gospel of Mark Chapter 3 verse 3 they found the following written and Jesus said to the man who had a withered hand get up and come to the middle Amen I will read it again and he said to the man who had a withered hand get up and come to In the middle, we only know what the gospel tells us, he was the man with the withered mother, that's what we know about him, Luke tells us, telling us about the same case, that the hand that was withered was his right hand, so we know more about this detail, but the information practically run out then we know that he was a God-fearing man because when Jesus found him he was inside the church of the Jews the Synagogue Let me explain something to you the synagogue is a congregation affiliated with the headquarters temple of Jerusalem and the synagogues of the Jews were the basis of Christian churches, including the plants, are very similar, but the church at the time of Jesus, the church in Israel, the church of God, the congregation of God was the synagogue where only the old testament was taught, even because the New Testament was not yet written, the only Bible of the Jews were the old testament the only Bible for the people who went to church was the old testament and mainly the first five books of the Bible the Torah the teaching the law of Moses the instruction So this man was God fearing the main day of worship was Saturday so every Saturday he was there and Jesus will meet him inside the church but what this man's life was like we can imagine it is easy for us to know how difficult this man's life was because most people have their right hand as their main hand and the right hand helps us in all tasks with it we we do even the most basic and necessary things like drinking a glass of water like putting a cutlery in our mouth with food like picking up a fruit it's not changing ourselves it's not we use our right hand a lot for everything to be able to sign documents most people He uses his right hand and this man had the problem in his right hand. We don't know if he was born that way or if he had a stroke and ended up like that. The fact is that this man's life ended because of the problem in his right hand, his life was destroyed financially and spiritually, I will explain to you why financially and materially it is It's easy for us to imagine why a person who has a problem like that on their hands can't pick up a stick to work, even when working as a sheepherder, they can't pick up a staff to work.
A person who has hands like that can't do chores at home she depends on others for a lot of things and this man started to suffer professionally and to have losses in his life, his life was becoming more and more miserable so materially and financially speaking, this problem of the wrong mom had finished with him, it's like a damn people didn't even employ him who could hiring him I saw the problem immediately and logically I would give a place to someone else who had a good hand, which means that this man was being discriminated against and he was very ashamed of his hand, he was very ashamed of that defect, he even tried to hide his hand he didn't show off his hand he was ashamed of having that disability and spiritually speaking his life was also condemned because in the law of Moses and in the custom of the elders of the time any person with a disability should not be among the people openly and shouldn't even stay in places main people who had a problem like this man had to attend the meeting back there could not in any way be among people who had perfect health So he was spiritually discriminated against because of that it is as if he had an evil a condemnation Because the Jews believed in the following if God marked it is because something has it if God marked this man it is because something has it and they believed in this because of the sign of Cain God said I will put a mark on you so that no one kills you, isn't it then the Jews believed that people who had things like that like the man with the withered hand the Jews thought that they had been marked by God or by sins committed or by things that displeased God and That had been a punishment That's what the Jews believed That's why he was placed in the back, he was belittled, he ended the meeting, he didn't receive greetings from other people, he was a sad but God-fearing man, living with a problem he didn't know why, but that was a curse on his life day after day. day he suffered with that he slept with this problem and woke up with this problem This was a problem that seemed to have no solution it was a problem that he wouldn't let go of it was a problem that stayed with him 24 hours a day and disrupted all areas of his life one Saturday this man He went to church Embittered, sad, he was a silent, taciturn man, he went to church and stayed behind, he even thought I'm looking for God, but I don't think God likes me, I'm God-fearing, but for some reason God marked me too, I I think God marked something in me God doesn't like it but I like God so much what do I have to carry this evil he tortured himself and kept to himself but he was hungry for God he was Thirsty for God and the leader of the Synagogue and the religious they looked down on him because a person like that couldn't even take part in the normal church services he was discriminated against one Saturday he went to church it was just another day of worship It was just another meeting he came and sat in the place he always sat in the isolated back alone he sat there but that day something different was prepared that was not a day like the others that meeting was not a meeting like the others day was special it was a day that God had already planned and scheduled yes God had scheduled God had scheduled that day to bless the life of the man with the hand withered and he didn't even know it he couldn't even imagine for him it was just another day at church another day of meeting but for God not for God it was a special day that the Lord himself had scheduled to change the story of his life and take away from him everything the curse the man didn't know but God knew very well what he was going to do look at me for you maybe this is just another church you've been to so many or maybe for you it's just another meeting you have problems problems that are not resolved and that you go to sleep with the problem and wake up with your problem the next day After day, night after night, the routine repeats itself, you seek God and it ends up that God doesn't like you, that God saw something bad in you and that's why he doesn't bless you, that's why he doesn't help you God listens to everyone but you you feel belittled belittled you feel like a despised person a humiliated person you are a closed person quiet you don't even tell other people your feelings your pain your sadness you come to church because you love God you thirst for God you came here because of that but for you it seems like it's just another