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my sister stole my wedding husband and got pregnant but when she tried to move into our newly bought house she was in for a surprise I always thought betrayal would feel like a sudden punch to the gut instead it crept up slowly wrapping around my throat like a silk scarf until I couldn't breathe the day I caught them together I wasn't even supposed to be home my name is Ivy and I was supposed to be picking out flower arrangements for my wedding but a migraine had forced me to reschedule and I returned to find my
sister Sophie's car in our driveway strange since she should have been at work the front door was unlocked I heard giggling from upstairs my bedroom my feet felt heavy as I climbed each step my heart already knowing what my mind refused to accept Jamie Sophie's voice drifted through the crack in the door we should tell her soon I know baby after the wedding okay we'll figure it out my hand trembled as I pushed the door open there they were my fiance and my sister Tangled in my sheets the same sheets Jamie and I had picked
out together at Bed Bath and Beyond last month Ivy Sophie scrambled to cover her self but jie just sat there Frozen oh God this isn't I mean we were going to going to what my voice sounded foreign eily calm wait until after the wedding to tell me you've been sleeping with my fianceé jimie finally found his voice Ivy please we didn't mean for this to happen it just did I laughed actually laughed how long Sophie started crying 3 months and I'm I'm pregnant the room spun 3 months while I'd been planning our wedding picking out
China patterns and writing my V they'd been planning their own future get out I whispered when neither moved I grabbed JK's clothes from the floor and threw them at him get out they dressed quickly Sophie sobbing the entire time I stood in the doorway blocking their exit the ring Jamie blinked what the engagement ring give it back he slipped it off my finger his touch making my skin crawl as they shuffled past me Sophie reached for my arm Ivy please we need to talk about this I jerked away don't don't touch me ever again the
next few days passed in a blur my mother called constantly leaving voicemails That Grew increasingly frustrated Ivy you need to come home Sophie's devastated she needs her sister right now I finally answered on the fourth day she needs me are you serious sweetheart these things happen Sophie and Jamie they're in love real love and with the baby coming stop my voice cracked just stop we having a family dinner tonight she continued as if I hadn't spoken everyone will be there we need to discuss the situation like adults I showed up against my better judgment the
dining room felt suffocating Sophie and Jamie sitting together my mother hovering anxiously my father staring at his plate we getting married next month Sophie announced her hand protectively over her stomach a small ceremony nothing fancy my mother beamed isn't it wonderful Youk be an ant Ivy I stood up so quickly my chair toppled backward wonderful my sister sleeps with my fianceé gets pregnant and that's wonderful now Ivy my father finally spoke what's done is done we need to move forward as a family a family I grabbed my purse you want to know what family does
family protects each other family doesn't steal your happiness and expect you to celebrate their betrayal Sophie started crying again she'd always been good at that please Ivy I love him we love each other I looked at them all my sister's tears Jim's guilty face my parents pleading eyes in that moment something inside me hardened they wanted me to forgive and forget to play the supportive sister and daughter instead I walked to the door pausing only to say congratulations on your perfect little family I hope you're all very happy together as I drove away my phone
buzzed with messages I wouldn't read they thought this was the end poor Ivy running away to lick her wounds but they were wrong this wasn't the end this was just the beginning I pulled into my best friend Eric's driveway my hand steady on the wheel for the first time in days he opened the door before I could knock took one look at my face and pulled me into a hug I need your help I whispered against his shoulder anything I want to buy a house I pulled back to meet his confused gaze their dream house
specifically and I know exactly how to do it 6 months can change everything I sat in Craigs office watching him review the quarterly reports I'd prepared my mentor's eyebrows Rose higher with each page Ivy these numbers are exceptional he sat down the papers you've doubled your client portfolio since spring I smiled thinking of the sleepless nights and endless coffee runs that had gotten me here thank you I've been focused focused is an understatement the boards noticed there's talk of a promotion my phone buzzed another ignored text from Sophie I switched it to silent without looking
