WTF is Artificial Intelligence Really? | Yann LeCun x Nikhil Kamath | People by WTF Ep #4

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Nikhil Kamath
A lot of us have heard conjectures around A.I., edge cases of the positive and negative side of A.I....
Video Transcript:
[Music] [Music] I thought we could use today to figure out a what is AI how did we get here what likely [Music] next as an Indian 20-year-old who wants to build a business in AI a career in AI what do we do today today like right now yeah hi Yan good morning and you care thank you for doing this pleasure the very first thing we like to do is get to know you a bit more uh how you came to be what you are today uh could you tell us a little bit about where you
were born where you grew up leading up to today so I I grew up near Paris uh in the suburbs um my dad was an engineer and I learned learned almost everything from him um and um um always was interested in in science and technology since I was a little kid and and always saw myself as uh perhaps becoming an engineer I had no idea how you became a scientist U but I became interested in this afterwards what's the difference between an engineer and a scientist well um it's very difficult to to Define and uh
very fun you have to be a little bit of both M but but uh um scientists you try to understand the world um engineer you try to create new things and very often if you want to understand the world you need to create new things the progress of science very much is linked with progress in technology that allows to collect data you know the invention of the telescope allow the discovery of planets and the planets are um rotating around the Sun and things like this right the microscope will open the door to all kinds of
things so um so technology enables science and for the problem that really has been my obsession for a long time is uh discovering the mysteries of uncovering the mysteries of intelligence um and as as an engineer I think the the only way to do this is to build a machine that is intelligent right so there's both an aspect of the scientific aspect of understanding intelligence what it is um at a theoretical level and more practical side of things and then U of course the consequences of building intelligent machines could be could have you know could
be really important for Humanity and school in Paris studying what so I I studied electrical engineering um but as I progressed in my studies I became more and more interested in sort of more fundamental questions in mathematics physics and and AI um I I did not study computer science right of course there is always computers involved when you studied electrical engineering even in the 1980s and late 70s actually when I started um but um but I got to do a few independent projects with mathematics professors on on the questions of AI and and and things
like that and I really got hooked into research I was uh um you know my my uh my my favorite activity is to to build new things invent new things and then understand new things in a new way when somebody says Goda of AI the term how does it make you feel what do you think about it uh I mean I don't particularly like this term you know I I live in New Jersey Godfather in New Jersey means you are you belong to the mafia right I mean science is never a sort of individual uh
Pursuit you you you make progress by by the Collision of ideas from multiple people and you you you make you do make hypothesis and then you try to show that your hypothesis is is correct by demonstrating that the idea you have the mental model of what should work um is correct by demonstrating that uh that it works um or doing some Theory and things like that and um it it's not an isolated uh activity so there's always a lot of people who have contributed to to progress but then because of the nature of how the
world works we only remember just a few people um I think a lot of the credit should go to a lot more people it's just that we don't have a good you know memory for attributing credit to to a lot of people so how does it feel to be a teacher today on when you were at NYU are you the celebrity at NYU um let's say over the last uh several years uh students come up to me at the end of the class I want to take selfies yeah so so there's a little bit of
that I I think um if you are in the same room with someone I think it's important to sort of uh make the session interactive because otherwise you can just watch a video so so that's why yeah that's what I try to do really sort of engage Eng with the students do you suspect being a hero in Academia in research is much like being a hero in sport or entrepreneurship or do you think it's harder okay there's something I'm I'm happy about the fact that there can be heroes you know from in science um arue
there was newon and Einstein and all these people well Newton was not really kind of a public figure I I think um I mean was Cambridge but Einstein certainly was yeah um and to some extent you know other some other scientists also were were sort of minor celebrities um so I mean I think uh some of that comes from you know scientific production but frankly there's a lot of people who have made scientific contributions that are completely unknown um and which I find it a little sad but um I I think a lot of people
who have become prominent in in in science and technology is not just because of the science they've they've produced but also because of their public stands and um out there you know what one one thing that perhaps differentiates me from other scientists who are a little quieter is that I'm very present on social networks and I give public talks and I have strong opinions about not just technical issues but also uh policy issues to some extent so I that that I think amplifies a little bit the yeah the popularity or unpopularity in certain circles I'm
seen like a complete idiot I've watched a lot of your interviews over the last fortnite last month in fact if you were to state three problems with the world from Yan's lens what would they be um so as as a scientist you try to establish causal models of the world right so there are effects that we're seeing and then the question is what is it cause by and almost for almost every problem that we have the the uh the cause is really a lack of knowledge or or intelligence by humans we're making mistakes we're missing
mistakes because we're not smart enough to figure out we have a problem because we're not smart enough to figure out Solutions we are smart enough to organize ourselves to find Solutions right so things like I mean climate change is a huge issue right um and you know there might there are you know political issues with that and um questions of organizing uh the world the governments Etc but also uh potentially technological solutions to to climate change and and I wish we were you know smarter so that we could find Solutions faster so are you saying
humans don't know why we do what we do and that's the problem no I think the mistakes we're making is because um uh if we were if we were a little smarter if we had a better mental model of of Father World Works uh and that's a central question in AI as well I think we could we could solve our our problems better we would take decisions that are more rational um and what I the the the the big issue I see in the world today is is is people who um are not interested in
finding the facts and not interested in educating themselves um or maybe they are but they don't have the means to do this they don't have access to information and knowledge so I think the best thing we can do and maybe that's why you know I became a professor is to uh make people smarter and to some extent that's the best reason also to work on AI because AI is going to amplify human intelligence I mean the the overall intelligence of humanity if you want so I I think that uh that's the key to solving a
lot of the problems that we have so just to prease this conversation uh I'm an idiot when it comes to anything around AI or technology there isn't much that I know and I've tried to learn uh over the past over over the very recent past and uh I have a lot of curiosity for it but I don't know enough about it a lot of the people watching us today are wnab be entrepreneurs primarily based out of India a lot of us have heard conjecture around AI we have heard about the edge cases both on the
positive side and the negative side I thought we could use today to figure out for all of us a what is AI how did we get here and what likely next if I were to break today down into three parts should we start with what is AI okay um that's a good question what is intelligence even um so in the history of AI I think the problem of what is AI feels a little bit like the the story of the blind man with the elephant right uh that there are very different aspects to intelligence and
over the history of AI people have addressed one view of what intelligence is and and and basically ignored all the other all the other aspects so um one of the early aspects of uh of intelligence that people address with AI in the 1950s was you know intelligence is about reasoning um how do we reason so how do we reason logically um how do we search for solutions to a new problem and in the 50s people figured out um when we have a problem let's say that's become a startup problem in U in AI it's or
computer science now um you know I give you a bunch of cities and I ask you you have to go through every single City and what's the shortest path the the shorter circuit to go around the city that's called a traveling salesman problem um and they say like every reasoning can be formulated in terms of searching for a solution to a problem there's a space of possible solution there is something that tells you whether you found a good solution or not or or some number that tells you the length of the path and you just
have to search for the shortest path right and and to some extent you could reduce every reasoning problem to a problem of of this type in mathematics we call this optimization okay so you have um a problem you can you can evaluate whether your problem is solved or not with a number that indicates you know it's low if your length of your path is small and it's high if it's longer and you search for a solution that minimizes that uh that say finding Solutions related to intelligence if you were to ask me what is intelligence
I would be like dumbfounded in trying to Define it in a sentence right I mean so that comes back to the elephant analogy can you explain the elephant analogy well so you know the the blind the the blind man in the elephant right so you the first blind goes to the side of the elephant say that sounds like a looks like a wall and then one goes to a leg that looks like a tree um and another one you know touches the trunk that's a that's a pipe and nobody has a complete picture of what