special meeting because someone from São Paulo came to a different meeting because maybe you're going to get a book there and you're anxious to receive this gift but it's a routine You always come, however, on the day of today is different because today God stood up from his throne and said I'm going to mark this person but mark him in a different way I'm going to mark him with my blessing I'm going to solve his problem today is the day that God marked to change the story of your life you came but God already had that day written down God I had already reserved God said, today is today that I will bless your life and God is present to remove the curse, remove the evil that is in your life, remove the illness that is in your life, remove the addiction that is in your life take away the misery that is in your life take away unemployment the suffering take away depression take away the sadness today God will put an end to your loneliness today you will stop being a sad person because today God will put in you the oil of the Joy of your holy spirit today you will receive power from above today God will operate things so great that when this meeting ends you won't be able to stop giving glory to God you will go to your house glorifying the name of the Lord Today God marked this day for you and I want to say that God attended the appointed day at the appointed time are you there in your little corner you think that no one sees you you think that God doesn't like you you think that God has forgotten you you think that God doesn't hear you God is using you my mouth to say that you are totally deceived totally deceived God is saying I see your tears all the time I hear every word of your prayer glory to God I hear your groaning I feel your pain your humiliation I feel compassion for you Says the Lord that's why I came here says the Lord to bless you to say that you are mine that you are mine to say that I have not left you and I will never leave you to say that I have not given up blessing you and Take away these thoughts that I don't I love you because there is nothing in this world you can do to make me stop loving you I love you unconditionally the way you are you know what God is saying I'm not ashamed of you amen God I'm not ashamed of your life I'm sad for yours sins I cry because of them but not even your sins can make me stop loving you that's why I came down here says the Lord to show my love to transform you to bless you to take away all the curse from your life to shame the hell to heal your illnesses to bless your work your home and your family I personally came here today so that you can return home singing Praises and truly say This is the Lord Today there was church this now church listen this is not a preacher who traveled 2150 km to Recife to bless your life today is the one who left his throne of Glory who traveled an unimaginable distance out of love for you to bless you and to transform your life today your life will change I am speaking this also by the Spirit to the people who are listening on the radio and to the people who are watching on TV I am speaking by the Spirit today God made this decision to come personally to bless you because he has seen your withered hand he has seen yours withered life your withered dream your withered spirit your withered faith God is going to do a great work in your life you thought today was just another day of worship not today God is taking you in his arms of love today God is taking you in the lap is not even By the hand, it's not in the lap, even today God is wiping your tears, the depression is over, the sadness is over, the anguish is over, the fear is over, the shame is over, the contempt is over, the loneliness is over because God loves you and God doesn't give up loving you and blessing you the man with the withered hand was there in the back, embarrassed , unable to have communion with anyone . church Jesus did not find him in the street nor in the gutter nor on the sidewalk nor begging around Jesus found him inside the church where he couldn't be happy even inside the church and that's what made that day different and that's what makes today's meeting very different very special that's it that is making all the difference in your life Jesus is present in this place the Lord himself is present I'm not just talking about the promise he made, behold, I am with you every day until the end of the age I'm not just mentioning that, I'm not quoting that phrase he said to guarantee that he gave wherever two or three are gathered in my name there I am present in their midst not just the verse I am saying that truly the Lord Jesus is present in this place and he came here because he has an appointment with you an appointment to change your life he came especially for this I'm not talking about promises I'm talking about presence oh glory he is present here you know what I can feel the spirit of God passing through each one of you I can feel the presence of the almighty invading yours be flooding your heart drying your tears I can feel the spirit of God taking away all your illnesses I know that the Spirit of God is here I am talking about the presence of the Lord the Lord is present here Jesus in that church saw that there were people who were there with others spirit Not To Worship God not to glorify him not to learn the word Jesus looked around and saw that there were people who were there just to spy examine find cause reason proof proof against him Jesus saw that there were people inside the church who were watching him to find some reason to accuse him and Jesus entering the hearts of those people who were not there to worship him Jesus Entering the thoughts of those people Jesus saw that they just wanted to see if he would have the courage to do a healing on Saturday a healing work on Saturday to accuse him of desecrating the holy day Jesus looked and saw this that's when Jesus asked everyone but with his word directed to those Spies Jesus asked what do you think and It is lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or do evil to save life or kill it and everyone was silent because what could they answer to the Lord even the people were silent And then Jesus began to look around in silence he didn't speak anymore nothing He just stared and looked directly at those who were not there to worship God and Jesus, indignant at the hardness of their heart, how can someone come to his house, even if it is a synagogue, a congregation, it doesn't matter, how can someone come to his house with a different spirit from one A worshiper did not come to worship, how does someone come to his house to criticize, to speak badly, to look for a reason to accuse Jesus, he was indignant and looked around in silence, is it lawful to do good or do evil on the Sabbath day, is it right to save or kill on a Sabbath day and he was indignant and felt pained by the hardness of those hearts, those rigorous hearts.