speaking of focus Craig leaned forward how's the house hunting going actually I'm closing on a property next week I tried to keep my voice neutral the Victorian on Maple Grove Craig whistled that's quite a purchase for a firsttime buyer you sure about this more than anything after work I met Eric at our usual coffee shop he was already there laptop open Real Estate documents spread across the table the sellers accepted your offer he said without Preamble but there's something else look at this he turned his laptop toward me on the screen was Sophie's social media
post can't wait to start our new chapter dream home baby on the way below was a photo of her and Jamie in front of the same Victorian house I was about to own they don't know I said sipping my coffee they think they're getting it Ivy Eric ran a hand through his hair are you absolutely sure about this once you sign those papers they're meeting the realtor tomorrow I cut in to make their offer an offer they can't afford by the way I've seen ja's financials how did you Denise in accounting she owed me a
favor Eric closed his laptop you've thought of everything Haven you almost I pulled out my phone showing him the invitation I just received Sophie's having a housewarming party next month for a house she doesn't own yet my phone rang my mother this time I declined the call they going to hate you for this Eric said quietly they already do they just pretend they don't the next week passed in a blur of signatures and legal documents I sat in my lawyer's office pen hovering over the final paper once you signed she said the house is yours
all Renovations and modifications will be at your discretion I signed walking out I bumped into Denise from work hey I was just heading to your office did you hear about hear about Sophie and Jamie my stomach tightened what about them their loan application was denied they're devastated Sophie's been crying all over Facebook about losing their dream home I forced a sympathetic frown that's terrible I know and with the baby coming Denise lowered her voice your mom called the office looking for you said Sophie really needs her sister right now I'm sure she does back at
my desk I opened my email to find the contractor's quote for renovations the amount would barely Dent my savings unlike Sophie and Jamie I'd been smart with my money my phone lit up with a text from Eliana family dinner tonight please come they're announcing the baby's gender I typ back can't working late you can't avoid them forever she replied watch me that evening I stood in front of my new house my house the porch needed work the paint was peeling but it was mine all mine Eric pulled up in his car thought I'd find you
here just imagining the possibilities I turned to him want to see inside we walked through empty rooms that echoed with our footsteps Sophie and Jamie had planned their whole future here the nursery upstairs the kitchen remodel the garden parties when are you telling them Eric asked soon I walked to the bay window the one Sophie had gushed about on social media they having a girl you know found out today Ivy don't I pressed my hand against the cool glass don't make me feel guilty about this they didn't feel guilty about what they did to me
my phone buzzed again this time I looked it was Sophie's housewarming invitation sent to the entire family group chat join us in celebrating our new home can't wait to share this special moment with everyone we love Eric read over my shoulder she still doesn't know no I smiled remembering the renovation schedule I just approved but she will very soon I took one last look around what would have been their dream home in days the contractors would arrive in 31 days sopie and Jamie would realize exactly what they'd lost and I would be there to watch
it all unfold you're different lately Denise said studying me over lunch calmer almost scary calm I stirred my salad watching lettuce leaves swirl like tiny Green Boats I'm just focused on work please you're plotting something she leaned closer spill before I could respond Sophie walked into the restaurant her baby bump now obvious under her flowing dress under her flowing dress I ducked behind my menu but it was too late Ivy she waddled over Jamie trailing behind her I've been trying to reach you for weeks I've been busy I kept my voice light professional the restaurant
was full of my colleagues congratulations on the gender reveal you'd know more if you'd come to family dinners Sophie pulled up a chair un invited we miss you jie stood awkwardly beside her hey Ivy I ignored him Gathering my things sorry I have a meeting wait Sophie grabbed my arm the housewarming party you're coming right we found another house even better than the Victorian everything happens for a reason you know I met her eyes does it of course like me and Jamie sometimes the universe knows better than we do Denise choked on her water the
