over the last eight years I've personally advised on over $200 million in ads spend and these are the three elements you need to know if you want to be successful with Facebook ads to get more sales and conversions so let's go ahead and get into it the first one is creatives and if you use multiple creatives in your adsets you're going to achieve a much lower cost per result in fact a 46% reduction in your cost per result just by having additional creative assets inside of your audiences and you do this by rather than just
having one image or one or two videos running inside of your adset add in multiple creatives by having additional videos having additional images you're going to reduce the overall cost per conversion because meta is able to test against each of those creatives to see which ones going to perform best and by having different formats you're going to resonate with different audiences you're also going to find out that certain ads work in certain audiences whereas if you were to only use one creative in the same audiences and some of these audiences don't resonate with that creative
well you're already at a disadvantage because now those audiences are going to underperform and you're not going to get as many results whereas if you had multiple creative formats in each well some audiences resonate with different creatives getting you purchases and others do as well so therefore you're getting a much lower cost per result accelerating the learning process and testing process finding out which creatives are actually converting and all at the same time you've reduced your cost per result by 46% that is a huge number for people who don't test multiple creatives in each audience
the next one is you want to have vertical video into the creative mix inside of your adsets this is going to get you a 18% lift in overall conversions that means you're going to have 18% more of the result you're asking for so if you're asking for sales you're literally getting an 18% lift in purchases on your website and the way you do this is vertical video is a huge placement right now if you think about Facebook reels Instagram reals video is one of the most engaged format of ad creatives on Facebook right now so
you want to have vertical video and that is not just a 3second 5-second video that is a 20 second to a minute long video where you're actually explaining what your product does you're demonstrating it you're going through the benefits it could be a review it could be a ugc based video and this would include a voiceover or audio We Know audio also helps with lifting your overall conversions so just by having vertical video added into your adsets you're going to achieve more conversions if you're only running image ads and you're testing multiple image creatives well
great you've reduced your cost per result because you have multiple but if you add in vertical video not only are you reducing your cost per result by upwards of 40 plus% you're also achieving an 18% lift in conversions because now you have a mixture of creatives plus you're leveraging vertical video which is where most people are spending their time is on Instagram reals Instagram stories Facebook Stories and more so you want to have vertical video inside of your adsets if you want to achieve more conversions the next one is run partnership ads and a lot
of you don't even realize what partnership ads are well partnership ads are essentially whenever you hire a Creator to make a video about your product or post about your business and they post it on their personal page well inside of your Facebook business manager there's actually a section called Partnerships and you can go into that and you can request collaborator access to that post and once they accept it they then give you unrestricted access to be able to leverage that video and run ads underneath their page so rather than running an ad underneath your branded
business name let's say that your business is pets.com well you're actually running it under Suzie who made a video about your pet products so it factors in more trust allowing people to identify that a Creator is talking about a product versus a brand but you're just amplifying budget behind that ad creative and running ads behind the video that they posted or the image that they put up on their page this is a great way to lift conversions meaning you've actually gotten 20% more conversions per dollar compared to non-partnership ads so if you want to make
more money try launching a partnership ad where you hire Creator you then request collaborator access and run ads from their page and I'll take this a step even further for you once you do that well you have unrestricted access to be able to Target their entire audience so if they have a million followers 10,000 followers or get you know hundreds of thousands of views or just a few thousand views you can actually retarget their entire audience with their own post and reach all of those people to get them to come back to your website to
make a purchase this is a great strategy and you should definitely be testing this if you're not already the next one is ADD catalog ads to retargeting so many of you miss out on the chance to run catalog ads and it's essentially just connecting your catalog if you have a shop by store you're just connecting the Facebook catalog to the shop by one and syncs up your products so whenever somebody goes and visits your website and they view your product page and then they leave and don't check out well you can retarget them with that
exact product image this is giving you a 27% better return on adspin just by doing this compared to not so if you have your best performing video creative and image creative and you launch it into retargeting and let's say performance is going good well if you just add in a additional creative which is your catalog ad creative which dynamically pulls in all of your products and shows them you're going to get a much better return in ad spin because it's retargeting people with the most relevant product they viewed or retargeting them with a product that
they haven't seen that you showed in another ad and they then see this ad and they're like wait I didn't know you sold these products as well they might actually make a purchase leading to a much better result or it shows a product that is a higher aov with a better profit margin and they decide that to buy that product over the other one well you're getting a much better return in ad spin because of that so if you don't have catalog ads you definitely need to integrate them into your retarget marting specifically next up