He looked at the leaders of that church who were so severe with the membership that they kept their distance from the flock, that they repudiated the suffering, that they only treated the rich well, the rich members. of the Church Jesus looked at those leaders who also despised people for marks that they supposed to be of Sins and punishments . only the powerful and despise the humble Jesus Christ He looked deep into the Synagogue and said Sir, get up and in the synagogue in the Jewish church they didn't sit on chairs like you are here, sometimes on steps that were at the side throughout the Synagogue or sitting on the floor on rugs or cushions then Jesus saw that bunch of people sitting, sir, get up and he got quite scared because he wasn't noticed in that church no one spoke to him in that church and now Jesus the almighty Jesus the Lord, the most important person in Israel, addresses the word to him who feels so unworthy so that man trembles he stands up shaking Trembling and everyone in the synagogue looks at him everyone in the church looks at him at that moment everyone was looking at that man that everyone despised he was trembling, no one ever spoke to him during a meeting and now Jesus is talking to him look at me feel honored feel honored You may think you are worthless or that you are nothing or no one but feel If you are greatly honored and honored because the almighty is speaking directly to you, it is you he is speaking to and you say to that man with the withered hand who stood up and looked like this Jesus said come to the middle and he came came walking timidly came walking and came to the middle and everyone looked at his hand he was ashamed of that hand he was ashamed of this defect he was ashamed of this deficiency he was ashamed of this mark because they taught him that he should be ashamed of this mark they taught him that it could only be punishment and the Lord Jesus looking at that man said extend your hand it was all he wanted to hide Sometimes a person has a sin that they want to hide Sometimes a person has a guilt that they want to hide but there is no point in hiding it your sin and hide your guilt you don't even need talk to Jesus he knows what it is he knows what is in his eyes he knows what you are ashamed of he knows what you are ashamed of he knows your mind and your heart when Jesus said to the man stretch out your hand but it was precisely the hand that he wanted to hide Jesus wants him to show the hand that he Extends his hand there he comes slowly extending his defective hand the marked hand the deficient hand the wrong hand there that man Glo to God Jesus is speaking directly to you your life is withered let me say it was withered your Finances are withered let me say they were withered I saw the curse in your hands now your hands are blessed your hands they are blessed extend your hand extend your hand Jesus Christ is directly blessing your hands now He directly personally he is placing the palm of his hand together with the palm of your hand Hallelujah can look at your hand your hand is now healthy your hand is now good oh glory from today listen from today everything you put your hand will be blessed you will put your hand in your work and your work will be successful you will sign a contract and the contract will be successful you will sign a check and the check will be honored you will sign the purchase of a house a deed you will sign the financing for a car and your hand is blessed you will lay your hand on the sick the sick will be healed your life has been freed by Jesus Christ now he is going to do a complete work let's all stand today you felt the presence of the Lord Jesus who while you listened to the word he was blessing you powerfully I was going to say now at the end a prayer for your hands but you know that the Holy Spirit testified in my heart that he has already he blessed your hands during the preaching of the word he was working in your life you didn't even notice or notice you only felt his presence but he powerfully blessed your life I was going to say a prayer at the end now to bless your hands but your hands have already they are blessed now I want you to make a gesture with these blessed hands to God everyone look at me everyone look at me that man was despised and no one wanted him only Jesus and Jesus called him with all his deficiencies to bless them Jes received him the way he was Jesus didn't demand anything from him just that he come forward and let the Lord Jesus work and when that man did that the blessing was complete his life was blessed The Miracle happened Jesus doesn't despise you Jesus does not belittle you Jesus does not criticize you Jesus does not offend you Jesus Christ does not abandon you Jesus Christ does not reject you Jesus Christ wants to receive you just the way you are he wants you to come the way you are pastor but I have things that I me shame Jesus Christ is not ashamed of you he does not want you to hide in the crowd he wants you to come just the way you are he will receive you here and he will restore you says the gospel that when the man extended his hand your hand has been restored hear This word your hand has been restored sound with the other if you raise your hand to Jesus if you come forward to receive him as your only sufficient exclusive and eternal Savior if you come from the As it is, he will take away everything that hinders you, everything that makes you unhappy, so look at me, everyone, this is the Sublime moment because he is the one in charge, he is the one who gives the invitation and the preacher asks in the name of Jesus who here wants to receive him?