Universe I stood up right well I wouldn't miss your housewarming for anything outside Denise caught up with me okay what was that you look like you were about to either cry or commit murder neither I checked my phone an email from the contractors confirming next week's start date I'm just giving the universe a little help back at the office Eric was waiting by my desk emergency best friend meeting now he dragged me to the stairwell our usual spot for private conversations I just overheard Jamie on the phone he in trouble Ivy big trouble what kind
of trouble gambling debts he's been betting on sports games losing big that's why they couldn't get the house loan I leaned against the wall does Sophie know no heun's telling everyone they chose a different house because it's better for the baby Eric ran a hand through his hair this changes things right changes what your plan I mean they're already suffering maybe that's enough I thought about my mother's voice messages all about how Sophie needed support how blessed they were how I needed to move on about Jim's hand on my sister's stomach at the restaurant the
same hand that used to hold mine no I said it's not enough that night I drove past their current apartment the lights were on Shadows moving behind curtains they looked happy normal like they hadn't destroyed someone else's life to build their own my phone rang Elana before you say no she said when I answered hear me out family brunch Sunday just you and me and and okay yes Sophie and your mom will be there but so will I running interference please I hate being stuck between everyone I sighed fine 1 hour Sunday arrived too quickly
I walked into the cafe to find Sophie already crying these hormones she sniffled as I sat down I'm just so happy you came my mother beamed see this is what family does we come together Elana caught my eye and mouthed sorry so Sophie wiped her eyes the new house is perfect the owners accepted our offer right away Jamie says it's meant to be when do you move in I asked knowing the answer 3 weeks just in time to set up the nursery before I get too big she pulled out her phone want to see the
photos the previous owners are doing some Renovations before we move in I looked at the pictures my house my Renovations lovely we thinking of calling her Ivy Sophie said suddenly after you to show there are no hard feelings the cafe went silent even my mother looked uncomfortable no I said quietly you don't get to do that but you don't get to steal my life and then name your baby after me like it makes everything okay Sophie's lower lip trembled I thought you'd be honored honored I stood up my chair scraping loudly you want to honor
me try not sleeping with my fianceé next time Ivy my mother hissed people are staring let them stare I grabbed my purse I'm done pretending everything's fine Elana followed me outside that was intense it's about to get more intense I showed her the contractor's schedule on my phone they start tomorrow the renovation that Sophie thinks the sellers are doing exactly she studied me for a long moment you know this won't make you feel better right maybe not I watched through the window as Sophie cried on our mother's shoulder but it'll make them feel worse and
right then that was all that mattered Elana's birthday party felt like walking into a Minefield the backyard was filled with familiar faces all pretending not to watch me as I navigated through the crowd Eric squeezed my hand reassuringly we can leave any time he whispered not yet I spotted jie by the drinks table checking his phone with a worried expression this is getting interesting Sophie waved from her seat of Honor surrounded by gift bags full of baby items trust her to hijack someone else's birthday party Ivy come feel the baby kick I'm good I grabbed
a glass of wine watching Jamie slip away to make another phone call Eliana appeared beside me heun's been doing that all afternoon Sophie thinks he's handling work stuff bookie stuff more likely I muttered what nothing I forced A Smile as my mother approached Ivy darling Sophie's about to open the presents come sit with us actually I raised my voice slightly I'd love to hear more about the house so Sophie the renovations must be almost done Sophie brightened oh my God yes the contractors have been amazing they're painting the nursery this gorgeous shade of lavender contractors
Jamie interrupted returning from his call his face had gone pale what contractors the ones doing the renovations before we move in Sophie frowned you said the sellers arranged everything jimie tugged at his collar right right of course I sipped my wine watching him squirm he hadn't arranged anything could have since he didn't own the house I wondered how long he could keep up the LIE show everyone the nursery photos Sophie urged Jim's phone rang again sorry I need to take this I followed him around the corner of the house staying just close enough to hear