an elephant is right and you you see it from from the various angles so this aspect of intelligence as being a search for a solution to a particular problem is you know a small piece of the elephant it's it's one aspect of intelligence but it's not it's not the entire thing but in the 50s um one branch of of AI was basically only concerned by this um and and that Branch was essentially dominant until until the 1990s um that that AI uh consist in searching for solution for plans you know if you want to you
know stack a bunch of objects on top of each other and some objects are bigger than others you have to sort of organize the order in which you're going to stack the objects you know you search for a sequence of actions to arrive at a goal that's called planning or even um let's say you have a robot arm and you have to grab an object but there is there's you know obstacles in front of it you have to plan a trajectory for the arm to grab to grab the object um so all of that is
planning that's part of this searching for a solution to a problem um but that part of AI which again was started in the 50s and was dominant until the '90s uh completely ignored things like perception like how do we understand the world how do we recognize an object um how do we separate an object from its background so we can identify it um and um you know how how how do we think um not in terms of logic or or or search but perhaps in more abstract uh abstract terms and so that was essentially ignored
but there was another branch of a I also started in the 50s um that said well let's try to reproduce the mechanisms of intelligence that that we see in animals and humans and animals and humans have brains um the brains basically organize themselves they they learn right they they're not spontaneously smart and the intelligence is sort of emerging emerging phenomenon of networks of very simple elements in large numbers that are connected with each other um so in the 50s 40s people started discovering that intelligence and and memory comes from the strength of the connections between
neurons in a sort of simplified Manner and the way the brain learns is by modifying the strengths of the connections between neurons so so some people came up with sort of theoretical models and and actually electronic circuits that reproduce this you know can we build intelligence you're saying was largely the ability to solve a certain problem so that's the first view right to solve particular problems that that that were given the second one is the ability to learn right okay and that created those two branches of AI right um so the the the one that
started with the ability to learn um there was some success in the late 50s early 60s and it died in the late 60s because uh the type of learning procedures uh for for those neural networks that people devised in the in the 60s turned out to be extr limited you there was no way you could use this to produce truly intelligent machines but it had a lot of consequences in various parts of engineering uh a field of engineering called pattern recognition um so you're saying now that intelligence is the ability of a system to learn
as well the to learn and and the simplest situation in which you need machines to learn is for perception interpreting um images interpreting sounds and what did computers use to do that so for that it's it's basically what caused the emergence of what we could call classical computer science okay you write a program and that program basically internally searches for a solution and has some way of checking whether the solution it it proposes is good or not um people had a name for this in the 60 they call this heris programming because you can't you
can never exhaustively search all solutions for a good one because a number of solution is ridiculously large you know at chess for example right you you can play a certain number of moves but then for every move that you play your opponent can play a certain number of moves and then for every of those moves you can play a certain number of moves so you get this exponential explosion of the number of possible trajectories basically or sequences of moves and uh you cannot possibly explore all of them until the end of the game to figure
out which move to uh to play first so so you have to use what you know what's called heuristics to to basically not search the entire graph or tree of possibilities so we'll put up a graph explaining this but what you're saying in herotic AI is you would have a user who would put in an input there would be a bunch of rules and you would use like a tree search or a expert AI which would run a function like if this then that if not then this to try and get to an end State
yeah so something that would but a defined end state be defined and and the the program will be completely return by a person um and uh and the the difference between a good and a bad system would be in how uh smart the system is in in searching for good solution without doing exhaustive search okay that's theistic part of it um a slightly different approach is the one that's based on logic right so you have rules and facts what other facts can you deduce from the from the existing fact and the rules which would be
logical formula and things like this that was you know pretty dominant in the 1980s um and that led to a um an area of uh of AI called expert systems or world based systems um to some extent is very connected with this idea of search okay and then in parallel to this there is the bottom up uh approach you know let's try to reproduce the to some and get inspiration from the the basic mechanisms of intelligence in biology Implement um allow machines to learn and basically organize themselves um with the idea that how would you
do that so so it's based on the same idea that neuroscientists figured out was going on in the brain which is that the learning mechanism in the brain proceeds by modification of the strength of the connections between neurons right um and and and people imagine that know this type of learning could um actually be reproduced in machines so first it was the idea that you could you know that neurons were simple simple computational elements there were proposal around those lines in the 1940s by mathematicians like M and pitz and people like that and then in
the 50s um and early 60s people proposed a very simple algorithm to change the strength of the connections between neurons so that they could on a task um so the first machine of this type was called the perceptron and it was proposed in 1957 it's a very simple thing and it's very simple to understand um let's say you want to train a system to recognize simple shapes um images okay what is an image for a computer or for a artificial system it's a it's an array of numbers um we know that today because we're familiar
with digital cameras and pixels right so um let's take a a black and white camera a pixel um is if the pixel is black it's a zero if it's white it's a one okay so you can take only two values black or white um if you want to build this with 1950s technology you would put an array of photo sensors photo cells right with with a lens in front of them and you would show an image very low resolution maybe 20 x 20 pixels or something like this or even lower um so now that gives
you an array of numbers that you can fit to a computer but what they did in 1950s computers were incredibly expensive so they actually built electronic circuits so the the pixels were voltages um coming out of the photo sensors um and then you want to train a system to recognize simple shapes let's say distinguish the shape of a c from the shape of a d uh drawn on this uh on this array um so you show an example of a c and then you let the system produce an output this output will also be a
voltage and the way the output is going to be computed is a weighted sum of the of the values that come in of the pixels that are one or zero the weights are connections to a simulated neuron which is just an electronic circuit that computes you know if it's a if it's a one or a zero I'm going to multiply this one or Z by a weight which is like a resistor that you can change the value of okay and then um all of the pixels with their weight are going to be summed up if
the weighted sum is larger than the threshold it's a c if it's lower than that threshold it's a d all right what era was this which year did you see 1957 um so now how do you train this so training consists in changing the value of those weights you can have positive or negative weights um and what you do is you show a C and system confutes the weighted sum so for a c you want the weighted sum to be large larger than zero let's say okay and let's say it's smaller than zero so the
system made a mistake so you tell it no it should be larger okay you press a button basically and you tell it I really want the output to be to be bigger so what the system does is that it changes all the weights that get a one so it increases them a little bit if you increase all the weights they get a one one the weighted sum increases right and if you keep if you keep doing this changing the weights just a little bit every time eventually the weighted sum is going to go above zero
and then the system will recognize this as a c and what did we use this for back in the 50s and 60s so nothing really very practical other than recognizing simple shapes okay um so you you you repeat showing a c and a d and for for the C you say increase the weighted Su for the is a decrease of weighted sum so decrease of Weights that have a one increase of Weights that have a zero and then eventually the system settles on the configuration of Weights so that when you show a c it's above
the threshold when you show a d is is below the threshold so it can distinguish the two and what it's going to do is you know give a positive weight to the pixels that only appear for the C and A negative weight to the pixels that only appear for the D and that will sort of discriminate between those two so we had we had htics AI expert AI trying to mimic biology all of this in the ' 50s and ' 60s in the 50s yeah starting in the ' 50s and then you know two different
branches basically competing with each other and they tried to kind of um so one person a prominent figure in um in AI the pioneering days is Marvin Minsky he was a professor at MIT he has a Marvin there is a I remember reading about this there's a Marvin clause or debate or something like that right um well he was uh he had pretty strong opinions about things so there was a lot of discussions um and is interesting because he started his PhD in the 50s trying to build neuron net and then completely changed his mind
MH and and and became uh basically a big advocate for the other approach the the more logic based and search approach and in the late 60s or mid 60s he wrote a book Co wrote a book with uh sour pepper was a mathematician in MIT um whose title was perceptron and the whole book was to do some theory about perceptron and to show that the cap the capabilities of the perceptron was limited so the people who are working on their net at the time kept working onet but they changed the name of what they were
