[Music] why can't you change your thinking everybody else does do you know what everybody says it's suicide you've seen him you know how strong he is you can't win cuz I'm a fighter that's the way I'm made Adrian we can't change what we are maybe I can't we I am not but the baby he's going to have to kill me and there are those of you in this room you are great you are phenomenal and you're not walking in it because you don't know who you are what you want if you're going to do it
do it say what you can do do what you say if you can't do it don't say you can do it don't over leverage yourself don't over leverage the decision and then jump in and kind of dip a toe I think I'll try it out no think if you're going to try it out beforehand but when it's time to go die don't leave it and go if I just would uh-uh that keeps me up at night I think it keeps a lot of us up at night finding out and looking in the mirror and going
I didn't have HD I went all the way I found out then why didn't you quit you know I was trying to get rid of you yet you stayed yeah I stayed I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head or said I smelled it hurt but it could never hurt more than than it did every day of my life just being me I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me could make me not me it was you cuz you had a talent to become a good fighter and instead of
that you became a l breaker to some cheap secondary lone sh to living it's a waste of life you know sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery and I promise you something great will come of it you're born with a gift if not that then you get good at something along the way and what you're good at you don't take for granted you don't betray it what if you do betray your gift and you betray yourself and he'd lost his father earlier in the week
literally 48 hours later he was in the car yeah what was what was it like racing that year having to show up again now where you don't have the person who believes in you and loves you and trains you like what was that like I don't know it was on the on the Tuesday of Baku as soon as he passed away I asked myself what would he want me to do and I had no doubts I mean there was only one answer this was a kid who just lost his father and he was a kid
at the time he's a teenager to have that kind of mental strength I've never seen anything like it he then went out fell to last place fought his way through and won the race takes the lead he's passed absolutely everyone to get himself back to the Flor yes yes Wayne grety said in a brilliant way you miss 100% of the shots you don't one often meets his Destiny on the road he takes to avoid it your mind is like this water my friend when it is agitated it becomes difficult to see but if you allow
it to settle the answer becomes clear you just got to quit tripping while you in the process because the process is necessary you may not see it now but when he get you on the other side of it you going to see exactly why it went that way and you going to be okay with it but quit tripping during the process the M mentality what what is that it's a lifestyle really and an understanding that every day you're trying to get better at the end of every day you look yourself in the mirror and you
ask yourself did I get better today if the answer is yes and you do that for 5 years 10 years 15 years how much better are you going to be and that that's basketball that's whether it's uh football doesn't matter are you getting better every single day that's the question right and it's just taking small steps you don't try to get get it all done in one day in one week in one year right it's the process of getting better every day and doing that for a period of years that then create the Masterpiece what
would you do if you just learned today that you only had 6 months to live what if you only had 6 months to live what would you stop doing what would you do more of who would you spend time with now the answer to that that question is very interesting because what it tells you is what you really value what is really important to you and what we have found is that self-esteem satisfaction happiness in life comes from getting your goals and your activities congruent with your values with your priorities with what you consider to
be really important build belief build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are you've faced your demons you were able to hear all your past traumas I'm no longer embarrassed I'm no longer ashamed being asham is one of the biggest things that kill people nowadays in their minds kill them from moving forward I'm ashamed of myself don't ever be ashamed of anything you've done in your life face it fix it make it better the only way to succeed in life is you got to show up you can't
stay home you want to be a success you have to show up maybe some ones don't like me but because I'm maybe I'm too good hey hey look at look at this look at look at this dude right here that yeah this the one who talk about all the things he going to do but don't do it that that this him this the one who all telling everybody that he's going to do this by the end of the year but never completes it this is the Capper you tired of that label do something about it
be safe though this is it could be you it could be you if you just get the up see what you want to do tunnel vision mm the parties the distractions all that because when you get bro I'm telling you bro once you get your hands on what you want to be at you going to feel it and once and once you get to be able to to to to to take off and once you feel some traction you got to just keep going you feel what I'm saying all that going to come after bro
I um but I think what what what you were bringing up with Joey is a real good point that a lot of people say I just want to sort of they kind of they're kind of dabbling in the idea of improving themselves and the real way to do it is you got to write down what the you want and then go after it because otherwise you live in sort of a wishy-washy world you know if you decide I'm going to get down to bang I'm going to do this I'm going to run a marathon in