is adding closeup shots of the product or model this one's a big one it's only an 8% lift in more conversions but I can assure you that this one is very stable like this is the quickest 8% you could ever achieve just by taking a product image and zooming in on that product so rather than only taking up say 50% of your image make it take up like 80 to 90% of the image the bigger the product image the better because it takes up more of the feed it's more visualized you can see it better
you're going to get way more conversions so although it says 8% liftting conversions well it literally is a very stable metric and all these metrics are great but this one is like one of the quickest and easiest ones to do because you just crop any image or video you have and zoom in on the model or the product and you're automatically just giving yourself more sales so this is something you definitely need to do so if you have an image that is much smaller of the product and another image that is much bigger you can
test this against one another the image that is more zoomed in is going to get better results same thing for the models if the model is in full View and you're showing off a t-shirt but you can see their pants that you're not selling you can see their shoes and them fully standing up Zoom all the way in to where it's just waistline and above to where you only see the shirt you're going to get a much better result because it's focused on the actual product when you show too much information in an image it
can get lost and people might actually not know what's going on and it can detach from impulse buys you know there's so many impulse buyers on social media because so many people are scrolling and they're very emotional whenever they're buying items and sometimes they see something and they're like I love it I want to buy it immediately and that works nine times out of 10 whenever you have a product image that is much more close up shot so definitely have this one Incorporated next one is AI rendered product backgrounds this one's interesting because 16% lower
cost per purchase we're moving into the AI era and essentially AI is taking over and lots of cool tools are being launched all the time I've talked about them in so many different videos and one thing that we found is whenever you actually have a product and you don't have a lot of different variations for the image let's say you're a newer store and you only have a picture of your shampoo well generating background images for this product without having to actually go and take them yourself looks very realistic compared to just shooting it on
your own and it saves you a ton of time so what I mean by this is you have a shampoo bottle that you're promoting well an AI rendered background would essentially take that shampoo bottle and put it in a shower and have a shower background and show in the setting that you would actually probably see shampoo or set it on the counter in a bathroom or you could put a bunch of different flavors and scents around what the actual shampoo smells like so it's a if it's a fruity scent you're actually showcasing fruits around that
shampoo bottle and it actually allows people to visualize and sort of smell the scent in a way without actually testing the product themselves this can actually result in a 16% lower cost per purchase because you're bringing the product to life in a real setting that they are very familiar with so this is is something you want to test out there are many tools out there to do this and if you incorporate this you could achieve a much lower cost result now we're moving into the targeting category this is where you actually adjust audiences you have
different settings there's broadening audiences there's interest there's look likes there's so many different things you can do and and it can be very complicated I've narrowed these down to just a few data points that are very specific that I think you really need to know and the first one is testing Advantage Plus audiences if you haven't done this you should do it if you've been running ads for a long time at least more than 100 180 days this is a must for you if you've only been running ads for 7 days or 30 days hold
out a little bit longer and then launch Advantage Plus because Advantage Plus campaigns look at your entire account history and data and essentially take all of that information and then Target on its own it does its own targeting and meta's gotten really good to being able to match and find people who are going to buy your product so allowing the algorithm to take over and essentially do this for you you could achieve a five times increase in reach meaning you're reaching way more people for much lower cost per result and you're actually decreasing your cost
per conversion by 15% this is huge so just by having a Advantage Plus alongside of the other audiences you're targeting you're already putting yourself in a quote unquote advantage next one is Broad audiences this is a known thing that a lot of people have been doing and it's been around for many years but not everybody has fully gotten there yet you want to test broad alongside any interest you're already doing by having broad audiences and Broad doesn't even have to mean just an open audience with no targeting broad could quite literally be a age category
limit it could be a really big interest audience of like 10 to 20 million people that is still a broad audience but just by having a much broader audience you're automatically lifting your purchases by 15% and you're increasing your return and AD spend by 20% and Broad audiences are more scalable than smaller interest audiences interest audiences are great for testing initially to find out what's working but the moment you start to scale to 100 daily 200 300 500,000 and as you go on you want to broaden out that audience because you're going to be scaling
spin so you need to be able to reach more people and appeal to a much wider audience by doing that you're giving yourself a much better return ads spin so you should always have a broad audience in the mix if you don't already the next one is use highquality sourced audiences this is going to get you a 9x higher return and AD spin not a 9x return and AD spin but a 9x higher so if you're at a 1x you actually in theory could have a much higher return ad spin just by doing this and
the reason is is if you Source a high quality audience meaning you instead of using a you know purchase 180-day custom audience to retarget where you're selling them other products that you offer so you're retargeting anybody who's bought from you before and you're retargeting them with a purchase 180 day well that audience is only as good as what meta has matched and what they have tracked on your website some people have you know pixel blockers tracking blockers and meta hasn't picked up on who those people are and sometimes you know you don't have a full