doing they called it statistical pattern recognition which sounds much more serious or adaptive filter Theory which also sounds very serious and those had enormous application in the world in my world it's always been I work in finance and hedge funds and fund managers have always been attempting to pump a lot of data into a neural network to recognize patterns right is it the same thing that we're talking about an evolution from the 50s yeah absolutely um I mean the process I describe of changing coefficients you know up or down to get the output you you
want uh you could think of the this as a iterative process very similar to linear regression which if you work in fance you probably know that uh so but what I've realized Jan is it's even today uh it's very easy to tweak data that you have collected retrospectively to make something appear like it makes sense but Financial activity tends to be so random that I don't know if you can build a model based on that right so the um well that that addresses a bigger issue when you when you train a system this way right
so the the generic principle which is called supervisor rning is U you give an input to the system it produces an output if the output is not the one you want uh you adjust the coefficient so that the output gets closer to the one you want okay and there are efficient ways to figure out how to tweak the parameters so that the output gets closer to the one you want and if you keep doing this on hundreds thousands millions billions of examples eventually this system if it's powerful enough we'll figure it out now the problem
with the perceptron is that the type of functions input output functions that was accessible to perceptron was very limited MH so there was no way you could take a natural image uh you know a photo uh uh and and train the system to tell you if there is a dog or a cat or a table in it right that was just not possible the system was not able to um was not powerful enough to really compute this kind of complex function uh this is what neural Nets and deep learning changed in the 1980s and the
what just before you get into neural Nets if I'm trying to paint the entirety of the picture would you say there is Intelligence on top artificial intelligence and below that is machine learning and neural Nets are a part of machine learning yeah so in terms of fields and subfields AI is more of a problem than a solution okay it's a field of investigation and then there is different techniques you can use for that right so there is something that jokingly is referred to as good oldfashioned AI GOI which is using logic and search and her
istic programming and things like this which is this is what you will find in sort of standard textbooks on on AI then there is machine learning so there the idea is you don't completely program a machine to do something you you train it from data that means you need data within this there is a subcategory equal deep learning and this is what the reason why we hear so much about here in the last Dozen Years is because of deep learning and neuron Nets is really the ancestor of deep learning deep learning is a new name
for it if you want um um and and then there is you know application areas um so below that below that so and and they can use combinations of those techniques right so so big applications are computer vision interpreting images uh speech recognition natural language understanding um and maybe speech synthesis also can be viewed as part of this Al is more connected with signal processing uh and then you know various other applications so in you know time series prediction or financial modeling and things like this you know could be seen as part of this so
if you had to so I'm I'm breaking it down AI has GOI under it which is traditional in nature like you explained then machine learning yes can you define GOI in a simple uh on line definition so GOI is the the descendant of uh the the what I was describing earlier as searching for Solutions right this idea that it's all about reasoning reasoning is all about search uh you know looking for a solution to a problem and having a way of characterizing whether you found a solution so you mean the rule based thing input in
an output based on what applies the what rule applies like that um the the um yeah I mean any any world based system anything that uses logical inference MH um deducing facts from rules and previous facts searching for a solution like finding the shortest path in a you know in a graph or something um those are good old fashion Ai and under machine learning what are the different types of ml so so there is uh So-Cal traditional machine learning I'm not sure that deserves the term and this is basically derived from uh statistical estimation so
things like linear regression we be part of it and then there are other methods slightly more uh sophisticated uh uh boosting um classification trees super Vector machines kernel methods I mean there there's a bunch of methods of this type and B in inference that are part of machine learning in the sense that they they obey that model of you know you you you build a program but the program is really not finished it's got a bunch of tunable parameters and the input output function is determined by the value of those parameters and so you train
the system from data using this iterative um adjustment techniques that I described before show examples if the answer is incorrect adjust the parameters so that it it comes closer to the answer you want so machine learning is supervised in a way so that's supervised running okay you you tell the system here is an output here is the desired desired output M um but there are other forms of learning so one one different form is uh reinforcement learning so in reinforcement learning you don't tell the system the correct answer you just tell it whether the answer
it produced was good or bad you give you give it a single number that tells it your answer was good or was bad and what happens next say I'm a reinforcement learning engine and you tell me an answer was good or bad what do I do next well so if your answer was good um you don't do much if your answer was bad then uh you have to figure out which answer among all the possible answer that could have produced which one would be a better one so maybe you try another answer and you say
what about this one is it better or is it worse uh if the environment tells you it was better then you kind of deemphasize the first one and emphasize that one by tuning the parameters inside of an Internet or something like that some sort of learning uh learning machine so what is self-supervised learning okay so self-supervised learning is what has become very prominent over the last five six years and um is is really the the the main component or the the main contribution to the success of things like chatbot natural uh language understanding systems they
don't fall under reinfor enforcement learning no it's more similar to supervised running but the difference is that instead of having a clear input and output and training the system to produce the output from the input um you basically only have things that can either be input and output let me take an example um you take a a piece of text and you corrupt that text in some way so by removing some words right so now you have a partially masked uh text where some words are missing and you train the machine to predict the words
that are missing so the technique you would use for this is supervisor running because you tell the system here is the correct word that you should predict at that location MH um and the system can use all the words that it can see to predict the words that he cannot see and this is an example for supervised learning self-supervised learning it's self-supervised because the there is no differentiation between input and output it's really kind of the same thing and if the input is for example an image the the way you um you would train a
self supervis rning system is that you would corrupt or transform the image in some way and then you would train the system to recover the original image from the corrupted or transform version of it okay so there's no supervision you don't need someone to go through a few million images and labeling them is it a cat or a dog or a table or a chair um it's it's it's a task of basically understanding the the input uh the internal structure of the input by being able to fill in the to fill in the blanks forgive
me for asking maybe a really stupid question I'm trying to picture this let's say I have X amount of data I have 10 lines that say cats are black dogs a white whatever 10 lines I remove a part of it and then I tell the model to fill it in yeah are you saying at that point of time I also tell the model the answer saying this should be the answer yeah you you you tell it here is the answer that I removed like can you predict this missing can you arrive at the answer which
I removed and I'm telling you that this was the answer right but you can only use the thing that you can see so you don't see the answer on the input you have to predict it but I'm telling you when during training I tell you what it is and so the system can adjust its parameter to its parameters in a supervised fashion so the the only differ the difference is not in the algorithms themselves it's basically supervis running but it's in the structure of the system and the way the data is uh is is used
and and and produce you you don't need to basically have uh you know someone going through millions of images and telling you uh this is a cat or a dog a table um you just show an image of a dog a cat or a table and you corrupt it partially change it change the colors maybe or something and then ask the system to recover the original one from the corrupted one okay so that's that's uh one particular form of self supervising and this is what's been incredibly successful for natural language understanding so things like so
chatbots are or llms large language models are a special case of that where you train a system to predict a word but you only allow it to look at the words the the words that preced it um you know that are to the left of it um and that requires kind of building the neuronet in a particular way so that the connections that that predict one word only look at the the words that precede so then you don't need to corrupt the input you just show an input and through the structure of the system the
system can only predict can only is trained to predict the next word from from from the content and these are all examples of neural networks in a way these are all underlying this are particular way of connecting neural network neurons with each other simulated neurons right uh or or simple elements that compute a very simple mathematical function something like a weighted sum and what's adjustable are the weights or in the case of uh Transformer architectures which are are very uh popular at the moment um uh they consist in basically comparing every input to each other