less than 5 hours I'm going to you know whatever the it is you got to write that down and go for it being a winner is a curse it doesn't matter how much you've won before you're not a winner until you win again let's go and again and again nothing is enough no one understands and you never want it to stop the process of discomfort is inevitable you have to go through it most people have that initial feeling that initial lack of self-belief because they don't understand that they have to be humbled first in every
aspect in order to grow so you go to to the gym you feel like [ __ ] that's a good thing it just shows you that you need to improve most people go to the gym feel like sh never go back put on an oversized t-shirt problem covered no it's not the problems not covered you need to go through that paralleled problem solving you solve it and then you get the reward a lot of people are afraid to even try hard because then if you try hard and you fail you feel like a failure but
the aspect of being a failure doesn't come from the success in the end it come from if you really quit on yourself or if you don't put in the effort you know you can put in and you're kind of holding back on true potential that's what I think you really deep down feel like a failure well I sat there for a while and I was like no one's going to come to help me no one's going to come to help me it's me against me period I'm a go-getter I'm a winner and I'm going to
always find a way to come out on top no matter what position you put me in just like all I do is kick ass and say line them up put put them put the next one in front of me you have to have the ability when you when it comes to discipline it's like you have to sacrifice loved ones for a long period of time if you want to be great it is very unfortunate and you feel it at times you you know you know what the saying if if if the if it's too hot
get the hell out of the kitchen sometimes you just got to get out of the kitchen cuz it gets hot but you have to have a discipline to sometimes you have to sacrifice loved ones in order to be great because they don't understand and and it's okay they don't understand what it means to like I am getting up every single day at 500 or 600 a.m. and when I get home after everyone leaves the gym I'm going to take a nap so now you're sacrificing your loved ones cuz you're not spending time with them and
when I wake up I'm probably going to train again and then I'm going to have dinner and then I'm going to bed and I'm going to do that every single day for a long period of time selft talk and visualization of two keys to my success I believed I was indestructible cuz I took myself in that chair crapping up my back peeing blood down my leg Shin SP stress fractures I use all that for motivation versus negativity I use it for motivation I I said to myself who on this Earth would still be going right
now you are the world is there for the taking for anyone who can learn from their mistakes do what they say they were going to do and stick with it even if it's not sexy what used to make a man acceptable now makes you extraordinary the bar for winning has never been so low one thing I've learned about myself is that I can't be held down I don't I'm not held down very easily unless you I just can't be held down man I I deal with adversity very well man I I always find a way
to get my sh together and and dig myself out of uh situation for me anger was good anger was good because it was motivating the more I could create an enemy the more I want to go and kill those guys there are winners and there are losers and there are people who have not discovered how to win all they need is some insight or different strategy or plan of action to make some adjustments that will open up the key to a whole new future for them that will give them access to the unlimited power that
they have within themselves that's all that they need so what I want you to do is is think about something you want for you that's real for you that's important for you that will give your life some special meaning and power I don't want you to assume that see 5 years ago when I started out in this area I would not have been able to make the mental leap that I would be up to where I am right now I don't want you to begin to just psych yourself out no no I want you to
be able to say something to yourself that will enable you to maintain a level of Integrity with yourself that when you say this even when you face tremendous setbacks it it will be a benchmark to keep you in the game to keep you moving forward and experimenting and readjusting your strategy and your plan of action continuously looking for ways to win when will I know I'm ready you won't that's all it is Miles a leap of [Music] faith so now you got to ask yourself are you here to prove something to other people or prove
something to yourself until you win effort always goes unnoticed get used to it no one roots for you until everyone roots for you that's just how it works what you set me up to fail why if you only do what you can do you will never be more than you are now the only insults that hurt are the ones we believe next time someone insults you remember they're going to die everyone will forget about them and if no one will remember them then you might as well forget about them now they they are irrelevant your
dream your actions your outcomes you cannot wish for a strong character and an easy life each is the price of the other what if what you're going through isn't hard what if you're just sensitive list all the things that you aren't willing to give up for the dreams that you have and that is what the person who will beat you is willing to give up you know what your problem is you're smart too smart you overthink because your mind moves at a million miles a minute you're sad because you're not fooled by the world like
everyone else you don't get along with most people because they just don't look at things the way you do you think you're dumb because you're smart enough to know you don't know everything your problem is you're too smart and happiness and intelligent people is one of the rarest things I know people want to find that passion but you don't find it you create it and you create it by getting good at something and to get good at stuff you start by doing something you suck at then you get good then you like it then people
ask how you found your passion answer by starting when you sucked and not giving up have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment in a job serving te there's nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity I suggest you think think about what it is that you want from your life and why I want my destiny what that means is up to you you know there's Bible verse I think about sometimes many times it goes then I heard the voice Lord saying whom shall I send and who will