him as the only sufficient exclusive and eternal Savior whoever wants Raise your right hand so high all who want Look what a blessing raise your blessed hand raise your hand your hand restored your hand restored everyone who raised their hands come here forward please come as you are come come come with your hand come with your hand raised come here let's applaud more in the name of Jesus He is not ashamed of you and he will remove from your life everything that embarrasses you he he will remove from your life everything that brings you pain everything that brings you sadness he will take everything from your life come the way you are he doesn't criticize you he doesn't offend you he doesn't abandon you he will end your loneliness he will Let's end your sadness applaud the name of Jesus because of the life that is coming I want to call the prodigal children here in front Prodigal Son when you You left your father's house your life went wrong your life was wasted prodigal daughter when you left your father's house your life was wasted I want to call all those prodigal sons So that they can come back, go back to their father's house now the father has open arms and not only that, he's going to throw a party because of you, everyone who is without a church, come forward in the name of Jesus, everyone who is not congregating in any church, come forward here in the name of Jesus, that's it, let's applaud, let's applaud everyone who isn't there congregating in any church, come here, come on, come, come, let's applaud more in the name of Jesus. I also want to call those who feel too weak to continue walking, Pastor Joan R, it's very difficult for me, the struggles, the problems of this life, the persecutions, the humiliations It's very difficult for me sometimes I think about giving up the devil has been telling me and in church why doesn't your life get better that man with the withered hand was a church goer it seemed like that was just another day just another service but it was that day that made a difference in your life today seemed like just another meeting day but it's not a normal day it's not an ordinary day today your life is changing he is restoring your life today he is restoring your faith today everything that was withered in your life life Jesus Christ is healing everything that was withered everything that was not growing Jesus Christ is ending this with a single word amen I want you to take ownership of this if there is anyone else who wants to come forward take advantage and come and I want to talk to you who is watching this message on your TV or on YouTube or on the roof preachers app you went there and downloaded this video or some roof preacher gave you a DVD and said watch this here you are watching you felt the presence of the Lord there have been a lot of things missing in your life for the past years and years Jesus Christ spoke directly to you you want to give your life to Jesus the way you are So kneel next to your television Kneel now I want to talk to you who are watching this message on the radio listening to This word you felt the presence of the Lord where you are Because this is a word alive, did you feel the presence of the Lord in your room, did you feel the presence of the Lord in your work, did you feel the presence of the Lord in the traffic, did you feel the presence of God in the bus, in the train, in the subway, where you are you felt the presence of the Lord there in jail you felt the presence of the Lord There in the hospital where you are You felt the presence of the Lord surrender to him you may be a sad person Dejected despised but that It's over now or it's over right now Jesus is saying come forward come to me Jesus is saying reach out your hand extends your hand to me extend your hand receive Jesus right there where you are Extend your hand and place your hand on your heart you who are at a distance listening to us now anywhere in Brazil in the world you who are you listening to us now do you want to give your life to Jesus do you want to return to Jesus Whoever can kneel, kneel whoever cannot kneel because they are in transit So place your right hand over your heart and I will invite each person who came forward here at headquarters of Peace and Life in Recife, state of Pernambuco Brazil, whoever came forward, I will ask you to kneel now with your right hand on your heart, with your right hand on your heart, those who are here at the headquarters of Peace and Life in Pernambuco and those who are at a distance, pray like this with me my God and my father and my father your word your word spoke to me spoke to me I felt I felt that you personally personally and directly directly spoke to me spoke to me and I took possession of everything that you told me Lord told me And this is why I come I come On my knees On my knees with my spirit prostrate me spirit prostrate say say I receive you I receive as my only me only sufficient exclusive and eternal Savior Savior I beseech the Lord I beseech the Lord the forgiveness forgiveness my sins my sins and I ask that you remove everything that embarrass me from my life everything that saddens me saddens me because I also know that these things these things sadden you, Lord, take away from me, take away from me everything that you do not like, please me, purify me, purify me with the pure blood, the pure blood that was shed on the cross of the Lord.