and and producing weights uh I I could explain this it's a little more complicated but what is a Transformer so okay so there are several Architectural Components uh which from which you can build a neural net so let me start with um very simple idea let's say you want to build a neural net that recognizes images okay so again an image is an array of numbers indicating the brightness of every pixel right um You can build a neural network with a single layer so let's say you want to distinguish um 10 categories okay cats dogs
tables and chairs and cars and whatever um or let's say it's simpler you want to recognize the 10 digits okay 0 to9 U someone drawing a digit it's drawn on a 16 x 16 pixel area so you have 250 256 inputs and you have 10 outputs okay you can have a single what's called a single layer on your net uh which basically each output is a weighted sum of of the pixels and you try to train those weights in such a way that when you show a zero the output zero is the most active and
the other ones are less active and and so forth for all the categories okay that may work for simple shapes like like printed uh digits it won't work for handwriting because there's so much variability in the characters that you cannot reduce the classification to a simple weighted sum okay so the Breakthrough that occurred in the 1980s was to um stack multiple layers of neurons so each Neuron computes a weighted sum and then passes this weighted sum through essentially a threshold function so if the weighted sum is below a threshold the the neuron stays inactive the
output is zero and if it's above a threshold it's active okay there's various ways to do this um but it's nonlinear and that's very important so you stack two layers where um the the middle layer you could think of as detecting sort of basic motifs on the inputs and then the second layer sort of integrate those motifs to figure out okay this is a a c because it's got two n points you know the the uh the shape of the C kind of stops there and I can detect that so if there's two of them
that's a c and a d doesn't but a c has two corners maybe I can detect that the system spontaneously learns to do this from end to end and and the way it works is through an algorithm called back propagation um and what this back propagation algorithm does is that when you show an image of a C and you tell the system this is a c so activate this output neuron does not and do not activate the other ones it knows how to adjust the parameter so that the output gets closer to the one you
want um and that's done by propagating signals backwards to um to basically figure out the sensitivity of each output to um to to each weight so that you can change the weights in such a way that the good output increases and the bad outputs decrease right um so that's back propagation that um um algorithms to do this so the back propagation algorithm popped up in the 1980s conceptually it existed before but people didn't realize they could use it for machine learning and there was a wave of interest in neuron Nets starting in the mid mid
mid 80s lasting 10 15 years um to kind of exploit this idea of multilayer networks and this was crucial because it it lifted some of the limitations that Minsky and paper in the 60s said were you know the percep one was the was subjected to um so a big wave of interest but then people realize that to train those neuron Nets um you need a lot of data and this was before the internet there was not much data you need fast computers and computers were not that fast um so so people kind of lost interest
in a little bit in this but one thing that I worked on in the late 80s early 90s is um if you want a system of this type to recognize images you can have to connect the neurons to each other in a particular way that facilitates the system soort of paying attention you know being able to detect motives for example right local motives so um I got inspiration from biology again um a classical work in Neuroscience that that went back to the 1960s to basically organize the way the neurons are connected to each other into
layers uh so that they bias towards kind of finding good solutions for image recognition so that's called a convolutional neural network or conet um so just just to come back to this where you are like so you broke down machine learning I'm sorry I keep going back sure or I'll get confused yes so under machine learning the really popular pathway right now let's say self-supervised which has chapped GPD and a bunch of other things what's happening in the reinforcement learning space so not So Much Anymore um there was a big wave of interest in reinforcement
learning um about you know a dozen years ago and companies like deep M set themselves up with the idea that reinforcement learning was going to be the the key element towards building truly intelligent machines mhm can you again like Define reinforcement learning once more in a line so reinforcement learning is a situation where you don't tell the system what the correct answer is you just tell it whether the answer it produced was good or bad right okay okay so there are many possible answers it's very inefficient because the system has to try many things before
it gets the correct answer um and so it's very inefficient it requires many many many trials and so it works really well for games you know you you it's very efficient if you want to train a system to play chess or go or things like that poker reinforcement learning is great because you can have the system play millions of games against itself or copies of itself and it can adjust it you know it wins or loses a game so it can you know it knows which policy which flavor of the neuronet won the game and
sort of reinforces that and deemphasizes the one that lost and so the system basically can train itself right and what did you say a Transformer was okay so I was coming to this you know through commercial net right so there is this uh um particular way of connecting simility neurons with each other to bias it towards doing a good job for certain types of data and uh conval Nets are really good for uh data that comes from the natural world whether it's an image or an audio signal um which are things that are um where
where nearby values in the array of numbers that come to you in an image or audio signal nearby values are generally very similar to each other so if you take a picture any picture natural image and you take two neighboring pixels they're very likely to have the same the same color or the same intensity now what I'm talking about here is the fact that the you know natural data like images and audio and just about any natural signal has some natural underlying structure to it um and if you build the neural net in a particular
way that that can take advantage of this structure it it will learn faster it will learn with fewer samples so we started doing doing experiments with this in the late 80s and and and build those comption Nets they are inspired by the architecture of the visual cortex really um and there's some mathematical justification for it but the the basic idea is that um each neuron in a conval net only looks at a small area of the image and and you have multiple neurons looking at multiple areas of the image and they all do the same
thing they all have the same weights um it's a basic concept which connects with mathematical concept called convolutions and so that's why those things are called convolution Nets okay so that's what's called an architectural component or a module a convolution is something that has an interesting property which is that if you show it an input it's going to produce a particular output if you shift the input the output will be shifted but otherwise unchanged and that's a very interesting property for audio signals images and various other natural signals okay now a Transformer is a different
way of arranging the the the neurons uh if you will in such a way that um the the inputs are a number of different items we call them tokens they're really vectors which means list of numbers okay and the property of a uh the layer or the block of a transformer is that if you permute the inputs the output will be permuted similarly but otherwise unchanged um when you say otherwise unchanged you mean you mean I what I mean is that um if you you give a bunch of tokens you run through the Transformer you
will get a bunch of output tokens okay the same number generally as the number of input tokens there'll be different vectors um if you now take the first half and the second half of of your sequence of input tokens and you flip them what you will get is the same result that you got previously but it will be flip exactly the same way okay so the input output function is uh technically we call this equivariant to permutation so it basically views the inputs as a set in which the order of the object does not matter
okay um Comal Nets on the other hand view the input as as something where an object could appear at any location on the input and it shouldn't make any difference to the output or the output should change but otherwise I mean should shift but otherwise stay on change that's equivariance to translation now when you build a neural net you basically combine components of this type so that you get the the property you want out of the entire neural net so you combine things like convolutions and Transformer blocks what is convolution yeah I'm sorry I'm going
to ask you like to simplify every single term oh absolutely so convolution is this component for a comol neuron net so the idea of it is that you have a neuron that looks at at a part of the input and then you have another neuron that looks at another part of the input but it computes the same function as the first neuron and then you replicate that same neuron for every location on the input so that um you can think of each of those neurons as detecting a particular Motif on a part of the input
and all the neurons detecting the same Motif at different parts of the input so that now if you take an input and and you shift it the you're going to get the same output shifted because you know you're going to have the same neurons looking detecting the same Motif just at different locations so that that's what gives you this shift equivariance um that's a convolution mathematically there's something called a convolution that mathematicians invented a long time ago and that's basically what this what this does when you say neuron in all of this can you explain