go for us [Music] and I said here am I send me when I had my accident I found out at that moment Nothing in life is Promised except death [Music] if you had the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment a lot of people don't appreciate that moment until it's passed well if you can be in a bad mood for no reason you might as well be in a good mood for no reason if it's not going to change your life it shouldn't change your mood if the cost is
peace of mind don't buy it don't ever pass up an opportunity to be of encouragement to other people don't ever pass up an opportunity to inspire someone don't ever pass up an opportunity to impower someone don't ever pass up an opportunity to show someone love because the thing about it my wound like you can see this you can see my arm my wound is visible but it's a lot of people in this room that are wounded and you can't see it and it's internal hard work actually works and with virtually everything it might not make
you the best at whatever it is you're pursuing but it will certainly make you better than you are I found greater fulfillment in the Journey of pursuing my goals than in the moment of achieving them tell you the truth I don't know if be special only you going to know that when the time is right can Ain going to come overnight you're going to take a beat you're going to take this you're going to get knocked out you're going to get up and you're going to see if you got the right thing but you got
to work hard I swear to God if you're not going to do it I'm out I can every punch ever Thrones been on my own nobody showed me how to do this I'm ready well it's it's to be unyielding you know never give an inch to any like you're always going after it always going after always going after and if there's a challenge that ensues oh good I want to see how I stack up to that so go after you go after it and it's just um it it's fun it's like you get a chance
to compete against um opponents and you get a chance to see where you stack up against them it's like I want to see maybe I'm not good enough today if that that's fine I'll be good enough the next time I see you though you know and you get a chance to always measure yourself so I guess that's where relentlessness comes from I wanted to read you a quote from 2013 that you said I've lost my mind on this game like Vincent Fango dedicated his life to his art and he lost his mind in the process
that's happened to me but when that gold Bel is around my waist and my mother has a big mansion my girlfriend has a different car for every day of the week my kids kids have everything they ever want then it will then I'll be I'm happy I I lost my mind how'd you get good at this honestly made a lot of mistakes that's a secret just up it might be you know up I think as I started early I got my skill set up really quick and then started to feel like I was really the
best you know like at all these really good places I really was the best cook and then I started at this really great place as a come and this other Chef started the same day as me and I thought we were competition um but really we weren't he was better than me much much better than me he worked harder and faster and it was the first time I realized that I wasn't the best so I started looking at it like it was a good thing like at least I knew who the best was now and
I could take that pressure off myself and the only logical thing to do was to try and keep up with him so I never left this guy's s and you got better oh mate I got better than I ever thought I possibly could be just from trying to keep up with him Never Say Never because limits like fears are often Just an Illusion because we know that it's not easy but no pain no gain not even coming from the Sha Temple worldwide known that sentence [Music] everything that hurts you find a way to overcome it
everything that you feel is difficult for you find a way to still do it there's a choice that you we have to make as people as individuals if you want to be great at something there's a choice that you have to make we all can be um Masters at our craft but you have to make a choice what I mean by that is um inherent sacrifices that come along with that I knew that I was not going to be stopped you know so at the age of 18 this was my life right so you can't
possibly become better than me because you're not spending the time on it that I do even if you want to spend the time on it you can't cuz you have other things you have other responsibilities that are taking you away from it so I already won so it's not the car the house the whatever it is that internal goal that internal why and so for me I just think that's it like that like you ah it just it's something within it you got to pull it out and so it's easy when you have a why
a purpose I'm doing it for this I'm doing it for that it's easy to get up and get going but if it's just for a car what happens when you get the car cuz you can buy it what happens when you get the house and you can buy the house because I think any person any human realizes that if you want some kind of a good outcome you're going to have to work hard for it and if you and if you don't work hard for something you're not going to get an outcome that's really worth
much there's things that you can control there's things you can't control now I will tell you that human beings can control a lot more than they think they can and often times it's pretty easy just to say oh that's not me that's not on me I think that's that's the whole Genesis of the idea of extreme ownership is most of the time or much of the time people say that's not my fault there's nothing I can do about that and more often than people think there is something you can do about it and you can
and it is your fault it's normal to not know what you're doing if you did it wouldn't be called growth high five your fear uncertainty and doubt and carry on do you get tired stressed sad hungry frustrated un focused do you feel misunderstood great you're human you don't need medication it is hard it's hard when you're young to wake up in the offseason at 6:00 a.m. to go train and work out knowing that all your friends are sleeping in and eating pancakes it's hard when you're on your way to practice we down with all your
