own business and are you know able to pay a l tax amount it would just be crazy to be paying 50% of your income at those High tax brackets for not the best social services like
personally if I was a multi-millionaire I would pick you know a Switzerland or a Singapore where it's like flat rate 10% or less and the social services are definitely substantially better and just you know the environment is better taken care of than things have become here in Canada if we take the example of the average Canadian who makes around $60,000 I believe the kind of median tax rate for just your income if you have a salary job is around 25 26% and technically that doesn't sound so bad right like 25 26% not too bad but
you have to add on top of that property tax carbon tax and depending on the province that you live in sales tax that one can actually add up to a lot of money depending on where you live cuz each province has its own rate if we consider all of those things I would actually say that the average Canadian who you know isn't making that much money to begin with is actually paying about 40% like around 40% of their income every single year to the government Point number three on my list is limited and sadly lacking
public transit now we all know Canada is a very are Centric country they love their cars they love to drive and that is just the sort of lifestyle that they have here in the country and I think it's going to be you know a very difficult thing to break the other obvious problem is the fact that Canada is such a large country without that big of a population so I understand that it would take so much Capital to invest in that proper infrastructure that it's not something you can just do overnight but as someone who
doesn't really like to drive who prefers to take public transit and walk it is kind of sad that there really is only like three places in Canada where you could live and you don't have to have a car and you'll be able to get everywhere and that is Toronto Vancouver Montreal it's almost kind of funny that only now Canada is really talking about getting proper High-Speed Rail when it has already been a reality and most most other developed countries for like decades now but for us it's like a brand new thing and something that's still
going to take years to actually Implement so in that regard I think Canada really is behind the times when it comes to public transit Point number four of things that I will not miss about Canada is the long distances that it takes to get anywhere yes obviously it's the second largest country in the world so it's going to take a while to get across the country I think it's actually 8 hours to fly from you know one Coast to the other even growing up in Saskatchewan if we wanted to drive to the largest major city
from my small town kisto um almost always it would take at least an hour to let's say Prince Albert and then 2 hours to Saskatoon so let's say 4 hours round trip for that one then when we talk about moving from Province to province that also isn't that great because we don't really have any highspeed rail so we are basically relying on just WestJet and Air Canada to you know not rip us off with ridiculously priced tickets and that's just in the country right like we're not even talking about internationally that really affects my particular
situation where I'm a full-time travel YouTuber I would have to come and go all the time and unless I'm flying to the states or have a direct flight to the Caribbean or something like that it's going to be at least 8 hours direct to Europe 12 12 hours direct to anywhere in Southeast Asia and if I have a connection like 25 like 30 hours sometimes it is just such a hassle to travel to and from Canada if you travel a lot Point number five on my list is problems in health care now lucky for me
I am a relatively healthy person I haven't had to do anything you know too crazy through through the Canadian Health Care system and overall like if I'm being honest my experience thankfully has been quite positive I've received pretty good quality Care sure I've had to wait quite a while for certain things but I feel the need to add this in here because I know so many people personally who have had terrible problems with the system where they have a really severe you know Health situation going on they need to have a operation or procedure done
ASAP and they can't get in for a whole year people have told me they waited in emergency rooms for like 10 to 15 hours like that is just outrageous and should never happen obviously Canada has a huge understaffing problem for the amount of you know population that we have received in the last few years the system just hasn't caught up especially postco and in general I think it is just a bit of an outdated system where you know doctors are really rushed with patients and are usually only treating the symptoms to just give them a
relief instead of really being able to have time to actually figure out what is the actual problem a lot of times when you go to the doctor they actually have a rule that you can only bring up like one problem and if you want to ask them about something else or get another prescription you have to come back another day which is super inefficient Point number six on my list is poor quality produce the caveat to this is if it's summertime and if you bought the fruits or vegetables from a local farmer who isn't spraying
all of their stuff with you know super crazy chemicals or the orchards in BC or Ontario in the summer right it has to be seasonal those fruits and vegetables can be fantastic delicious but on a whole especially in all of the other seasons of the Year here in Canada unfortunately the quality of the produce is really not good there's actually a really interesting story that I remember when my dad and I we were traveling in Jordan which is kind of an unexpected country right but the quality of the food in general there was amazing and
there was this really funny time that my dad ate a strawberry and it was like something just you know like he saw a ghost or something like that the look on his face where he was like I have never tasted a strawberry before he had his mind blown that that was what a strawberry tasted like compared to the ones that they sell in the grocery stores here and he said for the longest time that you know he hated strawberries he didn't like the taste of them here and then you know he tried one in Jordan