the basis of just that term what is it so uh we we we use that term it's an abusive language because those neurons are not really neurons like in the brain they're they are to real neurons as an airplane wing is to a bird wing okay M so it performs the same it has the same concept and what a neuron does in a neuronet is Computing a weighted sum of its inputs and then comparing that withed some to a threshold activating the output if it's above the threshold and and producing zero if it's below the
threshold that's the the basic neuron now there are variations of this and in a Transformer it's a slightly different type of mathematics you can comparing vectors to each other and things like that but uh but that's kind of the basic functionality of a neuron It's a combination of a linear operation where you have coefficients that you can change the value of through training and then a nonlinear uh function a threshold or something like that that uh you know detects something or not right we looked online and while we were researching we could not find a
good definition for neural network language model and how it works in simple terms okay um so the idea of a language model goes back to the 1940s a gentleman called Claude Shannon he's a very famous uh mathematician who used to work at bz where I used to work um although he wasn't there anymore when I joined uh and he he came up with a theory called information Theory and then was fascinated by the idea that you could discover the structure in data right so he invented something where you take a text um and and you
say I'm give you a I'm giving you a sequence of letters and I'm asking you what is the next letter that comes afterwards okay so let's take a you know English word um or whatever in in the sort of uh let's say you know Roman language if you have a series of letters and the last one is a q it's very likely that the next letter is a u you almost never have a q without you behind it unless it's an Arabic word or something that's been translator right um so for every every letter that
you observe you can you can build a table of the probability that the next letter will be an a a b a c this is where the word generative comes from yeah so it's generative because if you have this table of conditional what we call conditional probabilities right given the previous letter what is the next what is the probability of the next letter you can use this to generate text you you start with a letter let's say Q okay and then you look through the table probability what's the next letter that is most likely you
just pick that one that's going to be you mhm um or you don't pick that one you you you pick the next letter with the probability that is you know you flip a coin or you generate a random number in the computer and then you you produce the you know the following letter according to the probabilities that you measured on real text um and you keep doing this and the system is going to just generate letters um it's not going to look like Words mhm uh it's probably not even going to be pronounceable right um
but that if instead of a context of one letter you take a context of two letters then it becomes kind of more readable it's still not words right if you take a context of three letters then it it becomes you know even nicer and as you increase the size of the context that determines the the probability of the next letter it becomes more and more readable but you have an issue there which is that um uh the the size of the table you need if you have if you look at the first letter and and
and and you have to figure out what's the probability for the next letter you need a table of 26 rows and 26 columns for each first letter what is the probability for every possible second letter right so it's table 26 by 26 now if you the context has two letters now the number of rows in your table is 26 squared because you have 26 squared sequences of two possible sequences of two letters right and for each of those you need 26 probabilities so it's 26 Cube the side of your table as you add characters um
the table increases to 26 to the^ n when n is the length of the of of the uh of the sequence so that's called an NR model and that's a language model you can do this at the level of characters it's more difficult to do this at the level of a word because you might have 100 thousand possible words right so now your table is gigantic MH so you can train a word model or or language model by by just filling up this table of probabilities by training on a large Corpus of text uh but
it becomes impractical above a certain length of context number of the amount of compute and work required is it's also it's the memory of storing all those tables and uh also the fact that um those tables are going to be very sparely populated because you can have billions of words of text most combinations of words don't appear some them are extremely rare and so you cannot estimate the probability properly okay so is this a part of self supervised learning so you could think of this as an instance of self supervis running because you only need
sequences of symbols and it doesn't matter where they come from and you don't they don't necessarily come from Human uh production if they're not text if it you know it could be for example uh a sequence of frames for a video right I mean you would have to turn it into discrete objects which of course doesn't is difficult but um uh but it's you know whatever data comes to you so uh in the late 90s um some people had the idea that in particular y Benjo the idea that you could use a neural net to
to do this prediction instead of filling up tables with conditional probabilities that you measure from text just train a noral net to predict the next word okay give it a context of words and just train it to produce a proba distribution over the next word and he experimented with this with you know neuron Nets that were big for the time but small by today standards and one difficulty was you cannot exactly predate what word is going to come next so you have to produce a probability over all the words and there's maybe 100,000 words in
a typical um uh language and so that means you're you need to Output 100,000 scores one for each word that indicates with which probability that word follows the the previous sequence of words um so it demonstrated that that that could work and you know even with the computers of the time it was kind of challenging but but but it could work and then the idea was kind of revived more recently um and it turned out that if you use those Transformer architectures which I didn't explain uh and you you train them on basically the entirety
of all the public available text on the internet um and you you build the architecture of those system so that it's trained to you know take a context of words and predict the next word um and if you make the context potentially very large something like a few thousand a few tens of thousands or even a million words then you get system that seem to have emerging property that they can answer questions they can you know if you make them really big they have so many parameters that are adjustable they have they may have tens
of billions or hundreds of billions of parameters that gives them a large amount of memory and they they they seem able to store a lot of knowledge about the the data they me train on if it's text they will regate solutions to puzzles they will you know give you answers to um to questions you may have it's mostly retrieval there's a very tiny bit of reasoning but really not much uh and that's an important limitation but it's still surprising how well those things work and it's um you know what people got really surprised about is
that those systems can manipulate language um in ways that are uh very impressive right I mean humans have pretty limited in our way with medip language and and those things seem to be really good at it I mean they capture grammar and you know syntax and everything in multiple languages right that's pretty amazing so if I were to like go back and paint a tree so let's say AI on top machine learning under it I'm talking about what is making the news today and what everybody is so excited about machine learning has different things different
neural networks under it there's a reinforcement one like deep mind there is a self-supervised generative chat GPT because using it as a placeholder as it's the most popular one right now LM huh llm Auto regressive LM really that's what it should be called Auto regressive yeah I mean the the the proper organization is yeah there is AI at the top uh machine learning is a particular way of approaching the AI problem under this is deep learning which is really the the the foundation of pretty much all of AI today um so basically neural networks with
multiple layers right so the idea of this goes back to the 1980s and back propagation that's still the the the basic Foundation of everything we do and this there is several families of architectures convolutional Nets Transformers combinations thereof um then there is under Transformers there is several um flavors of it some of which can be applied to image recognition or audio some of which can be applied to representing natural language but not generating it and then there's a subcategory large language models which are Auto regressive Transformers so Transformers have a particular architecture that uh allow
them to predict the next word and you can you you can use it to just generate word because you know given a sequence of word has been trained to produce the next word so given a text you have produce an X word and then you shift the input by one so now the word it generated is part of its input and you can ask it to generate the second word shift that third word shift that fourth word that's Auto regressive prediction it's the same concept as auty models in finance and econometrics and stuff like that
same stuff and these work best for text but not for pictures videos or any of that that's right and the reason it works for text and not for other things is because text is discrete so there is a finite number of possible things that can happen right there's a finite number of words in the dictionary there a you know so if you can discretize your signal then you can use those Auto regressive prediction systems and the you know the main the main issue is that um you're never going to be able to make an exact
prediction MH and so the system is going to have to learn U some sort of probability distribution or at least you know produce scores that are different for for uh for different potential outputs so you can output a list of probabilities if you have a finite number of possibilities which is the case for language um but if you want to predict what's going to happen in a video the number of possible frames video frames is essentially infinite right you you have you know let's say a million pixels right an image thousand by thousand pixels pixels
