Family Life- English Conversations

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Easy English
Contents: 1. Family Morning Routine 2. House - Cleaning Day 3. What's for Dinner? 4. Grocery Shoppin...
Video Transcript:
[Music] good morning nicholas it's time for school come on get out of bed jessica's already up and dressed good morning mom let's check the weather out today it's looking a bit cloudy looks like it's gonna rain so we should take our umbrellas the trees are blowing side to side it means it's a little windy but still a lovely morning go to the bathroom and brush your teeth then get dressed and come downstairs to get some breakfast okay mom [Music] what are we going to have for breakfast we're going to have bagel with eggs bacon and
cream cheese this morning and strawberry blueberry smoothie perfect can i make the smoothie sure you need frozen strawberries blueberries almond milk and greek yogurt it sounds yummy shall i also put some bananas no we should leave the banana out of this recipe to allow the flavors of the berries to shine grab the blender and add almond milk first then toss in the strawberries blueberries and greek yogurt blend it until smooth you can add some cinnamon too it looks nice and thick and it tastes delicious the egg bagel sandwiches are ready too i've also added tomatoes
and cucumbers we are missing the main ingredient the ketchup that is a yummy egg bagel sandwich it's so filling now that we had breakfast i guess we better get going it looks like it's getting nice out that's right i thought it would rain [Music] it's the day we thoroughly clean the whole house we throw away things we don't need pack up things to donate to the local homeless shelter clean all of the rooms and wash all the windows what exactly do we have to do mom you must clean your rooms they are really messy clear
your beds and chairs of all the items and be sure to put them in their appropriate place clean under the beds too then make your beds using fresh linens vacuum the entire room [Applause] dust the shelves and put the books that are on the floor in their right places clear and clean the dressers and leave them in order [Music] that's a lot to do we better get started we have a lot to do indeed i have to do several loads of laundry and clean the kitchen and the dining room i'll clean the living room and
the attic it's getting full up there i don't even remember what's in there anymore me neither we probably don't need a lot of that stuff what should we do with it i think i'm gonna have a garage sale next weekend yeah that's a great idea [Music] i have finished cleaning the windows that was a huge job oh good let me check the list and see what we've done so far have you cleaned the counters yes i have so you can mark them as finished okay i'll mark the windows off the list too what about the
floors have you vacuumed and mopped them i have done that too what else have we put on the list dusting the shelves i already did that yesterday oh yeah i remember so i'll cross that off the list too so how about you what have you done so far i've cleaned the attic i've made three piles keep donate or sell and trash i found a few sentimental items that i decided to keep there is so much more space now it looks great wonderful i still have to clean the living room then i'm done okay i'll go
check on the kids now mom what's for dinner i could really go for something spicy like chili spicy i'm not into spicy food right now gee i've been so busy with house cleaning that i haven't given dinner a single thought anyway i don't feel much like cooking i'm just too tired to prepare a meal even a small one plus there's almost nothing in the fridge because we didn't make it to the grocery store this weekend what do you say we order some food good idea dad let's order chinese food don't we have a menu somewhere
the last time we ordered from that place the food was greasy and it took them forever to deliver but you know what there's a new greek restaurant downtown i heard they deliver very fast but as in greek would have lots of garlic just the thought of garlic turns me off garlic's good for you i can't get enough of it myself at this rate we'll never get anything to eat i'm starving you two are too picky let's better order some pizza and put on a good movie good idea i'm crazy about pizza in fact my favorite
is hawaiian i don't like hawaiian pizza i can't stand pineapple on pizza i prefer to eat fruit for dessert not with the main course so i'll go for chicken pizza i'll have pepperoni me too [Music] mom asked me to go grocery shopping but i need to finish my homework can you go for me nicholas i guess i can what did mom want you to buy some pork fish vegetables and milk you can buy some snacks too like chocolate cookies what kind of fish does mom want mom wants some salmon and some cod make sure that
they are fresh how much salmon and cod should i buy oh buy four pieces of salmon fillet and four pieces of cod filet do i need to buy some spices so mom can marinate a fish yes get some ground pepper and some garlic how about vegetables we need carrots potatoes cabbage and some lettuce we need some fruit also what do you want apples and bananas and how about some soft drinks no buy some bottled water instead it is healthier for us oh i just remembered we also need bread please put it on the list should
i get one loaf or two two loaves you have quite a few items to take care of you need to get going yes the list is quite long by the time i get to the cashier to pay i will probably have a full shopping cart okay i am all set to go i'll be back soon thanks [Music] the clothes dryer stopped working we need a new one but this one is not so old we just need to fix it i can do it myself it needs just a new moisture sensor are you sure you can
do it it seems a complicated job better call the repairman i'm not going to let the repair guy rip me off and pay hundreds of dollars on this i come from a long line of handymen my dad used to fix everything lawn mowers cars appliances his father was a house builder one of his brothers built boats and one made furniture i've been helping my dad and grandpa since i was a young child on anything so i think i can fix the dryer myself i'll have this thing running in no time honey i watched an instructional
video so i know exactly what to do [Music] it's done it's as good as new i fixed the dryer i took it all apart and swapped out the sensor now press start and see if it works it works i had no idea you were so good with your hands you could definitely say that repairing things has always been in your blood [Music] can you hold the end of this tape measure sure what's this for i'm taking some measurements for new curtains didn't you say the house needs doing over what about measuring the floor for a
new carpet and the walls for a new wallpaper i thought we'd just fix up the wood floor and use some paint for the walls okay sounds good we need to scrape off all the loose flakes of paint before redecorating tomorrow we'll go out and pick out some curtains and paint i can't wait uh shall we redecorate the hallway too we can consider it maybe we can decorate it in a more traditional way [Music] i went over the household budget and we've overspent this month our expenses are mounting we have to cut back on our shopping
from now on really that's too bad we need to figure out how much money we've spent and what we've spent it on okay let's get the receipts out let's see we've spent 850 on our home loan payment 300 on groceries 111 on utilities 250 on gasoline two hundred dollars on clothes one hundred dollars on books a hundred fifty dollars on cell phones and four hundred dollars on entertainment last month that's hundred sixty 2 dollars we put five hundred dollars into the savings account that's two hundred eighty six sixty one dollars our paychecks add up to
thirty one hundred dollars that means we don't have any receipts for 239 dollars right let's think about it for a bit where do you think we can save money well we could eat in more often that 400 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants yeah that's a good idea and you like to cook [Music] did you see our last electricity bill no was it high it was very high how much higher is it than usual it is double the normal amount wow that is high can we afford that no we need to do some changes
from now on to lower it but what can we do from now on we must unplug the unused electronic devices next we must adjust the water temperature to 48 degrees celsius it shouldn't be hotter than that we can do our laundry using cold water that will save a bunch of money because we're not wasting hot water also we should run full loads instead of doing multiple small loads we should do one big load another way to save is to lower the temperature when we're going to sleep at night or when we're not in the house
during the winter months we can set the temperature to 18 degrees celsius [Music] during the hot summer days we can increase the temperature to 24 degrees celsius so we're not wasting our air conditioning's energy cooling the house too much exactly we can also change our regular light bulbs to led that will save us another bunch of money we'll be saving four to six times the energy perfect we'll do so from now on [Music] thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos like this [Music]
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