gear and it's 90° out and all the other kids are at the pool or at the beach and your body is already completely exhausted from workouts in two days it's hard to throw catch block and tackle and hit kids when they're way bigger and way more developed than you only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained but KN when you have to show up again the next day for the just the chance to try again but understand this life is hard you're not good enough if you quit you're going to to quit
everything hard in your life and that's a big problem for you people delay doing things they don't like for longer than it takes to do them yeah we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught bad things don't come in threes bad things happen people don't know how to cope and they allow one bad thing to snowball into more bad stuff sucks the only thing worse is letting one bad thing ruin many good things so when I was growing up for like 3 years so from the time I was 8 to time
I was like 12 we live in a $7 a month place and what I call it is I'm always paying rent in that $7 a month home every day of my life I go back and revisit that place that place made me disc G animal that place made me this hard man and then from that place so that that that place is hard work that place is going back to the fundamentals of Life the fundamentals with made David gagas David gagas going back in there going back to the going back to the library of David
goggin studying even more than what I know taking that out going back to where I'm at now and then moving forward difficult things make regular life less difficult because regular life can be confusing and little things that go wrong and little problems that arise are exacerbated by the fact that you're not accustomed to dealing with hardship but it was still a kid with a dream and a belief in himself and for many times I was laughed at and not believed in but you know what nothing nothing external can can can defeat the internal the only
thing that can take someone down or break you down is internal nothing external is strong enough it's just about making sure your internal dialogue and your internal belief in yourself is strong enough that it can withstand the external the external is there you've got to accept it you've got to embrace it you've got to understand it and be aware of it but don't let it seep into into your internal dialogue I think the the more at least for me the more I've tried to create space between how I feel and and what I do the
more consistent my outcomes have been embrace the process you said Dwayne want process life life embrace the journey and the process of life you only get stronger hiking by going uphill nobody gets stronger hiking by just going downhill because you're probably in the bed right now you're probably an underachiever you're probably somebody who doesn't want to do anything with your life people should stop complaining people should figure out who the they are good call people should not listen to America Propaganda of fixing the they suck at they should be tripling down at what they're good
at they should be competent in certain areas but you're not going to become Beyonce or you know like your bone structure is a certain way like you're not going to solve everything your IQ can get a little bit better but don't worry about the incremental figure out what you puts you on fire and you're halfway decent at if you're lucky enough right now to be listening and you're good at what you like become tunnel vision because there's way too many voices telling you what and how the reason most people who are listening right now are
not doing that thing is they're worried about the opinion of somebody and the reality is we have to get to a place where you're doing you because the number one thing that scares the [ __ ] out of me is regret the lonely chapter describes a time in which you're growing you're changing as a person and you're now so different that you can no longer resonate with your old set of friends but you're not sufficiently developed that you've got the new set of friends that you're going to grow into and this is the lonely chapter
and the problem with it is that you're always the desire to sort of regress back to where you were is always going to be there and you're going to have you're going to have uncertainty there's not even the promise of Glory or success or Triumph when you get through the other side what am I pushing toward you know I I you're telling me that I'm not going to go out on this night out with my friends which I've done for the last 5 years or 10 years in the town that I grew up in or
went to University and or whatever are you telling me that I'm not going to do that because I'm going to get up and I'm going to meditate or read who even knows if meditation works right like you got all of these questions in your mind and all of your friends and all of the Dynamics and the the The Temptations pull you back toward that it pulls you back toward the old version of [Music] life just lock on me for 6 months please I I really want you to be great you got me I got you
we all we got let's see what happens it's so easy to quit bro that's what everyone's doing and we're not trying to be like everybody else can't progress in life without progressing let me go over your head you can't progress in the grand scheme of life if you don't progress in your everyday life if you don't try to take a step to be better your overall life won't be better if you put your head down and locking on the vision how could you not win only thing that's going to cause you to lose is your
mentality why I hate being around negative people being an ass is a weak person's idea of strength complaining is their connection never let yourself be held back by other people's fears people criticize what they were afraid to do themselves because bold action reminds them of their own inaction if you're afraid to be criticized why do you care about the opinions of those who are too timid to do it themselves if you are the criticizer does tearing down someone who has the courage you lack make you better you have a whole life in front of you