I know I'm late on the payment he hissed into the phone the house fell through okay but I've got another plan no please just give me two more weeks problems I stepped into view he jumped ending the call Jesus Ivy were you spying on me karma's a funny thing isn't it I leaned against the wall one minute you're on top of the world the next what's that supposed to mean nothing I smiled just thinking about how quickly things can change houses slip away debts pile up his eyes narrowed what do you know I know Sophie
would be devastated to learn about your gambling almost as devastated as I was when there you are Sophie waddled around the corner what are you two talking about the house I said smoothly Jamie was just telling me about all the special features the bay window the Vintage fireplace the original hardwood floors isn't it perfect Sophie beamed we so lucky the master bedroom has this amazing crown molding that's being replaced I cut in Jim's head snapped up what oh you didn't know the contractors are replacing all the crown molding and the hardwood floors and that vintage
fireplace gone by Thursday Sophie's face fell but but we chose that house because of those features Jamie you said nothing was being changed he shot me a panicked look I there must be some mistake no mistake I pulled out my phone showing them the contractor's latest photos see they're making good progress but why would the sellers Sophie's voice trailed off as she studied the images wait that's not Jamie that's not our house of course it is he said quickly it's just the angle no look at the address in the background she zoomed in on one
photo that's the Victorian we lost why do you have renovation photos of a house we don't own I watched the color drain from ja's face as his house of cards began to collapse someone else bought it he stammered the loan we couldn then why are you acting like we're moving in Sophie's voice Rose why are there contractors why did you let me plan a housewarming party other guests were starting to stare my mother hurried over what's going on I'd like to know that too Sophie said tears streaming down her face Jamie he opened his mouth
closed it then turned and walked quickly toward his car Jamie Sophie tried to follow but stumbled my mother caught her arm what did you say to him my mother demanded I Shrugged just the truth for once Sophie sank into a nearby chair one hand on her stomach I don't understand we picked out paint colors we measured for curtains how could he lie about this I caught Eric's eye across the yard he nodded slightly my cue to leave before the real storm hit happy birthday Elana I called out heading for the gate thanks for having me
behind me I could hear Sophie sobs my mother's soothing murmurs and the growing Whispers of Gossip phase one was complete now for the real surprise the contractor's boots echoed through the empty house as he showed me the progress we've gutted the master bedroom and Nursery as requested the new fixtures arve tomorrow I ran my hand along the exposed beams all that remained of Sophie's dream Nursery perfect and the timeline we'll be done 2 days before their supposed move in date he checked his clipboard though I still don't understand why we're renovating exactly what they wanted
to keep sometimes people don't know what they really want I said stepping over a pile of vintage crown molding until it's gone my phone buzzed Elana calling I answered on speaker while examining paint samples Sophie's a mess she said without Preamble Jamie finally came clean about the gambling she's staying with your parents how much does he owe enough that they're selling her engagement ring the one he gave her after you know I selected a deep charcoal for the master bedroom Sophie hated dark colors Karma's working overtime this isn't funny Ivy she's pregnant and homeless she's
not homeless she's at Mom and Dad's probably being told how none of this is her fault Al a crash from upstairs made me jump the contractor shouted down sorry just removing that built-in bookcase where are you Elana asked suspiciously working late I hung up before she could ask more questions the next morning I arrived at work to find Denise waiting at my desk you will not believe what I just heard try me Jim's been embezzling from the company small amounts but it adds up he thought he could gamble it back before anyone noticed I sat
down my coffee how much enough for prison time she leaned closer heun's cleaning out his desk right now I walked to the break room timing it perfectly to refill my cup as Jamie packed his personal items into a cardboard box our eyes met across the room happy now he asked quietly not yet I know you're behind this somehow he stepped closer the house the contractors the audit that caught the missing money prove it his hands clenched around his box I loved you once you know no I corrected him you loved what I could give you
