What If I Had To Start ALL OVER? Here's What I'd Do

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Iman Gadzhi
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Video Transcript:
yes I get asked all the time Eman what would you do if you were starting from Ground Zero if you had absolutely nothing if you're trying to build up your business your online businesses started getting a little bit of success with this whole online thing what would you do well that's what we're gonna talk about in this video now as you guys might notice obviously I'm not here at my regular setup I mean luckily I have a similar monitor got my computer other crap but you can tell obviously this is not my desk nor is
this my house that's quite evident I don't have this room at my house and the reason that is is I'm actually here at my business partners place here in Holland a little business trip out here seeing a client and two potential clients so that's one of the reasons that came out here but honestly the coming out here wasn't really that necessary the reason I'm here is the reason I'm shooting this video for you guys and that is isolation that is being alone with yourself and having a place where you can just focus on a project
focus on a goal or there's one thing you want to keep and just you know just absolutely destroy it and that's exactly what I'm doing I'm working on a back and funnel for the personal brand and affiliate marketing business and you know this is something I need ridiculous amounts of focus for because this thing is gonna make hundreds of thousands if not millions if it all goes to plan and accordingly so that's something you would probably want to take quite serious and that's literally why I booked a freaking flight out here is to be alone
and if I was starting out if I was broke or I had very little money I've had five thousand dollars in in the bank account right and it was possible now I understand for one of you guys you have family to deal with you have a girlfriend to deal with you have this to deal with that - do I understand but if you can book a ticket out to Austria book a ticket out to some remote place in America book a ticket out to Iceland put a book a ticket out and stay for three months
in a place which is super cheap right so you can get some shitty apartment in the center and the center of Chea or if you want to go to you know maybe like the center of Barcelona you could get a decent place like whatever it may be and just be with yourself for three months you know get away from your friends get away from the things you know the day-to-day activities that you're doing which aren't bringing you the results you want get away from your family that's maybe whispering in your ear that this is a
terrible idea you need to like just be isolated and guys that's that's why I'm here in Holland that's you know that's why I'm here you know Bob you know my business partner he he's not snap at the desk with me he's you know in his company offices dealing with his [ __ ] you know so I'm left here a whole day for a week just to meditate to work and that's it literally for like 12 hours a day for a week right and there's no distractions when a friend calls me up and goes hey you
know I'm getting a table this Friday you want to come to the club or hey you know I'm uh you want to just grab a coffee or you know some business associate hits me up and goes hey I'd like to give your opinion on this new project it's very very simple I'm in Holland and yeah that's the end of that and I don't know I just if I was starting from Ground Zero and I had to deal with my friends going look this weekend luckily I never really had friends like that because I almost made
a parent you know people used to think I was crazy with when it came to my ambition in my drive I wasn't crazy it just took a little while to for it to be apparent that like what I was doing you know the meditating the reading the being alone with myself the constant like strive for more it just took a little while for that to show that it was actually going somewhere but um you know I can't imagine say in a different scenario like I'm trying to build my own business and every single Friday my
friends are calling me and going hey you know let's go to the [ __ ] pub and get smashed or let's go do this thing or that thing I just I can't imagine that and I think it's such a bad environment to build your online business you know if you could just sacrifice 3-4 months in isolation just being on your own we're gonna sting that's gonna literally provide you for the rest of your life that would be my advice for someone starting out because I honestly think that is that's the most important thing I think
isolation is where you grow and I think so many people these days with social media and television and and YouTube and and all these distractions and things are just meant to make sure that we never have to deal with being alone with ourselves and I think that's the scariest thing for everyone is just having some alone time you know but I'm telling you if you want to get into deep work the you know the way I can tell usually and there are outliers there are people that this doesn't apply for usually the way I can
tell someone isn't successful is if their attention span is short if they're constantly on their phone and I this is a my I struggle with too considering that like I run businesses on my phone so much money on my phone you know but I can tell when someone doesn't have those times where they're just alone with themselves or or doesn't do you know some sort of mindfulness practice or reading or anything that usually I could tell they're broke because you know read a book deep work I think it's Cal Cal Newport or newman's something like
that that will show you exactly or a read a book like the shallows what the internet is doing to our brain I can't remember who that one is but it'll show you exactly like the hardwiring you know at this world like the people that can focus are the ones that employ the ones that can because the ones that can't need direction and need you know someone to show them exactly what to do so guys really as I said if I was starting out and I had even three four or five thousand dollars let alone let's
say even going and getting your own place I would go I would tell my you know I say I have written I say I have relatives in like Russia or something like that which I do you know I ask one of them like look can I crash with you for a month to two months you know if you're if you moved away from your parents go live back with your parents for [ __ ] like two three months in their basement to build their business to build your business you know if you're like whatever it
may be you know if you can have as I said if you can't afford to pay rent or again Airbnb for three months somewhere then just go go live back with your parents or something like that you know find a way make it work but for me the key would be isolation and going like that for three months I'm gonna just I'm gonna do this I'm gonna lock myself in the you know lock myself in a room and make this happen not for me because it was like such a long process I didn't have to
do that because you know I did I was so consistent over three four years everything from meditating reading like reading business books in like 1415 surrounded myself with the right people I just did it for a long enough period that eventually for three years I looked like an idiot because I was like everyone else was going out having fun or like everyone else was like talking about you know all this stupid [ __ ] of a gossiping and stuff like that and I'm like Santa corner reading a book and I look like an idiot but
then eventually like it pops and it happens and it's you know it becomes apparent why I did that for so long right why I would be in my school and while everyone else is like going out getting food I would lock myself into a bathroom stall and meditate for thirty minutes right that that sort of stuff starts to become apparent but um you know so luckily I didn't have to do that but if I was starting out again hundred percent booked a plane ticket out some are super cheap somewhere where there's no enjoyment whatsoever so
maybe you don't even book a place like Barcelona at Tenerife go to [ __ ] like Austria honestly officers a beautiful country but like you get my point you know just go somewhere where it's just like there's not anything really entertaining to do you don't know anywhere anyone there and your only option is to make this thing work or you've just you know you've just wasted three months of your life and you know things that things aren't gonna look too pretty after that but um guys honestly when your back is up against the wall people
do incredible things and people make things happen that really in any other circumstance they wouldn't have been able to do and you know I truly truly believe that and isolation isolation deep work that's why I'm here right now and you know without this without isolation without deep work and being to yourself and you know training your mind to no cost they have a new notification or this or the new stimulus every [ __ ] like 30 seconds to me that's how you get mega mega successful so guys that is my long-winded answer to what would
I do if I was just soaring out again and I would find some place I would isolate myself and I would entirely focus on one thing which is building your online business for three months and then at that point you know you can reintegrate back into the real world so uh guys hope you enjoy this video I'm gonna get back to work and yeah guys I will see in tomorrow's video
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