this one vsl makes over $750,000 a month $25,000 plus a day a day and I'm going to break it down and show you the major reasons why I'm John Benson and this is sales copy Secrets all right this is another one of my BSL breakdowns I'm going to do it here in the home studio I'm going to share my screen right now you are looking at Dan blizz aran's approach to dating okay who's Dan very famous guy but what's really interesting about this and I'm going to refresh this page start from the beginning and I'm
going to roll this down to the vssl interesting things here I'm going to tell you about what makes this vssl works so well and it's crushing it he actually beat Dan's own control is this is my friend Max who's also my business partner in lead Alchemy and he is an expert at writing leads as am I and we are teaching a course called Alchemy Below on how you can become a lead Alchemist and write leads for vsls and sales letters you already know they're online you already know they work and you can use Benson AI
we're going to teach you how to do that and get this how to build the copy business itself from the ground up me and Max Max is a genius at this he's been at it for a couple years already built a sweet highly lucrative business and we're going to kick some ass look below come join class love to have you now I'm breaking this down no not because it's my buddy but because he's a killer copywriter and this is making bank so let's look at the reasons why right now this was one of the most
painful experiences that I've ever had and it wasn't until I learned this one thing that everything was about to change if this sounds like you you're going to want to listen up okay right off the bat most painful experience I've ever had I learned one thing that's going to change everything I'm going to share it with you listen up what's he doing right off the bat total emotional he's he's really into the emotional aspect of the story that right off the bat you can tell he's not he's not bullshitting it sounds legit right one thing
changed all that he's going to go into what that one thing is it's the one thing one of the biggest things I teach in copying having one big idea and gives a command to listen to pay attention right off the bat within less than 5 Seconds of the bssl because what I'm about to share with you is going to help you get over your divorce faster find a woman that respects you and build a lasting relationship a relationship where she wants to be with you now listen to this okay find a woman faster men want
that get over your divorce fast this is the target audience find somebody that wants to be with you notice it didn't say find another said find a woman that that's a desirable woman great but usually copywriters in there they'll say oh I want to help you lose weight and what does that look like for me pal well listen to how he explains it treat you like you should be treated and actually wants to have sex with you oh okay well that sounds a lot more appealing then just find a desirable woman find somebody that will
treat you the way you deserve to be treated someone that actually wants to have sex with you who do you think he's talking to he's talking to guys that have been through a recent divorce and a lot of these guys have these are the problems that they're having they did they weren't happily married uh they didn't feel like they were sexually satisfied in their marriage they didn't feel like their wives respected them this is a very specific audience that he's going for and he's talking directly at them and this is less than a minute into
the vssl he's already laid out all these benefits just one after the other can't tell you how many times over seven years of my marriage I laid in bed inches away from my wife afraid to touch her because I was tired of getting rejected night after night the same thing happened and while I thought I was doing the right thing by staying what I didn't know was how much harm I was actually doing today's okay so this is tapping on so many emotional barriers here laying inches away from his wife for years being afraid to
touch her that's like everybody that's been through this is probably can relate to it but was saying look that you don't always have to stay now I'm not going to get into the morality of divorce but we're just talking what the the letter is saying he's giving someone permission to be okay with the fact that they've got divorced they might know that they have a large religious following and they didn't want to get divorced that's kind of some sometimes them is against their religion but sometimes they didn't have a choice like maybe the wife left
them or maybe they had no other way to get out of it and now he's talking to everyone he's got a very inclusive opening couple of minutes here culture has it all wrong you've been told that you should okay our culture has it all wrong what's that contrarian we've gone from Rapport building from NLP Rapport building strong benefits are off the bat dimensional benefits I don't just think he didn't just tell me I'm going to find a desirable woman that doesn't mean anything what the does that even mean what does it mean well here's what
it means one that respects you one that wants to be with you one that will have sex with you that's what it means okay one that you're manly in love with attracted to whatever it may be that's what he's doing but now look what we're doing moving into something completely different it's contrarian meaning everyone's got this wrong so we're automatically tapping into this part of the brain says maybe this is different I've heard information like this before but maybe this time it's going to be different societal Norms aren't always right bend over backwards to please
your wife's needs and in the beginning you do you almost want to every day is a blast you're having sex things are fun and then something happens all of a sudden you're just not good enough to meet your needs okay notice how quickly he painted the picture of before hey you used to be like this it was fun you were having blast having sex all time next thing you know you're suddenly not good enough for her look what's on the screen you're suddenly not good enough for it like this happened all of a sudden now
I'm not saying again this is how this happens when I'm saying is this is how he's positioning it okay let's continue on here she starts to magnify the flaws that you always had flaws that you thought she was okay with she starts she starts to magnify the flaws that you thought she was okay with this is really great copy the flaws that you know that you have I mean you're not silly you know you got these flaws right but you thought she was okay with the flaws I mean this is painting a picture that a
lot of guys who have been divorced can completely relate to like for years like oh I'm totally fine with the fact that you want X Y or Z and then all of a sudden it's like that's the worst thing in the world right so this is really well done to try to force you to change unhappy with who you are and as you get more and more frustrated you start to pull back you start to Reser the space grows and grows until one of you can't take it anymore now I want you to notice something