stability status a future then Sophie offered something more exciting she needed me and now I gestured at his box does she still need you an unemployed gambling addict with possible prison time security arrived before he could respond escorting him out I watched from my window as he loaded his box into his car then pulled out my phone to check the contractor's latest update the Victorian was transforming daily gone were the Vintage details Sophie had swooned over replaced by modern fixtures and Stark colors the garden she'd plant to plant was now a concrete patio Eric texted
saw Jam me being escorted out you okay better than okay I replied coming to see the house later someone should witness your descent into Super villainy that evening Eric walked through the renovation with me shaking his head at each change you're really going scorched Earth with this they wanted their dream home I showed him the plans for the industrial style kitchen replacing Sophie's hoped for Farmhouse design dreams change speaking of changes he pulled out his phone showing me Sophie's latest social media post a tearful announcement about postponing the housewarming to unforeseen circumstances unforeseen I scoffed
she should have seen everything coming the moment she decided to sleep with my fiance and what about your parents they're caught in the crossfire I remembered my mother's voice messages all about supporting Sophie understanding Sophie forgiving Sophie they chose their side my phone lit up with a text from an unknown number it was Jamie please she's pregnant just tell me who bought the house we can work something out still taking calls from your ex Eric peered over my shoulder for long I blocked the number then opened my email to approve the final renovation changes you
know Eric said carefully there still time to stop this sell the house take The Profit start fresh somewhere else I walked to the bay window the last original feature left tomorrow it would be replaced with floor to cealing Modern Glass they took everything from me I said quietly my future my family my trust now I'm taking something back and after when the house is done and they're broken what then before I could answer headlights swept across the the window a familiar car pulled into the driveway is that Eric moved beside me Sophie stepped out of
her car staring up at the house my house with tears streaming down her face Showtime I whispered heading for the door what are you doing here I called from the porch making Sophie jump Ivy she squinted through the darkness what are you why are you in our house your house I stepped into the light that's interesting show me the deed Sophie's hand went protectively to her stomach her default move lately the sellers never accepted your offer I finished because they'd already sold it to someone else understanding dawned slowly across her face no you didn't I
pulled out my keys dangling them in the Moonlight want a tour she followed me inside gasping at each renovation the exposed brick she'd loved was now covered in Sleek white paint the Vintage staircase had been replaced with modern floating steps you're destroying it she whispered I'm making it mine Eric hung back watching us Circle each other like wey cats Sophie's eyes were red rimmed her designer dress wrinkled why her voice cracked to hurt me why did you sleep with my fianceé I countered to hurt me I loved him I still love him even after she
choked back a sob did you get him fired too J got himself fired just like he got himself into gambling debt he was trying to buy this house for us she gestured at the gutted rooms for our family your family I laughed you mean the family you built on the ruins of mine Sophie sank onto a Dusty contractor's stool I never met me to fall in love with him but you did and instead of walking away you took everything I moved closer my fiance my future our parent support you took it all with a smile
then expected me to celebrate your happiness mom and dad still love you they tolerate me they love you the pregnant daughter the victim the one who needs protecting Eric cleared his throat Ivy no I turned back to Sophie you want to know the best part Jamie was planning to sell this house behind your back to pay his debts she shook her head you're lying check his phone check the messages from his bookie ask him about the company money he stole Sophie's face crumpled stop it the perfect life you stole from me it's falling apart and
I get to watch I'm your sister you stopped being my sister the moment you chose him over me a loud crash from upstairs made us all jump the contractor appeared at the top of the stairs sorry to interrupt but we need to discuss the nursery demolition scheduled for tomorrow Sophie stood up so quickly she stumbled Eric caught her armou destroying the nursery her voice was barely a whisper it's my house I Shrugged I can do whatever I want with it she reached for her phone with shaking hands I'm calling Mom go ahead tell her how