you have years to take part in this life and to do stuff to accomplish stuff and to enjoy stuff that's I think about that if I was 22 again and God said hey Tom I'll make a 20 to again okay just do something different wow oh my God I'd be like a professional golfer this time even though I can't I lousy at golf I stink at golf I would do something that I think in my brain I could never do which was bodying at one time I thought I could never do this you know it's
too instrum modal it's too crazy but something in the back of my mind always said do it do it do it do it then hey when you get out of bed life standard right there to kick you in the [ __ ] face man could be anything could be you get up and you walk downstairs you had a flat tire and you're late for work and you got this and that life is going to throw all kinds of crazy at you right and you have to be ready for it you got to deal with it
you can't curl up into a ball you can't run away from it you can't hide you have to take all this head on so this lonely chapter is a period through which I think everybody needs to squeeze anybody that decides to go from a place they are to a place that they want to be is going to have to let go of people who can't go their with them it's that if you know that there is something that you're meant to do if you know that there's something that you're meant to change you will have
to let certain groups friends routines places activities Recreations that you do you're going to have to let those go and there is this you know the rocky cut scene lasts for 90 seconds in the movie but it can last for 5 years in your life and you have no idea whether or not it's even going to work and that's the bit that always got to me the bit that always got to me was I didn't even know if it was there was going to be any glory on the other side it's like you think well
I'm just stood here doing the thing but I don't know if it's going to come out on the other side and I can promise you anybody that has done anything moved from any place they were to any place that they want to be has gone through this lonely chapter I think you just got to wake up one day and just say so what like who cares if you don't believe in me I believe in myself you don't put too much work to not have this amount of confidence and if you don't believe me doesn't change
my success story I'm still going to win but I guess one thing I got to say is let me know when that hate starts making you money you may be right that other people did certain things or you got dealt a bad hand it also doesn't matter because the only thing that you can't control is obviously the actions that you take and the only person who's in control of that is you nobody is going to understand you bro and it's like I really realize nobody ever believed in me like you have to believe in yourself
if nobody else is going to understand then you have to make sure that you understand and that you believe in yourself because that's where it starts control freak is a word people with low standards use to describe people with high standards you're not a control freak you just want it done right the first time you're not anxious you care do not expect mediocre people to support world world class goals if you go visit the darkness that you've been running from you'll have the opportunity to leave a better person you'll have a better understanding of yourself
you'll have better understanding of your purpose but if you don't take that trip and the darkness comes visit you It's a guest that will never leave you're playing against the Golden State Warriors score is 107 109 you guys are close to getting into the playoffs you know exactly what happens in the game you go up you're about to take your shot and then all of a sudden boom Achilles happens flying again going to work falls down again he's struggling right after you were injured you went on Facebook and you posted a lengthy blog you know
what this is oh yeah this is such BS all the training sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times the frustration is unbearable the anger is Rage why the hell did this happen makes no damn sense now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player or better at 35 how in the world am I supposed to do that I have no clue do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that
was maybe this is how my book ends yeah maybe father time has defeated me then again May maybe not it's 3:30 a.m. my foot feels like dead weight my head is spinning from the pain meds and I'm wide awake forgive my venting but what's the purpose of social media if I won't bring it to you real no image feels good to vent to let it out to feel as if this is the worst thing ever because after all the vending the real perspective sets in there are far greater issues and challenges in the world than
a torn Achilles stop feeling sorry for yourself find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief same Drive and same conviction as ever one day the beginning of a new career Journey will commence today is not that day if you see me in a fight with a bear pray for the bear I've always loved that quote that's Mamba mentality we don't quit we don't cower we don't run it's hurting but the Lakers down by two and they want him and need him at the free throw line got it yeah how the hell
do you tolerate that kind of pain I use this I tell this example and I think this is the best way to explain it your kids are upstairs you know wife is wherever she may be you know it's going down all right I'm willing to bet that you're going to forget about your hamstring you're going to Sprint upstairs you're going to grab your kids you'll make sure your wife's good you getting out of that house right hamstring be damn you're not going to feel your hamstring this is another obstacle this obstacle cannot Define me it's
not going to [ __ ] me it's not going to be responsible for me stepping away for the game that I love I'm going to step away on my own terms and that's when the decision was made that you know what I'm doing it doing it disgust disgust disgust is a negative emotion but it can have a very positive powerful effect disgust says I've had it well what an important day that could be most people will not understand your obsession your drive and your determination success is a lonely Journey that's just a reality and most