and thought it was the most delicious thing on earth Point number seven on my list really comes as no surprise and that is the weather now sure we do not have volcanoes we do not have hurricanes we overall don't have earthquakes so you know that Canada has going for it and that's no small feat cuz that's one of the reasons why I didn't want to live in Southeast Asia is cuz they have a lot of those things and I couldn't deal with that I'd rather deal with the cold of Canada so it's not the worst
thing to deal with I would just prefer if it was milder which is why I chose Bulgaria because it still has the Four Seasons but it's pretty far south so you know the coldest that it's going to get is like maybe minus five in Sofia honestly probably zero most years if you choose to live in Canada unless you're in BC like just expect that it's going to be so freaking cold for so many months of the year Point number eight on my list I know will probably be a bit of a controversial take and I'm
not trying to be an expert on this subject obviously I'm not I'm just stating my opinion on the subject as a citizen and that is the normalization of drug use personally I do not feel as safe as I used to especially in the major cities here in Canada because of how rampant the drug use has gotten here if you've ever been to Vancouver you may have heard of the area called Hastings Street or like East Hastings it is on another level I have heard of such terrible things happening in that area and to just see
people you know who are on these drugs in such a state is just such a sad thing to see here in Toronto we obviously have you know our own drug problem in all the major cities it's a problem Vancouver is kind of just you know the worst example but just in my personal opinion on the topic I don't feel like the government has done enough to get the drugs off the streets first of all to have like heavy penalties for the people that are pushing these sorts of substances and then to also get actual help
actual effective help to the people that are using these substances and that I would hope actually want to get off them and be better on the topic of safe Supply I personally don't believe in it like I see what they're trying to do with it but you know the actual results of what they've done specifically in BC are not really promising and I think it's just crazy that taxpayer dollars are literally paying you know for people to do drugs like in my opinion it's just an enabling sort of behavior and doesn't actually fix the problem
at the end of the day I also think there needs to be a lot of education and other services available to people so that they don't start those substances in the first place cuz a lot of times it just takes one time right it just takes one time to get hooked on these substances a lot of times don't even know what you're buying on the street and it's just not worth it Point number nine on my list I'm actually really curious to hear from you guys in the comments about because this is not something that
I hear a lot of people talking about and I find it just I find it mindblowing honestly um which is the fraly around debt it is just wild to me that you know somebody my age or younger could have $50,000 of student debt they could have a $600,000 mortgage they could have $220,000 of credit card debt and somehow that is looked at as normal I don't think a lot of Canadians realize that in many other countries the interest rates are so substantially more than they are here and they won't lend you as much money so
unless you actually have saved up the cash and it's in your bank account you can't buy it and I understand there's pros and cons to both systems like of course if you're able to get in on a really good piece of real estate and you know if it's going to go up we'll see if the real estate keeps going up here in Canada like yes it can be a good investment but not in absolutely every case and especially if you are overleveraging yourself I think there needs to be a lot more financial education um especially
in schools so people don't get into these uh situations in the first place and a lot of times there is a lot of predatory um you know lending options here in Canada that I don't think people talk about enough and last but certainly not least of the things that I will not miss about Canada and it will be interesting to see what it's like in Bulgaria but at least here in Canada especially once again in the last few years I feel like there is this Great Divide going on of black and white thinking obviously I'm
talking more so about politics but it goes to other areas of life as well but either you're on this side or you're on that side and the people on the opposite side of you are terrible people and ruining Society it's their fault that whole kind of mentality of being so associated with one set of beliefs or one particular group to be honest like a lot of times I think people will support their political party even if there are some subjects that they don't actually agree with because that's the team that they're rooting for instead of
actually focusing on the policies the actual policies no matter from which group it's coming from and that could actually impact society as a whole much better um they choose to you know blame the other side for all of the different problems and they think that just by electing a new party in it's going to be you know substantially better in some kind of way so having that kind of mentality is just really juvenile in my opinion and I hope over time Canadians will be able to work better together cuz aren't we supposed to be really
nice and you know open-minded people that are welcoming of other people's beliefs like can't we find a way to just figure this all out like it shouldn't be this difficult but that is it guys that is um my top 10 things that I will not miss about Canada I guess I will give you an update once I'm actually living in Bulgaria and you know complaining about the problems that they have there so who knows how my opinion will change on this subject but uh as somebody who has lived in Canada for the last 25 years
these are kind of the main problems that I would say that this country has other than that the other things are kind of small in my opinion and there are obviously so many benefits as I said in my last video so please don't come at me I'm not trying to be super negative I'm just giving my opinion of the things that I hope will improve here in Canada so I would love to hear from you guys in the comments like let me know if you agree with my list or is there anything else you would
add as always I am sending you so much love I hope you're having a fantastic day and keep being your own kind of beautiful bye guys [Music]
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