the sister she thinks is bitter and lonely actually owns your dream home tell her how your perfect husband is a thief and a gambler tell her everything instead of dialing Sophie sank to the floor sobbing Eric shot me a concerned look maybe we should get her out of my house good idea but as I moved to help her up Sophie grabbed my arm please we can fix this all of it I'll leave Jamie I'll tell Mom and Dad the truth just please don't take our home for a moment I wavered she looked so small so
broken my little sister the one I'd protected since childhood then I remembered finding her in my bed with jie remembered her pregnancy announcement at my canceled wedding venue remembered every family dinner where she played the victim while I was cast as the villain your home I Ste back this was supposed to be my home with jie before you took that future and made it yours Ivy get out when she didn't move I raised my voice get out out Eric helped her up guiding her toward the door she paused in the doorway one hand on her
stomach you know what's worse than having something stolen from you she asked quietly becoming the kind of person who enjoys stealing from others the door closed behind them with a final click I stood in my gutted house listening to Sophie's car start up and drive away my phone buzzed a text from the contractor Nursery demolition still on for tomorrow I stared at the message for a long moment Sophie's words echoing in my head then I typed back proceed as planned because some wounds run too deep for mercy the morning of Sophie's housewarming party dawned bright
and clear I watched from my bedroom window as the bulldozer rolled up the driveway right on schedule my phone hadn't stopped buzzing since Dawn first Eric are you sure about this then Eliana Sophie's decorating the house right now she has no idea finally my mother please don't do anything foolish today I didn't respond to any of them at exactly noon cars began arriving I recognized them all family friends colleagues Sophie had invited everyone to witness her perfect life ready Eric asked appearing beside me I straightened my Blazer and grabbed the envelope from my desk time
to crash a party we walked across the street just as Sophie was welcoming guests on the front porch she froze when she saw me you're not supposed to be here actually I smiled you're not supposed to be here the bulldozer engine roared to life Sophie spun around her face draining of color as it approached the pristine front lawn what's happening my mother pushed through the crowd iy what have you done I pulled the papers from my envelope renovating my property your Jamie appeared looking Haggard what do you mean your property she owns it Eric's voice
carried across the suddenly silent Gathering she bought it months ago Sophie swayed on her feet but but we signed the papers yesterday the realtor show me I held out my hand show me these papers Jamie stepped forward I have them right here no Sophie interrupted you said you had them but I never saw them I never actually signed anything did I the bulldozer inched closer to the freshly planted Garden Jamie Sophie's voice Rose did you lie about the papers too he backed away I can explain explain what I pulled out another document the gambling debts
the embezzlement or how you plan to sell this house my house to pay it all off gasps rippled through the crowd my mother pressed a hand to her chest that's not true she whispered jimie would never check his phone I suggested or better yet ask his bookie heun right there I pointed to a man hovering at the edge of the Gathering who quickly turned and hurried away Jim lunged for his car But Eric blocked his path running again you did this Jamie snarled at me you set me up no I handed the eviction notice to
Sophie you did this to yourself just like you did this to her Sophie stared at the paper tears splashing onto the legal text all those Renovations you knew the whole time I bought this house the day after you announced your pregnancy I turned to address the stunned crowd the day I learned my sister and ex fiance had been sleeping together for months Ivy my mother stepped forward this is cruel cruel I laughed was it cruel when you told me to be happy for them when you celebrated their betrayal when you made me the villain for
not forgiving them the bulldozer blade touched the first flower bed Sophie screamed stop it please why should I I moved closer you didn't stop when I begged you to when I asked why why my sister would do this to me I'm sorry she fell to her knees sobbing I'm so sorry iy please don't destroy our home it was never your home I signaled the bulldozer driver it was my future you destroyed now I'm just returning the favor Jamie tried to run again but two men in suits blocked his path James Fletcher one flashed a badge