people are not going to understand why you're so driven why you're so obsessed and if you try and make them understand you're going to end up frustrated the best advice I can tell you is go on the journey by yourself if I'm going to be just as miserable being mediocre as I am doing this I think Iverson said he had Kobe at two right Stephen A challenged that what makes Kobe special in players mind right in a player's mind himself right has we don't go by your stats we don't go by the accolades we go
by how the person played what was his attributes right so when you think about the greatest players of all time 90 80% of them have have God gift of natural Talent ability body right so Jordan 48 in vertical right you got the big hands right you got LeBron right you have Shaquille O'Neal right then magic 69 point guard with vision Kobe standard if I give you 66 and then took every 66 guard in the NBA NBA history you would never find him you would see Jordan cuz there he is right you would never find Kobe
cuz he didn't have big hands right he wasn't quick he wasn't fast 38 in vertical that's standard like if you don't have a 30in vertical you you're not even a shooting guard in today's game right and what he did with that body it's like you took you took a a S5 100 and he was pushing it like a Bugatti mhm that's what we look at we look at the normal person fighting Gods yes that's going to amount to something then I might as well do the [ __ ] that's going to amount to something and
be miserable there and at least have something to show for it this happens to everybody that's tried to do something and you're going to get on bro you're you're going to get hated on nobody's going to get what the you're doing but that's what makes it worth doing don't be so worried about people who imitate your work they only know the what but not the why if you stopped being creative so would they a photocopier isn't an artist even if it can recreate the Mona Lisa you got to shut off technology go here so go
to that dark place I call it the dark room where you're alone no cell phones no music no TVs no computers you by yourself very few people want to be alone anymore you want to be around noise and people and they have to you can't think people go I don't know what I want to do in my life cuz it's too loud that dark space you may need to spend years in that dark space months whatever it may be find your purpose you think somebody's going to knock on your door and say hey I have
this opportunity for you it's not going to happen it's not going to happen you have to show up get up in the morning do what you got to do and show up and you'll be a success I studied the darkness you you you find no answers in the light none it's too happy it's too nice and we're not we don't need to be taught how to live in happiness that that just comes naturally to us hey man look I don't know if you realize this but the life that you want to live not just going
to fall in your La I mean something's going to start fing in your head that doing the bare minimum not going to take you to the height you want to reach I mean you got to potential in the world but it don't mean nothing if you don't maximize it so I need you to lock in and become who you're supposed to be you sayfe though heroes and villains always have the same backstory pain the difference is what they choose to do about it villain says the world hurt me I'll hurt it back the hero says
the world hurt me I'm not going to let it hurt anybody else Heroes use pain villains are used by it I'm not hungry to make my kid become world champion but I don't know what my my son going to choose but if you say I want to be I want to be like you I want to be world champion okay this is your choice if you want I'm just going to help him but I'm I'm never going to push him to to become professional but but he have no choice about one things he's a man
and he's going to train you have to be strong zero complain and he's like now he's like almost six and he train every day and there is no choice he's going to train because if you man you have to be strong you know it's it's all psychological to be honest you've got to be able to control your breed and control your emotions in there again like I said sometimes I've been up and down on it sometimes I've riled up too much to it i' I'm only young town you know I'm still learning learning the game
and I don't claim to know it all but what I do know I know it damn well you know and I'm continuing to learn and continuing to push on and and that's where I'm at now so things are not what they are things are what we think they are for instance you're doing a hard workout which gives you a signature feeling you're laid on the floor panting heart rate at 180 sweating from everywhere with the taste of metal in your mouth this is oddly enjoyable but if this exact same sensation was to spontaneously occur in
your car while sat in traffic you'd call an ambulance for fear that you're having a heart attack framing is everything Rory Sutherland says sometimes you just want to stand in the corner and stare out of the window the problem is when you're not smoking and staring out of the window you're an antisocial friendless idiot if you stand and stare out of the window with a cigarette you're a philosopher the power of reframing things cannot be overstated it's significantly easier to find a way to reframe your experiences as in enjoyable while you improve them rather than
waiting for them to be done before you give yourself license to be happy really oh so that's how you going to play it you going to do this okay fine that's all I needed that's all I needed for him to do that and it it became personal with me welcome all experiences you never know which one is going to turn everything on don't put up the walls the same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness take down the Walls go for the experience let it teach you and here's the last one resolve resolve says
I will two of the most powerful words in the language Benjamin Disraeli said nothing can resist a human will that will stake its existence on its purpose shortly put I'll do it or die my whole thing Joe is I'm so grateful um I'm so optimistic man and I'm always looking for light in every situation and I think that's the way I deal with things I just I'm always I always believe there's going to be good at the end of the day um that's just how I am I'm I'm just so grateful where most people will