match rate so your match quality score is much lower on your metap pixel meaning you're only scoring a 5 out of 10 when you could be a 9 out of 10 matchback rate having a high quality sourced audience is essentially instead of doing that audience you would go to your email list and you would download all of the customer data from your Shopify your CRM wherever you house that information on your backend you download all the customer names their addresses their emails from your CRM or shopy store and you take that customer list you upload
it into Facebook ads and it's a much higher quality sourced audience because you have more data points on those people and then meta can then go and match okay this person's name tied to this email to this address yes I know who they are okay we have phone number name I know who they are okay we have email and we don't have uh name but we have email and phone number okay I can find out who they are meta is able to match the more data points you give it it's more likely to be able
to match more people therefore you're getting a much higher quality sourced audience so you want to leverage those on your retargeting just like if you would do a you know say a add to cart audience where you're retargeting it well you can do an add toart 180 but you could also just go ahead and go to your website download the email list of all the people who added to cart but didn't purchase and upload that as well you're getting a much better return ad spin because you're able to match back more data points and give
meta a much better chance at bat to get better results for you the next one is ADD copy this is where we actually write out descriptions primary text this is uh you know text in the images this is text and headlines this is any AD written form of text whether it's captions any of that and you're going to see a 5.1x incremental return on ad spin just by leveraging meta AI ad copy I was actually at the meta ad Performance Marketing Summit very recently and one of the things they touched on was that their AI
tool for generating ad copy is trained internally on the best performing ads in the same category that you're in so let's say that you're selling clothing in apparel well if you use the meta add copy tool where it recommends five different ad copy formats in addition to the one you wrote those five ad copy formats are actually a blend of other AD copies from different advertisers who are running clothing ads similar to yours that are performing at a much better return than has been or better result than you are so it's not just a generic
AI That's generating it it's actually more specific than that it's going after data that's already been proven to work and then basically combining yours with theirs and giving you a better chance of getting a much higher result so by doing this you could actually have a 5.1x incremental return ad spend just by leveraging some of those AI features that meta has for ad copy specifically Now The Meta AI creative tool is not fully there yet and it is still in the learning process I wouldn't fully use all of the recommendations that meta has for AI
specifically because they still need more time to Iron out and the learning process needs to improve and I've seen a lot of horrible looking ads by mistakenly allowing meta to do its own AI thing I would turn off a lot of that stuff that doesn't actually work just yet but the ad copy one is fine to test because we are seeing good results with that the next one is short ad copy to warm audiences so basically ads with shorter text have up to a 133% higher click the rate Yes you heard that correctly rather than
having you know multiple lines of text where you have you know multiple paragraphs and you have five lines and three lines and two lines of AD copy inside of your primary text try just one line or two lines of text nothing more but do that only in warm audiences and a warm audience is basically you retargeting people it's anybody who visited your your website interested in your product bought it that's where you want to have short ad copy the reason that is is because whenever somebody sees one of your other ads and you've had longer
form ad copy you have longer videos well they're already familiar with your product and already know a lot about you there's not much more explaining you really need to do they just haven't bought yet so essentially whenever you launch that retargeting ad with shorter ad copy it's very impulse driven it's short it's concise it's like hey you've already seen our stuff here's our product do you want it or not and people are more likely to actually click through and buy because there's not much information to digest so they're not spending too much time looking at
your ad because there's not much to look at or to read They're clicking through to find out more so therefore you're getting a much higher click through rate hence the 13% increase the next one is obviously you know it long ad copy we just covered short long ad copy is also great but it's specifically great to hold audiences 20% higher conversion rate when using long form add copy to audience audiences of people who've never heard about your brand so whenever you're promoting your product to an entirely new audience have longer form out copy they don't
know who you are so you want to be more descriptive instead of being short you want to explain your product you want to highlight some of the features the reviews the benefits and call those things out in a longer form ad and that allows you to do that by writing more characters per line and paragraphs so that way you can demonstrate the value and get across all the information you need therefore you're resulting and a much higher conversion rate so we've covered a lot of stats here that you could Implement directly today and start seeing
a much better return and AD spin lower cost per conversion more conversions and overall reach more people with your Facebook ads just by applying all of these learnings that I spent millions of dollars on over the last eight years and I've just given them all to you completely for free so it's up to you whether or not you want to use these data points and Implement them into your business and if you do let me know how does your overall results improve and if you want to see more videos like this definitely make sure to
subscribe and if you're interested in learning more I actually put together a full free training for you in the link below this video so check that out and I look forward to seeing you there and once again it's your favorite digital marketer Chase Chapel cheers and bye all