we need to discuss some Financial discrepancies at your former workplace as they LED Jamie Away Sophie crumpled the eviction notice in her fists where are we supposed to go that's not my problem I turned to leave then paused oh and Sophie don't name your baby after me she deserves better than that the crowd parted as I walked away Whispers following in my wake I heard my mother calling my name heard Sophie sobs heard the bulldozer engine growling Eric caught up with me at the sidewalk well that was justified I was going to say intense he
glanced back at the chaos we'd Left Behind feel better I watched as my family's perfect facade crumbled just like the house would soon crumble Sophie being led Away by our parents Jamie in custody the party guests fleeing the scene ask me tomorrow I said and walked away from the ruins of both our dreams behind me the bulldozer began its work the demolition dust had barely settled when Elana found me sitting on my front porch watching the Sunset behind the partially destroyed Victorian everyone's looking for you she said settling beside me let them look she handed
me a cup of coffee J's being held without bail Sophie's at the hospital stress triggered early contractions the coffee burned my tongue but I welcomed the pain it felt real grounding did you know I said that I used to imagine my whole life in this house Sunday dinners Christmas mornings kids running up and down those stairs and now now I'm going to sell it as is I gestured at the demolished Garden the Expos Ed beams the chaos I'd created let someone else build something new from the wreckage my phone lit up my mother calling again
this time I answered where are you she demanded home this isn't funny Ivy your sister needs you no I said quietly she doesn't and neither do you I hung up as Eric's car pulled into the driveway he carried a box of my old photos the ones I'd left at my parents house your mom dropped these off at my place he said think she was hoping to find you there I pulled out a photo Sophie and me as kids match ing Halloween costumes we used to be Inseparable people change no I crumpled the photo people reveal
who they really are Elana's phone buzzed she read the message then looked at me carefully Sophie lost the baby the words hung in the air like the demolition dust I waited to feel satisfaction Victory something instead I felt Hollow Ivy Eric touched my arm talk to us I wanted them to hurt like I hurt I stared at the ruined house but this this isn't what I wanted what did you want I don't know anymore more headlight swept across the lawn as another car approached Sophie stepped out looking pale and small in her hospital gown you
shouldn't be here Elana started but Sophie held up a hand I need to say something I stood facing my sister across the debris strewn yard she looked at the destruction around us then back at me I deserved this she said softly all of it I destroyed your life because I was jealous you had everything the perfect fiance the perfect future I wanted to prove I could take it all away Sophie let me finish she wrapped her arms around herself I told myself it was love that Jamie and I were meant to be but really I
just wanted to win to be the sister everyone chose for once they always chose you no she shook her head they needed to take care of me because I was a mess but you you are the strong one the successful one the one they were proud of I looked at the house really looked at it the demolished Parts the renovations the ruins I'd created to make them suffer I became exactly what they thought I was I whispered bitter vengeful cruel we both did Sophie wiped her eyes I lost everything today Jamie the baby our parents
trust but the worst part I lost you long before that the day I decided my jealousy was more important than my sister Eric and Elana backed away giving us space in the growing Darkness Sophie and I stood among the ruins of both our lives I can't forgive you I said finally I know but I don't want to hate you anymore she nodded tears streaming down her face what happens now I looked at the bulldozer still waiting for tomorrow's demolition at the house that had become a monument to Revenge rather than healing now I said we
both start over separately will you ever talk to me again maybe someday when it doesn't hurt to look at you she turned to leave then paused for what it's worth I'm sorry not because I got caught or because everything fell apart but because I broke something that can never be fixed I watched her drive away then turned to Eric and Eliana call the contractor tell them to stop the demolition you're keeping the house Eric asked no I took one last look at the Victorian my dream home my instrument of Revenge my prison of bitterness I'm
going to restore it not for Sophie not for Revenge but for me then I'm selling it and moving somewhere new running away Elana asked no I smiled feeling lighter than I had in months moving forward because sometimes the best revenge isn't destruction it's rebuilding yourself from the ruins others left behind
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