be so upset with themselves and all this type of stuff I'm really not I believe that my best year in my Prime is even still ahead of me so I'm not even tripping about it do not be the court cynic the ability to express wonder and amazement and seem like you mean it is a rare and dying talent but one still greatly valued first thing is you got to be selfish as hell you got to be selfish I don't give a it's to sacrifice but without great sacrifice and without great risk there there is no
such thing as a great reward you have to have and I don't like this word but I'm going to say it because it's true you have to be a little maniacal with this [ __ ] maniac right that word isn't good in a lot of situations but when you're pursuing your destiny when you identify with your destiny you have to be selfish you have to be maniacal you have to be uncompromising and you have to move in a way when it comes to those three things when you function completely in a way where it's an
unwavering Faith like it don't matter how up that might look it don't matter how much it feel like it ain't going to work people say I'm conceiving I talk to much but they must have pity on me it's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am we have been fed this line of hores that you're supposed to seek comfort and I don't think you are I think you're supposed to seek lessons and you're supposed to seek difficult tasks and and and and and accomplishments and through those things and through doing things that
are hard to do even if it's just a 90-minute hot yoga class I do a 90-minute yoga class man those last 20 minutes I do not want to be there man and I definitely don't want to give 100% And I can cheat I can I could kind of half asset I can I can but if I don't and I get through it when that time is up and the lady says Namaste and everybody gets up I'm like man I made it you know I lost 15 lbs my yoga mat is drenched to the point where
I can literally ring it out and fill a a jug up with water but through that struggle I will now have a better day and I better do it again tomorrow why you need to go all in the main reason you need to go all in is because you have nothing to lose bro when you think about it guys you're already broke okay and we know know that you're not going to save yourself rich okay and and we know that if somebody else is all in and you only have half of your foot in to
the water and you're not ready to jump that guy is going to beat you every single time if your job is to try to be the best basketball player you can be right to do that you have to practice you have to train right you want to train as much as you can as often as you can so if you get up at 10:00 in the morning train at 11:00 right 12:00 say 12:00 train at 12:00 train for 2 hours 12:00 to 2 um you have to let your body recover so you eat recover whatever
you get back out you train start training again at 6:00 train from 6:00 to 8: right and now you go home you shower you eat dinner you go to bed you wake up you do it again right those are two sessions right now imagine you wake up at 3:00 you train at 4:00 you go 4:00 to 6: come home breakfast relax so soow now you're back at it again 9 to 11 right you relax and now all of a sudden you're back at it again to the four 4 and now you're back at it again
you know 7 to n look how much more training I have done by simply starting at 4: right and so now you do that and as the years go on the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger and larger and by year five or six doesn't matter what kind of work they do in the summer they're never going to catch up but I think that's good advice don't be a follower be a student right take advice but not orders take information but don't let
somebody you know order your life make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion not to do what someone else says take what someone else says process it think about it ponder it if it makes you wonder it makes you think then it's valuable then when you go take action make sure that the action is not what somebody told you to do make sure the action is the product of your own conclusion the biggest difference between people who win and people
who lose is that Winners expect to win winners are not surprised when they win like when I win I don't like celebrate overly celebrate cuz I expected that to be the outcome amateurs when they win they're surprised and then they over celebrate and like I I said when they over celebrate they become ineffective because they're taking their eye off the game for way too long right I won the week this week and then they talk about that one week for the next six weeks and the next six weeks the guy who expected to win is
still going just as hard so it's an expectation that's the difference between winners and losers that I think in terms of not so much their selft talk but just their attitude you're going to know what it's going to be like to make it personal because I'm going to make it personal because it's always been personal to me [Applause] you identify with this gift we all got the gift there something that we've all been blessed with at some point if we listen to that little thing that speaks to us inside some people call it Instinct some
people call it a Vibe some people call it an energy whatever the [ __ ] you call it some people call it a voice whatever that thing is bro if it Sparks the thought that changes the whole trajectory to what your life can evolve into because you took a second to listen to that [ __ ] you are identifying with your blessing you are identifying with your gift and at that point you learn what the [ __ ] it is and become one with it and walk in your purpose stroke the key is time is
precious now let me give you Bill Bailey's description of time life is not just the passing of time life is not just the passing of time life is a collection of experiences their frequency and their intensity life is not just what watching the clock tick away life is a collection of experiences their intensity their frequency when my friend Mark died at age 44 someone says that's young to die but what if he lived four lifetimes in one might not be too young so here's what it whatever the span of your life turns out to be
here's what you want to fill it up with experiences and the intensity of those experiences and if you lose that not only are you're not going to be successful in life you will also Lose Yourself and you will be Mis you will be unhappy you'll be UNF you'll be alienated from who you are and you can get away with that when you're young because you're happy you look good you've got energy things are going right you get into your 30s and you're like everybody else you don't know who you are and you don't know what