else here if you were to count the number of syllables in this copy and the number of words they're not identical because not every word is one syllable I want you to notice how many one and two syllable words that Max is using here a ton a ton simple simple language I guarantee you this is at a fourth grade level that's critical for high converted copy critical and then everything falls apart you're filing for divorce fighting for the kids fighting about money and wondering how you got here okay so he's painting a very quick visual
picture fighting fighting for the kids fighting about money wondering how this woman left you wonder how this woman left you lying on your back gasping for air after she seemingly robbed you of everything you had okay now we're getting extremely visceral now notice it's not an attack posture he's not going women are mean they're cruel they're vindictive and we're going to get them it's not that but there's some of that language creeping in here it feels feel as if you've been robbed that's very interesting language feels as if you've been because a lot of guys
especially wealthy guys who they're targeting that have gone through divorce feel as if they've been robbed and this is where he's going to go into this and it's really powerful years of your life money you worked so hard for sexless and sleepless nights after arguments and you keep asking yourself what you did wrong when you ask her the answers don't make sense and the worst part is deep down you wonder if it was all your fault where you went wrong and how to avoid something like this from ever happening again after you separate you start
from scratch now he's just painting a very important story here he's painting the story of The Listener do you notice what's missing from here there's not a single word of I'm about to reveal A system that will help you do X Y and Z my system is all about this not a freaking word and we are minutes into the vssl not a word not one this is 100% about who about the Avatar and that's why this vs is pulling in almost a million dollars a month okay and it can easily get to that easily they're
scaling it now and if you look underneath here I we'll look at a couple things so they call it the optimal game system kind of a play off of uh Neil Straw's famous book the game I think but maybe the game is they're using Loosely as in do you have game right and the he's using I this is right out of my own formula so I know this one really well and if you read the copy on this page you'll see how Punchy and simple it is simple simple simple certain psychological triggers that make women
go crazy cause them to respect you look at this cause them to respect you what are they talk this is one of the key points of the Avatar they feel disrespected if he did not know that this would not be good this would not be selling cause them to respect you basically hypnotize them loving the things you do so loving the things that you do so you can finally put the power back in your hands and have the relationship you want okay that's really powerful that's awesome now I want you to notice something else that
he that we talk about down here there's a concept that he reveals we call this a negative hook hypergamy hypergamy it's it's I don't know how it's hypergamy I think is it's basically is it's this the mindset that that a a woman or somebody that is dating above their social class and what he's saying is this is the problem because women have been trained to date up so this is what you need to know you need to know that that's going on psychologically but most men either don't know the term or don't know all about
it so it makes it a little sexy makes it more interesting to do so then they go into you know why we men love I'm the p word so much it's not about the hot girls not about lre it's not about watching people have sex it's simply about women craving a man that's interesting she desires him she begs for him okay what if that could have in the same experience your your relationship you you should be skeptical what's he doing here he's saying oh objections yeah I got it but he uses but perfectly skeptical yeah
you should be but because everything comes after before the word but is kind of Forgotten in the subconscious so but here's a picture from my girlfriend's calendar so in other words he's he's got to show a picture down here all because I knew the right frame to go into the relationship and in other words you should be skeptical but here's a picture to prove it now I'm not going to show you the picture we going to stop here I don't want to get this video flagged okay but you can go to the site yourself and
check it out but those are just some of the reasons why this thing is converting like crazy I want to go over one more element of it check this out but she just goes out and gets scooped up by some random guy if that sounds familiar that's because the cycle applies to everyone it doesn't matter if you're rich poor fit fat younger old it's a universal pattern that's been going on for decades unfortunately I went through the same exact thing I give her everything she could ever asked for it only fueled an entitled mindset I
resented all the advice I okay so check the look at the words he's using idled mindset they're talking to their Avatar but look at what he did Total inclusion Rich old young poor doesn't matter what color you are doesn't matter what religion it's it this applies to everyone he's super inclusive in all the language inside this Vel and I knew there had to be one thing that made this cycle happen it's not like it was that difficult to meet a beautiful woman it was only until I was on a long-term relationship that everything fell apart
I couldn't figure out what was causing this but I knew knew one thing for sure one thing one thing over and over again over and over again wasn't working for me or other men out there I kept wondering why if this advice was so bulletproof like the movies make it seem why do 50% of marriages end divorce why don't the flowers the gifts the money and the time lead to more sex more happiness and more respect I didn't have the answers but I figured someone did and that's when I stumbled across a post from Dan
Bill's area okay now he's entering Dan's Dan B Bilzerian who is actually the guru of this offer but now it's positioned in a s where hey I am just standing on the shoulders of giants and that's the final reason I want to talk about why this vsl works so well it's because it's positioned as one of the best testimonial videos ever in other words this sounds like somebody going look I just and he's reading it very straight he's reading it very plain it's not very animated because he wouldn't be in real life so this feels
very very very real he's reading it as if this is his exact life he can experience exactly what they feel exactly what they're going through then I met this guy named Dan and Dan taught me everything I need to know now that is the BSL breakdown for today I hope this helps now get to it