are in colors you have three values so that's 3 million values um that you have to produce and and we don't know how to represent a probability distribution over the set of all possible images with 3 million pixels but this is what everybody's very excited about this is what a lot of us consider the next challenge in AI so basically have systems that can learn how the world Works uh by watching videos and if you were to say videos learn from videos and pictures which will be the next phase where does that fall in this
entire equation does it come under where llm sit today no it's completely different from llm which is why I've been U pretty vocal about the fact that llms are not the pass to human level intelligence um LMS work for discrete worlds they don't work for continuous s dimensional Words which is the the case for video and this is why llms do not understand the physical world um and and cannot be used in their current form to really understand the physical world and so we have I mean llms are amazing in their ability to manipulate language
but they can make very very stupid mistakes that reveal they really don't understand how the world works right the underlying world and um this is why we have systems that can pass the bar exam or or write an essay for you but we don't have domestic robots we don't have cell driving cars or completely autonomous level five cell driving cars we we you know we don't have systems that really understand very basic things that your cat can understand so I've been yeah you know kind of vocal saying that you know the smartest llms are not
as smart as your house cat yeah and it's really true so so the the challenge for the next few years is to build AI systems that lift the limitation of limitations of llm so systems that understand the physical world are have persistent memory which L really don't have at the moment persistent memory persistant memory which means you know they can remember things right store facts in a in a memory and then retrieve them when it's interesting um can't llms remember stuff now the only memory that an llm the only two there's two types of memory
that LM has the first type is in the parameters in the coefficients that are adjusted during training right so they will learn something they it's not really kind of storing a piece of information if you train llm on a bunch of novels it cannot regurgitate the novels but it will remember something about the statistics of the words in that novel and it might be able to answer questions you know general questions about about the story and things like this but you're not going to be able to regate all the words right um kind of like
humans right you read a novel you can't you can't remember all the words you you unless you spend a lot of efforts trying to do this uh so that's the first type of memory and then the second memory is the context the The Prompt that you type and since the system can generate word and and and those words are or those tokens are injected in its input it can use this as some sort of working memory but it's a very limited uh form of of memory what you want is a memory that would be more
similar to what we have in our brains what molans have called the hippocampus um hippocampus is a kind of a brain structure in the center of the brain in Sol the cortex and if you don't have a hippocampus you can't remember things for more than about 90 seconds and if you were to draw a path from intelligence that we described on top all the way down to self-supervised learning how do you suspect that path will look towards as getting to the point where we are learning from videos and images and more humanlike intelligence so the
the path that um I've been trying to to plot um is uh discovering new architectures different from those autoagressive architecture used for LM that would be applicable to to video so that self-supervised learning could be used to train those systems and this type of self supervis learning basically would be here is a piece of a video predict what comes next um and and if a system can do a good job at predicting what's going to happen next in a video that means it probably has understood a lot about the underlying structure of the world similarly
to a large language model learns a lot about you know Language by just being trained to predict the next word right so not like I will understand but if you had to give us a line on how that architecture might look okay so here is the issue because as I told you um those autoaggressive architecture work for text because text is discreet MH and you can never predict the what what comes next we can produce a prob probability distribution over what comes next you cannot do this for images and video because it's just too complicated
mathematically and you can show that it's intractable and blah blah blah so predicting all the pixels in a video that follow a particular video segment basically is not possible MH or not possible to a degree that would be useful for the problem that we're interested in you know what we want is ass that has the ability that uh the ability to predict what's going to happen in the world because that's a good way to for a system to be able to plan if I can plan that if I approach my hand you know to this
glass um and I I close my hand and I lift it up you know I got to grab the glass and I can drink um I can plan a sequence of actions to arrive at a particular result right so you have a good model of the world that says the state of the world at time T is this the glasses on the table the action I'm going to take is close my hand around it okay um and lift what is going to be the state of the world at time t plus 3 seconds after I
closed my hand and lifted my arm and the state of the world is going to be I'm going to have that glass in my hand um so if you have this kind of world model um state of the world action next state to the world then you can imagine you you can predict You can predict the outcome of a sequence of actions you can imagine taking a sequence of actions and then predict in your mind what the outcome will be You can predict if this outcome is something that satisfies a goal that you want to
accomplish like drink a a little bit of water take a sip and what you can do is through search so now we're connecting with old AI search a sequence of actions that will actually satisfy this goal um so this is the type of um reasoning and planning that psychologist call system 2 okay Daniel kman is a late um Nobel prize winning psychologist um and he he makes this distinction between system one and system two where system one is actions you can take without thinking subconscious it's just reaction reactive and the system two is what you
have to deliberately plan uh and think about to be able to uh produce an action or a sequence of actions so Yan will meor memory eventually be the answer cuz as humans from biology we learn through memory right well it depends what type of memory I mean we also have multiple types of memory we have the hippocampus that I I mentioned so hippocampus is used to store long-term memories like um you know things that happen to you when you were a child and things like that uh basic facts about the world like you know when
you're mom was born or something um you know also you know which way you came in here so where's the door so this is more recent shortterm memory episodic memory working memory so if you're thinking about something you're kind of manipulating things in your head you have to kind of temporarily store uh data that's the hippocampus um and and your cortex does the computation and basically reads from this memory and updates it okay it's very much like a a bit of a computer where the cortex is the CPU and the hippocampus is the memory um
that you read from and and write into U but the current design of AI systems is not like that so llms do not have a separate memory other than the prompt that you can generate token in uh and they don't have this ability to search through a set of answers for which one is the correct one although they're starting to have that to some extent so you may have heard of o1 from open and there is kind of similar work um at MAA and other places where um this sort of very basic forms of of
reasoning that consist in having an llm produce lots of different sequences of uh of of words and then having a way of searching through this list of word which one is the best um but it's very inefficient so ultimately that's not what what you want so going back to the question of how do we get machines to learn by observing the world from learning from video we cannot use the architectures that are generative that just produce every pixel in the video that's just completely impractical and I've tried to do this for almost 15 years okay
um and 5 years ago we came up with a different way of doing things that are called jeppa so it's a different architecture and that means joint embedding predictive architecture and what it means is I watched this for a long time on your Lex Freedman interview when you spoke about jepa and I still don't get it okay here's a basic idea tell me if you don't understand because I can explain it in different ways uh instead of taking a piece of video and training a bigor net to predict all the pixels of the continuation of
that video you you you you take the the video and you run it to an encoder which is going to be a big Neal net that's going to produce an abstract representation of the video okay and then you take the reminder of the video the the the future you know the second half of that video run you to the same encoder and then you you train your prediction system which is similar perhaps to much like LM where you delete a part of the data to train the model that's right so you know an llm you
you take a piece of text and you train it to predict the reminder of the text right and you do this word by word but you could do the you could predict multiple words so here we're going to do the same thing we're going to take a a video and then train a system to predict the reminder of the video but instead of predicting all the pixels in the video we're going to run those vide through encoders which are going to compute abstract representations of the video and we're going to do the prediction in that
space of representations so instead of predicting pixels we predict abstract representations of those pixels where all the things that are basically unpredictable have been eliminated from from the representation so is that a bit like also predicting tomorrow cuz if I were to video my life up until now and run it through the en encoder it will give me some kind of representation of Tomorrow well yes but at an abstract level right so you can predict um you're basing in Bangalore and I I heard so at some point you're going to fly back to Bangalore uh
and you can predict how long it's going to take to go back to Bangalore but you cannot predict all the details of what will happen uh during your your journey back to Bangalore exactly how long it's going to take given traffic how far can you extrapolate what will happen three months from now if I have data video data of the last 10 years of my life so here's the trick the is the interesting question you can predict very long term MH but the the longer in the future you can predict the more abstract the representation