you like anymore you're just following the trends you start to get depressed and you start going down this this rabbit hole and things can turn really ugly so you need a bit of courage in life you need to go okay I am weird I am strange you know lean into it so um when I had the 48 Laws of Power when it first when I first wrote the book um without it being published yet it was a very Strang looking book and it reflects my own strangeness things on the margin stories everything broken up images
quotes here and there and what a time now for us to take this dream and not let it die take this dream and give it life take this dream and breathe into it your own personal Spirit until finally it becomes a flame that burns around the whole world let's go do it now well man cuz I think the greatest fear that we face is ourselves actually you know I think it's um it's not anything that's external or anything that's superficial I think the greatest fear you face is yourself because you know we all have dreams
and it's very scary sometimes to accept the dream that you have and it's scarier still to say Okay I want that it's scary because you're afraid that if you put your heart and soul into it and you fail then how are you going to feel about yourself right so being Fearless means putting yourself out there and going for it no matter what go for it not for anybody else um but for yourself then here's a philosophy that really changed for me everything be so busy giving other people recognition you really don't need it for yourself
I learned to recognize people for small steps of progress every little thing I could think of figure out rewards for small steps and what works is if you dedicate your time and your focus like realistic with a professional disciplined effort to creativity you show up every day like a professional but you show up to be creative if you just do it on a regular basis ideas will come to you where are these ideas coming from well his his concept was to think of it as you're a professional and you're getting these ideas from The Muse
and this is what you do you show up and you do the work you focus on it and these ideas will come to you and that little voice comes completely drowned out and so you don't know who you are anymore and you're afraid particularly young people today I mean maybe it's always been that way are so afraid of being different they're so afraid of being odd but look at all the powerful people in this world look at your Elon musks look at your celebrities in in entertainment in business in politics they're one of a kind
they they have like you I hate that word but it's like a brand they're different they stand out for something that's truly different you know even Albert Einstein does nobody else like Einstein does nobody like d Vinci okay that's where your power lies and you'll go oh but Robert those are people that were brilliant that were talented I'm not like that I don't have that well [ __ ] you do have that it's just you you're forgetting about it you don't want to put the effort into it and there's no one more narcissistic than someone
who's smart and if you are smart that's a real Temptation it's a real Temptation can make you bitter as the most bitter people are the smart people who aren't successful cuz they feel that their their Shining Light wasn't given due course and that the world should fall at their feet and didn't the way the world works you don't get a gift without a corresponding Temptation and intellect is certainly it has the same characteristic you can go very spectacularly wrong if you're smart and it's Pride that does that when you said a dream and you say
this is what I'm going to do I'm going to do this I'm going to do that and you make a plan and the plans are good uh but if you come to a certain point where there's a tree across the road or the bridge is out you can't say well there goes my dream you you've got to be flexible well what am I going to do what adjustments am I going to make to be able to still get to where I'm going to be uh what I want to be you need some flexibility you need
discipline you need personal discipline there's times when you don't you don't feel like doing what needs to be done to get this um and but you got to say feelings has nothing to do with it um this is my dream this is what I'm going to do lots of people associate working hard with not making progress therefore working feels like wasting so the idea that working hard doesn't make progress is one of the biggest farces that exists in humanity right and so if there is anything that's Eternal for us at least as individuals it's going
to be who we become in the process and so one of my favorite quotes is the work works on you more than you work on it and so if you want to be the best in the world at something you do the work to become the best in the world and the work works on you and so I mean there's a there's a biblical robt I think it says like there is profit in all labor and that means that even if the thing that you're working on right now doesn't amount to the outcome that you
expected that it would it doesn't mean that you don't become better through doing it and so the whole point of the human race and the human mind in itself is evolution whether it's Evolution spiritually physically period Evolution the purpose from from birth is creation that's all humans do everything around you was created you were created that table over there created this chair created this mic created that camera created that hat created the whole point of the human of the human race in itself is creation before now when there was at least ideally the the belief
of two human beings on Earth everything after that was a creation and it the whole point is evolution and creation if you're not evolving you're doing something wrong so anything that takes away the power of your mind is keeping you still and delaying your Evolution the whole point of life is evolution study your laws of the universe The Law of Attraction the law of abundance The Law of Equivalent Exchange study your laws the laws of causing effect the karmic cycle study your laws dwell into your mind meditate understand that you can alter your Realms by
your train of thought