level at which you can make the prediction let me ask you a question if you were to extrapolate years forward all of our Lives you figure out how to build this architecture and it's implemented and it's working where video of our life up until now has been programmed into it and we're trying to predict 50 years forward what do you suspect you will see climate change in World War so what I'll see is okay so there is a a plan for the next few years to build systems I can't understand the world from video um
perhaps what they'll be able to learn are those World models which are action condition so they they will be able to imagine what the consequence of an action or sequence of action will be they'll be perhaps able to plan complex sequences of action hierarchically because those World models will be hierarchical they will have World models that can predict really short term make accurate prediction but only in the short term like if I move my muscle in this particular way you know my arm is going to be in this particular location 100 millisecond from now that's
really short range but very precise and then longer time prediction um if I go to the airport catch a plane I'll be in Paris tomorrow morning or you know if I study and I get good grades in college you know I can have a good life or something right uh so so you can make long-term prediction and and design plans that would satisfy certain criteria that that you have so if we can build AI were to predict the future would it be utopian or dystopian it would be utopian because it would be just a a
an alternative way for predicting the future than our brains and for planning action sequences to satisfy certain conditions to achieve goals that is uh alternative to using our brains perhaps accumulating more knowledge to be able to do this and perhaps having abilities that humans don't have because of the limitations of our brain right computers can calculate and stuff like that right so so the the future is that if we succeed in this plan which may succeed within the next five or 10 years you know five to 10 years we have systems that as time goes
by we can build up to become as intelligent as humans perhaps so reach human level intelligence within a decade that may be optimistic all right um 5 to 10 years would be if everything goes great all the plans that we we've been making will succeed we're not going to encounter unexpected obstacles but that is almost certainly not going to happen you don't like that right like AGI and human level intelligence you think is far far away or unlikely no I I don't think it's that far away I don't think my opinion about how far it
is are very different from what you will hear from some Alman or deis or things like this um it's you know quite possibly within a decade but it's not going it's not going to happen next year it's not going to happen in two years it's going to it's going to take longer and so you don't want to extrapolate the capabilities of llm and and say we're just going to scale upm train them on with bigger computers and more data and you know human level intelligence is going to emerge this it's not going to work this
way we're going to have to have those new architectures those jetas systems that learn from from The Real World um and can plan hierarchically uh can can plan a sequence of action you know as opposed to just producing one word after the other essentially without thinking so system two instead of system one llms are system one the architecture I'm describing which are called objective driven AI is system to I'd love to come like do a course at your college and learn if you'll have me as a student I don't know if I qualify I'll have
to go back and finish high school but would would love it just to finish the llm loop so because it's in the news and everybody's talking about llms so you define a problem you find a large data set most of the time goes in cleaning the data you choose a model you train the model and then you execute the model uh before that you find tune the model before that you find tune model yes what will change here um so there's still going to be a need for collecting data and uh and filtering data to
to to to keep high quality data and basically get rid of junk um that's actually a pretty expensive part of the whole thing but I think what's going to need to happen in that respect is that currently the the you know LMS are trained with a combination of publicly available data and Li data basically um but it's mostly publicly available data you know publicly available text on the internet right and it's extremely biased in many ways that um the the U A lot of it is in English um you know this you know significant amount
of of data in in commonly spoken languages like Hindi but not so much in all 22 official languages of India and certainly not in all the 700 dialects or or whatever the number is particularly since most of those dicts are not written so only spoken so um what we need in the future is uh data sets that are more encompassing so that the the systems that are trained with it understand all the world's languages all the world's cultures all the value systems you know everything and no single entity I think would be able to to
do this um which is why I think the future of AI is uh AI is going to become a a a kind of common infrastructure which people will use as repository of all human knowledge and this cannot be built by a single entity it's going to it's going to have to be a collaborative uh project right with training being distributed all around the world so that you can have models this trained on all data around the world but you don't have to copy the data anywhere and a private digression I was reviewing a data center
business to invest into uh a lot of people tell me that compute as a commodity will soon be sold outside of the data center and not inherently in it is it a good place to focus energy and time on like building data centers out of India I'm taking the Sovereign AI model where every country will probably fight to retain their data a bit more than they're doing currently yeah so in in that kind of future which also I I alluded to with the distributed training of models uh having local comp Computing infrastructure I think is
very important so yes I think that's kind of crucial it's crucial for two reasons one is uh having local ability to to train models okay and the second one is um having very lowcost access to inference for AI systems because if we want AI system to be used by I don't know 800 million Indians right um I know there are more Indians than this but most people you know not everybody will use AI systems but um it's a lot of computing infrastructure it's actually much bigger than the infrastructure for for learning um and there is
this an area for which there is a lot more Innovation than than training training is dominated by Nvidia at the moment there's going to be other players but they they have a hard time U competing because of the software stack basically their Hardware may be really good but the software stack is uh is a challenge for influence though there's a lot more Innovation there and and that Innovation is bringing down the cost I think the cost of inference for llm has gone down by a factor of 100 in two years I mean it's amazing right
it's way faster than Mor slow U and I think there is still a lot of room for improvements and you need that because you basically need the inference for a million tokens to be a few rupees um so so that's a big future if you want to deploy AI assistance widely in India I want to I want to use the time Yan cuz I realized we're running out to bring bring it into the Indian context are people watching this like I said are entrepreneurs in play or people trying to be entrepreneurs as an Indian 20-year-old
who wants to build a business in AI a career in AI what do we do like as we sit today a 20-year-old U today I would cross my finger so that when I graduate at 22 uh there will be good PHD programs you know in India outside of the academic lens I I mean more no no but that that's that's what I need to train myself to innovate you know doing a PhD or gr grad studies it trains it trains you to invent new things and and also make sure that the methodology you use um
prevent you you from from fooling yourself into thinking you're being in an innovator but you're not okay so you learn this what if I'm an entrepr rur a 25y old entrepreneur you still want to do a PhD if you're an entrepreneur or at least a masters because you want to really sort of learn deep I mean you might be doing this by yourself you don't have to but it's useful because you you learn more about you know what exists out there what's possible what's not possible what uh uh you get more uh legitimacy in hiring
talented people I mean there's a lot of advantages you know particular in a complex deeply technical uh area like like AI um you might succeed if you don't you know that's not the issue but but it gives you kind of a different perspective okay but now you you know you're doing your PhD you're doing a startup it might be easier to raise money if you've published a few papers where you've invented something new and you say well this is a new technique that really may make a difference you know you go see an investor what
what if I were to even like go one step further let's say intelligence I'm I'm going to leave the AGI side of it let's say narrow intelligence self-driving cars robots all of that what should I build in if I have to pick a subset where I can use narrow intelligence through any of the models that we spoke about what would I start which has a capitalistic leg to it okay so today today like right now yeah uh the the most likely business model uh that has to do with AI is taking a open source Foundation
model like Lama which is the open source system which is used everywhere now right every almost every startup uses uses it even large companies so take an open source platform um whether it's an llm or image feature extraction system or a segmentation system whatever and then uh f unun it for a particular vertical application and become an expert in that vertical application and which vertical should we pick like I spoke any vertical right so but I want to know like give me like top three we did Gates we interviewed him recently and he said focus
on building that layer around law because the legal processes yeah arrive for disruption that's a good example right if you had to pick one or two more well there's there's I mean in sort of B2B there is there is uh legal accounting business information right I want some report on the competitive situation in a particular segment of the market you know fintech Finance I mean those are obvious obvious areas um uh you know lm's uh information system that give you all the private information inside a company so that any employee can ask any question about
anything administrative or whatever uh and and you get the answer you don't have to plow through like multiple internal websites and information system so that that's um that's certainly a good thing um and I think there is a lot of work there in uh basically companies that can find tune models for particular verticles and then there is you know markets that are more consumer um assistance for various things uh you know in in for Education there's not a huge amount of money there unless you can get contracts from the government but education certainly is a
we application probably the the the other big one is Health right so there are a lot of companies particularly in the developing world that are being formed for using llm to provide U assistance uh medical assistance essentially you know you C your LM and you say well you know I have those symptoms you know should I go to the hospital or or like you know this is issue I have and it's much easier than to get an appointment with a doctor there certain parts of the world where it's basically impossible to get to see a
real doctor um you have to you know travel to a city or something so um so I think that would be useful that you know other applications in rural areas particularly things that are enabled by AI assistant that can speak local languages um and and serve people who are not particularly comfortable with literacy that don't write very much don't read very much so interacting in your language through speech with an a assistant I think opens up a lot of applications um in agriculture and you know all all kinds of are and if I were to
switch the lens from an entrepreneur to an investor what would a investor benefit from investing into AI would it be Nvidia llama meta chat GPT open AI okay uh so I think the first order of thing is imagine what the future is going to be five years from now and basically that's going be that's going to be dominated you would do a much better job at Imagining the future than Ian can you pick can you depict a future 5 years from now so 5 years from now the world is going to be dominated by open
source platforms um for the same reason that the world of you know embedded devices and operating system is dominated by Linux you know the entire world runs on Linux and it wasn't the case 20 years ago 25 years ago um and it's become so because open source platforms are more portable they're more flexible they're more secure they you know they they they're cheaper to I shouldn't take credit for this but we have somebody called Kash who's our CTO who is a big proponent of this and everything we do is open sourced we have a fund
which gives to open source companies and stuff like that right okay so the world is going to be open source we're going to have open source AI platforms uh in a few years they probably be trained in a distributed fashion so they're not going to be kind of completely controlled by single company uh the proprietary engines I think are not going to be nearly as important as they are today because the open source platforms are catching up in terms of performance and then what we know is that a fine-tune open source uh engine like Lama
always works better than a non-f tune generic uh you know top performing model so but if everything is open sourced it'll also be democratized for a investor to invest into then what is the differentiation well it enables the ecosystem if you are a startup you're much better off using a bource engine and fine-tuning it for vertical application than you are to you know um using an API because you can build a tailored uh product for for your customers in a in a much much better way so that's the first thing second thing thing is if
you really want this technology to be democratized and used by everyone eventually using smart glasses and stuff but but you know at first just smartphones and do you think the form will change soon the form of how you interact with technology will move from smartphones to different kind of devices soon smart glasses yeah I mean yeah there's almost no question you're using one so I don't have them right now although they are in my in my bag right here um I use them all the time yeah I I find them really really uh useful for
kind of stuff even if you don't use AI for just taking pictures or listening to music or whatever but but then then you have the AI assistant and I could be you know sitting in a restaurant with a menu in a foreign script and a foreign language and they could be translating it for me right so what happens to intelligence and Society with all of this changing what becomes forget computers and AI for a second for humans what is intelligence in that world so people's intelligence will be moving to different set of tasks than the
one we are trying to do today um because a lot of what we're trying to do today will be done by AI systems and so we will focus on other tasks so things like not doing things but deciding what to do or figuring out what to do okay those are two different things like think about the difference between a lowlevel employee in a company MH that is told what to do and just does it and then you you know a high level manager in the company that has to figure out like strategy and think about
like what to do and then tell people below what to do okay we're going to we're all going to be a boss we're all going to be like those uh high level managers we're going to tell our AI system what to do but we're not going to have to do it ourselves necessarily okay so but we need lesser people to tell something more efficient than as what to do then we need today for them to actually do the task right so what happens to everyone else well I think everyone is going to be in that
situation is going to have access to AI assistance and um and and be able to delegate a lot of tasks uh you know mostly in the virtual world but eventually in the real world we're going to have at some point domestic robots and and uh start driving cars and things like this once we figure out how to get the system to Le how the real world works from video uh but um um so so the the the type of task on which we're going to be able to concentrate ourself are going to be more abstract
the same way you know nobody needs to do like super fast mental arithmetics anymore we have calculators or or you know solve integrals of differential equations we we have to learn the basics of how we do this but we have you know we can use computer tools to do this right um so so it's going to lift the abstraction level at which we can place ourselves and basically enable us to be more creative uh be more productive okay and and there are a lot of things that you and I have learned to do that our
descendants would not have to learn to do because that would be taken care of by machines like go to school no no we'll still go to school we'll have to educate ourselves we'll have to there's still going to be the the you know the the competition between humans to kind of do something better than the others or something different more creative always right innately we want to compete with yeah yeah so we're not going to run out of jobs economists that I talk to tell me we're not going to run out of jobs because we're
not going to run out of problems um but but we're going to find better solutions to problems with the help of AI maybe we can end today Yan trying to Define what is intelligence really I had written down intelligence is a collection of information and the ability to absorb new skills it's a collection of skills and an ability to learn new skills really quickly or in ability to solve problems without learning this is called zero shot in in the AI business you know you're faced with a new problem and you can think about it for
a while and you may not you may never have faced similar problem before you can solve it by just you know thinking and and using your mental model of of the situation that's called zero shot you're not learning a new skill you're just solving a problem from scratch so the combination of those three things you know having already number of skills that you know experience with solving problem accomplishing tasks being able to learn new tasks really quickly with a few trials um and then the next step is being able to solve new problems zero shot
without having to learn anything new um that's the combination of those three thing things really is intelligence now thank you Yan so much for doing this uh I'm going to try and figure out how I can do like a course under you wherever you're teaching maybe you can recommend me uh to the college to give me a seat so I can attend some lectures but I'd love to you can do better uh the 2021 edition of my deep learning course yeah is fully available on the internet for free it's all on YouTube all the problems
all the um the uh homework and everything I feel like I'm going back to old school I feel like being in front of you and learning first person has a innate value of its own so I'll I'll try and do this and and that wonderful thank you so much Yan for doing this thank you pleasure real [Music] pleasure thank you that was fun that was fun yeah you didn't get bored no you ask you ask your professor to speak like you know that's the job but I I guess like when you're talking to people who
know so much lesser than you it can't be fun all the time it's it's an art uh I mean I I don't I don't claim to be I don't claim to be particularly good at it but I I try hard so you know trying to kind of simplify Concepts and stuff like that yeah so but I think we needed it because so many Indians are speaking about AI but so few of us actually understand what went behind where we are oh that's true across the world it's not just India in fact I think it's kind
of the opposite in India there like way more people who are who are kind of educating themselves like particularly among the young people so we wanted to focus today on that like just to get to telling our people a lot of young people watch this young bright people yeah how we got to be where we are today the most questions around that yeah I think it's important because it it it helps convince people that uh they can do it regardless of what yeah like you know I went to I studed Engineering in France but I
didn't go to like one of the top you know equivalent League or anything I went to like in regular school right um um and I didn't do my PhD with a famous person and you know all that stuff and I was in France I was writing papers in French that were terrible nobody read but you know kind of managed to do something and and people are are sometimes are telling me like you're you know you help convince me that I could do something impactful even though I didn't go to Harvard or MIT or stf thank
you [Music]
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